我将继续我们关于Windows 7网络的系列文章,其中包含有关如何设置网络共享设置的文章。与旧版本的Windows相比,Windows 7可以更轻松地设置此类设置。在本文中,我将介绍以下内容:在哪里可以找到网络共享设置、如何打开或关闭网络发现(network discovery)、文件共享(file sharing)、媒体流、密码保护(password protection)、如何为共享连接设置加密以及如何配置家庭组(HomeGroup)连接。
在哪里可以找到网络共享(Network Sharing)设置
首先,您必须打开网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center)。在其窗口的左侧,有一个名为“更改高级共享设置”('Change advanced sharing settings')的链接。单击(Click)它,将打开相应的窗口。另一种方法是在“开始”菜单搜索(Start Menu search)框中搜索“共享”一词。(sharing)第一个搜索结果将称为“管理高级共享设置”('Manage advanced sharing settings')。单击它,将打开“高级共享设置”('Advanced sharing settings')窗口。

在“高级共享设置”('Advanced sharing settings')窗口中,您将看到许多设置,分为两类:家庭或工作(Home or Work)和公共(Public)。


列表中的第一个设置称为网络发现(Network Discovery)。打开时,此设置允许您的计算机在其连接的网络上搜索其他设备。此外,它还允许同一网络上的其他计算机找到它。

建议:(Recommendation:)如果您连接到家庭或工作网络(home or work network),最好打开此设置。对于公共网络,最好将其关闭,以免其他计算机看到您的计算机。
打开或关闭文件和打印机共享(Off File & Printer Sharing)
接下来,您可以启用或禁用文件和打印机共享(file & printer sharing)。打开后,此功能允许您与网络中的其他计算机共享内容。(share content)关闭它,您将无法共享任何内容(share anything)。即使您的计算机对网络上的其他设备可见,也没有人能够访问任何共享文件或文件夹。

建议:为(Recommendation:)家庭或工作网络(home or work networks)打开它。为公共网络关闭它。
打开或关闭公共文件夹(Off Public Folder)共享
共享文件和文件夹(folders)的一种方法是将它们移动到所谓的Windows 7 公共(Public) 文件夹(folders)。这些可在'C:UsersPublic'
. 如果启用此选项,您复制到这些文件夹的任何内容都将对您网络上的其他计算机可见。

建议:(Recommendation:)关掉它。就个人而言,我不需要这个功能。我更喜欢直接共享我想要共享的文件和文件夹,而不必将它们复制到另一个位置。归根结底是个人工作方式(work style)的问题。如果您发现这些公用文件夹有用,您可以打开该功能。但是,在公共网络上,强烈建议关闭此功能。
下一个设置是关于媒体流。此功能允许您使用Windows Media Player流式传输多媒体文件(图片、视频、音乐) 。在本节中,Windows 7 会告诉您它是打开还是关闭。如果要更改当前状态,请单击“选择媒体流选项”('Choose media streaming options')链接。

如果已打开,您将看到一个窗口,其中列出了您的计算机和(computer and others)网络中启用了媒体流的其他计算机。如果您不需要使用此类功能,可以通过单击“全部阻止”('Block All')按钮然后单击“确定(OK)”来禁用它。

如果媒体流已关闭,系统会要求您将其打开。单击(Click)“打开媒体流”('Turn on media streaming')。然后,您将看到一个类似于上面的窗口,您可以在其中编辑媒体流设置。

文件共享(File Sharing)连接的加密
下一个设置是关于用于文件共享连接的类型加密,当计算机相互连接并将文件和文件夹从一个复制到另一个时。(type encryption)默认情况下,这设置为 128 位加密。

建议:(Recommendation:)将其设置为 128 位加密,除非您遇到无法正确访问共享文件和文件夹的操作系统的一些旧设备或计算机的问题。
打开或关闭受密码(Off Password)保护的共享
(Password)只有在您的计算机上设置了用户帐户和密码时,受(user account and password)密码保护的共享才允许人们访问您的共享文件和文件夹。如果他们不知道这些详细信息,他们将无法连接到您的共享项目。此功能适用于未包含在您的家庭组中的计算机((HomeGroup)如果您定义了一个)或用于公共网络的计算机。

我们在之前的一篇文章中广泛介绍了家庭组功能。(HomeGroup feature)默认情况下,家庭组(HomeGroup)有自己的密码,所有加入它的计算机都必须知道该密码。如果您碰巧在HomeGroup中的所有计算机上使用相同的用户名和密码(username and password),则可以将Windows 7设置为使用该用户名和密码,而不是单独的HomeGroup 密码(HomeGroup password)。但是,这不是推荐的做法。在所有家庭组(HomeGroup)计算机上使用相同的用户名和密码可能会带来(username and password)安全风险(security risk)。

建议:(Recommendation:)仅使用“允许 Windows 管理家庭组连接”('Allow Windows to manage homegroup connections')。
如您所见,设置网络共享设置并不是很复杂。就最佳实践而言,您需要记住的是,当您连接到公共网络时,一切都应该关闭。这样,您将避免未经授权的人员访问您的文件和文件夹。此外,对于家庭或工作网络(home or work networks),仅打开您实际使用的功能。如果您还有其他有趣的事情要分享,请随时发表评论。
How to Customize Network Sharing Settings in Windows 7
I will continue our seriеs on Windows 7 netwоrking with an article about how to set your network sharing settings. Compared to older versiоns of Windows, Windows 7 makes it is easiеr to set such settings. In this article I will covеr the following: where to find the nеtwork sharing sеttings, hоw to turn on or off network discovery, file sharing, medіa strеaming, password protectіon, how to set еncryptiоn for sharing connections and how to configure HomeGroup connections.
Where to Find the Network Sharing Settings
First, you have to open the Network and Sharing Center. On the left side of its window, there is a link called 'Change advanced sharing settings'. Click on it and the appropriate window will open. An alternative is to search for the word sharing in the Start Menu search box. One of the first search results will be called 'Manage advanced sharing settings'. Click on it and the 'Advanced sharing settings' window will open.

In the 'Advanced sharing settings' window you will see lots of settings, split in two categories: Home or Work and Public.

These categories have some arrows on the right side of their top row. If you click on it, the category will minimize or expand.

First, you will need to modify the settings of the current profile, whatever that might be. You can change the sharing settings for the other profile too and they will be applied once you connect to a network to which that profile applies. Next, I will be describing all available settings one by one and give you recommendations for how to configure them.
Turn On or Off Network Discovery
The first setting from the list is called Network Discovery. When it is turned on, this setting allows your computer to search for other devices on the network it is connected to. Also, it allows other computers on the same network to find it.

Recommendation: If you are connected to a home or work network, it is best to turn on this settings. For public networks, it is best to turn it off so that your computer won't be visible to other computers.
Turn On or Off File & Printer Sharing
Next, you can enable or disable the file & printer sharing. When turned on, this feature allows you to share content with other computers from your network. With it turned off, you won't be able to share anything. Even if your computer is visible for other devices on the network, nobody will be able to access any shared files or folders.

Recommendation: Turn it on for home or work networks. Turn it off for public networks.
Turn On or Off Public Folder Sharing
One way to share files and folders is to move them to the so called Windows 7 Public folders. These are found in 'C:UsersPublic'
. If this option is turned on, anything that you copy to those folders will be visible to other computers on your network.

Recommendation: Turn it off. Personally, I don't need this feature. I prefer to share directly the files and folders I want to have shared, without having to copy them to another location. In the end it is a matter of personal work style. If you find these public folders useful, you can turn the feature on. However, on public networks it is highly recommended to turn this feature off.
Turn On or Off Media Streaming
The next setting is about media streaming. This feature allows you to stream multimedia files (pictures, video, music) by using Windows Media Player. In this section, Windows 7 it will tell you if it is turned on or off. If you want to change the current status, click on the 'Choose media streaming options' link.

If it is turned on, you will see a window listing your computer and others from your network which have media streaming enabled. If you don't need to use such a feature, you can disable it by clicking on the 'Block All' button and then on OK.

If media streaming is turned off and you will be asked to turn it on. Click on 'Turn on media streaming'. Then, you will see a window similar to the one above, where you can edit your media streaming settings.

Recommendation: Turn it on only if you use media streaming. For public networks always turn it off.
We will cover more about media streaming and how to use it in a separate article, dedicated only to this topic. So, stay tuned for future updates on our site.
Encryption for File Sharing Connections
The next setting is about the type encryption used for file sharing connections, when computers connect to each other and copy files and folders from one to the other. By default, this is set to 128-bit encryption.

Recommendation: Leave it set to 128-bit encryption, unless you have issues with some older devices or computers with operating systems which cannot properly access your shared files and folders.
Turn On or Off Password Protected Sharing
Password protected sharing allows people to access your shared files and folders only if they have a user account and password set on your computer. If they don't know such details, they cannot connect to your shared items. This feature comes into play with computers which are not included in your HomeGroup (in case you defined one) or for computers for a public network.

Recommendation: Turn it on at all times.
Configure HomeGroup Connections
We've covered the HomeGroup feature extensively in one of our previous articles. By default, a HomeGroup has its own password which all computers who join it, must know. If you happen to use the same username and password on all computers from the HomeGroup, you can set Windows 7 to use that, instead of the separate HomeGroup password. However, this is not a recommended practice. Using the same username and password across all your HomeGroup computers can be a security risk.

Recommendation: Use only 'Allow Windows to manage homegroup connections'.
As you can see, setting network sharing settings is not very complicated. What you need to remember in terms of best practices is that everything should be turned off when you are connecting to public networks. This way you will avoid for your files and folders to be access by unauthorized persons. Also, for home or work networks, turn on only the features you are actually using. If you've got some other interesting things to share, don't hesitate to leave a comment.