在Windows(Windows)上安装或删除软件时会发生很多过程,其中大部分在图形用户界面(user interface)中并不明显。不幸的是,由于操作系统和底层软件的复杂性(software complexity),有时可能会出错。许多用户在尝试在任何版本的Windows 操作系统上安装或删除程序时都会收到此(Windows Operating System)错误通知(error notice)。用户必须单击“确定(click OK)”完成安装或提供错误通知(error notification)中指定的包文件夹(package folder)的备用路径(offer an alternate path),以修复您尝试使用的功能位于不可用的网络资源上(the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable)错误。由于安装或卸载过程无法超过该点,您可能会关闭向导(close the wizard)。在本文中,我们将探讨如何修复您尝试使用的功能是在网络资源不可用(the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable)错误上。

修复您尝试使用的功能位于 Windows 10 上不可用的网络资源上(Fix The Feature You Are Trying to Use is on a Network Resource That is Unavailable on Windows 10)
该错误消息(error message)表明该程序包正在尝试访问(access functionality)该过程中不可用的功能。然而,确定问题的根源并不总是那么容易。多种原因可能会在您尝试使用的功能位于无法访问的网络资源(network resource)上时造成这种困难。这可以是:
- Windows Installer 服务(Windows Installer service)无缘无故无法启动。
- 与您尝试安装或删除的软件相关的不准确(Inaccurate)或不可读的注册表数据。
初步故障排除(Preliminary Troubleshooting)
- 该问题可能是由于您用于尝试安装或删除受影响程序的安装包或安装程序存在缺陷所致。(defective installation package )要解决此问题,请将安装包保存在其他(save the installation package elsewhere)位置并重试。
- 如果有许多软件包可用,请查看您的系统属性以运行适用于您的Windows 系统(Windows system)的兼容版本(run a compatible version)。由于大多数应用程序提供 32 位和 64 位安装包,以及针对不同CPU(CPUs)的多个版本。因此,在下载安装包之前,(installation package)请验证您的系统属性(verify your system properties),然后根据您的计算机规格(computer specs)进行下载。
方法 1:运行程序安装和卸载疑难解答(Run Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter)
Windows Installer 疑难解答(Windows Installer troubleshooter)套件将自动搜索并尝试解决阻碍您安装或卸载应用程序的任何问题。执行以下操作以使用此疑难解答并修复(troubleshooter and fix) 您尝试使用的功能在网络资源不可用(the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable)错误上。
1. 下载并启动(Download & launch) Microsoft 程序安装和卸载疑难解答(Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter)。
2.在这里,单击 下一步(Next) 并允许它检测问题。

3. 系统会询问您: 您在安装或卸载程序时遇到问题吗?(Are you having a problem installing or uninstalling a program?)单击安装(Installing)或卸载(Uninstalling),然后按照屏幕上的说明进行故障排除。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows(Fix Windows)无法自动检测此网络的代理(Proxy)设置
方法 2:启用 Windows 安装程序服务(Enable Windows Installer Service)
(Windows Installer service)Windows软件安装和卸载(Windows software installation and uninstallation)需要Windows Installer 服务。理想情况下,它应该一直运行;但是,它偶尔会因错误而停止。如果Windows Installer 服务(Windows Installer service)未在您的计算机上运行,则安装和/或卸载可能会失败。如果您无法确定如何修复您尝试使用的功能位于不可用的网络资源上,( the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable)请确保首先启动并运行Windows Installer 服务。(Windows Installer service)
1. 要启动运行(Run)对话框,请同时按Windows + R keys 打开运行(Run )对话框。
2. 在这里,输入services.msc并单击OK启动服务(Services)窗口。

3.如图所示,右键单击Windows Installer后单击(Windows Installer)属性。(Properties)

4. 要选择Automatic,打开Startup type下拉菜单并选择它。
5.如果服务状态(Service status)显示已停止,请单击(Stopped.)启动。(Start)

6. 接下来,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)。

7. 关闭服务(Services)窗口并重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix Computers)Windows 10中未在(Windows 10)网络(Network)上显示的计算机
方法3:删除(Delete Registry Key of )问题应用的注册表项(Troubling App)
如果所有其他方法都失败,请实施此方法以修复您尝试使用的功能在网络资源不可用(the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable)错误上。
注意:(Note:)使用Windows 注册表(Windows Registry)时,应始终谨慎操作,因为删除错误的项目可能会对系统稳定性(system stability)产生重大影响。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开 运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入regedit,然后点击OK启动注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。

3.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
3.从注册表编辑器的地址栏中(address bar)转到以下位置路径:(location path)

4. 双击左侧窗格中的(left pane)Products子键文件夹将其展开。

5. 要检查Products(Products key)项下每个子项的内容,请在(sub-keys)注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)的右窗格中一一单击它们。
值数据(Value data)将提供为其创建该注册表项(registry key)的程序的名称。
- 因此,请检查Products 项(Products key)下每个子项的Product Name注册表字符串。
6. 继续查找,直到找到您在安装或删除时遇到困难的软件(software)的子密钥。
7. 右键单击受影响的程序子键( affected program sub-key)并选择删除(Delete)选项,如下图所示。

8. 要确认操作,请在后续提示中单击是。(Yes)

9. 关闭注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)并重新启动系统。
10. 机器启动时运行安装程序包(installer package)进行受影响program installation/uninstallation。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Question (FAQ))
Q1。拥有网络资源意味着什么?(Q1. What does it mean to have a Network Resource?)
答。(Ans. )网络资源(network resource)是可通过本地网络(accessible over Local Network)访问并且可由另一台 PC 或用户访问的任何设备、文件夹或计算机。网络虚拟化(Network virtualization)在企业中用于正确管理网络资源。
- 如何打开 Steam 控制台
- 修复(Fix)Windows 10 Netwtw04.sys 蓝屏错误(Netwtw04.sys Blue Screen Error)
- 修复错误 1500(Fix error 1500)另一个安装正在进行中
- C:windowssystem32configsystemprofileDesktop 不可用:已修复
我们希望您发现此信息对您有所帮助,并且(information helpful)当您尝试使用的功能位于 Windows 10 上不可用错误的网络资源上时(the issue when the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable error on Windows 10),您能够解决问题。请(Please)告诉我们哪种方法适合您。请(Please)在下面的空白处留下您的问题或意见。
Fix The Feature You Are Trying to Use is on a Network Resource That is Unavailable
A lot of procedures occur whеn you install or remove softwаre on Windows, the bulk of which are not apparent in the graphical user interface. Unfortunately, due to OS and υnderlying software complexity, things can go wrong at times. Many users receive this error notice while attempting to install or remoνе а program on any version of the Windows Operating System. The user must eithеr click OK to complete the installation or offer an alternate path to the package folder specified in the error notification to fix the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable error. Because the installation or uninstallation procedure can’t go past that point, you’ll likely close the wizard. In this article, we will explore how to fix the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable error.

Fix The Feature You Are Trying to Use is on a Network Resource That is Unavailable on Windows 10
The error message indicates that the package is attempting to access functionality that is not available in the process. However, determining the root of a problem is not always easy. A multitude of causes might create this difficulty with the function you’re attempting to utilize being on a network resource that’s inaccessible. This can be anything like:
- Windows Installer service failing to start for no apparent reason.
- Inaccurate or otherwise unreadable registry data relating to the software you’re attempting to install or remove.
Preliminary Troubleshooting
- The issue might be caused by a defective installation package or installer you’re using to try to install or delete the affected program. To resolve this, save the installation package elsewhere & retry.
- If many packages are available, look through your system properties to run a compatible version that works with your Windows system. Since most apps offer 32-bit and 64-bit installation packages, as well as multiple versions for different CPUs. So, verify your system properties before downloading the installation package, and then download according to your computer specs.
Method 1: Run Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter
The Windows Installer troubleshooter suite will automatically search for and try to resolve any issues that are keeping you from installing or uninstalling applications. Perform the following to use this troubleshooter and fix the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable error.
1. Download & launch the Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter.
2. Here, click on Next and allow it to detect problems.

3. You will be asked: Are you having a problem installing or uninstalling a program? Click on Installing or Uninstalling, and follow the on-screen instructions to troubleshoot.

Also Read: Fix Windows could not automatically detect this Network’s Proxy settings
Method 2: Enable Windows Installer Service
Windows Installer service is required for Windows software installation and uninstallation. It should ideally be running all the time; however, it does occasionally stop due to bugs. There’s a probability that installation and/or uninstallation will fail if the Windows Installer service isn’t operating on your machine. If you’re having trouble figuring out how to fix the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable ensure the Windows Installer service is up and running first.
1. To launch the Run dialogue, press the Windows + R keys together to open Run dialog box.
2. Here, type services.msc and click OK to launch Services window.

3. Click on Properties after right-clicking on Windows Installer as shown.

4. To pick Automatic, open the Startup type dropdown menu and select it.
5. Click Start if the Service status displays Stopped.

6. Next, click on Apply and then OK.

7. Close the Services window and restart your PC.
Also Read: Fix Computers Not Showing Up on Network in Windows 10
Method 3: Delete Registry Key of Troubling App
If all else fails, implement this method to fix the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable error.
Note: When working with the Windows Registry, you should always proceed with caution, since removing the wrong item might have a significant influence on system stability.
1. Press the Windows + R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type regedit, then click on OK to launch Registry Editor.

3. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
3. Go to the following location path from the address bar of Registry Editor:

4. Double-click the Products sub-key folder in the left pane to expand it.

5. To inspect the contents of each of the sub-keys under the Products key, click on them one by one in the right pane of the Registry Editor.
Value data will offer the name of the program for which that registry key is created.
- Therefore, examine the Product Name registry string for each sub-key under the Products key.
6. Keep looking until you find the sub-key for the software you’re having difficulties installing or deleting.
7. Right-click on the affected program sub-key and choose Delete option as depicted below.

8. To confirm the action, click Yes in the subsequent prompt.

9. Close the Registry Editor and restart the system.
10. Run the installer package for the affected program installation/uninstallation when the machine boots up.
Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
Q1. What does it mean to have a Network Resource?
Ans. A network resource is any device, folder, or computer that is accessible over Local Network and may be accessed by another PC or the user. Network virtualization is used in businesses to properly manage network resources.
We hope you found this information helpful and that you were able to fix the issue when the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable error on Windows 10. Please tell us which approach worked for you. Please leave your questions or comments in the space below.