Apple Keychain也称为 iCloud Keychain,是苹果(Apple)自己为苹果(Apple)设备提供的密码管理服务。(password manager service)您可以使用它在您的 iPhone、iPad 和Mac(Mac)设备上存储和检索您的网站用户名和密码、应用程序登录信息,甚至信用卡详细信息。
通过使用 iCloud钥匙串(Keychain),您无需记住任何登录信息,因为钥匙串(Keychain)会自动为您填写登录信息。此外,它使用 iCloud(using iCloud)在您的所有设备上同步您保存的信息。这样,保存在 iPhone 上的密码可以在Mac上使用,反之亦然。

iCloud 钥匙串存储哪些数据?(What Data Does The iCloud Keychain Store?)
- 您的网站和应用程序的用户名和密码。
- 您的信用卡详细信息,但没有安全码。
- (Passwords of all WiFi networks)您曾经连接过的所有 WiFi 网络的密码。
- 数字签名。
How To Use The Apple iCloud Keychain On An iPhone/iPad
要在基于 iOS 的设备上使用 iCloud钥匙串(Keychain),您需要先启用此功能,然后才能保存和访问其内容。
Enable The iCloud Keychain On An iPhone/iPad
您必须在 iPhone 上登录到您在其他设备上使用的同一Apple 帐户才能同步您的(Apple account on your iPhone)钥匙串(Keychain)内容。
- 在 iPhone 上启动设置(Settings)应用程序。
- 点击顶部的您的姓名横幅。

- 选择iCloud选项来管理您的 iCloud 帐户设置。

- 向下滚动并点击钥匙串(Keychain)选项。

- 打开iCloud 钥匙串(iCloud Keychain)选项。

View The Passwords Stored In Your Keychain On An iPhone/iPad
如果您已经在 iCloud钥匙串中保存了(Keychain)登录详细信息,则可以直接从基于 iOS 的设备(如 iPhone 或 iPad)开始访问这些详细信息。
- 打开 iPhone 上的设置(Settings)应用程序。
- 向下滚动(Scroll)并点击显示密码和帐户(Passwords & Accounts)的选项。

- 点击屏幕顶部的网站和应用密码选项。(Website & App Passwords)

- (Authenticate)使用 Touch ID 或Face ID进行(Face ID)身份验证。

- 您将看到您曾经保存在Keychain中的所有登录信息。点击(Tap)列表中的网站以查看其登录信息。
- 您将在以下屏幕上看到该网站的用户名和密码。
将个人信息和信用卡详细信息添加到钥匙串(Add Personal Information & Credit Card Details To The Keychain)
iCloud钥匙串(Keychain)允许您手动将信息添加到钥匙串(Keychain)。通过这种方式,您可以在此服务中存储您的个人详细信息和信用卡详细信息。(your credit card details)然后,您可以在任何支持 iCloud 的设备上访问这些数据。
- 访问iPhone 上的“设置”应用。(Settings)
- 向下滚动并点击Safari选项。

- 点击常规(General)部分下的自动填充。(AutoFill)

- 点击我的信息(My Info)选项以添加您的个人信息。

- 选择您的名片以将您的个人详细信息添加到钥匙串(Keychain)。
- 点击已保存的信用卡(Saved Credit Cards)。

- 使用Touch ID(Touch ID)或Face ID确认您的身份。

- 点击添加信用卡(Add Credit Card)。

- 输入(Enter)您的信用卡详细信息,您的卡将被添加到钥匙串(Keychain)中。

如何在 Mac 上使用 iCloud 钥匙串(How To Use The iCloud Keychain On a Mac)
在Mac上,您可以使用 iCloud钥匙串(Keychain)来存储、检索甚至为您的在线帐户生成密码(generate passwords for your online accounts)。还有一个选项可以手动将数据添加到您的Keychain。
在 Mac 上启用 iCloud 钥匙串(Enable The iCloud Keychain On a Mac)
你不需要应用程序或类似的东西来在你的Mac上启用 iCloud(Mac)钥匙串(Keychain)。
- 单击(Click)屏幕左上角的Apple标志,然后选择(Apple)System Preferences。

- 在以下屏幕上单击iCloud 。

- 在右侧窗格中,您将看到与您的 iCloud 帐户一起使用的服务。勾选(Tick-mark)Keychain和Keychain框将在您的Mac上激活。

在 Mac 上访问 iCloud 钥匙串密码(Access The iCloud Keychain Passwords On a Mac)
您的Mac允许您使用两种方式访问钥匙串内容。(Keychain)您可以使用网络浏览器或内置应用程序来查看您保存的用户名和密码(view your saved usernames and passwords)。
使用钥匙串访问(Using Keychain Access)
- 单击Dock 中的Launchpad,搜索Keychain Access并将其打开。

- 您将看到所有钥匙串保存的内容。
使用 Safari(Using Safari)
- 在 Mac 上启动Safari 。

- 单击顶部的Safari菜单并选择(Safari)Preferences。

- 单击密码(Passwords)选项卡。

- 输入您的 Mac 密码,然后按Enter。

- 您将可以访问已保存的钥匙串(Keychain)密码。

在 Mac 上的 Safari 中使用 iCloud 钥匙串数据(Use The iCloud Keychain Data In Safari On a Mac)
在 Safari 可以从您的Keychain数据中(Keychain)自动填充(auto-fill)各个网站上的字段之前,您需要在Mac上的此浏览器中启用Keychain选项。
- 在 Mac 上打开Safari浏览器。
- 单击顶部的Safari选项并选择(Safari)Preferences。

- 在以下屏幕上选择自动填充选项卡。(AutoFill)
- 您会在屏幕上看到几个复选框。勾选(Tick-mark)您希望 Safari 从您的 iCloud钥匙串(Keychain)中自动填充的信息。

在 Safari 中使用钥匙串自动生成密码(Automatically Generate Passwords With The Keychain In Safari)
iCloud钥匙串(Keychain)的一个鲜为人知的功能是它可以让您自动为您的在线帐户生成强密码(automatically generate strong passwords)。这样您就无需手动创建密码。
此功能创建的密码将自动保存在您的 iCloud钥匙串(Keychain)中。
- 访问 Mac 上的Safari浏览器。

- 打开您要在其中创建新帐户的网站。这可以是您选择的任何网站。
- 进入网站后,单击密码字段,Safari会自动提示密码。单击(Click)此密码以将其添加到密码字段。

- 如果Safari不提供密码,请单击密码字段中的钥匙图标并选择Suggest New Password。

手动将信用卡添加到钥匙串(Manually Add a Credit Card To The Keychain)
与您的 iPhone 一样,您可以从Mac手动将信用卡添加到 iCloud钥匙串(Keychain)。
- 在 Mac 上打开Safari 。
- 从屏幕顶部选择Safari,然后选择首选项。(Preferences)
- 在以下屏幕上选择自动填充选项卡。(AutoFill)
- 点击信用卡(Credit cards)旁边的编辑(Edit)。

- 单击底部的添加(Add)按钮以将新信用卡添加到您的 iCloud钥匙串(Keychain)。

- 输入(Enter)您的信用卡详细信息,然后单击底部的完成。(Done)您的卡片详细信息将保存在您的钥匙串(Keychain)中。

- 要移除卡,请选择它并单击移除(Remove)。
您也可以使用Apple iCloud钥匙串(Keychain)来查看您保存的 WiFi 密码(view your saved WiFi passwords)。
您最喜欢的Apple设备密码管理器是什么?(favorite password manager)是 iCloud钥匙串(Keychain)还是第三方工具?请在下面的评论中告诉我们。
What Is Apple Keychain & How To Use It
Apрlе Keychain, also known as iCloud Keychain, is a password manager service for Apple devices provided by Apple itself. You can use it to store and retrieve your website usernames and passwords, app logins, and even credit card details on your iPhone, iPad, and Mac devices.
By using iCloud Keychain, you don’t need to remember any of your logins since Keychain will auto-fill the logins for you. Also, it syncs your saved information across all your devices using iCloud. This way a password saved on an iPhone can be used on a Mac and vice versa.

What Data Does The iCloud Keychain Store?
The iCloud Keychain stores the following personal and confidential information in a secure manner:
- Your website and apps’ usernames and passwords.
- Your credit card details but without the security code.
- Passwords of all WiFi networks you’ve ever connected to.
- Digital signatures.
The iCloud Keychain asks for your consent while storing certain types of passwords in its database.
How To Use The Apple iCloud Keychain On An iPhone/iPad
To use iCloud Keychain on your iOS-based devices, you need to first enable this feature and then you can save and access its contents.
Enable The iCloud Keychain On An iPhone/iPad
You must be signed in to the same Apple account on your iPhone that you use on other devices to sync your Keychain contents.
- Launch the Settings app on your iPhone.
- Tap your name banner at the top.

- Select the iCloud option to manage your iCloud account settings.

- Scroll down and tap the Keychain option.

- Turn on the iCloud Keychain option.

View The Passwords Stored In Your Keychain On An iPhone/iPad
If you’ve already saved login details in your iCloud Keychain, you can start accessing these details right from your iOS-based device like iPhone or iPad.
- Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
- Scroll down and tap the option that says Passwords & Accounts.

- Tap the Website & App Passwords option at the top of your screen.

- Authenticate yourself using either Touch ID or Face ID.

- You’ll see all the logins you’ve ever saved in your Keychain. Tap on a website in the list to view its logins.
- You’ll see both the username and password for that website on the following screen.
Add Personal Information & Credit Card Details To The Keychain
The iCloud Keychain allows you to manually add information to your Keychain. This way you can store both your personal details as well as your credit card details in this service. You can then access this data on any of your iCloud-enabled devices.
- Access the Settings app on your iPhone.
- Scroll down and tap the Safari option.

- Tap AutoFill under the General section.

- Tap the My Info option to add your personal information.

- Select your contact card to add your personal details to the Keychain.
- Tap Saved Credit Cards.

- Confirm your identity using Touch ID or Face ID.

- Tap Add Credit Card.

- Enter your credit card details and your card will be added to the Keychain.

How To Use The iCloud Keychain On a Mac
On a Mac, you can use iCloud Keychain to store, retrieve, and even generate passwords for your online accounts. There’s an option to manually add data as well to your Keychain.
Enable The iCloud Keychain On a Mac
You don’t need an app or anything like that to enable the iCloud Keychain on your Mac.
- Click the Apple logo at the top-left corner of your screen and choose System Preferences.

- Click iCloud on the following screen.

- On the right-hand side pane, you’ll see the services used with your iCloud account. Tick-mark the box for Keychain and Keychain will be activated on your Mac.

Access The iCloud Keychain Passwords On a Mac
Your Mac lets you access your Keychain contents using two ways. You can either use a web browser or a built-in app to view your saved usernames and passwords.
Using Keychain Access
- Click Launchpad in the Dock, search for Keychain Access and open it.

- You’ll see all your Keychain’s saved content.
Using Safari
- Launch Safari on your Mac.

- Click the Safari menu at the top and select Preferences.

- Click the Passwords tab.

- Enter your Mac password and press Enter.

- You’ll have access to your saved Keychain passwords.

Use The iCloud Keychain Data In Safari On a Mac
Before Safari can auto-fill fields on various websites from your Keychain’s data, you need to enable the Keychain option in this browser on your Mac.
- Open the Safari browser on your Mac.
- Click the Safari option at the top and select Preferences.

- Select the AutoFill tab on the following screen.
- You’ll see several checkboxes on your screen. Tick-mark the information that you want Safari to auto-fill for you from your iCloud Keychain.

Automatically Generate Passwords With The Keychain In Safari
A lesser-known feature of iCloud Keychain is that it lets you automatically generate strong passwords for your online accounts. This way you don’t need to manually create a password.
The password that this feature creates will be automatically saved in your iCloud Keychain.
- Access the Safari browser on your Mac.

- Open the website where you want to create a new account. This could be any website of your choice.
- Once you’re on the website, click the password field and Safari will auto-suggest a password. Click this password to add it to the password field.

- If Safari doesn’t offer a password, click the key icon in the password field and select Suggest New Password.

Manually Add a Credit Card To The Keychain
Like your iPhone, you can manually add a credit card to the iCloud Keychain from your Mac.
- Open Safari on your Mac.
- Select Safari followed by Preferences from the top of your screen.
- Choose the AutoFill tab on the following screen.
- Click Edit next to where it says Credit cards.

- Click the Add button at the bottom to add a new credit card to your iCloud Keychain.

- Enter your credit card details and click Done at the bottom. Your card details will be saved in your Keychain.

- To remove the card, select it and click Remove.
You can use the Apple iCloud Keychain to view your saved WiFi passwords as well.
What’s your favorite password manager for your Apple devices? Is it iCloud Keychain or a third-party tool? Let us know in the comments below.