如果您遇到命令提示符(Command Prompt)短暂出现然后消失的问题,那么您来对地方了。通过本指南,您可以了解有关命令提示符的所有信息,即(Command Prompt viz)什么是命令提示符(Command Prompt)、如何使用它、出现此问题的原因以及如何修复在Windows 10上消失的命令提示符(Command Prompt)。
什么是命令提示符?(What is Command Prompt?)
命令提示符(Command Prompt)是Windows系统的一项有用功能,可用于安装和更新程序。此外,可以使用Windows计算机上的命令提示符执行多个故障排除操作。(Command Prompt)
如何启动命令提示符?(How to launch Command Prompt?)
您可以通过以下步骤打开命令提示符:(Command Prompt)
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)框中键入命令提示符(Command Prompt)或cmd 。
2. 单击搜索结果右侧窗格中的打开(Open)以启动它。
3. 或者,如果您想以管理员身份使用它,请单击以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator, )
4. 在 cmd: 中输入任何命令,然后按Enter 键(Enter key )执行。
许多用户抱怨命令提示符在(Command Prompt)Windows 10上出现然后消失。它随机出现在屏幕上,然后在几秒钟内消失。用户无法阅读命令提示符(Command Prompt)中写入的内容,因为它会很快消失。
修复命令提示符在 Windows 10 上出现然后消失(Fix Command Prompt Appears then Disappears on Windows 10)
是什么导致命令提示符在 Windows 10 PC 上出现然后消失?(What causes Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10 PC?)
下面列出了在Windows 10问题上出现(Windows 10)命令提示符(Command Prompt)然后消失的最常见原因:
1. 这个问题背后的主要原因是任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)。有时,当您从 Internet 下载程序或应用程序(program or application)但它失败时,Windows 更新服务(Windows Update Service)会自动尝试一遍又一遍地恢复下载。
2.您可能已授予它在启动时启动的(launch at Start-up)权限(permission to) 。这可能是您登录计算机时启动命令提示符窗口的原因。(Command Prompt window)
3.损坏或丢失的文件(Corrupt or missing files)可能会在启动过程中触发命令提示符窗口(Command Prompt window)弹出。
4. 问题背后的罕见原因可能是恶意软件(malware)。病毒攻击可能会迫使您的系统连续运行或从 Internet 下载某些内容,导致命令提示符(Command Prompt)出现然后在Windows 10问题上消失。
据观察,在游戏和流媒体会话期间, CMD 窗口(CMD window)出现和消失的频率更高。这比平时更烦人,因此,迫切需要解决这个问题。
方法一:在命令提示符窗口中运行命令(Method 1: Run Commands in Command Prompt Window)
有时,当您运行特定于 CMD 的命令(例如,运行对话框中的ipconfig.exe )时,(ipconfig.exe )命令提示符在(Command Prompt)Windows 10上出现然后消失,或者CMD 窗口(CMD window)随机弹出。
因此(Hence),您应该始终确保在Windows系统的内置命令提示符窗口中运行命令。(Command Prompt Window)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 使用命令提示符(Command Prompt)( CMD )删除(Delete)文件夹或文件(Folder or File)
(Method 2: Open Command Prompt using )cmd /k ipconfig/all 打开命令提示符
如果您希望使用命令提示符(Command Prompt),但它会随机关闭,您可以在运行对话框(Run dialog)中执行给定的命令。这将使命令提示符保持(Command Prompt stay)打开和激活状态,从而解决CMD出现然后消失的问题。
1. 通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)框中键入运行(Run)并从搜索结果中单击打开来启动(Open)运行对话框。(Run dialog box)
2. 如图所示键入 cmd /k ipconfig /all 并单击 确定。(OK.)
方法 3:创建 Windows 10 CMD 快捷方式(Method 3: Create Windows 10 CMD shortcut)
如果你想修复命令提示符在 Windows 10 上出现然后消失,(fix Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10,)你可以简单地创建一个桌面快捷方式。双击此快捷方式后,将打开Windows 10命令提示符。(Command Prompt)以下是在 Windows 10 PC 上创建此快捷方式的方法:
2. 单击新建(New)并选择快捷方式,(Shortcut,)如下图所示。
3. 现在,在键入项目的位置字段中(Type the location of the item )复制粘贴(copy-paste )给定的位置:
5. 键入一个名称,例如cmd在为此快捷方式(Type a name for this shortcut)字段键入一个名称。
6. 单击完成(Finish)以创建快捷方式。
7. 快捷方式将显示在桌面上,如下图所示。
下次您想在系统上使用命令提示符(Command Prompt)时,双击(double-click )创建的快捷方式。许多用户从这个简单的解决方案中受益。但是,如果这不起作用,请继续阅读以关闭系统上运行的任务和进程。
方法 4:在 Windows 10 上关闭 Office 任务(Method 4: Turn off Office Tasks on Windows 10)
当计划任务一直在后台运行时,它可能会触发命令提示符(Command Prompt)频繁出现和消失。不幸的是,许多应用程序都有定期在您的Windows 系统上运行的(Windows system)计划任务(scheduled tasks)。
按照给定的步骤处理Windows 10系统上的MS Office任务。
方法 4A:禁用 MS Office 任务(Method 4A: Disabling MS Office Tasks)
1. 按照方法 2(Method 2)中的说明启动运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
2.如图所示 键入 taskschd.msc ,然后单击(taskschd.msc )确定。(OK.)
3. 现在,任务计划程序(Task Scheduler )窗口将出现。
注意:(Note:)您可以使用任务计划程序(Task Scheduler)为您的计算机创建和管理常见任务,以便在您指定的时间自动执行。单击Action > Create new task ,然后按照屏幕上的步骤创建您选择的任务。
4. 现在,单击下图中突出显示的箭头以展开(arrow )任务计划程序库(Task Scheduler Library)。
注意:(Note:)任务存储在任务计划程序库(Task Scheduler Library)的文件夹中。要查看或执行单个任务,请在任务计划程序库中选择该(Task Scheduler Library and click)任务(task),然后单击右侧显示的“操作(Actions)”菜单中的命令。(command)
6. 在中间窗格中,搜索OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration。
7. 现在,右键单击OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration并选择禁用。(Disable.)
方法 4B:更改 MS Office 任务设置(Method 4B: Altering MS Office Tasks Settings)
或者,更改一些设置可能会修复CMD 窗口(CMD window)出现和消失的问题。
1.按照上述步骤 1-6(Steps 1- 6)导航到OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration。
2. 现在,右键单击OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration并选择Properties,如图所示。
3. 接下来,单击更改用户或组...(Change User or Group… )以选择特定用户。
4.在Enter the object name to select(examples):字段中输入(Enter the object name to select(examples): )SYSTEM并单击OK,如下图所示。
此解决方案应修复命令提示符(Command Prompt)短暂出现然后消失的问题。
提示:(Tip:)如果出现CMD然后消失问题无法通过修改设置或禁用OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration来解决,请按照相同的步骤打开任务计划程序并导航(Task Scheduler and navigate)到任务计划程序库。(Task Scheduler Library.)在这里,您会发现许多计划在后台自动运行的任务。禁用所有(Disable all scheduled functions)看起来很奇怪的预定功能,这可能会修复它。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中启动时打开(Boot)命令提示符(Command Prompt)
方法5:使用任务管理器关闭所有不需要的程序(Method 5: Close All Unwanted Programs using Task Manager)
1.右键单击任务栏中的空白区域启动(Taskbar)任务管理器(Task Manager)。从出现的菜单中单击任务管理器。(Task Manager)
2. 在进程(Processes)选项卡中,搜索系统中的任何异常进程(unusual processes)。
3. 右键单击此类进程并选择(processess and select) 结束任务(End task),如图所示。
4. 接下来,切换到启动(Startup )选项卡。单击(Click)新安装的程序或不需要的应用程序,然后选择(application and select) 右下角显示的禁用。(Disable )在这里,我们以Skype为例进行说明。
5.重新启动(Reboot )系统并检查问题是否已修复。
方法 6:更新您的设备驱动程序(Method 6: Update your Device Drivers)
系统上安装的设备驱动程序,如果不兼容,可能会触发命令提示符(Command Prompt)出现然后消失Windows 10问题。您可以通过将驱动程序更新到最新版本来轻松解决此问题。您可以通过两种方式做到这一点:
方法 6A:通过制造商网站
(Method 6A: Via Manufacturer Website
访问制造商的网站。在您的电脑上查找、下载、安装与(Find)Windows版本(Windows version)对应的音频、视频、网络等设备驱动程序。
方法 6B:通过设备管理器(Method 6B: Via Device Manager)
1. 如图所示,通过在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索来启动设备管理器。(Device Manager)
2. 在设备管理器窗口(Device Manager window)中,右键单击显示适配器(Display Adapters )并选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver),如下所示。
3. 单击您要如何搜索(How do you want to search for drivers?)驱动程序下的自动搜索驱动程序?(Search automatically for drivers)
4. 对网络(Network)、音频(Audio)、驱动程序也重复上述步骤。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复文件夹(Fix Folder Keeps Reverting)在 Windows 10 上不断恢复为只读(Read)
方法 7:使用 Windows Defender 扫描 Windows 10(Method 7: Scan Windows 10 using Windows Defender)
Windows计算机中存在的任何恶意软件都可以使用Windows Defender修复。它本质上是一个内置的扫描工具(scanning tool),可以清除系统中的病毒/恶意软件。
1.通过单击Windows icon > Gear icon.启动系统设置。(Settings )
2. 打开更新和安全(Update & security )部分。
3.从左窗格中选择Windows 安全选项。(Windows Security )
4. 现在, 在“保护区域(Protection Areas)” 下选择“病毒和威胁防护(Virus & threat protection)” 。
5. 单击标题为“扫描选项(Scan Options )”的链接,您将获得 4 个扫描选项。
6. 在这里,单击 Windows Defender 离线扫描(Windows Defender Offline scan)>立即扫描(Scan now)。
7. Windows Defender将检查并删除系统中存在的恶意软件,并且您的计算机将自动重新启动。
扫描结束后,您将收到扫描结果通知。此外,由此发现的所有恶意软件和/或病毒都将被隔离在系统之外。现在,确认命令窗口(command window)是否随机弹出问题已修复。
方法 8:使用防病毒软件扫描 Windows 系统(Method 8: Scan Windows Systems using Antivirus Software)
某些恶意软件可能会触发CMD 窗口(CMD window)在您的计算机上随机出现和消失。这可能是因为他们在您的计算机上安装了恶意程序。第三方防病毒软件(Antivirus software)有助于保护您的系统免受此类问题的影响。运行完整的系统范围的防病毒扫描并禁用/删除在扫描期间发现的病毒和恶意软件(virus and malware)。您的 Windows 10 应该能够修复 CMD 窗口出现和消失的错误。( Your Windows 10 should be able to fix the CMD window appears and disappears error.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中从您的 PC 中删除恶意软件(Malware)
方法 9:使用 AdwCleaner 和 ESET Online Scanner 检查恶意软件(Method 9: Check for Malware using AdwCleaner and ESET Online Scanner)
如果命令提示符(Command Prompt)随机弹出,常见的原因是恶意软件或病毒攻击。许多病毒和恶意软件会触发(malware trigger)合法服务,在用户不知情或不同意(knowledge or consent)的情况下从 Internet 下载有害文件。您可以在AdwCleaner 和 ESET Online Scanner(AdwCleaner and ESET Online Scanner)的帮助下检查系统中的恶意软件和病毒(malware and virus):
方法 9A:使用 AdwCleaner 检查恶意软件(Method 9A: Check for Malware using AdwCleaner)
1.使用此处所附的链接(link attached here)下载(Download)应用程序。
2. 打开Malwarebytes并选择您在哪里安装 Malwarebytes?(Where are you installing Malwarebytes?)
3.安装(Install )应用程序并等待(application and wait)该过程完成。
4. 单击开始(Get Started )按钮完成安装并选择扫描(Scan )选项开始扫描过程(scanning process),如图所示。
5. 检查是否发现任何威胁文件(threat files)。如果是,请将它们从您的计算机中完全删除。
方法 9B:使用 ESET Online Scanner 检查恶意软件(Method 9B: Check for Malware using ESET Online Scanner)
注意:(Note:)在使用ESET Online Scanner运行扫描之前,请确保您的系统中未安装Kaspersky或其他第三方防病毒应用程序。否则,通过ESET Online Scanner的(ESET Online Scanner)扫描过程(scanning process)将无法完全完成或提供不准确的结果。
1. 使用此处随附的链接(link attached here)下载适用于您的Windows 系统的(Windows system)ESET Online Scanner。
2. 转到下载(Downloads)并打开esetonlinescanner。
3. 现在,阅读条款和条件,然后单击接受(Accept )按钮,如下图所示。
4. 现在单击开始(Get started )按钮,然后单击继续(Continue )以开始扫描过程。
5. 在下一个屏幕上,选择全扫描(Full scan),如突出显示的那样。
注意:(Note:)完全扫描(Full Scan)选项扫描系统中存在的全部数据(data present)。完成该过程可能需要一个或多个小时。
6. 现在,检测潜在不需要的应用程序(Detection of Potentially Unwanted Applications )窗口将要求您选择以下两个选项之一:
- 启用ESET以检测和隔离可能不需要的应用程序。
- 禁用ESET以检测和隔离可能不需要的应用程序。
注意:(Note:) ESET 可以检测可能不需要的应用程序并将它们移动到隔离区(Quarantine)。不需要的应用程序本身可能不会构成安全风险(security risk),但它们会影响computer and/or可能导致系统功能发生变化。
7. 做出所需选择后,单击屏幕底部以蓝色显示的开始扫描选项。(Start scan )
8. 等待扫描过程(scanning process)完成。从系统中删除(Delete)威胁文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)在Windows 10中完全卸载 Avast Antivirus(Completely Uninstall Avast Antivirus)的5种方法(Ways)
方法 10:运行 Windows 干净启动(Method 10: Run Windows Clean Boot)
如本方法所述,可以通过干净启动Windows 10(Windows 10)系统中的所有基本服务和文件来解决有关命令提示符的问题。(Command Prompt)
注意:(Note:)确保您以管理员身份登录(log in as an administrator )以执行 Windows 干净启动。
1. 要启动 运行(Run) 对话框,请同时按下 Windows + R keys。
2、输入msconfig命令后,点击 确定(OK)按钮。
3.出现系统配置(System Configuration )窗口。切换到服务(Services)选项卡。
4. 选中隐藏所有 Microsoft 服务(Hide all Microsoft services, )旁边的框,然后单击禁用所有(Disable all )按钮,如图突出显示。
5. 现在,切换到启动(Startup )选项卡并单击打开任务管理器(Open Task Manager )的链接,如图突出显示。
6. 现在,将弹出任务管理器窗口。(Task Manager)切换到启动(Startup)选项卡。
7. 接下来,选择不需要的启动(startup) 任务(tasks),点击右下角显示的禁用。(Disable)请参阅方法 5A(Refer Method 5A)。
8. 退出任务管理器(Task Manager)和系统配置(System Configuration )窗口。
9.最后,重新启动计算机并检查命令提示符(Command Prompt)是否出现然后消失在Windows 10问题已修复。
方法 11:运行系统文件检查器(Method 11: Run System File Checker)
Windows 10 用户可以通过运行系统文件检查器(System File Checker )实用程序来自动扫描和修复他们的系统文件。此外,此内置工具可让用户删除损坏的系统(user delete corrupt system)文件。
1.按照本文开头给出的说明以管理员身份启动命令提示符。(Command Prompt )
2. 输入sfc/scannow命令并按Enter,如图所示。
3. 执行命令后,重新启动(restart )系统。如果上述问题仍然存在,请阅读下文。
随后的方法将帮助您在第三方软件服务的帮助下修复在Windows 10问题上出现然后消失的命令提示符。(Command Prompt)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中(Windows 10)删除临时文件(Delete Temp Files)
方法12:使用MiniTool分区向导检查硬盘中的坏扇区(Method 12: Check for Bad Sectors in the Hard Drive using MiniTool Partition Wizard)
硬盘驱动器中的坏扇区对应于磁盘扇区(disk sector ),如果磁盘损坏,存储的数据将从该扇区丢失。各种工具可帮助您管理硬盘驱动器或 HDD(disk drive or HDD)。以下是一些可帮助您检查坏扇区的实用程序:
可以使用名为MiniTool Partition Wizard(MiniTool Partition Wizard)的第三方程序分析和修复系统中的坏扇区。只需(Just),请按照以下步骤操作:
1.使用此处所附的链接(link attached here)下载(Download )MiniTool 分区向导(MiniTool Partition Wizard)。
2. 单击右侧显示为蓝色的下载分区向导按钮。(Download Partition Wizard )
3. 现在,点击版本类型(Edition Type )(Free/Pro/Server)并等待下载完成。
4. 导航到下载(Downloads )文件夹并打开下载的应用程序(downloaded application)。
5. 现在,从下拉菜单中选择设置语言,(Select Setup Language )然后单击(menu and click)确定(OK)。在下面的示例中,我们选择了English。
6.完成(Finish )安装过程(installation process)。完成后,MiniTool 分区向导(MiniTool Partition Wizard )窗口将打开。
注意:(Note:)在这种情况下,我们使用Free 12.5 版本(Free 12.5 version )进行说明。
7. 现在,右键单击磁盘(Disk )并选择Surface Test,如下图所示。
8. 单击Surface Test窗口中的Start Now按钮。
包含红色错误的磁盘块(Disk block containing red error)- 这表明您的硬盘驱动器中的坏扇区很少。
没有红色错误的磁盘块(Disk blocks without red errors)- 这表明您的硬盘驱动器中没有坏扇区。
10A。如果发现任何坏扇区,请使用MiniTool 分区向导工具将其送去修复。( MiniTool Partition Wizard tool.)
方法13:使用MiniTool分区向导检查文件系统(Method 13: Check File System using MiniTool Partition Wizard)
使用MiniTool 分区向导(MiniTool Partition Wizard)的优点之一是您还可以检查驱动器的文件系统(File System)。这可能会帮助您修复命令提示符在(Command Prompt)Windows 10上出现然后消失的问题。
注意:(Note:)只有当分区由Drive Letter描述时,才能使用这种检查文件系统(File System)的方法。如果您的分区没有分配驱动器号,则需要在继续之前分配一个驱动器号。
以下是使用MiniTool 分区向导检查(MiniTool Partition Wizard)文件系统(File System)的步骤:
1. 启动MiniTool 分区向导(MiniTool Partition Wizard),如前面方法中所述。
2. 现在,右键单击任何分区并选择Check File System,如下所示。
3. 现在,单击检查并修复检测到的错误。(Check & fix detected errors.)
4. 在这里,选择开始(Start )选项以开始该过程。
5.等待(Wait)该过程完成并检查CMD 问题(CMD issue)是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何使用 CMD 修复或修复损坏的硬盘驱动器(Fix Corrupted Hard Drive Using CMD)?
方法 14:安装最近的更新(Method 14: Install Recent Updates)
1. 通过单击Settings > Update & Security >
2. Windows Update > Check for updates.
3. 单击立即安装(Install now )以安装可用更新,如下图所示。
4. 最后,重新启动系统以强制执行这些更新。
另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 10中的键盘(Fix keyboard) 输入延迟(Input lag)
Method 15: Run SFC/DISM scans
1.如前所述启动命令提示符。(Command Prompt)
注意:(Note:)这将按照DISM 命令(DISM command)将系统的运行状况恢复到其系统映像(system image)。
4. 现在,运行SFC 命令(SFC command)来检查和修复系统(repair system)文件。
5.在命令提示符窗口中输入(Command Prompt window & press)sfc/scannow Enter键。
6. 再次重新启动系统。
方法 16:创建新用户帐户(Method 16: Create a New User Account)
在某些情况下,当用户配置文件(User profile)损坏时, CMD 窗口(CMD window)会随机弹出。因此,创建一个新的用户配置文件(user profile)并检查与命令提示符(Command Prompt)相关的问题是否已在您的系统中修复。按照给定的步骤:
1. 按Windows + R keys启动运行(Run)对话框。键入control userpasswords2并按Enter。
2. 在打开的用户帐户(User Accounts )窗口中,单击用户(Users)选项卡 下的添加...(Add…),如图所示。
3.在此人将如何登录(How will this person sign-in )窗口下选择不使用 Microsoft 帐户登录(不推荐) 。(Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended) )
4. 现在,在新窗口中,选择本地帐户。(Local Account.)
5. 选择用户名(Username )并单击Next > 完成(Finish)。
6. 接下来,单击创建的用户名并导航到Properties。
7. 在这里,单击Group Membership > 管理员。(Administrator.)
8. 现在,单击其他(Other )>管理员(Administrator)。
9. 最后,单击应用(Apply )和确定(OK )以保存系统上的更改。
现在,检查命令提示符(Command Prompt)的问题是否已修复。如果否,则使用使用此方法创建的新用户帐户(user account)重新启动系统,现在问题将得到解决。
方法 17:使用 Windows PowerShell 检查下载(Method 17: Check for Downloads using Windows PowerShell)
如前所述,当系统在后台安装数据时,命令提示符窗口(Command Prompt window)通常会在屏幕的前台弹出。要检查正在下载的程序或应用程序,请使用Windows PowerShell中的特定命令,如下所述。
1. 在Windows 搜索(Windows search)框中搜索Windows PowerShell 。然后,通过单击Run as Administrator以管理权限启动应用程序,如图所示。
2. 在 PowerShell 窗口中键入以下命令并按(PowerShell window and press)Enter 键:( Enter key:)
Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers | select -ExpandProperty FileList | Select -ExpandProperty RemoteName
3. 系统上正在下载的所有进程和程序都将显示在屏幕上,以及它们各自的位置。
注意:(Note:)如果此命令没有检索到数据,则意味着您的Windows 系统(Windows system)上没有下载任何内容。
4. 接下来,在PowerShell 窗口(PowerShell window)中键入以下命令并按Enter:
Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers | Remove-BitsTransfer
完成后,所有非 Windows 更新将停止下载,命令提示符(downloading and Command Prompt)应停止闪烁。
- (Fix keyboard) 修复Windows 10(Windows 10)中的键盘输入延迟(Input lag)
- 如何在Windows 10上启用或(Windows 10)禁用 Num Lock(Disable Num Lock)
- 如何在Google Meet上更改(Google Meet)您的姓名(Your Name)
- 修复计算机无法识别 iPhone
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复在 Windows 10 问题上出现然后消失的命令提示符(fix Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10 issue)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/评论,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Command Prompt Appears then Disappears on Windows 10
If you are experiencing Command Prompt appears briefly then diѕappears problem, yoυ are at the right place. Through this guide, you can learn evеrуthing уou nеed to know about Command Promрt viz what is Сommand Prompt, how to uѕe it, reasons fоr thіs iѕsue, and how to fix the Command Prompt thаt disappears on Windows 10.
What is Command Prompt?
Command Prompt is a useful feature of Windows systems that can be used to install & update programs. Moreover, multiple troubleshooting actions can be performed using Command Prompt on your Windows computers.
How to launch Command Prompt?
You can open Command Prompt through these steps:
1. Type Command Prompt or cmd in the Windows search box.
2. Click on Open from the right pane of search results to launch it.
3. Alternatively, click on Run as administrator, if you want to use it as an administrator.
In this case, you will not only be able to run commands, but also make necessary changes.
4. Type any command into cmd: and press Enter key to execute it.
Many users have complained that the Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10. It appears randomly on the screen and then, disappears within a few seconds. The users are not able to read what is written in the Command Prompt as it vanishes quickly.
Fix Command Prompt Appears then Disappears on Windows 10
What causes Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10 PC?
The most common reasons for Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10 problem are listed below:
1. The primary cause behind this issue is the Task Scheduler. Sometimes, when you download a program or application from the internet and it fails, the Windows Update Service automatically tries to resume the download over and over again.
2. You may have granted it permission to launch at Start-up. This may be the cause behind the launch of the Command Prompt window when you sign in to your computer.
3. Corrupt or missing files might trigger the Command Prompt window to pop up during startup.
4. The rare cause behind the problem may be malware. A virus attack may force your system to run or download something from the internet continuously, resulting in Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10 issue.
It has been observed that the CMD window appears and disappears more often during gaming and streaming sessions. This is even more annoying than usual, and hence, there’s an urgent need to fix this issue.
Method 1: Run Commands in Command Prompt Window
Sometimes, the Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10 or the CMD window pops up randomly when you run a CMD-specific command, for example, ipconfig.exe in the Run Dialog box.
Hence, you should always ensure that you run your commands in the built-in Command Prompt Window on Windows systems.
Also Read: Delete a Folder or File using Command Prompt (CMD)
Method 2: Open Command Prompt using cmd /k ipconfig/all
If you wish to use the Command Prompt but, it keeps closing randomly, you can execute the given command in the Run dialog box. This will make the Command Prompt stay open and active thereby, solving CMD appears then disappears issue.
1. Launch the Run dialog box by typing Run in the Windows search box and clicking on Open from the search results.
2. Type cmd /k ipconfig /all as shown and click OK.
Method 3: Create Windows 10 CMD shortcut
If you want to fix Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10, you can simply create a desktop shortcut. Once you double-click on this shortcut, Windows 10 Command Prompt will open. Here is how to create this shortcut on your Windows 10 PC:
1. Right-click anywhere in the blank space on the desktop screen.
2. Click on New and select Shortcut, as depicted below.
3. Now, copy-paste the given location in the Type the location of the item field:
4. Next, choose C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe from the drop-down menu, as shown.
5. Type a name, e.g. cmd in Type a name for this shortcut field.
6. Click Finish to create the shortcut.
7. The shortcut will be displayed on the desktop as shown below.
The next time you want to use Command Prompt on your system, double-click on the shortcut created. Many users benefitted from this simple solution. But, if this does not work, continue reading to close tasks & processes running on your system.
Method 4: Turn off Office Tasks on Windows 10
When a scheduled task runs in the background all the time, it might trigger the Command Prompt to appear and disappear quite often. Unfortunately, many applications have scheduled tasks that run periodically on your Windows system.
Follow the given steps to take care of MS Office tasks on your Windows 10 systems.
Method 4A: Disabling MS Office Tasks
1. Launch the Run dialog box as explained in Method 2.
2. Type taskschd.msc as shown and click OK.
3. Now, the Task Scheduler window will appear.
Note: You can use Task Scheduler to create and manage common tasks for your computer to carry out automatically at times specified by you. Click on Action > Create new task and follow on-screen steps to create a task of your choice.
4. Now, click on the arrow shown highlighted in the picture below to expand the Task Scheduler Library.
Note: Tasks are stored in folders in the Task Scheduler Library. To view or perform an individual task, select the task in the Task Scheduler Library and click on a command in the Actions menu displayed on the right-hand side.
5. Here, open the Microsoft folder and double-click on the Office folder to expand it.
6. In the middle pane, search for OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration.
7. Now, right-click on OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration and select Disable.
Method 4B: Altering MS Office Tasks Settings
Alternatively, changing a few settings may give you a fix for the CMD window appears and disappears issue.
1. Navigate to OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration by following Steps 1- 6 explained above.
2. Now, right-click on OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration and select Properties, as shown.
3. Next, click on Change User or Group… to select specific users.
4. Type SYSTEM in the Enter the object name to select(examples): field and click on OK, as depicted below.
This solution should fix Command Prompt appears briefly then disappears issue.
Tip: If CMD appears then disappears issue is not resolved by modifying settings or disabling OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration, follow the same steps to open the Task Scheduler and navigate to Task Scheduler Library. Here, you will find plenty of tasks that are scheduled to run automatically in the background. Disable all scheduled functions that seem odd and this might potentially, fix it.
Also Read: How to Open Command Prompt at Boot in Windows 10
Method 5: Close All Unwanted Programs using Task Manager
1. Launch Task Manager by right-clicking on an empty space in the Taskbar. Click on Task Manager from the menu that appears.
2. In the Processes tab, search for any unusual processes in your system.
3. Right-click on such processess and select End task, as shown.
4. Next, switch to the Startup tab. Click on the newly installed program or unwanted application and select Disable displayed at the bottom-right corner. Here, we have used Skype as an example for illustration purposes.
5. Reboot the system and check if the issue is fixed now.
Method 6: Update your Device Drivers
The device drivers installed on your system, if incompatible, might trigger Command Prompt appears then disappears issue on Windows 10. You can easily fix this problem by updating your driver to the latest version. You can do so in two ways:
Method 6A: Via Manufacturer Website
Visit the manufacturer’s website. Find, download, and install the device drivers such as audio, video, network, etc. corresponding to the Windows version on your computer.
Method 6B: Via Device Manager
1. Launch Device Manager by searching for it in the Windows search bar, as shown.
2. In the Device Manager window, right-click on Display Adapters and select Update Driver, as highlighted below.
3. Click on Search automatically for drivers under How do you want to search for drivers?
4. Repeat the above steps for Network, Audio, drivers as well.
Also Read: Fix Folder Keeps Reverting to Read Only on Windows 10
Method 7: Scan Windows 10 using Windows Defender
Any malware present in the Windows computers can be fixed using Windows Defender. It is essentially an in-built scanning tool that can get rid of viruses/malware in your system.
Note: It is recommended to back up your data into an external hard drive to ensure data safety. Also, save all changes made to the currently open files before beginning the scan.
1. Launch System Settings by clicking Windows icon > Gear icon.
2. Open the Update & security section.
3. Select the Windows Security option from the left pane.
4. Now, select Virus & threat protection under Protection Areas.
5. Click on the link titled Scan Options where you will be given 4 Scan options.
6. Here, click on Windows Defender Offline scan > Scan now.
7. Windows Defender will check for and remove malware present in your system, and your computer will restart automatically.
Once the scan is over, you will be notified of the scan results. Additionally, all malware and/or viruses thus found, will be quarantined away from the system. Now, confirm if the command window pops up randomly issue is fixed.
Method 8: Scan Windows Systems using Antivirus Software
Some malware might trigger the CMD window to appear and disappear on your computer randomly. This may be because they install malicious programs on your computer. Third-party Antivirus software help protect your system from such issues. Run a complete system-wide antivirus scan and disable/remove the virus and malware found during the scan. Your Windows 10 should be able to fix the CMD window appears and disappears error.
Also Read: How to Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10
Method 9: Check for Malware using AdwCleaner and ESET Online Scanner
If the Command Prompt pops up randomly, the common cause is malware or virus attack. Many viruses and malware trigger legitimate services that download harmful files from the internet, without the knowledge or consent of the user. You can check for malware and virus in your system with the help of AdwCleaner and ESET Online Scanner as:
Method 9A: Check for Malware using AdwCleaner
1. Download the application by using the link attached here.
2. Open Malwarebytes and select Where are you installing Malwarebytes?
3. Install the application and wait for the process to be completed.
4. Click on Get Started button to complete the installation and select the Scan option to begin the scanning process, as shown.
5. Check if any threat files are found. If yes, remove them entirely from your computer.
Method 9B: Check for Malware using ESET Online Scanner
Note: Before running a scan using ESET Online Scanner, ensure that Kaspersky or other third-party antivirus applications are not installed in your system. Else, the scanning process through ESET Online Scanner will either not finish completely or furnish inaccurate results.
1. Use the link attached here to download ESET Online Scanner for your Windows system.
2. Go to Downloads and open esetonlinescanner.
3. Now, read the terms and conditions and click on the Accept button as depicted below.
4. Now click on the Get started button followed by Continue to begin the scanning process.
5. On the next screen, select Full scan, as highlighted.
Note: The Full Scan option scans the entire data present in the system. It may take one or more hours to complete the process.
6. Now, the Detection of Potentially Unwanted Applications window will ask you to select one of these two options:
- Enable ESET to detect and quarantine potentially unwanted applications.
- Disable ESET to detect and quarantine potentially unwanted applications.
Note: ESET can detect potentially unwanted applications and move them to Quarantine. Unwanted apps might not pose a security risk, per se, but they can affect the speed, reliability, and performance of your computer and/or can cause changes in the functioning of your system.
7. After making the desired selection, click on the Start scan option displayed in blue at the bottom of the screen.
8. Wait for the scanning process to be completed. Delete threat files from your system.
Also Read: 5 Ways to Completely Uninstall Avast Antivirus in Windows 10
Method 10: Run Windows Clean Boot
The issues concerning Command Prompt can be fixed by a clean boot of all essential services and files in your Windows 10 system as explained in this method.
Note: Make sure you log in as an administrator to perform Windows clean boot.
1. To launch the Run dialog box, press the Windows + R keys together.
2. After entering the msconfig command, click the OK button.
3. The System Configuration window appears. Switch to the Services tab.
4. Check the box next to Hide all Microsoft services, and click on Disable all button as shown highlighted.
5. Now, switch to the Startup tab and click the link to Open Task Manager as shown highlighted.
6. Now, Task Manager window will pop up. Switch to the Startup tab.
7. Next, select the startup tasks which are not required and click Disable displayed in the bottom right corner. Refer Method 5A.
8. Exit the Task Manager and System Configuration window.
9. Finally, restart your computer and check if the Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10 issue is fixed.
Method 11: Run System File Checker
Windows 10 users can automatically scan and repair their system files by running the System File Checker utility. In addition, this built-in tool lets the user delete corrupt system files.
1. Launch Command Prompt as an administrator following the instructions given at the beginning of this article.
2. Enter the sfc/scannow command and hit Enter, as shown.
3. Once the command is executed, restart your system. Read below if the said issue still persists.
The succeeding methods will help you fix the Command Prompt that appears then disappears on the Windows 10 issue with the help of third-party software services.
Also Read: How to Delete Temp Files in Windows 10
Method 12: Check for Bad Sectors in the Hard Drive using MiniTool Partition Wizard
A bad sector in your hard drive corresponds to a disk sector from where the stored data will be lost if the disk gets damaged. Various tools help you manage your hard disk drive or HDD. Here are some utilities that will help you to check for bad sectors:
- Disk Management.
- MiniTool Partition Wizard.
The bad sectors in your system can be analyzed and fixed using a third-party program called MiniTool Partition Wizard. Just, follow these steps:
1. Download the MiniTool Partition Wizard by using the link attached here.
2. Click on the Download Partition Wizard button displayed in blue on the right-hand side.
3. Now, click on the Edition Type (Free/Pro/Server) and wait for the download to be completed.
4. Navigate to the Downloads folder and open the downloaded application.
5. Now, Select Setup Language from the drop-down menu and click on OK. In the example below, we have selected English.
6. Finish the installation process. Once completed, the MiniTool Partition Wizard window will open.
Note: In this case, we have used the Free 12.5 version for illustration purposes.
7. Now, right-click on the Disk and select Surface Test, as depicted below.
8. Click on the Start Now button in the Surface Test window.
9. Refer to the following parameters:
Disk block containing red error– This indicates that there are few bad sectors in your hard drive.
Disk blocks without red errors– This indicates that there are no bad sectors in your hard drive.
10A. If any bad sectors are found, send these for repair using the MiniTool Partition Wizard tool.
10B. If you do not find any red errors, try alternative methods discussed in this article.
Method 13: Check File System using MiniTool Partition Wizard
One of the advantages of using MiniTool Partition Wizard is that you can Check File System of your drive as well. This might help you fix the Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10 issue.
Note: This method to Check File System can be used only if the partition is depicted by a Drive Letter. If your partition does not have a drive letter assigned to it, you need to allocate one before proceeding.
Here are the steps to Check File System using MiniTool Partition Wizard:
1. Launch MiniTool Partition Wizard as discussed in the previous method.
2. Now, right-click on any partition and select the Check File System, as highlighted below.
3. Now, click on Check & fix detected errors.
4. Here, select the Start option to begin the process.
5. Wait for the process to be completed and check if the CMD issue is resolved.
Also Read: How to Repair or Fix Corrupted Hard Drive Using CMD?
Method 14: Install Recent Updates
1. Install the latest updates by clicking on Settings > Update & Security >
2. Windows Update > Check for updates.
3. Click on Install now to install the available updates, as depicted below.
4. Finally, restart your system to enforce these updates.
Also Read: Fix keyboard Input lag in Windows 10
Method 15: Run SFC/DISM scans
1. Launch the Command Prompt as earlier.
2. Enter the following command and hit Enter:
Note: This will restore the health of your system to its system image as per the DISM command.
3. Wait for the process to get completed.
4. Now, run the SFC command to check for & repair system files.
5. Type sfc/scannow command in the Command Prompt window & press Enter key.
6. Again, reboot your system.
Method 16: Create a New User Account
In certain cases, the CMD window pops up randomly when the User profile gets corrupt. So, create a new user profile and check if the issues related to the Command Prompt are fixed in your system. Follow the given steps:
1. Press Windows + R keys to launch Run Dialog box. Type control userpasswords2 and press Enter.
2. In the User Accounts window that opens, click Add… under Users tab, as depicted.
3. Choose Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended) under How will this person sign-in window.
4. Now, in the new window, select Local Account.
5. Select a Username and click on Next > Finish.
6. Next, click on the username so created and navigate to Properties.
7. Here, click Group Membership > Administrator.
8. Now, click on Other > Administrator.
9. Finally, click on Apply and OK to save the changes on your system.
Now, check whether the issues with the Command Prompt are fixed. If no, then restart your system with a new user account created using this method, and the issue will be resolved now.
Method 17: Check for Downloads using Windows PowerShell
As discussed earlier, when data is being installed on your system, in the background, the Command Prompt window often pops up on the screen, in the foreground. To check for programs or applications being downloaded, use specific commands in Windows PowerShell as explained below.
1. Search Windows PowerShell in the Windows search box. Then, launch the app with administrative privileges by clicking on Run as Administrator, as shown.
2. Type the following command in the PowerShell window and press Enter key:
Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers | select -ExpandProperty FileList | Select -ExpandProperty RemoteName
3. All the processes and programs being downloaded on the system will be displayed on the screen, along with their respective locations.
Note: If this command retrieves no data, it means that nothing is being downloaded on your Windows system.
4. Next, type the following command in the PowerShell window and hit Enter:
Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsers | Remove-BitsTransfer
Once done, all the non-Windows updates will stop downloading and Command Prompt should stop flashing.
We hope that this guide was helpful, and you were able to fix Command Prompt appears then disappears on Windows 10 issue. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/comments regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.