想要edit DWG files on Windows 11/10?这是您在 Windows 11/10 PC 上编辑DWG 文件的完整指南。(DWG file)DWG是从Drawing中欺骗的,是(Drawing)Autodesk开发的一种 CAD文件格式(file format)。它是AutoCAD 软件(AutoCAD software)中使用的原生文件格式(file format),也已被其他CAD 免费软件(CAD freeware)改编。它基本上以二进制编码存储分层矢量图形和元数据。这种文件格式(file format)被建筑师、工程师和图形设计师广泛用于制定计划和绘图。
现在,如果您想在Windows 11/10DWG 文件(DWG file),该怎么做?如果你也有同样的疑惑,这里就是你的答案。在本文中,我们将向您展示编辑DWG 文件(DWG file)的方法。您可以使用一些免费的第三方软件对DWG 文件(DWG file)进行修改。这些还支持DXF 文件(DXF file)格式来编辑模型。其中一种允许您将编辑后的DWG 文件(DWG file)保存为其原始格式,而另一些允许您将DWG保存为DXF或其他格式。让我们看看这些免费的DWG 文件(DWG file)编辑器。
如何在没有AutoCAD的情况下编辑(AutoCAD)DWG 文件(DWG file)?
要在没有AutoCAD的情况下编辑DWG 文件(DWG file),您可以使用其他一些支持DWG 文件格式并允许您修改以(DWG file)DWG 格式(DWG format)保存的图形的软件。如果您想使用免费软件,可以查看这篇文章,我们列出了一些更好的免费DWG 编辑器(DWG editor)软件。有一个名为 nanoCAD 的免费软件,可让您以原始格式导入、查看、编辑和保存DWG 文件(DWG file)。您也可以使用其他免费软件;让我们看看下面的完整列表。
阅读:(Read:)如何在Windows中查看和编辑(Windows)CDR 文件(CDR file)?
如何在Windows 11/10编辑 DWG(Edit DWG)文件
以下是可用于在 Windows 11/10 PC 上编辑DWG文件的免费软件:(DWG)
- 纳米CAD
- LibreCAD
- 求解空间

您可以尝试使用名为 nanoCAD 的软件在Windows 11/10DWG文件。它是一款专业的CAD 软件(CAD software),还提供免费版本。您可以使用其免费版本免费编辑DWG文件。它是一个功能丰富的DWG 编辑器(DWG editor),但非常易于使用。让我们看一下在其中编辑DWG文件的步骤。
- 下载并安装 nanoCAD。
- 启动 nanoCAD 软件。
- 打开DWG 文件(DWG file)或创建新文档以创建新的DWG 文件(DWG file)。
- 使用(Use)各种建模工具来编辑或创建图纸。
- 保存编辑的 DWG 文件。
首先,您需要在 PC 上下载并安装 nanoCAD 软件;您可以从nanocad.com下载。然后,启动该软件的界面。
接下来,您可以使用“File > Open”选项打开要编辑的DWG 文件。(DWG file)如果要从头开始创建新的DWG 工程图文件,请单击“(DWG)File > New Document选项。好处是您可以一次在不同的选项卡中创建和编辑多个DWG文件。(DWG)
现在主要任务是使用多种CAD 建模(CAD modeling)工具编辑或创建DWG 文件。(DWG file)您可以找到大量用于创建图纸的工具。您可以绘制网格、线、射线、构造线、圆弧、样条线、块、表格、点、形状、填充形状、实体、边界等。
此外,您可以使用一些修改(Modify)工具,包括擦除、复制、镜像、移动、旋转、缩放、加长对象、对齐、修剪矢量、爆炸、倒角、连接对象(Erase, Copy, Mirror, Move, Rotate, Scale, Lengthen Objects, Align, Trim Vectors, Explode, Chamfer, Join Objects,)等。除此之外,您可以在其中编辑图层,绘制和查找尺寸,如直径、半径、圆弧、基本尺寸、组尺寸(diameter, radius, arc, base dimension, group dimension,)等到您的DWG 绘图(DWG drawing)。另外,您可以插入DWG 参考(DWG reference)、文件中的图像、从模板添加布局、插入块等,并在DWG 文件(DWG file)中执行更多编辑。
完成编辑或创建DWG 工程图(DWG drawing)后,转到文件菜单(File menu)并选择另存(Save)为选项。然后,您将能够以DWG 格式(DWG format)保存已编辑或创建的图形。
nanoCAD 需要注意的功能:
以下是 nanoCAD 的一些值得一提的功能:
- 它提供了一些绘图实用程序来审核、恢复和清除您的绘图文件。
- 您可以将图形保存在不同版本的AutoCAD DWG 文件(AutoCAD DWG file)中,包括 2013、2010、2007、2004、2000、R14、R13和R11。
- 它还允许您以DXF 格式(DXF format)编辑和保存图纸。
- 您还可以打印和打印DWG图纸。
总而言之,它是对DWG文件进行更改甚至创建新DWG文件的最佳(DWG)DWG 编辑器(DWG editor)软件之一。

LibreCAD是一款免费的开源 2D CAD 应用程序(CAD application),可让您编辑DWG文件。使用它,您可以在其中编辑DWG和DXF文件。您甚至可以使用它从头开始设计新图纸。它提供了修改AutoCAD 工程(AutoCAD)图所需的所有标准DWG 编辑工具。(DWG editing)以下是编辑DWG文件的主要步骤:
- 下载并安装 LibreCAD。
- 启动应用程序。
- 打开一个 DWG 文件。
- (Edit)使用可用工具编辑绘图。
- 保存 DWG 文件。
首先,下载并安装此软件,然后在您的 PC 上打开它。现在,转到“File > Open option and browse并导入DWG 文件(DWG file)。您现在可以查看和编辑AutoCAD 工程(AutoCAD)图文件。
要编辑DWG 文件(DWG file),您可以使用可用的CAD 设计(CAD designing)工具。在其中,您可以在源DWG 文件(DWG file)中绘制不同类型的线、圆、曲线、椭圆、多段线等。您还可以在绘图中插入文本。此外,它还允许您在DWG 工程图中添加(DWG drawing)对齐、线性、水平、垂直、径向、直径、角度(aligned, linear, horizontal, vertical, radial, diametric, angular,)和引线(leader)尺寸。此外,您可以从右侧的“图层”面板(Layers panel)编辑和管理DWG 文件中的不同图层。(DWG file)
编辑DWG 文件后,您可以使用“(DWG file)File > Save As”选项将编辑后的文件保存为不同版本的DXF 文件(DXF file)格式。遗憾的是,它不允许您以原始格式保存编辑后的DWG 文件。(DWG file)
除了DXF,它还允许您将DWG转换为SVG、PDF或图像(PNG、JPEG、BMP、WebP、TIFF等)。为此,请转到“文件”菜单并单击(File menu and click)“导出”,(Export,)然后选择所需的导出选项(export option)。
它是一个简单的 2D CAD 软件(CAD software),可让您编辑DWG文件。其中有一些插件可用于额外的功能。您可以使用的插件包括读取 ASCII 点、列出实体、读取 PIC 文件、导入 ESRI Shapefile、绘图插件(Read ASCII points, List Entities, Read PIC File, Import ESRI Shapefile, Plot Plugin,)等。您可以从librecad.org下载此软件。

您也可以尝试SolveSpace在(SolveSpace)Windows 11/10中编辑DWG文件。它是一款免费的便携式参数化 2D/3D CAD 软件(CAD software),可让您编辑DWG 和 DXF 文件(DWG and DXF files)。使用它,您还可以创建各种 3D 文件格式的模型,包括STEP、STL、OBJ、WRL等。编辑后,您可以将其保存为DXF 或(DXF or image formats)PNG、EPS、PS、PDF等图像格式。它甚至可以让您将DWG 或 DXF(DWG or DXF)转换为G-Code。
该软件还允许您从“分析(Analyze)”菜单分析DWG和其他模型。从这里,您可以测量体积、测量面积、测量周长、显示干扰部分、显示裸边、显示质心、显示欠约束点、跟踪点(measure volume, measure area, measure perimeter, show interfering parts, show naked edges, show center of mass, show underconstrained points, trace points,)等。
以下是在 SolveSpace中编辑DWG 文件(DWG file)的主要步骤:
- 下载 SolveSpace。
- 启动这个便携式应用程序。
- 使用File > Import option打开输入DWG 文件(DWG file)。
- 使用CAD工具编辑绘图。
- 以支持的输出格式(output format)保存已编辑的DWG 文件(DWG file)。
首先,从其官网下载(official website)SolveSpace。然后,运行下载的应用程序文件(application file)来启动这个便携式软件。
现在,转到“文件”菜单并单击(File menu and click)“导入(Import)”选项以浏览并打开DWG 文件(DWG file)。您将能够查看包含在其中您可以编辑的图纸。
接下来,使用多个草图工具、添加文本、拉伸、旋转、螺旋线和布尔操作、3D 草图(sketch tools, add text, extrudes, revolves, helixes, and Boolean operations, sketch in 3D,)等来编辑DWG 文件(DWG file)。它提供了一个约束(Constrain)菜单,您还可以从中绘制和分析尺寸,如diameter/ distance、角度、参考角度(reference angle)、水平、垂直、长度比、差异等。
编辑绘图后,您可以使用“File > Save”选项将其保存为DXF、图像格式(image format)或其他一些受支持的文件格式。
请参阅:(See:)如何在Windows中使用Paint 3D将(Paint 3D)OBJ转换为FBX?
我可以编辑 DXF 文件吗?
是的,您可以编辑DXF 文件(DXF file)。为此,您可以使用本文中提到的任何软件。好消息是所有提到的软件都支持(software support) DXF作为输出格式(output format)。因此,您可以打开DXF 文件(DXF file),查看和编辑模型,然后以原始格式导出。
希望本文能帮助您找到合适的DWG 编辑器(DWG editor)来在您的 Windows 11/10 PC 上编辑DWG文件。(DWG)
现在阅读:(Now read:) 适用于Windows 11/10最佳免费 LaTeX 编辑器(Best Free LaTeX Editors)。
Edit DWG files using these free DWG Editor software for Windows 11/10
Want to edit DWG files on Windows 11/10? Here is a full guide for you to edit a DWG file on your Windows 11/10 PC. DWG which is deceived from Drawing is a CAD file format developed by Autodesk. It is a native file format used in AutoCAD software and has been adapted by other CAD freeware too. It basically stores layered vector graphics and metadata with binary coding. This file format is widely used by architects, engineers, and graphics designers for making plans and drawings.
Now, if you want to edit a DWG file on Windows 11/10 PC, how to do that? If you are wondering the same, here is your answer. In this article, we are going to show you methods to edit a DWG file. You can use some free third-party software to make modifications to a DWG file. These also support the DXF file format to edit models. While one of these lets you save the edited DWG file in its native format, others let you save DWG in DXF or some other format. Let’s check out these free DWG file editors.
How can I edit a DWG file without AutoCAD?
To edit a DWG file without AutoCAD, you can use some other software that supports DWG file format and lets you modify drawings saved in DWG format. If you want to use a free software, you can check out this article where we have listed some better free DWG editor software. There is this free software called nanoCAD that lets you import, view, edit, and save DWG files in their native format. You can also use other free software for the same; let us check out the full list below.
Read: How to view and edit a CDR file in Windows?
How to Edit DWG files in Windows 11/10
Here are the free software that you can use to edit DWG files on your Windows 11/10 PC:
- nanoCAD
- LibreCAD
- SolveSpace
Let us discuss the above-mentioned DWG editors in detail now!
1] nanoCAD

You can try this software called nanoCAD to edit DWG files in Windows 11/10. It is a professional CAD software that also provides a free edition. You can use its free version to edit DWG files for free. It is a feature-rich DWG editor yet quite easy to use. Let us have a look at the steps to edit DWG files in it.
- Download and install nanoCAD.
- Launch the nanoCAD software.
- Open a DWG file or create a new document for creating a fresh DWG file.
- Use various modeling tools to edit or create a drawing.
- Save the edited DWG file.
Now, let’s elaborate above-mentioned steps!
Firstly, you need to download and install nanoCAD software on your PC; you can download it from nanocad.com. Then, launch the interface of this software.
Next, you can open your DWG file that you want to edit using the File > Open option. If you want to create a new DWG drawing file from scratch, click on the File > New Document option. The good part is that you can create and edit multiple DWG files in different tabs at a time.
Now comes the main task which is to edit or create a DWG file using several CAD modeling tools. You can find a wide number of tools to create drawings. You can draw meshes, lines, rays, construction lines, arc, spline, block, tables, points, shapes, fill shapes, solid, boundary, etc.
Furthermore, you can use some Modify tools including Erase, Copy, Mirror, Move, Rotate, Scale, Lengthen Objects, Align, Trim Vectors, Explode, Chamfer, Join Objects, and more. Other than that, you can edit layers in it, draw and find dimensions like diameter, radius, arc, base dimension, group dimension, and more to your DWG drawing. Plus, you can insert a DWG reference, image from a file, add layout from a template, insert block, etc., and perform some more editing in the DWG file.
When you are done editing or creating DWG drawing, go to the File menu and select the Save as option. You will then be able to save the edited or created drawing in DWG format.
Features of nanoCAD to look out for:
Here are some features of nanoCAD that are worth mentioning:
- It provides some drawing utilities to audit, recover, and purge your drawing files.
- You can save your drawings in different versions of the AutoCAD DWG file including 2013, 2010, 2007, 2004, 2000, R14, R13, and R11.
- It also lets you edit and save drawings in DXF format.
- You can also plot and print the DWG drawings.
All in all, it is one of the best DWG editor software to make changes to your DWG files or even create new DWG files.
Read: How to convert DWG to PDF in Windows?
2] LibreCAD

LibreCAD is a free and open-source 2D CAD application that lets you edit DWG files. Using it, you can edit DWG as well as DXF files in it. You can even design a new drawing from scratch using it. It provides all the standard DWG editing tools required to modify your AutoCAD drawings. Here are the main steps to edit DWG files:
- Download and install LibreCAD.
- Start the application.
- Open a DWG file.
- Edit the drawing using available tools.
- Save the DWG file.
Let’s elaborate on the above steps in detail now!
Firstly, download and install this software and then open it on your PC. Now, go to the File > Open option and browse and import a DWG file. You will now be able to view and edit the AutoCAD drawing file.
To edit the DWG file, you can use available CAD designing tools. In it, you can draw different types of lines, circles, curves, ellipses, polylines, and more in the source DWG file. You can also insert text into your drawings. Plus, it lets you add aligned, linear, horizontal, vertical, radial, diametric, angular, and leader dimensions to your DWG drawing. Additionally, you can edit and manage different layers in the DWG file from the Layers panel on the right.
After editing the DWG file, you can save the edited file in different versions of DXF file format using the File > Save As option. Sadly, it doesn’t let you save the edited DWG file in its native format.
Apart from DXF, it lets you convert DWG to SVG, PDF, or an image (PNG, JPEG, BMP, WebP, TIFF, etc.). For that, go to the File menu and click on the Export, and then select the desired export option.
It is a simple 2D CAD software that allows you to edit DWG files. There are some plugins available in it that you can use for extra functionality. The plugins that you can use are Read ASCII points, List Entities, Read PIC File, Import ESRI Shapefile, Plot Plugin, and more. You can download this software from librecad.org.
See: How to view and convert IGS files in Windows?
3] SolveSpace

You can also try SolveSpace to edit DWG files in Windows 11/10. It is a free and portable parametric 2D/ 3D CAD software that lets you edit DWG and DXF files. Using it, you can also create models in various 3D file formats including STEP, STL, OBJ, WRL, etc. After editing, you can save it in DXF or image formats like PNG, EPS, PS, PDF, etc. It even lets you convert DWG or DXF to G-Code.
This software also lets you analyze a DWG and other models from the Analyze menu. From here, you can measure volume, measure area, measure perimeter, show interfering parts, show naked edges, show center of mass, show underconstrained points, trace points, etc.
These are the main steps to edit a DWG file in SolveSpace:
- Download SolveSpace.
- Launch this portable application.
- Open an input DWG file using the File > Import option.
- Use the CAD tools to edit the drawing.
- Save the edited DWG file in a supported output format.
Firstly, download SolveSpace from its official website. And then, run the downloaded application file to launch this portable software.
Now, go to the File menu and click on the Import option to browse and open a DWG file. You will be able to view the drawing consists in it that you can edit.
Next, use the multiple sketch tools, add text, extrudes, revolves, helixes, and Boolean operations, sketch in 3D, and more to edit the DWG file. It provides a Constrain menu from where you can also draw and analyze dimensions like diameter/ distance, angle, reference angle, horizontal, vertical, length ratio, differences, etc.
After editing the drawing, you can save it in DXF, image format, or some other supported file format using the File > Save options.
How to view DWG files in Windows free without AutoCAD?
Use AutoCAD Mobile free DWG viewing application that is available in the Microsoft Store. It allows you to view and measure AutoCAD drawings.
See: How to convert OBJ to FBX using Paint 3D in Windows?
Can I edit a DXF file?
Yes, you can edit a DXF file. For that, you can use any of the mentioned software in this article. The good thing is that all the mentioned software support DXF as the output format. So, you can open a DXF file, view and edit the model, and then export it in its native format.
Hope this article helps you find a suitable DWG editor to edit DWG files on your Windows 11/10 PC.
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