Windows 7鲜为人知的功能之一是网络地图(network map)。此功能正如其名称所暗示的那样:它向您显示在特定时间点连接到您的网络的所有计算机的完整地图。它最初是在Windows Vista中引入的,在(Windows Vista)Windows 7中几乎没有变化。在本指南中,我将向您展示如何查看网络地图(network map),解释它显示的信息、如何使用它以及在出现问题时该怎么做。
首先,打开网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center)。在窗口顶部,您将看到一个基本的网络地图(network map),显示您的计算机是否以及如何连接到互联网。
要查看完整的网络地图(network map),请单击“查看完整地图”('See full map')。

网络图(network map)应该看起来像这样。

如果您连接到多个网络,则可以在网络映射之间切换。转到“网络地图”('Network map of') 部分,然后单击(section and click)下拉菜单以选择您想要的网络。

在第一个视图中,网络图(network map)只显示了您的计算机是如何互连的。但是,网络地图(network map)可以告诉您更多信息。例如,如果您将鼠标悬停在计算机名称(computer name)上,您将看到一些有用的信息:计算机名称(computer name)、IP 地址和 MAC 地址(IP address and MAC address)。


根据笔记本电脑的型号和无线网卡(wireless network card)的类型,Windows 7 还可以显示通过无线连接的每台计算机的信号强度。

你也可以在电脑地图(computer map)上做一些动作:
为什么网络地图(Network Map)中缺少计算机?
您网络上的某些计算机可能不会显示在网络地图(network map)中,或者它们可能会显示在单独的部分中,如下图所示。

如果是这种情况,则意味着您的 Windows 7 计算机无法正确检测到它并将其放置在网络地图上(network map)。发生这种情况的原因如下:
您已连接到公共网络(You are connected to a Public network)- 在公共网络上未启用计算机发现,因此您的网络地图将不包括其他计算机。
网络发现已关闭(Network discovery is turned off)- 要了解如何打开它,请按照我们关于如何自定义网络共享设置的指南进行操作。
计算机运行的是 Windows XP(The computer is running Windows XP) - 在这种情况下,您需要在 Windows XP 计算机上安装此更新(update)并按照 Microsoft 记录的说明进行操作。
防火墙阻止了网络发现(A firewall is blocking the network discovery)- 您需要检查未显示的计算机上的防火墙设置,并确保它允许网络发现和共享。
该计算机运行非 Microsoft 操作系统(The computer runs non-Microsoft operating systems)- 如果您有 Mac 或具有 Linux 操作系统的计算机,它现在很可能会显示在地图上。
您的计算机可能会显示映射过程(mapping process)不起作用的错误消息。(error message)就我个人而言,无论我多么努力,它从来没有发生在我身上。但是,如果它发生在您身上,请尝试以下操作:
- 按 F5(Press F5)刷新网络图(network map)。如果错误仍然存在,请尝试以下建议。
- 如果您连接到无线网络(wireless network)并且信号很差,请靠近提供信号的无线路由器(wireless router)。
- 路由器可能与Windows 7 ( Layer Topology Discovery - LLTD ) 用于显示地图的协议不兼容。如果是这种情况,您唯一能做的就是将路由器更换为较新的型号。
尽管此功能并不为人所知,但它可以证明是非常有用的。玩了一段时间之后,我真的很喜欢它,并且经常使用它来访问网络上的计算机并检查(network and check)哪些计算机是打开或关闭的。
The Network Map - Access Your Network Computers in a Fun Way
One of the less known features of Wіndows 7 is the netwоrk map. This features does what its name implies: it shows you a complete map of all the computеrs conneсted to your network at a specific point in time. It was first introduced in Windows Vista and it waѕ kept pretty much unchanged in Windows 7. In this guide I will show you how to view a network maр, explain what informаtion it shows, how to use it and what to do in case of isѕues.
How to View the Network Map
First, open the Network and Sharing Center. On top of the window, you will see a basic network map, showing if and how your computer is connected to the internet.
To view the full network map, click on 'See full map'.

The network map should look somewhat like this.

If you are connected to more than one network, you can switch between network maps. Go to the 'Network map of' section and click on the drop-down menu to select the network you desire.

What Information Can You Get from the Map?
On first view, the network map just shows how your computers are interconnected. However, the network map can tell you much more. For example, if you hover your mouse over a computer name, you will see some useful information: computer name, IP address and MAC address.

Depending on how the lines are shown, you can tell which computers are connected via cable or wireless signal. All computers connected via cable have a line for each of their connections. The ones connected via wireless have an interrupted line showing their connections.

Depending on the model of your laptop and the type of wireless network card, Windows 7 can also show you the signal strength for each of the computers connected via wireless.

You can also do some actions on the computer map:
Click on a computer - this will open a Windows Explorer window showing you all the shared files, folders and devices on that computer.
- Click on the router icon - it will open the administration page of that router in a new browser window.
Click the Internet icon - it will open the Internet troubleshooting wizard.
Why are there Computers Missing from the Network Map?
Some of the computers on your network may not show up in the network map or, they may show up in a separate section, like the one shown below.

If that's the case, it means that your Windows 7 computer cannot detect it properly and place it on the network map. This can occur for the following reasons:
You are connected to a Public network - on public networks computer discovery is not enabled, so your network map will not include other computers.
Network discovery is turned off - to learn how to turn it on, follow our guide on How to Customize Network Sharing Settings.
The computer is running Windows XP - in this case you need to install this update on the Windows XP computer and follow the instructions documented by Microsoft.
A firewall is blocking the network discovery - you need to check the firewall settings on the computer which is not showing up and make sure it allows for network discovery and sharing.
The computer runs non-Microsoft operating systems - if you have a Mac or a computer with a Linux OS, chances are it will now show up on the map.
What to Do in Case of Errors
It can happen that your computer displays an error message that the mapping process did not work. Personally it never happened to me, no matter how much I tried. However, if it happens to you, try the following:
- Press F5 to refresh the network map. If the error persists try the suggestions below.
- If you are connected to a wireless network and the signal is poor, move closer to the wireless router providing the signal.
- The router can be incompatible with the protocol used by Windows 7 (Layer Topology Discovery - LLTD) to show the map. If that is the case, the only thing you can do is to replace the router with a newer model.
Even though this feature is not well known, it can prove to be very useful. After playing with it for a while, I really love it and use it surprisingly often to access the computers on the network and check which computers are turned on or off.