Pokémon Go通过使用 AR(增强现实(Augmented Reality))技术让可爱而强大的口袋妖怪栩栩如生(life cute),掀起了一场革命。该游戏让您最终实现成为神奇宝贝训练师(Pokémon trainer)的梦想。它鼓励您走出去,在附近寻找新的和酷的神奇宝贝并抓住它们。然后,您可以使用这些神奇宝贝在神奇宝贝体育馆(Pokémon Gyms)指定的城镇的特定区域与其他训练家战斗。
在GPS 技术(GPS technology)和您的相机的帮助下,Pokémon Go让您体验一个鲜活的、会呼吸的奇幻小说世界(fiction world)。想象一下,在从杂货店(grocery store)回来的路上发现一只野生Charmander是多么令人兴奋。游戏的设计是为了让随机的神奇宝贝(Pokémons)不断出现在附近的各个位置,你可以去“抓住它们”。
如何在Pokémon Go中更改(Pokémon Go)位置(Location)
在 Pokémon Go 中更改位置需要什么?(What is the need to Change Location in Pokémon Go?)
如前所述,Pokémon Go从GPS信号中收集您的位置,然后在附近随机生成神奇(Pokémons)宝贝。这款完美游戏的唯一问题是它有点偏颇,并且神奇宝贝的分布在所有(Pokémons)地点都不相同。例如,如果您住在大都市,那么您找到神奇宝贝(Pokémons)的机会要比来自农村的人高得多。
换句话说,神奇宝贝的分布是(Pokémons)不平衡的。来自大城市的玩家比生活在小城镇的人有很多优势。游戏的设计方式是,地图上出现的神奇宝贝的数量和(Pokémons)种类(number and variety)取决于该地区的人口。除此之外,在没有很多重要地标的农村地区,像Pokéstops 和 Gyms这样的特殊区域将更难找到。(Pokéstops and Gyms)
游戏的算法也使神奇宝贝(Pokémon)出现在主题适当的区域。例如,水(water type) 属性宝(Pokémon)可梦只能在湖泊、河流或大海附近找到。类似地,草型(grass type) 神奇宝贝(Pokémon)出现在草坪、场地、后院等。这是一个不受欢迎的限制,如果玩家没有适当的地形,则会在很大程度上限制他们。Niantic将游戏设计成只有生活在大城市的人才能从中获得最大收益当然是不公平(course unfair)的。因此,为了让游戏更有趣,您可以尝试在Pokémon Go中欺骗您的位置(Pokémon Go). 诱使系统相信您在不同的位置绝对没有害处。让我们讨论这个并在下一节中学习如何更改位置。
是什么让你在 Pokémon Go 中欺骗你的位置成为可能?(What makes it possible to spoof your location in Pokémon Go?)
Pokémon Go使用从手机接收到的GPS 信号(GPS signal)来确定您的位置。绕过它并将虚假位置信息(location information)传递给应用程序的最简单方法是使用GPS 欺骗(GPS spoofing)应用程序、模拟位置屏蔽模块和VPN(虚拟代理网络(Virtual Proxy Network))。
GPS欺骗应用程序允许您为设备设置虚假位置。Android 系统(Android system)允许您绕过设备发送的GPS 信号(GPS signal),并将其替换为手动创建的信号。为了防止Pokémon Go发现该位置是假的,您将需要一个模拟位置掩蔽模块。最后,VPN 应用程序(VPN app)可以帮助您获取您的实际 IP 地址,并将其替换为假 IP 地址。这会造成您的设备位于其他位置的错觉。由于可以使用GPS和 IP 地址来确定设备的位置,因此使用必要的工具来欺骗Pokémon Go系统非常重要。
借助这些工具,您将能够在Pokémon Go中欺骗您的位置。但是,您需要确保在您的设备上启用了开发者模式。(Developer mode)这是因为这些应用程序需要只能从开发者(Developer)选项授予的特殊权限。请按照以下步骤了解如何启用开发者模式(Developer mode)。
2.现在点击关于(About) 手机选项(phone option),然后点击所有规格(每部手机都有不同的名称)。
3. 之后,点击内部版本号或内部版本(Build number or Build version )6-7 次,现在将启用开发人员模式,您将在( Developer mode will now be enabled)系统(System)设置中找到一个名为“开发人员选项(Developer Options)”的附加选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)在Android 手机(Android Phone)上启用或禁用开发人员(Developer) 选项(Options)
在 Pokémon Go 中更改位置的步骤(Steps to Change Location in Pokémon Go)
如前所述,您将需要三个应用程序的组合才能以成功且万无一失的方式完成此技巧。因此,您需要做的第一件事是安装所需的应用程序。对于GPS 欺骗(GPS spoofing),您可以使用Fake GPS Go应用程序。
现在,这个应用程序只有在开发者(Developer)选项中启用“允许模拟(Allow mock)位置”的权限时才能工作。如果启用此设置,某些应用程序(包括Pokémon )可能无法运行。(Pokémon)为了防止应用检测到这一点,您需要安装Xposed Module Repository。这是一个模拟位置(mock location)屏蔽模块,可以像任何其他第三方应用程序一样安装。
最后,对于VPN,您可以安装任何标准的VPN 应用程序(VPN apps),例如NordVPN。如果您的手机上已经有VPN 应用程序(VPN app),那么您可以很好地使用它。安装所有应用程序后,请按照以下步骤在Pokémon Go中(Pokémon Go)更改位置(Change Location)。
2.现在点击附加设置或系统设置( Additional Settings or System Settings)选项,您将找到开发人员选项(Developer options)。点击它。
3.现在向下滚动并点击“选择模拟位置应用程序(Select mock location app)”选项并选择假GPS免费(Fake GPS Free)作为您的模拟位置应用程序。
4. 在使用模拟位置应用程序(mock location app)之前,启动您的VPN应用程序,然后选择代理服务器(proxy server)。请注意,您需要使用Fake GPS应用程序使用相同或附近的位置才能使技巧起作用(trick work)。
5. 现在启动Fake GPS Go应用程序并接受条款和条件(accept the terms and conditions)。您还将通过一个简短的教程来解释该应用程序的工作原理。
6. 您需要做的就是将十字准线移动到(move the crosshair to any point)地图上的任意点,然后点击播放按钮(Play Button)。
7. 您还可以搜索特定地址或输入准确的 GPS(search for a particular address or enter exact GPS)坐标,以防您想将您的位置更改为某个特定的地方。
8. 如果它有效,那么屏幕上会弹出消息“假定位已参与”,并且指示您的位置的(Fake location engaged)蓝色标记(blue marker)将定位在新的假位置。
9. 最后,为确保Pokémon Go不会检测到此技巧,请确保安装(install)并启用( enable)模拟位置屏蔽模块(mock locations masking module)应用程序。
10. 现在您的GPS 和 IP 地址(GPS and I.P. address)都将为Pokémon Go提供相同的位置信息。(location information)
11. 最后,启动 Pokémon Go(launch the Pokémon Go)游戏,你会看到你在不同的位置。
12. 玩完游戏后,您可以通过断开 VPN连接并点击Fake GPS Go 应用程序中的停止按钮( Stop)回到您的真实位置。(you can get back to your real location by disconnecting the VPN)
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在Snapchat上伪造或更改您的位置(Snapchat)
在 Pokémon Go 中更改位置的另一种方法(Alternative Way to Change Location in Pokémon Go)
如果上面讨论的似乎有点太复杂,那么不要害怕,因为有更简单的选择。无需使用两个单独的应用程序进行VPN 和 GPS 欺骗(VPN and GPS spoofing),您只需使用一个名为Surfshark 的简洁小应用程序即可。(Surfshark.)它是唯一一款内置GPS欺骗功能的(feature built-in)VPN 应用(VPN app)。这减少了相当多的步骤,并确保您的 IP地址和 GPS 位置(address and GPS location)之间没有差异。唯一的问题是它是一个付费应用程序。
使用Surfshark非常简单。首先,您需要从开发人员(Developer)选项中将其设置为模拟位置应用程序。(mock location app)之后,您只需启动应用程序并设置VPN 服务器(VPN server)位置,它就会自动设置相应的GPS 位置(GPS location)。但是,您仍然需要模拟位置(mock location)掩蔽模块以防止Pokémon Go检测到您的技巧。
在 Pokémon Go 中更改位置有哪些风险?(What are the Risks Associated with Changing Location in Pokémon Go?)
由于您通过欺骗您的位置来欺骗游戏系统,因此Pokémon Go可能会对您的帐户采取一些措施,以防他们感觉到有什么可疑之处(something fishy)。如果 Niantic 发现您正在使用GPS欺骗应用程序来更改您在Pokémon Go中的位置,那么他们可能会暂停或禁止您的帐户。
Niantic意识到人们正在使用这种技巧,并不断尝试改进其反作弊措施以检测到这一点。例如,如果您经常更改您的位置(例如一天多次)并尝试访问非常遥远的地方,那么他们很容易抓住您的诡计。在搬到新的国家之前,请(Make)确保继续使用相同的位置一段时间。此外,如果您想在应用程序中使用GPS欺骗功能在城市的不同地方四处走动,那么请等待几个小时,然后再移动到新位置。这样,应用程序就不会被怀疑,因为您将模拟骑自行车或汽车(bike or car)旅行的正常时间。
始终小心并仔细检查 IP地址和 GPS 位置是否指向(address and GPS location point)同一个地方。这将进一步减少Niantic发现的机会。然而,风险总是存在的,所以要做好面对后果的准备,以防万一。
如何在 iPhone 上更改 Pokémon Go 中的位置(How to Change Location in Pokémon Go on an iPhone)
到目前为止,我们只专注于Android。这是因为相对而言,在 iPhone 上欺骗您在Pokémon Go中的位置要困难得多。很难找到真正有效的良好GPS欺骗应用程序。苹果(Apple)不太赞成允许用户手动设置他们的位置。唯一的选择是越狱您的 iPhone(它会立即使您的保修失效)或使用 iTools 等其他软件。
如果您是神奇宝贝的铁杆粉丝(Pokémon fan),那么您可以冒险越狱您的手机。这将允许您使用允许GPS 欺骗的修改后的(GPS spoofing)Pokémon Go应用程序。这些修改后的应用程序是 Niantic 流行游戏的未经授权版本。您需要格外小心此类应用程序的来源,否则它可能包含会损害您设备的木马恶意软件。此外,如果 Niantic 发现您使用的是未经授权的应用程序版本,那么他们甚至可能永久禁止您的帐户。
更安全的第二种选择,即(option i.e.)使用 iTools,需要您通过USB 电缆(USB cable)将设备连接到计算机。它是PC 软件(PC software),允许您为设备设置虚拟位置。与其他应用程序不同,当您希望返回原始位置时,您必须重新启动设备。下面给出了使用 iTools 程序的分步指南。
1. 您需要做的第一件事是在您的计算机上安装( install)iTools软件。
2. 现在使用USB 数据线(USB cable)将您的 iPhone 连接到计算机(connect your iPhone to the computer)。
3. 之后,在您的计算机上启动该程序(launch the program on your computer),然后单击工具箱(Toolbox)选项。
4. 在这里,您将找到虚拟位置(Virtual location)选项。点击(Click)它。
5.如果您的手机上尚未启用开发者模式,(enable Developer mode if it isn’t already enabled on your phone)该程序可能会要求您启用它。
6. 现在在搜索框中(search box and press)输入虚假位置的地址或 GPS 坐标,然后按(enter the address or GPS coordinates)Enter。
7. 最后点击“移至此处(Move here)”选项,您的假位置将被设置。
8. 您可以通过打开Pokémon Go(Pokémon Go)来确认这一点。
9. 玩完后,断开设备与电脑的连接并重启手机。(disconnect the device from the computer and reboot your phone.)
10. GPS 将被设置回原来的位置(The GPS will be set back to the original location)。
- 如何更改 Pokémon Go 团队
- 如何在新更新后更改(New Update)Pokémon Go 名称(Pokémon Go Name)
- 修复(Fix Improve Location Accuracy Popup)在Android中提高位置准确性弹出窗口(Android)
- Pokémon Go 中最好的 Eevee 进化
至此,我们到了本文的结尾。我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助(information helpful)。Pokémon Go对于住在大城市的人来说是一款非常有趣的游戏。这并不意味着其他人应该感到难过。GPS 欺骗(GPS spoofing)是一个可以平衡竞争环境(playing field)的完美解决方案。现在每个人都可以参加在纽约(New York)举办的激动人心的活动,参观东京(Tokyo)的热门健身房,并收集仅在富士山附近发现的稀有(Mount Fuji)神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。但是,您必须谨慎小心地使用此技巧。一个好主意是创建一个辅助帐户并尝试(account and experiment)GPS欺骗(GPS spoofing)在将其用于您的主要帐户之前。这样,您将更好地了解您可以在不被抓住的情况下将事情推到多远。
How to Change Location in Pokémon Go?
Pokémon Go started a revolution by bringіng to life cute and powerful pocket monsters uѕing AR (Augmented Reality) technology. Thе game allows you to finally fulfil your dream of becoming a Pokémon trainer. It enсourages you to step outside and search for new and cool Pokémonѕ in your neighbourhood and catch them. You can then use these Pokémons to fight other traіners at specific areas in your towns designated at Pokémon Gyms.
With the help of GPS technology and your camera, Pokémon Go allows you to experience a living, breathing fantasy fiction world. Imagine how exciting it is to find a wild Charmander on your way back from the grocery store. The game is designed so that random Pokémons keep appearing at various nearby locations, and it is up to you to go and “Catch ‘em all.”
How to Change Location in Pokémon Go
What is the need to Change Location in Pokémon Go?
As mentioned earlier, Pokémon Go collects your location from the GPS signals and then spawns random Pokémons nearby. The only problem with this otherwise perfect game is that it is a little biased, and the distribution of Pokémons is not the same for all locations. For instance, if you are living in a metropolitan city, then your chances of finding Pokémons are much higher than someone from the countryside.
In other words, the distribution of Pokémons is not balanced. Players from big cities have a lot of advantages over people living in smaller cities and towns. The game is designed in such a way that the number and variety of Pokémons that appear on the map depending on the population of the area. In addition to that, special areas like Pokéstops and Gyms would be far more difficult to find in rural areas that do not have a lot of significant landmarks.
The game’s algorithm also makes Pokémon appear in thematically appropriate areas. For example, a water type Pokémon can only be found near a lake, river, or sea. Similarly, grass type Pokémon appear on lawns, grounds, backyards, etc. This is an unwanted limitation that restricts players to a great extent if they do not have proper terrain. It was of course unfair on the part of Niantic to design the game in such a way that only people living in big cities could get the best out of it. Therefore, in order to make the game more enjoyable, you can try to spoof your location in Pokémon Go. There is absolutely no harm in tricking the system into believing that you are in a different location. Let’s discuss this and learn how to change the location in the next section.
What makes it possible to spoof your location in Pokémon Go?
Pokémon Go determines your location using the GPS signal that it receives from your phone. The easiest way to bypass that and pass fake location information to the app is by using a GPS spoofing app, a mock locations masking module, and a VPN (Virtual Proxy Network).
A GPS spoofing app allows you to set a fake location for your device. Android system allows you to bypass the GPS signal sent by your device and replace it with a manually created one. In order to prevent Pokémon Go to realize that the location is fake, you will need a mock locations masking module. Finally, the VPN app helps you to your actual I.P. address and replaces it with a fake one instead. This creates an illusion that your device is located in some other location. Since your device’s location can be determined by using both the GPS and the I.P. address, it is important that you use the necessary tools to cheat the system of Pokémon Go.
With the help of these tools, you will be able to spoof your location in Pokémon Go. However, you need to make sure that Developer mode is enabled on your device. This is because these apps require special permissions that can only be granted from Developer options. Follow the steps given below to learn how to enable the Developer mode.
1. Firstly, open Settings on your device.
2. Now tap on the About phone option then tap on All specs ( every phone has a different name).
3. After that, Tap on the Build number or Build version 6-7 times then the Developer mode will now be enabled and you will find an additional option in the System settings called the Developer Options.
Also Read: Enable or Disable Developer Options on Android Phone
Steps to Change Location in Pokémon Go
As mentioned earlier, you will need a combination of three apps to pull off this trick in a successful and foolproof manner. So, the first thing that you need to do is to install the required apps. For GPS spoofing, you can use the Fake GPS Go app.
Now, this app will only work when the permission to “Allow mock locations” has been enabled from Developer options. Some apps, including Pokémon, might not work if this setting is enabled. To prevent the app from detecting this, you need to install the Xposed Module Repository. This is a mock location masking module and can be installed like any other third-party app.
Finally, for the VPN, you can install any standard VPN apps like NordVPN. If you already have a VPN app on your phone, then you can very well use that. Once all the apps have been installed, follow the steps given below to Change Location in Pokémon Go.
1. Open Settings on your device.
2. Now tap on the Additional Settings or System Settings option and you will find the Developer options. Tap on it.
3. Now scroll down and tap on the “Select mock location app” option and select Fake GPS Free as your mock location app.
4. Before using the mock location app, launch your VPN app, and select a proxy server. Take note that you need to use the same or a nearby location using the Fake GPS app in order to make the trick work.
5. Now launch the Fake GPS Go app and accept the terms and conditions. You will also be taken through a short tutorial to explain how the app works.
6. All that you need to do is move the crosshair to any point on the map and tap on the Play Button.
7. You can also search for a particular address or enter exact GPS coordinates in case you want to change your location to somewhere specific.
8. If it works then the message “Fake location engaged” will pop up on your screen and the blue marker that indicates your location will be positioned at the new fake location.
9. Finally, to make sure that Pokémon Go does not detect this trick, make sure to install and enable the mock locations masking module app.
10. Now both your GPS and I.P. address will provide the same location information to Pokémon Go.
11. Finally, launch the Pokémon Go game and you will see that you are in a different location.
12. Once you are done playing, you can get back to your real location by disconnecting the VPN connection and tapping on the Stop button in the Fake GPS Go app.
Also Read: How to Fake or Change Your Location on Snapchat
Alternative Way to Change Location in Pokémon Go
If the above discussed seems a little too complicated, then fear not as there is an easier alternative. Instead of using two separate apps for VPN and GPS spoofing, you can simply use a neat little app called Surfshark. It is the only VPN app that has GPS spoofing feature built-in. This reduces quite a few steps and also ensures that there is no disparity between your I.P. address and GPS location. The only catch is that it is a paid app.
Using Surfshark is pretty simple. Firstly, you need to set it as the mock location app from the Developer options. After that, you can simply launch the app and set a VPN server location and it will automatically set the GPS location accordingly. However, you will still need the mock location masking module in order to prevent Pokémon Go from detecting your trick.
What are the Risks Associated with Changing Location in Pokémon Go?
Since you are cheating the game’s system by spoofing your location, Pokémon Go might take some actions against your account in case they sense something fishy. If Niantic discovers that you are using a GPS spoofing app to change your location in Pokémon Go, then they might suspend or ban your account.
Niantic is aware of this trick that people are using and it is constantly trying to improve its anti-cheat measures to detect this. For example, if you keep changing your location too often (like multiple times in a day) and try to visit places that are very away, then they will easily catch your ruse. Make sure to continue using the same location for quite some while before moving to a new country. Additionally, if you want to use GPS spoofing to the app to move around in different parts of the city then, wait for a couple of hours before moving to a new location. This way, the app will not get suspicious as you would be emulating the normal time that it takes to travel on a bike or car.
Always be careful and double-check that the I.P. address and GPS location point to the same place. This will further reduce the chances of Niantic finding out. However, the risk will always be there so be prepared to face the consequences just in case.
How to Change Location in Pokémon Go on an iPhone
Up until now, we were only focused on Android. This is because comparatively, it is much more difficult to spoof your location in Pokémon Go on an iPhone. It is really difficult to find a good GPS spoofing app that actually works. Apple isn’t much in favour of allowing users to set their location manually. The only alternatives are to either jailbreaking your iPhone (it would instantly nullify your warranty) or use additional software like iTools.
If you are a die-hard Pokémon fan, then you can take the risk of jailbreaking your phone. This will allow you to use modified Pokémon Go apps that allow GPS spoofing. These modified apps are unauthorized versions of Niantic’s popular game. You need to be extra careful about the source of such an app or else it could have trojan malware that will harm your device. Additionally, if Niantic finds out that you are using an unauthorized version of the app, then they might even permanently ban your account.
The safer second option i.e., using iTools, would require you to keep your device connected to your computer via a USB cable. It is PC software and allows you to set a virtual location for your device. Unlike other apps, you will have to reboot your device when you wish to get back to your original location. Given below is a step-wise guide to using iTools program.
1. The first thing that you need to do is to install the iTools software on your computer.
2. Now connect your iPhone to the computer with the help of a USB cable.
3. After that, launch the program on your computer and then click on the Toolbox option.
4. Here, you will find the Virtual location option. Click on it.
5. The program might ask you to enable Developer mode if it isn’t already enabled on your phone.
6. Now enter the address or GPS coordinates of the fake location in the search box and press Enter.
7. Finally tap on the Move here option and your fake location will be set.
8. You can confirm this by opening Pokémon Go.
9. Once you are done playing, disconnect the device from the computer and reboot your phone.
10. The GPS will be set back to the original location.
With that, we come to the end of this article. We hope that you find this information helpful. Pokémon Go is an extremely fun game for those who live in big cities. This does not mean that others should feel bad. GPS spoofing is a perfect solution that can level the playing field. Now everyone can attend exciting events taking place in New York, visit popular gyms in Tokyo, and collect rare Pokémons found only near Mount Fuji. However, you must use this trick cautiously and carefully. One good idea would be to create a secondary account and experiment with GPS spoofing before using it for your main account. This way, you will get a better idea of how far you can push things without getting caught.