如何在 Windows 10 中加速 Kodi(How to Speed Up Kodi in Windows 10)
- 网络连接不佳,
- ISP节流,
- 服务器问题,
- 缓存设置问题,
- 来自流媒体源的有限带宽,
- 流媒体源可能过于拥挤。
基本故障排除技术(Basic Troubleshooting Techniques)
如果您希望提高PC 上Kodi应用程序的速度,您应该首先尝试基本的故障排除方法。在大多数情况下,采用简单的解决方案可以解决故障并修复问题并优化Kodi应用程序。
重新启动 Kodi 应用程序:(Restart Kodi app: )这应该是解决问题的第一种方法。如果Kodi应用程序卡住了很长时间,您可以尝试重新启动该应用程序。关闭Kodi应用程序并在您的 PC 上重新启动它。
重新启动 PC:(Restart PC:)如果问题不在于Kodi应用程序而是在您的 PC 上,则简单的重新启动(restart)可以解决所有故障。在开始菜单(Start menu)的电源按钮中选择重新启动(Restart)选项以重新启动 PC。
检查 Internet 连接:(Check Internet connection:)检查您 PC 上的Internet连接是否稳定且速度快,因为Kodi应用程序需要大量的Internet使用。此外,请避免将 Internet 连接到(avoid connecting the Internet to any other device)可能会干扰您的应用程序使用的任何其他设备。
更新 Windows:(Update Windows:)如果您 PC 上的Windows已过时,它可能不支持(Windows)Kodi等应用程序,因此请尝试更新 Windows(updating Windows)以解决问题。
安装 VPN 服务:(Install VPN service:)使用VPN服务流式传输Kodi应用程序的内容。这可以帮助解决Kodi(Kodi)应用程序中的大多数问题。
关闭后台应用程序:(Close background apps:)有时,在后台运行的应用程序也可能导致此缓冲问题。因此,使用任务管理器关闭所有后台应用程序(close all the background apps using Task Manager)。
方法 1:更新 Kodi(Method 1: Update Kodi)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)。输入Kodi并点击Open。
2. 在主页上,点击附加组件(Add-ons)。
3. 单击顶部的打开框图标。(open box icon)
4. 将光标放在屏幕左侧。出现一个菜单。
5. 单击检查更新(Check for updates)选项。
方法 2:修改现有的 Kodi 附加组件(Method 2: Modify Existing Kodi Add-ons)
如果问题出在Kodi(Kodi)应用程序上的现有附加组件上,您可以修改附加组件。以下是如何通过遵循任何给定点来优化Kodi 。
跳转到另一个加载项:(Jump to Another Add-on: )尝试切换到另一个加载项并尝试在加载项上流式传输内容。
避免使用第三方插件:(Avoid Third-party Add-ons: )避免在(Avoid)Kodi应用程序上安装来自第三方网站的插件,并依赖内置插件。
(Uninstall Unnecessary Add)单独(ons Individually: )卸载不需要的附加组件:您可以卸载附加组件以避免缓冲问题。请按照以下步骤操作。
1.在您的系统中打开Kodi 。
2. 单击左侧窗格中的加载项(Add-ons)。
3. 点击我的插件(My add-ons)。
4. 单击全部(All)。
6. 选择信息(Information)。
7. 单击屏幕底部的卸载按钮。(Uninstall)
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 Kodi Mucky Duck 回购不起作用(Fix Kodi Mucky Duck Repo Not Working)
方法 3:将 Kodi 重置为默认设置(Method 3: Reset Kodi to Default Settings)
重置Kodi设置也可能有助于解决缓冲问题。以下是如何按照以下步骤实施该方法来优化Kodi 。
2. 单击设置(Settings )图标。
3.在设置页面(Settings page)显示的菜单中选择接口(Interface )选项。
4. 单击屏幕左下方的齿轮图标(gear icon),直到它变为专家(Expert)设置。
5. 选择窗口左侧窗格中的皮肤。(Skin )
6. 现在,单击屏幕右侧窗格中的将上述设置重置为默认值,将(Reset above settings to default)Kodi恢复为其原始形式。
方法 4:更改 Kodi 皮肤设置(Method 4: Change Kodi Skin Setting)
为避免出现问题,您可以将Kodi应用上的皮肤切换为普通皮肤。默认情况下,皮肤(Skin)是Kodi应用程序上的Estuary 。或者,您可以使用轻量级皮肤,例如Caz Lite Build。通过切换到使用没有动画和背景的皮肤(Skin),您可以提高应用程序的速度。以下是如何优化Kodi以更改皮肤设置
2. 单击设置(Settings )图标。
3.在设置页面(Settings page)显示的菜单中选择接口(Interface )选项。
4.在右侧窗格中选择配置皮肤…设置。(Configure Skin… )
5.根据设置关闭切换,(toggle off)使用幻灯片动画(Use slide animations),在顶部栏中显示天气信息(Show weather info in top bar),并显示媒体标志(Show media flags)以避免Kodi应用程序上的其他功能。
6. 导航到艺术品(Artwork )选项卡。
7.关闭(toggle off)选项将媒体同人图显示为背景(Show media fanart as background),以避免在后台看到为电影创建的同人图。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何更新 Kodi(How to Update Kodi Library)库
方法 5:更改视频设置(Method 5: Change Video Settings)
使用此方法,您可以以较低的图像质量流式传输视频内容并在您的 PC 上禁用硬件(Hardware)加速。以下是如何按照以下步骤优化Kodi 。
2. 单击设置(Settings )图标。
3.从显示的菜单中选择播放器选项。(Player )
4. 点击页面左下角的设置图标,直到它被修改为(Settings icon)专家(Expert)设置。
5. 在右窗格中,向下滚动以在列表中找到处理(Processing )部分。
6.根据允许硬件加速 - DXVA2(Allow Hardware acceleration- DXVA2)设置关闭切换(toggle off )。
注意:(Note:) 硬件(Hardware)加速允许将处理从CPU转移到GPU,主要用于流式传输。禁用此设置可以让您不受干扰地使用Kodi应用程序。
7. 单击上方设置启用 HQ 缩放器以进行缩放(Enable HQ scalers for scaling above )以降低缩放标准的向下(down )箭头。
注意:(Note: )默认情况下,设置中的缩放比例将设置为 20%。降低比例将避免高质量的流媒体,并允许您轻松使用Kodi应用程序。(Kodi)
方法 6:删除损坏的数据库文件(Method 6: Delete Damaged Database Files)
1. 在您的设备上启动Kodi应用程序。
2. 单击顶部的设置图标。(Settings)
3. 单击文件管理器(File Manager)。
4. 双击配置文件目录(Profile directory)。
5. 双击数据库(Database)。
6. 找到插件数据库文件Addons33.db。
7. 右键单击插件数据库文件(add-ons database file)并选择删除(Delete)。
8. 单击是(Yes)确认。
9. 同样,删除Textures13.db(delete)文件(Textures13.db)。
10.重新启动(Restart)Kodi 应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何观看 Kodi NBA(How to Watch Kodi NBA Games)比赛
方法 7:手动输入代码(Method 7: Enter Code Manually)
如果您无法加速Kodi并试图找到解决问题的解决方案,您可以尝试手动输入代码并使用 xml 文件来使用Kodi应用程序。以下是如何通过手动输入代码来优化Kodi,如给定步骤所示。
1. 启动Kodi应用程序。
2. 单击设置图标(Settings icon)。
3.在显示的菜单中选择系统信息选项。(System information )
4.记下系统内存使用率和系统CPU使用率(System memory usage and System CPU usage)。
注意:(Note: )如果您看到报告中使用了大量数据,您可以决定继续进行。
5. 在开始图标(Start icon)旁边的搜索栏中键入记事本(Notepad),然后单击它以启动应用程序。
6. 在文本文档中输入以下代码:
<buffermode> 1 </buffermode>
<readbufferfactor> 1.5 </readbufferfactor>
<cachemembuffersize> 104857600 </cachemembuffersize>
注意:选择(Note: )桌面(Desktop)文件夹用于说明目的。
7. 同时按Windows + R keys 打开运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
8. 在栏上键入%appdata%\kodi\userdata并单击OK按钮。
方法 8:更新显卡驱动程序(Method 8: Update Graphics Driver)
过时的图形驱动程序也可能导致Kodi应用程序中的缓冲问题。阅读我们关于如何在 Windows 10 中更新图形驱动程序(How to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10)的指南以执行相同的操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Â 前 10 名最佳 Kodi 印度频道附加组件(Top 10 Best Kodi Indian Channels Add-ons)
方法 9:重新安装 Kodi 应用程序(Method 9: Reinstall Kodi App)
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 单击显示菜单中的应用程序选项。(Apps )
3. 向下滚动并单击Kodi 应用程序(Kodi app)。
4. 现在,单击卸载(Uninstall)选项。
5. 然后,单击弹出窗口中的卸载。(Uninstall)
7.在Kodi 卸载(Kodi Uninstall)窗口中单击下一步。(Next)
8. 再次,在以下卸载窗口中单击下一步。(Next)
9. 现在,单击卸载(Uninstall)选项以确认卸载过程。
10. 单击完成(Finish)以完成该过程。
11.在Windows 搜索栏中键入(Windows search bar)%appdata%以打开Roaming文件夹。
12. 右键单击 Kodi并选择Delete。
13. 再次,在Windows 搜索栏中键入(Windows search bar)%localappdata%以打开本地(Local)文件夹。
14. 右键单击 Kodi并选择Delete。
15.完成上述所有步骤后,重新启动 PC 。(Restart the PC)
12. 转到Kodi 下载页面(Kodi download page)并单击安装程序 (64BIT)(Installer (64BIT) )按钮,如图所示。
13. 单击窗口底部下载的安装程序文件。(downloaded installer file)
15. 单击安装向导中的下一步(Next)选项。
16. 单击我同意(I Agree)选项以接受许可协议(License Agreement)。
18. 浏览目标文件夹(destination folder)并单击下一步(Next)。
19. 现在,单击安装(Install)以启动安装过程。
20. 单击完成(Finish)选项以完成安装过程。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何观看 Kodi NBA(How to Watch Kodi NBA Games)比赛
方法 10:安装向导加载项(Method 10: Install Wizard Add-ons)
注意:您可以在(Note:)Kodi应用程序上以 zip 文件的形式安装插件,因此请确保您选择的网站是可信的。
- 打开向导:https://a4k-openproject.github.io/repository.openwizard/
- 至尊构建向导:http://repo.supremebuilds.com/
- Real Debrid(高级付费(Premium paid)服务):您需要创建一个Real Debrid 帐户(Real Debrid account)
- Fire TV 大师构建(适用于亚马逊 Fire(Amazon Fire) TV):https://firetvguru.net/fire
安装后,单击附加组件并选择配置( Configure)选项以更改Kodi应用程序上的设置。除此之外,您可以通过移动到 Kodi 应用程序上的“工具(Kodi)”(Tools)选项卡来清除(clear the cache)Kodi应用程序上的缓存。因此(Hence),通过这种方式,您可以优化Kodi应用程序。
Kodi 应用程序中的其他问题(Other Problems in Kodi App)
挂屏:(Hanged up screen:)您正在查看的屏幕可能已经挂了很长时间,可能无法让您观看内容。
加载缓慢:(Slow loading:)该应用程序旨在与所有设备兼容,使您难以观看内容。
在本文中,您学习了如何优化Kodi的方法,并找到了(Kodi)如何加速 Kodi(how to speed up Kodi)问题的答案。尝试上述方法,并在评论部分告诉我们您对文章的建议或疑问。
How to Speed up Kodi in Windows 10
Dо you wait a long time to watch аny content, or is your movie stuck in an interesting scene on the Kodi app? This article will help yоu find the methods on how to optimize Kodi. So, if you are searching for how to speed up Kodi, this articlе is for you. Continue reading.
How to Speed Up Kodi in Windows 10
The stream in your Kodi may start buffering for a few reasons listed below:
- Poor internet connection,
- ISP throttling,
- Server issues,
- Issues with cache settings,
- Limited bandwidth from the streaming source,
- Streaming sources might be overcrowded.
Now, you can follow the below methods on how to speed up Kodi to resolve the issue.
Basic Troubleshooting Techniques
If you wish to enhance the speed of the Kodi app on your PC, you should try the basic troubleshooting methods at first. In most cases, adopting simple solutions can solve the glitch and fix the issue and optimize Kodi app.
Restart Kodi app: This should be the first approach to solving the issue. If the Kodi app is stuck for so long, you can try restarting the app. Close the Kodi app and relaunch it on your PC.
Restart PC: If the problem isn’t with the Kodi app but on your PC, a simple restart can solve all the glitches. Select the Restart option in the Power button on the Start menu to restart the PC.
Check Internet connection: Check if the Internet connection on your PC is stable and has good speed, as the Kodi app requires a good deal of Internet usage. Also, avoid connecting the Internet to any other device that may disturb your app usage.
Update Windows: If the Windows on your PC is outdated, it may not support an app like Kodi, so try updating Windows to solve the issue.
Install VPN service: Using a VPN service to stream the Kodi app’s content. This can help troubleshoot most of the problems in the Kodi app.
Close background apps: Sometimes, apps running in the background might also cause this buffering issue. Therefore, close all the background apps using Task Manager.
Method 1: Update Kodi
Updating Kodi might also help in optimizing Kodi. Follow the below steps.
1. Press the Windows key. Type Kodi and click on Open.
2. On the homepage, click on Add-ons.
3. Click on the open box icon at the top.
4. Place your cursor over the left side of the screen. A menu appears.
5. Click on the Check for updates option.
Method 2: Modify Existing Kodi Add-ons
If the problem is with the existing add-ons on the Kodi app, you can modify the add-ons. Here is how to optimize Kodi by following any of the given points.
Jump to Another Add-on: Try switching to another add-on and try streaming the content on the add-on.
Avoid Third-party Add-ons: Avoid installing add-ons from third-party sites on the Kodi app and rely on built-in add-ons.
Uninstall Unnecessary Add–ons Individually: You can uninstall add-ons to avoid buffering issues. Follow the below steps.
1. Open Kodi in your system.
2. Click on Add-ons in the left pane.
3. Click on My add-ons.
4. Click on All.
5. Scroll down and right-click the unnecessary add-on you want to uninstall.
6. Select Information.
7. Click on the Uninstall button at the bottom of the screen.
Also Read: Fix Kodi Mucky Duck Repo Not Working
Method 3: Reset Kodi to Default Settings
Resetting Kodi settings might also help in resolving the buffering issue. Here is how to optimize Kodi by following the below steps to implement the method.
1. Launch Kodi app in your system as done earlier.
2. Click on the Settings icon.
3. Select the Interface option in the menu displayed on the Settings page.
4. Click on the gear icon at the bottom left of the screen until it gets changed to the Expert setting.
5. Select Skin on the left pane of the window.
6. Now, click on Reset above settings to default in the right pane of the screen to restore Kodi to its original form.
Method 4: Change Kodi Skin Setting
To avoid issues, you can switch the skin on your Kodi app to a normal skin. By default, the Skin is Estuary on the Kodi app. Alternatively, you can use lightweight skin such as Caz Lite Build. By switching to using a Skin with no animation and background, you can increase your app speed. Here is how to optimize Kodi to change skin setting
1. Launch the Kodi app as done earlier.
2. Click on the Settings icon.
3. Select the Interface option in the menu displayed on the Settings page.
4. Select Configure Skin… setting in the right pane.
5. Turn the toggle off against the settings, Use slide animations, Show weather info in top bar, and Show media flags to avoid additional features on the Kodi app.
6. Navigate to the Artwork tab.
7. Turn the toggle off against the option Show media fanart as background to avoid seeing the fanart created for movies in the background.
Also Read: How to Update Kodi Library
Method 5: Change Video Settings
Using this method, you can stream the video content at lower picture quality and disable Hardware acceleration on your PC. Here is how to optimize Kodi by following the below steps.
1. Open the Kodi app as done earlier.
2. Click on the Settings icon.
3. Select the Player option from the menu displayed.
4. Click on the Settings icon at the bottom left of the page till it gets modified to the Expert setting.
5. In the right pane, scroll down to find the Processing section in the list.
6. Turn the toggle off against the setting Allow Hardware acceleration- DXVA2.
Note: Hardware acceleration allows shifting the processing from CPU to GPU and is mainly used for streaming purposes. Disabling this setting can allow you to use the Kodi app without disturbances.
7. Click on the down arrow against the setting Enable HQ scalers for scaling above to lower the scaling standard.
Note: By default, the scaling in the setting will be set to 20%. Lowering the scale will avoid high-quality streaming and allows you to use the Kodi app with ease.
Method 6: Delete Damaged Database Files
Sometimes, damaged database mismatching with the add-on may also cause this cause. To fix this issue, you need to delete the database file from Kodi. Deleting the database file won’t affect the functionality, as this file will be rebuilt once the app is restarted. Follow the below steps to speed up Kodi.
1. Launch the Kodi app on your device.
2. Click on the Settings icon at the top.
3. Click on File Manager.
4. Double-click Profile directory.
5. Double-click Database.
6. Find the add-ons database file Addons33.db.
Note: The file name may vary. The general format is Addonsxx.db, where xx is replaced by a number.
7. Right-click on the add-ons database file and select Delete.
8. Click Yes to confirm.
9. Similarly, delete the Textures13.db file.
10. Restart the Kodi app.
Also Read: How to Watch Kodi NBA Games
Method 7: Enter Code Manually
If you are unable to speed up Kodi and are trying to find a solution for fixing the issue, you can try entering a code manually and using an xml file to use the Kodi app. Here is how to optimize Kodi by entering code manually as shown in given steps.
1. Launch the Kodi app.
2. Click on the Settings icon.
3. Select the System information option in the menu displayed.
4. Note down the System memory usage and System CPU usage.
Note: You can decide to proceed further if you see a lot of data is used in the report.
5. Type Notepad in the search bar next to the Start icon and click on it to launch the app.
6. Enter the following code on the text document:
<buffermode> 1 </buffermode>
<readbufferfactor> 1.5 </readbufferfactor>
<cachemembuffersize> 104857600 </cachemembuffersize>
7. After entering the code in the Notepad file, save the file as advancedsettings.xml in the Desktop folder.
Note: Desktop folder is chosen for explanatory purposes.
7. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.
8. Type %appdata%\kodi\userdata on the bar and click on the OK button.
9. After the folder is opened, copy the advancedsettings.xml file to this location.
10. Exit the Kodi app and restart to make the changes.
Method 8: Update Graphics Driver
Outdated graphic drivers might also cause the buffering issue in the Kodi app. Read our guide on How to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10 to do the same.
Also Read: Top 10 Best Kodi Indian Channels Add-ons
Method 9: Reinstall Kodi App
The last and final resort on how to speed up Kodi is reinstalling Kodi. An outdated version of the Kodi app might also cause this issue. Follow the below steps.
1. Press the Windows + I keys together to open Settings.
2. Click on the Apps option in the menu displayed.
3. Scroll down and click on the Kodi app.
4. Now, click on the Uninstall option.
5. Then, click on Uninstall in the pop-up.
6. Click on Yes in the prompt.
7. Click on Next in the Kodi Uninstall window.
8. Again, click on Next in the following uninstallation window.
9. Now, click on the Uninstall option to confirm the uninstallation process.
10. Click on Finish to complete the process.
11. Type %appdata% in the Windows search bar to open the Roaming folder.
12. Right-click on Kodi and select Delete.
13. Again, type %localappdata% in the Windows search bar to open the Local folder.
14. Right-click on Kodi and select Delete.
15. Restart the PC once you complete all the steps mentioned above.
12. Go to the Kodi download page and click on the Installer (64BIT) button as depicted.
13. Click on the downloaded installer file at the bottom of the window.
14. Click on Yes in the prompt.
15. Click on the Next option in the installation wizard.
16. Click on the I Agree option to accept the License Agreement.
17. Click on Next in the following window.
18. Browse the destination folder and click on Next.
19. Now, click on Install to initiate the installation process.
20. Click on the Finish option to complete the installation process.
Also Read: How to Watch Kodi NBA Games
Method 10: Install Wizard Add-ons
If you are not able to find the answer to the question of how to speed up Kodi, try installing the listed add-ons. This will act as a maintenance add-on for your Kodi app. Follow the steps on how to add-ons install from unknown sources to install these add-ons. The source links for these wizards are also listed below.
Note: You can install the add-on as a zip file on the Kodi app, so ensure that your chosen website is trusted.
- Open Wizard: https://a4k-openproject.github.io/repository.openwizard/
- Supreme build wizard: http://repo.supremebuilds.com/
- Real Debrid (Premium paid service): You need to create a Real Debrid account
- Fire TV guru build (Suited for Amazon Fire TV): https://firetvguru.net/fire
After installation, click on the add-on and select the Configure option to change the settings on the Kodi app. In addition to this, you can clear the cache on the Kodi app by moving to the Tools tab on the Kodi app. Hence, in this way you can optimize Kodi app.
Other Problems in Kodi App
Some of the problems that can arise are listed below.
Hanged up screen: The screen you are viewing may have been hung up for a long time and may not make you be able to watch content.
Buffering: The video content you are trying to watch may be buffering continuously and make it difficult for you to view the video.
Shuttering: This issue will make it difficult to maintain continuity in your video. It may seem like a continuous pause and play on the video.
Slow loading: The app is designed to be compatible with all devices and make it difficult for you to watch the content.
In this article, you have learned the methods of how to optimize Kodi and found the answers to the question of how to speed up Kodi. Try the methods mentioned and let us know your suggestions or queries on the article in the comments section.