Windows 10 操作系统举世闻名,其定期更新使其独一无二且值得信赖。所有应用程序和小部件(apps and widgets)都不是完美的,但仍然非常有用。但是,它们的设置和功能可能会更好。尽管微软(Microsoft)在全球拥有约13 亿 Windows 10 用户(1.3 billion Windows 10 users worldwide)的用户群;虽然许多人认为 Windows 10 很烂。这是因为出现了不同的问题。例如,您可能会遇到文件资源管理器损坏、 (File Explorer)VMWare兼容性问题、数据删除等问题。此外,一些用户报告说 Windows 10 Pro不适合小型企业,因为它缺乏适当的文件层次结构(file hierarchy). 因此,在本文中,我们整理了一份原因列表,解释了 Windows 10 为何如此糟糕。
为什么 Windows 10 很烂?(Why Does Windows 10 Suck? )
在2015年的计算机世界中, (computer world)Windows 10是一个很好的到来。Windows 10最受赞赏的功能是其与几乎所有常见应用程序的通用兼容性。然而,它最近失去了它的魅力。此外,新版Windows 11的发布让用户将其Windows 操作系统(Windows operating)升级到最新版本。阅读下面的原因列表,这些原因让人们想知道为什么Windows 10很糟糕。
1. 隐私问题(1. Privacy Issues)
每个 Windows 10 用户面临的最直接的不适就是隐私问题(privacy issue)。当您的桌面打开时,Microsoft可能会捕获您的(Microsoft)Windows 系统(Windows system)的实时视频。同样,系统会捕获所有元数据以及您使用的所有数据等等。所有此类捕获的数据称为Microsoft 兼容性遥测 (Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry )数据,收集这些数据是为了跟踪和修复计算机中的错误。默认情况下,控制系统收集的所有数据的开关始终处于打开状态(Turned on, by default)。但是,它也可能会增加CPU 使用率,正如(CPU usage)Microsoft 论坛(Microsoft Forum)上经常报道的那样。
2.质量差的更新(2. Poor Quality Updates)
Windows 10 糟糕的另一个原因是更新质量差。Microsoft会定期发布更新以修复影响系统的常见错误。但是,这些更新可能会导致常见错误(may lead to common errors),例如:
- 蓝牙设备消失
- 不需要的警告提示
- 减慢 Windows 10
- 系统崩溃
- 打印机和存储设备故障
- 无法正常启动您的电脑
- 从谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)等网站连续退出
另请阅读:(Also Read:)为什么 Windows 10 更新速度极慢(Slow)?
3.强制自动更新(3. Forced Auto Updates)
在以前的Windows版本中,根本没有强制选择更新系统。也就是说,只要系统中有可用的更新,您就可以决定是否安装它。这是一个有用的功能,不会强迫您强制更新系统。但是,Windows 10 会强制您立即重新启动(Restart now)或稍后(Restart later)重新启动以自动安装更新。你们中的许多人可能认为强制自动更新根本不是问题。但事实是,您可能会遇到一些无形的问题,例如Wi-Fi问题、PC 无法POST和设备未迁移错误。
4.添加了膨胀软件(4. Added Bloatware)
Windows 10 由大多数用户不使用的多个游戏和应用程序组成。Bloatware不是Microsoft 政策(Microsoft Policy)的一部分。因此,如果您执行 Windows 10 的干净启动,(perform a clean boot of Windows 10)则应彻底清除所有数据以及程序和应用程序。然而,在Windows 10(Windows 10)中感觉不到显着差异。您可以阅读我们的指南以了解如何(How)执行干净启动(Boot),因为它可以修复许多故障并删除过时软件。
5. 无法使用的开始菜单搜索(5. Unusable Start Menu Search)
为什么 Windows 10 很烂?(Why does Windows 10 suck?)除了上述原因之外,无法使用的开始菜单搜索(start menu search)也让许多用户感到烦恼。因此,每当您尝试使用Windows Search Menu时,
- 您将得不到任何结果(no results)或不相容的答案。
- 此外,搜索功能也可能不可见(Search function might not be visible)。
因此,您可能无法使用开始菜单搜索(start menu search)打开一些常见的应用程序或程序。
因此,每当您遇到此问题时,请按如下方式运行内置的Windows 疑难解答:(Windows troubleshooter)
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 单击更新和安全(Update & Security)>疑难解答(Troubleshoot)>其他疑难解答(Additional Troubleshooters)。
3. 向下滚动并选择搜索和索引。(Search and Indexing.) 然后,选择运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter)按钮。
4. 等待该过程完成,然后重新启动(restart)您的 PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何消除 Windows 11
6. 不需要的广告和建议
(6. Unwanted Ads & Suggestions
整个Windows 10 操作系统(operating system)到处(advertisements everywhere.)都有广告。您可能会在开始菜单(Start Menu)、任务栏(Taskbar)、锁定屏幕(Lock Screen)、通知栏(Notification Bar)甚至文件管理器(File Manager)中看到广告。在整个屏幕上显示广告可能很烦人,并且可能是用户觉得 Windows 10 很糟糕的原因。
7. 注册表溢出
(7. Registry Overflow
Windows 10 系统存储了许多无用、不必要的文件,人们不知道它们来自哪里。因此,计算机通过(Thus)存储所有损坏的文件和应用程序(storing all broken files and applications)而成为老鼠窝。此外,如果在Windows 10(Windows 10) PC上安装应用程序时出现问题,那么配置错误的文件也会存储在系统中。这会打乱Windows 10(Windows 10) PC的整个配置设置。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何删除Windows 注册表(Windows Registry)中的损坏条目(Delete Broken Entries)
8. 不必要数据的存储
(8. Storage of Unnecessary Data
每当您从 Internet 安装任何应用程序或程序(application or program)时,文件将存储在不同的位置和不同的目录(stored in different locations and in different directories)中。因此,如果您尝试重新排列它们,应用程序将崩溃并崩溃。此外,即使从根目录(root directory)中删除整个应用程序,也无法确定整个应用程序是否会从系统中删除,因为文件分布在各个目录中。
(9. Longer Safe Mode Entry Process
在Windows 7中,您可以在系统启动(system startup)时按F8 键(F8 key )进入安全模式(Safe Mode)。但在Windows 10中,您必须通过设置(Settings)或从 Windows 10 USB 恢复驱动器(USB recovery drive)切换到安全模式(Safe Mode)。这些过程比以前需要更多时间,这就是Windows 10在这方面糟糕的原因。在此处阅读有关如何(How)在Windows 10中启动(Boot)到安全模式(Safe Mode)的指南。
10. 没有家庭组(10. Absence of Homegroup )
以前版本的Windows包含一项称为家庭组的功能,(Homegroup, )您可以在其中将文件和媒体从一台计算机共享到另一台计算机。2018 年 4 月(April 2018)更新后,Microsoft删除了Homegroup,此后包括OneDrive。它是一种共享媒体文件的云计算服务。尽管OneDrive是一款出色的数据传输工具,但在没有(data transfer tool)互联网连接(internet connectivity)的情况下共享数据是不可能的。
(11. Control Panel vs Settings Debate
作为一个广泛使用的操作系统(operating system),Windows 10 必须易于使用。它应该可以在任何类型的设备上轻松访问,例如平板电脑或笔记本电脑,或者功能齐全的笔记本电脑,因为Microsoft设计了具有触摸友好界面的Windows 。自2015年推出以来,仍有一些东西处于发展阶段。其中一项功能是在控制面板中显示所有应用程序以便于访问(displaying all applications in Control Panel for easier access)。控制面板(Control Panel)尚未完全配置与设置应用程序相关,反之亦然(Settings app and vice-versa)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在Windows 10中(Windows 10)创建控制面板所有任务快捷方式(Create Control Panel All Tasks Shortcut)
12. 不能在虚拟桌面中使用不同的主题(12. Can’t Use Different Themes in Virtual Desktop)
许多用户推荐在虚拟桌面上启用不同主题和壁纸的功能,这将有助于分类和组织(categorization and organization)。另一方面,Windows 11允许用户为每个用户自定义它们。(Windows 11)在此处阅读有关如何(How)在Windows 11中更改墙纸(Wallpaper)的指南。
13.无法在设备之间同步开始菜单(13. Cannot Sync Start Menu Between Devices)
同步开始菜单(Start menus)将使您能够在布局保持不变的情况下从一台设备切换到另一台设备。此功能在Windows 8中可用,但Windows 10系统缺少它。删除此功能没有具体原因。为什么 Windows 10 在改进功能方面表现不佳,但在删除功能方面似乎很出色?( Why does Windows 10 suck at improving features but seem to be great at removing them?)相反,微软应该将其定制为一个可选界面(should have customized this as an optional interface),供那些发现它有用的人使用。这是 Windows 10 糟糕的另一个原因。
14. 无法调整应用大小(14. App Size Can’t Be Resized)
您可以通过拖动开始菜单(Start menu)的角来调整其大小,但不能调整列表中的应用程序的大小(cannot resize the apps in the list)。如果在Windows 10(Windows 10)更新中添加此功能,那将非常有帮助。
15. Cortana 国际版不可用(15. International Version of Cortana Not Available)
Cortana是Windows 10系统的一个惊人的附加优势。
- 然而,它只能理解和说几种预定义的语言(can understand and speak only a few pre-defined languages)。尽管它正在不断发展以满足有希望的功能,但它的进步仍然不如许多人预期的那样。
很少有国家不支持 Cortana(Few countries do not support Cortana)。因此,Microsoft开发人员应努力使Cortana可用于世界上所有国家/地区。
(Pro Tip: Perform System Restore to Revert Updates
一些Windows用户声称,回滚到以前的Windows版本通常有助于解决Windows更新和升级其功能的问题。因此,我们已经为我们宝贵的读者解释了如何执行系统还原(system restore)。此外,您可以阅读我们关于如何(How)在Windows 10中创建系统还原点(System Restore Point)的指南。
1.在Windows搜索中输入&搜索(Windows search)cmd。单击以管理员(Run as administrator )身份运行命令提示符(Command Prompt),如图所示。
2.输入rstrui.exe并按Enter 键(Enter)。
3. 现在,系统还原(System Restore )窗口将出现。在这里,单击Next。
4. 然后,选择所需的还原点(Restore point)并单击下一步(Next )按钮。
5. 最后,单击完成(Finish)按钮确认还原点。(restore point)
Windows 10 将恢复到之前的状态,在更新和解决上述更新后遇到的问题(如果有)之前。
- 如何在Windows 11上更改(Windows 11)壁纸(Wallpaper)
- 修复(Fix)Windows 10黄(Yellow Screen)屏(Death)死机
- 修复(Fix Unknown USB Device)Windows 10中的未知 USB 设备
- C:windowssystem32configsystemprofileDesktop 不可用:已修复
我希望我们回答了您的问题,为什么 Windows 10 很糟糕(why Windows 10 sucks)。让我们知道这篇文章如何帮助您。此外,请在评论部分留下您的疑问/建议。
Why Windows 10 Sucks?
Windоws 10 operating systems are world-famous, and their regular updates make them unique and trustworthy. All аpps and widgets are not perfect but still pretty useful. Hоwever, their settings & fеatures could be better. Althoυgh Microsoft enjoys a user baѕe of around 1.3 billion Windows 10 users worldwide; while many think that Windows 10 sucks. It is because of the different issues that pop up. For instance, you may face problems with broken File Explorer, compatibility issues with VMWare, deletion of data, etc. Also, some users have reported that Windows 10 Pro is not suited for small businesses because it lacks a proper file hierarchy. So, in this article, we have compiled a list of reasons explaining why does Windows 10 suck so bad.
Why Does Windows 10 Suck?
In the computer world of 2015, Windows 10 was a good arrival. The most appreciated feature of Windows 10 is its universal compatibility with almost all common applications. However, it has lost its charm recently. Moreover, the release of the new Windows 11 has made users upgrade their Windows operating system to the latest version. Read below the list of reasons which make people wonder why Windows 10 sucks.
1. Privacy Issues
The most immediate discomfort that every Windows 10 user faces is the privacy issue. When your desktop is turned on, Microsoft might capture a live video of your Windows system. Likewise, all metadata is captured by the system along with all the data you use and more. All such captured data is called Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry which is collected to track and fix bugs in your computer. The switch that controls all the data gathered by the system is always Turned on, by default. However, it may also spike up CPU usage as has been commonly reported on the Microsoft Forum.
2. Poor Quality Updates
Another reason why Windows 8 & 10 sucks is due to the poor quality of updates. Microsoft regularly releases updates to fix common bugs that affect the system. However, these updates may lead to common errors like:
- Disappearance of Bluetooth devices
- Unwanted warning prompts
- Slowing down of Windows 10
- System crashes
- Malfunctioning of printers and storage devices
- Inability to boot your PC normally
- Continuous logging out from websites like Google Chrome
Also Read: Why are Windows 10 Updates Extremely Slow?
3. Forced Auto Updates
In previous versions of Windows, the option to update your system was not forced at all. That is, whenever there was an update available in the system, you could decide whether to install it or not. This was a useful feature and did not compel you to update the system forcefully. But, Windows 10 forces you to either Restart now or Restart later to install updates automatically. Many of you might think that forced auto-updates are not a problem at all. But the fact is, that you may face some invisible problems like Wi-Fi issues, PC won’t POST, and device not migrated errors.
4. Added Bloatware
Windows 10 is composed of multiple games and applications that are not used by the majority of the users. Bloatware is not part of Microsoft Policy. So, if you perform a clean boot of Windows 10, all the data along with programs and applications should be cleaned completely. Yet no significant differences can be felt in Windows 10. You can read our guide to learn How to Perform Clean Boot as it may fix many glitches and remove bloatware.
5. Unusable Start Menu Search
Why does Windows 10 suck? In addition to the above reasons, the unusable start menu search annoys many users. So, whenever you try to use Windows Search Menu,
- You will either get no results or incompatible answers.
- Moreover, the Search function might not be visible too.
Thus, you may not be able to open some common applications or programs using the start menu search.
Therefore, whenever you face this problem, run in-built Windows troubleshooter as follows:
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Click on Update & Security > Troubleshoot > Additional Troubleshooters.
3. Scroll down and select Search and Indexing. Then, select Run the troubleshooter button.
4. Wait for the process to be completed and then restart your PC.
Also Read: How to Debloat Windows 11
6. Unwanted Ads & Suggestions
The entire Windows 10 operating system has advertisements everywhere. You may see advertisements in the Start Menu, Taskbar, Lock Screen, Notification Bar, and even File Manager. Displaying advertisements all over the screen could be annoying, and possibly, why users may feel that Windows 10 sucks.
7. Registry Overflow
Windows 10 systems store many useless, unnecessary files, and people do not understand where they come from. Thus, the computer becomes a rat’s nest by storing all broken files and applications. Also, if there is a problem during the installation of an application on a Windows 10 PC, then the misconfigured files are also stored in the system. This messes up the entire configurational setup of your Windows 10 PC.
Also Read: How to Delete Broken Entries in Windows Registry
8. Storage of Unnecessary Data
Whenever you install any application or program from the internet, the files will be stored in different locations and in different directories. So, if you try to rearrange them, the application will break down and crash. Moreover, there is no certainty that the entire application is deleted from the system even when it is removed from its root directory since the files are spread across various directories.
9. Longer Safe Mode Entry Process
In Windows 7, you can enter the Safe Mode by hitting F8 key during system startup. But in Windows 10, you have to switch to Safe Mode through Settings or from Windows 10 USB recovery drive. These processes take more time than earlier and this is why Windows 10 sucks in this regard. Read our guide on How to Boot to Safe Mode in Windows 10 here.
10. Absence of Homegroup
Previous versions of Windows included a feature called Homegroup, where you could share your files and media from one computer to another. After April 2018 update, Microsoft removed Homegroup and thereafter included OneDrive. It is a cloud computing service to share media files. Although OneDrive is an excellent data transfer tool, sharing data without internet connectivity is impossible here.
11. Control Panel vs Settings Debate
Being a widely used operating system, Windows 10 must be easy to use. It should be easily accessible on any kind of device, say a tablet or a notebook, or a full-fledged laptop since Microsoft has designed Windows with a touch-friendly interface. Since its launch in 2015, there are still things in the developmental stage. One such feature is displaying all applications in Control Panel for easier access. Control Panel is yet to be fully configured with relevance to the Settings app and vice-versa.
Also Read: Create Control Panel All Tasks Shortcut in Windows 10
12. Can’t Use Different Themes in Virtual Desktop
Many users recommend the feature of enabling different themes & wallpapers on virtual desktop which would prove to be helpful in categorization and organization. Windows 11, on the other hand, allows users to customize them for each user. Read our guide on How to Change Wallpaper in Windows 11 here.
13. Cannot Sync Start Menu Between Devices
Syncing Start menus will enable you to switch from one device to another as the layout remains the same. This feature was available in Windows 8, but Windows 10 system lacks it. There is no specific reason why this feature was removed. Why does Windows 10 suck at improving features but seem to be great at removing them? Instead, Microsoft should have customized this as an optional interface for those who found it useful. This is another reason why Windows 10 sucks.
14. App Size Can’t Be Resized
You can resize the Start menu by dragging its corner, but you cannot resize the apps in the list. If this feature is added in Windows 10 update, it would be really helpful.
15. International Version of Cortana Not Available
Cortana is an amazing added advantage of the Windows 10 system.
- Yet, it can understand and speak only a few pre-defined languages. Although it is evolving to meet promising features, its advancement is still not as was expected by many.
Few countries do not support Cortana. Thus, Microsoft developers should strive to make Cortana available for all the countries in the world.
Pro Tip: Perform System Restore to Revert Updates
Several Windows users have claimed that a rollback to the previous version of Windows often helps to resolve issues with Windows updates and upgrades to its features. Therefore, we have explained how to perform system restore for our valuable readers. Moreover, you can go through our guide on How to Create a System Restore Point in Windows 10.
1. Type & search cmd in Windows search. Click on Run as administrator for Command Prompt, as shown.
2. Type rstrui.exe and hit Enter.
3. Now, the System Restore window will appear. Here, click on Next.
4. Then, select the desired Restore point and click on the Next button.
5. Finally, confirm the restore point by clicking the Finish button.
Windows 10 will be restored to its previous state, before the updates and issues, if any, encountered after the said update will be resolved.
I hope we answered your query why Windows 10 sucks. Let us know how this article helped you. Also, leave your queries/suggestions in the comments section.