如果您在计算机上写任何东西,您可能知道如何使用 Google Docs(how to use Google Docs) — 可能用于办公室工作或在(office work)学校项目(school project)中进行协作。Google Docs提供了一种快速共享和协作(share and collaborate)处理文档的方法,您可以在多个设备上访问这些文档。
当多个团队成员在一个文档上进行协作时(collaborate on a single document),它看起来就像一个战区。如果您想清理Google Doc,您可能需要删除任何半写或不必要的页面。

如何删除Google Docs中不需要的页面?
您可以通过四种方式删除不需要的页面。但是,Google Docs上没有可让您直接删除特定页面的删除按钮。
您选择的方法取决于您的特定用例(use case):
- 删除不必要的文本(Remove unnecessary text)- 如果您只是想删除不必要的文本以减少页数(page count)。
- 删除分页符或分节符(Remove a page break or a section break)- 如果您想通过删除分页符(page break)来合并两页上的内容。
- 减少页边距、减少段落和行距(Reduce the margin, Reduce Paragraph and line spacing)— 当您需要将文本放在更少的页面中并且不介意(t mind)水平或垂直挤压它时。
在开始之前,您应该知道您可以通过将光标放在Google Doc右侧的滑块上来查看总页数。如果您在15页(page one)文档的第一页上,则幻灯片应显示“1 of 15”。或者,您可以将页码添加到您的 Google Doc(add page numbers to your Google Doc)中。
删除不必要的文本以从 Google 文档中删除页面(Remove Unnecessary Text to Delete a Page From Google Docs)
如果您的文档中有大量不需要的文本,则删除它可能会减少文档中的页面,具体取决于您删除的文本量。删除文本就像选择文本并按键盘上的退格键(backspace key)一样简单。
- 要删除文本,首先选择要删除的文本。您可以使用鼠标或键盘进行选择。
或者,您可以使用键盘。将光标移到要删除的文本内容的开头。(text content)按住(Press hold) Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow 并按住这些键,直到您选择了要删除的所有文本。

- 选择文本后,按Backspace或Delete键。您会看到文本消失(text disappear),并且根据您删除的文本量,您还会看到文档页数的减少。
删除分页符以从 Google 文档中删除页面(Remove a Page Break to Delete a Page From Google Docs)
分页符和分节符是干净格式的优秀工具。添加分页符或分节符(page or section break)会将空白区域添加到您正在书写的页面的其余部分。Google Docs会将您在此之后添加的任何文本添加到新页面。
但是,当您使用过多的分页符或分节符(page or section breaks)时,您可能会得到一个非常长的文档。如果您对格式有第二个想法并决定从文档中删除几页,则删除分页符和分节符(page and section breaks)将帮助您实现这一目标。
- 要删除分页符或分节符(page or section break),首先将光标放在空白区域的末尾。或者,您可以选择由分页符(page break)在两页上添加的空格。

- 按住Delete或Backspace按钮并按住它,直到您删除了分页符或分节(page or section break)符,并且下一页上的文本跳回到没有分页(page break)符的位置。
减少页边距以从 Google Docs 中删除页面(Reduce Page Margins to Delete a Page From Google Docs)
默认情况下,Google Docs文档的两边都有边距。边距越宽,您的文本越被挤压到页面底部,同样数量的文本需要的页面越多。
通过相同的逻辑,您可以减小页边距的宽度(reduce the margin’s width),以便为所有页面上的文本腾出更多空间,从而减少整个文档所需的总页数。当您有几行文本溢出(text spilling)到其他空白页面时,此方法很方便。
- 首先转到页面设置(Page setup)选项 -从顶部的菜单栏中选择(menu bar)文件(File ),然后从下拉菜单中选择页面设置。(Page setup)

- 您将在文档上看到页面(Page) 设置弹出框。(setup pop-up box)从这里,您将能够调整边距的宽度和其他一些设置。将顶部、底部、左侧和右侧边距更改为较小的数字。

默认情况下,所有边距都设置为 1 英寸。您可以根据需要减少边距,但请确保为左右边距或上下边距输入相同的数字以保持一致性。
减少段落行距以从 Google Docs 中删除页面(Reduce Paragraph Line Spacing to Delete a Page From Google Docs)
增加段落和(paragraph and line)行距使文档上的文本更清晰。然而,更大的间距也会占用更多的空间。
如果您创建了使用增加间距的默认模板(default template),则每次创建文档时最终都会使用该间距。如果创建者使用的Word 模板具有更高的(Word template)段落和行间距(paragraph and line spacing),则如果您导入Microsoft Word 文档(Microsoft Word document),您也可能会得到更高的段落和行间距(paragraph and line spacing)。
减少段落和行距(paragraph and line spacing)将有助于将文本(text closer)在水平和垂直方向上更紧密地结合在一起,从而减少相同文本所需的页数。
您无需更改 Google Doc 或 MS Word 模板的格式即可删除此文档上的页面。您可以使用自定义(Custom)间距选项来减少任何文档上的行间距。
- 要减小行距,请从顶部工具栏中 选择“格式”菜单。(Format)
- 然后,选择行和段落间距(Line and paragraph spacing)>自定义间距(Custom spacing)。

- 您将看到一个对话框(dialog box),您可以在其中调整段落和行距(paragraph and line spacing)。从目前的水平减少两者以减少页数。数字越小,您可能删除的页面就越多。

如何在Android和 iOS上删除Google Docs中的页面(Google Docs)
当您从Windows 或 Mac使用(Windows or Mac)Google Docs的网络版本时,到目前为止讨论的方法都适用。但是,Google Docs为Android 和 iPhone(Android and iPhone)提供了单独的应用程序。
移动应用程序的界面略有不同。删除页面的方法相同,但在移动应用程序上的过程略有不同。但是,Android 版本(Android version)的应用程序没有(app doesn)设置手动边距的选项。更改边距是Android 和 iPhone(Android and iPhone)的流程不同的唯一方法。
在 Google Docs 移动应用上删除文本以删除页面(Remove Text to Delete Pages on Google Docs Mobile App)
- 通过长按和滚动选择要删除的文本。

- 然后,按手机键盘上的Backspace 。
删除分页符或分节符以删除 Google Docs 移动应用程序上的页面(Remove Page or Section Break to Delete Pages on Google Docs Mobile App)
- 将光标放在空白区域的后面。
- 然后,按住选择分节符前最后一个单词的最后一个字母和分节符(section break)后(section break)第一个单词的第一个字母。

- 按(Press)退格键并重新输入(Backspace button and re-enter)已删除的字母。
减少边距以删除 Google Docs 移动应用程序上的页面(Decrease Margins to Delete Pages on Google Docs Mobile App)
- 选择应用右上角的省略号图标,(ellipsis icon)然后选择(app and select) 页面设置(Page setup)。

- 您不会找到调整边距的选项,但您仍然可以更改Paper size,这实际上与调整边距具有类似的效果。选择宽度更大的纸张尺寸(paper size)以减少Google Doc页面的数量。

在 iOS 上,您可以选择调整边距。
- 从Google Doc 应用程序(Google Doc app and select)中选择省略号图标,然后选择(ellipsis icon)Page setup。
- 选择边距(Margins )并减少当前的边距。
减少行距以删除 Google Docs 移动应用程序上的页面(Decrease Line Spacing to Delete Pages on Google Docs Mobile App)
- 选择顶部的 A 符号。
- 切换到段落(Paragraph)选项卡。
- 使用行间距旁边(Line spacing)的向上和向下箭头来增加或减少行间距(line spacing)。

这里有两点值得注意。首先(First),自定义间距不是一种选择。您需要在 1、1.15、1.5 和 2 之间选择行距(line spacing)。这里也没有像网络版本那样更改段落间距的选项。
(Clean Up)通过删除不需要的页面来清理您的文档(Doc)
删除不需要的空白页并不是为了节省空间。所有Google 应用程序(Google apps)都使用Google Drive来存储文件,提供 15GB 的免费存储空间——足以存储无数空白页。
但是,将页码(page number)保持在最低限度可以让您的文档保持清晰(document crisp)。也就是说,您仍然应该确保文档格式正确。没有人喜欢阅读杂乱的文件。
How to Delete a Page in Google Docs
If you write just about anything on уour computer, you probably know how to use Google Docs—maybe for office work or to collaborate on a school project. Google Docs offers a quick way to share and collaborate on documents that you can access across multiple devices.
When multiple team members collaborate on a single document, it can look like a warzone. If you want to clean up the Google Doc, you may need to delete any half-written or unnecessary pages.

How to Delete An Unwanted Page in Google Docs?
You can delete an unwanted page in four ways. However, there’s no delete button on Google Docs that will allow you to delete a specific page directly.
You can choose any of the four methods illustrated below to delete a blank page or an extra page with content that you don’t need.
The method you choose depends on your specific use case:
- Remove unnecessary text — If you simply want to remove unnecessary text to reduce the page count.
- Remove a page break or a section break — If you want to merge the content on two pages by removing a page break.
- Reduce the margin, Reduce Paragraph and line spacing — When you need to fit the text in fewer pages and don’t mind squeezing it a little horizontally or vertically.
Before getting started, you should know that you can look at the total number of pages by placing your cursor on the slider at the right of the Google Doc. If you’re on page one of a 15-page document, the slide should show you “1 of 15”. Alternatively, you can add page numbers to your Google Doc.
Remove Unnecessary Text to Delete a Page From Google Docs
If you have a large chunk of text on your document that you don’t need, removing it will likely reduce a page from your document depending on how much text you remove. Removing text is as easy as selecting the text and hitting the backspace key on your keyboard.
- To remove text, start by selecting text that you want to remove. You can either select using your mouse or your keyboard.
If you’re going to use the mouse, bring your cursor to the point where the chunk of text starts. Press hold the left click on your mouse and keep dragging the selection to the end of the text.
When selecting text with your mouse, be careful about scrolling down or up as you select. The document might scroll down rather quickly, and if you immediately hit backspace, you’ll end up removing the text that you need.
Alternatively, you can use the keyboard. Bring the cursor to the beginning of the text content you want to remove. Press hold Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow and hold the keys until you’ve selected all the text you want to remove.

- After selecting the text, press either the Backspace or the Delete key. You’ll see the text disappear, and based on how much text you remove, you’ll also see a reduction in the number of pages on your document.
Remove a Page Break to Delete a Page From Google Docs
Page breaks and section breaks are excellent tools for clean formatting. Adding a page or section break adds blank space to the rest of the page you’re writing on. Google Docs will add any text you add after that to a new page.
However, when you’ve used too many page or section breaks, you could end up with a very long document. If you have second thoughts about the formatting and decide to remove a few pages from the document, removing the page and section breaks will help you achieve that.
- To remove a page or section break, start by placing your cursor at the end of the blank space. Alternatively, you can select the blank space added by a page break on both pages.

- Press the Delete or Backspace button and hold it until you’ve removed the page or section break and the text on the next page jumps back to where it should be without the page break.
Note that if you’ve used continuous section breaks, the blank space between paragraphs will be minimal. However, if you have too many continuous section breaks, removing them can still help delete a page or two from the end of the document.
Reduce Page Margins to Delete a Page From Google Docs
By default, Google Docs documents have a margin on both sides. The wider the margins, the more your text is squeezed towards the bottom of the page, and the more pages the same amount of text will require.
By the same logic, you can reduce the margin’s width to make more space for text on all pages, consequently reducing the total pages required for the entire document. This method is handy when you have a few lines of text spilling over to an otherwise empty page.
- Start by going to the Page setup options — select File from the menu bar at the top and select Page setup from the drop-down menu.

- You’ll see the Page setup pop-up box on your document. From here, you’ll be able to adjust the width of the margins and a few other settings. Change the top, bottom, left, and right margins to a smaller number.

By default, all margins are set to 1 inch. You can reduce the margins as much as you want, but make sure you enter an equal number for both right and left or top and bottom margins for consistency.
Reduce Paragraph Line Spacing to Delete a Page From Google Docs
Increasing paragraph and line spacing make the text on your document more legible. However, more spacing also takes up a lot more real estate.
If you’ve created a default template that uses increased spacing, you’ll end up using that spacing each time you create a document. You could also end up with higher paragraph and line spacing if you import a Microsoft Word document if the Word template used by the creator has higher paragraph and line spacing.
Reducing paragraph and line spacing will help squeeze the text closer together horizontally and vertically, consequently requiring fewer pages for the same text.
You don’t need to change your Google Doc or MS Word template’s format to delete pages on this document. You can use the Custom spacing option to reduce line spacing on any document.
- To reduce line spacing, select the Format menu from the toolbar at the top.
- Then, select Line and paragraph spacing > Custom spacing.

- You’ll see a dialog box where you can adjust both paragraph and line spacing. Reduce both from what they are currently to reduce the number of pages. The lower the number, the more pages you’ll likely delete.

How to Delete a Page in Google Docs on Android and iOS
The methods discussed so far work on the web version of Google Docs when you’re using it from Windows or Mac. However, Google Docs has a separate app for Android and iPhone.
The mobile app has a slightly different interface. The methods of deleting a page are the same, but the process slightly varies on the mobile app. However, the Android version of the app doesn’t have an option to set manual margins. Changing margins is the only method where the process for Android and iPhone is different.
Remove Text to Delete Pages on Google Docs Mobile App
- Select the text you want to remove by touch-holding and scrolling.

- Then, press Backspace on your mobile phone’s keypad.
Remove Page or Section Break to Delete Pages on Google Docs Mobile App
- Place the cursor behind the blank space.
- Then, press and hold to select the last letter of the last word before the section break and the first letter of the first word after the section break.

- Press the Backspace button and re-enter the deleted letters.
Decrease Margins to Delete Pages on Google Docs Mobile App
Let’s first talk about Android.
- Select the ellipsis icon from the top-right corner of the app and select Page setup.

- You won’t find the option to adjust the margins, but you can still change the Paper size, which effectively has a similar effect as adjusting the margins. Choose a paper size with a greater width to reduce the number of Google Doc pages.

On iOS, you do have the option to adjust the margins.
- Select the ellipsis icon from the Google Doc app and select Page setup.
- Select Margins and decrease the margin from what it is currently.
Decrease Line Spacing to Delete Pages on Google Docs Mobile App
- Select the A symbol at the top.
- Switch to the Paragraph tab.
- Use the up and down arrows besides Line spacing to increase or decrease line spacing.

There are two noteworthy things here. First, custom spacing isn’t an option. You’ll need to select between 1, 1.15, 1.5, and 2 for line spacing. There’s also no option to change paragraph spacing here like on the web version.
Clean Up Your Doc By Deleting Unwanted Pages
Deleting unwanted blank pages isn’t about saving space. All Google apps use Google Drive to store files which offers 15GB of free storage—enough to store countless blank pages.
However, keeping the page number to a minimum allows you to keep your document crisp. That said, you still should make sure the document is well-formatted. Nobody likes reading cluttered documents.