微软 Lumia 950(Microsoft Lumia 950)是第一款搭载Windows 10 Mobile的(Mobile)高级智能手机,它是在(premium smartphone)微软(Microsoft)一年多没有发布任何高级智能手机(premium smartphone)之后推出的。这是一个漫长而痛苦的等待,对于Windows粉丝来说,对这款旗舰产品的兴趣非常高,因为它承诺高端功能、优质设计和最佳Windows 10体验。毕竟,这是第一款像 PC 一样工作的智能手机,这不是一个小承诺。在过去的 10 天里,我们每天都在使用Lumia 950,我们想在这篇深入的评论中分享我们对这款智能手机的看法:
(Microsoft Lumia 950)Microsoft Lumia 950采用纸板箱包装,与诺基亚(Nokia)收购诺基亚以来所有Lumia设备所用的纸板箱(cardboard box)类似。在正面,您只能看到设备的图片。
在背面,信息很少:您只知道它使用Windows、Qualcomm Snapdragon 处理器和 ZEISS 光学器件(Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and ZEISS optics)。
在所有纸板下方,您还可以找到充电器、USB-C 数据线(USB-C cable)、产品用户指南(product user guide)和安全信息手册(safety information booklet)。
不幸的是,没有捆绑耳机,对于如此昂贵的智能手机来说,这真是太可惜了。您必须单独购买它们,这增加了拥有Lumia 950的成本。
在硬件方面,微软 Lumia 950(Microsoft Lumia 950)为平台带来了急需的更新。首先(First),它配备了六核高通骁龙 808(Qualcomm Snapdragon 808)处理器,运行频率为 1.8 GHz。它包括 3GB 的RAM 内存(RAM memory)和 32GB 的存储空间(storage space),可以使用MicroSD 卡(MicroSD card)进一步扩展,最大为 200 GB。
Microsoft Lumia 950具有 5.2 英寸AMOLED 屏幕(AMOLED screen),分辨率为 2560 x 1440像素,像素密度为 564 ppi,采用ClearBlack 技术和大猩猩玻璃(ClearBlack technology and Gorilla Glass)3。屏幕还包括阳光下可读性增强。不幸的是,超灵敏(super sensitive) 的触摸技术(touch technology)我们喜欢诺基亚 Lumia 930(Nokia Lumia 930)或Lumia 925从Lumia 950中消失了,这意味着你不能戴着手套使用这款智能手机。这对于在之前的Lumia旗舰上享受此功能的用户来说将是一个失望。
电池可更换,容量为 3000 mAh,具有Qi 无线(Qi wireless)充电和快速充电功能。
主摄像头有一个 20 兆像素的图像传感器(image sensor),它采用蔡司(ZEISS)6 镜头光学元件,具有自然闪光、PureView和其他有用的技术,至少在理论上,应该使其成为目前最好的智能手机摄像头(smartphone cameras)之一。在视频录制(video recording)方面,它能够以每秒 30 帧的速度录制 4K 视频,分辨率为 3840 x 2160像素。
前置摄像头有一个不错的 5兆像素传感器(Megapixels sensor)和广角镜头,可以录制全高清 1080p(Full HD 1080p)视频。
在连接性方面,微软 Lumia 950(Microsoft Lumia 950)是第一款配备USB-C的(USB-C)Windows 智能手机(Windows smartphone)。这意味着您的智能手机和计算机之间的充电速度和数据传输速度非常快。Lumia 950还包括蓝牙 4.1(Bluetooth 4.1)并支持使用所有现代标准的(standard s)无线网络,包括 802.11ac。您可以同时连接到 2.4GHz 和 5GHz 无线网络并享受真正快速的传输,这真是太好了。就像(Just)任何最近的Lumia 设备(Lumia device)一样,它也包括NFC 支持(NFC support)。
Lumia 950比Lumia 930更大,在高度、(Lumia 930)宽度和厚度(width and thickness)方面具有 145 x 73.2 x 8.2 毫米(或 5.7 x 2.88 x 0.32 英寸)的尺寸。重量也为 150 克或 5.29 盎司。
您可以在此处找到这款智能手机的所有硬件和软件规格(hardware and software specifications):Microsoft Lumia 950 规格(Microsoft Lumia 950 Specifications)。
在硬件方面,微软 Lumia 950 有足够的冲击力,以提供非常好的性能和流畅的用户体验。(In terms of hardware, Microsoft Lumia 950 packs enough punch in order to deliver very good performance and a smooth user experience.)
Microsoft Lumia 950提供良好的构建质量和简洁的设计,但它不是旗舰质量,而价格标签(price tag)是。花同样的钱,您可以获得一款看起来像真正旗舰的Android 设备。(Android device)不幸的是,Lumia 950采用了非常通用的设计,类似于便宜的Lumias,而且绝对不会让人头疼。这太笼统了。
好消息是屏幕质量非常好。ClearBlack 技术(ClearBlack technology)通过提供非常好的黑色而绝对闪耀。白色也不错,但其他搭载Android的旗舰机型在这方面会做得稍好一些。视角也不错,但户外能见度略弱于同价位的安卓(Android)旗舰。与同价位(price range)的其他智能手机相比,在户外使用时,屏幕亮度不足。之前的高端Lumia智能手机缺少的一个功能是超灵敏触控。这在Microsoft Lumia 950(Microsoft Lumia 950)上不可用,这意味着您不能在戴手套时使用此智能手机。冬天来了,这个功能在一年中的这个时候非常有用。
取下盖子非常容易。如果您有备用电池,插入SIM 卡(SIM card)或MicroSD 卡(MicroSD card)以扩展存储空间(storage space),您更换电池不会有任何问题。
不幸的是, Microsoft Lumia 950只有两种颜色:黑色和白色。微软(Microsoft)决定不再像诺基亚(Nokia)那样使用彩色封面,我们认为这是一个错误。高端智能手机的用户总是更喜欢定制,而不是更少。
另一个重要的变化是Lumia 950的硬件按钮比以前的Windows Phone旗舰产品少。Back、Windows和Search按钮现在是软件按钮。您获得的唯一硬件按钮位于智能手机的右侧:电源按钮(power button)、音量(volume rocker)键和相机按钮(camera button)。较少数量的硬件按钮是从以前的高端Lumias降级的,因为软件按钮有时可能很繁琐。
我们欣赏Lumia 950的一个设计方面(design aspect)是握在手中的感觉有多轻。这款智能手机也不是太大,大多数用户只用一只手就能使用它。
总体而言,Microsoft Lumia 950 的构建质量不错,但其设计对于价格较高的智能手机来说过于普通。(Overall, the build quality of the Microsoft Lumia 950 is good but its design is too generic for a smartphone with a premium price tag.)
Microsoft Lumia 950上的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)
Microsoft Lumia 950上的电话通话质量大多很好。然而,有时我们听到的声音听起来像是从锡罐中回响。这很可能是一个相对随机地表现出来的软件问题(software issue),可以在Windows 10 Mobile的最终版本中修复。
信号接收良好。Lumia 950 从 3G 连接到 4G 连接并向后跳,没有任何“打嗝”。
Microsoft Lumia 950提供的音频质量很好,只要您愿意投资购买耳机组(headphone set),因为这款智能手机没有捆绑任何耳机。提供的音频增强功能做得很好,尽管它们比以前的旗舰产品少,比如Lumia 930。只要您不进行最高音量设置,这款智能手机背面的扬声器就会响亮而清晰。当你这样做时,失真会开始。由于扬声器位于背面,如果您想享受好声音,您需要将智能手机放置在扬声器不被放置的表面覆盖的位置。如果您不想在听音乐或观看视频时将其握在手中,这可能是个问题。
改变用户体验(user experience)的Windows 10功能之一是新的Windows Hello!,它会扫描您的虹膜以解锁您的智能手机。尽管它大部分时间都可以工作,但它的速度不如指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)快。此外,您必须以与训练它相同的方向看智能手机。最重要的是,它会更快地耗尽您的电池电量,因此您最终可能会关闭它。
在性能方面,大多数时候Lumia 950 都能(Lumia 950)提供不错的效果。唯一一次智能手机很慢的时候是我们第一次设置它并且我们从Lumia 930迁移了我们所有的应用程序。在迁移过程中(migration process),一切都很慢,电池很快耗尽。结束后,我们享受了非常好的表现。所有应用程序都很活泼并且运行良好。唯一让我们的用户体验恶化的是我们在Windows 10 Mobile中遇到的错误。该操作系统(operating system)尚未最终确定,仍然存在需要解决的问题。但更多关于本评论后面的内容。您需要记住的是硬件方面的Lumia 950提供快速流畅的用户体验所需的一切,尽管操作系统暂时(operating system)阻止了它。
关于电池寿命(battery life),这是这款智能手机的弱点。最有可能的是,Windows 10 Mobile仍在开发中这一事实很可能会对这款智能手机的电池续航能力产生重大影响:大多数情况下,正常使用时间不会超过 11-13 小时无需充电。在轻度使用条件下,您可能会获得完整的 24 小时,但不会更多。此外,Lumia 950在长时间使用后确实会变热,尤其是在您玩游戏或使用GPS 导航(GPS navigation)时。如果您在充电时使用它,它会变得特别热。
从积极的方面来说,微软 Lumia 950(Microsoft Lumia 950)使用的USB-C 技术(USB-C technology)可以非常快速地为这款智能手机充电。从 0%,它在大约四到五分钟内反弹回 10%。它继续在大约 1 个半小时内完全恢复电池。
从硬件角度来看,Microsoft Lumia 950 能够提供强大的性能、快速的用户体验和不错的电池寿命。但是,Windows 10 移动版仍在开发中,并且存在降低用户体验质量的错误。用户会喜欢的一项功能是其快速充电 USB 技术,可在 1 个半小时内完全恢复电池电量。(From a hardware perspective, Microsoft Lumia 950 is capable of delivering strong performance, a snappy user experience and decent battery life. However, Windows 10 Mobile is still under development and has bugs which lower the quality of the user experience. One feature that users will enjoy a lot is its fast charging USB-technology, which completely restores the battery in 1 hour and a half.)
Microsoft Lumia 950的相机(camera experience)体验
Microsoft Lumia 950的相机体验(camera experience)几乎与我们之前的 Lumia 旗舰产品的质量水平相同(Lumia)。相机内部的硬件质量非常好,几乎可以在任何条件下拍摄精美的照片,包括在光线不足的环境中。但是,该软件已不像以前那样一流。对于Windows 10 Mobile,微软(Microsoft)不得不创建一个新的相机(Camera)应用。我们不再拥有Windows Phone 8.1中出色的(Windows Phone 8.1)Lumia 相机(Lumia Camera)应用程序。尽管用户体验(user experience) 在新应用程序中类似,它在自定义选项方面确实提供的更少。此外,虽然主摄像头有一个两段式自动对焦捕捉键(auto focus capture key),但它有时确实难以对焦,我们必须通过指向我们希望它对焦的位置来帮助它。另一个缺点是后处理总是需要几秒钟。如果您想在拍摄后立即查看照片,则需要耐心武装自己。这是一种耻辱,因为Microsoft Lumia 950中包含的硬件比以前的旗舰产品强大得多。后期处理不应该比旧智能手机花费更多的时间。这肯定是一个软件问题(software issue),可以在相机(Camera)应用程序的未来更新中修复。
关于您使用Microsoft Lumia 950拍摄的照片质量- 非常好。您可以在下面找到一个包含数十张照片的画廊,其中包括使用前置 5(front 5) 百万像素相机拍摄(Megapixel camera)的自拍照。如您所见,即使是前置摄像头(front camera)也非常有能力。
视频(Video)录制非常好:数字视频稳定(video stabilization)效果很好,视频和音频质量一流。您可以录制最大分辨率为 3840x2160 像素和每秒 30 帧的视频,也可以录制1920x1080 像素和每秒 60 帧的全高清视频。(Full HD videos)下面您可以看到在公园拍摄的全景视频。
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,慢动作视频(slow-motion video)录制选项很有趣。要开始捕捉慢动作视频(slow-motion video),请点击相机应用程序上的(Camera)视频(Video)按钮,然后点击带有海龟的图标。以下是普通视频的外观:
这是以每秒 120 帧的慢动作录制的同一主题:
微软 Lumia 950 上的两个摄像头在拍摄高质量照片和录制高质量视频方面做得非常好。但是,该软件已被微软从头开始重写,它仍然需要一些改进,直到它达到 Windows Phone 8.1 中的前 Lumia 相机应用程序提供的质量水平。(The two cameras on the Microsoft Lumia 950 do a very good job at taking high-quality pictures and recording high-quality video. However, the software has been rewritten from scratch by Microsoft and it still needs a bit of improvement, until it reaches the level of quality offered by the former Lumia Camera apps from Windows Phone 8.1.)
Microsoft Lumia 950 Review - The first smartphone that works like a PC
Microsoft Lumia 950 is the first premium smartphone with Wіndows 10 Mobile and іt comes after more thаn a year in which Microsoft did not release any premium smartphones. It h as been a very long аnd painful wait and, for Windоws fans, the interest in this flagshіp is very high, as it promises high-end features, premium design, and the best Windоws 10 experience. After all, this is the first smartphone that works like а PC and that's not a small promise. We've been us ing the Lumia 950 on a daily basіs, for the last 10 days and we would like to share our opinion about this smartphone, in this in-dеpth review:
Hardware specifications & packaging
Microsoft Lumia 950 is packaged in a cardboard box which is similar to those used for all Lumia devices since Nokia was purchased by Microsoft. On the front, you can see only a picture of the device.
On the back, there's very little in terms of information: you learn only that it uses Windows, a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and ZEISS optics.
When you open the box, you see the smartphone.
Beneath all the paperboards, you will also find the charger, a USB-C cable, the product user guide and the safety information booklet.
Unfortunately there are no bundled headphones and that's quite a shame for a smartphone this expensive. You will have to buy them separately, which increases the cost of owning a Lumia 950.
In terms of hardware, Microsoft Lumia 950 brings a much needed update to the platform. First of all, it packs a six-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 processor, running at 1.8 GHz. It includes 3GB of RAM memory and 32GB of storage space which can be further expanded with the use of a MicroSD card, of any size up to 200 GB.
Microsoft Lumia 950 has a 5.2" AMOLED screen wit h a resolu tion of 2560 x 1440 pixels, a pixel density of 564 ppi, with ClearBlack technology and Gorilla Glass 3 . The screen also includes sunlight readability enhancements. Unfortunately, the super sensitive touch technology that we enjoyed in Nokia Lumia 930 or Lumia 925 is gone from the Lumia 950, meaning that you cannot use this smartphone while wearing gloves. This will be a disappointment to users who enjoyed this feature o n previous Lumia flagships.
The battery is replaceable, it has a capacity of 3000 mAh and it features Qi wireless charging as well as fast charging.
The main camera has a 20 megapixels image sensor, it features ZEISS 6-lens optics, with natural flash, PureView and other useful technologies that, at least in theory, should make it one of the best smartphone cameras out there. In terms of video recording, it is capable of recording 4K video at 30 frames per second and a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels.
The front-facing camera has a decent 5 Megapixels sensor with wide angle lenses and can record Full HD 1080p video.
In terms of connectivity, the Microsoft Lumia 950 is the first Windows smartphone to feature USB-C. This means very fast charging and very fast data transfers between your smartphone and your computer. Lumia 950 also includes Bluetooth 4.1 and support for wireless networking using all the modern standard s, including 802.11ac. It's great that you can connect to both 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless networks and enjoy really fast transfers. Just like any recent Lumia device, it also includes NFC support.
Lumia 950 is larger than Lumia 930, having a size of 145 x 73.2 x 8.2 mm (or 5.7 x 2.88 x 0.32 inches) in terms of height, width and thickness. In also weighs 150 grams or 5.29 ounces.
You can find all the hardware and software specifications of this smartphone, here: Microsoft Lumia 950 Specifications.
In terms of hardware, Microsoft Lumia 950 packs enough punch in order to deliver very good performance and a smooth user experience.
Design & build quality
The Microsoft Lumia 950 offers good build-quality and a clean simplistic design, but it isn't flagship quality, while the price tag is. For the same money you can get an Android device which looks like a real flagship. Unfortunately, the Lumia 950 uses a very generic design, similar to that of cheaper Lumias, and it will definitely not turn heads. It's too generic for that.
The good news is that the screen is of very good quality. The ClearBlack technology definitely shines, by offering really good blacks. Whites are good too but other flagship models with Android will do slightly better in this regard. The viewing angles are also good but outdoors visibility is slightly weaker than on Android flagships at the same price. The screen lacks in brightness when used outdoors, compared to other smartphones in its price range . A feature that we missed from previous high-end Lumia smartphones is the super sensitive touch. This is not available on the Microsoft Lumia 950, meaning that you cannot use this smartphone while wearing gloves. Winter is here and this feature is very useful during this time of the year.
The back cover definitely doesn't feel like that of a premium device. It's the same kind of plastic used on cheaper Lumia models. On the back you will find the camera, the flash and the speaker.
Taking the cover off is very easy. You will have no issues in changing the battery if you have a spare, inserting the SIM card or the MicroSD card for extending the storage space.
Unfortunately Microsoft Lumia 950 is available only in two colors: black and white. Microsoft decided to quit using colorful covers like Nokia did, which is a mistake in our view. Users of high-end smartphones will always prefer more customization, not less.
Another important change is the fact that Lumia 950 has fewer hardware buttons than previous Windows Phone flagships. The Back , Windows and Search buttons are now software buttons. The only hardware buttons you get are on the right side of the smartphone: the power button, the volume rocker and the camera button. A smaller number of hardware buttons is a downgrade from previous high-end Lumias, as the software buttons can be fiddly at times.
One design aspect that we appreciate on the Lumia 950 is how light it feels to hold in your hands. This smartphone is not too big either and most users will be able to use it with only one hand.
Overall, the build quality of the Microsoft Lumia 950 is good but its design is too generic for a smartphone with a premium price tag.
The smartphone experience on Microsoft Lumia 950
The quality of phone conversations was mostly good on the Microsoft Lumia 950. However, there were times when we've experienced voices that sound as if they were echoing out of a tin can. This is most probably a software issue which manifested itself relatively randomly and which can be fixed in the final version of Windows 10 Mobile.
The signal reception is good. Lumia 950 jumped from 3G to 4G connections and backwards without any "hiccups".
The audio quality offered by the Microsoft Lumia 950 is good, as long as you are willing to invest in purchasing a headphone set, since none are bundled with this smartphone. The audio enhancements offered do a good job, even though there are fewer of them than on previous flagships, like the Lumia 930. The speaker on the back side of this smartphone is loud and clear, as long as you do not go for the highest volume settings. Distortions will kick in when you do that. Because the speaker is on the back, if you want to enjoy good sound, you need to position the smartphone so that the speaker is not covered by the surface where you placed it. This may be an issue if you don't want to hold it in your hands while listening to music or watching videos.
One of the Windows 10 features that changes the user experience is the new Windows Hello!, which scans your iris in order to unlock your smartphone. Even though it works most of the time , it's not nearly as a fast as a fingerprint sensor. Also, you have to look at your smartphone in the same orientation as you trained it. On top of it, it drains your battery faster so you may just end up turning it off.
In terms of performance, most times Lumia 950 delivers good results. The only time when the smartphone was very slow was when we first set it up and we migrated all our apps from a Lumia 930. During the migration process, everything was slow and the battery drained quite fast. Once that was over, we enjoyed very good performance. All apps were snappy and worked well. The only thing that deteriorated our user experience were the bugs we encountered in Windows 10 Mobile. This operating system is not yet finalized and it still has issues that need to be ironed out. But more on those later in this review. What you need to remember is that hardware-wise, Lumia 950 delivers what you need for a fast and smooth user experience, although the operating system is holding it back, for now.
Regarding battery life , this is a weak spot of this smartphone. Most probably, the fact that Windows 10 Mobile is still under development, is very likely to have a major influence on how much this smartphone's battery is able to last: most days, it didn't last more than 11-13 hours of normal use without charging. In light usage conditions, you might get a full 24 hours but not more. Also, Lumia 950 does get hot after extended use, especially if you are gaming or using GPS navigation. It gets especially hot if you are using it while charging.
On the positive side, the USB-C technology used by Microsoft Lumia 950 charges this smartphone very quickly. From 0%, it bounced back to 10% in about four to five minutes. It went on to completely restore the battery in about 1 hour and a half.
From a hardware perspective, Microsoft Lumia 950 is capable of delivering strong performance, a snappy user experience and decent battery life. However, Windows 10 Mobile is still under development and has bugs which lower the quality of the user experience. One feature that users will enjoy a lot is its fast charging USB-technology, which completely restores the battery in 1 hour and a half.
The camera experience on the Microsoft Lumia 950
The camera experience on the Microsoft Lumia 950 is almost at the same level of quality we had with previous Lumia flagships. The hardware inside the camera is of very good quality and it can shoot great-looking pictures in almost any kind of conditions, including in poorly-lit environments. However, the software is not as top-notch as it used to be. For Windows 10 Mobile, Microsoft had to create a new Camera app. We no longer have the great Lumia Camera app from Windows Phone 8.1. Even though the user experience is similar in the new app, it does offer less in terms of customization options. Also, while the main camera has a two-stage auto focus capture key, it did struggle at times to focus and we had to help it by pointing on where we want it to focus. Another downside is that the post-processing always takes several seconds. If you want to view a picture as soon as you have taken it, you need to arm yourself with some patience. This is a shame, as the hardware included in Microsoft Lumia 950 is a lot more powerful than in previous flagships. P ost processing should not take more time than on older smartphones. This is surely a software issue that can be fixed in future updates to the Camera app.
Regarding the quality of the pictures you take with the Microsoft Lumia 950 - it is very good. Below you can find a gallery with dozens of pictures, including selfies which were taken with the front 5 Megapixel camera. As you can see, even the front camera is quite capable.
Video recordings are very good: the digital video stabilization works well and the video and audio quality are top-notch. You can record videos at a maximum resolution of 3840x2160 pixels and 30 frames per second or you can go for Full HD videos at 1920x1080 pixels and 60 frames per second. Below you can see a panoramic video, shot in a park.
Here's a video featuring some children playing and moving around.
We also enjoyed recording videos at concerts. As you can hear below, the audio quality is really good. This is a recording from a recent concert held by the band Nightwish, in Bucharest, Romania.
And here's another recording made at another concert.
Last but not least, the slow-motion video recording option is interesting. To start capturing slow-motion video, you tap the Video button on the Camera app, and then the icon with the turtle. Here's how a normal video looks:
And here's the same subject recorded in slow motion, at 120 frames per second:
The two cameras on the Microsoft Lumia 950 do a very good job at taking high-quality pictures and recording high-quality video. However, the software has been rewritten from scratch by Microsoft and it still needs a bit of improvement, until it reaches the level of quality offered by the former Lumia Camera apps from Windows Phone 8.1.