在 2019 年,当NAS设备随手可用且 PB 驱动器指日可待时,文件大小不一定要小,但大文件确实需要额外的时间才能从一个存储设备传输到另一个存储设备。
USB 传输速率
USB是最常见的数据传输方式之一。USB或通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)多年来经历了多次迭代。有五种主要速度:

- USB 1.0:每秒 1.5 兆比特 ( Mbps )
- USB 1.1:每秒 12 兆比特 ( Mbps )
- USB 2.0:每秒 480 兆比特 ( Mbps )
- USB 3.0:每秒 5 吉比特 ( Gbps )
- USB 3.1:每秒 10 吉比特 ( Gbps )
USB 3.0和 3.1 端口在现代计算机中更为常见。但是,您应该注意,它并不总是能够发挥其潜力。USB传输速率受最慢连接设备的限制。即使连接了两个兼容USB 3.1 的设备,速度也有可能达不到设备的能力。
(Ethernet)在这个现代Wi-Fi时代,(Wi-Fi)以太网已经被淘汰,但它的存在是有原因的。与无线连接相比,硬(Hardwired)连线连接可减少延迟并提供更高的传输速度。你们当中任何认真的游戏玩家很可能会为您的 PC 或游戏机使用硬连线连接,以最大程度地减少延迟。

- 快速以太网(Ethernet):每秒 100 兆比特 ( Mbps )
- 千兆以太网(Ethernet):每秒 1,000 兆比特 ( Mbps )
- 10 Gigabit 以太网(Gigabit Ethernet):每秒 10,000 兆位 ( Mbps )
Wi-Fi 传输速率
与以太网(Ethernet)一样,Wi-Fi多年来也发生了变化和发展。从下面可以看出,这些年来速度明显加快。802.11ax协议 (WiFi 6)(802.11ax protocol (WiFi 6))不仅速度更快,而且带来更多其他强大功能,使Wifi更加可靠。

Wi-Fi 802.11b:每秒 11 兆比特 ( Mbps )
Wi-Fi 802.11a、g:每秒 54 兆比特 ( Mbps )
Wi-Fi 802.11n:每秒 450 兆比特 ( Mbps )
Wi-Fi 802.11ac:每秒 1,300 兆比特秒 ( Mbps )
Wi-Fi 802.11ax:每秒 3,500 兆比特 ( Mbps )
请记住这一点:这些速度是理论上的。在实际应用中,您很少会看到接近此的速度。也就是说,这是迄今为止用户可用的最快的 Wi-Fi。它适用于较小的文件,但如果您需要下载或传输数 GB 的文件,则使用硬连线连接会看到更好的结果。

- 蓝牙 1.0:每秒 700 千比特 ( Kbps )
- 蓝牙 2.0:每秒 3 兆比特 ( Mbps )
- 蓝牙 3.0:每秒 24 兆比特 ( Mbps )
- 蓝牙 4.0:每秒 25 兆比特 ( Mbps )
FireWire和Thunderbolt 传输(Thunderbolt Transfer)速率

- FireWire 400:每秒 400 兆比特 ( Mbps )
- FireWire 800:每秒 800 兆比特 ( Mbps )
- Thunderbolt:每秒 10 Gb ( Gbps )
有更新版本的FireWire计划在未来的某个时间发布。FireWire 1600 和FireWire 3200应该分别提供 1600 Mbps和 3200 Mbps。
对于Thunderbolt,该速度为每通道 10 Gbps,因此最新版本 ( Thunderbolt 3 )由于通道数量的原因最高支持 40 Gbps 。

您目前可能不需要快速的传输速度,但随着 4K(甚至 8K)视频变得越来越普遍和普遍,您将需要提高传输数据的速度,否则您将花费数天时间来移动单个文件。花时间学习和了解不同的传输速度(understand the different transfer speeds)。将来你会感谢自己。
A Breakdown of File Transfer Speeds
In the modern world, large files are more cоmmon than evеr before. In the early days of computing, programmers and deνelopers did what they could tо cоmpress file sіzes out of absolute necessіty.
In 2019, when NAS devices are readily available and petabyte drives are just around the corner, file sizes do not have to be small—but huge files do take extra time to transfer from one storage device to another.
When you don’t have hours to move a file
from place to place, the next best option is to choose a method with fast
transfer rates.
USB Transfer Rates
USB is one of the most common ways of
transferring data. USB, or Universal Serial Bus, has undergone multiple
iterations throughout the years. There are five main speeds:

- USB 1.0: 1.5 Megabits per
second (Mbps)
- USB 1.1: 12 Megabits per second
- USB 2.0: 480 Megabits per
second (Mbps)
- USB 3.0: 5 Gigabits per second
- USB 3.1: 10 Gigabits per second
USB 3.0 and 3.1 ports are more common in
modern computers. You should note, however, that it does not always live up to
its potential. USB transfer rates are limited by the slowest connected device.
Even when two USB 3.1-compatible devices are connected, there is a chance the
speeds will fall short of what the device is capable of.
Ethernet Transfer Rates
Ethernet has fallen by the wayside in this
modern age of Wi-Fi, but it exists for a reason. Hardwired connections reduce
lag and provide substantially greater transfer speeds than wireless
connections. Any serious gamers among you most likely use a hardwired
connection for your PC or consoles to minimize lag.

- Fast Ethernet: 100 Megabits per
second (Mbps)
- Gigabit Ethernet: 1,000
Megabits per second (Mbps)
- 10 Gigabit Ethernet: 10,000
Megabits per second (Mbps)
Ethernet is most often used for Internet
connections, but there are other applications where Ethernet excels such as
local area networks. For example, if you plan to set up a private home network
for storage or as a Plex server, Ethernet will be one of the most effective
Wi-Fi Transfer Rates
Like Ethernet, Wi-Fi has changed and grown over the years. As you can see from below, the speeds have been getting significantly faster over the years. The 802.11ax protocol (WiFi 6) will not only be faster, but bring many more other great features that will make Wifi much more reliable.

Wi-Fi 802.11b: 11 Megabits per second (Mbps)
Wi-Fi 802.11a, g: 54 Megabits per second (Mbps)
Wi-Fi 802.11n: 450 Megabits per second (Mbps)
Wi-Fi 802.11ac: 1,300 Megabits per second (Mbps)
Wi-Fi 802.11ax: 3,500 Megabits per second (Mbps)
Keep this in mind: these speeds are
theoretical. In real-world applications, you will rarely see speeds anywhere
close to this. That said, this is the fastest Wi-Fi available to users to date.
It works fine for smaller files, but if you need to download or transfer a
multiple-gigabyte file, you will see better results with a hardwired
Bluetooth Transfer Rates
Bluetooth isn’t designed to transfer a
tremendous amount of data at any given time. The protocol was created to
transfer data over short distances for specific industries, but has since
caught on for more varied purposes. However, even the fastest form of Bluetooth
pales in comparison to other methods.

- Bluetooth 1.0: 700 Kilobits per
second (Kbps)
- Bluetooth 2.0: 3 Megabits per
second (Mbps)
- Bluetooth 3.0: 24 Megabits per
second (Mbps)
- Bluetooth 4.0: 25 Megabits per
second (Mbps)
FireWire and Thunderbolt Transfer Rates
A lesser-known method of transferring data
is through FireWire and Thunderbolt connections. We say lesser-known because
these tend to be isolated to Apple devices, while Windows still holds the vast
majority of the marketshare. These connections are fast and rival USB in many

- FireWire 400: 400 Megabits per
second (Mbps)
- FireWire 800: 800 Megabits per
second (Mbps)
- Thunderbolt: 10 Gigabits per
second (Gbps)
There are newer versions of FireWire slated to release at some point in the future. FireWire 1600 and FireWire 3200 are supposed to deliver 1600 Mbps and 3200 Mbps respectively.
For Thunderbolt, that speed is 10 Gbps per channel, so the latest version (Thunderbolt 3) supports up to 40 Gbps due to the number of channels.

Why Transfer Speeds Matter
You might not need fast transfer speeds at the moment, but as 4K (and even 8K) video becomes more prevalent and common, you will need to up the rate you transfer data or you’ll spend days moving a single file. Take the time to learn and understand the different transfer speeds. You will thank yourself in the future.
Even knowing what speeds to expect can help
you identify and diagnose potential problems in your system.