Synology是一家台湾公司,专门生产以质量着称的网络附加存储产品。两名前微软(Microsoft)员工创立了这家公司,该公司以编写操作系统(operating system)起家。今天,Synology为家庭和企业生产无线路由器,该公司提供了一些有吸引力的型号。(wireless router)他们最优质的无线路由器(wireless router)是Synology RT2600ac。它是一款坚固的设备,具有现代规格和一些令人难以置信的软件。如果您想了解有关Synology RT2600ac的更多信息,以及它是否会成为您下一个最喜欢的无线路由器(wireless router),请阅读这篇评论:
Synology RT2600ac:它适合谁?
Synology RT2600ac 无线(Synology RT2600ac wireless)路由器是以下类型用户的绝佳选择:
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- 希望为其智能家居提供最佳安全性的用户
- 希望通过移动应用程序远程控制路由器的人
- 希望获得最佳隐私的用户
- 渴望提供完全控制和许多功能的高级固件的人
- 希望在路由器上使用快速USB 3.0设备并将路由器转变为个人云存储解决方案或媒体中心的用户(cloud storage solution or media center)
- 渴望出色的家长控制以在上网时保护孩子的父母
Synology RT2600ac 无线(Synology RT2600ac wireless)路由器有很多优点:
- 它提供了一个很棒的移动应用程序(mobile app),友好且易于使用
- Synology 拥有业界最佳的主动式固件更新方法
- 许多高级选项和功能允许用户完全个性化他们的路由器
- 可以从互联网上的任何地方远程控制路由器
- 它可以安装在墙上
- (Modern hardware)可以处理许多客户端和同时连接的现代硬件
- 快速 USB 3.0 端口
- 优秀的帮助文档
- Synology使用双重身份验证(two-factor authentication)来保护用户帐户和网络设备
- 出色的安全工具和家长控制
- WiFi覆盖范围(WiFi coverage)比其他AC2600无线(AC2600 wireless)路由器略小
- Synology Router Manager ( SRM )仅提供英文版
- 启动和重启很慢
我们测试了许多无线路由器,但很少有像Synology RT2600ac那样给我们留下深刻印象。这款路由器的优势在于它的软件平台(software platform)。你会得到一个尊重你隐私的优秀移动应用程序,它既有用又易于使用。然后,您会在路由器上获得Synology Router Manager。这是一个定制的Linux 操作系统(operating system),用于管理路由器的工作方式。它非常强大、可靠且可个性化。知识渊博的用户会喜欢它并欣赏它的许多高级工具和功能。
这并不意味着初学者将无法使用它。相反,一切都得到了很好的解释,组织得很好,并且有据可查。每个人都可以设置和使用这个无线路由器(wireless router)。我们强烈推荐Synology RT2600ac给所有想要一个功能强大的无线路由器(wireless router),具有最先进的安全性(art security)、家长控制,并且可以将自己转变为个人云存储服务(cloud storage service)或快速媒体中心。Synology RT2600ac是您会喜欢使用的少数无线路由器之一。(wireless router)
拆箱Synology RT2600ac 无线(Synology RT2600ac wireless)路由器
Synology RT2600ac 无线(Synology RT2600ac wireless)路由器的包装简单而乏味。它装在一个简单的纸板箱中(cardboard box),顶盖上贴有关于路由器的贴纸。没有闪亮的包装,没有营销信息,只是对您刚购买的无线路由器的简单描述。(wireless router)
在包装内,您可以找到以下元素:路由器本身、四个可拆卸天线、电源适配器(power adapter)、以太网电缆(Ethernet cable)、快速安装指南(installation guide)和保修。
Synology RT2600ac 无线路由器使用的包装出奇地沉闷。但是,在包内,您可以在几分钟内获得启动和运行所需的一切。(The packaging used for the Synology RT2600ac wireless router is surprisingly dull. However, inside the package, you get everything you need to get up and running in minutes.)
Synology RT2600ac是一款坚固且相对较重的无线路由器(wireless router),带有四个可拆卸的全向天线。它不好看,但它看起来像一个强大的设备,它包括大量的通风网格,可以冷却里面的硬件。在顶部,有几个离散的LED灯可以显示路由器正在做什么。
Synology RT2600ac 配备Qualcomm Krait IPQ8065 双核处理器(dual-core processor),运行频率为 1.7 GHz,512 MB RAM DDR3和 4 GB eMMC存储空间(storage space)用于固件及其应用程序。这是一款支持最新 802.11ac Wave 2标准的无线路由器,能够提供 4x4 MU-MIMO 无线传输。总最大带宽划分如下:2.4 GHz 无线频段为 800Mbps,5 (wireless band)GHz 频率(GHz frequency)为 1733Mbps 。
在背面,您可以找到电源(Power)按钮和电源(Power)插孔、重置(Reset)按钮、USB 2.0端口、WAN 端口(WAN port)和四个以太网 LAN(Ethernet LAN)端口。其中之一也可用于双 WAN 配置(Dual WAN configuration),这样您的网络就可以享受高达 2Gbps 的组合带宽。
在左侧,您可以找到WPS 按钮(WPS button)和Wi-Fi 按钮(Wi-Fi button)。在右侧,您可以找到USB 3.0端口和弹出(Eject)按钮,可用于防止在使用路由器上的附加存储时意外丢失数据。它们都被很好地掩蔽在视野之外,而且不难接近。
Synology RT2600ac的底部有大量的通风网格和两个安装孔,以便您可以将无线路由器(wireless router)放置在墙壁和其他表面上。
Synology RT2600ac相对较大,尺寸为 3 x 11 x 6.6 英寸或 77 x 280 x 169 毫米(高 x 宽 x 深(Height x Width x Depth))。它也重 1.5 磅或 0.7 公斤。
您可以在以下页面找到此路由器的所有官方规格:Synology Router RT2600ac 规格(Synology Router RT2600ac Specs)。
设置和使用Synology RT2600ac 无线(Synology RT2600ac wireless)路由器
您可以使用连接到路由器的 PC 上的网络浏览器或通过适用于(web browser)Android和iOS的(iOS)DS Router移动应用程序设置Synology RT2600ac 无线(Synology RT2600ac wireless)路由器。涉及的过程与其他WiFi路由器类似。首先(First),您设置管理路由器的用户帐户(user account)的名称及其密码。此外,系统会自动评估您的密码强度(password strength),这是一种受欢迎的安全预防措施(security precaution)。
您命名将由路由器广播的无线网络,输入其密码,然后选择您的位置。(wireless network)然后您设置路由器的操作模式(operation mode),并输入您的互联网连接的详细信息。应用所有设置后,网络开始运行,您可以将设备连接到它。完成初始设置后,欢迎您使用Synology的路由器管理器(Router Manager)( SRM ) 或处理路由器工作方式的操作系统。(operating system)
Synology的路由器管理器(Router Manager)不是您的基本路由器固件(router firmware),而是Linux的定制版本,旨在用作高度可定制的操作系统(operating system),内置一流的安全性和高级个性化(personalization built-in)。我们喜欢的一个功能是模块化方法。SRM操作系统(operating system)具有路由器广播和管理网络所需的所有基础知识。没有捆绑的附加功能,这确保了优化的资源管理(resource management)以及开箱即用的最佳性能。
如果您想要VPN 服务器(VPN server)、DNS 服务器(DNS server)或安全和家长控制(security and parental controls)等额外功能,您需要安装独立于操作系统(operating system)维护和更新的额外软件包。
每个路由器模块(router module)都有其快捷方式。单击(Click)它,您会看到可用的设置和信息。所有设置都得到了很好的解释,任何人都可以配置路由器的工作方式。极客和 IT 专业人员(Geeks and IT professionals)将欣赏SRM中可用的控制级别。导航很简单,所有内容都组织成逻辑部分。如果您需要帮助,可以访问专用的SRM 帮助模块。(SRM Help)它包含有关Synology RT2600ac 无线(Synology RT2600ac wireless)路由器所有功能的大量文档。
Synology Router Manager的唯一缺点是它仅提供英文(English)版本。它不像其他路由器上的固件那样以多种语言提供。但是,Synology的(Synology)下载中心(Download Center)确实提供了 20 种语言的单独用户指南和安装手册。
我们非常欣赏的一个方面是Synology主动更新固件的方法。无论您是使用DS Router移动应用程序从智能手机还是从Web 用户界面(web user interface)管理您的网络,您都可以将SRM 操作系统(operating system)设置为不仅自动检查固件更新,还可以在特定时间安装它们,没有你的干预。为了让事情变得更好,您可以设置SRM仅自动安装重要更新,例如修复安全问题的更新,并跳过功能更新,直到它们被证明是稳定且无错误的。这是固件更新的最佳方式,我们希望其他厂商也能效仿。不过有一个小缺点:启动过程(boot procedure)很慢,Synology RT2600ac需要几分钟才能重新启动并应用固件更新。其他无线路由器的启动速度要快得多。但是,它们的固件也不太复杂。
Synology的另一个优点是它使用双重身份验证来保护用户帐户和网络设备。当您启用无线路由器(wireless router)的远程管理时,您应该激活两步验证,以确保不受欢迎的人无法轻易侵入您的帐户和家庭网络(home network)。其他路由器制造商应该复制这个有用的安全功能(security feature)。
设置完Synology RT2600ac WiFi 路由器(Synology RT2600ac WiFi router)后,我们将几台设备连接到网络:两台台式电脑、两台笔记本电脑、一台平板电脑、几部智能手机、一台Xbox One控制台、几个智能插头、一个智能灯泡(smart bulb)和一台无线打印机. 它们都可以轻松连接,我们在通过网络传输媒体或共享文件和文件夹时没有任何问题。
在通过网络传输数据时,我们还研究了网络传输(network transfer)的可变性。下面您可以看到当我们在笔记本电脑上使用 5 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)网络时,在与路由器一墙之隔的房间中,网络传输是如何执行的。(network transfer)我们收到了较快的平均速度和相当多的可变性,略高于其他路由器。
当我们搬到一个与无线路由器(wireless router)相隔两墙的房间时,平均速度下降了,可变性增加了。但是,速度从未接近于零,这是我们对这款路由器的预期。
在 2.4 GHz 频段上使用(GHz band)WiFi时也发现了类似的趋势。我们在测试期间注意到的唯一显着缺点是 Synology RT2600ac 路由器的覆盖区域(Synology RT2600ac router)略(coverage area)小于其他类似路由器的覆盖区域。有关此评论的下一部分的更多详细信息。
Synology RT2600ac 提供的用户体验不愧是高级无线路由器。用户获得他们需要的所有功能,整体性能达到您期望的水平。Synology 的固件更新方法是业内最好的,应该让更多制造商接受它。(The user experience offered by Synology RT2600ac is worthy of a premium wireless router. Users get all the features they need, and the overall performance is at the level you expect. Synology's approach to firmware updates is the best in the industry, and more manufacturers should embrace it.)
Synology RT2600ac review: Security, privacy, and flexibility!
Synology is а Taiwanese company that spеcializes in network-attached storage рroducts, which are famous for their qualіty. Two former Microsoft employees foundеd the company that started by сoding an operating system. Today, Synology manufactures wireless routers for homes and bυsinesses, and the company offers a few attractive models. Their most premium wireless router is Sуnоlogy RΤ2600ac. It is a sоlid device, with modern ѕpecs, and some incredible software. If yоυ want to know more about Synology RT2600ac, and whether it is going to be your next favorite wireless router, read this review:
Synology RT2600ac: Who is it good for?
The Synology RT2600ac wireless router is an excellent choice for the following types of users:
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- Users who want the best security for their smart home
- People who desire to remote control their router from a mobile app
- Users who want the best possible privacy
- People who desire advanced firmware that offers complete control and many features
- Users who want to use fast USB 3.0 devices on their routers and transform the router into a personal cloud storage solution or media center
- Parents who desire awesome parental controls to protect their children when online
Pros and cons
There are many great things about the Synology RT2600ac wireless router:
- It offers an awesome mobile app that is friendly, and easy to use
- Synology has the best proactive approach to firmware updates in the industry
- Many advanced options and features that allow users to personalize their router fully
- The router can be remotely controlled from anywhere on the internet
- It can be mounted on walls
- Modern hardware that can handle many clients and simultaneous connections
- Fast USB 3.0 port
- Excellent Help documentation
- Synology uses two-factor authentication to protect user accounts and network devices
- Excellent security tools and parental controls
There are a few downsides to consider too:
- The WiFi coverage area is slightly smaller than that of other AC2600 wireless routers
- The Synology Router Manager (SRM) is available only English
- It is slow to boot and restart
We have tested many wireless routers, and very few of them managed to impress us like Synology RT2600ac. The strength of this router lies in its software platform. You get a great mobile app that respects your privacy, which is both useful and easy to use. Then, you get the Synology Router Manager on the router. This is a custom-made, Linux operating system that manages how your router works. It is incredibly powerful, reliable, and personalizable. Knowledgeable users are going to love it and appreciate its many advanced tools and features.
This does not mean that beginners are not going to able to use it. On the contrary, everything is well explained, well organized, and well documented. Everyone can set up and use this wireless router. We highly recommend Synology RT2600ac to everyone that wants a powerful wireless router with state of the art security, parental controls, and that can transform itself into a personal cloud storage service or a fast media center. Synology RT2600ac is one of those few wireless routers that you will love using.
Unboxing the Synology RT2600ac wireless router
The packaging for the Synology RT2600ac wireless router is basic and boring. It comes in a simple cardboard box, with a sticker about the router on the top cover. There is no shiny packaging involved, no marketing messages, only a straightforward description of the wireless router you just bought.
Inside the packaging, you find the following elements: the router itself, four detachable antennas, the power adapter, an Ethernet cable, the quick installation guide, and the warranty.
The packaging used for the Synology RT2600ac wireless router is surprisingly dull. However, inside the package, you get everything you need to get up and running in minutes.
Hardware specifications and design
Synology RT2600ac is a sturdy and relatively heavy wireless router, with four detachable omnidirectional antennas. It is not good looking, but it looks like a powerful device, and it includes plenty of ventilation grids that cool the hardware found inside. On the top side, there are a few discrete LED lights that show you what the router is doing.
Synology RT2600ac features a Qualcomm Krait IPQ8065 dual-core processor, running at 1.7 GHz, 512 MB of RAM DDR3, and 4 GB of eMMC storage space for the firmware and its apps. This is a wireless router with support for the latest 802.11ac Wave 2 standard, capable of delivering 4x4 MU-MIMO wireless transfers. The total maximum bandwidth is split as follows: 800Mbps on the 2.4GHz wireless band and 1733Mbps on the 5 GHz frequency.
On the back, you can find the Power button and the Power jack, the Reset button, a USB 2.0 port, the WAN port, and four Ethernet LAN ports. One of them can also be used for a Dual WAN configuration so that you can enjoy up to 2Gbps combined bandwidth for your network.
On the left side, you find the WPS button and the Wi-Fi button. On the right, you find a USB 3.0 port and the Eject button that can be used to prevent accidental data loss when working with attached storage on the router. They are all nicely masked from view without being difficult to access.
On the bottom of the Synology RT2600ac there are plenty of ventilation grids, and two mounting holes, so that you can place the wireless router on walls and other surfaces.
The Synology RT2600ac is relatively large, with a size of 3 x 11 x 6.6 inches or 77 x 280 x 169 mm in Height x Width x Depth. It also weighs 1.5 pounds or 0.7 kg.
You can find all the official specifications of this router, on the following page: Synology Router RT2600ac Specs.
Setting up and using the Synology RT2600ac wireless router
You can set up the Synology RT2600ac wireless router using a web browser on a PC connected to the router, or through the DS Router mobile app for Android and iOS. The process involved is similar to other WiFi routers. First, you set the name for the user account that administers the router, and its password. Also, your password strength is automatically evaluated, which is a welcome security precaution.
You name the wireless network that is going to be broadcast by the router, type its password, and choose your location. Then you set the operation mode for the router, and enter the details of your internet connection. After all your settings are applied, the network starts functioning, and you can connect your devices to it. After the initial setup is done, you are welcomed to Synology's Router Manager (SRM) or the operating system that handles how the router works.
Synology's Router Manager is not your basic router firmware, but a custom version of Linux, that is built to serve as a highly customizable operating system, with top-notch security and advanced personalization built-in. One feature that we love is the modular approach. The SRM operating system comes with all the basics required for the router to broadcast and manage the network. There are no bundled extras, and this ensures optimized resource management and the fact that you get the best possible performance out of the box.
If you want extra features like VPN server, DNS server, or security and parental controls, you install additional packages that are maintained and updated separately from the operating system.
Each router module has its shortcut. Click on it, and you see the available settings and information. All the settings are well explained, and anyone can configure how the router works. Geeks and IT professionals are going to appreciate the level of control available in SRM. The navigation is easy, and everything is organized into logical sections. If you need help, there is a dedicated SRM Help module that you can access. It has extensive documentation about all the features of the Synology RT2600ac wireless router.
The only downside of the Synology Router Manager is the fact that it is available only in English. It is not available in multiple languages like the firmware on other routers. However, Synology does offer separate user guides and installation manuals in twenty languages, in their Download Center.
One aspect that we appreciate a lot is Synology's proactive approach to firmware updates. It does not matter whether you administer your network from your smartphone with the DS Router mobile app or from the web user interface, you can set the SRM operating system not only to check for firmware updates automatically but also to install them at a specific hour, without your intervention. To make things even better, you can set SRM to install automatically only the important updates, like those that fix security problems, and skip feature updates until they are demonstrated as stable, and error-free. This is the best possible approach to firmware updates, and we hope that other manufacturers will copy it. There is a small downside though: the boot procedure is slow, and it takes a couple of minutes for Synology RT2600ac to restart and apply firmware updates. Other wireless routers start much faster. However, they also have less complex firmware.
Another great thing about Synology is the fact that it uses two-factor authentication to protect user accounts and network devices. When you enable the remote administration of your wireless router, you should activate two-step verification to make sure that unwanted parties cannot easily hack into your account and your home network. Other router manufacturers should copy this useful security feature.
After we were done setting up the Synology RT2600ac WiFi router, we connected several devices to the network: two desktop PCs, two laptops, one tablet, several smartphones, an Xbox One console, several smart plugs, one smart bulb, and a wireless printer. They all connected with ease, and we had no problems in streaming media over the network, or in sharing files and folders.
When transferring data through the network, we also looked at the variability of network transfers. Below you can see how a network transfer was performed when we used the 5 GHz wireless network, on a laptop, in a room that was separated from the router by one wall. We received a fast average speed and quite a bit of variability, slightly higher than that of other routers.
When we moved to a room separated by two walls from the wireless router, the average speed dropped, and the variability increased. However, the speed never fell close to zero, which is what we expected from this router.
Similar trends were noticed when using the WiFi on the 2.4 GHz band. The only notable downside that we noticed during our testing is the fact that the coverage area of the Synology RT2600ac router is slightly smaller than that of other similar routers. More details about that in the next section of this review.
The user experience offered by Synology RT2600ac is worthy of a premium wireless router. Users get all the features they need, and the overall performance is at the level you expect. Synology's approach to firmware updates is the best in the industry, and more manufacturers should embrace it.
If you want to see exact details about the wireless performance of this router, and the few weaknesses that it has, go to the next page of this review.