污染目前是全世界现代城市的一个大问题。高浓度的PM10 和 PM2.5 颗粒物(PM10 and PM2.5 particles)是司空见惯的,会导致各种健康问题。一些城市也尘土飞扬,即使你打开窗户让一些“新鲜”空气进来,也会造成不适和健康问题(discomfort and health issues)。要解决这些问题,以及处理空气传播的病毒、花粉或气味,你应该考虑购买一个具有加湿功能的(humidifying function)空气净化器(air purifier)。我们的选择是夏普 UA-HD60E-L。我们在两个月前购买了它,这里是对我们体验的回顾:
夏普 UA-HD60E-L:适合谁?
这款加湿空气净化器(air purifier)是以下用户的绝佳选择:
- 居住在PM10 和 PM2.5 颗粒物(PM10 and PM2.5 particles)含量高的污染城市的人们
- 对花粉过敏的家庭用户
- 生活在有灰尘问题的地区的人们
- 希望尽可能保护自己免受空气传播的病毒、细菌、异味和霉菌侵害的家庭用户
- 喉咙或眼睛(throat or eyes)干燥或经常打鼾的人
夏普 UA-HD60E-L 有很多优点:
- 优秀的多重过滤系统
- 有用的 Plasmacluster 和加湿功能(Plasmacluster and humidifying features)
- (Functional design)易于维护和使用的功能性设计
- 夏普声称其过滤器可以使用长达十年
- 运行期间的合理噪音水平
- 如果您想让它正常工作,您必须在打开它之前阅读用户手册
- 没有智能手机应用程序(smartphone app)可以使交互更容易
- 夏普 UA-HD60E-L 与用户共享的数据很少
夏普UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)是一款具有加湿功能的高端空气净化器。(air purifier)它具有简洁、实用的设计,使维护变得容易。然而,起初它有点吓人。在打开它之前,您必须阅读用户手册并执行多项任务。此外,学习如何操作它比掌握依赖智能手机应用程序的(smartphone apps)空气净化器(air purifier)要困难一些。撇开这些小缺点不谈,夏普 UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)是一款性能出色的设备(performing device),它的工作非常出色。您可以依靠它去除异味、保持空气清洁、无病毒和充分加湿。使用它有很多好处,对于任何寻找空气净化器(air purifier),也可以加湿空气。
夏普 UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)装在一个重约 26 磅或 12 公斤的大盒子里。它的尺寸为 18.11 x 11.8 x 27. 1 英寸或 460 x 300 x 690 毫米宽x 深(x depth) x 高(x height)。在包装盒上,您会看到该设备的图片以及其功能列表。夏普广泛宣传其三重行动领域:
- Plasmacluster 离子技术(Plasmacluster Ion Technology)- 减少细菌和气味。它可有效捕获空气传播的病毒、细菌、气味和霉菌。
- HEPA 过滤器(HEPA filter)- 可去除高达 99.97% 的进入过滤器且小至 0.3 微米的空气颗粒。这种过滤器特别适用于PM10 和 PM2.5 颗粒(PM10 and PM2.5 particles)含量高的污染城市,比如我们居住的城市。它还有助于过滤花粉、灰尘(我们的城市也是欧洲(Europe)尘土最多的城市之一)、宠物皮屑和抽烟。
- 自动控制加湿器(Auto control humidifier)- 有助于改善皮肤水分(skin moisture)并缓解人们喉咙和眼睛(throat and eyes)干燥的一些问题。另一个好处(side benefit)是它可以帮助减少打鼾,因为当加湿器功能打开时,人的呼吸道在睡觉时会得到更好的润滑。
提示:(TIP:)如果您想了解HEPA过滤器的工作原理,我们建议您阅读:HEPA 空气过滤器如何工作?(How do HEPA air filters work?).
夏普 UA-HD60E-L 空气(Sharp UA-HD60E-L air)净化器本身也比较大,宽 x 深 x 高分别为 16.5 x 9.5 x 25 英寸或 420 x 242 x 637(x depth) 毫米(x height)。它重 18.9 磅或 8.6 公斤。在包装盒内,您可以找到空气净化器本身、保修和多种语言的用户手册。净化器上还贴有警告标志(warning sign),建议您在开启夏普 UA-HD60E-L之前阅读操作手册中的(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)过滤器安装部分(filter installation section)。
你必须按照指示去做。否则,您新购买的空气净化器(air purifier)将会出现故障,因为它的过滤器被密封在塑料袋中,因此无法使用。在开启夏普 UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)之前,请拆下后面板。您会立即看到它的黑色除臭过滤器(deodorizing filter)包裹在塑料袋中。取下它,然后将其从袋子中取出。
然后,从塑料袋中取出(plastic bag)HEPA 过滤器(HEPA filter)。按照您找到它们的相同顺序和位置(order and position)放置两个过滤器和后面板。安装HEPA 过滤器(HEPA filter)时必须使标签朝外。
当您取出HEPA 过滤器(HEPA filter)以去除其塑料包装(plastic wrapping)时,您还可以看到处理添加到水箱中的水的加湿过滤器。(humidifying filter)
如果您打算使用夏普 UA-HD60E-L的(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)加湿功能(humidifying feature),还应将其水箱(water tank)拆下,装满水,然后再放回原处。它的容量约为 0.65 加仑或 3 升。
将所有过滤器、后面板和水箱(water tank)放置到位后,您可以将夏普 UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)插入电源插座(power outlet)并首次打开。但是,我们强烈建议您先阅读用户手册并通读所有内容。然后,最好让自己熟悉所有按钮,以便了解如何控制它。
不幸的是,夏普(Sharp)没有像其他品牌那样为这款空气净化器提供移动应用程序。在您使用它之前有一个陡峭的学习曲线,有些人可能会觉得这种(learning curve)体验令人生畏(experience intimidating)。
拆箱和设置夏普 UA-HD60E-L 空气净化器需要相当长的时间。请务必在开机前阅读用户手册,以避免出现问题并正确使用空气净化器。(Unboxing and setting up the Sharp UA-HD60E-L air purifier takes quite a bit of time. It is a must that you read the user manual before turning it on, to avoid problems and use the air purifier correctly.)
UA-HD60E-L是夏普(Sharp)为家庭用户提供的最强大的加湿空气净化器。(air purifier)它能够处理最大 157 平方英尺或 48 平方米的房间。在下表中,我们将其与较小的同类产品进行了比较。根据您选择的风扇调节速度(fan adjustment speed),您可以看到它的风扇速度有多快,它产生多少噪音,以及它在一小时内可以加湿多少。
Sharp 使用一种有趣的技术方法来处理过滤器。从本质上讲,后面板就像一个预过滤器,可以捕获灰尘和其他大型空气中的颗粒。第二个过滤器是除臭过滤器,它可以吸收许多常见的家庭气味,例如香烟产生的气味。然后你有HEPA 过滤器(HEPA filter),它可以去除污染颗粒、花粉、霉菌等。为了补充这些过滤器,您还可以获得Plasmacluster,它会发出正离子和负离子的混合物,以及加湿系统(humidification system)。
夏普UA-HD60E-L有六种速度模式:自动、高级自动、最大、中、低和花粉。您可以使用顶部的操作面板(operation panel)在它们之间切换。当设置为其中一种自动模式时,其传感器会持续监控空气质量(air quality)并根据检测到的空气纯度和湿度(air purity and humidity)自动调整操作。当灰尘和气味监测器检测到房间内的灰尘时,它会以五个(dust and odor monitor)级别(level scale)的颜色指示强度:绿色、绿色中间橙色、橙色、橙色中间红色和红色。越接近绿色,空气就越干净。越接近红色,空气就越不纯净和污染。夏普UA-HD60E-L有一个小显示屏,显示房间内的湿度水平,以及(humidity level)加湿(Humidify)和Plasmacluster功能是否打开。
空气通过充当预过滤器的后面板吸入,然后从同样位于背面的 20°出风口吹出。(air outlet)夏普 UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)产生的噪音可能在 25 到 54 分贝之间,具体取决于您将其设置为工作的方式,并且功率要求也在 7 到 70瓦(Watts)之间变化。
夏普(Sharp) UA-HD60E-L有两种颜色(浅灰色和棕色(grey and brown)),应该很适合大多数家庭。它的设计是谨慎和模块化的,强调功能性和易于(functionality and ease)维护,而不是优雅和美观。夏普的设计师专注于让诸如加水时的(Sharp)水箱(water tank)或用于清理的过滤器之类的东西易于拆卸和组装。
如果您想了解这款产品的所有规格,请前往其页面:夏普 UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)。如果您需要完整的数据表(data sheet),请下载此PDF 文件(PDF file),其中包含您需要的一切。
使用带加湿功能的夏普 UA-HD60E-L 空气净化器(Sharp UA-HD60E-L air)
我居住的城市 -罗马尼亚(Romania)布加勒斯特(Bucharest)-以其高污染水平(尤其是在冬季)和全年创纪录的灰尘水平而闻名。(record dust)在 2019-2020 年冬季,布加勒斯特的(Bucharest)PM10 和 PM2.5 颗粒物(PM10 and PM2.5 particles)水平达到创纪录水平,这会导致严重的健康问题,主要与肺部有关。如果您想进一步了解这个主题,我们推荐两本白皮书:可吸入颗粒物与健康(PM2.5 和 PM10)(Inhalable Particulate Matter and Health (PM2.5 and PM10))和PM2.5 对人体呼吸系统的影响(The impact of PM2.5 on the human respiratory system)。我买了夏普 UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)就是为了解决这些问题,也为了让睡眠更好。我在醒来时遇到了问题喉咙痛(sore throat),以及打鼾。我希望这台机器的加湿功能会有所帮助,幸运的是,它做到了。不仅如此,几天后,我能感觉到不同,尤其是在外出一段时间后回家的时候。空气感觉更干净,没有难闻的气味,即使客人在公寓内抽了一两支烟。此外,我醒来并睡得比使用夏普 UA-HD60E-L 之前更好。要记住的一(Sharp UA-HD60E-L. One)件事是,在使用的前两天,空气净化器(air purifier)会产生一些您可能不喜欢的气味。这是很自然的,所有净化器在使用的前 24-48 小时都会发生这种情况。
如果您想了解夏普 UA-HD60E-L 空气(Sharp UA-HD60E-L air)净化器的工作原理,我们强烈建议您先阅读用户手册。该设备的控制面板(control panel)上有许多按钮,它们的作用并不明显。此外,没有智能手机应用程序可以控制它,这是我们认为的唯一重大缺点。夏普(Sharp)UA-HD60E-L 向用户显示的数据很少:湿度水平(humidity level),通过视觉指示器的空气质量,以及等离子簇(Plasmacluster)和加湿(Humidification)等功能是否打开或关闭。我们希望夏普 UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)分享有关空气质量的具体数据(air quality),检测到的污染水平,等等。此外,手头有一个移动应用程序来编程和安排(program and schedule)其操作也会很有用。
夏普 UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)产生的噪音可以在 25 - 55 dB 之间变化。25 dB 非常低,几乎无法察觉。使用低速(Low) 模式(speed mode)时会达到此水平,如果您想快速净化和加湿房间,该模式速度慢且效率低。更好的选择是自动(Auto)模式,它以更高和更嘈杂的速度开始,当它接近完成工作时,它会将速度降低到接近低(Low)的水平。如果您是轻睡者,最好在睡前一小时切换到Auto或Advanced auto 。然后,切换到低速(Low) 模式(speed mode)睡觉前。我们没有对噪音水平进行准确测量的设备。为了帮助您了解夏普 UA-HD60E-L的噪音有多大,我们录制了下面的视频,同时在所有(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)速度模式(speed mode)之间切换。首先(First),我们打开加湿功能(humidification feature),然后关闭。正如您自己听到的那样,当您房间的湿度处于低水平时,加湿会增加相当多的噪音。
要在夏普 UA-HD60E-L上使用(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)加湿功能(humidification feature),您需要在每次清空时重新填充 3 升水箱。(water tank)在寒冷的冬日里,我们没怎么开窗,水箱(water tank)就用了一天。在温暖的春天,当我们打开窗户很多时,我们不得不每天补充两次。对于一些喜欢更大水箱(water tank)的用户来说,这可能很多。
由于其功能设计,夏普 UA-HD60E-L(Sharp UA-HD60E-L)易于维护。我们每天快速补充水箱(water tank)或每月清理一次过滤器都没有问题。我们发现夏普(Sharp)的说法是乐观的,即所有三个过滤器都将持续大约 10 年。我们希望这将在我们的现实生活中得到证明。对于其他空气净化器,HEPA过滤器在市场上的使用寿命在一年到五年之间。相比之下,十年似乎是巨大的,我们很想知道夏普(Sharp)的技术如何以及为什么比竞争对手更耐用。
总体而言,我们对夏普 UA-HD60E-L 的工作原理、维护的简便性以及净化和加湿空气的效率感到满意。(Overall, we are pleased with how Sharp UA-HD60E-L works, how easy it is to maintain, and how efficient it is in purifying and humidifying the air.)
现在您对拥有夏普UA-HD60E-L空气(Sharp UA-HD60E-L air)净化器的利弊有了更好的了解,以及它是否适合您。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您是否考虑购买它。如果您已经拥有它,请在下面发表评论并与可能对它感兴趣的其他人分享您的经验。(comment below and share)
Sharp UA-HD60E-L review: Air purifier with humidifying
Pollution is currently a big problem in modеrn cities all over the world. High levels of PM10 and PM2.5 particles are commonplaсe, leading to various kіnds of health problems. Somе cities are also dusty, сaυsing discomfort and health issues, even when you open the windows to let some "fresh" air in. To solvе these рroblems, as well as deal with airborne virυses, pollen, or odors, you should considеr buying an air purifier with a humidіfуing function. Our choice was Sharp UA-HD60E-L. We purchased it two months ago, and herе is a review of our experience:
Sharp UA-HD60E-L: Who is it good for?
This humidifying air purifier is a great choice for the following users:
- People living in polluted cities with high levels of PM10 and PM2.5 particles
- Home users with allergies to pollen
- People living in areas where dust is a problem
- Home users who want to protect themselves as much as possible from airborne viruses, bacteria, odors and mold
- People who experience dry throat or eyes, or who snore often
Pros and cons
There are many positives about the Sharp UA-HD60E-L:
- Excellent multi-filtering system
- Useful Plasmacluster and humidifying features
- Functional design that makes it easy to maintain and use
- Sharp claims that its filters can last up to ten years
- Reasonable noise levels during operation
There are also negatives to consider:
- You must read the user manual before turning it on if you want it to work well
- There is no smartphone app to make interaction easier
- Sharp UA-HD60E-L shares little data with its users
Sharp UA-HD60E-L is a high-end air purifier with humidifying features. It has a clean, functional design that makes maintenance easy. However, it is a bit intimidating at first. Before you turn it on, you have to read the user manual and perform several tasks. Also, learning how to operate it well is a bit more difficult than mastering air purifiers that rely on smartphone apps. Leaving these minor downsides aside, Sharp UA-HD60E-L is a top performing device that does its job very well. You can count on it to remove odors, keep the air clean, virus-free, and adequately humidified. There are many benefits to using it, and it is an excellent choice for anyone looking for an air purifier that also humidifies the air.
Unboxing and setting up the Sharp UA-HD60E-L
The Sharp UA-HD60E-L comes in a large box that weighs about 26 pounds or 12 kg. Its size is 18.11 x 11.8 x 27. 1 inches or 460 x 300 x 690 mm in width x depth x height. On the box you see a picture of the device, as well as a list of its features. Sharp advertises its triple action areas extensively:
- Plasmacluster Ion Technology - reduces germs and odors. It is efficient in capturing airborne viruses, bacteria, odors, and mold.
- HEPA filter - removes up to 99.97% of airborne particles that enter the filter and are as small as 0.3 microns. This filter is especially useful for polluted cities with high levels of PM10 and PM2.5 particles, like the one we live in. It also helps filter pollen, dust (our city is also one of the dustiest in Europe), pet dander, and smoke.
- Auto control humidifier - helps improve skin moisture and alleviate some of the problems people have with dry throat and eyes. Another side benefit is that it can help reduce snoring because a person's airways are better lubricated while sleeping when the humidifier feature is turned on.
TIP: If you want to know how HEPA filters work, we recommend reading: How do HEPA air filters work?.
The Sharp UA-HD60E-L air purifier itself is relatively large too, at 16.5 x 9.5 x 25 inches or 420 x 242 x 637 mm in width x depth x height. It weighs 18.9 pounds or 8.6 kg. Inside the box, you find the air purifier itself, the warranty, and the user manual in many languages. There is also a warning sign attached to the purifier, recommending you read the filter installation section in the operation manual before turning on the Sharp UA-HD60E-L.
You must do as instructed. Otherwise, your newly purchased air purifier is going to malfunction because its filters are put in place sealed in plastic bags and therefore unusable. Before turning on the Sharp UA-HD60E-L, remove the back panel. You immediately see its black deodorizing filter wrapped in a plastic bag. Remove it, and take it out of the bag.
Then, remove the HEPA filter from its plastic bag. Place the two filters and the back panel in the same order and position you found them in. The HEPA filter must be installed with the tag facing the exterior.
When you take out the HEPA filter to remove its plastic wrapping, you also get to see the humidifying filter that processes the water you add to the tank.
If you plan to use the humidifying feature of the Sharp UA-HD60E-L, you should also remove its water tank, fill it with water, and then put it back. Its capacity is about 0.65 gallons or 3 liters.
After you put all the filters, the back panel, and the water tank in their place, you can plug the Sharp UA-HD60E-L into a power outlet and turn it on for the first time. However, we highly recommend that you first read the user manual and go through everything. Then, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with all the buttons so that you understand how to control it.
Unfortunately, Sharp does not offer a mobile app for this air purifier, as other brands do. There is a steep learning curve before you get to use it, and some people might find this experience intimidating.
Unboxing and setting up the Sharp UA-HD60E-L air purifier takes quite a bit of time. It is a must that you read the user manual before turning it on, to avoid problems and use the air purifier correctly.
Hardware specifications and design
UA-HD60E-L is the most powerful air purifier with humidification offered by Sharp for home users. It is capable of handling rooms up to 157 square feet or 48 square meters. In the table below, we compare it with its smaller counterparts. You see how fast its fans are, how much noise it generates, and how much it can humidify in an hour, based on the fan adjustment speed that you choose.
Sharp uses an interesting technical approach to filters. In essence, the back panel acts like a prefilter that traps dust and other large airborne particles. The second filter is the deodorizing one, which absorbs many common household odors like those generated by cigarettes. Then you have the HEPA filter that does the heavy-lifting of removing pollution particles, pollen, mold, and so on. To complement those filters, you also get the Plasmacluster, that emits a mix of positive and negative ions, and the humidification system.
Sharp UA-HD60E-L has six speed modes: auto, advanced auto, max, medium, low, and pollen. You switch between them using the operation panel on the top. When set to one of the automatic modes, its sensors continuously monitor air quality and automatically adjust operation based on detected air purity and humidity. When the dust and odor monitor detects dust in the room, it indicates the intensity on a five level scale of color: green, green with orange in the middle, orange, orange with red in the middle, and red. The closer you are to green, the cleaner the air is. The closer you get to red, the air is more impure and polluted. Sharp UA-HD60E-L has a small display which shows the humidity level in the room, and whether the Humidify and Plasmacluster features are turned on or not.
The air is aspired through the back panel that acts as a prefilter and then blown out from the 20° air outlet that is also on the back. The noise generated by Sharp UA-HD60E-L can be anywhere between 25 and 54 dB, depending on how you set it to work, and the power requirements also vary between 7 and 70 Watts.
Sharp UA-HD60E-L is available in two colors (light grey and brown), which should fit well in most homes. Its design is discreet and modular, with an accent on functionality and ease of maintenance, instead of elegance and great looks. Sharp's designers have focused on making it easy to remove and assemble things like the water tank when refilling with water, or the filters for clean up.
If you want to know all the specifications of this product, go to its page: Sharp UA-HD60E-L. If you want a complete data sheet, download this PDF file, which has everything you need.
Using the Sharp UA-HD60E-L air purifier with humidification
The city I live in - Bucharest, Romania - is famous for its high pollution levels (especially during the winter) and record dust levels throughout the year. In the winter of 2019-2020, Bucharest had record levels of PM10 and PM2.5 particles, which cause considerable health problems, primarily lung related. If you want to know more about this subject, we recommend two whitepapers: Inhalable Particulate Matter and Health (PM2.5 and PM10) and The impact of PM2.5 on the human respiratory system. I bought the Sharp UA-HD60E-L to deal with these problems and also to make sleep better. I had problems waking up with a sore throat, as well as snoring. I hoped that the humidifying feature of this machine would help, and fortunately, it did. Not only that, but after a few days, I could feel the difference, especially when coming home after going out for a while. The air felt cleaner, with no bad smells, even if a guest had smoked a cigarette or two inside the apartment. Also, I woke up and slept better than before having the Sharp UA-HD60E-L. One thing to remember is that during the first two days of use, the air purifier generates some odors you might not like. This is natural, and it happens with all purifiers for the first 24-48 hours of use.
If you want to understand how the Sharp UA-HD60E-L air purifier works, we highly recommend that you read the user manual first. This device has many buttons on its control panel, and it is not obvious what they all do. Also, there is no smartphone app to control it, which is its only significant downside in our view. Sharp UA-HD60E-L shows little data to the user: the humidity level, the quality of the air through visual indicators, and whether functions like Plasmacluster and the Humidification are turned on or off. We would have loved for Sharp UA-HD60E-L to share specific data about air quality, detected pollution levels, and so on. Also, it would have been useful to have a mobile app at hand to program and schedule its operation.
The noise generated by Sharp UA-HD60E-L can vary between 25 - 55 dB. 25 dB is quite low and barely noticeable. This level is reached when using the Low speed mode, which is slow and inefficient if you want to purify and humidify your room fast. The better choice is the Auto mode, which starts with a higher and noisier speed, and, as it gets close to finishing the job, it lowers the speed to a level that is close to Low. If you are a light sleeper, it is a good idea to switch to Auto or Advanced auto, one hour before going to bed. Then, switch to Low speed mode before sleeping. We do not have the equipment to make accurate measurements for noise levels. To help you understand how noisy the Sharp UA-HD60E-L is, we recorded the video below, while switching between all speed modes. First, we have the humidification feature turned on, and then turned off. As you can hear for yourself, the humidification can add quite a bit of noise, when the humidity in your room is at a low level.
For the humidification feature to work on the Sharp UA-HD60E-L, you need to refill its 3 liters water tank each time it empties. During cold winter days, when we did not open the windows much, the water tank lasted for a day. During warm spring days, when we opened the windows a lot, we had to refill it twice a day. This may be a lot for some users who would prefer a larger water tank.
Due to its functional design, the Sharp UA-HD60E-L is easy to maintain. We had no problems in quickly refilling the water tank each day or in cleaning up the filters once a month. We find Sharp's claim optimistic that all its three filters are going to last about 10 years. We hope that this is going to prove true in our real-life experience. For other air purifiers, HEPA filters are marketed to last between one year and five years. Ten years seems enormous in comparison, and we would love to know how and why Sharp's technology is more durable than the competition.
Overall, we are pleased with how Sharp UA-HD60E-L works, how easy it is to maintain, and how efficient it is in purifying and humidifying the air.
Would you buy the Sharp UA-HD60E-L?
Now you have a better understanding of the pros and cons of owning the Sharp UA-HD60E-L air purifier, and whether it is a good fit for you. Before closing this review, tell us whether you consider buying it. If you already have it, comment below and share your experience with other people that might be interested in it.