如果您不知道如何为文档添加色彩,表格是在Microsoft Word中分解文本并吸引人们注意关键点的好方法。它们不仅看起来美观,而且颜色还可以帮助构建您作品的视觉层次结构。
Microsoft Word可以轻松更改表格的背景颜色。您可以为现有表格着色,或从头开始创建新表格。数据是否已经写入表中并不重要。更改单元格、行、列或整个表格的背景颜色不会影响其内容。因此,在这篇博文中,我们将为您提供所有提示和技巧,以使用鲜艳的色彩修饰您的表格设计,使它们从页面中脱颖而出。
- 插入(Insert)一个表格,或选择已经存在的表格。
- 如果要选择整个表格,请将鼠标悬停在上面并单击顶部的四叉箭头图标。
- 选择表格后,您会注意到功能区上出现了两个新功能:表格设计(Design)和布局(Layout)。
- 转到表设计(Table Design)并选择底纹下的下拉箭头。
- 将出现一个带有颜色托盘的下拉菜单。选择要添加到表格中的颜色。
- 再次转到“阴影”下拉箭头,然后在下拉菜单末尾选择“更多颜色”。
- 弹出新窗口时,转到“自定义”(Custom)选项卡。
- 单击(Click)颜色面板上的任意位置以选择自定义颜色,或在相应字段中
- 选择完自定义颜色后,按确定返回表格。
这是为Word 表格(Word table)的背景着色的一种方法,非常简单。但是,访问着色按钮的方法不止一种:
- 只需(Simply)单击表格选择按钮,就会出现一个新菜单。通过查找其图标找到“阴影(Shading)”按钮。
- 您还可以在功能区的“主页”(Home)选项卡
- 选择要添加颜色的表格,然后转到表格设计(Table Design)。
- 单击(Click)表格样式(Table Styles)功能区右下角的箭头。
- 将出现一个包含不同表格样式预设的新窗口。选择你最喜欢的一个。
- 您现在可以使用表格样式选项(Table Style Option)部分来修改表格。
使用边框(Borders)和底纹向(Shading)Microsoft Word表格添加背景颜色最适用于现有表格。
- 选择整个表格或仅选择要着色的部分。
- 右键单击(Right-click)其中一个选定的表格单元格,然后选择 Borders and Shading。
- 如果您使用的是最新版本的 Microsoft Office(latest version of Microsoft Office),要找到此选项,请转至表格设计,然后单击(Table Design)边框(Borders)部分
- 将打开一个新对话框。转到“阴影(Shading)”选项卡。
- 选择填充(Fill)下拉箭头,颜色图表将打开。只需(Simply)选择您想要的颜色。
6. 要自定义背景颜色,请转到更多颜色并从托盘中选择一种颜色,或导入自定义RBG代码。
7. 现在您可以通过选择样式(Style)下拉箭头来选择所选颜色的色调百分比。
8. 您也可以转到“应用(Apply)到”下拉菜单并选择“单元格”(Cell)以仅将颜色应用到表格选择。如果选择表格,颜色将添加到整个表格。
(Add Background Color)使用页面边框设计选项卡(Page Borders Design Tab)添加背景颜色
向表格添加背景颜色的最后一种方法可能会让人觉得多余。但是,这是一种选择,有些人可能会觉得以这种方式为他们的表格添加颜色更自然。虽然与前面描述的方法非常相似,但您会发现“页面边框设计(Borders Design)”选项卡放在功能区上更方便。
- 选择要添加颜色的表格或表格的一部分。
- 在功能区上找到“设计”选项卡。
- 选择Word 功能区右侧的
页面(Page) 边框。(Borders)
- 选择阴影选项卡。
- 在“填充(Fill)”部分单击下拉箭头并选择颜色。
- 在“样式”(Style)部分
- 转到应用于下拉箭头并选择是将颜色应用于整个表格还是仅应用于选定的单元格。
现在您知道了四种向Microsoft Word表格添加背景颜色的不同方法。在Word(Word)中向表格添加背景颜色是一种直观地组织内容的好方法。通过上面提供的简单步骤,您可以轻松地将背景和边框应用于表格。现在,每个人都可以更轻松地阅读您的文档。
How to Add Background Color to Tables in Microsoft Word
If you’re stuck on how to add a splash оf color to your document, tables are а great wаy to break up text and draw attention to key poіnts in Microsoft Word. Not only do they look aesthetically pleasing, but color can help structure the visual hierarchy of your work as well.
Microsoft Word makes it easy to change the background color of your table. You can color already existing tables, or create new ones from scratch. It doesn’t matter if the data is already written in the table. Changing the background color of a cell, row, column, or entire table, won’t affect its content. So In this blog post, we’ll give you all the tips and tricks for sprucing up your table designs with vibrant colors that will make them stand out from the page.
Add a Color With Shading
To add a background color with Shading, you just need to select the parts of the table you want to color. You can use this method to add more than one color to the table. Here is how:
- Insert a table, or choose the already existing one.
- If you want to select the whole table, mouse over it and click on the four-fork arrow icon at the top.
You can also select only a single cell simply double-click on it. If you want to select an entire row or a column, click on the last or first cell and drag the cursor to where you want to end the selection.
If you want to select multiple non-continuous table cells, press Ctrl and then select the cells you want to color by double-clicking.
- When the table is selected you’ll notice two new features appearing on the ribbon: Table Design and Layout.
- Go to Table Design and select the drop-down arrow under Shading.
- A drop-down menu will appear with a color pallet. Choose the color you want to add to the table.
Now you can customize the color of your table by taking the following steps:
- Go to the Shading drop-down arrow again, and select More Colors at the end of the drop-down menu.
- When the new window pops up, go to the Custom tab.
- Click anywhere on the color panel to select a custom color, or enter your custom RGB color code in the appropriate fields.
- When you’re done selecting the custom color, press OK to return to the table.
This is one way to color the background of your Word table and it’s pretty straightforward. However, there is more than one way of accessing the Shading button:
- Simply click on the table selection button and a new menu will appear. Locate the Shading button there by looking for its icon.
- You can also find the Shading button in the Home tab on the ribbon.
Use Table Styles
You can use Table Styles to change the color of a table. Mind you, these styles are something like presets, theme colors, or templates. You’ll choose a template for a whole table, but you can later edit it, add more colors, or change the existing colors. This method works only on an entire table, but you can change the color of its cells or rows later, using the method described above.
- Select the table you want to add color to and go to Table Design.
- Click the arrow at the bottom right corner of the Table Styles ribbon.
- A new window with different table style presets will appear. Select your favorite one.
- You can now use the Table Style Option section to modify the table.
Table styles can be beneficial if you don’t have time to design your tables. You can simply choose the preset and it will change not only the background color but the entire look of your table, including borders, cells, and headers.
Add Color With Borders and Shading
Adding background color to the Microsoft Word table with Borders and Shading is best used on already existing tables.
- Select a whole table or only the parts you want to tint.
- Right-click on one of the selected table cells and choose Borders and Shading.
- If you’re using the latest version of Microsoft Office, to find this option go to Table Design, and then click on the arrow pointing down in the bottom right corner of the Borders section.
- A new dialog box will open. Go to the Shading tab.
- Select the Fill drop-down arrow and the color chart will open. Simply choose the color you want.
6. To customize the background color, go to More Colors and select a color from the pallet, or import the custom RBG code.
7. Now you can choose the tint percentage of the chosen color by selecting the Style drop-down arrow.
8. You can also go to the Apply to drop-down menu and choose Cell to apply the coloring only to the table selection. If you choose Table, the color will be added to the entire table.
Once you’re done selecting the color and parameters, click OK to return to the table. The changes will automatically be applied.
Add Background Color With Page Borders Design Tab
The last method of adding a background color to the table might feel redundant. However, it is an option and some people might feel it more natural to add color to their tables this way. Although very similar to the previously described method, you’ll find the Page Borders Design tab more conveniently placed on the ribbon.
- Select the table or part of the table you want to add color.
- On the ribbon find the Design tab.
- Select Page Borders on the right side of Word’s ribbon.
This will open the Borders and Shading window. From here you can set the color and parameters by using the steps described in the previous method. Let’s repeat them just in case:
- Choose the Shading tab.
- In the Fill section click on the drop-down arrow and choose the color.
- Select the tint percentage in the Style section.
- Go to Apply to the dropdown arrow and select whether to apply the color on the entire table or just selected cells.
And that’s it!
Now you know four different ways to add a background color to your Microsoft Word tables. Adding a background color to tables in Word is a great way to visually organize content. With the simple steps provided above, you can apply backgrounds and borders to tables with ease. Now, your documents will be easier to read for everyone.