Apple TV Plus订阅服务始于有限的原创节目选择。尽管如此,苹果(Apple)每个月都在积极地添加越来越多的原创内容,因此目前的图书馆相当庞大。最后,Apple TV+是Netflix、HBO、Amazon Prime Video和Hulu等流媒体行业巨头的竞争对手。因此,我们选择了我们认为订阅者现在可以观看的最佳Apple TV 节目。(Apple)
您可以免费获得(Free)Apple TV Plus(也许)
如果您购买了新的Mac、iPad、iPhone、iPod Touch或Apple TV设备,您将自动获得三个月的免费Apple TV+。
如果您购买了PS5 ,即使您过去订阅过,也可以获得six months of free Apple TV+每个人都可以免费获得前 7 天,足以狂欢一两个最好的节目。一些ISP(ISPs)和有线电视提供商也可能会在您的套餐中提供Apple TV+订阅,因此请检查您是否还没有资格访问这些精彩的Apple TV+节目。
早间秀(The Morning Show)
《晨间秀》(Morning Show)是一部星光熠熠的原创剧集,由詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)、瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)、比利·克鲁德普(Billy Crudup)和史蒂夫·卡瑞尔(Steve Carell)主演。这是与流媒体服务一起推出的旗舰节目,在撰写本文时已确认其第三季。
剧情讲述了一个受欢迎的早间电视新闻节目的主播亚历克斯·利维( Alex Levy)被她的联合主播的丑闻所震撼。亚历克斯(Alex)必须努力保住自己的工作,同时还要处理一个接一个的危机和新的竞争对手。
泰德·拉索(Ted Lasso)
Ted Lasso已成为Apple TV+的热门节目,如果该节目推动了该服务的订阅,我们也不会感到惊讶。该节目由杰森·苏戴奇斯(Jason Sudeikis)主演,他扮演一名被招募来执教英国足球队的美式(Soccer)足球(Football)教练。当然,泰德(Ted)对足球或如何执教足球一无所知,但基于纯粹的魅力和乐观,他假装前进。
泰德(Ted)被聘为报复俱乐部老板的前夫而失败,但不知何故设法让这一切维持下去。该节目将喜剧、鼓舞人心的运动和浪漫融入新鲜有趣的组合中。如果您无法决定,这是可以度过 7 天免费试用期的节目。嘿(Hey),这个节目赢得了七项艾美奖(Emmys),所以他们一定是在做点什么!
为全人类(For All Mankind)
如果尼尔阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)不是第一个登上月球的人怎么办?如果俄罗斯人(Russians)在太空竞赛中击败美国怎么办?(USA)为全人类(Mankind)探索了一个具有疯狂生产价值和紧张叙事的替代历史故事的含义。
Apple TV+一起首播的第一季是一个缓慢的燃烧,因为所有部分都已到位。然而,第二个是该节目真正取得进展的地方,这就是它获得好评的原因。为全人类(Mankind)也已确认有第三季。
神话任务(Mythic Quest)
电子(Video)游戏已经成为一个主要行业,但大多数游戏玩家并没有花太多时间思考大型游戏开发商的幕后情况。虽然 Mythic Quest只是一个以虚构游戏开发工作室为背景的喜剧系列,但它是一个新鲜而令人兴奋的工作场所节目。
在节目中,该公司制作了一款名为Mythic Quest的魔兽(World)世界(Warcraft)类型的MMORPG。该游戏大受欢迎,工作室即将发布备受期待的扩展包。尽管如此,超乎寻常的自我之间的冲突使这一版本的发布并不顺利。它由情景喜剧《费城永远阳光灿烂》的(It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia)共同创作者罗伯·麦克尔亨尼(Rob McElhenney)担任游戏的创意总监伊恩·格林( Ian Grimm)。加上Charlie Day(Charlie Day)和Megan Ganz的额外写作,这是一部巧妙的喜剧,包裹在现代游戏行业的陷阱中。
小美国(Little America)
执行制片人Kumail Nanjiani和Emily V. Gordon(与英国喜剧系列Little(Little Britain) British 无关),Little America是一部选集系列,讲述了美国移民的亲密、鼓舞人心和发自内心的故事。这些移民来到机遇之地的故事往往出人意料,非常人性化。
该节目使人们很容易同情那些勇敢面对一个并不总是提供最热烈欢迎的新国家的未知的人们。如果您正在寻找最好的以人为本的故事讲述方式,那么“小美国”应该是您的首选。(Little America)
中央公园(Central Park)
中央公园(Central Park)是由Bob's Burgers的创造者(Burgers)Loren Bouchard和热闹的Josh Gad共同制作的动画音乐剧。就像布沙尔(Bouchard)最著名的节目鲍勃汉堡(Burgers)一样,故事的中心是一个恰好也住在纽约中央公园(Central Park)的家庭。这个家庭非常古怪,足以辜负Bouchard的品牌,但与 Bob's (Bouchard)Burgers相比,这个节目中的音乐混乱要多得多。
因此,如果您喜欢Bob提供的小型音乐品鉴会,那么中央公园(Central Park)将是您的不二之选。这不是迪斯尼音乐剧(Disney Musical)(它不适合孩子们!),但曲调非常好。
Schmigadoon 有一个奇怪的起源故事。在伦敦(London)看过恐怖经典《美国狼人(Werewolf)》后,Cinco Paul几十年前就萌生了这个节目的想法。除了两个背包客跌跌撞撞地陷入一个涉及狼人的恐怖故事之外,他们发现自己置身于一个神奇的音乐世界。如果你问我们还是很可怕!
在故事中,最初概念的背包客是一对被困在这个神奇世界直到找到真爱的情侣。当然,这对他们来说是一个震惊,因为他们认为他们已经拥有了!由喜剧明星Keegan-Michael Key和SNL明星Cecily Strong主演,这部音乐模仿作品有很多优点。
你是谁,查理布朗?(Who Are You, Charlie Brown?)
几十年来,花生(Peanuts)帮一直是电影和电视的主角,最初是由Charles M. Schulz创作的精彩卡通片。这部纪录片向我们展示了查理(Charlie)、史努比(Snoopy)和其他花生(Peanuts)的故事,以及他们对我们文化的影响。
这部纪录片以凯文·史密斯(Kevin Smith)、艾尔·罗克(Al Roker)、比莉·简·金(Billie Jean King)、保罗·费格(Paul Feig)和德鲁·巴里摩尔(Drew Barrymore)等知名人士的评论为特色。这只是显示了花生(Peanuts)多年来传播的范围和范围。
脆弱的岩石:回到岩石(Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock)
1983 年的儿童节目Fraggle Rock是一种文化现象,它将孩子们带到了一个充满奇幻音乐木偶的怪异生物世界。吉姆·汉森(Jim Henson(Jim Henson))甚至设法偷偷上了一些关于沟通与合作的人生课程,其中还夹杂着所有愚蠢的乐趣。
Fraggle Rock : Back to the Rock是对原始节目的重新启动,将最新的电影制作技术与每个人都喜欢的健康闹剧木偶表演相结合。如果您是小时候喜欢Fraggle Rock的父母,那么这是与您的孩子重新发现魔法的最佳时机。
艾萨克·阿西莫夫 (Isaac Asimov) 史诗般的基金会(Foundation)系列书籍常常被认为不可能改编成电视或电影。当我们听说苹果(Apple)正在尝试不可能的事情时,我们感到兴奋和担忧。好消息是,《基金会(Foundation)》是一部精彩的节目,也是如今电视上为数不多的真正科幻片之一。对于书迷来说,坏消息是它更像是一个受书本启发的故事,而不是直接改编。然而,这可能是最好的,如果你是这些书的粉丝,你应该把你的先入之见放在一边。
基金会(Foundation)讲述了哈里·谢顿(Seldon)基金会的(Foundation)故事。谢顿(Seldon)(优秀的贾里德·哈里斯(Jared Harris)饰)用数学预见了伟大银河帝国的覆灭,但通过基金会(Foundation),覆灭后的黑暗时代可以缩短到“区区”一千年。他的后代的道路不会一帆风顺,苹果(Apple)也不会轻松地讲述如此规模的故事。我们等不及第二季了!
蚊子海岸(Mosquito Coast)
艾莉福克斯(Allie Fox)是一位聪明的发明家,对现代工业、物质世界有着深刻的怀疑和怨恨。他让孩子在家上学,过着离网的生活。不幸的是,艾莉的财务状况并不好,零工也无法支付账单。更糟糕的是,美国政府想要他,促使他带着家人从美国逃到南美(South America)。
这部由海莉·斯坦菲尔德(Hailee Steinfeld)主演的喜剧系列讲述了艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson)的故事,她是一位生活在 1800 年代的真正的美国诗人。然而,该节目是用现代风格和语气讲述的。我们跟随艾米丽(Emily)观看该节目的 30 集,因为她在性别和女性生活中的角色方面违反了她那个时代的文化规范。这一切都是通过艾米丽独特的想象力看到的。
天鹅绒地下(The Velvet Underground)
Velvet Underground可能是最有影响力的乐队之一,最早成名是在 60 年代,乐队一直活跃到 90 年代中期。他们以我们可能永远不会知道的方式启发了实验音乐和地下音乐。
保卫雅各布(Defending Jacob)
《保卫雅各布》是一部由(Jacob)克里斯·埃文斯(Chris Evans)(美国队长(Captain America))和米歇尔·道克瑞(Michelle Dockery)(唐顿庄园(Downton Abbey))主演的迷你剧。这个扣人心弦的节目是根据同名小说改编的。埃文斯和多克瑞扮演(Dockery)雅各布(Jacob)(杰登·马泰尔(Jaeden Martell)饰)的父母,这是一个被指控犯有谋杀罪的 14 岁男孩。
隔壁的收缩(The Shrink Next Door)
这部由威尔·费雷尔(Will Ferrel)和保罗·路德(Paul Rudd)主演的心理黑色喜剧从播客开始。这是一部八集的迷你剧,因此您可以在周末狂欢。前提很简单,但很精彩。Paul Rudd饰演Herschkopf 博士(Dr. Herschkopf),他帮助 Ferrel 的Marty Markowitz解决一些个人问题。
起初,好医生似乎是一位真正关心他的客户的伟大治疗师,但随着时间的推移,事实证明他有点太在乎了。治疗师不应该与他们的客户跨越某些界限,而Herschkopf 博士(Dr. Herschkopf)显然从未听说过其中任何一个。
与Foundation一起,Apple TV+正在成为一个您可以期待找到大胆而富有创意的科幻(Sci-Fi)故事的地方。看,由杰森·莫玛(Jason Momoa(Jason Momoa))饰演巴巴·沃斯(Baba Voss),背景设定在人类失去视力的遥远未来。“看见”是异端邪说,但莫玛的角色现在必须保护两个有视力的被收养的孩子。被那些希望铲除这种异端的人所追捕,巴巴(Baba)必须尽其所能保护新一代有视力的孩子。
M. Night Shyamalan最出名的是他的“多么扭曲!” 电影,但分裂的导演导演利用苹果(Apple)的资金制作了一部电视剧,结果就是仆人(Servant)。该节目已经播出了三个赛季,第四季也是最后一季已经开绿灯了。
它讲述了一对富有的夫妇在孩子去世后出现婚姻问题的故事。母亲(劳伦·安布罗斯(Lauren Ambrose)饰)经历了一次彻底的精神崩溃,导致紧张症,唯一能让她摆脱困境的东西就是一个“天生的娃娃”。
Born Dolls是超逼真的娃娃,看起来像真正的婴儿。母亲认为娃娃是她的儿子,为了满足这种错觉,他们雇了人来“照顾”它。然而,这位看护人却为她带来了一股“神秘力量”,恐怖才刚刚开始。
说实话(Truth Be Told)
真正的犯罪播客比以往任何时候都更受欢迎,最成功的播客过着高尚的生活。那么,当你不再是评论员,而当强大而危险的人不希望你这样做时,你会混入揭露真相的危险世界中,会发生什么?波比·帕内尔(Poppy Parnell)(奥克塔维亚·斯宾塞(Octavia Spencer)饰)即将找出艰难的道路。
天空无处不在(The Sky is Everywhere)
Apple TV+上最好的电影之一,有着令人难忘的音乐和视觉上令人惊叹的电影摄影。Lennie是一位音乐天才,她为姐姐的死感到悲痛,但生命不等人。在她的高中,她不得不处理一个与她姐姐的男朋友发生冲突的新男孩,他仍然因失去他而感到震惊。
莉西的故事(Lisey’s Story)
我们似乎正处于斯蒂芬金(Stephen King)电影和电视改编的另一个高峰,但与 80 年代或 90 年代相比,成功率远高于失败率。Lisey 的故事讲述了(Story)Lisey Landon ( Julianne Moore )的心理考验,她经历了一系列可怕和令人不安的事件,引发了她与作家Scott Landon ( Clive Owen ) 的婚姻以及跟随他的可怕、神秘的黑暗的记忆。开着灯看这个!
失去爱丽丝(Losing Alice)
爱丽丝·吉诺( Alice Ginor(Alice Ginor))是一位有影响力且成功的电影制片人,她厌倦了自己的生活,错过了事业巅峰时期的辉煌岁月。事情似乎一成不变,直到她遇到了一位名叫索菲的年轻编剧(Sophie)。
天黑前的家(Home Before Dark)
一位名叫希尔德·利斯科(Hilde Lisko)的年轻调查记者搬到了布尼的一个小镇。然而,这个沿海小镇似乎有些不对劲,很快就发现镇上的每个人都宁愿埋头苦干。
在 80 年代,似乎没有比在高档的阿卡普尔科(Acapulco)度假村工作更甜蜜的工作了,但正如Maximo Gallardo即将发现的那样,阿卡普尔科(Acapulco)的魅力只是肤浅的。如果你对 80 年代迈阿密风云(Miami Vice)时代的氛围感兴趣,那么《阿卡普尔科(Acapulco)》是一部精彩的戏剧,它以技巧和尖刻的幽默来引导这个时代。
这部黑色喜剧剧由罗斯·伯恩(Rose Byrne)饰演希拉·鲁宾(Sheila Rubin),她是一位 80 年代的家庭主妇,内心充满恶毒,过着不快乐的生活。也就是说,直到她发现有氧运动的奇迹,让她在一个有趣的、有时是鼓舞人心的故事中走上自我赋权的道路。
乔恩·斯图尔特的问题(The Problem With Jon Stewart)
尽管乔恩·斯图尔特(Jon Stewart)从日常脱口秀节目中“退休”,但他还是不能离开镜头。在这个系列中,这位魅力四射的主持人将受到世界上最大问题的不同方面影响的人们聚集在一起,并讨论如何以一种适合所有人的方式改变事物。
CODA是一部关于(CODA)Ruby的获奖电影,一个聋哑成人(Deaf Adults)( CODA )的孩子(Child)。“尾声”也巧妙地兼作音乐术语。为了给名字添加更多层次,这部电影的前提是鲁(Ruby)比发现了对唱歌的热爱。正如你可以想象的那样,她的聋哑父母很难理解这种新的激情,而义务与野心之间的冲突也紧随其后。
The Best Shows and Movies on Apple TV Plus Right Now
Thе Apple TV Plus subscription service started with a limited selection of original shows. Still, Apple has aggressively added more and more original content every month, so the current library is quite substantial. Finally, Apple TV+ is a competitor to streaming industry giants like Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu. So we’ve chosen what we think are the best Apple TV shows subscribers can watch right now.
You Can Get Apple TV Plus for Free (Maybe)
If you have bought a new Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, or Apple TV device, you’ll automatically be offered three months of free Apple TV+.
If you’ve bought a PS5, you can get six months of free Apple TV+ even if you have subscribed in the past. Everyone receives the first seven days free, enough to binge one or two of the very best shows. Some ISPs and cable providers may also offer an Apple TV+ subscription rolled into your package, so check that you’re not already eligible for access to these fantastic Apple TV+ shows.
The Morning Show is a star-studded original drama starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, Billy Crudup, and Steve Carell. This was a flagship show that launched with the streaming service, and its third season was confirmed at the time of writing.
The plot follows Alex Levy, an anchor for a popular morning TV news show, rocked by her co-anchor’s scandal. Alex has to fight to keep her job while dealing with one crisis after the other and new rivals.
While the story has mixed reviews, the show has been lauded for its standout performances from the A-list cast and excellent production values. So it’s worth checking out.
Ted Lasso has turned out to be a smash-hit for Apple TV+, and we wouldn’t be surprised if this show is driving subscriptions to the service. The show stars Jason Sudeikis, who plays an American Football coach recruited to coach an English Soccer team. Of course, Ted knows nothing about soccer or how to coach it but fakes his way ahead based on pure charm and optimism.
Ted was hired to fail as revenge against the club owner’s ex-husband but somehow manages to keep it all afloat. The show mixes comedy, inspirational sports, and romance into a fresh and entertaining mix. This is the show to spend your 7-day free trial with if you can’t decide. Hey, the show won seven Emmys, so they must be on to something!
What if Neil Armstrong wasn’t the first man on the moon? What if the Russians beat the USA in the space race? For All Mankind explores the implications in an alternative history story with crazy production values and tense storytelling.
The first season, which debuted with Apple TV+, is a slow burn as the pieces are all put into place. However, the second is where the show truly hits its stride, which is why it received critical acclaim. For All Mankind has also been confirmed to have a third season.
Video games have become a major industry, but most gamers don’t spend much time thinking about what goes on behind the scenes of big game developers. While Mythic Quest is just a comedy series set within the walls of a fictional game development studio, it is a fresh and exciting workplace show.
In the show, the company produces a World of Warcraft type of MMORPG called Mythic Quest. The game is an ongoing smash hit, and the studio is about to release a highly-anticipated expansion pack. Still, conflicts between larger-than-life egos make this one release that’s not going smoothly. It stars co-creator of the sitcom It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Rob McElhenney, as the game’s creative director Ian Grimm. With the additional writing chops of Charlie Day and Megan Ganz, this is a clever comedy wrapped up in the trappings of the modern gaming industry.
From executive producers Kumail Nanjiani and Emily V. Gordon (and not related to the British comedy series Little Britain), Little America is an anthology series that tells intimate, inspiring, and heartfelt stories of American immigrants. These tales of immigrants coming to the land of opportunity are often unexpected and very human.
The show makes it easy to empathize with the people who brave the unknown of a new country that doesn’t always offer the warmest of welcomes. Little America should be at the top of your list if you’re looking for human-interest storytelling at its finest.
Central Park is an animated musical show by Loren Bouchard, creator of Bob’s Burgers, and the hilarious Josh Gad. Like Bouchard’s most famous show Bob’s Burgers, the story centers on a family who just happens to also live in and manage New York’s Central Park. The family is quirky enough to live up to the Bouchard brand, but there’s far more musical mayhem in this show compared to Bob’s Burgers.
So if you like the small musical tasters handed out by Bob, then Central Park will be a delight to you. It’s no Disney Musical (it’s not for kids!), but the tunes are more than decent.
Schmigadoon has a strange origin story. After seeing the horror classic An American Werewolf in London, Cinco Paul had the idea for the show decades ago. Except, instead of two backpackers stumbling into a horrifying story involving werewolves, they find themselves in a magical musical world. Still scary if you ask us!
In the story, the backpackers from the original concept are a couple who are stuck in this magical world until they find true love. Of course, this is a shock to them since they thought they already had it! Featuring comedy star Keegan-Michael Key and SNL star Cecily Strong, this musical parody piece has a lot going for it.
The Peanuts gang has been a staple of film and TV for decades and started life as a brilliant cartoon created by Charles M. Schulz. The documentary film shows us the story of how Charlie, Snoopy, and the other Peanuts came to be and the impact they’ve had on our culture.
The documentary features comments from famous names like Kevin Smith, Al Roker, Billie Jean King, Paul Feig, and Drew Barrymore. This just shows how far and wide Peanuts has spread over the years.
The 1983 children’s show Fraggle Rock was a cultural phenomenon, taking kids to a fantasy musical puppet-filled world of weird creatures. Jim Henson even managed to sneak a few life lessons about communication and cooperation, mixed in with all the silly fun.
Fraggle Rock: Back to the Rock is a reboot of the original show blending the latest filmmaking technology with the same wholesome slapstick puppet performances everyone loved. If you’re a parent who enjoyed Fraggle Rock as a child, this is the perfect time to rediscover the magic with your children.
Isaac Asimov’s epic Foundation series of books have often been thought impossible to adapt to TV or film. When we heard that Apple was attempting the impossible, we felt excitement and concern. The good news is that Foundation is a fantastic show and one of the few actual sci-fi properties on TV these days. The bad news for fans of the books is that it’s more like a story inspired by the books than a straight adaptation. However, that’s probably for the best, and if you’re a fan of the books, you should put your preconceptions aside.
Foundation tells the story of Hari Seldon’s Foundation. Seldon (played by the excellent Jared Harris) uses mathematics to foresee the fall of the great galactic empire, but through the Foundation, the dark ages after the fall can be shortened to a “mere” 1000 years. The road for his descendants isn’t going to be easy, nor is Apple going to have an easy time telling a story at this scale. We can’t wait for season 2!
Allie Fox is an intelligent inventor with deep suspicion and resentment of the modern industrial, material world. He homeschools his children and lives off-grid. Unfortunately, Allie’s financial situation isn’t great and odd jobs don’t pay the bills. To make things worse, the US government wants him, prompting him to take his family and flee from the US to South America.
Is there something to Allie’s paranoia, or is he dragging his family through a dangerous chase for no reason? You’ll have to find out for yourself in this gripping drama which has already been renewed for a second season.
This comedy series starring Hailee Steinfeld tells the story of Emily Dickinson, a real American poet who lived in the 1800s. However, the show is told using a modern style and tone. We follow Emily over the show’s 30-episode run as she bumps up against the cultural norms of her time regarding gender and a woman’s role in life. All seen through Emily’s unique imagination.
The Velvet Underground is perhaps one of the most influential bands, first finding fame in the 60s, with the band active as late as the mid-90s. They inspired experimental and underground music in ways we’ll probably never know.
However, Apple’s award-winning documentary on their history and influence gives an unprecedented glimpse into their story and the many people involved in this historical musical journey.
Defending Jacob is a miniseries starring Chris Evans (Captain America) and Michelle Dockery (Downton Abbey). This gripping show is based on a novel of the same name. Evans and Dockery play the parents of Jacob (Jaeden Martell), a 14-year old boy accused of murder.
How would you deal with this nightmare situation? Do you defend your children unconditionally? This tense series brings out the emotional big guns as its characters deal with an impossible situation.
This psychological black comedy starring Will Ferrel and Paul Rudd started as a podcast. This is an eight-episode miniseries so that you can binge it on the weekend. The premise is simple but brilliant. Paul Rudd plays Dr. Herschkopf, who helps Ferrel’s Marty Markowitz with some personal problems.
At first, the good doctor seems to be a great therapist who really cares about his clients, but as time goes on, it turns out he cares a little too much. There are certain boundaries a therapist should never cross with their clients, and Dr. Herschkopf has apparently never heard of any of them.
Along with Foundation, Apple TV+ is becoming a place where you can expect to find bold and creative Sci-Fi stories. See, starring Jason Momoa as Baba Voss, is set in the far future where humans have lost their sense of sight. To “see” is a heresy, yet Momoa’s character now has to protect two adopted children who have vision. Hunted by those who want this heresy stamped out, Baba must do what he can to protect this new generation of sighted children.
M. Night Shyamalan is most famous for his “what a twist!” movies, but the divisive auteur director took a swing at making a TV series with funding from Apple, and the result is Servant. The show is already three seasons in, with the fourth and final season already greenlit.
It tells the story of a wealthy couple who have marriage issues after their baby passes away. The mother (Lauren Ambrose) experiences a complete psychotic break resulting in catatonia, and the only thing to bring her out of it is a “born doll.”
Born Dolls are hyper-realistic dolls that look like actual infants. The mother believes that the doll is her son, and in service of this delusion, they hire someone to take “care” of it. However, this caretaker brings a “mysterious force” with her, and the horror is just beginning.
True crime podcasts are more popular than ever, and the most successful podcasters live the high life. So what happens when you stop being a commentator and get mixed into the dangerous world of uncovering the truth when powerful and dangerous people don’t want you to? Poppy Parnell (Octavia Spencer) is about to find out the hard way.
This is one of the best movies on Apple TV+ right now, with haunting music and visually stunning cinematography. Lennie is a musical genius grieving her sister’s death, but life waits for no one. At her high school, she has to deal with a new boy who comes into conflict with her sister’s boyfriend, who’s still reeling from his loss.
Add her blossoming feelings of first love into the mix, and things are messy, but a vivid imagination and a musical view of the world might help her pull through and find the right harmony.
We seem to be in another peak of Stephen King film and TV adaptations, but with far more hits than misses compared to the 80s or 90s. Lisey’s Story follows the psychological trials of Lisey Landon (Julianne Moore), who experiences a series of terrifying and disturbing events, triggering memories of her marriage to author Scott Landon (Clive Owen) and the terrible, mysterious darkness that followed him. Watch this one with the lights on!
Dads is a fantastic documentary told with humor and heart following the exploits of six amazing fathers and their children from different parts of the world. The film takes a poignant look at what masculine parenting is like in modern times and boasts many celebrity commentators who relate their own experiences as fathers and their fathers.
Alice Ginor is an influential and successful filmmaker growing tired of her life and misses the glory days at the height of her career. Things seem to be stuck in a rut until she meets a young screenwriter named Sophie.
For Alice, Sophie seems like a dangerous and arousing diversion, but soon she gets pulled into the destructive world Sophie occupies, and there’s no telling who will make it out in one piece.
A young investigative journalist named Hilde Lisko moves to a small town in the boonies. However, something seems a little off in this coastal town, and it soon turns out that there’s a cold case everyone in town would rather leave buried.
Unfortunately for them, Hilde’s pursuit of the truth is relentless. This is a great mystery thriller for those who like to keep guessing at the end of every episode.
In the 80s, there doesn’t seem to be a sweeter gig than working at an upscale Acapulco resort, but as Maximo Gallardo is about to find out, the glamor of Acapulco is only skin deep. If you’re all about that 80s Miami Vice era vibe, Acapulco is a fantastic dramedy that channels the era with skill and biting humor.
This dark comedy-drama stars Rose Byrne as Sheila Rubin, an 80s housewife with vicious inner demons and a life she’s just not happy with. That is, until she discovers the wonders of aerobics, putting her on the path to self-empowerment in a funny and, at times, inspirational story.
Despite his “retirement” from his daily talk show, Jon Stewart just can’t stay off-camera. In this series, the charismatic host brings together people who are impacted by different aspects of the world’s biggest problems and discusses how it might be possible to change things in a way that works for everyone.
Inspired by famous baller Kevin Durant’s life experiences, Swagger is a dramatic look at the world of youth basketball. It’s way more than just a game. For many young players, their families, and their coaches.
CODA is an award-winning film about Ruby, a Child of Deaf Adults (CODA). “Coda” also cleverly doubles as a musical term. To add even more layers to the name, the premise of this movie is that Ruby discovers a love of singing. As you can imagine, her deaf parents have a hard time understanding this new passion, and conflicts between obligation and ambition aren’t far behind.