2017 年对于卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)及其安全产品来说并不是一个好年头。尽管它是一家在安全领域享有盛誉的公司,但(security world)美国(United) 以及最近英国(Great Britain)关于俄罗斯(Russia)如何使用卡巴斯基产品监视其他(Kaspersky)国家(States)的负面断言并没有起到任何作用。但是,这并不意味着像您或我们这样的最终用户不能使用卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)产品。他们最好的安全套件(security suite)叫做卡巴斯基全方位安全软件,(Kaspersky Total Security,)这就是我们在过去几天里测试的。现在我们对它的效率和性能有了更多的了解(efficiency and performance),我们想与您分享我们的发现。阅读这篇评论,看看卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)是否值得购买和使用:
卡巴斯基全方位安全软件擅长(Kaspersky Total Security good)什么?
Kaspersky Total Security是一个安全套件(security suite),擅长:
- 为您提供一流的恶意软件防护
- 阻止您访问危险网站
- 提供一个用户界面,对于初学者来说易于使用,对于需要高级设置的有经验的用户来说足够复杂
- 捆绑了许多有用的附加功能,包括可以在连接到公共网络时增加您的隐私的VPN 服务(VPN service)
卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件与卡巴斯基安全软件(Kaspersky Internet Security)
Kaspersky Total Security和Kaspersky Internet Security都提供相同级别的安全性和(security and protection)针对恶意软件和其他网络威胁的保护。但是,除了Kaspersky Internet Security中的所有内容之外,稍微贵一点的Kaspersky Total Security还允许您访问Kaspersky Safe Kids并捆绑安全密码管理器(Secure Password Manager)和文件备份和加密(File Backup & Encryption)工具。考虑到价格差异约为 25%,我们倾向于将Total Security视为需要家长控制的父母的更好选择。网络安全(Internet Security)对其他人来说是更好的交易。
以下是卡巴斯基全方位安全软件(Kaspersky Total Security)最积极的方面:
- 防火墙模块(firewall module)可以使用一些改进,以便它不会留下任何开放端口,至少在您使用公共网络配置文件时(network profile)
- 因为它提供了有用的功能,所以Kaspersky Protection浏览器插件也应该移植到Opera(它使用Webkit,就像Google Chrome一样)和Microsoft Edge
- 我们希望卡巴斯基安全连接(Kaspersky Secure Connection)能够提供比每天仅 200 MB 更多的流量
卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件在其提供的反恶意软件保护方面给人留下了深刻的印象。付钱后,您将获得一个非常出色的反恶意软件引擎(antimalware engine)、出色的网页浏览保护,以及许多可以帮助您提高安全性的额外功能和工具。此外,在安全套件(security suite)中内置VPN 服务(VPN service)是一项受欢迎的功能,可以在连接到公共和不安全网络时有效地保护您。卡巴斯基全方位安全软件(Kaspersky Total Security)唯一不那么出色的重要方面是防火墙模块(firewall module)的有效性仅是平均水平。此外,美国目前的(United)指控(States) 而最近,英国(Great Britain)对卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)提出的反对可能会导致许多用户远离它。我们无法证明这些指控是否属实。卡巴斯基否认了这些说法,称在(Kaspersky)华盛顿和莫斯科(Washington and Moscow)之间日益紧张的局势中,它已成为替罪羊。但我们可以肯定的是,在防病毒产品方面,卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)仍然是市场上最好的产品之一。
下载安装体验(download and installation experience)
在您的Windows PC上安装卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件意味着您首先必须从官方网站(official website)下载它。您下载的文件是一个名为kts18.0.0.405aben_12562.exe的可执行文件,大小为 2.30MB。好消息是您无需在下载试用版之前向卡巴斯基提供任何个人信息。(Kaspersky)
运行安装文件(setup file)意味着您可以从Kaspersky的服务器下载另外 168.1MB 的数据,这比您必须为其他类似安全套件下载的数据要少。
在安装过程中,您可以选择是否“想要加入卡巴斯基安全网络 (KSN) 以提供最佳保护......”("want to participate in Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) to provide optimal protection...")以及是否想要“打开广告防护以仅安装所需的软件并阻止其他安装。 " ("turn on protection against ads to install only desired software and block additional installations.")我们建议您启用这两个选项,因为它们可以帮助卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)更快地应对新的网络威胁并保护您免受潜在有害软件的侵害。
安装完成后,卡巴斯基全方位安全软件会通知您,并在您按下(Kaspersky Total Security)完成(Done)后立即开始工作。您无需重新启动Windows 计算机(Windows computer),因为安全套件(security suite)在安装后会立即加载其服务。然而,尽管我们等待了 15 分钟并且用户界面(user interface)显示需要更新,但卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件并未启动其反恶意软件定义的自动更新。看到这一点,我们重新启动了计算机,但也没有用,所以我们别无选择,只能加载套件的用户界面并手动运行更新。这种行为需要改进,以便卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)立即更新其数据库。
恶意软件数据库(malware database)的第一次更新意味着卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件从 Internet 下载了另外 2.66MB 的数据,这非常少。
我们与卡巴斯基全方位安全软件的第一次互动大多是积极的。我们希望您无需提供任何个人信息即可下载和使用试用版。我们还喜欢在我们的 Windows 计算机上设置 Kaspersky 是多么容易。可以改进的是套件在安装后第一次更新的方式。安装套件后不久,应该会自动触发自动更新过程。(Our first interactions with Kaspersky Total Security were mostly positive. We liked that you do not have to provide any personal information to download and use the trial version. We also liked how easy it is to set up Kaspersky on our Windows computer. What could be improved is the way the suite gets updated the first time after it is installed. The auto-update process should be triggered automatically, soon after you install the suite.)
与Windows、网络浏览器和通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序集成
在安装过程中,卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件会禁用Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)和Windows Defender。这是一件好事,因为它消除了冲突或性能消耗的可能性。该安全套件(security suite)还与现代Windows操作系统中的所有网络功能完美集成。将测试笔记本电脑(test laptop)加入本地网络上的家庭组或创建家庭组(Homegroup)时,我们没有任何问题。从Windows Store下载、安装或更新通用(Windows Store)Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序时,我们也没有遇到任何问题。卡巴斯基全方位安全软件(Kaspersky Total Security )可以自动检测您分配给Windows (公共或私有)的(Windows)网络配置文件(network profile),并且即使您反复更改网络类型,它也可以调整其保护。(network type)无需用户干预即可调整防火墙,这很好。
谈到您从卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件获得的在线安全,您应该知道该安全套件(security suite)会扫描您计算机上的所有互联网流量(internet traffic),因此无论您喜欢使用哪种网络浏览器,您都可以获得相同的(web browser)保护。(protection regardless)
但是,如果您是Chrome或Firefox用户,那么您还将获得Kaspersky Protection 浏览器扩展(browser extension),它提供了一些额外的安全功能。该扩展程序可以为您提供搜索结果的即时安全评级,帮助您阻止您访问的页面上的横幅,并阻止网站收集有关您的数据。
我们还检查了安全套件(security suite)是否保护其所有进程免受意外终止。如果它无法保护其进程,讨厌的病毒可以禁用您的防病毒软件并在您的Windows 计算机(Windows computer)上为所欲为。正如我们所料,卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件确实保护了其核心防病毒(core antivirus)流程。
关于资源消耗(resource consumption),安全套件(security suite)需要大约 90MB 的RAM来运行其进程,这对于此类软件来说是一个很小的价值。此外,卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件对我们测试计算机的(test computer)启动时间(boot time)几乎没有影响。我们在安装套件之前和之后使用BootRacer对此进行了测量,我们发现在这方面(BootRacer)没有任何意义(nothing meaningful)。
为了检查互联网或本地网络速度是否受到卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件的影响,我们还使用Speedtest.net和LAN Speed Test进行了一些测试。安装安全套件(security suite)前后速度相同,这意味着它对互联网或本地网络数据传输没有不利影响。这是一个极好的结果!
卡巴斯基全方位安全软件与 Windows 10 及其网络功能完美集成。我们感谢它自动检测您的 Windows 网络配置文件并相应地调整其防火墙这一事实。我们也喜欢它似乎不会对计算机性能或互联网和网络传输速度产生负面影响。(Kaspersky Total Security is well integrated with Windows 10 and its networking features. We appreciate the fact that it automatically detects your Windows network profile and adjusts its firewall accordingly. We also like that it does not appear to affect computer performance or internet and network transfer speeds negatively.)
Kaspersky Total Security提供的用户界面在其顶部区域显示一个大的状态和建议部分(status and recommendations section),并提供对日常安全任务的轻松访问。它使用大瓷砖,当您的计算机一切正常时涂成绿色,当发生不好的事情时涂成红色。您不能错过这样一个事实,即您遇到了需要采取行动的问题。在中央控制台上,您可以快速访问所有设备的扫描、数据库更新、安全资金、密码管理器、隐私保护、备份和恢复、家长控制(Scan, Database Update, Safe Money, Password Manager, Privacy Protection, Backup and Restore, Parental Control)和保护(Protection for all devices)。
如果您正在寻找更多,单击或点击用户界面(user interface)底部的更多工具(More Tools)按钮,您可以访问报告、网络监视器、软件更新程序、数据加密、受信任的应用程序模式、安全连接、隔离(Reports, Network Monitor, Software Updater, Data Encryption, Trusted Applications mode, Secure Connection, Quarantine, )和很快。这里有很多可用的东西,使该套件配得上它的Total Security名称。好消息是,这些工具和功能中的大多数都很有用,可以帮助您提高系统的安全性。我们将在本评论的“额外功能(Extra features )”部分详细讨论卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)提供的其他功能。
回到主用户界面(user interface),在其左下角,您可以找到一个小齿轮,可将您带到所有可用设置。如果您想详细配置卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件,您可以在这里进行。设置(Settings)分为五个不同的部分:常规、保护、性能、扫描(General, Protection, Performance, Scan, )和附加(Additional)。
可能最关键的设置部分是保护,其中可以找到(Protection)卡巴斯基全方位安全软件(Kaspersky Total Security)中内置的所有保护模块。我们喜欢这样一个事实,您只需单击或点击(click or tap)可用开关即可快速打开或关闭任何保护模块。(protection module)如果您想深入了解他们最高级的设置和详细信息,可以单击或点击(click or tap)您感兴趣的保护模块(protection module)的名称。
关于帮助和支持,卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件几乎可以提供您想要的一切。围绕安全套件(security suite)的大多数操作和设置都在上下文中得到了很好的解释,但如果您需要更复杂的帮助或支持(help or support),您可以上网并浏览文档、搜索论坛、与支持技术人员实时聊天,甚至打电话给他们电话。但是,电话选项(phone option)仅在某些国家/地区可用,并非在所有国家/地区都可用。
如果您关心报告和统计数据,卡巴斯基全方位安全软件(Kaspersky Total Security)拥有它们。您可以查看不同时间段内计算机上发生的情况,如果需要,您还可以从安全角度(security perspective)检查设备上发生的所有事情的详细日志。
当您的Windows 计算机(Windows computer)上发生重要事件时,卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security)软件会通过简明易懂的通知通知您。我们已经看到有关恶意软件的警报,以及有关防火墙干预的通知。
卡巴斯基全方位安全软件提供了一个外观精美且易于使用的用户界面。我们喜欢它的结构方式以及可用选项和设置的数量。它专为休闲和有经验的用户而设计,非常棒。(Kaspersky Total Security offers a user interface that looks good and is easy to use. We like the way it is structured and the number of options and settings available. It is designed for both casual and experienced users in mind, and that is excellent.)
在这篇评论的下一页,您可以看到卡巴斯基全方位安全(Kaspersky Total Security )软件如何保护您的计算机免受网络攻击和恶意软件的侵害。您还可以查看此安全套件(security suite)中包含哪些附加功能,并查看我们对您应该调整哪些设置的建议。
Security for everyone - Review Kaspersky Total Security
2017 was not a good year for Kaspersky and theіr security рroducts. Although it was a company with a good reputation in the security world, the negative assertions made by the United States and more recentlу, Great Britain, regarding how Russia is using Kaspersky products to spy on other states, have not done it any good. However, that does not mean that the end υsers like yоu or us cannot use Kaspersky products. Their best ѕecurity ѕuite is called Kaspersky Total Security, and that is what we tested during the last few days. Now we know more about its efficiency and performance, and we want to share our findings with you. Read this review and see whether Kaspersky is worth buying and using:
What is Kaspersky Total Security good at?
Kaspersky Total Security is a security suite that excels at:
- Offering you top-notch protection against malware
- Stopping you from visiting dangerous websites
- Providing a user interface that is both easy to use for beginners and complex enough for experienced users who want advanced settings
- Bundling many useful extras, including a VPN service that can increase your privacy when connected to public networks
Kaspersky Total Security vs. Kaspersky Internet Security
Both Kaspersky Total Security and Kaspersky Internet Security offer the same level of security and protection against malware and other cyber-threats. However, in addition to everything found in Kaspersky Internet Security, the slightly more expensive Kaspersky Total Security also gives you access to Kaspersky Safe Kids and bundles the Secure Password Manager and File Backup & Encryption tools. Considering that the difference in price is roughly 25 percent, we are inclined to view Total Security as a better deal for parents that need parental controls. Internet Security is the better deal for everyone else.
Pros and cons
Here are some of the most positive aspects of Kaspersky Total Security:
There are also a few weaknesses about this product:
- The firewall module could use some improvement so that it does not leave any open ports, at least when you use a public network profile
- Because it provides useful features, the Kaspersky Protection browser add-on should also be ported to Opera (it uses Webkit just like Google Chrome) and Microsoft Edge
- We wished that Kaspersky Secure Connection would have offered more traffic than only 200 MB per day
Kaspersky Total Security manages to impress when it comes to the anti-malware protection it offers. For the money you pay, you get a very good antimalware engine, excellent protection when browsing the web, and a lot of extra features and tools that can help you increase your security. Also, having a VPN service built into a security suite is a welcome feature that can protect you efficiently when connecting to public and unsafe networks. The only significant aspect that is not that great about Kaspersky Total Security is the fact that the firewall module is only average in effectiveness. Also, the current allegations that the United States and, more recently, Great Britain, have made against Kaspersky might lead many users away from it. We cannot prove whether these allegations are true. Kaspersky has denied these claims, saying it has become a scapegoat in the midst of rising tensions between Washington and Moscow. What we know for sure though is that, when it comes to antivirus products, Kaspersky remains one of the best in the market.
The download and installation experience
Getting Kaspersky Total Security on your Windows PC means that you first have to download it from the official website. The file you download is an executable file called kts18.0.0.405aben_12562.exe with a size of 2.30MB. The good thing is that you do not have to provide Kaspersky with any personal information before downloading the trial.
Running the setup file means that you get to download another 168.1MB of data from Kaspersky's servers, which is less than what you have to download for other similar security suites.
During the installation, you can choose whether you "want to participate in Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) to provide optimal protection..." and also whether you want to "turn on protection against ads to install only desired software and block additional installations." Our recommendation is for you to enable both these options as they help Kaspersky react faster against new cyber threats and protect you against potentially unwanted software.
When the installation is done, Kaspersky Total Security informs you of this and starts working as soon as you press Done. There's no need for you to reboot your Windows computer, as the security suite loads its services immediately after it is installed. However, although we waited for 15 minutes and the user interface said that an update was required, Kaspersky Total Security did not initiate an automatic update of its anti-malware definitions. Seeing that, we rebooted the computer but that did not work either, so we had no choice but to load the suite's user interface and manually run the update. This behavior needs to be improved so that Kaspersky immediately updates its database.
The first update of the malware database meant that Kaspersky Total Security downloaded another 2.66MB of data from the internet, which is very little.
Our first interactions with Kaspersky Total Security were mostly positive. We liked that you do not have to provide any personal information to download and use the trial version. We also liked how easy it is to set up Kaspersky on our Windows computer. What could be improved is the way the suite gets updated the first time after it is installed. The auto-update process should be triggered automatically, soon after you install the suite.
Integration with Windows, web browsers and universal Windows platform apps
During the installation, Kaspersky Total Security disables both Windows Firewall and Windows Defender. That is a good thing because it eliminates the chance of conflicts or performance hogs. The security suite is also well integrated with all the networking features found in modern Windows operating systems. We did not have any problems joining our test laptop to the homegroup on our local network, or when we created a Homegroup. We had no issues either when downloading, installing or updating universal Windows platform apps from the Windows Store. Kaspersky Total Security can automatically detect the network profile that you assign to Windows (public or private), and it can adjust its protection, even if you change the network type repeatedly. There is no need for user intervention to adjust the firewall, and that is great.
Talking about the online security you get from Kaspersky Total Security, you should know that this security suite scans all the internet traffic that goes on your computer, so you get the same protection regardless of the web browser that you prefer using.
However, if you are a Chrome or a Firefox user, then you also get the Kaspersky Protection browser extension, which provides some additional security features. The extension can give you instant security ratings for search results, help you block banners on the pages that you visit and stop websites from collecting data about you.
We also checked whether the security suite protects all its processes from unwanted termination. If it cannot protect its processes, nasty viruses can disable your antivirus and do whatever they want on your Windows computer. As we expected, Kaspersky Total Security did protect its core antivirus processes.
Regarding resource consumption, the security suite needs about 90MB of RAM to run its processes, which is a small value for software of this kind. Also, Kaspersky Total Security had almost no effect on the boot time of our test computer. We used BootRacer to measure this before and after we installed the suite, and we found nothing meaningful in this area.
To check whether the internet or local network speeds are affected by Kaspersky Total Security, we also ran a few tests with Speedtest.net and with LAN Speed Test. The speeds were the same before and after installing the security suite, which means that it has no adverse effect on internet or local network data transfers. That is an excellent result!
Kaspersky Total Security is well integrated with Windows 10 and its networking features. We appreciate the fact that it automatically detects your Windows network profile and adjusts its firewall accordingly. We also like that it does not appear to affect computer performance or internet and network transfer speeds negatively.
Ease of use & configuration
The user interface offered by Kaspersky Total Security shows a large status and recommendations section in its top area and offers easy access to everyday security tasks. It uses large tiles, painted green when everything is OK with your computer and red when something bad happens. You cannot miss the fact that you are having problems that require action. On the central console, you get quick access to Scan, Database Update, Safe Money, Password Manager, Privacy Protection, Backup and Restore, Parental Control and Protection for all devices.
If you are looking for more, click or tap the More Tools button from the bottom of the user interface, and you get access to things like Reports, Network Monitor, Software Updater, Data Encryption, Trusted Applications mode, Secure Connection, Quarantine, and so on. There is a lot available in here, making the suite worthy of its Total Security name. The good news is that most of these tools and features are useful and can help you increase your system's security. We will talk more about the additional features offered by Kaspersky in the Extra features section of this review.
Going back to the main user interface, on its bottom left corner you can find a small cogwheel that takes you to all the available settings. If you want to configure Kaspersky Total Security in detail, this is where you do it. The Settings are divided into five different sections: General, Protection, Performance, Scan, and Additional.
Probably the most critical settings section is Protection, where all the protection modules that are built into Kaspersky Total Security are found. We like the fact that you can quickly turn any protection module on or off with just a click or tap on the available switches. If you want to dive into their most advanced settings and details, you can click or tap on the name of the protection module that interests you.
Regarding help and support, Kaspersky Total Security offers almost everything you would wish. Most of the actions and settings around the security suite are well explained in context, but if you need more complex help or support, you can go online and browse the documentation, scour the forums, live chat with support technicians or even call them on the phone. However, the phone option is available only in some countries, not in all.
If you care about reports and statistics, Kaspersky Total Security has them. You can see what has happened on your computer during various periods of time and, if you need to, you can also check detailed logs of absolutely everything that went on your device from a security perspective.
When something important takes place on your Windows computer, Kaspersky Total Security tell you about it through a concise and easy to understand notification. We have seen alerts regarding malware, and also notifications about firewall interventions.
Kaspersky Total Security offers a user interface that looks good and is easy to use. We like the way it is structured and the number of options and settings available. It is designed for both casual and experienced users in mind, and that is excellent.
On the next page of this review, you can see how capable Kaspersky Total Security is to protect your computer from network attacks and malware. You can also see what additional features are included in this security suite, and check our recommendations for what settings you should adjust.