Catalyst Control Center是AMD 显示(AMD display)驱动程序的工具。如果您的计算机有AMD(AMD)显卡,这几乎是必须安装的软件。芯片可能是内置显卡或GPU;但是,将在更新当前图形驱动程序时安装该应用程序。但是,根据某些用户的说法,他们面临AMD Catalyst Control Center无法正常工作的问题。这篇文章将向您展示如何使用简单的技巧和策略来解决AMD Catalyst Control Center丢失的问题。(AMD Catalyst Control Center)

如何修复 Windows 10 中丢失的 AMD Catalyst Control Center(How to Fix AMD Catalyst Control Center Missing in Windows 10)
AMD显卡以其高性能而闻名。因此,它们的受欢迎程度不足为奇。这将使您可以调整GPU 行为(GPU behavior)并处理特定的应用程序。除其他外,它还可用于更改您的显示器颜色配置文件。(monitor color profile)高级(Advanced)用户大多使用此软件进行色彩校正和显示管理(color correction and display management)等。以下(Below)是用户面临的一些问题。
- 一些用户报告说他们无法进行任何调整,例如更改显示配置文件(changing display profiles)。
- 游戏爱好者也可能会因为玩游戏时(Game)缺乏炫目的视频效果(lack of dazzling video effects)而感到失望。
- 笔记本电脑上有两个视频卡的用户无法(unable to switch)在它们之间切换。
AMD Catalyst Control Center 缺失问题的原因是什么?(What are the Causes of the AMD Catalyst Control Center Missing Issue?)
- 有故障或过时的图形驱动程序
- 过时的 Windows 版本
- 损坏的系统文件
- 损坏的 AMD 应用程序(Corrupt AMD application)安装文件
- AMD后台(AMD background)进程太多
除了AMD Catalyst Control Center缺失问题外,可能还会出现更多困难。催化剂控制中心(Catalyst Control Center)有各种各样的问题。我们建议根据用户查询在AMD 催化剂控制中心 Windows 10(AMD catalyst control center Windows 10)中解决以下问题。它们如下:
- AMD 催化剂控制中心丢失(AMD Catalyst Control Center Missing)。
- 催化剂控制中心(Catalyst Control Center)现在不工作。
- Windows 10:催化剂控制中心主机应用程序已停止工作(Catalyst Control Center Host Application Has Stopped Working)。
- 催化剂控制中心(Catalyst Control Center)的监控程序(monitoring programme)已停止工作。
- Catalyst Control Center的命令行界面(Command Line Interface)已停止工作。
方法一:从安装目录开始(Installation Directory)
该应用程序可以像任何其他程序一样从其安装目录(installation directory)启动。问题可能是实用程序桌面快捷方式(utility desktop shortcut)已损坏。请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 同时按Windows + E keys打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)。
C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\amd64

3. 要启动CLIStart.exe,请双击它。
再次运行.exe 文件(.exe file),如下所示;
1.如前所述打开文件资源管理器。(File Explorer)
C:\Program Files\AMD
注意:(Note:)关键是要了解程序的安装位置。安装文件(installation file)可以在任何路径中找到,例如C C:\AMD和C:\Program Files (86)\AMD。

3.双击运行.exe文件。(.exe )
方法 2:结束所有 AMD 进程
您可能有太多的Catalyst Control Center进程处于活动状态。在大多数情况下,应用程序一次只能运行一个实例,启动多个实例会导致程序无法运行。请按照以下说明进行操作。
1. 同时按Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys启动任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 搜索并选择AMD Catalyst Control Center,然后单击结束任务(End Task)。

3. 对所有AMD Catalyst Control Center 任务(AMD Catalyst Control Center tasks)执行相同的程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 AMD 错误 Windows(Fix AMD Error Windows)找不到Bin64 –Installmanagerapp.exe
方法 3:更新图形驱动程序
如果驱动程序不在当前版本中,该应用程序可能无法启动。这将导致此问题无法启动。请按照以下步骤修复AMD Catalyst Control Center无法正常工作的问题。
1.在Windows 10 搜索菜单中输入(Windows 10 search menu)设备管理器(Device Manager)并打开它。

2. 双击主面板上的显示适配器将其展开。(Display adapters)

3. 右键单击驱动程序(driver)并从上下文菜单中选择更新(Update) 驱动程序。(driver)

4. 现在,点击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)。

5B。如果它们已经处于更新阶段,屏幕将显示以下消息,已安装适用于您设备的最佳驱动程序(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。
6. 单击关闭(Close )并重新启动您的 PC(reboot your PC)。
如果更新驱动程序对您没有(driver didn)帮助,请尝试重新安装驱动程序以获得有效修复。请按照以下步骤操作。
1.像上一个方法一样打开设备管理器。(Device Manager)
2. 双击主面板上的显示适配器将其展开。(Display adapters)

3. 右键单击驱动程序(driver)并选择卸载设备(Uninstall device)。

4. 点击卸载(Uninstall)确认提示。

5. 最后,重启(restart) 你的电脑(your PC)。
6. 如果未重新安装驱动程序,请选择显示适配器(Display adapters)。
7. 然后,单击操作(Action)菜单并选择扫描硬件更改。(Scan for hardware changes.)

另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 Ubisoft Connect 不起作用
方法 5:更新 Windows
确保您的计算机上加载了最新的 Windows 10 更新。这意味着应用所有可用的关键、推荐和可选修复。按照给定的说明进行操作。
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开系统(System) 设置(Settings)。
2. 选择更新和安全(Update & Security)。

3. 单击检查更新检查更新(Check for updates)。

4A。如果有新更新可用,请单击立即安装(Install now)以下载并安装最新版本。

4B。如果您的系统已经是最新的,那么它将显示您是最新的(You’re up to date)消息。

方法 6:修复损坏的文件
Catalyst Control Center可能已损坏,或者Windows 10(Windows 10)可能存在阻止其工作的问题。Windows有一个名为(Windows)System File Checker的内置程序。您可以使用它来检查系统文件的完整性。执行以下步骤以执行 SFC 扫描:
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 命令提示符(Command Prompt) 并单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。

2.在 用户帐户控制(User Account Control) 提示中单击 是。(Yes)
3. 键入 sfc /scannow 并按 Enter 键(Enter key) 运行 系统文件检查器(System File Checker) 扫描。

注意:(Note:) 系统扫描将启动,需要几分钟才能完成。同时,您可以继续执行其他活动,但请注意不要意外关闭窗口。
- Windows 资源保护未发现任何完整性违规。(Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.)
- Windows 资源保护无法执行请求的操作。(Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation.)
- Windows 资源保护发现损坏的文件并成功修复它们。(Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.)
- Windows 资源保护发现损坏的文件,但无法修复其中一些。(Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.)
4. 扫描完成后, 重新启动(restart) 您的电脑(your PC)。
5. 再次 以管理员身份启动命令提示符(Command Prompt as administrator) 并依次执行给定的命令:
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
注意:(Note:) 您必须具有有效的Internet 连接(internet connection)才能正确执行DISM命令。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复罗技游戏软件(Fix Logitech Gaming Software)无法打开的问题
方法 7:重新安装AMD Catalyst Control Center
一系列的行动帮助许多用户解决了这个问题。以安全模式(Safe Mode)重新启动计算机并重新安装图形驱动程序都是必需的。如果您想修复AMD Catalyst Control Center Windows 10的问题,您还需要使用工具来完全删除驱动程序的所有痕迹。看看下面的步骤吧!
1.在Windows 搜索栏中输入(Windows search bar)控制面板(Control Panel)并打开它。

2. 按类别(Category)设置视图。单击卸载程序(Uninstall a program)。

3. 右键单击 AMD Catalyst Control Center并选择卸载(Uninstall)选项。

6. 按照屏幕上的说明卸载它。重新启动(Restart)系统。
7.访问 AMD 网站(AMD website)并下载并安装AMD Catalyst Control Center。

如果上述方法都不起作用,请尝试将Windows恢复到以前的状态作为最后的手段。以下是如何使用系统还原(System Restore)返回到先前版本的Windows:
注意 1:(Note 1:)此过程可能会导致已安装的应用程序丢失,但不会影响您的正常文件。
注意 2(Note 2):在执行以下步骤之前,请在安全模式下启动系统。有时,由于系统错误和驱动程序错误,您通常无法运行系统还原。(system restore)在这种情况下,以安全模式启动系统,然后执行系统还原(system restore)。以下是有关如何执行此操作的几个步骤。
1. 按Windows + R keys 启动运行(Run )对话框。
2. 然后,输入msconfig并按Enter 键(key)打开 系统配置。( System Configuration.)

3. 现在,切换到新窗口中的引导选项卡。(Boot)
4. 在这里,选中Boot options 下的(Boot )Safe boot框,然后单击OK。

5. 单击重新启动(Restart)。

6.在Windows 搜索栏中(Windows search bar)键入命令(Command) 提示符(Prompt),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。

7. 键入rstrui.exe命令并按Enter 键(Enter key)。

8. 单击下一步,(Next, )如下图所示。

9. 最后,单击“完成(Finish )”按钮确认还原点。(restore point)

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我们希望您发现此信息有用,并且您能够解决Windows 10中缺少 AMD 催化剂控制中心(AMD catalyst control center missing)的问题。请让我们知道哪种技术对您最有益。如果您有任何问题或意见,请填写以下表格。
Fix AMD Catalyst Control Center Missing
Catalyst Control Cеnter is a tool for AMD display drivers. This is almost mandatory software to have installed if your computer has an AMD graphics card. The chip might be the inbuilt graphics card or the GPU; howеver, the apр will be installed when the current grаphics driver is uрdated. Howеver, according to certain uѕerѕ, they face the AMD Catalyst Control Center not working issue. This post will show уou how to resоlve the AMD Catalyst Control Center missing using easy tiрs and tactics.

How to Fix AMD Catalyst Control Center Missing in Windows 10
AMD graphics cards are well-known for their high performance. Thus, their popularity is unsurprising. This will let you tweak the GPU behavior and handle specific applications. It may also be used to change your monitor color profile, among other things. Advanced users mostly use this software for color correction and display management, among other things. Below are some issues faced by the users.
- Some users have reported that they could not make any adjustments, such as changing display profiles.
- Game enthusiasts may also be disappointed by the lack of dazzling video effects when playing.
- Users with two video cards on their laptops were unable to switch between them.
What are the Causes of the AMD Catalyst Control Center Missing Issue?
Common causes for this issue are listed below.
- Faulty or outdated graphics drivers
- Outdated Windows version
- Corrupt system files
- Corrupt AMD application installation files
- Too much of AMD background processes
In addition to the AMD Catalyst Control Center missing problem, further difficulties may emerge. The Catalyst Control Center has a variety of problems. We recommend addressing the following issues in the AMD catalyst control center Windows 10 based on user queries. They are as follows:
- AMD Catalyst Control Center Missing.
- The Catalyst Control Center isn’t working right now.
- Windows 10: Catalyst Control Center Host Application Has Stopped Working.
- The monitoring programme for the Catalyst Control Center has stopped working.
- The Command Line Interface for Catalyst Control Center has stopped working.
Method 1: Start from Installation Directory
This application may be started just like any other program from its installation directory. The issue might be that the utility desktop shortcut is corrupt. Follow the below steps.
1. Open File Explorer by pressing Windows + E keys together.
2. Go to the given location path.
C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\amd64

3. To start CLIStart.exe, double-click it.
Note: You may also create a shortcut on your desktop to avoid having to travel through files every time you want to start CCC.
Again run the .exe file as shown below;
1. Open the File Explorer as done earlier.
2. Go to the following location path.
C:\Program Files\AMD
Note: The key is to understand where the program is installed. The installation file can be found in any path like C:\AMD and C:\Program Files (86)\AMD.

3. Run the .exe file by double-clicking it.
Note: It might be in any location mentioned above, so double-check them all.
Method 2: End All AMD Processes
It’s possible that you have too many Catalyst Control Center processes active. In most cases, the app can only run one instance at a time, and launching numerous instances will prohibit the program from working. Follow the below instructions.
1. Launch Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys simultaneously.
2. Search and choose AMD Catalyst Control Center and click End Task.

3. Carry out the same procedure for all AMD Catalyst Control Center tasks.
Also Read: Fix AMD Error Windows Cannot Find Bin64 –Installmanagerapp.exe
Method 3: Update Graphic Drivers
The app may not launch if the drivers are out of the current version. This will lead to this issue not starting. Follow the below steps to fix the AMD Catalyst Control Center not working issue.
1. Type Device Manager in the Windows 10 search menu and open it.

2. Double-click the Display adapters on the main panel to expand it.

3. Right-click the driver and select Update driver from the context menu.

4. Now, click on Search automatically for drivers.

5A. If the driver is outdated, it will automatically be updated to its latest version.
5B. If they are already in an updated stage, the screen displays the following message, The best drivers for your device are already installed.
6. Click Close and reboot your PC.
Method 4: Reinstall Graphic Driver
If updating the driver didn’t help you, try reinstalling the drivers for an effective fix. Follow the below steps.
1. Open Device Manager as done in the previous method.
2. Double-click the Display adapters on the main panel to expand it.

3. Right-click the driver and select Uninstall device.

4. Confirm the prompt by clicking Uninstall.

5. Finally, restart your PC.
Note: Restarting your computer will most likely detect the hardware changes and install the appropriate drivers.
6. If the driver is not reinstalled, select Display adapters.
7. Then, click on the Action menu and select Scan for hardware changes.

8. Wait till it locates and installs the uninstalled driver.
Also Read: Fix Ubisoft Connect Not Working
Method 5: Update Windows
Ensure you have the most recent Windows 10 updates loaded on your machine. This implies applying all critical, recommended, and optional fixes available. Follow the given instructions.
1. Press the Windows + I keys simultaneously to open System Settings.
2. Select Update & Security.

3. Check for updates by clicking Check for updates.

4A. If a new update is available, click Install now to download and install the latest version.

4B. If your system is already up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.

Method 6: Repair Corrupt Files
The Catalyst Control Center might be corrupted, or there could be a problem with Windows 10 that prevents it from working. Windows has a built-in program called System File Checker. You may use it to check the integrity of your system files. Perform the following steps to execute an SFC scan:
1. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator.

2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
3. Type sfc /scannow and press Enter key to run System File Checker scan.

Note: A system scan will be initiated and it will take a couple of minutes to finish. Meanwhile, you can continue performing other activities but be mindful of not accidentally closing the window.
After completing the scan, it will show either of these messages:
- Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations.
- Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation.
- Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files and successfully repaired them.
- Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them.
4. Once the scan is finished, restart your PC.
5. Again, launch Command Prompt as administrator and execute the given commands one after the other:
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
Note: You must have a working internet connection to execute DISM commands properly.

Also Read: Fix Logitech Gaming Software Not Opening
Method 7: Reinstall AMD Catalyst Control Center
A series of actions have assisted many users in resolving this problem. Restarting your computer in Safe Mode and reinstalling your graphics drivers are both required. If you wish to fix the problem of AMD Catalyst Control Center Windows 10, you’ll also need to utilize a tool to delete all traces of the driver completely. Take a look at the steps below!
1. Type Control Panel in the Windows search bar and open it.

2. Set View by Category. Click on Uninstall a program.

3. Right-click AMD Catalyst Control Center and select the Uninstall option.

6. Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall it. Restart the system.
7. Go to the AMD website and download and install the AMD Catalyst Control Center.

Method 8: Use System Restore Point
If none of the above methods worked, try restoring Windows to a previous state as a last resort. Here’s how to use System Restore to go back to a prior version of Windows:
Note 1: This procedure may result in the loss of installed apps, but it will not affect your normal files.
Note 2: Before you follow the below-mentioned steps, boot your system in safe mode. Sometimes, you usually cannot run the system restore due to system errors and faulty drivers. In such cases, boot your system in safe mode and then perform a system restore. Here are a few steps regarding how to do it.
1. Press Windows + R keys to launch the Run dialog box.
2. Then, type msconfig and hit Enter key to open System Configuration.

3. Now, switch to the Boot tab in the new window.
4. Here, check the Safe boot box under Boot options and click on OK.

5. Click on Restart.

6. Type Command Prompt in the Windows search bar and click Run as administrator.

7. Type the rstrui.exe command and hit Enter key.

8. Click on Next, as depicted in the below picture.

9. Finally, confirm the restore point by clicking on the Finish button.

We hope you found this information useful and that you were able to resolve AMD catalyst control center missing in Windows 10. Please let us know which technique was the most beneficial for you. If you have any questions or comments, please fill out the form below.