TP-Link正准备在国际上推出新的网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system),称为Deco M4 或 Deco M4R(Deco M4 or Deco M4R)。这是他们迄今为止最实惠的网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system),它计划与腾达(Tenda)等其他价格激进的品牌竞争。它包含坚固的硬件,并且比以前的型号具有更少的功能。如果您想了解更多关于TP-Link最实惠的网状(TP-Link)WiFi的信息,请阅读我们对Deco M4的全球首发评论:
TP-Link Deco M4:它对谁有好处?
这种全家庭网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)适合以下情况:
Buy now
- 受益于使用网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)实现更广泛无线覆盖的家庭(wireless coverage)
- 希望获得出色的家长控制以保护在线孩子的父母
- 想要从移动应用程序远程控制他们的网状WiFi 系统的人(WiFi system)
- 想要语音控制家庭网络的(home network)Alexa供电设备的所有者
- 希望使用价格低于以前型号的经济型Deco 站扩展其现有(Deco station)Deco 网状(Deco mesh) WiFi 系统的用户(WiFi system)
TP-Link Deco M4具有以下优点:
- 极好的最大速度
- 通过TP-Link Deco(TP-Link Deco)移动应用程序轻松设置
- 网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)的实惠价格
- 宜人的设计
- 易于使用的有用的家长控制
- 它可以与其他Deco设备一起使用,即使它们来自不同的型号
- 它与Amazon Alexa 和 IFTTT(Amazon Alexa and IFTTT) (If This Then That)集成
- 它不提供基于 Web 的管理界面
- 无线网络(wireless network)传输的可变性需要一些改进
- 它的功能比其他Deco系统少,以弥补价格差异(price difference)
- 尽管在这方面它比Deco M5更好,但它无法充分利用 1 Gbps 互联网连接(Gbps internet)
Deco M4 或 M4R(Deco M4 or M4R)是TP-Link最实惠的网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)。该模型旨在与其他品牌价格激进的网状系统竞争。以较低的价格,您可以获得良好的硬件和出色的WiFi速度,但功能也比更昂贵的Deco型号少。一个重要的优势是您可以将Deco M4与其他Deco型号混合使用,并将其用作扩展现有网状WiFi 网络(WiFi network)覆盖范围的经济实惠的方式。Deco M4物超所值,并且在固件方面进行了一些改进,它可能会成为性能最好的负担得起的网格(WiFi system)您可以以实惠的价格购买的WiFi 系统。
拆箱TP-Link Deco M4全家庭网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)
在发布时,TP-Link Deco M4(或M4R)以两台设备的包装出售。该公司还将推出具有三个或一个Deco M4站的变体。该网状系统使用的包装与Deco 系列(Deco family)中的其他包装相似。这意味着它看起来很漂亮,开箱体验很愉快。
当你取下盖子时,你会看到另一个盒子。里面有构成TP-Link Deco M4 网状 WiFi 系统(TP-Link Deco M4 mesh WiFi system)的设备。在它们旁边,还有几个带配件的小盒子。
拆箱后,您会得到以下物品:Deco M4站、电源适配器、以太网电缆(Ethernet cable)、保修、固件许可证和快速设置指南(setup guide)。
TP-Link Deco M4 提供的拆箱体验令人愉悦。一切看起来都很棒,而且包装精美。您可以获得设置一切所需的所有配件。(The unboxing experience offered by TP-Link Deco M4 is pleasant. Everything looks great, and it is nicely packaged. You get all the accessories you need to set everything up.)
Deco M4站的设计与之前的Deco型号不同。它们又高又薄,尺寸与传统 PC 扬声器相似。这些工作站的宽度和高度(width and height)为 3.6 x 7.5 英寸或 90.7 x 190 毫米。它们的重量也约为 28 盎司或 800 克,因此很轻。在顶部,您可以看到TP-Link 徽标(TP-Link logo)和通风格栅。徽标以不同的颜色亮起,表明您想要Deco M4正在做的事情。例如,如果您看到它是红色的,则表示它已与 Internet 断开连接。
在每台Deco M4的背面,有两个速度为 1 Gbps的(Gbps)以太网(Ethernet)端口,在底部,您可以找到电源插孔(power jack)和重置(Reset)按钮。还有四个小橡胶脚垫,以便将设备放在平坦的表面上时保持稳定。不幸的是,Deco M4站不能安装在墙上。
每个Deco M4都有一个运行频率为 750 MHz的四核Qualcomm Atheros QCA9563 处理器(Qualcomm Atheros QCA9563 processor)、128 MB RAM和 16 MB固件存储空间(storage space)。每个Deco M4 单元(Deco M4 unit)有两个内部双频天线,使用 802.11ac Wave 2网络标准提供 2x2 MU-MIMO 无线传输。该系统为 2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band)提供 300 Mbps的最大理论带宽,为 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)提供867 Mbps的最大理论带宽。为了连接到您的智能手机和其他移动设备,TP-Link Deco M4使用蓝牙 4.2(Bluetooth 4.2)芯片。
如果您想了解更多关于这个全家WiFi系统(WiFi system)的官方规格,请访问此页面:TP-Link Deco M4规格(TP-Link Deco M4 Specs)。
设置和使用TP-Link Deco M4全家庭网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)
TP-Link Deco M4 网状(TP-Link Deco M4 mesh)系统的设置和管理(setup and administration)是使用适用于Android和iOS的(iOS)TP-Link Deco移动应用程序完成的。您还需要一个 TP-Link Cloud 帐户(Cloud account),您可以在此处(here)或从应用程序创建该帐户。一个缺点是缺乏双重身份验证(two-factor authentication),以提高您帐户的安全性。我们希望TP-Link将来会添加此安全功能(security feature)。在您注册或使用您的TP-Link Cloud 帐户(Cloud account)登录后,您可以开始设置过程(setup process)。设置向导(setup wizard) 易于使用,从选择您拥有的Deco 模型(Deco model)开始。然后,您将获得所有必要的设置说明,并要求您设置以下元素:您正在设置的Deco M4的位置、您的(Deco M4)互联网连接(internet connection)的详细信息,以及它所使用的无线网络(wireless network)的名称和密码即将播出。Deco M4适用于以下类型的互联网连接(internet connection):动态 IP(Dynamic IP)、静态 IP(Static IP)和PPPoE。
设置第一个站后,您可以添加其余设备。您所要做的就是选择它们的放置位置。该应用程序可帮助他们复制您为第一台设备所做的设置。要记住的一件事是,发现Deco M4电台是使用蓝牙(Bluetooth)进行的。您需要在智能手机或平板电脑上保持(smartphone or tablet)蓝牙(Bluetooth)开启。否则,设置过程(setup process)将不起作用。
当您完成Deco M4 网状(Deco M4 mesh)系统的设置后,移动应用程序会自动检查固件更新,如果找到,它会要求您下载并安装最新版本。您应该执行更新,因为较新版本的固件可以提高性能、修复稳定性问题和安全漏洞。固件更新需要一些时间,并且需要重新启动系统中的所有站。
在TP-Link Deco移动应用程序的主屏幕上,您会看到连接到网络的设备列表。您还有几个快捷方式和菜单。在屏幕的右下角,还有一个黄色按钮,中间有四个白色方块。
当您点击它时,您可以访问所有主要功能和配置选项。可用的高级设置不多,一切都可以轻松设置。您可以设置端口转发(port forwarding)、DDNS、LED 控制(LED control)、通知、家长控制(Parental Controls)、系统管理员和操作模式(operating mode)等功能。Deco M4的功能列表比更昂贵的Deco系统更精简,例如,更高级的用户可能会错过Deco M5上提供的防病毒保护(antivirus protection)。
Deco移动应用程序中的所有设置都得到了很好的解释,因此您在设置和配置网状WiFi 系统(WiFi system)时应该没有问题。我们将大约二十台设备连接到网络,我们在测试公寓(test apartment)的所有房间都享受到稳定的信号和良好的速度。我们连接了台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、智能手机、智能插头、智能灯泡、Xbox One控制台和无线打印机。他们都连接到网络没有问题。我们还能够通过网络共享内容(share content),没有任何问题。
高级用户不会意识到的一个缺点是TP-Link不提供对 Web管理用户界面(administration user interface)的访问,就像其他网格系统一样。这意味着您只能使用移动应用程序提供的基本设置。
一个重要的新颖之处在于Deco M4与其他Deco 网状(Deco mesh) WiFi系统兼容。您可以使用它来扩展由Deco M9 Plus(Deco M9 Plus)、Deco P7 或 Deco M5 工作站(Deco P7 or Deco M5 stations)制成的现有网状系统(mesh system)。看来TP-Link正在开发一种改进固件的新策略,以便他们所有的网状系统(mesh system)相互兼容,消费者可以随意混合搭配。我们喜欢这种方法,我们迫不及待地想看到它在所有Deco模型中成为现实。
通过网络传输数据时,我们还研究了 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)上网络传输的可变性。我们注意到在 2.4 GHz 频段传输数据时, (GHz band)TP-Link Deco M4的可变性相对较高。这是在笔记本电脑上进行的转移,在一个与中央Deco M4 站(Deco M4 station)一墙之隔的房间里。更昂贵的网状系统可以提供更小的无线传输可变性。
在 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)上发现了类似的变化,我们认为TP-Link应该在未来的固件更新中改善这种情况,以便Deco M4为其用户提供完美的用户体验。(user experience)
我们对 TP-Link Deco M4 及其提供的功能感到满意。我们喜欢它的设置简单、外观和通过其移动应用程序提供的功能。唯一的缺点是 Deco M4 提供的无线传输比其他网状系统具有更高的可变性,这需要在未来的固件更新中进行改进。此外,与更昂贵的 Deco 系统相比,功能列表更小,以弥补价格差异。(We are pleased with TP-Link Deco M4 and what it has to offer. We liked how easy it was to set up, how it looks and the features it offers through its mobile app. The only downside is that Deco M4 offers wireless transfers that have higher variability than other mesh systems, and this needs improvement in future firmware updates. Also, the list of features is slimmer, when compared to the more expensive Deco systems, to make up for the price difference.)
如果您想了解更多关于TP-Link Deco M4的速度、它在基准测试中的表现以及它捆绑了哪些额外功能,请转到本评论的第二页。
TP-Link Deco M4 review: Affordable and with excellent potential!
TP-Link is preparing the international launch of a new mesh WiFi system, called Deco M4 or Deco M4R. It is their most affordable mesh WiFi system yet, and it plans to compete with other brands that have aggressive pricing like Tenda. It packѕ solid hаrdwarе, and also fewer features than previous models. If you want to know more about the most affordable mesh WiFi from TP-Link, read our world-premiere review for Deсo M4:
TP-Link Deco M4: Who is it good for?
This whole-home mesh WiFi system is a suitable choice for:
See price on:
Buy now
- Homes that benefit from using a mesh WiFi system for broader wireless coverage
- Parents who desire excellent parental controls to protect their children online
- People who want to remote control their mesh WiFi system from a mobile app
- Owners of Alexa powered devices who want to voice control their home network
- Users who want to extend their existing Deco mesh WiFi system with an affordable Deco station that costs less than previous models
Pros and cons
TP-Link Deco M4 has the following positives:
- Excellent maximum speed
- Easy to set up through the TP-Link Deco mobile app
- Affordable pricing for a mesh WiFi system
- Pleasant design
- Useful parental controls that are easy to use
- It can be used in tandem with other Deco devices, even if they are from a different model
- It is integrated with Amazon Alexa and IFTTT (If This Then That)
There are also some weak spots to consider:
- It does not offer a web-based interface for administration
- The variability of wireless network transfers needs some improvement
- It has fewer features than other Deco systems, to make up for the price difference
- It is not able to fully utilize 1 Gbps internet connections, even though it is better than Deco M5 in this regard
Deco M4 or M4R is the most affordable mesh WiFi system from TP-Link. This model is designed to compete with aggressively priced mesh systems from other brands. For the lower price, you get good hardware and excellent speed for WiFi, but also fewer features than more expensive Deco models. One important strength is the fact that you can mix Deco M4 with other Deco models, and use it as an affordable way of extending the coverage of your existing mesh WiFi network. Deco M4 offers great value for the money, and with a few improvements on the firmware side, it might become the top-performing affordable mesh WiFi system that you can buy for an affordable price.
Unboxing the TP-Link Deco M4 whole-home mesh WiFi system
At launch, TP-Link Deco M4 (or M4R) is sold in packs of two devices. The company is going to launch variants with three or one Deco M4 stations too. The packaging used for this mesh system is similar to others in the Deco family. This means that it looks beautiful, and the unboxing experience is pleasant.
When you take the cover off, you see another box. Inside you have the devices that make up the TP-Link Deco M4 mesh WiFi system. Alongside them, there are several small boxes with accessories.
When you unbox everything, you get the following items: the Deco M4 stations, their power adapters, an Ethernet cable, the warranty, the license for the firmware, and the quick setup guide.
The unboxing experience offered by TP-Link Deco M4 is pleasant. Everything looks great, and it is nicely packaged. You get all the accessories you need to set everything up.
Hardware specifications and design
The design of the Deco M4 stations is different from previous Deco models. They are tall and thin, similar in size and looks to traditional PC speakers. The stations have a size of 3.6 x 7.5 inches or 90.7 x 190 mm in width and height. They also weigh around 28 ounces or 800 grams, which makes them light. On the top, you see the TP-Link logo and the ventilation grids. The logo lights up in different colors, to show you want the Deco M4 is doing. For example, if you see it red, it means that it is disconnected from the internet.
On the back of each Deco M4, there are two Ethernet ports with a speed of 1 Gbps, and on the bottom, you can find the power jack and the Reset button. There are also four small rubber feet so that the devices are stable when you place them on flat surfaces. Unfortunately, the Deco M4 stations cannot be mounted on walls.
Each Deco M4 has a quad-core Qualcomm Atheros QCA9563 processor running at 750 MHz, 128 MB of RAM and 16 MB of storage space for the firmware. There are two internal dual-band antennas per Deco M4 unit, that offer 2x2 MU-MIMO wireless transfers, using the 802.11ac Wave 2 networking standard. This system offers a maximum theoretical bandwidth of 300 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz band and 867 Mbps for the 5GHz band. To connect to your smartphone and other mobile devices, TP-Link Deco M4 uses a Bluetooth 4.2 chip.
If you want to know more about the official specifications of this whole-home WiFi system, go to this page: TP-Link Deco M4 Specs.
Setting up and using the TP-Link Deco M4 whole-home mesh WiFi system
The setup and administration of the TP-Link Deco M4 mesh system are done using the TP-Link Deco mobile app for Android and iOS. You also need a TP-Link Cloud account, which you can create here or from the app. One downside is the lack of two-factor authentication, to increase the security of your account. We hope that TP-Link is going to add this security feature in the future. After you register or log in with your TP-Link Cloud account, you can start the setup process. The setup wizard is easy to use, and it starts with choosing the Deco model that you own. You then get all the necessary setup instructions, and you are asked to set the following elements: the location of the Deco M4 that you are setting up, the details of your internet connection, and the name and the password for the wireless network that it is going to be broadcast. Deco M4 works with the following types of internet connections: Dynamic IP, Static IP, and PPPoE.
Once the first station is set up, you can add the remaining devices. All you have to do is choose where they are placed. The app helps them copy the settings you have made for the first device. One thing to keep in mind is that the discovery of Deco M4 stations is made using Bluetooth. You need to keep Bluetooth turned on, on your smartphone or tablet. Otherwise, the setup process does not work.
When you are done setting up the Deco M4 mesh system, the mobile app automatically checks for firmware updates and, if any are found, it asks you to download and install the latest version. You should perform the update, as newer versions of firmware improve performance, fix stability problems and security vulnerabilities. The firmware updates take some time and involve a restart of all the stations in the system.
On the main screen of the TP-Link Deco mobile app, you see the list of devices that are connected to the network. You also have a couple of shortcuts and menus. In the bottom-right corner of the screen, there is also a yellow button with four white squares in the middle.
When you tap on it, you get access to all the main features and configuration options. There are not many advanced settings available, and everything can be set up with ease. You can set features like port forwarding, DDNS, LED control, notifications, the Parental Controls, the Managers of the system, and the operating mode. The features list of the Deco M4 is slimmer than that of more expensive Deco systems, and more advanced users might miss the antivirus protection available on the Deco M5, for example.
All the settings in the Deco mobile app are nicely explained so you should have no issues in setting up and configuring the mesh WiFi system. We connected about twenty devices to the network, and we enjoyed a stable signal and good speeds in all the rooms of our test apartment. We connected desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, smart plugs, smart bulbs, an Xbox One console, and a wireless printer. All of them connected to the network without problems. We were also able to share content through the network, without issues.
One downside that is not going to be appreciated by advanced users is the fact that TP-Link does not offer access to a web administration user interface, as is the case with other mesh systems. This means that you are stuck with only the basic settings offered by the mobile app.
An important novelty is that Deco M4 is compatible with other Deco mesh WiFi systems. You can use it to extend an existing mesh system, made with Deco M9 Plus, Deco P7 or Deco M5 stations. It seems that TP-Link is developing a new strategy of improving their firmware so that all their mesh systems are compatible with each other and consumers can mix and match them as they want. We like this approach, and we can't wait to see it made a reality for all Deco models.
When transferring data through the network, we also looked at the variability of network transfers on both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band. We noticed a relatively high variability of TP-Link Deco M4 when transferring data on the 2.4 GHz band. Here is a transfer made on a laptop, in a room that was separated from the central Deco M4 station by one wall. More expensive mesh systems can provide a smaller variability of wireless transfers.
When we moved to a room separated by two walls from the main station, the average speed dropped, and the variability increased.
Similar variations were noticed on the 5 GHz band, and we think that TP-Link should improve this situation in future firmware updates so that Deco M4 offers a flawless user experience to its users.
We are pleased with TP-Link Deco M4 and what it has to offer. We liked how easy it was to set up, how it looks and the features it offers through its mobile app. The only downside is that Deco M4 offers wireless transfers that have higher variability than other mesh systems, and this needs improvement in future firmware updates. Also, the list of features is slimmer, when compared to the more expensive Deco systems, to make up for the price difference.
If you want to know more about the speed of TP-Link Deco M4, how it fared in benchmarks and what extra features it bundles, go to the second page of this review.