如果您正在寻找便宜的网状WiFi系统,您可能遇到过腾达(Tenda)nova MW6。从纸面上看,这个系统看起来很有前途:它价格实惠,外观也不错,它具有其他网状WiFi系统提供的许多功能,并且可以从互联网上的任何地方远程控制。划算吗?要找出答案,请阅读我们对Tenda nova MW6的详细评论:
这种全家庭网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)适合以下情况:
- 渴望价格实惠的网状WiFi 系统的人(WiFi system)
- 对安全和隐私(security and privacy)不感兴趣的用户
- 想要语音控制家庭网络的(home network)Alexa供电设备的所有者
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腾达新星(Tenda nova) MW6具有以下优点:
- 易于设置(节点由制造商配对)
- 低价
- 它可以从互联网上的任何地方远程控制
- 它与亚马逊 Alexa 集成
- 更新固件可能会令人沮丧
- Tenda WiFi移动应用程序请求访问其不应访问的个人数据
- 通过WiFi(WiFi)传输数据时的高可变性
- (Low-quality bandwidth)导致网络客户端暂时断开连接的低质量带宽管理
- 在以太网(Ethernet)连接上它不能超过 700 Mbps
腾达(Tenda)nova MW6网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)的主要卖点是价格低廉且易于设置。如果您看重价格(value price),并且您的网络中没有很多设备,那么腾达(Tenda)nova MW6是一个不错的选择。否则,您应该查看其他品牌的网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system),它们提供更好的固件、更少隐私问题的应用程序和更好的WiFi质量。
腾达(Tenda)nova MW6网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)开箱
Tenda nova MW6整个家庭网状(home mesh) WiFi 系统(WiFi system)采用带有橙色装饰的黑色盒子。在顶部,您会看到组成该套件的设备图片。在侧面,您可以描述其一些最重要的技术特征和功能。

当你打开盒子时,你会发现另一个黑盒子。打开它,你终于看到了构成网状系统(mesh system)的设备。

当你把所有东西拿出来时,你会发现以下元素:网状设备、它们的电源适配器、以太网电缆(Ethernet cable)、快速安装指南(install guide)、保修和其他法律信息。

与其他类似的网格系统不同,拆箱 Tenda nova MW6 需要一段时间。不过,体验还是比较愉快的。在包装内,您可以找到设置和使用网状系统所需的所有配件。(Unboxing the Tenda nova MW6 takes a while, unlike other similar mesh systems. However, the experience is relatively pleasant. Inside the package, you find all the accessories you need to set up and use the mesh system.)
每个Tenda nova MW6 站(MW6 station)都有一个Realtek RTL8197FS SoC(片(Chip)上系统(System)),它集成了 1 GHz 处理器(GHz processor)、128 MB RAM和 16 MB 存储空间。它支持 802.11ac Wave 2网络标准和 2x2 MU-MIMO 传输。Tenda nova MW6是一款双频网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system), 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)的总理论最大带宽(maximum bandwidth)为 867 Mbps,2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band)为 300 Mbps。这导致总共 1167百兆(Mbps)。
每个站看起来像一个立方体,顶部的一个角落有一个小LED 灯。(LED light)此 LED 的颜色会有所不同,具体取决于站的状态。

在每个节点的底部,您有两个以 1 Gbps工作的(Gbps)以太网(Ethernet)端口和电源插孔(power jack)。

还有一个很难看到的复位(Reset)插孔,它也可以用作WPS 按钮(WPS button)。在每个站的底部,您还可以找到一个带有二维码(QR code)的贴纸,您可以使用该二维码将节点添加到网格系统(mesh system),默认广播的网络名称和密码等信息。(network name and password)

每个站重约 664 克或 1.46 磅。它的宽度、深度和高度也为 3.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 英寸或 10 x 10 x 10 厘米。
如果您想阅读该产品的所有官方规格,请访问此页面:腾达 nova MW6 规格(Tenda nova MW6 Specifications)。
设置和使用Tenda nova MW6
要设置腾达(Tenda)nova MW6,您需要适用于Android和iOS的(iOS)腾达 WiFi(Tenda WiFi)移动应用程序。一个大问题是它请求访问许多它不应该访问的东西。诸如您的SMS消息、您的相机、您的通话信息(call information)、文件、设备和应用历史记录之类的东西。腾达 WiFi(Tenda WiFi)应用程序可以完全访问您在智能手机上所做的一切。这是不行的,而且很可能不尊重像欧洲 GDPR这样的数据(Europe's GDPR)保护立法(protection legislation)。此应用不应请求访问除WiFi和蓝牙以外的任何其他内容(Bluetooth),因为它们是它需要的唯一服务,可以为您提供Tenda nova MW6所需的服务。

从好的方面来说,设置比其他网状WiFi系统更简单,因为Tenda在您购买之前对您的套件进行了配对。因此,您配置中心站,打开其他两个,它们会立即添加到网状系统中(mesh system)。此外,如果您使用腾达(Tenda)创建帐户,则可以从互联网上的任何地方远程控制腾达(Tenda)nova MW6。不幸的是,该帐户不受两步验证的保护,只能从移动应用程序访问,而不能从网络浏览器(web browser)访问。

您应该尽快做的一件事是固件更新。不幸的是,这是另一个有问题的领域。该应用程序说它无法下载固件更新,但我们的腾达nova (Tenda nova) MW6仍然重新启动,并且似乎执行了一些部分固件更新。然后,腾达 WiFi(Tenda WiFi)手机应用程序无法访问Mesh 系统(mesh system),我们不得不重新设置并重新配置一次。然后,在所有站上正确执行了固件更新。(firmware update)这不是一个积极的开始。

固件更新(firmware update)正确应用到系统中的所有节点后,我们终于可以使用腾达(Tenda)nova MW6及其广播的WiFi了。(WiFi)我们可以毫无问题地加入各种小工具,包括智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑、智能插头、无线打印机(wireless printer)、智能灯泡和Xbox One 游戏机(gaming console)。腾达 WiFi(Tenda WiFi)移动应用程序提供了配置网状系统(mesh system)所需的基础知识,没有您在无线路由器上看到的任何高级附加功能。

积极的是,腾达 WiFi(Tenda WiFi)移动应用程序包含一个帮助(Help)部分,您可以在出现问题时联系公司的支持服务(support service)。也记录了一些常见问题(Frequently Asked Questions),但您得到的答案很少,而且没有太多解释。
我们享受的无线信号很强,但我们的无线连接质量并不是我们见过的最好的。例如,看下图。它显示了如何在 5 GHz 无线频率上进行(GHz wireless)网络传输,与(network transfer)Tenda nova MW6(MW6 station)主站位于同一房间。不仅平均速度低于使用其他网格系统时的速度,而且我们有很大的变化,包括下降到 0。


此外,在从Steam下载游戏时,我们注意到无线客户端无法获得高质量的无线连接(quality wireless connection)。例如,一部智能手机与WiFi短暂断开连接,我们观看的YouTube 视频(YouTube video)挂了几秒钟,而在另一部智能手机上,通过Messenger应用程序发送的消息出现异常延迟。所有这些问题都表明腾达(Tenda)用于在网络客户端之间分配可用带宽的算法需要改进。此外,在测试其他品牌的网状系统时也没有遇到此类问题。
Tenda nova MW6 提供的无线网络体验质量给我们留下了深刻的印象。移动应用程序存在隐私问题,无线网络传输具有高度可变性。此外,腾达nova MW6的带宽管理也不尽如人意。(We are not impressed by the quality of the wireless networking experience offered by Tenda nova MW6. The mobile app has privacy issues, and wireless network transfers have a high degree of variability. Also, the bandwidth management done by Tenda nova MW6 is underwhelming.)
如果您想了解更多关于腾达(Tenda)nova MW6提供的真实性能,请转到本评论的下一页。
Tenda nova MW6 review: What you get from the cheapest mesh WiFi system?
If you are looking for cheap mesh WiFi systems, you may have encountered the Tenda nova MW6. On pаper, this system lookѕ promising: it has an affordable price, it is not bad looking, it has many of the features othеr mesh WiFi systems offer, and it can bе rеmotely controlled from anywhere on the internet. Is it a good deal? To find out, read our detailed rеview for Tenda nova MW6:
Tenda nova MW6: Who is it good for?
This whole-home mesh WiFi system is a suitable choice for:
- People who desire a mesh WiFi system that is very affordable
- Users who are not interested in security and privacy
- Owners of Alexa powered devices who want to voice control their home network
Pros and cons
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Tenda nova MW6 has the following positives:
- Easy to set up (the nodes are paired by the manufacturer)
- Low price
- It can be remotely controlled from anywhere on the internet
- It is integrated with Amazon Alexa
There are also important downsides to consider:
- Updating the firmware can be a frustrating experience
- The Tenda WiFi mobile app requests access to personal data it should not have access to
- High variability when transferring data through WiFi
- Low-quality bandwidth management which leads to network clients getting disconnected temporarily
- It cannot reach more than 700 Mbps on Ethernet connections
The main selling points of the Tenda nova MW6 mesh WiFi system are the low price and its ease of set up. If you value price above anything else and you do not have many devices in your network, then Tenda nova MW6 is a decent choice. Otherwise, you should look at mesh WiFi systems from other brands which offer better firmware, apps with fewer privacy issues, and better quality WiFi.
Unboxing the Tenda nova MW6 mesh WiFi system
The Tenda nova MW6 whole home mesh WiFi system comes in a black box with orange accents. On the top, you see a picture of the devices that make up the kit. On the sides, you have a description of some of its most important technical characteristics and features.

When you open the box, you find another black box. Open it, and you finally see the devices that make up the mesh system.

When you take everything out, you find the following elements: the mesh devices, their power adapters, an Ethernet cable, the quick install guide, the warranty and other legal information.

Unboxing the Tenda nova MW6 takes a while, unlike other similar mesh systems. However, the experience is relatively pleasant. Inside the package, you find all the accessories you need to set up and use the mesh system.
Hardware specifications and design
Each Tenda nova MW6 station has a Realtek RTL8197FS SoC (System on a Chip) which integrates a 1 GHz processor, 128 MB of RAM, and 16 MB of storage. It offers support for the 802.11ac Wave 2 networking standard, and 2x2 MU-MIMO transfers. Tenda nova MW6 is a dual-band mesh WiFi system, with a total theoretical maximum bandwidth of 867 Mbps for the 5 GHz band, and of 300 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz band. This leads to a total of 1167 Mbps.
Each station looks like a cube with a small LED light on a corner on its top side. This LED colors differently, depending on the status of the station.

On the bottom of each node, you have two Ethernet ports working at 1 Gbps, and the power jack.

There is also a Reset jack which is difficult to see, that can also act as a WPS button. On the bottom of each station, you can also find a sticker with a QR code that you can use to add the node to the mesh system, the network name and password that is broadcast by default, and other information.

Each station weighs around 664 grams or 1.46 pounds. It also has a size of 3.1 x 3.1 x 3.1 inches or 10 x 10 x 10 cm in width, depth, and height.
If you would like to read all the official specifications of this product, go to this page: Tenda nova MW6 Specifications.
Setting up and using the Tenda nova MW6
To set up the Tenda nova MW6, you need the Tenda WiFi mobile app for Android and iOS. A big issue is the fact that it requests access to many things it shouldn't have access to. Things like your SMS messages, your camera, your call information, files, device and app history. The Tenda WiFi app has complete access to everything that you do on your smartphone. That is not OK and most probably does not respect data protection legislation like Europe's GDPR. This app should not request access to anything else other than WiFi, and Bluetooth, because they are the only services it needs to provide you with what you need from Tenda nova MW6.

On the upside, the setup is more straightforward than in the case of other mesh WiFi systems, because Tenda pairs your kit before you buy it. Therefore, you configure the central station, turn on the other two, and they are immediately added to the mesh system. Also, you can remote control Tenda nova MW6 from anywhere on the internet, if you create an account with Tenda. Unfortunately, that account is not protected with two-step verification, and can only be accessed from the mobile app, not from a web browser.

One thing that you should do as soon as possible is firmware updates. Unfortunately, this is another problematic area. The app said that it failed to download the firmware update, but our Tenda nova MW6 rebooted nonetheless, and it appeared as if some partial firmware updates were performed. Then, the Tenda WiFi mobile app lost access to the mesh system, and we had to reset it and reconfigure it one more time. Then, the firmware update was performed correctly on all stations. This was not a positive beginning.

After the firmware update was correctly applied to all nodes in the system, we were finally able to use Tenda nova MW6 and the WiFi it broadcasts. We had no issues joining all kinds of gadgets, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart plugs, a wireless printer, a smart bulb and an Xbox One gaming console. The Tenda WiFi mobile app offers the basics you need to configure the mesh system, without any advanced extras that you see on wireless routers.

A positive is that the Tenda WiFi mobile app includes a Help section where you can contact the company's support service, in case of issues. There is are also some Frequently Asked Questions documented, but the answers you get are few, and without much explanation.
The wireless signal we enjoyed was strong, but the quality of our wireless connection was not the best we've seen. For example, look at the graphic below. It shows how a network transfer was made on the 5 GHz wireless frequency, in the same room with the main Tenda nova MW6 station. Not only was the average speed lower than when using other mesh systems, but we had high variations, including drops to 0.

When we moved to another room, separated by two walls from the main station, but which had a Tenda nova MW6 nearby, the variability was more dramatic, and the drops to zero more frequent.

Also, when downloading games from Steam, we noticed that wireless clients had trouble getting a quality wireless connection. For example, one smartphone was briefly disconnected from the WiFi, and the YouTube video that we watched hung for a couple of seconds, while on another smartphone, the messages sent through the Messenger app, had an unusual delay. All these problems signal that algorithms used by Tenda to split the available bandwidth between network clients need improvements. Also, such problems were not encountered when testing mesh systems from other brands.
We are not impressed by the quality of the wireless networking experience offered by Tenda nova MW6. The mobile app has privacy issues, and wireless network transfers have a high degree of variability. Also, the bandwidth management done by Tenda nova MW6 is underwhelming.
If you want to know more about the real-world performance offered by Tenda nova MW6, go to the next page of this review.