由于在游戏玩家中很受欢迎,Discord应用程序已被许多人下载。最近出现的问题之一是如何在Discord 上流式传输(Discord)Netflix?如果您有Netflix帐户并希望在不黑屏的情况下在Discord 上流式传输电影,那么您已到达正确的页面。(Discord)本文将为您提供有关如何在Discord上屏幕共享(Discord)Netflix的信息。
如何在不黑屏的情况下在 Discord 上屏幕共享 Netflix(How to Screen Share Netflix on Discord Without Black Screen)
在回答有关如何在Discord 上流式传输(Discord)Netflix的问题时,一些用户报告了黑屏问题。在流式传输期间出现黑屏(black screen)的原因有很多。以下是一些可能是问题的可能原因。
- 如果您的 PC 上的后台运行了很多应用程序,则可能会对(a lot of apps running in the background on your PC)Discord应用程序上的视频流造成干扰,并最终向您的观众显示黑屏。
- 您 PC 上的Internet 连接可能不稳定(Internet connection on your PC may not be stable),并且可能会中断流式传输过程。
Netflix 使用 DMR 来阻止其中(Netflix uses DMR to stop the piracy)的电影盗版。
- 您的 Google Chrome 上的广告拦截器或阻止所有广告设置( ad blockers or the block all ads setting on your Google Chrome)可能不支持您的Netflix电影的正确流式传输。
- Google Chrome 应用程序上( Hardware acceleration on your Google Chrome app may not support)的硬件加速可能不支持正确流式传输Netflix电影。
- 必须在 Discord 应用程序上启用硬件加速设置(Hardware acceleration setting must have been enabled on the Discord),这会导致流式传输问题。
流式传输电影的人可能处于全屏模式(The person streaming the movie might be in full-screen mode),因此,观众无法正常观看电影。
- 最新技术选项允许您以高质量流式传输 Netflix 电影( Latest Technology option allows you to stream Netflix movies at high quality)。但是这个设置会给你的观众一个黑屏,因为它使用了大量的互联网连接。
- 为 Discord 应用程序上的所有媒体文件生成(Cache files generated for all the media files on your Discord)的缓存文件可能太多而无法减慢流式传输过程。
过时的 Windows 操作系统或图形驱动程序(Outdated Windows OS or graphics drivers)可能不兼容运行Discord等应用程序。
注意:(Note:)如果您对在Discord上屏幕共享(Discord)Netflix的步骤有任何疑虑,请先阅读有关如何在 Discord 上直播(how to go live on Discord)的指南。
基本故障排除方法(Basic Troubleshooting Methods)
(Close all the other background apps)使用任务管理器(Task Manager)关闭所有其他后台应用程序以在不黑屏的情况下在Discord 上流(Discord)式传输电影。
(Exit full-screen mode)按Esc 键(Esc key)退出全屏模式。
- 建议检查Wi-Fi 连接(Wi-Fi connection)并将您的 PC 连接到良好的 Wi-Fi 连接。必须有稳定的互联网(stable Internet) 连接(connection)和良好的速度。
- 通过右键单击系统托盘中的Discord图标退出Discord应用程序。(Discord)选择退出 Discord(Quit Discord)。现在,重新启动(restart)应用程序。
方法一:以管理员身份运行 Discord(Method 1: Run Discord as Administrator)
此方法允许您以 PC 管理员的身份使用该应用程序,从而减少流式传输过程中的干扰。请按照以下步骤操作。
注意:(Note:)您需要成为管理员或在您的 PC 上拥有管理员帐户才能使用此方法。
1. 同时按Windows + D keys进入桌面(Desktop)。
2. 右键单击 Discord应用程序,然后从下拉菜单中选择以管理员身份运行选项。(Run as administrator )
方法二:在兼容模式下运行 Discord(Method 2: Run Discord in Compatibility Mode)
此方法允许您在 PC 上以兼容模式运行(Compatibility)Discord应用程序。请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 同时按下Windows + D keys进入桌面(Desktop)。
2. 右键单击 Discord应用程序,然后在下拉菜单中选择属性选项。(Properties )
3. 导航到新窗口上的兼容性选项卡。(Compatibility)
4. 选中以兼容模式运行此程序(Run this program in compatibility mode for:)旁边的框:选项。
5. 单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Discord 屏幕共享音频不起作用(Fix Discord Screen Share Audio Not Working)
方法 3:更新 Discord 应用程序(Method 3: Update Discord App)
如何在不黑屏的情况下在Discord 上流式传输(Discord)Netflix的下一个方法是更新应用程序。默认情况下,每当您打开应用程序时,您都会看到检查应用程序更新的进程窗口。(process window that checks the app updates)如果没有,请按照以下步骤手动更新您的Discord应用程序:(Discord)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows Key),输入%LocalAppData%并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 双击Discord文件夹将其打开。
3. 现在,双击运行更新(Update )应用程序并等待该过程完成。
4. 最后,重新启动Discord。
方法 4:重置 Discord 语音设置(Method 4: Reset Discord Voice Settings)
1.如前所述,在您的 PC 上启动Discord应用程序。(Discord )
2. 单击窗口左下角您帐户名称旁边的用户设置图标。(User Settings )
3. 在左侧窗格中,单击应用程序设置(APP SETTINGS)菜单下的语音和视频。(Voice & Video)
4. 现在,向下滚动主屏幕并单击重置语音设置(Reset Voice Settings)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Discord 上引用某人的话(How to Quote Someone on Discord)
方法 5:关闭最新技术选项(Method 5: Turn Off Latest Technology Option)
使用我们最新的技术来捕获您的屏幕(Use our latest technology to capture your screen)选项有助于以高分辨率和质量共享您的屏幕。必须禁用此功能才能停止黑屏。请按照以下步骤关闭此设置。
1.如前所述,在您的 PC 上启动Discord应用程序。(Discord )
2. 单击用户设置(User Settings )图标。
3. 在左侧窗格中,单击应用程序设置(APP SETTINGS)菜单下的语音和视频设置。(Voice & Video)
4. 在页面上向下滚动,在屏幕共享选项卡下找到(SCREEN SHARE)使用我们最新的技术来捕获您的屏幕(Use our latest technology to capture your screen )设置。关闭(Toggle off )它以暂停所有干扰。
5. 现在,重新启动(relaunch)Discord 应用程序。
方法 6:关闭 Discord 硬件加速(如果适用)(Method 6: Turn Off Discord Hardware Acceleration (If Applicable))
您的问题(如何在不黑屏的情况下在Discord 上流式传输(Discord)Netflix )的答案是关闭硬件加速。(Netflix)关闭Discord应用程序上的(Discord)硬件(Hardware)设置将允许流式传输而不显示黑屏。为此,请按照以下步骤关闭设置。
1.如前所述,在您的 PC 上启动Discord应用程序。(Discord )
2. 单击用户设置(User Settings )图标。
3. 单击应用程序设置(APP SETTINGS)选项下的高级(Advanced)选项卡。
4. 在右窗格中,关闭硬件(toggle off)加速(Hardware Acceleration)选项。
5. 您将看到更改硬件加速(Change Hardware Acceleration)的确认屏幕。单击确定(Okay)按钮关闭此设置。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复不和谐不断冻结(How to Fix Discord Keeps Freezing)
方法 7:清除 Discord 缓存文件(Method 7: Clear Discord Cache files)
由于经常使用Discord应用程序,它会在您的 PC 上生成缓存文件。(Discord)尽管它可能无害,但它可能会破坏流式传输过程。要清除 PC 上的缓存文件,请按照以下步骤操作。
1.在Windows 搜索栏中输入(Windows search bar)%appdata%并打开它。
2. 双击Discord文件夹将其打开。
3. 右键单击缓存(Cache)文件夹并选择删除(Delete)。
4. 同样,删除本地存储(Local Storage)文件夹。
方法 8:禁用 Chrome 广告拦截器(Method 8: Disable Chrome Ad Blockers)
Google Chrome上的广告屏蔽设置可能会阻止将Netflix电影正确流式传输到Discord应用程序。要禁用此设置,请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 单击开始(Start),键入Chrome并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 点击页面右上角垂直的三个点。(vertical three dots)
3.通过单击从列表的下拉菜单中选择设置。(Settings )
4. 单击安全和隐私(Security and Privacy)选项卡。
5. 选择选项站点设置(Site Settings)。
6. 向下滚动并展开附加内容设置(Additional content settings)选项。
7. 现在,点击广告(Ads)。
8. 选择选项所有网站都可以向您显示任何广告(All sites can show any ads to you)以禁用广告拦截器。
注意:(Note: )主要动机是在显示侵入性或误导性广告的网站上禁用屏蔽广告(Block ads on sites that show intrusive or misleading ads)。由于此选项使网站能够显示广告,因此在您的流式传输过程中可能会出现广告干扰。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Discord 中设置群组 DM(How to Set Up a Group DM in Discord)
方法 9:关闭 Chrome 硬件加速(如果适用)(Method 9: Turn Off Chrome Hardware Acceleration (If Applicable))
1.在电脑上打开谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome )应用,点击页面右上角垂直的三个点。(vertical three dots)
2. 在可用菜单中,单击设置(Settings )选项。
3. 在左窗格中,展开高级(Advanced)选项卡。
4.通过单击选择系统选项。(System )
5. 关闭可用时使用硬件加速(Use hardware acceleration when available )设置。
6. 单击重新启动(Relaunch)。
方法 10:更新显卡驱动程序(Method 10: Update Graphics Driver)
有时,您 PC 上的图形(Graphics) 驱动程序(Driver)可能已过时,并且可能不支持流式传输Netflix电影。如果这是问题所在,您需要更新 Windows 10 PC 中的图形驱动程序(update the graphics driver in your Windows 10 PC)。
方法 11:更新 Windows(Method 11: Update Windows)
如果您 PC 上的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)不兼容或操作系统已过时,它可能不支持在Discord应用程序上运行。您必须在 PC 上更新Windows才能在不显示黑屏的情况下进行流式传输。要手动更新,请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 在菜单显示的选项中,单击更新和安全(Update & Security )选项。
3.从右侧面板中选择检查更新。(Check for Updates)
4A。如果您的系统已过时,请单击立即安装(Install now)以下载并安装最新版本。
4B。如果您的系统已经是最新的,那么它将显示您是最新的(You’re up to date)消息。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复不和谐不断崩溃(Fix Discord Keeps Crashing)
方法 12:重新安装 Discord(Method 12: Reinstall Discord)
注意:(Note: )此方法将清除应用程序的所有故障,您需要将应用程序作为新文件下载。
1. 按Windows 键(key)。
2. 单击设置(Settings)图标。
3. 单击应用程序。(Apps.)
4. 向下滚动并选择Discord。
5. 现在,单击卸载。(Uninstall. )
6. 然后,在弹出的窗口中单击卸载。(Uninstall)
7.在Windows 搜索栏中键入(Windows search bar)%localappdata%并打开本地(Local)文件夹。
8. 右键单击 Discord并选择Delete。
9. 再次,在Windows 搜索栏中键入(Windows search bar)%appdata%并打开它。
10. 右键单击 Discord并选择Delete。
11.完成上述所有步骤后,重新启动计算机。(Restart )
12. 转到Discord 下载页面(Discord download page),然后单击下载 Windows(Download for Windows )按钮,如图所示。
13. 现在,导航到下载(Downloads )并双击DiscordSetup文件以安装应用程序。
最后,您已在计算机上重新安装了Discord 。它将解决与该应用程序相关的所有问题,您将能够在不黑屏的情况下在Discord 上流式传输(Discord)Netflix 。
我们希望这篇关于如何在不黑屏的情况下在 Discord 上屏幕共享 Netflix 的(how to screen share Netflix on Discord without black screen)文章对您有所帮助。请留下您宝贵的建议,并随时在评论部分提出有关本文的任何疑问。另外,让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
How to Screen Share Netflix on Discord
Owing to its poрularity among gamers, the Discord app has been downloaded by many people. One of the questіons that has popped up in recent timеѕ is how to stream Netflix on Discord? If you have а Netflix аccount and wish to stream mоvies on Discord without black scrеen, you have reached the right page. Thіs article will give you information on how to screen share Netflix on Disсord.
How to Screen Share Netflix on Discord Without Black Screen
While answering your question about how to stream Netflix on Discord, some users have reported a black screen issue. There are plenty of reasons why the black screen appears to your audience during your streaming. Here are a few things that might be the possible reason for the issue.
- If there are a lot of apps running in the background on your PC, it may cause a disturbance to video streaming on the Discord app and end up showing a black screen to your audience.
- The Internet connection on your PC may not be stable and might disrupt the streaming process.
Netflix uses DMR to stop the piracy of movies in it.
- The ad blockers or the block all ads setting on your Google Chrome may not support the proper streaming of your Netflix movie.
- The Hardware acceleration on your Google Chrome app may not support the proper streaming of the Netflix movie.
- The Hardware acceleration setting must have been enabled on the Discord app, leading to the streaming issue.
The person streaming the movie might be in full-screen mode, thus, not enabling the viewers to watch the movie properly.
- The Latest Technology option allows you to stream Netflix movies at high quality. But this setting will give a black screen to your audience, as it uses a good deal of your internet connection.
- The Cache files generated for all the media files on your Discord app may be too many to slow down the streaming process.
Outdated Windows OS or graphics drivers may not be compatible to run an app like Discord.
Streaming Netflix on Discord app cannot be termed legal, as it is against the Terms & Conditions of Netflix. Legal issues also depend on the laws of your country. It may be a topic of less controversy if you are streaming it for your private circle. Viewers often see only the black screen instead of the Netflix movie. This might be due to the DMR set to avoid piracy of Netflix. They might just look at a black screen but may listen to the audio. Here are a few methods to stream without a black screen.
Note: If you have any concerns about steps to screen share Netflix on Discord, read the guide on how to go live on Discord first.
Basic Troubleshooting Methods
Before trying out the below-listed methods, you should try these basic troubleshooting tips. Never forget, even a simpler fix could resolve the issue.
Close all the other background apps using Task Manager to stream movies on Discord without black screen.
Exit full-screen mode by pressing the Esc key.
- It is advised to check the Wi-Fi connection and connect your PC to a good Wi-Fi connection. It is necessary to have a stable Internet connection with good speed.
- Quit the Discord app by right-clicking on the Discord icon in the system tray. Select Quit Discord. Now, restart the app.
Method 1: Run Discord as Administrator
This method allows you to use the app as an administrator of your PC, thus, reducing the disturbances during your streaming process. Follow the below steps.
Note: You need to be an administrator or have an administrator account on your PC to use this method.
1. Press Windows + D keys simultaneously to go to Desktop.
2. Right-click on the Discord app and select the Run as administrator option from the drop-down menu.
Method 2: Run Discord in Compatibility Mode
This method allows you to run the Discord app in Compatibility mode on your PC. Follow the below-mentioned steps.
1. Press Windows + D keys simultaneously to go to the Desktop.
2. Right-click on the Discord app and select the Properties option in the drop-down menu.
3. Navigate to the Compatibility tab on the new window.
4. Check the box next to the Run this program in compatibility mode for: option.
5. Click on Apply and then OK.
Also Read: Fix Discord Screen Share Audio Not Working
Method 3: Update Discord App
The next method of how to stream Netflix on Discord without black screen is by updating the app. By default, you will see the process window that checks the app updates whenever you open the app. If not, then follow the below steps to update your Discord app manually:
1. Hit the Windows Key, type %LocalAppData% and press the Enter key.
2. Double-click on the Discord folder to open it.
3. Now, double-click to run the Update application and wait for the process to be completed.
4. Finally, relaunch Discord.
Method 4: Reset Discord Voice Settings
You can reset the voice & video using this method to improve the audio for your streaming. This will suspend all the disturbances on the app while streaming.
1. Launch the Discord app on your PC as done earlier.
2. Click on the User Settings icon next to your account name at the bottom left corner of the window.
3. In the left pane, click Voice & Video under the APP SETTINGS menu.
4. Now, scroll down the main screen and click on Reset Voice Settings.
Also Read: How to Quote Someone on Discord
Method 5: Turn Off Latest Technology Option
The Use our latest technology to capture your screen option helps to share your screen in high resolution and quality. This feature must be disabled to stop the black screen. Follow the steps below to turn off this setting.
1. Launch the Discord app on your PC as done earlier.
2. Click on the User Settings icon.
3. In the left pane, click Voice & Video setting under the APP SETTINGS menu.
4. Scroll down on the page to find Use our latest technology to capture your screen setting under the SCREEN SHARE tab. Toggle off against it to suspend all the disturbances.
5. Now, relaunch the Discord app.
Method 6: Turn Off Discord Hardware Acceleration (If Applicable)
The answer to your question, how to stream Netflix on Discord without black screen, is to turn off hardware acceleration. Turning off the Hardware setting on the Discord app will allow streaming without showing a black screen. To do this, follow the steps below and turn off the setting.
1. Launch the Discord app on your PC as done earlier.
2. Click on the User Settings icon.
3. Click the Advanced tab under the APP SETTINGS option.
4. In the right pane, toggle off the Hardware Acceleration option.
5. You will see a confirmation screen for Change Hardware Acceleration. Click on the Okay button to turn off this setting.
Also Read: How to Fix Discord Keeps Freezing
Method 7: Clear Discord Cache files
As the Discord app is used regularly, it will generate cache files on your PC. Though it may not be harmful, it can disrupt the streaming process. To clear the cache files on your PC, follow the steps below.
1. Type %appdata% in the Windows search bar and open it.
2. Double-click the Discord folder to open it.
3. Right-click on the Cache folder and select Delete.
4. Similarly, delete the Local Storage folder.
Method 8: Disable Chrome Ad Blockers
The ad-block setting on your Google Chrome may stop the proper streaming of your Netflix movie to your Discord app. To disable this setting, follow the steps mentioned below.
1. Click on Start, type Chrome and hit the Enter key.
2. Click on the vertical three dots at the top right corner of the page.
3. Select Settings from the drop-down menu on the list by clicking on it.
4. Click on the Security and Privacy tab.
5. Choose the option Site Settings.
6. Scroll down and expand the Additional content settings option.
7. Now, click Ads.
8. Select the option All sites can show any ads to you to disable ad blockers.
Note: The prime motive is to disable Block ads on sites that show intrusive or misleading ads. As this option enables the site to show ads, there may be ad disturbances during your streaming process.
Also Read: How to Set Up a Group DM in Discord
Method 9: Turn Off Chrome Hardware Acceleration (If Applicable)
This method can be considered as bypassing the DMR of Netflix to allow streaming to your audience. Follow the steps mentioned under this method to turn off Hardware acceleration.
1. Open the Google Chrome app on your PC, and click on the vertical three dots at the top-right corner of the page.
2. In the menu available, click on the Settings option.
3. In the left pane, expand the Advanced tab.
4. Select the System option by clicking on it.
5. Toggle off the Use hardware acceleration when available setting.
6. Click Relaunch.
Method 10: Update Graphics Driver
Sometimes the Graphics Driver on your PC may be outdated and may not support the streaming of Netflix movies. If this is the issue, you need to update the graphics driver in your Windows 10 PC.
Method 11: Update Windows
If the Windows OS on your PC is not compatible or the OS is outdated, it may not support working on the Discord app. You have to update Windows on your PC to stream without showing a black screen. To update manually, follow the steps below.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. In the options displayed in the menu, click on the Update & Security option.
3. Select Check for Updates from the right panel.
4A. If your system is outdated, click Install now to download and install the latest version.
4B. If your system is already up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.
Also Read: Fix Discord Keeps Crashing
Method 12: Reinstall Discord
If none of the methods worked for you to screen share Netflix on Discord without black screen, try reinstalling the app. To do this, you need to uninstall the app and then reinstall it.
Note: This method would clear away all the app’s glitches, and you will need to download the app as a new file.
1. Press the Windows key.
2. Click on the Settings icon.
3. Click Apps.
4. Scroll down and select Discord.
5. Now, click Uninstall.
6. Then, click Uninstall in the pop-up.
7. Type %localappdata% in the Windows search bar and open the Local folder.
8. Right-click on Discord and select Delete.
9. Again, type %appdata% in the Windows search bar and open it.
10. Right-click on Discord and select Delete.
11. Restart the computer once you complete all the steps mentioned above.
12. Go to the Discord download page and click on the Download for Windows button as depicted.
13. Now, navigate to Downloads and double-click the DiscordSetup file to install the app.
Finally, you have reinstalled Discord on your computer. It would have fixed all the issues associated with the app and you will be able to stream Netflix on Discord without black screen.
We hope that this article on how to screen share Netflix on Discord without black screen was helpful to you. Please drop your valuable suggestions and feel free to ask any queries with regard to this article in the comments section. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.