有几种方法可以确保垃圾邮件不会(email doesn)进入您的收件箱。许多(Many)最流行的电子邮件客户端,例如Gmail 和(Gmail and Yahoo)Yahoo! 邮件(Mail),拥有强大的过滤器,确保您不会看到最恶意的垃圾邮件。但其他垃圾邮件仍然很容易通过,具体取决于您的在线活动。
这里有一些提示可以帮助您清除电子邮件收件箱(email inbox)
设置过滤器(Set Up Filters )
设置过滤器是一种较旧的处理垃圾邮件的方法,但它仍然可以很好地为不需要的电子邮件创建特定路径。您可以将过滤器用于重定向或删除垃圾邮件以外的操作,但摆脱垃圾邮件(junk mail)通常是使用这些功能的主要原因。
大多数电子邮件客户端都有类似的创建过滤器的说明。通常,您会找到并选择Settings cog 图标,然后单击Filters and Blocked Addresses和Create a new filter。从这里您可以填写过滤器的参数。
如果您收到来自特定电子邮件地址(email address)的垃圾邮件,您可以将其作为标识符包含在内。您还可以填写垃圾邮件特有的邮件主题和关键字等选项。(email subject and keywords)列出标识符后,选择Create filter。这将为您的过滤器显示一个功能列表。
对于垃圾邮件,最好的选择是Delete。这会将所有收到的垃圾邮件直接发送到您的垃圾文件夹(trash folder)。另一个可供选择的选项可能是Archive,它还会从您的收件箱中转移垃圾邮件。
阻止电子邮件地址(Block Email Addresses )
设置过滤器的一个类似选项是阻止发件人的地址向您发送垃圾邮件。为此,请在消息的右上角(right corner)找到三点图标。
这将显示一个您可以在电子邮件上使用的操作菜单。选择阻止“发件人姓名”(Block “sender’s name”)。确认弹出警告,来自此被阻止地址的任何电子邮件都将发送到垃圾邮件文件夹(spam folder)。
如果您想取消阻止电子邮件,您可以在设置的过滤器和阻止的电子邮件地址(Filters and blocked email addresses )部分找到它,然后选择取消阻止(Unblock)。
直接举报垃圾邮件 (Report Spam Directly )
当垃圾邮件出现在您的收件箱中时,将邮件报告为垃圾邮件也是一种快速简便的方法来清除垃圾邮件(junk mail)。大多数流行的电子邮件客户端都有多种报告垃圾邮件的方法。
如果您打开了电子邮件,则可以单击停止符号图标(click the stop sign icon)并按照下一个说明进行操作,其中可能包括报告垃圾邮件(Report spam)和报告垃圾邮件并取消订阅(Report spam & unsubscribe)链接。您还可以在邮件右上角(right corner)的三点图标中找到报告垃圾邮件选项(report spam option),该图标会带来一个下拉菜单,用于在您的电子邮件上使用的操作。
请记住,如果您只是选择报告垃圾邮件,它可能会将该特定电子邮件发送到您的垃圾邮箱(junk mailbox),但是,您将来可能会收到其他电子邮件。选择报告垃圾邮件并取消订阅(report spam & unsubscribe)会将邮件发送到您的垃圾邮箱(junk mailbox),并将您从最初导致垃圾邮件的电子邮件列表中删除。
除了垃圾邮件,如果您认为电子邮件包含网络钓鱼诈骗(phishing scam),您还可以举报该电子邮件。网络钓鱼诈骗总是试图诱骗您放弃个人信息,例如银行帐号(bank account)、登录凭据等。
如果您出于安全原因尚未打开电子邮件,您可以选择电子邮件主题(email subject)旁边的框以突出显示它,然后单击停止标志图标(click the stop sign icon)。您也可以使用此方法一次报告多条消息。
退订电子邮件列表(Unsubscribe from Email Lists)
取消订阅您不再希望关注的电子邮件列表是减少收件箱中垃圾邮件的简单方法。许多电子邮件都可以选择直接在文本中取消订阅邮件列表。如果您向下滚动到电子邮件的底部,您应该会找到一个取消订阅(Unsubscribe )按钮或链接。
选择它,您将被带到新选项卡中的网页,以确认您要取消订阅电子邮件列表。其中一些表格比其他表格更详细。有些要求您只确认您希望从订阅列表中删除的(subscription list)电子邮件地址(email address)。
其他表格会要求您确认要取消订阅的特定列表。它可能会询问您将自己从通信中删除的原因。请记住,如果您订阅了大公司的电子邮件列表,您可能仍会收到来自姊妹品牌(sister brand)的电子邮件,并且必须单独查找这些电子邮件并从列表中退订。
许多收件箱现在在邮件顶部的发件人详细信息旁边还有一个取消订阅选项。(unsubscribe)选择此选项并确认(option and confirm)您要取消订阅。
有一个单独的电子邮件地址(Have a Separate Email Address )
许多人出于不同的原因拥有多个电子邮件地址,例如用于业务和私人用途的单独帐户。(email address)对于可能邀请垃圾邮件的实例,使用单独的电子邮件是一个很好的选择。也许您可以将不再经常使用的旧电子邮件放入垃圾(childhood email)邮件地址(email address)。
很多人都有旧的 Yahoo! 他们可以访问的邮件或 AOL(Mail or AOL) 电子邮件地址(email address)- 如果由于不活动而尚未被删除。如果您知道或可以恢复密码,您可以将所有错误注册发送到该地址并偶尔检查一下。创建一个全新的电子邮件地址(email address)也是一个非常简单的过程,因为大多数流行的电子邮件客户端都可以免费注册。
Gmail(Gmail allow)等客户端允许用户同时登录多个帐户,并且用户(time and users)可以在桌面和移动设备上的地址之间切换。
这使得无需登录新客户端即可轻松保留垃圾邮件帐户。(email account)
使用一次性地址(Use Throwaway Addresses)
丢弃或一次性电子邮件地址(Throw away or disposable email addresses)是获取在线电子邮件地址(email address)的一种非常方便的方式,无需设置新帐户或尝试恢复旧服务。大多数一次性电子邮件允许您创建用于各种目的的电子邮件地址(email address),例如订阅某种在线服务或内容(service or content)。
Mailinator.com是一种流行的一次性电子邮件服务。这是一个很好的选择,因为它不需要(t require)您注册或创建任何类型的帐户来使用该服务。只需(Simply)想一个用户名并将其附加到@mailinator.com即可创建一个电子邮件地址。使用该地址进行任何可能导致垃圾邮件的在线提交。
电子邮件将进入Mailinator 收件箱(Mailinator inbox)并保留几个小时,然后从公司服务器中删除。如果邮箱已满,最旧的电子邮件将被删除,以便为收到的邮件腾出空间。要查看收件箱,请访问Mailinator.com,输入您的用户名(username),然后选择go。
关于Mailinator(Mailinator)的唯一警告是它包含公共收件箱。这意味着如果有人想到相同的电子邮件用户名(email username),他们将能够访问收件箱并访问(inbox and access)您的内容以及他们自己的内容。
出于这个原因,建议尝试创建一个唯一的用户名,用于您的一次性电子邮件(throwaway email)。请勿将此电子邮件用于任何可能包含个人信息的订阅。
控制垃圾邮件后该怎么办(What To Do After You’ve Gotten Your Spam Under Control)
收件箱中已经存在的所有垃圾邮件。(junk mail)
一种方法是通过收件箱中的搜索机制(search mechanism in your inbox)查找垃圾邮件并批量删除电子邮件。
对于大多数电子邮件客户端,您将能够在邮件顶部看到发件人的电子邮件地址。复制此电子邮件(Copy this email)或复制after the @的地址部分,以获取向您发送垃圾邮件的域。
将其粘贴(Paste)到收件箱的搜索字段(search field)中以提取从该地址发送的所有电子邮件,然后单击批量选择选项(bulk select option)和收件箱中的垃圾箱(trashcan)或删除按钮。
如果您有几页来自该地址的垃圾邮件,您可能必须重复此操作,直到所有电子邮件都被清除,但这通常不是一个具有挑战性的过程。如果您要删除来自多个不同来源的垃圾邮件,则必须对每个电子邮件域(email domain)重复该过程。
提取所有旧垃圾邮件的另一种方法是使用收件箱主页中的搜索快捷方式。(search shortcut)通过用鼠标右键单击( right-clicking)主题或按(mouse or pressing)Control并选择(selecting the subject)键盘上的主题来突出显示(Highlight)收件箱中的垃圾邮件。(spam email)
在下拉菜单中选择查找来自发件人的电子邮件。(Find emails from sender)这同样会显示从该地址发送的所有电子邮件。使用相同的批量删除功能(bulk delete function)清除收件箱中的旧垃圾邮件。
如果合法电子邮件以垃圾邮件告终怎么办(What To Do if a Legitimate Email Ends Up in Spam )
有时,当您希望收到的合法电子邮件是电子邮件时,它们可能会意外地进入垃圾邮件文件夹。(spam folder)也许有人从您的收件箱无法识别的私人电子邮件客户端向您发送消息。(email client)
您还可以选择电子邮件主题旁边的框以突出显示它,然后在页面顶部的主要垃圾邮件收件箱功能中选择(spam inbox)非垃圾邮件选项。(Not spam)
How To Stop Spam Emails From Reaching Your Inbox
Email has long been an essential part of our online lives. Prettу much
everything we do on the internet requires an email address, from login credentials to subscribing to newsletters, to commenting on websites.
Spam emails are an unfortunate byproduct of the many interactions we have online. While many are harmless and simply congest our inboxes, there are some that can be dangerous scams that should be avoided at all costs.
There are several ways to ensure that spam email doesn’t make it into your inbox. Many of the most popular email clients, such as Gmail and Yahoo! Mail, have powerful filters that ensure you don’t see the most malicious spam. But it is still rather easy for other spam to get through, depending on your online activities.
Here are some tips to help you rid your email inbox
of spam. Many of these methods can be used simultaneously to ensure that your
main inbox remains clean and easy to navigate.
Set Up Filters
Setting up filters is an older method of dealing with spam, but it still works very well for creating specific paths for unwanted emails. You can use filters for actions other than redirecting or deleting spam, but getting rid of junk mail is often a primary reason to use these functions.
Most email clients have similar instructions for creating filters. Typically, you will find and select the Settings cog icon, then click Filters and Blocked Addresses and Create a new filter. From here you can fill out the parameters for your filter.
If you’re getting spam from a particular email address, you can include that as an identifier. You can also fill out options such as the email subject and keywords from the messages that are unique to the spam. After you’ve listed your identifiers, select Create filter. This will bring up a list of functions for your filter.
For spam, the best option to choose is Delete. This will send any incoming
spam emails directly to your trash folder. Another option to select could be Archive, which will also divert spam
emails from your inbox.
Block Email Addresses
A similar option to setting up filters is blocking the sender’s address from being able to email you spam. To do this, find the three-dot icon in the upper right corner of a message.
This will bring down a menu of actions you can use on your email. Select Block “sender’s name”. Confirm the popup warning that any emails from this blocked address will be sent to the spam folder.
If you ever wanted to unblock an email, you can find it in the Filters and blocked email addresses section of settings and simply select Unblock.
Report Spam Directly
Reporting an email as spam from within the
message is also a quick and easy way to get rid of junk mail when it surfaces
in your inbox. Most popular email clients have several methods for reporting
Often there will be an icon that looks like a
stop sign among the main inbox functions at the top of the page.
If you’ve opened the email you can click the stop sign icon and follow the next instructions, which may include Report spam and Report spam & unsubscribe links. You can also find a report spam option in the three-dot icon in the upper right corner of a message that brings a drop-down menu of actions to use on your email.
Keep in mind that if you just select report spam it may send that particular email to your junk mailbox, however, you may receive other emails in the future. Selecting report spam & unsubscribe will send the message to your junk mailbox and remove you from whatever email list caused the spam in the first place.
In addition to spam, you can also report an email if you believe it contains a phishing scam. Phishing scams always try to trick you into giving up personal info like bank account numbers, login credentials, etc.
If you haven’t opened the email for safety
reasons, you can select the box next to the email subject to highlight it and
then click the stop sign icon. You
can also use this method to report several messages at once.
Unsubscribe from Email Lists
Unsubscribing from email lists you no longer wish to follow is an easy way to cut down on spam in your inbox. Many emails will have an option to unsubscribe from a mailing list directly within the text. If you scroll down to the bottom of an email, you should find an Unsubscribe button or link.
Select it and you will be taken to a webpage in a new tab to confirm that you want to unsubscribe from the email list. Some of these forms are more detailed than others. Some require you to only confirm the email address you wish to remove from a subscription list.
Other forms will ask you to confirm the
specific list, from which you want to unsubscribe. It may ask for the reason
why you’re removing yourself from the correspondence. Keep in mind that if
you’ve subscribed to the email list of a large company, you may still receive
emails from a sister brand and will have to find those emails and unsubscribe
from the lists separately.
Many inboxes now also have an unsubscribe option right next to the sender details at the top of the message. Select this option and confirm that you want to unsubscribe.
Have a Separate Email Address
Many people have multiple email addresses for different reasons, such as separate accounts for business and for private use. It is an excellent option to have a separate email for instances that might invite spam email. Perhaps you can make an old childhood email that you no longer use regularly into your spam email address.
Many people have old Yahoo! Mail or AOL email addresses that they can access — if they haven’t already been deleted due to inactivity. If you know or can recover the password, you can send all of your erroneous registrations to this address and check it occasionally. Creating a whole new email address is also a very simple process as most popular email clients are free to register.
Clients such as Gmail allow users to be logged
into multiple accounts at the same time and users can switch between addresses
on desktop and on mobile. This makes it easy to keep a spam email account
without having to log into a new client.
Use Throwaway Addresses
Throw away or disposable email addresses are a very convenient way of getting an online email address to use without having to set up a new account or try to recover an old service. Most throwaway emails allow you to create an email address to use for various purposes, such as subscribing for some sort of online service or content.
One popular throw away email service is Mailinator.com. It is an excellent option because it doesn’t require you to register or create an account of any kind to use the service. Simply think of a username and attach it to @mailinator.com to create an email address. Use the address for any kind of online submission that may cause spam.
Emails will go to the Mailinator inbox and will remain for several hours before they are deleted from the company’s servers. If a mailbox is full, the oldest emails will be deleted to make room for incoming mail. To check the inbox, go to Mailinator.com, type in your username, and select go.
The only caveat about Mailinator is that it houses public inboxes. This means if someone thinks of the same email username they will be able to access the inbox and access your content as well as their own.
For this reason, it is recommended to try and create a unique username to use for your throwaway email. Don’t use this email for any subscriptions that may include personal information.
What To Do After You’ve Gotten Your Spam Under Control
Once you’ve put in place all the measures you
can to keep spam out of your email, you will likely want to get rid of all the
junk mail that was already in your inbox.
One way to do this is to find the spam through the search mechanism in your inbox and delete the emails in bulk.
For most email clients, you will be able to see the sender’s email address at the top of the message. Copy this email or copy the part of the address after the @ to grab the domain that was sending you spam.
Paste this into the search field in your inbox to pull up all of the emails sent from that address, then click the bulk select option and the trashcan or delete button in your inbox.
If you have several pages of spam from the address you may have to repeat this until all of the emails are clear, but this typically is not a challenging process. If you’re deleting spam from several different sources you will have to repeat the process for each email domain.
Another way to pull up all of your old spam is to use the search shortcut from your inbox main page. Highlight the spam email in your inbox by right-clicking on the subject with your mouse or pressing Control and selecting the subject on your keyboard.
Select Find emails from sender in the dropdown menu. This will similarly bring up all of the emails sent from that address. Use the same bulk delete function to clear your inbox of old spam.
What To Do if a Legitimate Email Ends Up in Spam
Sometimes emails can accidentally end up in a spam folder when they are legitimate emails that you’re expecting to receive. Perhaps someone is sending you a message from a private email client that your inbox cannot identify.
Perhaps you’ve deleted several emails from a certain address and the algorithms in your inbox determined that the address sending these emails might be spam. Either way, it is a good practice to go through your spam folder every few weeks or months to see if any emails have gotten lost in this section.
Upon opening the email there should be an
option to mark the message as not spam and move it back to your inbox. This
typically corrects the issue and allows future emails from that address to go
to your inbox.
You can also select the box next to the email
subject to highlight it and then select the Not spam option among the main spam inbox functions at the top of
the page.