您系统上的所有文件都存储在硬盘驱动器或其他存储设备上。需要一个系统以有组织的方式存储这些文件。这就是文件系统(file system)的作用。文件系统(file system)是一种分离驱动器上的数据并将它们存储为单独文件的方法。关于文件的所有信息——它的名称、类型、权限和其他属性都存储在文件系统中(file system)。文件系统(file system)维护每个文件位置的索引。这样,操作系统(operating system)就不必遍历整个磁盘来查找文件。
有不同类型的文件系统(file system)。您的操作系统(operating system)和文件系统(file system)必须兼容。只有这样,操作系统才能显示文件系统(file system)的内容并对文件执行其他操作。否则,您将无法使用该特定文件系统(file system)。一种解决方法是安装文件系统驱动程序(file system driver)以支持文件系统(file system)。
文件系统到底是什么?(What Exactly Is a File System?)
文件系统(file system)不过是一个数据库,它告诉存储设备(storage device)上数据的物理位置。文件被组织到文件夹中,这些文件夹也称为目录。每个目录都有一个或多个子目录,这些子目录存储根据某些标准分组的文件。
在计算机上有数据的地方,必须有一个文件系统(file system)。因此,所有计算机都有一个文件系统(file system)。
为什么有这么多文件系统(Why there are so many file systems)
文件系统(file system)有很多种。它们在各个方面有所不同,例如它们如何组织数据、速度、附加功能等……一些文件系统(file system)最适合存储少量数据的驱动器,而另一些则能够支持大量数据。有些文件系统(file system)更安全。如果文件系统(file system)安全且健壮(secure and robust),它可能不是最快的。很难在一个文件系统(file system)中找到所有最好的功能。
因此,找到“最佳文件系统”是没有意义的。(file system.)' 每个文件系统(file system)都有不同的用途,因此具有不同的功能集。在开发操作系统(operating system)的同时,开发人员还致力于为操作系统构建文件系统(file system)。Microsoft、Apple和Linux都有自己的文件系统(file system)。将新文件系统(file system)扩展到更大的存储设备(storage device)更容易。文件(File)系统在不断发展,因此新的文件系统比旧的文件系统(file system)表现出更好的特性。
设计文件系统(file system)不是一项简单的任务。大量的研究和头部工作(research and head work)投入其中。文件系统(file system)定义了元数据的存储方式、文件的组织和索引方式等等。有几种方法可以做到这一点。因此,对于任何文件系统(file system),总是有改进的余地——(improvement –)一种更好或更有效的方式来执行与文件存储相关的活动。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )Windows 10中的管理工具(Tools)是什么?
文件系统 - 详细视图(File systems – a detailed view)
现在让我们深入了解文件系统(file system)的工作原理。存储设备(storage device)分为称为扇区的部分。所有文件都存储在这些扇区中。文件系统(file system)检测文件的大小并将其(file and places)放置在存储设备(storage device)上的合适位置。空闲扇区被标记为“未使用”。文件系统(file system)识别空闲扇区并将文件分配给这些扇区。
在某个时间点之后,当执行了许多读写操作时,存储设备(storage device)会经历一个称为碎片的过程。这是无法避免的,但需要进行检查,以保持系统的效率。碎片整理是逆过程(reverse process),用于修复碎片引起的问题。免费的碎片整理工具可用于相同的用途。
将文件组织到目录和文件夹中有助于消除命名异常。如果没有文件夹,就不可能有 2 个同名文件。在有组织的环境中搜索和检索文件也更容易。
文件系统(file system)存储有关文件的重要信息——文件(– file)名、文件大小(file size)、文件位置(file location)、扇区大小(sector size)、它所属的目录、片段的详细信息等。
常用文件系统(Common file systems)
NTFS代表新技术文件系统(New Technology File System)。微软(Microsoft)于1993 年(year 1993)推出了文件系统(file system)。大多数版本的Windows 操作系统 – Windows XP(Windows OS – Windows XP)、Windows Vista、Windows 7、Windows 8 和 Windows 10 都使用NTFS。
检查驱动器是否格式化为 NTFS(Checking if a drive is formatted as NTFS)
在驱动器上设置文件系统(file system)之前,必须对其进行格式化。这意味着选择了驱动器的一个分区并清除其中的所有数据,以便可以设置文件系统。(file system)有几种方法可以检查您的硬盘驱动器是否使用NTFS或任何其他文件系统(file system)。
- 如果您在Windows(Windows)中打开“磁盘管理” (在“控制面板(Control Panel)”中找到),您会发现文件系统(file system)指定了有关驱动器的其他详细信息。
- 或者,您也可以直接从Windows Explorer(Windows Explorer)右键单击驱动器。转到下拉菜单并选择“属性”。你会发现那里提到的文件系统类型。(file system type)
NTFS 的特点(Features of NTFS)
NTFS能够支持大容量硬盘驱动器 - 高达 16 EB。可以存储最大 256 TB 的单个文件。(Individual)
有一个称为事务性 NTFS(Transactional NTFS)的功能。使用此功能构建的应用程序要么完全失败,要么完全成功。这有助于降低某些更改运行良好而其他更改不起作用的风险。开发人员执行的任何事务都是原子的。
NTFS 有一项称为卷影复制服务(Volume Shadow Copy Service)的功能。操作系统和其他软件备份(software backup)工具利用此功能来备份当前正在使用的文件。
NTFS 可以被描述为一个日志文件系统(journaling file system)。在执行系统更改之前,会在日志中对其进行记录。如果新的更改在提交之前导致失败,日志可以更容易地恢复到以前的状态。
EFS – 加密文件系统(EFS – Encryption File System)是为单个文件和文件夹提供加密的功能。
在NTFS中,管理员有权设置磁盘使用(disk usage)配额。这将确保所有用户都可以平等地访问共享存储空间,并且没有用户在(storage space)网络驱动器(network drive)上占用太多空间。
2. 脂肪(2. FAT)
FAT代表文件分配表(File Allocation Table)。Microsoft在1977 年(year 1977)创建了文件系统(file system)。FAT用于MS-DOS和其他旧版本的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)。今天,NTFS是(NTFS)Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)中的主要文件系统(file system)。但是,FAT仍然是受支持的版本。
FAT文件系统的不同版本(The different versions of the FAT File System)
FAT12于 1980 年推出,在Microsoft Oss中被广泛使用,直到MS-DOS 4.0为止。软盘仍然使用FAT12。在FAT12中,文件名不能超过 8 个字符,而对于扩展名,限制为 3 个字符。我们今天使用的许多重要文件属性都是在这个版本的FAT 中首次引入的——(FAT – volume)卷标、隐藏、系统、只读。
16 位文件分配表(File Allocation Table)于 1984 年首次发布,用于DOS系统直至6.22 版本(version 6.22)。
它于 1996 年推出,是FAT的最新版本。它可以支持 2TB 驱动器(在 64 KB 集群中甚至可以支持高达 16 KB)。
EXFAT代表扩展文件分配表(Extended File Allocation Table)。同样(Again),由Microsoft创建并于 2006 年推出,这不能被视为FAT的下一个版本。它适用于便携式设备——闪存驱动器、SDHC卡等……所有版本的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)都支持此版本的FAT。每个目录最多可存储 2,796,202 个文件,文件名最多可包含 255 个字符。
- 高频+
- Btrfs
- 交换
- Ext2/Ext3/Ext4(Linux系统)
- 政府飞行服务队
可以在文件系统之间切换吗?(Can you switch between file systems?)
驱动器的分区使用特定的文件系统(file system)进行格式化。将分区转换为不同类型的文件系统(file system)可能是可能的,但不建议这样做。将重要数据从分区复制到其他设备是更好的选择。
(Certain)文件加密、磁盘配额、对象权限、文件压缩(file compression)和索引文件属性等(file attribute)某些属性仅在NTFS中可用。FAT不支持这些属性。因此(Therefore),像这样在文件系统之间切换会带来一定的风险。如果将来自NTFS(NTFS)的加密文件放在FAT格式的空间中,则该文件不再具有加密功能。它失去了访问限制,任何人都可以访问。同样,来自NTFS 卷(NTFS volume)的压缩文件在放入FAT格式的卷时会自动解压缩。
- 文件系统(file system)是存储文件和文件属性的地方。这是一种组织系统文件的方法。这有助于操作系统进行文件搜索和检索。
- 有不同类型的文件系统(file system)。每个操作系统都有自己的文件系统(file system),该系统预装了操作系统。
- 可以在文件系统(file system)之间切换。但是,如果新系统不支持以前文件系统的功能,则所有文件都会失去旧功能。(file system)因此,不建议这样做。
What Exactly Is a File System? [EXPLAINED]
All the files on your system are stored on the hard drivе or other storagе devices. A syѕtem is neсessary to store these files in an organized manner. This is what a file system doеs. A file system is a way to segregate the data on the driνе and store them as sepаrate files. All information about a file – its name, its tyрe, permissions, and othеr attributes are stored in the fіle system. The file system maintains an index of the location of each filе. This way, the operating system does not have to traverse the entire disk to find a file.
![What Exactly Is a File System [EXPLAINED]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-QKMpfAbai10/YjdPktVFr9I/AAAAAAAAy0E/YbG4V-BdsfocLQxz8x5ulVPGslIv4XjYQCEwYBhgLKu8DABHVOhwXhoxRfnCMzWoHOZ2642jZ_nuj0EzODXF5t1Q7BvL6a7rrN0krzmheUzsmY-MFPIvNElQtdb00p33blXdN7JKeWt40N8Z0Vjt0E5MzyV5q3K7ry34pqpX8okL7_Y21dPg0-ZjOB9BNW7cIeN7NeCNqh7dU4NQvftqlAepEp8qUf80-MONtpq3m9Tz54R59CdV0sSzvnmgh58TofhWiCd-3XY6S45gXs9apEd7wD9e7eQRv-OlfefiD1J7nhsO-VNpIePZXuYt8wH91-7xNeqMUsNvU8riJ4kEeaOdNAmzHs2vMofp2hexnesEIn4hQ49RORjmXR1EllxdTXA-_mnNBIqgBmt5sVi3ma-ytXDvYiGIu86LJm_BC3FpwKW6cZcBvMvhHvy8-0WwbqbpsqXyJZ5YLV2dWHiLbyifFEMd2GK8QlsVqaUZMn4nvXUyhp57e8xJd31k1YO35UcfL9WGPPd7j_bA0i0uYnC7fJa64Ibqw2Ap1gC7pmjiDzLiwvrkOm49a_jHa1qL7wtyHlrwJwnCAg1GXbJE3SP1tqSPSRxAvQRhkBLcZef3d-lfmexy1KCeGwg7Vp2gvonUpPrdxWONogD5_RueQHuhrQ9djY0v663ay1mkH7t7DID1nzRqWKoC8qdPME3pZMOPl3ZEG/s0/YHFekel4zSCXKgmrYxvpzoRPKMs.png)
There are different types of file systems. Your operating system and the file system have to be compatible. Only then will the OS be able to display the contents of the file system and perform other operations on files. Otherwise, you will not be able to use that particular file system. One fix would be to install a file system driver to support the file system.
What Exactly Is a File System?
A file system is nothing but a database that tells the physical location of data on the storage device. Files are organized into folders which are also referred to as directories. Each directory has one or more sub-directories which store files that are grouped based on some criteria.
Where there is data on a computer, it is compulsory to have a file system. Thus, all computers have a file system.
Why there are so many file systems
There are many types of file systems. They differ in various aspects such as how they organize data, the speed, additional features, etc… Some file systems are best suited for drives that store a small amount of data while others have the capability to support large amounts of data. Some file systems are more secure. If a file system is secure and robust, it may not be the fastest. It would be hard to find all the best features in one file system.
Therefore, it would not make sense to find the ‘best file system.’ Each file system is meant for a different purpose and thus has a different set of features. While developing an operating system, the developers also work on building a file system for the OS. Microsoft, Apple, and Linux have their own file systems. It is easier to scale a new file system to a larger storage device. File systems are evolving and thus the newer file systems exhibit better features than the older ones.
Designing a file system is not a simple task. A lot of research and head work goes into it. A file system defines how the metadata is stored, how files are organized and indexed, and much more. There are several ways in which this can be done. Therefore, with any file system, there is always room for improvement – a better or a more efficient way to perform activities related to file storage.
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File systems – a detailed view
Let us now dive deeper to understand how file systems work. A storage device is divided into portions called sectors. All the files are stored in these sectors. The file system detects the size of the file and places it in a suitable position on the storage device. Free sectors are labeled ‘unused.’ The file system identifies the sectors that are free and assigns files to these sectors.
After a certain point in time, when many read and write operations have been performed, the storage device undergoes a process called fragmentation. This cannot be avoided but needs to be checked, to maintain the efficiency of the system. Defragmentation is the reverse process, used to fix the problems caused by fragmentation. Free defragmentation tools are available for the same.
Organizing files into directories and folders help eliminate the naming anomaly. Without folders, it would be impossible to have 2 files with the same name. Searching and retrieving files is also easier in an organized environment.
The file system stores important information about the file – file name, file size, file location, the sector size, the directory to which it belongs, details of the fragments, etc..
Common file systems
NTFS stands for New Technology File System. Microsoft introduced the file system in the year 1993. Most versions of Windows OS – Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 use the NTFS.
Checking if a drive is formatted as NTFS
Before setting up a file system on a drive, it has to be formatted. This means that a partition of the drive is selected and all data on it is cleared so that the file system can be set up. There are a couple of ways in which you can check whether your hard drive is using NTFS or any other file system.
- If you open ‘Disk Management’ in Windows (found in Control Panel), you can find that the file system is specified with additional details about the drive.
- Or, you can also right-click on the drive directly from Windows Explorer. Go to the drop-down menu and select ‘properties.’ You will find the file system type mentioned there.
Features of NTFS
NTFS is capable of supporting hard drives of large sizes – up to 16 EB. Individual files of size up to 256 TB can be stored.
There is a feature called Transactional NTFS. Applications built using this feature either fail fully or completely succeed. This helps in mitigating the risk of certain changes working well while other changes not working. Any transaction carries out by the developer is atomic.
NTFS has a feature called Volume Shadow Copy Service. The OS and other software backup tools make use of this feature to back up files that are currently in use.
NTFS can be described as a journaling file system. Before system changes are carried out, a record of it is made in a log. In case a new change results in failure before being committed, the log makes it easier to revert to the previous state.
EFS – Encryption File System is a feature where encryption is provided for individual files and folders.
In NTFS, the administrator has the right to set disk usage quotas. This will make sure that all users have equal access to shared storage space and no user takes up too much space on a network drive.
2. FAT
FAT stands for File Allocation Table. Microsoft created the file system in the year 1977. FAT was used in MS-DOS and other old versions of Windows OS. Today, NTFS is the main file system in Windows OS. However, FAT still remains a supported version.
FAT has evolved with time, to support hard drives with large file sizes.
The different versions of the FAT File System
Introduced in 1980, FAT12 was widely used in Microsoft Oss up until MS-DOS 4.0. Floppy disks still make use of FAT12. In FAT12, file names cannot exceed 8 characters while for extensions, the limit is 3 characters. Many important file attributes that we use today, were first introduced in this version of FAT – volume label, hidden, system, read-only.
16-bit File Allocation Table was first released in 1984 and was used in DOS systems up to version 6.22.
Introduced in 1996, it is the latest version of FAT. It can support 2TB drives (and even up to 16 KB with 64 KB clusters).
EXFAT stands for Extended File Allocation Table. Again, created by Microsoft and introduced in 2006, this cannot be considered as the next version of FAT. It is meant for use in portable devices – flash drives, SDHC cards, etc…This version of FAT is supported by all versions of Windows OS. Up to 2,796,202 files can be stored per-directory and filenames can carry up to 255 characters.
Other commonly used file systems are
- HFS+
- Btrfs
- Swap
- Ext2/Ext3/Ext4 (Linux systems)
Can you switch between file systems?
A partition of a drive is formatted with a particular file system. Converting the partition to a different type of file system may be possible but is not advised. It is a better option to copy important data from the partition to a different device.
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Certain attributes such as file encryption, disk quotas, object permission, file compression, and indexed file attribute are only available in NTFS. These attributes are not supported in FAT. Therefore, switching between file systems like these poses certain risks. If an encrypted file from NTFS is placed in a FAT-formatted space, the file no longer has encryption. It loses its access restrictions and can be accessed by anyone. Similarly, a compressed file from an NTFS volume will automatically be decompressed when placed in a FAT formatted volume.
- A file system is a place to store files and file attributes. It is a way to organize the system’s files. This helps the OS in file searches and retrieval.
- There are different types of file systems. Each OS has its own file system which comes pre-installed with the OS.
- Switching between file systems is possible. However, if the features of the previous file system are not supported in the new system, all the files lose the old features. Thus, it is not recommended.