(A0 size)根据ISO 216 纸张尺寸(paper size)划分, A0 尺寸纸张是我们可用的最大尺寸纸张。但是如何打印出这种尺寸的高分辨率图像呢?尤其是当我们的系统只能打印最大 A3 尺寸时。好吧(Well),这指向结合几页的多页打印输出将帮助您获得所需的图像。(multi-page printout)因此,本文将帮助您了解如何在Windows 10和 11 上同时在多个页面上打印图像,从而帮助您在多页上打印大图像。
How to Print Large Image on Multiple Pages in Windows 10/11
对于大型海报大小的图像,无法直接打印大图像。可从Windows 10(Windows 10)和 11打印的通用尺寸有:(Universally available sizes)
- 美国信封尺寸和美国信封(US envelop)尺寸。
- A 系列(从 A3 到 A5)、B4 到B6 打印(B6 print)尺寸、C 尺寸(C size)纸张、D 尺寸(D size)纸张、E 尺寸(E size)纸张。
- 信封(Envelop)尺寸、PRC信封尺寸、日本信封尺寸、(Envelop) PRC尺寸(PRC)、明信片(Postcard)尺寸等等。
但是,对于我们现在使用的系统,A3 是最大的可直接打印尺寸。考虑到印度(India)允许的印刷尺寸,印度标准(India)局(Standards)允许(Bureau)ISO -A(ISO)系列尺寸(series size)用于绘图和其他工程作品。这就是该国最大尺寸是A3x4 纸(A3x4 paper)的原因。在了解了有关纸张尺寸的简短但重要的信息之后,让我们继续学习如何在多页上打印大图像。
注意:(Note: )下面介绍的方法和步骤是在Windows 11上执行的。使用的图片、界面和术语来自与 Windows 10 非常匹配的 Windows 11 。(Windows 11)在进行任何更改之前进行验证。
方法 1:使用 Microsoft Paint(Method 1: With Microsoft Paint)
通过Microsoft Paint(Microsoft Paint)可以轻松地将大图像拆分为多个图像并将其打印到多个页面上。这是了解如何在Windows 10和 11 中的多页上打印大图像的方法之一。为此,请按照下列步骤操作:
1.在 文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中找到您想要的图像(desired image)。
2. 右键单击它,然后从上下文菜单(context menu)中单击Open with > Paint应用程序,如下图所示。
3. 当图像在Paint中(Paint)打开(left corner)时,单击左上角的File菜单(File )选项(menu option)。
4. 从给定的列表中,选择打印(Print )选项,然后单击页面设置(Page setup),如图所示。
5. 在页面(Page) 设置(Setup)窗口中,从尺寸:(Size:)下拉菜单选项中选择所需的纸张尺寸。(paper size)
6A。根据您的输出图像偏好(output image preference)调整和验证 方向 (Orientation )和 居中 (Centring )部分。
6B。在缩放 (Scaling )部分下的适合 (Fit to )选项框中键入 要拆分的图像所需的页数。如下所示,如果需要将图像拆分为 16 个单独的图像, 请在框中键入4 x 4 页 。(4 by 4 page(s) )
7. 自定义后,点击确定(OK )按钮。
8. 接下来,单击File > Print > 打印(Print),如下图所示。
9. 在选择打印机(Select Printer)部分下单击您要打印的打印机。(printer)
10. 然后,单击打印(Print)。副本将根据所做的选择开始打印。
注意:(Note:) 出于演示目的,我们 在选择打印机 (Select Printer )部分下选择了Microsoft 打印到 PDF(Microsoft Print to PDF) 选项 。请(Please)选择您系统上可用的打印机来打印您想要的图像。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复打印机在(Fix Printer)Windows 10中无响应
方法 2:使用 Excel 电子表格(Method 2: Using Excel Spreadsheet)
学习如何在多页上打印大图像的另一种方法是在Excel 电子表格(Excel spreadsheet)上进行。您可以使用Microsoft Excel(Microsoft Excel)快速打印大图像的分割图像,如下所示:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)菜单中键入Excel ,然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 在 Excel 窗口中,转到主页(Home)并单击空白工作簿(Blank workbook )选项,如图所示。
3. 在新的空白工作簿中,单击插入(Insert )选项卡。
4. 单击图片(Pictures)下拉选项并选择此设备(This device )以浏览并选择您需要的图片。
5.将出现文件(File) 资源管理(explorer) 器弹出窗口(pop-up window)。现在,找到您的图片(picture)并单击插入(Insert)。
6. 图片加载到电子表格后,当您看到光标(cursor turn)变成展开箭头(expanding arrow)时,单击图片并将鼠标悬停(picture and hover)在任意角上。
8. 将图像拉伸到“图片格式”功能区的“(Picture Format )大小(Size)”部分中描述的所需大小后,单击“文件(File )”选项。
9A。单击打印(Print )选项并根据您的输出图像(output image)首选项配置设置(Settings )部分。
9B。根据拉伸的大小和所做的设置(Settings),验证您的图像将分成多少页( Pages )。
注意:(Note:)您可以重复步骤 7、8 和 9 以从设置(Settings)中调整所需的图像打印份数,直到达到所需的预览。
10. 单击打印机(Printer )下拉菜单选项(menu option)以查找并选择与您的系统连接的打印机。(printer)
11. 完成这些设置后,从份数(Copies)下拉框中选择份数。然后,单击“打印(Print )”选项开始打印。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )如何在Excel中冻结(Excel)行和列(Rows and Columns)
方法 3:通过 Microsoft Word(Method 3: Via Microsoft Word)
Microsoft Word是您了解如何在多页上打印大图像的另一种选择。请按照以下步骤执行此操作:
1.在 Windows 搜索栏中(Windows search bar)键入 Word ,然后单击打开(Open)选项,如下所示。
2. 单击 空白工作簿中的查看选项卡。(View )
3. 在 页面(Page Movement)移动部分,选择突出显示的 左右(Side to Side)选项。
4. 单击插入(Insert)选项卡,然后单击Pictures > This Device选项,如下所示。
5.从弹出窗口中选择所需的图像并将其插入到此 Word 文件中。(desired image)
6. 右键单击图像并单击Wrap Text选项。
7. 要在Word 文件(Word file)中自由换行和移动图像,请选择“文本后”或 “文本(Behind Text)前”(In Front of Tex )选项。
8. 然后,将图像拉伸到第一页上所需的宽度和高度,如图所示。(desired width and height)
9. 同样,在第二页添加相同的图像,并像之前一样将图像包裹起来。(same image)
10. 将第二张图像拉伸到将连接(connect)第一张图像的程度,如下所示。
注意:您可以在(Note:)图片格式(Picture Format)选项卡下右上角(right corner)的大小(Size)部分中检查所需的宽度和高度。(width and height)
11. 现在,按照方法 2中的(Method 2)步骤 8-11(steps 8-11 from) 设置要打印的图像,然后开始在多页上打印图像。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何下载适用于Windows 11的(Windows 11)Google 地图(Download Google Maps)
方法四:通过PDF格式(Method 4: Through PDF Format)
PDF是另一种可以将较大分辨率的图像(resolution image)拆分为多个图像进行打印的方式。要获得如何在多页上打印大图像问题的答案,请按照下列步骤操作:
注意:(Note:)以下步骤在Adobe Acrobat DC上执行。在执行接下来的步骤之前,请确保在您的系统中安装了此软件。
1.在 文件资源管理器(File Explorer)中找到您想要的图像(desired image)。
2. 右键单击它,然后从上下文菜单(context menu)中单击打开方式(Open with )>选择另一个应用程序(Choose another app )选项,如下所示。
3.你想怎么打开这个文件?(How do you want to open this file?)弹出窗口将显示系统中已安装应用程序的列表。找到(Find)并选择Adobe Acrobat DC,然后单击OK。
注意:(Note:)如果您之前没有找到Adobe Acrobat ,可以单击更多应用程序(More apps )以进一步展开应用程序列表。
4. 在Adobe Acrobat中打开图像后,按组合键Ctrl + P 打开打印(Print)窗口。
5. 单击海报(Poster )选项卡以拆分图像。
6. 单击页面设置...(Page setup… )按钮配置分割图像的页面大小(page sizes)。
7.通过下拉菜单配置方向(Orientation )设置和纸张大小(Paper size )设置,然后单击(menu and click)确定(OK)。
8. 从左上角的打印机下拉菜单选项中选择连接到(left corner)系统( printer a)的打印机(menu option),然后(Printer)单击打印(Print)选项开始打印过程(printing process)。
- 如何在Word 和 Google Docs中创建(Word and Google Docs)悬挂缩进(Hanging Indent)
- 如何重置 Windows 11
- 修复本地打印后台处理程序服务(Fix Local Print Spooler Service)未运行
- 如何在Windows 11中创建(Windows 11)PDF 文件(PDF File)
我们希望您了解how to print large images on multiple pages in Windows 10/11。在下面的评论部分(comment section)与您的疑问和建议分享您的经验。另外,让我们知道您希望我们接下来探索哪个主题。
How to Print Large Images on Multiple Pages in Windows 11
A0 size papers are the largest size papers available to us as per ISO 216 paper size divisions. But how to print out a high-resolution image of this size? Especіally when our systems can only print the largeѕt sizes up to A3. Well, that points to a multi-page printout with combining а couple of pages will help you get the desired image. So thіs article will help you with hоw to print large images on multiple pages with understanding how to print image on multіple pages altogether on Windows 10 & 11.
How to Print Large Image on Multiple Pages in Windows 10/11
Printing large images isn’t directly possible for large poster-sized images. Universally available sizes printable from Windows 10 and 11 are:
- US letter sizes and the US envelop sizes.
- A series (from A3 to A5), B4 to B6 print sizes, C size sheet, D size sheet, E size sheet.
- Envelop sizes, PRC envelops sizes, Japanese Envelop sizes, PRC sizes, Postcard sizes, and many more.
However, A3 is the largest direct printable size for the systems we are using now. And considering allowed print sizes in India, the Bureau of Indian Standards allows the ISO-A series size for drawing and other engineering works. This is why the largest size available in the country is A3x4 paper. After this brief but vital info about paper sizes, let’s move towards learning how to print large images on multiple pages.
Note: The methods and steps represented below are performed on Windows 11. The pictures, interface, and terminologies used are from Windows 11 which closely match Windows 10 too. Do verify before making any changes.
Method 1: With Microsoft Paint
Splitting a large image into numerous ones and printing it onto multiple pages can be easily done through Microsoft Paint. It is one of the ways to know how to print large image on multiple pages in Windows 10 and 11. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Locate your desired image in the File Explorer.
2. Right-click on it, and from the context menu, click the Open with > Paint app as depicted below.
3. As the image opens in Paint, click on the File menu option from the top left corner.
4. From the given list, select the Print option and then click on Page setup as shown.
5. In the Page Setup window, choose your desired paper size from the Size: drop-down menu option.
6A. Adjust and verify the Orientation and Centring sections as per your output image preference.
6B. Type the number of pages required for the image to be split in the Fit to option box under the Scaling section. As shown below, if the image is required to be split into 16 separate images, type 4 by 4 page(s) in the boxes.
7. After customization, click on the OK button.
8. Next, click File > Print > Print as illustrated below.
9. Click on the printer you want to print with under the Select Printer section.
10. Then, click on Print. The copies will start to print according to the selection made.
Note: For demo purposes, we have selected the Microsoft Print to PDF option under the Select Printer section. Please select the printer available on your system to print your desired images.
Also Read: How to Fix Printer Not Responding in Windows 10
Method 2: Using Excel Spreadsheet
Another way to learn how to print large image on multiple pages is by doing it on an Excel spreadsheet. You can print split images of a large one swiftly with Microsoft Excel as follows:
1. Type Excel in the Windows search menu and click on Run as administrator.
2. In the Excel window, go to Home and click on the Blank workbook option as shown.
3. In the new blank workbook, click on the Insert tab.
4. Click on the Pictures drop-down option and select This device to browse and pick your required image.
5. A File explorer pop-up window will appear. Now, locate your picture and click on Insert.
6. After the picture loads on the spreadsheet, click on the picture and hover on any of the corners when you see the cursor turn into an expanding arrow.
7. Click and drag the image corners to increase its size.
8. After you stretch the image to the desired size depicted in the Size section of the Picture Format ribbon, click on the File option.
9A. Click on the Print option and configure the Settings section as per your output image preferences.
9B. Verify the number of Pages your image will split in as per the size stretched and the Settings made.
Note: You can repeat steps 7, 8, and 9 to adjust the number of print copies you require of the image from the Settings until the desired preview is reached.
10. Click on the Printer drop-down menu option to find and select the printer connected with your system.
11. After completing these settings, select the number of copies from the Copies drop-down box. Then, click on the Print option to start the print.
Also Read: How to Freeze Rows and Columns in Excel
Method 3: Via Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is another alternative for you to know how to print large image on multiple pages. Follow the upcoming steps to do so:
1. Type Word in the Windows search bar and click the Open option as shown below.
2. Click on the View tab in the blank workbook.
3. In the Page Movement section, select the Side to Side option shown highlighted.
4. Click on the Insert tab and click the Pictures > This Device option as depicted below.
5. Select and insert the desired image from the pop-up window into this Word file.
6. Right-click on the image and click the Wrap Text option.
7. To wrap and move the image freely in the Word file, select either Behind Text or In Front of Tex option.
8. Then, stretch the image to desired width and height on the first page as shown.
9. Similarly, add the same image on the second page and wrap the image as earlier.
10. Stretch the second image to a degree where it will connect the first image as shown below.
Note: You can check the desired width and height in the Size section from the top right corner under Picture Format tab.
11. Now, follow steps 8-11 from Method 2 for setting the image for printing and then start printing the image on multiple pages.
Also Read: How To Download Google Maps for Windows 11
Method 4: Through PDF Format
PDF is another way with which you can split your larger resolution image into multiple images for printing. To get the answer to how to print large image on multiple pages questions, follow these steps:
Note: The following steps are performed on Adobe Acrobat DC. Make sure to have this software installed in your system before performing the upcoming steps.
1. Locate your desired image in the File Explorer.
2. Right-click on it, and from the context menu, click the Open with > Choose another app option as depicted below.
3. How do you want to open this file? pop-up will appear with a list of installed apps in the system. Find and select Adobe Acrobat DC and click on OK.
Note: You can click on More apps to further expand the list of apps if you didn’t find Adobe Acrobat earlier.
4. After the image opens in Adobe Acrobat, press the key combination Ctrl + P to open the Print window.
5. Click on the Poster tab to split images.
6. Click on the Page setup… button to configure the page sizes of the split images.
7. Configure the Orientation settings and Paper size settings through the drop-down menu and click on OK.
8. Select the printer attached to your system from the Printer drop-down menu option from the top left corner and click the Print option to start the printing process.
We hope you understood how to print large images on multiple pages in Windows 10/11. Share your experiences in the comment section below with your queries and suggestions. Also, let us know which topic you want us to explore next.