当您搜索网站并且无法正确访问时,您将在浏览器中遇到此错误。此错误在Google Chrome(Google Chrome)中更常见。当您遇到此错误时,您可以访问其他网站,而不是您遇到此问题的网站。有几个原因触发了上述问题。不正确的注册表(Incorrect registry)设置、网络不兼容(network incompatibility)、防病毒冲突(Antivirus conflict)和防火墙问题通常会导致Chrome出现这些错误。如果您在上网时遇到ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome 错误,本指南将帮助您解决它。(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error)因此,请继续阅读以修复ERR Connection Reset Windows 10错误。
如何在 Chrome 上修复 Windows 10 ERR_CONNECTION_RESET(How to Fix Windows 10 ERR_CONNECTION_RESET on Chrome)
在本节中,我们编译了所有可能的故障排除步骤来修复此错误。跟随他们以获得最佳结果。修复的主要故障排除步骤是确保您拥有稳定的网络连接(network connection)。当您遇到网络不稳定(network instability)时,您将在您访问的任何网站中遇到错误。因此(Therefore),每当您遇到错误时,请打开一个新选项卡并搜索(tab and search)另一个网站。
- 如果您在浏览器中访问的所有网站都出现错误,则表明您的网络连接(network connection)不稳定。确保网络带宽速度最佳(Ensure the network bandwidth speed is optimum)。
- 如果您仅在一个特定网站上遇到错误,则互联网连接(internet connection)没有问题,您可以按照此处讨论的故障排除方法进行修复。
注意:(Note: )如果您使用旧的、损坏的或不可靠的电缆,互联网连接(internet connection)将不断与设备断开连接。即使您的网速(internet speed)非常高,在断线时您也不会获得不间断的服务。检查连接电缆是否符合标记。
方法一:重启路由器(Method 1: Reboot Router)
如果您有任何网络冲突,您可以通过重新启动路由器来解决它们。但是,重启路由器将重新启动网络连接(network connectivity),并且很少有用户报告说,配置设置中标记的所有更改都会在您重启路由器时生效。因此,请按照以下步骤重新启动路由器。
1. 找到路由器背面的 电源按钮(Power button) 。
2. 按一下按钮 将其关闭。(turn it off.)
3. 现在, 断开(disconnect)路由器电源线(Router power cable) 并 等待电容器完全耗尽电力。
4. 然后, 重新连接(reconnect) 电源 线(power cable) 并在一分钟后将其打开。
5.等待(Wait)网络连接(network connection)重新建立,然后 再次尝试登录(try signing in again)。
方法二:清除 Chrome 浏览器历史记录(Method 2: Clear Chrome Browser History)
可以通过清除浏览器中的缓存和 cookie来解决格式问题和加载问题。(cache and cookies)您可以通过执行以下步骤尝试删除它们以使用Chrome修复此错误。(Chrome)
1. 启动 谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)。
2. 然后,点击 三点图标(three-dotted icon) > More tools > 清除浏览数据...(Clear browsing data…) ,如下图所示。
3. 检查以下选项。
- Cookie 和其他网站数据(Cookies and other site data)
- 缓存的图像和文件(Cached images and files)
4. 现在,选择 时间范围的(Time range)所有时间(All time) 选项 。
5. 最后,点击 清除数据(Clear data)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在Chrome中通过HTTPS启用(HTTPS)DNS
方法3:重置ipconfig(Method 3: Reset ipconfig)
很少有用户报告说您可以在重置TCP/IP configuration时修复该错误。遵循(Follow)并实施以下说明的步骤。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 命令提示符(Command Prompt) 并单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2.现在,一一键入以下命令,然后 按 Enter(Enter)。
方法 4:删除 Winsock 目录条目(Method 4: Remove Winsock Catalog Entries)
Winsock使您的操作系统能够在您连接到网络/网站时设置TCP/IP connection然而,为导致此类错误的已建立连接创建了几个条目。您可以使用下面讨论的说明清除它们。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows keys),键入 命令提示符(command prompt),然后单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 键入命令 netsh winsock reset 并按 Enter。
3. 该过程完成后重新启动您的 PC。(Restart)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复以太网没有有效的 IP 配置错误(Valid IP Configuration Error)
方法 5:删除 WLAN 配置文件(Method 5: Delete WLAN Profiles)
每当您连接到任何无线网络(wireless network)时,都会创建WLAN(无线)配置文件。(Wireless)此配置文件包含唯一的网络名称(network name)、密钥和其他相关设置,可帮助您的系统连接(system connect)到网络。在Windows 7系统中,您可以在控制面板(Control Panel)中启动网络和共享中心,并通过(Network and Sharing Center)管理无线网络(Manage Wireless Networks )选项删除已保存的网络。在Windows 8系统中,您没有此选项,您只能通过命令提示符(Command Prompt)命令删除配置文件。在Windows 10系统中,您可以删除(WLAN)按照以下步骤操作 WLAN配置文件。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 单击网络和 Internet(Network & Internet)设置。
3. 现在,单击左侧窗格中的Wi-Fi菜单。
4. 然后,向下滚动,单击管理已知网络(Manage known networks)选项。
5.屏幕上将显示您之前成功配对的无线网络列表。(wireless network)单击(Click)任何似乎不必要的无线网络,然后选择(wireless network)忘记(Forget )选项。
现在,WLAN 配置文件(WLAN profile)将从您的系统中删除。接下来,连接到网页并检查您是否再次遇到 ERR Connection Reset Windows 10 问题。
方法 6:更改 DNS 服务器地址(Method 6: Change DNS Server Address)
IPv4 地址(IPv4 address)具有较大的数据包,因此当您更改它们时,您的网络连接(network connection)将变得稳定。因此,请按照以下步骤更改IPv4 地址(IPv4 address)以修复ERR_CONNECTION_RESET 错误(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error)。
注意:(Note: )此处演示了针对 Wi-Fi 网络的步骤。如果您使用以太网连接(Ethernet connection),请相应地遵循它们。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 控制面板(Control Panel) 并单击 打开(Open)。
2. 设置 View by: > Large icons并 从列表中 单击 网络和共享中心。( Network and Sharing Center)
3. 接下来,单击左侧窗格中的 更改适配器设置 ( Change adapter settings )超链接。
4. 右键单击您当前的网络连接(network connection)(例如 Wi-Fi)并选择 属性(Properties),如图所示。
5:在 此连接下使用以下项目:(This connection uses the following items:) 列出,找到并单击 Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)。
6. 单击 属性 (Properties )按钮,如上所示。
7. 在这里,选择 使用以下 DNS 服务器地址:(Use the following DNS server addresses:) 选项并输入以下内容:
首选 DNS 服务器:
备用 DNS 服务器:
8. 单击 确定(OK) 保存更改。
方法 7:修改 LAN 设置(Method 7: Modify LAN Settings)
几个网络连接(network connectivity)问题可能会导致ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome 错误(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error),您可以通过重置本地网络设置来修复它们,如下所述。
1.从 Windows 搜索菜单打开 控制面板 。( Control Panel )
2. 现在,将 View by 选项设置为 Category。
3. 选择 网络和互联网 (Network and Internet )设置。
4. 在这里,单击 Internet 选项 (Internet Options ),如下所示。
5. 现在,在 Internet 属性(Internet Properties) 窗口中,切换到 连接 (Connections )选项卡。
6. 选择 LAN 设置(LAN settings),如下所示。
7. 在这里,选中 自动检测设置 (Automatically detect settings )框并确保 未选中为您的 LAN 使用代理服务器 (Use a proxy server for your LAN )框。
注意:(Note:) 您可以在需要时再次启用该选项。
8. 最后,单击“ 确定 (OK )”保存更改并检查问题是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix)Windows 10文件(File)共享不起作用
方法 8:增加最大传输单元 (MTU)(Method 8: Increase Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU))
您可以通过增加最大传输单元 (MTU)(Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) )和TCP 窗口接收 (RWIN)(TCP Window Receive (RWIN) )参数来提高互联网速度。按照下面提到的步骤来实施它们。
1. 同时按住Windows + I keys 打开设置(Settings)。
2. 现在,单击网络和 Internet(Network & Internet),如图所示。
3. 现在,记下您连接到的网络名称(network name)( dharani) 。
4. 现在,使用管理权限打开命令提示符(Command Prompt )并键入以下命令(command)。然后,按Enter 键(Enter key)。
netsh interface IPv4 set subinterface "dharani" mtu=1472 store=persistent
注意:(Note: )将引用的文本替换为您的网络名称(network name)。
5. 最后,检查您是否已解决问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Chrome 不断崩溃
方法 9:取消选中 AppEx 网络加速器(用于以太网适配器)(Method 9: Uncheck AppEx Networks Accelerator (For Ethernet Adapter))
AppEx Networks Accelerator包含在具有AMD处理器的系统中的(AMD)APU 驱动程序(APU driver)包中,通常是互联网速度的障碍。如果您使用有线连接,AppEx 网络加速器功能(AppEx Networks Accelerator Feature)会减慢网络速度(network speed),从而导致此错误。通过使用以下步骤来修复ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome 错误(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error)来禁用此功能。
1. 同时按Windows + R keys打开设置(Settings),然后单击网络和 Internet(Network & Internet)设置。
2. 现在,单击以太网(Ethernet )选项卡并选择相关设置(Related settings )下的更改适配器选项(Change adapter options ),如下所示。
3. 然后,右键单击您的网络并单击(network and click)属性,(Properties )如图所示。
4. 在Networking选项卡中,搜索AppEx Networks Accelerator并取消选中(uncheck)它。
5. 最后,检查您是否已解决此问题。
注意:(Note: )如果列表中没有该功能(feature isn),则您的系统要么具有Intel 处理器(Intel processor or wasn),要么未包含在驱动程序的自定义安装中。(custom installation)如果下一种方法对您也不起作用,您无论如何都可以继续前进。
方法 10:更新或回滚网络驱动程序(Method 10: Update or Rollback Network Drivers)
您可以尝试更新网络驱动程序或回滚驱动程序更新以修复ERR Connection Reset Windows 10问题。请按照以下步骤执行此操作。
选项 1:更新驱动程序(Option 1: Update Driver)
以下是更新网络驱动程序(network driver)以修复ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome 问题(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome issue)的步骤。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入设备管理器(Device Manager),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 双击 网络适配器(Network adapters) 将其展开。
3. 右键单击您的 无线网络驱动程序 (wireless network driver )(例如 Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 无线网络适配器( Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 Wireless Network Adapter))并选择 更新驱动程序(Update driver),如下图所示。
4. 接下来,单击 自动搜索驱动程序 (Search automatically for drivers )以自动下载并安装最佳可用驱动程序。
5B。如果它们已经处于更新阶段,则会显示消息 “您的设备的最佳驱动程序已安装” (The best drivers for your device are already installed )。
6. 单击 关闭 (Close )按钮退出窗口并 重新启动您的 PC( restart your PC)。
选项 2:回滚驱动程序更新(Option 2: Roll Back Driver Updates)
按照以下步骤回滚驱动程序更新以修复ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome 错误(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error)。
1. 像之前一样进入Device Manager > Network adapters 。
2. 右键单击您的网络驱动程序(network driver) (例如 Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168)并选择 属性(Properties),如图所示。
3. 切换到 驱动程序选项卡 (Driver tab )并选择 回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver),如突出显示的那样。
注意:(Note:) 如果“ 回滚驱动器(Roll Back Drive)r”选项显示为灰色,则表示您的计算机没有预装驱动程序文件或从未更新过。
4. 提供你 为什么要回滚的原因?(Why are you rolling back?) 在 驱动程序包回滚(Driver Package rollback)。然后,单击 Yes,如下图所示。
5. 然后,单击 确定(OK) 以应用此更改。最后, 重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )修复 Chrome 阻止下载问题
方法 11:重新安装网络驱动程序(Method 11: Reinstall Network Drivers)
如果更新驱动程序没有修复ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome 错误(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error),您可以卸载网络驱动程序并重新安装它们。然后,按照下面提到的步骤来实现它。
1.使用上述步骤启动 设备管理器 。(Device Manager )
2. 双击展开网络适配器 。(Network adapters )
3. 现在,右键单击 驱动程序 (driver )并选择 卸载设备(Uninstall device)。
4. 现在,屏幕上将显示警告提示。(warning prompt)选中“删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device)”复选框,然后单击“(box “)卸载(Uninstall)”确认提示 。
5. 通过手动更新或自动更新在您的设备上下载并安装驱动程序。
6. 现在,访问 制造商的网站(manufacturer’s website) (例如 Intel)手动下载驱动程序。
7. 下载后,双击 下载的文件(downloaded file)并按照屏幕上的说明进行安装。
方法 12:将 URL 列入白名单或暂时禁用防病毒软件(如果适用)(Method 12: Whitelist URL or Disable Antivirus Temporarily (If Applicable))
有时,系统中的防病毒程序(antivirus program)可能会阻止您访问任何URL,将其视为威胁。要解决ERR Connection Reset Windows 10问题,您可以按照以下说明将网站列入白名单或禁用防病毒程序(antivirus program)。
注意:(Note:)这里以Avast Free Antivirus为例。您可以根据您的防病毒应用程序执行这些步骤。
选项 1:将网站 URL 列入白名单(Option 1: Whitelist Website URL)
如果您不希望Avast阻止任何特定网站,您还可以按照以下步骤将URL列入白名单并修复(URL)ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome 错误(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error)。
1. 导航到 Search Menu,键入 Avast 并单击 Open,如图所示。
2. 点击右上角的 菜单 (Menu )选项。
3. 接下来,从下拉列表中单击 设置 。(Settings )
4. 在 General 选项卡中, (General tab, )切换到 Exceptions 选项卡并单击 ADD ADVANCED EXCEPTION ,如下图所示。
5. 现在,在新窗口中,单击Website/Domain ,如下所示。
6. 现在,将 URL 粘贴到Type in url path部分下。接下来,单击添加例外(ADD EXCEPTION)选项。参考图片。
7. 如果您想从Avast 白名单中删除(Avast whitelist)URL,请转到Settings > General > Exceptions菜单,然后单击垃圾箱图标(Trash icon),如下图所示。
选项 2:暂时禁用防病毒软件(Option 2: Disable Antivirus Temporarily)
如果您没有通过在防病毒程序中添加(antivirus program)URL例外来修复ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome 问题(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome issue),则可以按照以下说明执行步骤来禁用它们。
1. 导航到任务栏中的防(Taskbar)病毒图标(Antivirus icon)并 右键单击 (right-click )它。
2. 现在,选择 Avast shields control 选项,您可以使用以下选项暂时禁用Avast :
- 禁用 10 分钟
- 禁用 1 小时
- 禁用直到计算机重新启动
- 永久禁用
3. 根据您的方便选择选项并确认屏幕上显示的提示。
4. 现在,回到主窗口。在这里,您已关闭Avast的所有屏蔽。要激活设置,请单击 TURN ON。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何删除 Chrome 主题
方法 13:使用虚拟专用网络(Method 13: Use a Virtual Private Network)
如果按照上面讨论的方法没有解决您的问题,那么您的网络连接问题的可能性很小。浏览器服务器和互联网服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)在传输过程中可能会发生冲突,因此如果您使用虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network),您可以解决问题。许多VPN(VPNs)在您下载它们之前都会提供试用版。(trial version)因此(Hence),如果可能,请使用它们并浏览网站。
1. 同时按下 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 选择 网络和互联网(Network & internet),如图所示。
3. 单击 左侧窗格(left pane) 中的VPN,然后单击 与您的VPN 客户端(VPN client.) 对应的 连接按钮。(Connect)
方法 14:重置 Chrome(Method 14: Reset Chrome)
重置Chrome会将浏览器恢复为其默认设置,并且您可以通过更多可能性来解决所讨论的问题。请按照以下步骤重置Google Chrome并检查ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome 问题(ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome problem)是否已解决。
1. 打开 谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome) 并转到 chrome://settings/reset
2. 单击 将设置恢复为原始默认值(Restore settings to their original defaults) 选项,突出显示。
3. 现在,单击“ 重置设置”(Reset Settings) 按钮确认您的操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复(Fix PDFs)无法(Chrome)在Chrome中打开的 PDF(Opening)
方法 15:切换到另一个浏览器(Method 15: Switch to Another Browser)
如前所述,如果您是Google Chrome 用户(Google Chrome user),并且即使在尝试了上述所有方法后也没有得到ERR Connection Reset Windows 10问题的任何修复,则更好的选择是切换您的浏览器。下面列出了一些流行的浏览器。
方法 16:联系互联网服务提供商(Method 16: Contact Internet Service Provider)
如果上述方法均不能解决ERR Connection Reset Windows 10问题,请验证Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)( ISP ) 是否有效工作。您无法通过网络访问任何特定域,并且ISP通常会阻止其功能。在这些情况下,请联系您的互联网服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)并检查您的连接是否被阻止或是否有任何中断。下面列出了您可以遵循的其他几点;
- 如果您的ISP被阻止,您可以通过在 3G 智能手机上连接网络来检查。
- 当服务没有中断时,说明你的ISP被屏蔽了,你需要改变网络连接(network connection)。您可以通过网络更新(network update)解决此问题。
- 修复 Square Enix 错误代码 i2501
- 20 款最佳手机追踪应用
- 修复 0xa00f4244 未(Fix 0xa00f4244) 连接摄像头错误(No Cameras Are Attached Error)
- 如何在Windows 10上创建(Windows 10)极简主义桌面(Minimalist Desktop)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以修复ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome错误。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
When you search for a website and cannot be appropriately reached, you will face this error іn your browser. This error is more сommonly reportеd in Goоgle Сhrome. When you face thiѕ error, you can accesѕ other webѕіtes rather than the one from which you encounter thіs issue. Several reasons trigger the said prоblem. Incorrect registry sеttings, network incompatibility, Antivirus conflict, and firewall issues often lead to these errors with Chrome. Іf you face ERR_СONNECTION_RESET Chrome error while ѕurfing the internet, this guіde will help you resolve it. So, continuе reading to fix ERR Connection Reset Windows 10 error.
How to Fix Windows 10 ERR_CONNECTION_RESET on Chrome
In this section, we have compiled all possible troubleshooting steps to fix this error. Follow them to attain the best results. The primary troubleshooting step towards the fix is to ensure that you have a stable network connection. When you have network instability, you will face the error in any website you access for. Therefore, whenever you encounter the error, open a new tab and search for another website.
- If you face the error in all the websites you access in the browser, this indicates your network connection is not stable. Ensure the network bandwidth speed is optimum.
- If you face the error only on one specific website, there is no issue with the internet connection, and you can follow the troubleshooting methods discussed here to fix them.
Note: If you use an old, damaged, or unreliable cable, the internet connection will keep disconnecting from the device. Even if your internet speed is very high, you will not get uninterrupted service when the wires are broken. Check if the connecting cables are up to the mark.
Method 1: Reboot Router
If you have any network conflicts, you can fix them by restarting the router. However, restarting the router will re-initiate the network connectivity, and few users have reported that all the changes marked in the configuration settings will be effective in action when you restart the router. Therefore, follow the below-mentioned steps to restart your router.
1. Find the Power button at the back of your router.
2. Press the button once to turn it off.
3. Now, disconnect your Router power cable and wait until the power is entirely drained from the capacitors.
4. Then, reconnect the power cable and switch it on after a minute.
5. Wait until the network connection is re-established and try signing in again.
Method 2: Clear Chrome Browser History
Formatting issues and loading problems can be sorted out by clearing the cache and cookies in your browser. You can try removing them to fix this error with Chrome by implementing the following steps.
1. Launch Google Chrome.
2. Then, click on the three-dotted icon > More tools > Clear browsing data… as illustrated below.
3. Check the following options.
- Cookies and other site data
- Cached images and files
4. Now, choose the All time option for Time range.
5. Finally, click on Clear data.
Also Read: How to Enable DNS over HTTPS in Chrome
Method 3: Reset ipconfig
Few users have reported that you could fix the error when you reset the TCP/IP configuration. Follow & implement the below-instructed steps.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator.
2. Now, type the following commands one by one and hit Enter.
3. Finally, wait for the process to be completed and check if the issue is resolved now.
Method 4: Remove Winsock Catalog Entries
Winsock enables your OS to set a TCP/IP connection whenever you connect to the network/website. Yet, several entries are created for established connections leading to such errors. You can clear them by using the below-discussed instructions.
1. Press the Windows keys, type command prompt, and click on Run as administrator.
2. Type the command netsh winsock reset and press Enter.
3. Restart your PC once the process is complete.
Also Read: Fix Ethernet Doesn’t Have a Valid IP Configuration Error
Method 5: Delete WLAN Profiles
Whenever you connect to any wireless network, WLAN (Wireless) profiles will be created. This profile contains a unique network name, keys, and other related settings that help your system connect to the network. In Windows 7 system, you can launch Network and Sharing Center in Control Panel and remove saved networks through the Manage Wireless Networks option. In Windows 8 system, you do not have this option, and you are intended to remove the profiles only by Command Prompt commands. In Windows 10 system, you can remove WLAN profiles by following the below-mentioned steps.
1. Hit the Windows + R keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Click on the Network & Internet setting.
3. Now, click on the Wi-Fi menu from the left pane.
4. Then, scroll down, click on the Manage known networks option.
5. Here a list of wireless networks you successfully paired up earlier will be displayed on the screen. Click on any wireless network that seems unnecessary and select the Forget option.
Now, the WLAN profile will be removed from your system. Next, connect to a web page and check if you face ERR Connection Reset Windows 10 problem again.
Method 6: Change DNS Server Address
IPv4 address has larger packets, and hence your network connection will be stabilized when you change them. Therefore, follow the below-mentioned steps to change the IPv4 address to fix the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error.
Note: Here, steps are demonstrated for a Wi-Fi network. If you use an Ethernet connection, follow them accordingly.
1. Press the Windows key, type Control Panel and click on Open.
2. Set View by: > Large icons and click on the Network and Sharing Center from the list.
3. Next, click on the Change adapter settings hyperlink present in the left pane.
4. Right-click on your current network connection (e.g. Wi-Fi) and select Properties, as depicted.
5: Under This connection uses the following items: list, locate and click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4).
6. Click the Properties button, as highlighted above.
7. Here, select Use the following DNS server addresses: option and enter the following:
Preferred DNS server:
Alternate DNS server:
8. Click on OK to save changes.
Method 7: Modify LAN Settings
Several network connectivity issues may lead to ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error, and you can fix them by resetting local network settings as discussed below.
1. Open Control Panel from Windows Search Menu.
2. Now, set the View by option to Category.
3. Select the Network and Internet settings.
4. Here, click on Internet Options as shown below.
5. Now, in the Internet Properties window, switch to the Connections tab.
6. Select LAN settings, as highlighted below.
7. Here, check the box Automatically detect settings and ensure Use a proxy server for your LAN box is unchecked.
Note: You can enable the option again when you need it.
8. Finally, click on OK to save the changes and check if the issue is resolved.
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Method 8: Increase Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
You can increase the internet speed by increasing Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) and TCP Window Receive (RWIN) parameters. Follow the below-mentioned steps to implement them.
1. Press and hold Windows + I keys together to open Settings.
2. Now, click on Network & Internet as shown.
3. Now, note down the network name (dharani) under which you are connected to.
4. Now, open Command Prompt with administrative rights and type the following command. Then, hit the Enter key.
netsh interface IPv4 set subinterface "dharani" mtu=1472 store=persistent
Note: Replace the quoted text with your network name.
5. Finally, check if you have fixed the issue.
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Method 9: Uncheck AppEx Networks Accelerator (For Ethernet Adapter)
AppEx Networks Accelerator comes in the APU driver bundle in systems with AMD processors and is usually a hurdle in internet speeds. If you use a wired connection, the AppEx Networks Accelerator Feature slows down the network speed, thus leading to this error. Disable this feature by using the following steps to fix ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error.
1. Hit the Windows + R keys simultaneously to open Settings and click on the Network & Internet setting.
2. Now, click on the Ethernet tab and select Change adapter options under Related settings as shown below.
3. Then, right-click on your network and click on Properties as shown.
4. In the Networking tab, search for AppEx Networks Accelerator and uncheck it.
5. Finally, check if you have fixed this issue.
Note: If the feature isn’t there in the list, your system either has an Intel processor or wasn’t included by the custom installation of the drivers. You can anyway move forward if this too didn’t work for you with the next method.
Method 10: Update or Rollback Network Drivers
You can try updating your network drivers or rolling back the driver updates to fix ERR Connection Reset Windows 10 issue. Follow the steps below to do so.
Option 1: Update Driver
Here are the steps to update your network driver to fix ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome issue.
1. Press the Windows key, type Device Manager, and click on Open.
2. Double-click on Network adapters to expand it.
3. Right-click on your wireless network driver (e.g. Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 Wireless Network Adapter) and select Update driver, as depicted below.
4. Next, click on Search automatically for drivers to automatically download and install the best available driver.
5A. Now, the drivers will update and install to the latest version, if they are not updated.
5B. If they are already in an updated stage, the message saying The best drivers for your device are already installed will be shown.
6. Click on the Close button to exit the window and restart your PC.
Option 2: Roll Back Driver Updates
Follow these steps to roll back driver updates to fix ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error.
1. Go to Device Manager > Network adapters as earlier.
2. Right-click on your network driver (e.g. Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168) and select Properties, as depicted.
3. Switch to the Driver tab and select Roll Back Driver, as highlighted.
Note: If the option to Roll Back Driver is greyed out, it indicates that your computer does not have the pre-installed driver files or it has never been updated.
4. Provide your reason for Why are you rolling back? in Driver Package rollback. Then, click on Yes, as illustrated below.
5. Then, click on OK to apply this change. Finally, restart your PC.
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Method 11: Reinstall Network Drivers
If updating drivers did not fix ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error, you can uninstall the network drivers and install them again. Then, follow the below-mentioned steps to implement the same.
1. Launch the Device Manager using the steps mentioned above.
2. Expand Network adapters by double-clicking on it.
3. Now, right-click on the driver and select Uninstall device.
4. Now, a warning prompt will be displayed on the screen. Check the box “Delete the driver software for this device” and confirm the prompt by clicking Uninstall.
5. Download and install the drivers on your device either by a manual update or automatic update.
6. Now, visit the manufacturer’s website (e.g. Intel) to download the driver manually.
7. Once downloaded, double click on the downloaded file and follow the given on-screen instructions to install it.
Method 12: Whitelist URL or Disable Antivirus Temporarily (If Applicable)
Sometimes, the antivirus program in your system might prevent you from accessing any URL, considering it as a threat. To resolve ERR Connection Reset Windows 10 issue, you can either whitelist the website or disable the antivirus program as instructed below.
Note: Here, Avast Free Antivirus is taken as an example. You can follow the steps according to your antivirus application.
Option 1: Whitelist Website URL
If you do not want Avast to block any specific website, you can also whitelist the URL by following the below-mentioned steps and fix ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error.
1. Navigate to the Search Menu, type Avast and click on Open, as shown.
2. Click on the Menu option at the top right corner.
3. Next, click on Settings from the drop-down list.
4. In the General tab, switch to the Exceptions tab and click on ADD ADVANCED EXCEPTION as illustrated below.
5. Now, in the new window, click on Website/Domain as highlighted below.
6. Now, paste the URL under the Type in url path section. Next, click on ADD EXCEPTION option. Refer to the pic.
7. If you want to remove the URL from the Avast whitelist, go to the Settings > General > Exceptions menu and click on the Trash icon as depicted below.
Option 2: Disable Antivirus Temporarily
If you did not fix ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome issue by adding an exception of the URL in your antivirus program, you could disable them by implementing the steps as instructed below.
1. Navigate to the Antivirus icon in the Taskbar and right-click on it.
2. Now, select the Avast shields control option, and you can temporarily disable Avast using the below options:
- Disable for 10 minutes
- Disable for 1 hour
- Disable until computer is restarted
- Disable permanently
3. Choose the option according to your convenience and confirm the prompt displayed on the screen.
4. Now, go back to the main window. Here, you have turned off all shields from Avast. To activate the settings, click on TURN ON.
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Method 13: Use a Virtual Private Network
If your problem is not fixed by following the above-discussed methods, there are few chances that you may have any connectivity issues with your network. The browser servers and the Internet Service Provider might have any conflicts during transmission, and thus if you use a Virtual Private Network, you can fix the problem. Many VPNs offer a trial version before you download them. Hence, use them and surf the website if possible.
1. Press Windows + I keys together to launch Settings.
2. Select Network & internet, as shown.
3. Click on VPN in the left pane and then, click on Connect button corresponding to your VPN client.
Method 14: Reset Chrome
Resetting Chrome will restore the browser to its default settings, and there are more possibilities that you can fix the discussed problem. Follow the below-mentioned steps to reset Google Chrome and check if ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome problem is resolved.
1. Open Google Chrome and go to chrome://settings/reset
2. Click on the Restore settings to their original defaults option, shown highlighted.
3. Now, confirm your action by clicking on the Reset Settings button.
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Method 15: Switch to Another Browser
As discussed, if you are a Google Chrome user and did not get any fix for ERR Connection Reset Windows 10 issue even after trying all the methods mentioned above, the better option is to switch your browser.Some of the popular browsers are listed below.
After switching your browser, check if you have fixed the issue.
Method 16: Contact Internet Service Provider
If none of those mentioned above methods works to fix ERR Connection Reset Windows 10 issue, verify whether the Internet Service Provider (ISP) works efficiently. You cannot access any specific domain with the network, and ISP often blocks their feature. In these cases, contact your Internet Service Provider and check if your connection is blocked or whether there are any interruptions. A few more additional points you can follow are listed below;
- If your ISP is blocked, you can check this by connecting the network on a 3G smartphone.
- When there are no interruptions in the service, it indicates that your ISP is blocked, and you need to change the network connection. You could fix this issue with a network update.
We hope that this guide was helpful, and you could fix ERR_CONNECTION_RESET Chrome error. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.