网络附加存储(Network Attached Storage)( NAS ) 解决方案往往是设计不吸引人的大型设备。借助DiskStation DS419slim,Synology试图满足家庭用户的需求,他们不需要大量存储空间(storage space),也不需要极致性能,更喜欢小巧、易于隐藏的NAS。如果您希望您的NAS也安静和凉爽,那么DiskStation DS419slim是一个更有吸引力的选择。阅读此评论,了解在家庭或小型企业中使用Synology DiskStation DS419slim的利弊:
Synology DiskStation DS419slim:适合谁?
DiskStation DS419slim是以下设备的绝佳选择:
- 想要一个小巧、安静且易于隐藏的NAS的家庭用户(NAS)
- 想要一个可以变成任何东西的NAS的用户(NAS)
- NAS 上不需要超过 20TB 存储空间的人
- 对 NAS的安全软件平台(secure software platform)感兴趣的用户
Synology DiskStation DS419slim有很多我们喜欢的地方:
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- 体积小,非常适合隐藏在家具后面
- 模块化、定期更新、易于使用的优秀软件平台(software platform)
- 强大的应用生态系统
- 易于(Easy)安装和更换存储驱动器
- 两个 USB 3.0 端口
- 两个支持链路聚合的以太网端口(Ethernet)
- 安静且省电
- 处理器有点动力不足
- 您只能使用 2.5" 存储驱动器
- 它不会对媒体文件进行硬件转码
Synology DiskStation DS419slim是家庭用户或小型办公室的理想选择,他们希望在小巧、安静的包装中提供网络附加存储解决方案。(Network Attached Storage solution)如果您不需要大量硬件能力(hardware power)、充足的存储空间和硬件视频转码(hardware video transcoding),那么Synology DiskStation DS419slim可能就是您正在寻找的NAS 。
Synology DiskStation DS419slim拆箱
DiskStation DS419slim采用简陋的纸板箱(cardboard box),上面贴有贴纸。该贴纸显示了您刚购买的设备的图片,让您简要了解其基本功能。在盒子的侧面,您可以找到有关该产品功能的其他详细信息以及有关其硬件的一些信息。
在包装盒内,您可以找到以下物品:DS419slim 设备(DS419slim unit)、电源适配器(power adapter)、两条网线、一包螺丝(用于安装 2.5 英寸存储驱动器)、快速安装指南(installation guide)和保修详情。
拆箱 DiskStation DS419slim 是一种枯燥的体验。包装相当简陋,您只获得入门的基础知识,没有任何额外内容。(Unboxing the DiskStation DS419slim is a dull experience. The packaging is rather spartan, and you get only the basics to get started, without any extras.)
Synology DiskStation DS419slim具有双核Marvell Armada 385 88F6820处理器,运行频率为 1.33GHz 和 512 MB RAM。此NAS没有任何存储驱动器,您必须单独购买。此外,它们必须是 2.5" SATA驱动器,即5400 rpm 的HDD(HDDs)或 SSD 驱动器(rpm or SSD drives)。您可以在DiskStation DS419slim上使用的最大存储容量(storage capacity)为 20TB。对于家庭用户来说应该足够了,但比发烧友要少或小型企业用户更喜欢。如果您想知道哪些存储驱动器与此NAS兼容,请转到此页面(this page). 安装它们时,请记住它们必须拧入。
DiskStation DS419slim内的存储驱动器可用于您希望的任何RAID 配置,从(RAID configuration)RAID 0到RAID 10。您还可以使用Synology的Hybrid RAID 配置(Hybrid RAID configuration),这是设置向导(setup wizard)提供的默认配置。当使用开启Link Aggregation的(Link Aggregation)DS419slim时, Synology宣传连续吞吐量超过 220 MB/s读取数据和 94 MB/s写入数据。
在支持的文件系统方面,列表很长,包括从NTFS到EXT4的所有内容。仅当您从Synology的套件中心(Package Center)单独购买许可证时,exFAT 才可用。
在DiskStation DS419slim的正面,您可以找到一个USB 3.0端口、四个显示每个存储驱动器状态的(storage drive)LED(LEDs)以及两个显示背面1 Gbps 以太网端口状态的(Gbps Ethernet)LED 。(LEDs)
说到背面,它拥有第二个USB 3.0端口、两个支持链路聚合和故障转移(link aggregation and failover)的 1 Gbps以太网(Ethernet)端口、电源(Power)插孔、重置(Reset)插孔和四个驱动器托盘。还有一个Kensington 安全插槽(Kensington Security Slot),如果您不仔细看很容易错过。
在DiskStation DS419slim的右侧,您可以找到状态(Status)指示灯、电源(Power)指示灯和电源(Power)按钮。
在DiskStation DS419slim的底部,有一个可以保持凉爽的小型通风器,还有四个橡胶支脚,可以让NAS(NAS stable)在您放置的表面上保持稳定。
正如您在我们的图片中看到的,DiskStation DS419slim的设计非常实用。重点是确保轻松插入存储驱动器、将其锁定到位、打开NAS、使用其端口以及冷却机箱内的所有部件。
Synology DiskStation DS419slim对于NAS来说很小。它只有 4.7 x 4.1 x 5.5 英寸或 120 x 105 x 142 毫米高x 宽(x width) x 深(x depth)。它的重量也只有 1.45 磅或 0.66 公斤。对空间很重要的家庭用户会喜欢这款(Home)NAS。它的小尺寸使其也很节能:DS419slim访问数据时功耗(power consumption)约为20W,空闲时功耗仅为 7W。
如果您想阅读此产品的完整规格,请访问此页面:DiskStation DS419slim 规格(DiskStation DS419slim Specs)。
设置和使用Synology DiskStation DS419slim
在使用Synology DiskStation DS419slim之前,您必须购买插入其中的硬盘或SSD驱动器。在本次评测中,我们使用了四个金士顿 DC450R SSD(Kingston DC450R SSD)驱动器,每个容量为 960 GB。它们是具有 3D TLC NAND的(TLC NAND)高性能 6Gbps (performance 6Gbps) SATA SSD(SATA SSDs),专为以数据读取为中心的工作负载而设计。安装驱动器既快速又简单。如前所述,您必须将它们拧入托盘中。我们将SSD(SSDs)锁定到位,将DiskStation DS419slim连接到电源线、无线路由器(wireless router),然后将其打开。
我们使用Windows 10 PC上的网络浏览器(web browser)配置了DiskStation DS419slim 。设置向导(setup wizard)从创建管理员帐户(administrator account)开始。然后,它使用Synology的Hybrid RAID 配置自动配置(Hybrid RAID configuration)存储空间(storage space),并询问我们是否要设置QuickConnect ID。一个很棒的安全功能(security feature)是Synology允许用户使用两步验证来保护他们的NAS 和帐户。(NAS and accounts)更多的制造商应该复制这种方法。
接下来,我们决定是否要安装Synology推荐的软件包,包括Media Server、Audio Station、Hyper Backup、Download Station等。最后,您必须接受Synology的服务条款,一切就绪。
您终于可以访问DiskStation Manager ( DSM ) 软件,并询问您希望如何执行更新。DSM看起来很漂亮,它被组织成模块和逻辑部分。该软件平台(software platform)是Linux的定制版本,旨在用作高度可定制的操作系统(operating system),内置一流的安全性和高级个性化(personalization built-in)。
DiskStation DS419slim只需安装最少的软件即可工作。没有捆绑的附加功能,这确保了优化的资源管理(resource management)和开箱即用的最佳性能。要将DiskStation DS419slim变成您需要的样子,请使用套件中心(Package Center)查找并安装您需要的应用程序。将套件中心视为(Package Center)NAS的官方应用商店(app store),其中包含许多应用程序,可满足各种特殊需求。
您可以将DiskStation DS419slim变成私有云存储服务(cloud storage service)、多媒体服务器(multimedia server)、视频监控存储(video surveillance storage)、备份服务器(backup server)、网络服务器(web server)、基于网络的协作平台(collaboration platform)等等。可能性很多。但是,它的处理器不提供媒体文件的硬件转码(hardware transcoding),这限制了DS419slim在用作媒体服务器时的实用性。说到处理器,我们发现它的动力相对不足。Marvell Armada 385 88F6820 处理器可以轻松通过 90 %的% utilization做一些简单的事情,比如将数据传输到NAS并返回。如果您希望DiskStation DS419slim(DiskStation DS419slim)的性能处于合理水平,我们建议您不要同时执行多项操作。另外,不要在上面安装太多软件,因为它的 512 MB RAM很快就会被填满。坚持(Stick)获得最佳性能所需的软件包和功能。
在我们测试DiskStation DS419slim(DiskStation DS419slim)的日子里,通风系统(ventilation system)运行良好。NAS永远不会太热,风扇产生的噪音几乎听不见,即使将数据传输到NAS超过(NAS)半小时。
我们对 DiskStation DS419slim 的功能感到满意。我们发现它可以满足家庭用户的需求。此外,我们是 DSM 平台的忠实拥护者,并且非常易于使用。它的模块化方法非常出色,用户文档足以在需要时为您提供帮助。(We were pleased with the functioning of the DiskStation DS419slim. We found it to meet the needs of home users. Also, we are big fans of the DSM platform and how easy it is to use. Its modular approach is excellent, and the user documentation is good enough to help you when required.)
Synology DiskStation DS419slim传输数据的速度有多快?
您可以在DiskStation DS419slim(DiskStation DS419slim)等NAS上做很多事情:多媒体服务器(multimedia server)、云服务器(cloud server)、备份服务器(backup server)等。但是,您可以保证做一件事:通过网络将数据传入和传出 NAS(NAS)。为了展示这种情况下的速度潜力,我们在(speed potential)台式计算机(desktop computer)和DS419slim 之间(DS419slim)进行了多次数据传输。为了让您更好地了解它的速度,我们还将它与Synology DiskStation DS418进行了比较。正如您在下面看到的,使用我们的金士顿 DC450R SSD(Kingston DC450R SSD)驱动器,我们达到了 847(Mbps)下载速度(download speed)为Mbps ,上传速度为465 Mbps。
您对Synology DiskStation DS419slim有何看法?
现在您了解了我们对Synology DiskStation DS419slim及其功能和限制的看法。在结束此评论之前,请与我们分享您对DS419slim的看法。您认为它是满足您需求的绝佳选择吗?你有兴趣购买吗?如果您已经拥有一个,请与可能对此模型感兴趣的其他人分享您的经验。在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
Synology DiskStation DS419slim review: Small and quiet!
Network Attached Storage (NAS) solutions tend to be large devices with an unappealing design. With DiskStation DS419slim, Synology tries to cater to the needѕ of home users who do not need a lot of storage space, nor the ultimate performance, and prеfer a small, easilу hidden NAS. If yoυ prefer your NAS to also bе quiet and cool, then DiskStation DS419slim is an even more appealing choice. Read thіs review to see the prоs and cons of using Synology DiskStаtion DS419slim іn your home or small buѕiness:
Synology DiskStation DS419slim: Who is it good for?
DiskStation DS419slim is an excellent choice for:
- Home users who want a small, quiet NAS that is easy to hide from view
- Users who want a NAS that can be turned into just about anything
- People who do not need more than 20TB of storage on their NAS
- Users who are interested in a secure software platform for their NAS
Pros and cons
There are many things we like about the Synology DiskStation DS419slim:
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- Small size, perfect for hiding it behind furniture
- Excellent software platform that is modular, regularly updated, and easy to use
- Great app ecosystem
- Easy to install and swap storage drives
- Two USB 3.0 ports
- Two Ethernet ports with support for link-aggregation
- Quiet and power-efficient
There are some downsides to consider:
- The processor is a bit underpowered
- You are limited only to 2.5" storage drives
- It does not hardware transcode media files
Synology DiskStation DS419slim is a great choice for home users or small offices that want a Network Attached Storage solution in a small, quiet package. If you do not need a lot of hardware power, ample storage, and hardware video transcoding, then Synology DiskStation DS419slim may just be the NAS you're looking for.
Unboxing the Synology DiskStation DS419slim
DiskStation DS419slim comes in a spartan cardboard box, with a sticker on it. The sticker shows a picture of the device you just bought, giving you a brief overview of its essential features. On the sides of the box, you find other details about this product's features and a bit of information about its hardware.
Inside the box, you find the following items: the DS419slim unit, the power adapter, two network cables, a pack of screws (for mounting 2.5-inch storage drives), the quick installation guide, and the warranty details.
Unboxing the DiskStation DS419slim is a dull experience. The packaging is rather spartan, and you get only the basics to get started, without any extras.
Hardware specifications and design
Synology DiskStation DS419slim has a dual-core Marvell Armada 385 88F6820 processor, running at 1.33GHz and 512 MB of RAM. This NAS comes without any storage drives, and you have to buy them separately. Also, they have to be 2.5" SATA drives, which means either HDDs at 5400 rpm or SSD drives. The maximum storage capacity that you can use on the DiskStation DS419slim is 20TB. It should be enough for home users, but less than what enthusiasts or small business users would prefer. If you want to know what storage drives are compatible with this NAS, go to this page. When you install them, remember that they have to be screwed in.
The storage drives inside the DiskStation DS419slim can be used in any RAID configuration you wish, from RAID 0 to RAID 10. You can also use Synology's Hybrid RAID configuration, which is the default offered by the setup wizard. Synology advertises a sequential throughput at over 220MB/s reading data and 94 MB/s writing data, when using the DS419slim with Link Aggregation turned on.
In terms of supported file systems, the list is long and includes everything from NTFS to EXT4. exFAT is available only if you purchase a license, separately, from Synology's Package Center.
On the front side of the DiskStation DS419slim, you find one USB 3.0 port, four LEDs that show the status of each storage drive, and two LEDs that show the status of the 1 Gbps Ethernet ports on the back.
Speaking of the back, it hosts a second USB 3.0 port, two Ethernet ports at 1 Gbps with support for link aggregation and failover, the Power jack, the Reset jack, and four drive trays. There is also a Kensington Security Slot that is easy to miss if you don't look carefully.
On the right side of the DiskStation DS419slim, you find the Status indicator, the Power indicator, and the Power button.
On the bottom of the DiskStation DS419slim, there is a small ventilator that keeps things cool, and four rubber feet that keep the NAS stable on the surface you place it on.
As you can see in our pictures, the design of the DiskStation DS419slim is very utilitarian. The focus is on making sure that it is easy to plug in your storage drives, lock them into place, turn on the NAS, use its ports, and cool everything inside the chassis.
Synology DiskStation DS419slim is small for a NAS. It is only 4.7 x 4.1 x 5.5 inches or 120 x 105 x 142 mm in height x width x depth. It also weighs just 1.45 pounds or 0.66 kg. Home users for whom space matters a lot are going to love this NAS. Its small size makes it also power-efficient: the power consumption of DS419slim is around 20W when accessing data on it and as little as 7W when idle.
If you would like to read the complete specifications of this product, go to this page: DiskStation DS419slim Specs.
Setting up and using the Synology DiskStation DS419slim
Before using the Synology DiskStation DS419slim, you must buy the hard disks or the SSD drives that you plug into it. For this review, we used four Kingston DC450R SSD drives, with a capacity of 960 GB each. They are high performance 6Gbps SATA SSDs with 3D TLC NAND, designed for data reading centric workloads. Installing the drives was quick and easy. As mentioned earlier, you do have to screw them in their trays. We locked the SSDs into place, connected the DiskStation DS419slim to the powerline, to the wireless router, and then turned it on.
We configured the DiskStation DS419slim using a web browser on a Windows 10 PC. The setup wizard started with the creation of the administrator account. Then, it automatically configured the storage space using Synology's Hybrid RAID configuration and asked if we wanted to set up a QuickConnect ID. A great security feature is that Synology allows users to protect their NAS and accounts using two-step verification. More manufacturers should copy this approach.
Next, we decided whether we want to install Synology's recommended software packages, which include things like Media Server, Audio Station, Hyper Backup, Download Station, and others. Finally, you have to accept Synology's terms of service, and you are all set.
You finally get to access the DiskStation Manager (DSM) software, and you are asked how you want updates to be performed. The DSM looks beautiful, and it is organized into modules and logical sections. This software platform is a custom version of Linux that is built to serve as a highly customizable operating system, with top-notch security and advanced personalization built-in.
DiskStation DS419slim works with minimal software installed. There are no bundled extras, and this ensures optimized resource management and getting the best possible performance out of the box. To turn the DiskStation DS419slim into what you need it to become, use the Package Center to find and install the apps you need. Think of the Package Center as the official app store for your NAS, with many apps, for all kinds of specialized needs.
You can turn your DiskStation DS419slim into a private cloud storage service, a multimedia server, video surveillance storage, backup server, web server, web-based collaboration platform, and more. The possibilities are many. However, its processor does not offer hardware transcoding of media files, which limits the usefulness of the DS419slim when used as a media server. Speaking of the processor, we found it to be relatively underpowered. The Marvell Armada 385 88F6820 processor can easily pass 90% utilization when doing something as simple as transferring data to the NAS and back. We advise you not to do multiple things in parallel with the DiskStation DS419slim if you want its performance to be at reasonable levels. Also, do not install too much software on it, as its 512 MB of RAM can be quickly filled up. Stick to the packages and the features that you need for optimal performance.
In the Help module, you get information about the features found in the DSM, links to useful documentation, and frequently asked questions, as well as links to video tutorials that showcase the potential of your NAS and how to set it up, depending on what you want to do.
The ventilation system worked well in the days when we tested the DiskStation DS419slim. The NAS never got too hot, and the noise generated by its fan was barely audible, even when transferring data to the NAS for more than half an hour.
We were pleased with the functioning of the DiskStation DS419slim. We found it to meet the needs of home users. Also, we are big fans of the DSM platform and how easy it is to use. Its modular approach is excellent, and the user documentation is good enough to help you when required.
How fast is Synology DiskStation DS419slim at transferring data?
There are many things that you can do on a NAS like DiskStation DS419slim: multimedia server, cloud server, backup server, and so on. However, there is one thing that you are guaranteed to do: transferring data to and from the NAS through the network. To show the speed potential in this situation, we made several data transfers from a desktop computer to the DS419slim and back. To give you a better perspective of its speed, we also compared it with Synology DiskStation DS418. As you can see below, with our Kingston DC450R SSD drives, we reached 847 Mbps for the download speed, and 465 Mbps for the upload speed.
These are satisfying speeds for many users, but other NAS models from Synology can be faster.
What is your opinion of the Synology DiskStation DS419slim?
Now you know our opinion about the Synology DiskStation DS419slim, its features, and limitations. Before closing this review, share with us your opinion about the DS419slim. Do you consider it a great choice for your needs? Are you interested in buying it? If you already own one, share your experience with others who might be interested in this model. Comment below and let's discuss.