您有一条新消息要查看,The site you are trying to view is restricted!不是您希望看到的那种信息,不是吗?如果您使用Windows 10 PC 和Google Chrome访问网站,本文就是为您编写的。您将学习如何在Windows 10上解锁网站以及如何在Google Chrome上解锁网站。此外,如果您使用代理软件,您可以了解如何通过代理打开被阻止的网站。阅读本文直到最后,以完全访问所有网站,包括被阻止的网站。
如何在 Windows 10 上解锁网站(How to Unblock a Website on Windows 10)
如果您无法在Windows 10上访问网站,请不要担心!下面我们展示了在Google Chrome上解锁网站的所有可能方法。
基本故障排除方法(Basic Troubleshooting Methods)
要在Windows 10(Windows 10)上取消阻止网站,您可以尝试本节中提到的基本故障排除方法作为初步步骤。
- 第一个初步选项是检查网站是否因维护或其他问题而关闭。您可以联系您的朋友或检查该网站是否仍在查询平台上正常运行。您可以访问Downdetector站点以了解状态。
- 有时,ISP或Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)可能不允许您查看某些网站。您可以尝试将您的Wi-Fi 连接从调制解调器路由器切换到移动热点连接(Wi-Fi connection from a Modem router to a mobile hotspot connection),然后尝试访问该网站。
- 如果网站 IP 地址出现故障,重新启动调制解调器路由器(restarting your Modem router)可能有助于您查看网站。强制(Force)重新启动调制解调器(Modem)路由器并尝试再次连接到该网站。
- 某些网站可能因地理位置而被屏蔽。VPN或虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)允许您查看受地理限制的网站并帮助您绕过政府审查。阅读文章以在 Windows 10 上设置 VPN 连接(set up a VPN connection on Windows 10)。
- 尝试将地址从HTTP 更改为 HTTPS(HTTP to HTTPS),反之亦然,并检查您是否可以访问该网站。
- 使用该网站时发现的另一个常见故障是您的Web浏览器可能不支持它。如果是这种情况,您可以尝试切换到其他网络浏览器,(try switching to a different web browser,)例如Mozilla Firefox或Opera,然后尝试在浏览器上访问网站。
方法一:使用便携式代理(Method 1: Use Portable Proxy)
此方法是如何通过代理打开被阻止的网站的答案。如果网站因流量过大或报告问题而被阻止,代理会屏蔽流量并允许您查看。您可以阅读有关免费代理软件(free proxy software)的文章并安装您喜欢的便携式代理。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复 Windows 10 Netwtw04.sys 蓝屏错误(Fix Windows 10 Netwtw04.sys Blue Screen Error)
方法 2:更改 DNS 服务器(Method 2: Change DNS Servers)
DNS或域名系统(Domain Name System)服务器允许您通过将网站主机名与特定 IP 地址匹配来查看网站。如果您的 PC 上没有该网站,您可能需要更改DNS服务器。(DNS)阅读我们的指南以更改 Windows 10 上的 DNS 设置(change DNS settings on Windows 10)。
方法 3:使用 IP 地址而不是 URL(Method 3: Use IP Address Instead of URL)
如果网站的URL无法访问,您可以尝试使用网站的 IP 地址。要查找 IP 地址,您可以使用应用程序命令提示符并在(Command Prompt)Google Chrome上键入 IP 地址以访问该网站。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入命令提示符(Command Prompt)并单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
3. 键入ping techcult.com并按Enter 键(key)。
注意:(Note: )您需要以这种格式输入网站的URL。在这里,techcult.com 用于说明目的。
4.通过选择并按Ctrl + C keys复制(Copy)显示的网站IP 地址(IP address)。
5. 将网站的IP 地址(IP address)粘贴到Google Chrome的 URL 栏上,然后按Enter键。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 中未在网络上显示的计算机(Fix Computers Not Showing Up on Network in Windows 10)
方法 4:允许 Web 浏览器通过防火墙(Method 4: Allow Web Browser Through Firewall)
防火墙(Firewall)是一个安全层,可帮助您监控和过滤 PC 上的网络流量。防火墙可能会阻止您的网站并限制您访问网站。您可以按照我们指南中的步骤允许防火墙上的网络浏览器(allow the web browser on the Firewall)访问网站。
方法 5:使用谷歌翻译(Method 5: Use Google Translate)
访问该网站的一个简单选项是在Google Chrome上使用(Google Chrome)Google Translate网站。请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key),输入Google Chrome并点击打开(Open)。
2. 访问谷歌翻译(Google Translate)网站。
3. 单击顶部的文本按钮并选择(Text)任何语言,(any language,)例如左侧空格中的西班牙语。(SPANISH)
4. 选择框右侧的语言ENGLISH 。
5.复制(Copy)网站 URL(website URL)并将其粘贴到框中。
6.显示URL后,单击可在您的 PC 上访问该网站的链接。(link)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 无法自动检测此网络的代理设置(Fix Windows could not automatically detect this Network’s Proxy settings)
方法 6:更改 Internet 选项中的权限(Method 6: Change Permissions in Internet Options)
更改Internet 选项(Options)上的权限可能是如何在 Windows 10 上取消阻止网站的合适解决方案。如果您的 PC 上未授予该网站的访问权限,您需要更改设置并在“控制面板(Control Panel)”应用程序上提供对该网站的访问权限。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入Internet 选项(Internet Options)并单击打开(Open)。
2. 导航到安全(Security )选项卡并单击受限站点(Restricted sites)选项。
3. 单击站点(Sites)按钮以查看您 PC 上被阻止的站点。
4. 在受限站点(Restricted sites)窗口中,单独选择站点并单击删除(Remove )按钮从该列表中删除站点。
5. 单击关闭(Close)按钮确认选择。
6. 单击确定(OK)按钮。
方法 7:从主机文件中删除网站条目(Method 7: Remove Website Entries from Hosts Files)
hosts 文件包含 IP 地址到网站主机名的映射,以便您轻松访问它们。如果这些方法都不适合您,您可以尝试重置 PC 上的主机文件。
1.同时按下Windows + E keysWindows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)。
2. 导航到以下路径(path)。
注意:(Note:)如果您找不到该文件,请检查“查看”(View)菜单中的“隐藏项目”选项。(Hidden items)
3. 右键单击主机(hosts)文件并选择打开方式(Open with)选项。
4. 选择记事本(Notepad)并单击确定(OK )按钮。
5. 现在,同时按Ctrl + F keys打开查找对话框(Find dialog box)并查找任何IP 条目(IP entries )或网站(websites ),例如171.10.10.5或www.techcult.com。
6A。如果您没有得到任何搜索结果,则您的 PC 上没有任何损坏的浏览器条目(browser entries)。
6B。如果您找到浏览器条目( browser entries),请右键单击它们并删除(delete )它们。
7. 现在,同时按Ctrl + S keys保存文件。
9. 重新启动谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)并检查您是否可以查看网站。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复以太网没有有效的 IP 配置错误(Fix Ethernet Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration Error)
方法 8:通过 HTTPS 启用 DNS(Method 8: Enable DNS Over HTTPS)
必须启用设置DNS over HTTPS才能查看网站。DoH允许您绕过DNS(DoH)查询(DNS)并查看网站。请按照以下步骤在Google Chrome上取消阻止网站。
1.从Windows 搜索(Windows Search)启动Google Chrome。
2. 单击如图所示的三点图标(three-dotted icon)。
3. 然后,点击设置(Settings),如图所示。
4. 在左侧窗格中,单击隐私和安全,(Privacy and security, )在中间窗格中,单击安全(Security)。
5. 然后,向下滚动主页并打开(turn on)高级(Advanced )菜单下的使用安全 DNS(Use secure DNS )选项的切换开关,如图所示。
6. 现在,重新加载(reload) 网站(the website)并检查您是否可以访问它。
方法 9:绕过 Chrome 警告(Method 9: Bypass Chrome Warning)
如果上述所有方法均失败,此方法可能是如何在Windows 10上为您解除阻止网站的最后一个选项。(Windows 10)此方法可让您绕过Chrome页面上的警告。但是,仅当您确定网站完全安全时,才建议使用此方法。请按照以下步骤在Google Chrome上取消阻止网站。
1. 在隐私错误(Privacy error)页面上,单击下面突出显示的高级按钮。(Advanced)
2. 然后,点击Proceed to the website (unsafe)。
有时,如果网站的URL很长,则可能会延迟加载网站。如果是这种情况,您可以尝试使用缩短的URL版本。为此,请使用任何URL缩短器,例如Tiny URL。使用URL(URL)的较短形式启动页面以访问该网站。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上设置网络文件共享(How to Setup Network Files Sharing on Windows 10)
专业提示:如何将网页转换为 PDF(Pro Tip: How to Convert Web Pages to PDF)
我们希望本文对您有所帮助,并且您了解了如何在 Windows 10 上解锁网站(how to unblock a website on Windows 10)。这篇文章回答了如何在Google上取消阻止网站以及如何通过代理打开被阻止的网站等问题。尝试使用文章中描述的方法,轻松解锁您喜欢的网站。请(Kindly)用您的建议丰富我们,请随时在评论部分与我们联系以获取帮助。
How to Unblock a Website on Windows 10
Yoυ have a new message tо view, The site you are trying to view is restricted! Not the kind of message you would like to see, isn’t it? If you are using Windows 10 PC and Google Chrome to access websites, this article is written for you. You will learn how to unblock a website on Windows 10 and how to unblock sites on Google Chrome. Additionally, if you are using proxy software, you can learn how to open blocked websites by proxy. Read the article till the end to get complete access to all the websites, including the blocked websites.
How to Unblock a Website on Windows 10
If you are not able to access a website on Windows 10 then, do not worry! Below we have shown all the possible methods to unblock sites on Google Chrome.
Basic Troubleshooting Methods
To unblock a website on Windows 10, you can try the basic troubleshooting methods mentioned in this section as a preliminary step.
- The first preliminary option is to check if the website is down for maintenance or other issues. You can contact your friends or check if the website is still functional on query platforms. You can visit the Downdetector site to know the status.
- Sometimes, the ISP or Internet Service Provider may not give you access to viewing certain websites. You can try switching your Wi-Fi connection from a Modem router to a mobile hotspot connection and try accessing the website.
- If there is a glitch on the website IP address, restarting your Modem router may help you view the websites. Force restart your Modem router and try connecting to the website again.
- Some websites may have been blocked due to geographic locations. A VPN or Virtual Private Network allows you to view geographically restricted websites and helps you bypass government censorship. Read the article to set up a VPN connection on Windows 10.
- Try changing the address from HTTP to HTTPS, or vice-versa, and check if you can access the website.
- Another common glitch found in using the website is that your Web browser may not support it. If this is the case, you can try switching to a different web browser, such as Mozilla Firefox or Opera, and try to access the website on the browser.
Method 1: Use Portable Proxy
This method is the answer to how to open blocked websites by proxy. If the website is blocked due to heavy traffic or report issues, a proxy masks the traffic and allows you to view it. You can read the article on free proxy software and install your favorite portable proxy.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Netwtw04.sys Blue Screen Error
Method 2: Change DNS Servers
The DNS or the Domain Name System servers allow you to view the websites by matching the website hostname to the specific IP address. You may need to change the DNS server if the website is not available on your PC. Read our guide to change DNS settings on Windows 10.
Method 3: Use IP Address Instead of URL
If the URL of the website is inaccessible, you can try using the IP address of the website. To find the IP address, you can use the app Command Prompt and type the IP address on Google Chrome to access the website.
Note: You cannot access the site if the website is served from a shared server account. If you couldn’t access it, then move on to the following method.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator.
2. Click on Yes in the prompt.
3. Type ping techcult.com and press the Enter key.
Note: You need to type the URL of the website in this format. Here, techcult.com is used for explanatory purposes.
4. Copy the IP address displayed for the website by selecting and pressing Ctrl + C keys.
5. Paste the IP address of the website on the URL bar on Google Chrome and press the Enter key.
Also Read: Fix Computers Not Showing Up on Network in Windows 10
Method 4: Allow Web Browser Through Firewall
A Firewall is a security layer that helps you monitor and filter the network traffic on your PC. The firewall may block your websites and restrict you from accessing websites. You can follow the steps in our guide to allow the web browser on the Firewall to access the websites.
Method 5: Use Google Translate
A simple option to access the website is using the Google Translate website on Google Chrome. Follow the below steps.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Google Chrome and click on Open.
2. Visit the Google Translate website.
3. Click on the Text button on the top and select any language, such as SPANISH on the left side space.
4. Select the language ENGLISH on the right side of the box.
5. Copy the website URL and paste it into the box.
6. After the URL is displayed, click on the link available to access the website on your PC.
Also Read: Fix Windows could not automatically detect this Network’s Proxy settings
Method 6: Change Permissions in Internet Options
Changing permissions on Internet Options can be a suitable solution for how to unblock a website on windows 10. If the website is not given access on your PC, you need to change the setting and provide access to the website on the Control Panel app.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Internet Options and click on Open.
2. Navigate to the Security tab and click on the Restricted sites option.
3. Click on the Sites button to view the blocked sites on your PC.
4. In the Restricted sites window, select the sites individually and click on the Remove button to remove the site from this list.
5. Click on the Close button to confirm the selection.
6. Click on the OK button.
Method 7: Remove Website Entries from Hosts Files
The hosts file contains the mappings of IP addresses to the hostnames of the websites to allow you to access them with ease. If none of the methods work for you, you can try resetting the hosts file on your PC.
1. Launch Windows Explorer by pressing the Windows + E keys simultaneously.
2. Navigate to the following path.
Note: If you cannot find the file, check the option Hidden items in the View menu.
3. Right-click on the hosts file and select the Open with option.
4. Select Notepad and click on the OK button.
5. Now, press Ctrl + F keys simultaneously to open the Find dialog box and find any IP entries or websites such as or www.techcult.com.
6A. If you did not get any search results, you do not have any corrupt browser entries on your PC.
6B. If you find the browser entries, right-click on them and delete them.
7. Now, save the file by pressing Ctrl + S keys together.
8. Exit Notepad by clicking on the Close button at the top right corner.
9. Restart Google Chrome and check if you can view the websites.
Also Read: Fix Ethernet Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration Error
Method 8: Enable DNS Over HTTPS
The setting DNS over HTTPS has to be enabled to let you view the website. The DoH allows you to bypass the DNS queries and view the website. Follow the steps below to unblock sites on Google Chrome.
1. Launch Google Chrome from Windows Search.
2. Click on the three-dotted icon as depicted.
3. Then, click on Settings as shown.
4. In the left pane, click on Privacy and security, and in the middle pane, click on Security.
5. Then, scroll down the main page and turn on the toggle for the Use secure DNS option under the Advanced menu as shown.
6. Now, reload the website and check if you can access it or not.
Method 9: Bypass Chrome Warning
This method can be the last option on how to unblock a website on Windows 10 for you if all the methods mentioned above have failed. This method lets you bypass the warning on the Chrome page. However, this method is advised only if you are sure that the website is completely secure. Follow the below steps to unblock sites on Google Chrome.
1. On the Privacy error page, click on the Advanced button as highlighted below.
2. Then, click on Proceed to the website (unsafe).
Sometimes, if the URL of the website is long, then loading the website may be delayed. If this is the case, you can try using a shortened URL version. To do this, use any URL shorteners such as Tiny URL. Launch the page using the shorter form of the URL to access the website.
Also Read: How to Setup Network Files Sharing on Windows 10
Pro Tip: How to Convert Web Pages to PDF
If you wish to view the page’s contents alone, you can try using any website, such as webtopdf, which converts the webpages to a PDF format. However, this method cannot be used if you wish to interact with the content on the website.
We hope that this article was helpful and you learned how to unblock a website on Windows 10. The article has answers to questions like how to unblock sites on Google and how to open blocked websites by proxy. Try using the methods described in the article and unblock your favorite websites with ease. Kindly enrich us with your suggestions, and please feel free to contact us for assistance with your queries in the comments section.