您是否曾经尝试在手机上下载应用程序并遇到可怕的错误消息(error message)“您的设备与此版本不兼容(Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version)”?你有机会。许多Android用户在从(Android)Play 商店(Play Store)下载某些应用程序时偶尔会遇到此消息。虽然这是由旧版本的Android(Android)导致的常见错误,但也可能由于其他几个原因而发生。您的设备可能有一些旧硬件部件,例如芯片组,不符合新应用程序的要求。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论导致此问题的所有因素,同时研究此问题的可能解决方案。
修复您的设备与此版本错误不兼容(Fix Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version Error)
为什么会出现“您的设备与此版本不兼容”错误?(Why did you get a “Your Device isn’t Compatible with This Version” error?)
在我们深入研究如何解决问题之前,最好先了解此问题背后的原因。您应该知道您的设备到底出了什么问题,以便正确修复它。下面列出了在您的Android 设备(Android device)中出现这种兼容性的所有潜在原因。
1.您的安卓版本过时(1. Your Android version is old and outdated)
手机上弹出“您的设备与此版本不兼容(Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version)”错误的首要原因是Android太过时,无法运行为最新版本构建的应用程序。需要注意的是,较新版本的Android 操作系统(Android operating)伴随着较新的更新,给应用程序的运行方式带来了许多变化。因此,在较新版本的Android上运行的应用程序很自然地无法在旧版本中正常运行。因此(Therefore),较旧版本的Android成为此错误消息(error message)的最常见来源。
2.您的设备硬件不支持该应用程序(2. Your device hardware does not support the app)
解释此错误消息(error message)的另一个潜在原因是您设备的硬件过时。这个因素与手机中部署的芯片组有关。制造商有时会安装一些不常见的硬件部件。这阻碍了需要大功率芯片的应用程序的安装。移动应用程序开发人员针对最新的芯片变体优化其应用程序并使应用程序更强大的情况并不少见。因此,如果您的设备配备低级硬件,则会弹出“您的设备与此版本不兼容”错误。
3.你需要找出原因(3. You need to find out the original cause)
如果上述两个原因似乎都不是您的设备的问题,那么您将不得不更进一步。为此,您必须在PC或笔记本电脑上打开Play商店(Play Store)并登录。当您在PC或笔记本电脑(PC or laptop)上查找相同的应用程序时,您会发现“您的设备与此版本不兼容”错误再次弹出。单击此错误弹出窗口(error pop-up)将为您提供此消息背后的所有不兼容问题的列表。除上述两种情况外,还有多种原因。可能是一些国家或地方限制或低操作系统错误(operating system error)。
修复设备的 6 种方法与此版本错误不兼容(6 Ways To Fix Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version Error)
既然您知道此错误代码(error code)为何以及如何出现在您的手机上,那么让我们开始修复它。有许多不同的方法可以解决这个问题。在本节中,我们将详细介绍每个解决方案以及一些简单的步骤,以帮助您尽早解决此错误。
1. 清除 Google Play 商店的缓存(1. Clear Cache for Google Play Store)
摆脱“您的设备与此版本不兼容”错误的第一个也是最简单的方法是清除Play Store的缓存。您可以通过以下步骤执行此操作:
1. 关闭Play Store 选项卡(Play Store tab)(如果在后台打开)。
2. 打开手机上的设置。(Settings)
3. 现在转到应用程序管理器(Application Manager)部分。
4. 选择Google Play 服务(Google Play services)选项。
5. 点击清除缓存(Clear Cache)按钮。
完成这些步骤后,您可以重新启动 Play 商店(restart the Play Store)并搜索您要下载的应用程序。
2.卸载所有最新更新(2. Uninstall All Latest Updates)
2. 现在,点击应用程序(Apps)选项。
3. 从已安装应用程序列表中选择Google Play Store。
4. 现在,点击卸载(Uninstall)更新选项。
这些步骤应该可以完成工作。重新运行Play Store 应用程序(Play Store app)后,您会发现该错误已得到解决。
3.更改手机的型号(3. Change Your Phone’s Model Number)
1.对于初学者,您必须搜索(search the model number)制造商为您的手机推出的任何设备的型号。
2. 在搜索这个时,您必须找到您居住的地方可以访问的型号。(find a model number that is accessible)
3. 找到此可访问的型号(model number)后,将其复制并粘贴到某处以保存(copy and paste it somewhere to save it)。
4. 现在,从Play Store下载一个名为(Play Store)ES File Explorer的应用程序。
5. 安装此应用程序后,打开它并转到“工具(Tools)”部分。
6.当您在工具部分(Tools part)内时,切换按钮以启用显示隐藏文件(Show Hidden Files)设置以及根资源管理器的功能(Root Explorer)
/的页面中找到一个名为“ System ”的文件。
8. 在此文件夹中,找到名为“ build.prop ”的文件。
9.将此文件重命名为“ (Rename)xbuild.prop ”文件,然后复制(copy)相同的文件。
10.然后你必须把这个' xbuild.prop '文件粘贴到你手机的(paste)SD存储空间(SD storage space)。
11. 完成这些步骤后,在ES Note Editor应用程序中打开此文件。
12. 文件打开后,输入“ ro.build.version.release= ”后,输入之前保存的型号(enter the model number)。
13. 保存这些更改后,转到标题为/的页面。
14. 在这里,选择名为 System 的文件(choose the file named System)。
15. 在此文件中,您需要将xbuild.prop文件(xbuild.prop)重命名(rename)为其原始名称,即“ build.prop ”。
16. 完成此操作后,复制此文件并将其放入 SD 空间(copy this file and put it in the SD space)。
17. 随之而来的一些变化如下:
- 对组、所有者和其他人的读取权限(Read permissions to Group, Owner, and Other)
- 对所有者的写入权限(Write permissions to Owner)
- 对没有人执行权限(Execute permissions to No One)
18.保存所有这些更改(Save all these changes),然后重新启动( reboot)手机
完成这个广泛的模型更改过程(model change process)后,您应该能够摆脱错误消息(error message)。
4. 根您的 Android 设备(4. Root Your Android Device)
如果弹出兼容性错误消息(compatibility error message),许多用户只需更换手机。这可能是因为他们的手机无法安装较新版本的Android;限制他们可以在设备上获取的应用程序。但是,如果您因此无法简单地获得新手机,请不要担心。有一个简单的解决方案可以解决您设备的不兼容问题,只需将其植根即可。
您的旧设备可能无法像较新的Android(Android)版本那样获得最多的更新。克服这一挑战的最佳方法是植根您的设备。您可以根您的手机并启动 ROMS(phone and launch ROMS)以使用最新版本的Android。但是您应该注意,此过程是有风险的,并且只会迫使您的手机使用它无法处理的更新。因此,这种方法可能会导致您的设备出现严重故障。
5. 使用 Yalp 应用程序(5. Use the Yalp App)
您的手机显示不兼容错误(incompatibility error)的另一个原因是您所在地区无法访问该应用程序。这个特定问题可以通过下载一个名为Yalp的应用程序来解决。这个应用程序的工作方式与Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)相同,但有所不同。Yalp 允许您以APK 文件(APK file)的形式下载每个Android 移动(Android mobile)应用程序。此APK 文件(APK file)是根据您手机上默认保存的位置下载的。因此,您不必担心您所在地区的应用程序缺乏可访问性。
Yalp在安装、运行和更新应用程序方面的工作方式与Play 商店相同。(Play Store)它是一个可靠的应用程序,得到了全球多个用户的信任。其简单的界面和轻松的导航不会给您下载和使用新应用程序带来任何问题。
6. 安装和连接 SuperSU 应用程序(6. Install and Connect a SuperSU Application)
Market Helper是一款出色的应用程序,可在预装SuperSU的根植(SuperSU)Android 设备(Android device)上运行。如果您所在地区不可用,您可以使用VPN下载此应用程序。下载应用程序后,请按照给定的步骤消除“您的设备与此版本(Version)不兼容”错误:
- 启动市场助手应用程序(Launch the Market Helper app)。
- 您将看到制造商为您的手机创建的最新设备列表。(list of the latest devices)
- (Select)从此列表中选择一个选项,然后(Activate)点击(list and tap)激活。
- 之后,您需要允许(allow the permissions)此应用程序的权限。
- 执行这些步骤后等待(Wait)一段时间,直到您弹出“已成功激活”消息。(Activated Successfully)
- 完成这些步骤后,打开Play 商店应用(Play Store app)并安装任何应用。
这应该有助于解决兼容性错误(compatibility error)。
- 如何在Android上(Android)修复应用程序(Fix App)未安装错误(Installed Error)
- 如何在Android或 iOS上循环播放(Loop)视频(Video)
- 删除(Remove Apps)Android 手机(Android Phones)不允许您卸载的应用程序
- 如何在移动设备或桌面上(Mobile or Desktop)循环播放 YouTube 视频(Loop YouTube Videos)
至此,我们到了解决“您的设备与此版本不兼容(Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version)”错误的指南的结尾。如果您在这里是因为您在设备上遇到此错误消息(error message),那么您应该知道这不是值得担心的事情。这是一个常见错误,主要是由于手机上运行的Android版本较旧或芯片组硬件过时。
Fix Your Device Isn't Compatible With This Version Error
Have you ever tried downloading an app on your phone and came aсross a dreaded error message of “Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version”? Chances are that you have. Many Android users occasionally come across this message while downloading some applications from the Play Store. While it is a common error resulting from an older version of Android, it can occur due to several other reasons. Your device might have some old hardware parts, like chipsets, not aligned with the requirements of a new app. In this post, we will discuss the whole array of factors causing this issue while looking into the probable solutions for this problem.
This first half of this article will apprise you of all the possible factors that might cause this error. In the next half, we will walk you through all the solutions you can try for resolving the problem. So, let’s get right into it.
Fix Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version Error
Why did you get a “Your Device isn’t Compatible with This Version” error?
Before we delve into how you can solve the problem, it is a good practice to first understand the reasons behind this issue. You should know what exactly is wrong with your device in order to fix it correctly. Listed below are all the potential reasons why this compatibility can arise in your Android device.
1. Your Android version is old and outdated
The first and foremost reason for the “Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version” error popping up on your phone is that the Android is way too outdated to run an app built for the latest versions. It is important to note that newer versions of the Android operating system come with newer updates, bringing many changes to the way apps function. So, an app running on a newer version of Android can very naturally fail to operate properly in an older version. Therefore, an older version of Android becomes the most common origin for this error message.
However, there is another possibility that explains the lack of compatibility. It is possible that your device is too old to run an app built for the latest versions of Android. If you are unable to install any new version of Android, then you might need to change your device to run the app.
2. Your device hardware does not support the app
Another potential reason that explains this error message is your device’s outdated hardware. This factor is related to the chipsets deployed in the phone. Manufacturers sometimes install some not-so-common hardware parts. This hampers the installation of apps with requirements for high-power chips. It is not uncommon for mobile app developers to optimize their applications for the latest variants of chips and make the apps more powerful. Therefore, if your device comes with low-scale hardware, then the “Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version” error will pop up.
3. You need to find out the original cause
If neither of the above two reasons seems to be the problem for your device, then you will have to go a step further. To this end, you have to open the Play Store on a PC or a laptop and sign in. When you look for the same app on your PC or laptop, you will find the “Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version” error popping up again. Clicking on this error pop-up will give you a list of all the incompatibility issues behind this message. There are several reasons besides the above two situations. It can be some countrywide or local restrictions or low operating system error.
6 Ways To Fix Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version Error
Now that you know why and how this error code is showing up on your phone, let’s get to fixing it. There are many different ways through which you can solve this issue. In this section, we will take a look at every solution in detail along with some easy steps to help you resolve this error at the earliest.
1. Clear Cache for Google Play Store
The first and easiest method to get rid of the “Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version” error is by clearing the cache for the Play Store. You can do this through the following steps:
1. Close the Play Store tab, if open in the background.
2. Open Settings on your phone.
3. Now go to the Application Manager section.
4. Choose the Google Play services option.
5. Tap on the Clear Cache button.
Once you do these steps, you can restart the Play Store and search for the app you wished to download.
2. Uninstall All Latest Updates
Another potential solution for this error is by uninstalling the latest updates. To erase the updates, you need to follow these few steps:
1. The first thing that you need to do is open Settings on your device.
2. Now, tap on the Apps option.
3. Select Google Play Store from the list of installed apps.
4. Now, tap on the Uninstall updates option.
These steps should do the job. Once you re-run the Play Store app, you will find the error to be resolved.
3. Change Your Phone’s Model Number
If any of the above measures did not work, then there’s another solution for you. This is a lengthier and more complicated method but it can definitely get rid of the “Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version” error. Follow the given steps to achieve the same.
1. For starters, you have to search the model number for any device launched by the manufacturer for your phone.
2. While searching for this, you have to find a model number that is accessible where you reside.
3. Once you find this accessible model number, copy and paste it somewhere to save it.
4. Now, download an app called the ES File Explorer from the Play Store.
5. When you have installed this app, open it and go to the Tools section.
6. When you are inside the Tools part, toggle the button to enable the Show Hidden Files setting as well as the features for Root Explorer
7. Then you have to find a file titled ‘System’ within the page named as a /.
8. Inside this folder, find the file named ‘build.prop’.
9. Rename this file as ‘xbuild.prop’ file and then copy the same file.
10. Then you have to paste this ‘xbuild.prop’ file to the SD storage space in your phone.
11. After completing these steps, open this file in the ES Note Editor application.
12. When the file opens, you have to enter the model number that you had earlier saved after typing “ro.build.version.release=”.
13. Once you save these changes, go to the page titled as /.
14. Here, choose the file named System.
15. Within this file, you need to rename the xbuild.prop file back to its original name, i.e. ‘build.prop’.
16. After you are done with this, copy this file and put it in the SD space.
17. This is followed by some changes as follows:
- Read permissions to Group, Owner, and Other
- Write permissions to Owner
- Execute permissions to No One
18. Save all these changes and then reboot your phone
You should be able to get rid of the error message after completing this extensive model change process.
4. Root Your Android Device
Many users simply change their phones if a compatibility error message pops up. This might be because their phone cannot install a newer version of Android; limiting the apps they can get on their device. However, if you are unable to simply get a new phone for this reason, then don’t worry. There is an easy solution to take care of your device’s incompatibility simply by rooting it.
Your old device may not get the most updates that newer Android versions do. The best way to overcome this challenge is by rooting your device. You can just root your phone and launch ROMS to use the latest version of Android. But you should note that this process is risky and only forces your phone to work with updates it is not made to handle. So, this method can result in severe malfunctioning in your device.
5. Use the Yalp App
Another one of the reasons why your phone is showing the incompatibility error is because the app is inaccessible in the area where you reside. This particular issue can be resolved by downloading an app named Yalp. This app works the same way as the Google Play Store but with a twist. Yalp allows you to download every Android mobile app in the form of an APK file. This APK file is downloaded as per the location saved as default on your phone. So, you do not have to worry about the lack of accessibility for the app in your region.
Yalp works the same way as the Play Store in terms of installing, running, and updating the apps. It is a reliable app backed by the trust of several users across the world. Its simple interface and easy navigation will not cause you any problems downloading and use new apps.
6. Install and Connect a SuperSU Application
Market Helper is a great app to operate on a rooted Android device with pre-installed SuperSU. You can download this app using a VPN in case it is unavailable in your region. Once you have downloaded the app, follow the given steps to eliminate the “Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version” error:
- Launch the Market Helper app.
- You will see a list of the latest devices created by the manufacturer for your phone.
- Select an option from this list and tap on Activate.
- After that, you need to allow the permissions for this app.
- Wait for some time after performing these steps till the time you get the ‘Activated Successfully’ message pop-up.
- Once these steps are done, open the Play Store app and install any app.
This should help in resolving the compatibility error.
With this, we come to the end of our guide on resolving the “Your Device Isn’t Compatible With This Version” error. If you are here because you encountered this error message on your device, then you should know that it is not something to worry about. This is a common error that occurs mostly due to an older version of Android operating on your phone or outdated hardware in terms of chipsets.
There can be a few other reasons for the same, as listed above. But resolving this error is easy and will not take up much of your time. you can follow any of the above-listed methods to get rid of this issue and download any app that you want to run on your device.