对于任何初次使用的用户来说,Windows 8 与以前的版本有很大不同,这将是非常明显的。虽然明显的界面更改将是最受关注的,但添加许多出色的安全功能确实值得兴奋。将早期启动的反恶意软件等新功能与Windows 防火墙等旧功能相(Windows Firewall)结合(Combine),您就拥有了一个可以放心使用的操作系统。(operating system)
Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)自Windows XP时代以来就已经存在,并且自其Windows 7迭代以来没有太大变化,因此它几乎不能被视为一项新功能。虽然这是真的,但仍然值得一提,因为它是您抵御狂野网络的第一道防线。Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)过滤传入和传出流量,并有助于阻止可能有害的程序进入或呼出。您可以手动创建规则以定义其工作方式以及允许通过哪些程序。
此外,如果您阅读了我们的安全系列,您已经知道Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)是一个可靠的防火墙,比一些商业防火墙更好。
有关更多信息,请查看本文以及(article and others)我们关于此工具的系列教程中的其他文章:Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)-它的工作原理(How)以及如何(How)启用或禁用它。
2. 视窗卫士
许多用户会回忆起Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 中的某个版本的(Windows Vista and Windows)Windows Defender。虽然在这些早期版本中确实存在Windows Defender,但它与Windows 8中的版本不同。旧的Windows Defender是一种小型恶意软件扫描程序(malware scanner),可以帮助抵御间谍软件和广告软件等恶意软件(spyware and adware),但对于木马和 rootkit 等恶意软件却毫无用处。Windows 8 的 Defender(Windows 8's Defender)采用了简单的恶意软件扫描程序(malware scanner)并添加了Microsoft Security Essentials病毒查杀功能,开箱即用,针对所有类型的恶意软件提供有效保护。
要了解有关Windows 8 的 Defender 的(Windows 8's Defender)更多信息,请查看这篇文章:介绍 Windows 8:如何使用Windows Defender 防病毒(Windows Defender Antivirus)
3. 用户账户控制 (UAC)
用户帐户控制(User Account Control),更广为人知的UAC ,可能是您遇到的最烦人但最有用的安全功能。(security feature)当您尝试更改系统设置或安装程序时,您可能会将其识别为您看到的弹出窗口的来源。当然这很痛苦,但是这个烦人的提示可以保护您的系统免受恶意软件的侵害,这些恶意软件可能会改变您的系统设置或违背您的意愿安装其他程序。
要了解有关UAC的更多信息,请查看本文和我们系列中的其他文章:什么是UAC(用户帐户控制(User Account Control))以及为什么永远不应该关闭(Off)它。
4. 家庭安全
当然,保护您的计算机设置和数据很重要,但保护您的孩子更重要。虽然互联网(Internet)并不能真正对孩子造成任何直接伤害,但有很多方法可以让他们陷入困境。为确保您的孩子不会做任何不明智(anything unwise)的事情,Windows 8让您能够控制他们的计算机使用情况(computer usage)。使用Windows 8 的家庭安全(Windows 8's Family Safety)功能,您可以通过方便的 Web 界面(convenient web interface)远程监控他们的使用情况,实施 Web 过滤器以防止他们访问不需要的网站,甚至控制他们每天可以使用计算机的小时数。
5. 安全启动
如果病毒首先进入内存,世界上所有的安全措施都无法保护计算机。一旦加载,病毒会削弱您的防御能力,保护自己免受检测和删除(detection and deletion),同时为其他讨厌的人铺平道路。为了防止这种情况发生,Microsoft为(Microsoft)Windows 8添加了一些新的启动功能。首先(First),安全启动(Secure Boot)会检查以确保在启动过程中启动的任何软件或(boot process)操作系统(software or operating system)都经过数字签名。这可确保只有合法软件才能启动。二(Second)、提前推出反恶意软件(Early Launch Antimalware)确保其驱动程序是每次计算机启动时加载到内存中的第一个驱动程序。此驱动程序可确保所有尝试启动的软件都是安全的。但是,您的计算机需要UEFI(一种已取代BIOS的技术)才能利用这些功能。
6. Windows SmartScreen 过滤器
您(Did)是否知道仅通过加载受感染的网页就可以使您的计算机感染病毒?您甚至不必单击链接或下载任何内容(link or download anything)。这是一个可怕的想法,但Windows 8已经涵盖了您。使用SmartScreen 过滤器(SmartScreen Filter),您可以放心地在Internet Explorer 10中浏览,因为它可以保护您免受此类威胁。该过滤器会检查您访问的每个站点是否存在恶意软件和网络钓鱼诈骗等潜在威胁,并阻止潜在的有害内容。它甚至会扫描下载内容,以确保您的文件在保存到硬盘之前是干净的。
根据一家安全公司(security company)开展的一项研究,Internet Explorer通过SmartScreen 过滤器( SmartScreen filter)提供了所有主流浏览器中最好的恶意软件拦截率。(malware block rate)可以在此处找到更多详细信息:浏览器安全比较分析:社会工程恶意软件(Browser Security Comparative Analysis: Socially Engineered Malware)。
有关如何使用SmartScreen 筛选器(SmartScreen filter)的更多信息,请查看这篇文章:如何禁用/启用SmartScreen 筛选器和 Windows SmartScreen(SmartScreen Filter and Windows SmartScreen)。
Windows 8 的BitLocker是(BitLocker)操作系统的(operating system)专业版和企业版(Pro and Enterprise editions)中提供的一项功能。使用BitLocker,您可以加密您的硬盘驱动器 - 甚至是便携式驱动器 - 确保只有拥有您的加密密钥(encryption key)的人才能查看您的文件。如果您的计算机丢失或被盗,他们将拥有您的硬件,但您的数据将无法读取。
阅读这篇文章,了解有关如何利用BitLocker的一些信息:如何在Windows 7和Windows 8中使用BitLocker加密(BitLocker)系统分区(System Partition)。
8. 适用于 Windows 8 应用程序的 AppContainer
Windows 8可以像Fort Knox一样安全,但仍然容易受到攻击。这是一个可怕的想法,但您的第三方应用程序可能会引入Windows无法阻止的安全漏洞。虽然无法帮助您的桌面应用程序,但Windows 8已采取措施确保您的新Windows 8 风格应用程序(style apps)更加安全。您的全屏应用程序在称为AppContainer的(AppContainer)沙盒环境中运行(sandbox environment). 此容器确保您的应用只能在未经您同意的情况下访问其安装目录。这使得通过您的应用程序的渗透变得更加困难。此功能没有您可以更改的用户界面或选项,但它可以在您每次打开应用程序时保护您。(. This container ensures that your app can only access its installation directory without your consent. This makes infiltration through your apps much more difficult. This feature has no user interface or options you can change, but it protects you every time you open an app.)
要了解有关AppContainer及其在Windows 8中的作用的更多信息,请阅读本文中的“在沙盒中播放”(Playing in the sandbox)部分:更好的内部:(Better on the inside: under the hood of Windows 8) Windows 8 的底层。
9.登录 Windows 8(Log Into Windows 8)的多种(Multiple) 方式(Ways)
每个人都知道您需要使用密码来保护您的计算机。否则任何人都(Otherwise anyone)可以坐在你的电脑前浏览(computer and browse)你的个人文件。虽然这是必要的,但它也可能是一种痛苦。毕竟,在平板电脑或智能手机(tablet or smartphone)上输入包含大小写字母、特殊字符和数字的十个字符的密码(character password)可能需要一段时间。Windows 8 为您提供了几个新选项,让您无需使用完整密码即可确保计算机安全。(computer secure)您现在可以使用四位数的PIN 码(PIN number)来保护您的帐户,就像您的ATM 卡(ATM card)一样。如果您不喜欢该选项,也可以使用图片密码(picture password),这是您在所选图像上绘制的一系列三个手势。无论您使用哪种设备,这两个选项都只需几秒钟即可完成,因此您不必为了方便而(convenience sake)删除密码。
查看这篇文章,更详细地了解Windows 8的新密码功能:Windows 8简介(Introducing) :如何在登录选项之间切换(Between Sign-In Options)
尽管您尽了最大的努力并使用了Windows 8的所有强大安全功能,但您最终还是有很小的机会感染了令人讨厌的病毒。如果您发现您的设置被篡改并且您的计算机没有正常运行,您可以利用Windows 8的刷新(Refresh)功能。这会擦除并恢复您的计算机设置,但不会影响您的所有个人数据。如果您发现您有一个特别讨厌的恶意软件并且您无法摆脱它,您还可以选择直接从PC 设置中擦除并重新安装(PC Settings)Windows 8的新副本。无需恢复光盘。
有关刷新或重置Windows 8安装的详细信息,请查看以下文章:如何使用重置将Windows 8还原到其初始清洁状态以及如何(Clean State Using Reset and How)在不丢失数据的情况下刷新Windows 8 安装。(Installation)
如您所见,Windows 8提供了强大的安全功能,可确保您在计算时保持安全。如果您家里有孩子,那么仅家庭安全功能就是一个很好的补充,即使在(Family Safety)Windows 8完全加载之前,安全启动(Secure Boot)也能保证您的安全,而新的Windows Defender可以让您开箱即用地清除恶意软件。大多数这些出色的功能都可以完美运行,甚至不需要用户干预,就像我们喜欢的那样。
您如何看待Windows 8的安全功能?您是否认为UAC(UAC)和SmartScreen等安全功能太烦人而无用?您对Windows 8的(Windows 8)安全体验(security experience)如何?我们很想听听您在下面的意见。
10 Features that Make Windows 8 the Most Secure Windows Yet
It will be quitе obvious to any first-time user that Wіndows 8 is vеry different from previous versions. While the obvious interface changes will be the most talked about, the additіon of a number of grеat sесurity featυres is rеallу worth getting excited over. Combine new features like early launch аnti-malware with oldies like the Windows Firewall and you have an operating system that you can feel secure using.
1. Windows Firewall
The Windows Firewall has been around since the days of Windows XP and hasn't changed much since its Windows 7 iteration so it can hardly be considered a new feature. While that is true, it's still worth mentioning as it stands your first line of defense against the wild wild web. Windows Firewall filters incoming and outgoing traffic and can help to block potentially harmful programs from getting in or calling out. You can manually create rules to define how it works and what programs are allowed through.
Also, if you have read our Security series, you already know that the Windows Firewall is a solid firewall, better than some of the commercial firewalls out there.
For more information, check this article and others in our series of tutorials about this tool: Windows Firewall - How it Works and How to Enable or Disable It.
2. Windows Defender
Many users will recall a version of Windows Defender from Windows Vista and Windows 7. While it's true that there was a Windows Defender in those earlier versions, it's not the same one you get with Windows 8. The old Windows Defender was a small-time malware scanner that helped against things like spyware and adware, but against nasties like trojans and rootkits it was useless. Windows 8's Defender has taken that simple malware scanner and tacked on Microsoft Security Essentials' virus killing capabilities to provide efficient protection against all types of malware right out of the box.
To learn more about Windows 8's Defender, check out this article: Introducing Windows 8: How to Use the Windows Defender Antivirus
3. User Account Control (UAC)
User Account Control, better known as UAC, is perhaps the most annoying, yet useful security feature you'll ever encounter. You may recognize it as the source of popups you see when you try and change a system setting or install a program. Sure it's a pain, but that annoying prompt can protect your system from malware that could potentially alter your system settings or install other programs against your will.
To learn more about UAC, check out this article and other in our series: What is UAC (User Account Control) & Why You Should Never Turn it Off.
4. Family Safety
Sure it's important to protect your computer settings and data, but it's even more important to protect your children. While the Internet can't really do any direct harm to a child, there are plenty of ways they can get into trouble. To make sure your children don't do anything unwise, Windows 8 gives you the ability to control their computer usage. Using Windows 8's Family Safety features you can monitor their usage remotely through a convenient web interface, implement web filters to keep them from visiting unwanted sites and even control how many hours per day they can use the computer.
5. Secure Boot
All the security measures in the world can't protect a computer if a virus gets into memory first. Once loaded, a virus can cripple your defenses protecting itself from detection and deletion while paving the way for other nasties to get comfortable. To prevent this from happening, Microsoft added a couple new boot features to Windows 8. First, Secure Boot checks to ensure that any software or operating system launched during the boot process is digitally signed. This ensures that only legitimate software can launch. Second, Early Launch Antimalware ensures that its driver is the first driver loaded into memory every time your computer starts. This driver ensures that all software that tries to boot is known to be secure. However, your computer needs UEFI, a technology that has replaced BIOS, in order to take advantage of these features.
We will come back in the next few days with a more detailed article about this feature, so stay tuned.
6. Windows SmartScreen Filter
Did you know that you can infect your computer with a virus just by loading an infected webpage? You don't even have to click a link or download anything. That's a scary thought, but Windows 8 has you covered. With the SmartScreen Filter you can browse confidently in Internet Explorer 10 as it protects you from such threats. The filter checks each site you visit for potential threats like malware and phishing scams and blocks potentially harmful content. It even scans downloads to ensure your files are clean before they're saved to your hard drive.
According to a study run by a security company, Internet Explorer, through the SmartScreen filter, provides the best malware block rate out of all major browsers. More details can be found here: Browser Security Comparative Analysis: Socially Engineered Malware.
For more information about how to work with the SmartScreen filter, check out this article: How to Disable/Enable the SmartScreen Filter and Windows SmartScreen.
7. BitLocker
Windows 8's BitLocker is a feature provided in the Pro and Enterprise editions of the operating system. Using BitLocker, you can encrypt your hard drive - and even your portable drives - ensuring that only people with your encryption key can view your files. If your computer is lost or stolen, they'll have your hardware, but your data will be unreadable.
Read this article for a bit of information on how your can take advantage of BitLocker: How to Encrypt a System Partition with BitLocker in Windows 7 & Windows 8.
8. AppContainer for Windows 8 Apps
Windows 8 can be as secure as Fort Knox but still be vulnerable. It's a scary thought, but your third-party applications can introduce security holes that Windows is powerless to stop. While your desktop applications can't be helped, Windows 8 has taken steps to ensure that your new Windows 8 style apps are more secure. Your full-screen apps are run in a sandbox environment called an AppContainer. This container ensures that your app can only access its installation directory without your consent. This makes infiltration through your apps much more difficult. This feature has no user interface or options you can change, but it protects you every time you open an app.
To learn more about AppContainer and its role in Windows 8, read the Playing in the sandbox section in this article: Better on the inside: under the hood of Windows 8.
9. Multiple Ways to Log Into Windows 8
Everyone knows that you need to protect your computer with a password. Otherwise anyone could sit down at your computer and browse through your personal files. While this is necessary, it can also be a pain. After all, typing a ten character password with upper and lower case letters, special characters and numbers can take a while on a tablet or smartphone. Windows 8 gives you a couple of new options that allow you to keep your computer secure without having to use a full password. You can now secure your account with a four digit PIN number, just like your ATM card. If you don't like that option, you can also use a picture password, which is a series of three gestures you draw over an image of your choice. Both options take mere seconds to complete no matter what sort of device you're using so you won't have to remove your password for convenience sake.
Check out this article for a more detailed look at Windows 8's new password features: Introducing Windows 8: How to Switch Between Sign-In Options
10. PC Refresh and Reset
Despite your best efforts and all of Windows 8's great security features, there still is a small chance you will end up with a nasty virus. If you find your settings have been manipulated and your computer isn't running as it should, you can take advantage of Windows 8's Refresh feature. This wipes and restores your computer's settings but leaves all of your personal data intact. If you find that you have a particularly nasty bit of malware and you can't get rid of it, you can also choose to wipe and reinstall a fresh copy of Windows 8 right from the PC Settings. No recovery disc required.
For detailed information about refreshing or resetting your Windows 8 installation, check out these articles: How to Restore Windows 8 to Its Initial Clean State Using Reset and How to Refresh a Windows 8 Installation Without Losing Your Data.
As you can see, Windows 8 offers great security features to keep you safe while you compute. The Family Safety features alone are a great addition if you have kids in your house, Secure Boot keeps you safe even before Windows 8 is fully loaded and the new Windows Defender keeps you clear of malware right out of the box. Most of these great features work perfectly without even needing user intervention, just the way we like it.
How do you feel about Windows 8 security features? Do you think security features like UAC and SmartScreen are too annoying to be useful? What's your security experience with Windows 8? We'd love to hear your opinions below.