2020 年春天已经到来,就像过去几年一样,微软(Microsoft)正准备为Windows 10推出新的重大更新。起初,大家都以为会叫2020 年 4 月(April 2020) 更新(Update)。但是,微软(Microsoft)决定推迟它,并将其称为2020 年 5 月(May 2020) 更新(Update)。此更新为Windows 10(Windows 10)带来了多项新功能、改进、调整和许多修复。您想知道Windows (Windows 10) 2020 年 5 月 10 日(May 2020) 更新(Update)(又名 20H1 或2004 版(version 2004))中有哪些新功能吗?继续阅读并了解您将面临哪些重大变化:
注意:(NOTE:)Windows 10的下一个主要更新据信将于 2020 年 4 月推出,(April 2020)因此名为Windows 10 April 2020 Update。然而,4 月 16 日(April 16),微软(Microsoft)在其博客上发布了一篇文章,其中确认Windows 10的下一个版本称为2020 年 5 月(May 2020) 更新(Update),并将在下个月推出。您可以通过以下链接查看博客文章: (blog post)Getting the May 2020 Update Ready for Release。
1. Windows 10 允许您选择安装可选(Optional)更新的时间和内容
Windows 10通过系统更新和功能更新不断更新自身。在2020 年 5 月(May 2020) 更新(Update)之前,您对后者没有太多控制权。在这个版本中,情况变得更好了,因为Windows 10现在让您可以更好地控制可选更新,例如驱动程序更新。您可以在 Windows 10设置应用程序中找到新的(Settings)可选更新(Optional updates)控件,方法是转到"Windows Update > View optional updates."
2. Windows Update有可调整的带宽限制
Windows 10 November 2019 更新(Update)通过将最大下载速度(download speed)指定为总带宽的百分比来帮助你限制Windows 更新使用的带宽。(Windows Update)在2020 年 5 月(May 2020)更新(Update)中,Windows 10让您可以更精细地控制此限制,允许您指定在后台和前台下载Windows 更新的(Windows Updates)绝对带宽(Absolute bandwidth)下载值。这些值以每秒兆比特 ( Mbps ) 表示,可以使用"Update & Security > Delivery Optimization."设置”(Settings)应用程序进行设置。
3. Windows 10 新增“云下载(Download)”重装选项(reinstall option)
Windows 10中的“重置此电脑”("Reset this PC")工具允许您重新安装Windows 10,它有一个新选项:“云下载”。("Cloud download.")您仍然可以使用“本地重新安装”("Local reinstall,"),使用现有的Windows 10安装文件重置您的 PC,但如果您更喜欢从 Internet 获取 Windows 10 文件,也可以使用“云下载”选项。("Cloud download")但是请注意,选择“云下载”("Cloud download")不会让您获得 Windows 10 的新版本或(Windows 10)构建(version or build);安装了与您已有的Windows 10相同的内部版本、版本和版本。
4. Cortana可以聊天,她的窗口可以移动和调整大小
随着Windows 10 May 2020 更新(Update),Cortana继续与操作系统(operating system)分离。它现在的行为更像一个聊天应用程序(chat app),它的窗口可以在您的桌面上调整大小和移动。
使用新的Cortana 界面(Cortana interface)时,我们的第一印象是我们实际上是在与聊天机器人交谈,这与旧版Cortana相比有了很大的改进。
5. 任务管理器(Manager)显示您的驱动器是HDD 还是 SSD(HDDs or SSDs)
从Windows (Windows 10) 2020 年 5 月10 日(May 2020) 更新(Update)开始,任务管理器(Task Manager)有一个小而简洁的新功能:它可以显示您 PC 中的驱动器类型。打开任务管理器(Open Task Manager),切换到完整视图并选择性能(Performance)选项卡。然后,您可以一目了然地查看您的驱动器是硬盘驱动器 ( HDD )、固态驱动器 ( SSD ) 还是可移动驱动器。
任务管理器(Task Manager)的一个类似的新功能是它现在可以显示显卡的温度,只要它是专用GPU即可。但是,请注意,温度仅使用摄氏度(Celsius)而不是华氏度(Fahrenheit)显示。
7. Xbox Game Bar显示游戏每秒渲染的帧数
Xbox Game Bar可以显示比以往更多的信息,其最大的新功能是能够显示有关游戏每秒渲染帧数的详细信息。这对于想要获得更多信息而无需使用第三方工具(例如Fraps )的游戏玩家来说是个好消息。
8.虚拟桌面可以重命名(任务视图(Task View))
虽然这不是什么大不了的要求,但Windows 10用户长期以来一直要求微软(Microsoft)实现这个简单的功能。终于发生了:虚拟桌面可以重命名!我们终于可以告别那些桌面 1(Desktop 1)、桌面 2(Desktop 2)等等——这些名字对任何人都没有任何意义。只需(Just)打开任务视图(Task View),单击或点击(click or tap)虚拟桌面的名称,然后根据需要重命名。
9. Windows 10 可以自动重启退出时打开的应用程序
当您登录到您的用户帐户(user account)时,Windows 10 可以自动重新启动您退出时打开的某些应用程序,例如 Web 浏览器。但是,我们无法控制此功能。
2020 年 5 月(May 2020) 更新对此进行了更改,并允许您在(Update)"Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options > Restart apps."选择是否要自动启动可重新启动的应用程序。
“设置”应用程序的“(Settings)网络状态”(Network Status)页面经过重新设计,提供更多有用信息一目了然。您可以立即查看所有活动连接并访问它们的属性(Properties)和数据使用情况(Data usage)。
Windows 10 May 2020 更新在任务栏(Update)搜索(Search)中引入了一个新部分。它称为快速搜索,您可以在(Quick searches,)搜索主页(Search home)底部找到它。您无法控制快速搜索(Quick searches)的内容,但微软(Microsoft)表示它们通常涵盖天气、热门新闻、历史上的今天和新电影等内容。有时,这些主题可能会发生变化,具体取决于互联网上搜索最多的新闻。
12. Windows 搜索速度更快
过去,有很多用户抱怨Windows Search对其 Windows 10 计算机的性能影响。(performance impact)微软(Microsoft)似乎已经听取了意见,并在2020 年 5 月(May 2020)更新(Update)中引入了一种能够检测高磁盘使用率和活动(disk usage and activity)的新算法,因此 Windows 10 可以相应地管理搜索索引(search indexing)服务。这有助于减少与过度使用磁盘和处理器(disk and processor usage)相关的性能问题。
13. 语言设置更有条理
Windows (Windows 10) 2020 年 5 月10 日(May 2020) 更新(Update)的另一项更改发生在“设置”(Settings)应用的“语言”页面(Language page)中。它已经过重新设计和改进,以便我们更容易立即看到语言设置。现在,语言(Language)页面以显示Windows 显示、应用程序和网站、区域格式、键盘和(Windows display, Apps & websites, Regional format, Keyboard, and Speech)您使用的语音语言的磁贴开始。
14.画图、记事本(Notepad)、写字板(WordPad)可以从设置可选(Settings Optional)功能中卸载
画图、记事本(Notepad)和写字板(Wordpad)现在是Windows 10的(Windows 10)可选功能(Optional features)。尽管它们仍默认安装,但如果您不使用它们或想要恢复计算机或设备(computer or device)上的少量存储空间(storage space),现在可以轻松卸载它们。
15. 计算器可以固定在其他应用程序窗口的顶部
Windows 10 May 2020更新(Update)中的计算器(Calculator)应用程序也得到了改进。新计算器(Calculator)最棒的地方在于,您现在可以将其设置为“始终在顶部”显示,这样您就可以在经常需要它时更有效地使用它,但也需要切换到其他应用程序。
16. Windows 10 内置了对网络摄像头的支持
(IP network)现在可以直接从Windows 10检测和使用未分配(Windows 10)加密或密码的(encryption or password)IP 网络摄像机。这意味着您可以将它们添加到连接到Windows 10 PC 的设备列表中,并使用支持此类功能的任何应用程序(例如标准相机应用程序)从它们(Camera app)捕获照片(PC and capture photos)或流式传输视频(stream video)。
17. 安全模式(Mode)允许您使用 Windows Hello PIN进行身份验证(Hello PIN)
到目前为止,当您以安全模式启动(Safe Mode)Windows 10时,您必须使用您的帐户密码(account password)进行身份验证。这并不友好,用户要求更简单的方法。在2020 年 5 月(May 2020)更新(Update)中,Microsoft添加了使用您的 Windows Hello PIN启动进入安全模式(Safe Mode)的选项,这更快、更友好。
18. 适用于Linux 版本 2的 Windows(Linux version 2)子系统(Subsystem)
如果您是开发人员并且在Windows上使用(Windows)Linux,那么最好的消息是Windows 2020 年 5 月(May 2020)10日更新(Update)附带了更好的适用于Linux的(Linux)Windows 子系统(Windows Subsystem),该子系统现已达到第 2 版(version 2)。它带来了更好的性能、兼容性、内存使用(memory usage),如果支持虚拟化,还支持ARM64设备。(ARM64)
您会尽快更新到Windows 10 May 2020 更新吗?(Update)
有许多引人注目的新功能和改进肯定会使 Windows 10 比以前更好。此外,我们共享的更改列表是最明显的。还添加了许多其他小功能、调整和修复。有关完整列表,您可能需要查看此网页(this webpage)。在了解了Windows 10 May 2020 更新(Update)中的新功能后,您是否认为它值得在Microsoft正式发布后立即安装?或者你会等一会儿再做吗?不要忘记:您可以在下面的评论部分分享您的想法。
What's new in Windows 10 May 2020 Update?
Thе Spring of 2020 has arrived and, just like it did in the last few years, Mіcrosoft is getting ready to launch a new major update for Windows 10. Initially, everyone thought it would be called Αpril 2020 Update. However, Microsoft decided to postpone it, and call it May 2020 Update. This update brings several new features, improvements, twеaks, and many fixes to Windows 10. Would you like to know what's new in Windows 10 May 2020 Update (a.k.a 20H1 or version 2004)? Read on and find out what major changes arе coming your way:
NOTE: The next major update for Windows 10 was believed to be launched in April 2020, thus bearing the name of Windows 10 April 2020 Update. However, on April 16, Microsoft published a post on its blog in which it confirmed that the next version of Windows 10 is called May 2020 Update and it's coming over next month. You can check the blog post by following this link: Getting the May 2020 Update Ready for Release.
1. Windows 10 lets you choose when and what Optional Updates are installed
Windows 10 continuously updates itself with system updates, but also with feature updates. Up until the May 2020 Update, you didn't have much control over the latter. In this version things changed for the better, as Windows 10 now gives you more control over optional updates, such as driver updates. You can find the new Optional updates controls in the Windows 10 Settings app, by going to "Windows Update > View optional updates."
2. Windows Update has adjustable bandwidth limits
Windows 10 November 2019 Update helped you limit the bandwidth used by Windows Update by specifying the maximum download speed as a percentage from your total bandwidth. In the May 2020 Update, Windows 10 gives you more granular control over this limit, allowing you to specify the Absolute bandwidth download values for downloading Windows Updates in the background and in the foreground. The values are expressed in megabits per second (Mbps) and can be set using the Settings app, in "Update & Security > Delivery Optimization."
3. Windows 10 has a new "Cloud Download" reinstall option
The "Reset this PC" tool from Windows 10, which allows you to reinstall Windows 10, has a new option: "Cloud download." You can still use the "Local reinstall," which resets your PC using the existing Windows 10 setup files, but you can also use the "Cloud download" option if you prefer getting your Windows 10 files from the internet. Note, however, that choosing "Cloud download" does not get you a new version or build of Windows 10; the same build, version, and edition of Windows 10 that you already have is installed.
4. Cortana can chat, and her window can be moved and resized
With Windows 10 May 2020 Update, Cortana continues to separate itself from the operating system. It now behaves more like a chat app, and its window can be both resized and moved on your desktop.
Our first impression when using the new Cortana interface was that we were actually talking with a chatbot, which is quite an improvement from the older Cortana.
5. Task Manager shows whether your drives are HDDs or SSDs
Starting with Windows 10 May 2020 Update, the Task Manager has a small but neat new feature: it can display the types of the drives you have in your PC. Open Task Manager, switch to full view and select the Performance tab. You can then see whether your drives are hard-disk drives (HDD), solid-state drives (SSD), or removable, in just a glimpse.
6. Task Manager monitors the temperature of dedicated graphics cards
A similar new useful addition to the Task Manager is the fact that it can now display the temperature of your graphics card, as long as it's a dedicated GPU. However, note that the temperature is displayed only using Celsius degrees, and not Fahrenheit.
7. Xbox Game Bar shows the frames per second rendered by games
The Xbox Game Bar can show more information than it used to, and its best new feature is the ability to show details about the frames per second rendered by games. That's great news for gamers who want more information at hand without having to resort to using third-party tools such as Fraps.
8. Virtual desktops can be renamed (Task View)
Although it wasn't a big thing to ask for, Windows 10 users have been asking for this simple feature to be implemented by Microsoft for a long time. It has finally happened: virtual desktops can be renamed! We can finally say goodbye to those Desktop 1, Desktop 2, and so on - names that didn't say anything to anyone. Just open the Task View, click or tap on the name of a virtual desktop and rename it as you want.
9. Windows 10 can automatically restart apps that were open when you signed out
When you sign in to your user account, Windows 10 can automatically restart some apps, such as web browsers, that were open when you signed out. However, we didn't have any control over this feature.
The May 2020 Update changes that and lets you choose whether you want restartable apps to launch automatically or not, in "Settings > Accounts > Sign-in options > Restart apps."
10. Network Status from Settings has a better design
The Network Status page from the Settings app was redesigned and offers more useful information at a glance. You can instantly see all the active connections and access their Properties and Data usage.
11. Search includes a series of quick searches
Windows 10 May 2020 Update introduces a new section in the taskbar Search. It's called Quick searches, and you can find it at the bottom of the Search home. You can't control what the Quick searches are about, but Microsoft says that they usually cover things such as weather, top news, today in history, and new movies. Sometimes, these subjects can change, depending on what are the most searched news on the internet.
12. Windows Search is faster
In the past, there were lots of users who complained about the performance impact that Windows Search had on their Windows 10 computers. Microsoft seems to have listened and, in the May 2020 Update, it introduced a new algorithm that's able to detect high disk usage and activity, so Windows 10 can manage the search indexing services accordingly. This helps reduce performance issues related to excessive disk and processor usage.
13. The Language settings are better organized
Another change in Windows 10 May 2020 Update occurs in the Language page from the Settings app. It has been redesigned and improved so that it is easier for us to instantly see the language settings. Now, the Language page starts with tiles that show the Windows display, Apps & websites, Regional format, Keyboard, and Speech languages you use.
14. Paint, Notepad, and WordPad can be uninstalled from the Settings Optional Features
Paint, Notepad, and Wordpad are now Optional features of Windows 10. Although they are still installed as default, you can now easily uninstall them if you don't use them or if you want to recover a small amount of storage space on your computer or device.
15. The Calculator can be pinned to stay on top of the other app windows
The Calculator app from Windows 10 May 2020 Update also received improvements. The best thing about the new Calculator is that you can now set it to be displayed "always on top," so you can use it more efficiently when you need it often, but also need to switch to other apps too.
16. Windows 10 has built-in support for network cameras
IP network cameras that have no encryption or password assigned can now be detected and used directly from Windows 10. That means that you can add them to the list of devices connected to your Windows 10 PC and capture photos or stream video from them using any apps that support such features, such as the standard Camera app.
17. Safe Mode lets you authenticate using your Windows Hello PIN
Up until now, when you booted Windows 10 in Safe Mode, you had to authenticate using your account password. That wasn't friendly, and users asked for an easier way. In May 2020 Update, Microsoft added the option to boot into Safe Mode using your Windows Hello PIN, which is much faster and friendlier.
18. Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2
If you're a developer and you use Linux on Windows, the best news is the fact that Windows 10 May 2020 Update comes with a better Windows Subsystem for Linux, which now has reached version 2. It brings better performance, compatibility, memory usage, and also support for ARM64 devices if they support virtualization.
Will you update to Windows 10 May 2020 Update as soon as possible?
There are many noticeable new features and improvements that definitely make Windows 10 better than it was. Furthermore, the list of changes that we've shared are just the most visible. There are also many other small features, tweaks and fixes that have been added. For the complete list, you might want to check this webpage. After finding out what's new in Windows 10 May 2020 Update, do you believe it's worth installing it as soon as it's officially released by Microsoft? Or will you wait for a while before you do? Don't forget: you can share your thoughts in the comments section below.