如果您使用的是Windows 10 PC 或笔记本电脑,则会自动为您设置某些设置。例如,当您将新显示器连接到 PC 时,Windows将尝试确定可能的最佳屏幕分辨率,以便以它支持的尺寸和分辨率将视频输出到您的显示器。
不幸的是,如果缺少驱动程序或者您的屏幕看起来模糊,您可能需要更改屏幕分辨率。您可以通过多种方式更改Windows 10中的分辨率,例如通过Windows 设置(Windows Settings)菜单或使用第三方控制软件。要更改Windows 10(Windows 10)中的分辨率,您需要执行以下操作。

在 Windows 设置中更改屏幕分辨率(Changing Screen Resolution in Windows Settings)
大多数用户会发现更改屏幕分辨率的最佳方法是使用Windows 设置(Windows Settings)菜单。使用Windows 设置(Windows Settings),您可以在不同的屏幕分辨率之间快速切换,以及更改其他显示设置,例如您的显示器刷新率。
但是,在开始之前,您需要确定显示器和显卡(或内部显卡芯片组)都支持的最高分辨率。尝试切换到比显示器支持的分辨率更高的分辨率会导致出现空白屏幕(blank screen),或者如果出现输出,则可能会导致显示器闪烁(cause your monitor to flicker)并无法使用。
- 首先,您需要打开Windows 设置(Windows Settings)菜单。有几种方法可以做到这一点,包括右键单击桌面并选择显示设置。 (Display settings. )

- 您也可以右键单击开始(Start)菜单并选择设置(Settings)。在设置(Settings)菜单窗口中,选择System > Display以进入显示设置菜单。

- 在“显示”(Display )菜单中,您将看到用于更改显示设置的各种选项。要更改分辨率,请从显示分辨率(Display resolution )下拉菜单(在缩放和布局(Scale and layout)部分)中选择新分辨率。Windows认为最佳的分辨率将带有推荐标签(例如,2360 x 1500(推荐(2360 x 1500 (Recommended)))。

- 当您选择新分辨率时,Windows将暂时切换到该分辨率 15 秒。您需要在弹出窗口中选择保留更改以保护更改,或选择(Keep Changes)恢复(Revert)以立即恢复到上次保存的分辨率。如果您未能选择任一选项,Windows将在计时器到期后自动恢复为旧分辨率。

- 如果您想查看有关当前屏幕分辨率(包括刷新率)的更多详细信息,请选择高级显示设置(Advanced display settings)。

- 从下拉菜单中选择您的显示器。有关显示器和活动分辨率的信息,包括显示刷新率,将出现在下面的显示信息(Display information )框中。要更改刷新率,请选择下面的显示适配器属性(Display adapter properties )选项。

- 在“监视器属性(Monitor Properties)”窗口中,选择“监视器(Monitor)”选项卡。使用屏幕刷新率(Screen refresh rate)下拉菜单,选择不同的刷新率,然后选择确定(OK)保存。如果刷新率太高,您的显示器可能会变为空白,因此请确保您的显示器支持您选择的刷新率,然后再进行更改。

使用制造商图形控制应用程序(Using a Manufacturer Graphics Control App)
Windows 设置(Windows Settings)是在Windows 10中快速更改分辨率和提高显示质量(improve display quality)的最佳方式,但如果您使用的是品牌显卡,您可能会发现使用制造商提供的图形控制应用程序提供了额外的设置以实现更好的配置。
其中包括自定义屏幕分辨率、颜色设置等。如果您有内部英特尔(Intel)图形芯片组,您可能已经安装了英特尔图形控制面板(Intel Graphics Control Panel)。同样(Likewise),NVIDIA显卡用户将拥有NVIDIA 控制面板(NVIDIA Control Panel),而 AMD 用户将拥有AMD Radeon 软件(AMD Radeon Software)。

如果您没有安装显卡或芯片组,则需要访问制造商的网站(或Microsoft Store,适用于NVIDIA和Intel)进行安装。安装后,在Windows 开始(Windows Start)菜单中找到并打开该应用程序。某些应用程序,如英特尔图形控制面板(Intel Graphics Control Panel),可通过任务栏上的系统托盘访问。
这些应用程序的界面各不相同,因此您需要仔细查看每个应用程序以找到所需的设置。例如,英特尔图形控制面板用户将在主(Intel Graphics Control Panel)常规设置(General Settings )选项卡中找到屏幕分辨率和刷新率下拉选项。

如果您遇到问题,您可以返回使用Windows 设置(Windows Settings)来更改分辨率,而不会影响您的显示质量。
使用第三方软件测试显示质量(Testing Display Quality Using Third-Party Software)
Windows 10 并不真正需要第三方软件来更改屏幕分辨率(显卡或芯片组制造商提供的软件除外)。但是,如果您希望在游戏或视频编辑等情况下提高视频输出质量,则例外情况。
某些第三方应用程序(例如Calibrize)允许您校准显示器(calibrate your monitor)以匹配显示输出的最佳设置。这有助于确保您的 PC 应用了最佳的屏幕分辨率、刷新率和颜色设置。

可从Microsoft Store(Microsoft Store)下载一些用于更改Windows 10屏幕分辨率的最佳第三方应用程序。例如,如果您想找到可用于某些游戏的最高分辨率,Relative Benchmark应用程序将证明是有用的,它可以确定要使用的最佳分辨率和图形设置。
如果您想更进一步,您可以运行完整的系统基准测试软件(full system benchmark software),例如Novabench,以测试您的 PC 或笔记本电脑并确定最佳分辨率和显示设置。

但是,您只能将系统分辨率推到硬件支持的范围内。如果您的显卡或内部显卡芯片组出现问题,您需要考虑升级显卡(upgrading your graphics card),并考虑使用支持更高分辨率和刷新率的更高质量显示器。
提高 Windows 10 显示器质量(Improving Windows 10 Monitor Quality)
如果您在Windows 10中更改分辨率,您可以利用更高质量的显示器、更高的屏幕刷新率和更好的像素密度。您只需要合适的显示器来匹配,60Hz 和 240Hz 显示器(60Hz and 240Hz monitors)之间的质量差异很大,即使与基本办公型号相比,预算游戏显示器也是如此。(budget gaming monitor)
更改屏幕分辨率只是提高Windows显示输出质量的一种方式。您还可以利用NVIDIA G-Sync 等显示技术(display technology like NVIDIA G-Sync),平滑视频播放和游戏,防止屏幕撕裂(preventing screen tearing),以及解决显示器“无信号”问题(monitor “no signal” issues)。
How to Change Screen Resolution in Windows 10
If you’re usіng a Windows 10 PC or laрtop, then certain settings will be set for you automatically. Fоr instance, when you connect а new monitor to your PC, Windows will try to determine the best possible screen resolution for outputting video to your monitor in а size and resolution that it supports.
Unfortunately, if there are missing drivers or if your screen looks blurry, you may need to change the screen resolution. There are a few ways you can change resolution in Windows 10, such as via the Windows Settings menu or by using third-party control software. To change resolution in Windows 10, here’s what you’ll need to do.

Changing Screen Resolution in Windows Settings
Most users will find that the best way to change their screen resolution is to use the Windows Settings menu. Using Windows Settings, you can quickly switch between different screen resolutions, as well as change other display settings, such as your monitor refresh rate.
Before you begin, however, you’ll need to determine the highest resolution that both your monitor and graphics card (or internal graphics chipset) support. Trying to switch to a higher resolution than the monitor supports will result in a blank screen or, if the output appears, it could cause your monitor to flicker and become unusable.
- To begin, you’ll need to open the Windows Settings menu. There are a few ways to do this, including right-clicking the desktop and selecting Display settings.

- You can also right-click the Start menu and select Settings. In the Settings menu window, select System > Display to reach the display settings menu.

- In the Display menu, you’ll see various options for changing display settings. To change resolution, select a new resolution from the Display resolution drop-down menu (in the Scale and layout section). The resolution that Windows believes is best will appear with a recommended tag (for instance, 2360 x 1500 (Recommended)).
If you’re unhappy with this resolution, however, you’ll need to select an alternative by choosing a different resolution from the drop-down menu.

- When you select a new resolution, Windows will switch to it temporarily for 15 seconds. You’ll need to select Keep Changes in the pop-up window to secure the change, or select Revert to immediately revert back to the last saved resolution. If you fail to select either option, Windows will revert back to the old resolution automatically once the timer expires.

- If you want to see additional details about your current screen resolution (including refresh rate), select Advanced display settings.

- Select your monitor from the drop-down menu. Information about the monitor and active resolution, including display refresh rate, will appear in the Display information box below. To change the refresh rate, select the Display adapter properties option below.

- In the Monitor Properties window, select the Monitor tab. Using the Screen refresh rate drop-down menu, select a different refresh rate, then select OK to save. If the refresh rate is too high, your monitor may turn blank, so be sure that your monitor supports your chosen refresh rate before you make the change.

Using a Manufacturer Graphics Control App
Windows Settings is the best way to quickly change resolution in Windows 10 and improve display quality, but if you’re using a branded graphics card, you may find that using the manufacturer-supplied graphics control app provides additional settings for better configuration.
These include custom screen resolutions, color settings, and more. If you have an internal Intel graphics chipset, you may already have the Intel Graphics Control Panel installed. Likewise, NVIDIA graphics card users will have the NVIDIA Control Panel, while AMD users will have AMD Radeon Software available.

If you don’t have a graphics card or chipset installed, you’ll need to visit the manufacturer’s website (or the Microsoft Store, for NVIDIA and Intel) to install it. Once installed, locate and open the app in the Windows Start menu. Some apps, like the Intel Graphics Control Panel, are accessible via the system tray on the taskbar.
The interface for these apps vary, so you’ll need to look through each app carefully to find the settings you want. For instance, Intel Graphics Control Panel users will find the screen resolution and refresh rate drop-down options in the main General Settings tab.

If you’re having issues, you can return to using Windows Settings to change resolution instead without impacting on your display quality.
Testing Display Quality Using Third-Party Software
Windows 10 doesn’t really need third-party software to change screen resolution (other than those offered by a graphics card or chipset manufacturer). The exception to this, however, is if you’re looking to improve the video output quality for situations like gaming or video editing.
Some third-party apps, such as Calibrize, allow you to calibrate your monitor to match the best settings for your display output. This helps to ensure that your PC has the best possible screen resolution, refresh rate, and color settings applied.
Apps like Calibrize, however, focus on color quality specifically, and may not be suitable for changing screen resolution.

Some of the best third-party apps for changing screen resolution in Windows 10 are available for download from the Microsoft Store. For instance, if you wanted to find the highest resolution you could use for certain games, the Relative Benchmark app would prove useful, identifying the best resolution and graphics settings to use.
If you want to take things further, you could run full system benchmark software, such as Novabench, to test your PC or laptop and identify the best resolution and display settings.

If your graphics card or internal graphics chipset are capable of supporting higher screen resolutions, benchmark software like Novabench will give you further details on how far you can raise it without impacting on your overall system performance.
You can only push your system resolution as far as the hardware supports it, however. If your graphics card or internal graphics chipset are struggling, you’ll need to think about upgrading your graphics card, as well as consider a higher-quality monitor that supports higher resolutions and refresh rates.
Improving Windows 10 Monitor Quality
If you change resolution in Windows 10, you can take advantage of higher-quality monitors, higher screen refresh rates, and better pixel density. You’ll just need the right monitor to match, with a huge difference in quality between 60Hz and 240Hz monitors, even with a budget gaming monitor compared to a basic office model.
Changing screen resolution is just one way you can improve the quality of your Windows display output. You could also take advantage of display technology like NVIDIA G-Sync, smoothing out video playback and games and preventing screen tearing in the process, as well as resolving monitor “no signal” issues.