Trust GXT 707 Resto V2是一款设计符合人体工程学、坚固耐用且具有大量调节选项的椅子。尽管我确实经常在电脑上玩游戏,但事实是我主要将它用于工作而不是娱乐。我需要一把能让你在白天长时间保持舒适的椅子,而且因为我有一些背部问题,我还需要一把能让我的背部保持笔直、处于健康位置的椅子。Trust GXT 707 Resto V2游戏椅承诺很多,并以合理的价格涵盖了我一直在寻找的所有主要元素。使用了几个星期后,这是我喜欢和不喜欢的地方:
Trust GXT 707 Resto V2:它对谁有好处?
这款游戏椅(gaming chair)是以下情况的绝佳选择:
- 想要长时间玩游戏并希望在玩游戏时感到舒适的游戏玩家
- 背部疼痛的人想要一把能提供腰部和颈部支撑的符合人体工程学的椅子(lumbar and neck support)
- 想要一把坚固的椅子的用户,他们可以根据需要进行调整
- 不想为椅子支付高价的人
以下是我们喜欢Trust GXT 707 Resto V2游戏椅的优点:
- 价格和功能(price and features)之间的完美平衡
- 符合人体工程学的设计(Ergonomic design),让您长时间保持舒适
- 坚固(Solid metal)的金属框架和气举(gas lift),最大承重 330 磅或 150 公斤
- 腰垫(lumbar cushion)和颈枕可保持背部挺直(back straight),并可调节
- 座椅和靠背都覆盖着纺织材料,这意味着您在炎热的夏天出汗更少
- 多种调节选项:您可以调节座椅高度、靠背角度和扶手高度
- 您可以在 20 分钟内轻松自行组装椅子
- 它有三种不同的颜色组合可供选择,以满足您的口味
如果您在电脑前花费大量时间,无论是工作还是娱乐,一把好椅子都是健康必需品(health necessity),而不仅仅是心血来潮。Trust GXT 707 Resto V2是一款出色的游戏椅(gaming chair),非常适合在使用计算机时想要健康坐姿的非游戏玩家。这把椅子舒适、坚固且可调节。座椅很大,靠背很高,而扶手和靠垫可以轻松放置在您喜欢的位置。Trust GXT 707 Resto V2是一款可以承受时间流逝的椅子,对于拥有它的任何用户来说都是一笔巨大的财富。
组装Trust GXT 707 Resto V2游戏椅
Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 游戏椅(gaming chair)采用大纸箱包装(cardboard box)。在它的一侧,有两张大型彩色图像:其中一张向您展示了可用于椅子的三种不同颜色组合,另一张告诉您,您还可以使用新椅子获得免费游戏。但是,这些优惠可能并非始终在所有市场都可用。Trust还直接在纸板箱(cardboard box)上打印了有关这款游戏椅(gaming chair)规格和功能(specs and features)的一些信息。
打开盒子,在里面你会找到组成椅子的零件,一本向你展示如何组装它们的用户手册,所有需要的螺丝、螺母和其他配件,以及两个垫子(一个腰垫(lumbar cushion)和一个脖子垫子(neck cushion))。
如果您按照用户手册中的步骤操作,组装Trust GXT 707 Resto V2电竞椅相对容易。我设法独自完成了这一切,不需要其他人的任何帮助。
首先,您必须通过将车轮推入轴距来安装车轮。然后,将气举(gas lift)及其塑料盖(plastic cover)插入轴距。这也可以通过将它们推入轴距来完成。
然后,连接座椅的底部金属板(metal plate)和两个扶手。这一切都是关于使用几个螺丝将它们全部放在它们的位置。还值得注意的是,您可以将扶手放置在离座椅更近或更远的位置,即使只有不到一英寸。
接下来,将靠背连接到座椅上。这也很容易在几个螺丝的帮助下完成。完成后,将椅子放在气体升降机(gas lift and push)的顶部并将其向下推。然后你就可以坐在上面了!🙂
拆箱和组装 Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 游戏椅是一种简单的体验,只会让您对购买感到满意。包装包含组装椅子所需的一切,您可以独自完成所有工作,无需他人帮助.(Unboxing and assembling the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair is a straightforward experience that can only make you happy with your purchase.The packaging has everything you need to assemble the chair, and you can do it all alone, without the help of another person.)
Trust GXT 707 Resto V2游戏椅是一款外观精美的家具。它的座椅和靠背(seat and backrest)由纺织材料制成,并插入人造皮革。我们的那款使用黑色和灰色,但如果您更喜欢这些颜色组合,您也可以购买黑色和红色或黑色和蓝色。
与大多数游戏椅一样,Trust GXT 707 Resto V2的设计类似于赛车座椅。对于喜欢这种风格的游戏玩家来说,这不仅是一个迷人的功能,而且也是一种让椅子舒适的设计。此外,正如我们所提到的,这把椅子的座椅和靠背的主要区域没有使用皮革,而是在下面有高密度泡沫的(high-density foam beneath)织物。这意味着即使您整天坐在电脑前也不会轻易出汗。
您可能喜欢的另一个细节是,除了符合人体工程学的设计外,这款游戏椅(gaming chair)还配有两个靠垫。其中一个更大,旨在使您的腰椎保持正确的位置,而另一个通过将您的脖子保持在正确的位置来为您的颈椎做同样的事情。
座椅有一个钢架(steel frame),这意味着它应该非常坚固,甚至可以承受最重的游戏玩家。🙂此外,座椅安装在4 级(class 4) 气体升降机(gas lift)的顶部,可支撑高达 330 磅或 150 公斤的人。
还值得注意的是,五个轮子中的每一个都是双倍的,并且它们的尺寸很大,因此无论您是在层压地板还是镶木地板(laminate or parquet floor)以及地毯上使用,它们都应该为椅子提供平滑的滚动。(roll regardless)如果您担心它们会刮伤您的地板,请不要担心,因为轮子是由黑色尼龙制成的,这是一种坚固的材料,而且还有些弹性。
Trust GXT 707 Resto V2允许您调整其高度、靠背角度和扶手高度。座椅高度可以在 21.45 和 18.5 英寸(54.5 和 47 厘米)之间调节,因此它的行程距离(travel distance)约为 3 英寸(7.5 厘米)。
坐姿角度可在 155 至 100 度之间调整,这意味着您可以将靠背倾斜至水平。这不是大多数人会做的事情,但有时可以帮助您在通过您最喜欢的游戏的要求级别后得到一点休息。🙂
座椅深度为 19.7 英寸(50 厘米),宽度为 18.11 英寸(46 厘米),靠背高度为 32.7 英寸(83 厘米)。至于重量,它是 45.2 磅或 20.5 公斤重。如果您想了解有关技术规格的更多详细信息,请访问此网站:Trust GXT 707 Resto V2。
技术规格告诉我们,Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 应该是一款坚固的游戏椅。这些材料似乎坚固且质量上乘,并且提供了很多调整选项,这始终是一件好事。(The technical specs tell us that the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 should be a robust gaming chair. The materials seem to be sturdy and of good quality, and it offers plenty of adjustment options, which is always a good thing.)
使用Trust GXT 707 Resto V2游戏椅
任何游戏椅的一个基本特征是它的人体工程学。如果它设计精良且制作精良,即使在长时间的游戏过程中,您也应该舒适地坐在上面。我已经使用Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 椅子(Resto V2 chair)快一个月了,我可以证明这是一把非常舒适的椅子。我感到休息了,即使我整天呆在电脑桌前(computer desk)也不会感到背部疼痛,这种情况经常发生。
有多种因素共同使Trust GXT 707 Resto V2成为一款出色的椅子。首先(First),我想说几句关于座椅和靠背(seat and backrest)的事情。如您所知,它们被纺织材料(textile material)覆盖,边缘有一些人造皮革嵌件。纺织材料(textile material)手感柔软,但里面有高密度泡沫(high-density foam)。结果是座椅和靠背感觉不太硬但也不太软。它很舒服,不会像真皮或人造皮革那样让你出汗。
我的背部有些问题,尤其是下腰部(lumbar area)。除了做一些理疗外,我对这个健康问题(health issue)没有做太多。此外,我过去用过的大多数椅子都是相当便宜的:你知道的,那些只坐了二十分钟就会让你背痛的椅子。(back hurt)不幸的是,在过去,我没有注意,我也不认为椅子那么重要。在Trust GXT 707 Resto V2电竞椅上坐了一会儿,我承认我错了。一把好椅子确实很重要,可以减轻背部的疼痛。它还有助于您的长期健康,尤其是当您的工作涉及大量坐在电脑前时。
Trust GXT 707 Resto V2游戏椅配有两个靠垫。腰部(lumbar area)有一个大的,颈部(neck area)有一个较小的。您可以轻松调整它们在靠背上的位置并上下移动它们,因为它们都使用弹性包裹物保持在原位。一开始我还以为腰垫(lumbar cushion)太大,感觉不舒服,但试了几分钟,我就明白我错了。它和我需要的一样大。但是,如果你确实觉得它太大了,你应该知道你可以使用它背面的拉链来取出填充物并用力去除其中的一些(可能使用切割器或剪刀?)。
颈垫(neck cushion)是使您的背部保持正确对齐的另一件事。虽然我在这把椅子上看到的许多照片都显示了颈垫(neck cushion)的位置,其松紧带从靠背顶部的两个孔中穿过,但当我这样放置时,感觉并不舒服。那是因为我的身高约为 5.9 英尺(180 厘米),而颈垫(neck cushion)太低,我无法将头靠在上面。如果您是我的身高或更高(height or taller),您应该将颈枕(neck pillow)放在靠背上更高的位置,更靠近甚至位于Trust GXT刺绣标志的顶部。
扶手上覆盖着柔软的塑料衬垫。在我过去使用过的其他椅子上,我经常发现我的肘部在一段时间后会感到疼痛。那是因为他们的扶手很差,我能感觉到他们“攻击”我的肘骨。🙂Trust GXT 707 (Trust GXT 707) Resto V2在另一个联盟中,以积极的方式。
在 Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 上坐了大约一个月,每天在电脑上玩游戏和写作之后,我对这把椅子只有好话要说。感觉就像一把坚固可靠的椅子。它很舒服,并设法使我的背部挺直,这很棒。(After sitting on the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 for about a month, playing games and writing every day on my computer, I only have good things to say about this chair. It feels like a robust and reliable chair. It is comfortable and manages to keep my back straight, which is great.)
您对Trust GXT 707 Resto V2有何看法?
现在您知道我们对Trust GXT 707 Resto V2游戏椅的看法,以及我们对它的喜爱程度。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您的想法。如果您已经拥有它,请不要犹豫,在下面的评论部分中分享您的意见。
Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair review: Excellent, and reasonably priced!
Τrust GXT 707 Restо V2 іs a chаir designed to be ergonomic, robust, and with plenty of adjustment options. Although I do play quіte a lot on my comрuter, the truth is that I use it mostly for work rather than play. І needed a chair designed to keep you comfortablе for long hours during the day аnd, because I have some back problems, I also needed a chair that can keep my back straight, in a healthy position. The Trust GXΤ 707 Resto V2 gaming chair promiѕes a lot and covers all the main elements I was looking for, at a rеasonable price. Αfter using it for a couple of weeks, here is what I lіke and I don't likе about it:
Trust GXT 707 Resto V2: Who is it good for?
This gaming chair is an excellent choice for:
- Gamers who want to play for long hours and want to be comfortable while doing it
- People with back pain who want an ergonomic chair that offers lumbar and neck support
- Users who want a robust chair which they can adjust as they want
- People who do not want to pay a premium price for their chair
Pros and cons
Here are the things we like about the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair:
- Great balance between price and features
- Ergonomic design that keeps you comfortable for many hours
- Solid metal frame and a gas lift that supports a maximum weight of 330 pounds or 150 kg
- The lumbar cushion and the neck pillow keep your back straight, and they are adjustable
- The seat and backrest are covered in textile material, which means that you sweat less during hot summer days
- Plenty of adjusting options: you can adjust the height of the seat, the angle of the backrest, and the height of the armrests
- You can easily assemble the chair by yourself in less than 20 minutes
- It is available in three different color combinations to match your taste
There is also a minor downside:
- Some users may prefer smaller cushions
If you spend a lot of time in front of your computer, whether for work or play, a good chair is a health necessity, not just a whim. The Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 is a great gaming chair that is perfect also for non-gamers who want a healthy sitting position when using their computer. This chair is comfortable, robust, and adjustable. The seat is large, the backrest is high, while the armrests, and the cushions can be easily positioned where you like them. Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 is a chair that should withstand the passage of time and which can be a great asset to any user who has it.
Assembling the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair
The Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair comes in a large cardboard box. On one of its sides, there are two large color images: one of them shows you the three different color combinations available for the chair, and the other tells you that you are also getting a free game with your new chair. However, these offers may not be available in all markets, all the time. Trust also printed some information about the specs and features of this gaming chair, directly on the cardboard box.
Open the box and inside you find the parts that make up the chair, a user manual that shows you how to assemble them, all the required screws, nuts and other accessories for putting everything together, and two cushions (one lumbar cushion and one neck cushion).
If you follow the steps shown in the user manual, assembling the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair is relatively easy. I managed to do it all alone, without needing any help from someone else.
For starters, you have to mount the wheels, by pushing them into the wheelbase. Then, you insert the gas lift and its plastic cover, into the wheelbase. This is also done just by pushing them into the wheelbase.
Then, you attach the bottom metal plate of the seat and the two armrests. It's all about using a few screws to put them all in their places. It's also worth noting that you can position the armrests closer to or farther away from the seat, if only by less than an inch.
Next, you attach the backrest to the seat. That is also easily done with the help of a few screws. When that's done, put the chair on top of the gas lift and push it down. Then you can sit on it! 🙂
Unboxing and assembling the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair is a straightforward experience that can only make you happy with your purchase.The packaging has everything you need to assemble the chair, and you can do it all alone, without the help of another person.
Design and specifications
The Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair is a good-looking piece of furniture. Its seat and backrest are made of textile material with insertions of artificial leather. The one we have uses black and gray colors, but you can also buy it in black and red, or black and blue, if you prefer those color combinations.
Like most gaming chairs, Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 has a design that resembles racing car seats. That's not only a charming feature for gamers, who tend to appreciate this style, but it's also a design that makes the chair comfortable. Furthermore, as we mentioned, this chair does not use leather for the main areas of the seat and backrest, but textile with high-density foam beneath. That means that you won't sweat easily even if you sit at your computer all day long.
Another detail that you may like is the fact that, besides its ergonomic design, this gaming chair also comes with two cushions. One of them is larger and designed to keep your lumbar back positioned correctly, while the other does the same thing for your cervical spine by keeping your neck in the right position.
The seat has a steel frame, which means that it should be very strong and should withstand even the heaviest gamers out there. 🙂 Furthermore, the seat is mounted on top of a class 4 gas lift that can support a person of up to 330 pounds or 150 kg.
It's also worth noting that each of the five wheels is double and their size is generous, so they should provide the chair with a smooth roll regardless of whether you use it on a laminate or parquet floor, as well as on a carpet. If you are concerned about them scratching your floor, worry not, because the wheels are made of black nylon, which is a robust material and also somewhat elastic.
The Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 allows you to adjust both its height, the angle of the backrest, and the height of the armrests. The seat height can be adjusted between 21.45 and 18.5 inches (54.5 and 47 cm), so it has a travel distance of about 3 inches (7.5 cm).
The sitting angle can be adjusted between 155 and 100 degrees, meaning that you can tilt the backrest until it is horizontal. It is not something that most people do, but from time to time that can help you get a little rest after getting through a demanding level in your favorite game. 🙂
The armrests are covered in plastic material which, although it looks tough, is slightly soft and does not hurt your elbows.
The seat has a depth of 19.7 inches (50 cm) and a width of 18.11 inches (46 cm), and the backrest has a height of 32.7 inches (83 cm). As for the weight, it is 45.2 pounds or 20.5 kg heavy. If you want more details about the technical specifications, visit this website: Trust GXT 707 Resto V2.
The technical specs tell us that the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 should be a robust gaming chair. The materials seem to be sturdy and of good quality, and it offers plenty of adjustment options, which is always a good thing.
Using the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair
One essential feature of any gaming chair is how ergonomic it is. If it is well designed and well built, you should be sitting comfortably on it even for extended hours, during long gaming sessions. I have used the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 chair for almost a month now, and I can testify that this is a very comfortable chair. I feel rested, and my back does not hurt even if I stay at my computer desk all day, which happens fairly often.
There are multiple factors that put together make the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 a great chair. First of all, I'd like to say a few things about the seat and backrest. As you know, they are covered in textile material with some inserts of faux leather on their edges. The textile material feels soft, but inside there is high-density foam. The result is a seat and a backrest that feel not too hard but not too soft either. It is comfortable and it does not make you sweat like real or artificial leather does.
I have some issues with my back, especially with the lower lumbar area. Besides doing some physiotherapy, I did not do much about this health issue. Furthermore, most chairs I have used in the past were rather cheap ones: you know them, those chairs that make your back hurt after just twenty minutes of sitting on them. Unfortunately, in the past, I did not pay attention and I did not consider the chair to be that important. After sitting on the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair for a while, I admit that I was very wrong. A good chair does matter and can alleviate the pain from your back. It can also help with your long-term health, especially when you have a job that involves a lot of sitting in front of a computer.
The Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair comes with two cushions. There's a large one for the lumbar area and a smaller one for the neck area. You can easily adjust their position on the backrest and move them up or down, as they both use elastic wraps to stay in their place. At first, I thought that the lumbar cushion is too big to feel comfortable, but after I tried it for a few minutes, I understood I was wrong. It was exactly as large as I needed. However, if you do feel that it is too large, you should know that you can use the zipper on its back to get the stuffing out and force-remove some of it (using a cutter or some scissors maybe?).
The neck cushion is the other thing that makes your back stay aligned properly. Although many of the pictures I saw with this chair show the neck cushion positioned with its elastic band going through the two holes from the top of the backrest, when I placed it like that, it did not feel comfortable. That is because I'm about 5.9 feet tall (180 cm) and the neck cushion was too low for me to rest my head on it. If you are my height or taller, you should position the neck pillow higher on the backrest, closer or even on the top of the Trust GXT embroidered logo.
The armrests have soft plastic padding covering them. On other chairs I've used in the past, I often found that my elbows were hurting after a while. That was because they had bad armrests and I could feel them "attacking" my elbow bones. 🙂 The Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 is in another league, in a positive way.
After sitting on the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 for about a month, playing games and writing every day on my computer, I only have good things to say about this chair. It feels like a robust and reliable chair. It is comfortable and manages to keep my back straight, which is great.
What is your opinion about the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2?
Now you know what we think about the Trust GXT 707 Resto V2 gaming chair, and how much we like it. Before closing this review, tell us what you think. If you already have it, do not hesitate to share your opinion, in the comments section below.