几个进程可能会在后台自动运行,从而在您打开系统时导致高磁盘使用率问题。(disk usage)在这种情况下,您的系统性能会非常缓慢,并且您可能会被一些隐藏的系统进程(如Ntoskrnl.exe )所困扰。Ntoskrnl.exe是Windows 操作系统(Windows Operating System)的重要组成部分,由于驱动程序过时、恶意软件、损坏的Ntoskrnl.exe文件等原因,此可执行文件会消耗过多的CPU或磁盘资源。如果您遇到同样的问题,那么本指南将帮助您解决它。继续阅读文章以了解什么是Ntoskrnl.exe以及如何修复Ntoskrnl.exe磁盘使用(disk usage)率高。
如何修复 Windows 10 上的 Ntoskrnl.exe 高磁盘使用率(How to Fix Ntoskrnl.exe High Disk Usage on Windows 10)
在本文中,我们展示了在Windows 10上修复(Windows 10)Ntoskrnl.exe高磁盘使用率(disk usage)的所有可能方法。但在通过故障排除方法之前,让我们知道什么是Ntoskrnl.exe
什么是 Ntoskrnl.exe?(What is Ntoskrnl.exe?)
有几个系统进程负责操作系统(Operating System)的正常功能。最重要的组成部分是Ntoskrnl.exe。它被缩写为Windows NT操作系统内核(system kernel)可执行文件。以下是Ntoskrnl.exe的一些功能(Ntoskrnl.exe)
- Ntoskrnl.exe控制所有与内存和进程相关的功能(controls all the memory and process-related functions)。
- 它添加了 Windows NT 内核空间的内核和执行层(adds the kernel and executive layers of the Windows NT kernel space),使其成为您系统的重要组成部分。
- 它是一个受系统保护的文件( system-protected file),因此它可能不会被快速删除或损坏。
- 一个代号为内核的内核提供了您设备的软件和硬件之间的链接, (software and hardware)Ntoskrnl.exe 将加载的数据发送到 CPU 等处理单元(Ntoskrnl.exe sends the loaded data to the processing unit like CPU)以执行任务。
- 软件完整性(software integrity),可顺利访问硬件
- 控制内存使用
- 为连接到网络的组件和外围设备提供足够的数据,等等。
本节汇总了可帮助您解决问题的故障排除方法列表。故障排除步骤根据原因的严重程度和极端(severity and extreme)情况安排。跟随他们以获得最佳结果。
方法 1:结束 Outlook 进程(Method 1: End Outlook Processes)
有时,Outlook 2013会导致Ntoskrnl.exe磁盘使用率(disk usage)过高问题。因此,建议关闭Outlook进程以解决问题。如果您使用的是其他版本的Outlook,请尝试此解决方案以检查它是否可以解决问题。
1.通过同时Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys启动任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 在任务管理器窗口(Task Manager window)中,单击进程(Processes)选项卡。
3. 现在,搜索并选择在后台不必要地运行的Outlook任务。(Outlook)
4. 最后,如上图所示选择结束任务并(End Task)重新启动(reboot)系统。
方法 2:删除不兼容的程序(Method 2: Remove Incompatible Programs)
如果您希望永久删除程序或(program or face issues)在卸载过程中遇到问题,使用程序安装和卸载疑难解答(Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter)软件会有所帮助。该软件会检查注册表中是否存在与补丁(Patch)相关的问题。以下是使用软件完全卸载它们的几个步骤,而不是通过正常的Control Panel/Settings步骤删除它们。
1. 下载Microsoft 程序安装和卸载(Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall)疑难解答程序(program)。
2. 现在,导航到我的下载(My downloads )并双击已安装的文件。
程序安装和卸载(Program Install and Uninstall )疑难解答软件将解决您在卸载程序时遇到的所有困难。
3. 现在,单击下一步(Next )并按照屏幕上的说明安装下载的文件。
4.在这里,在提示下选择卸载,(Uninstalling )您在安装或卸载程序时遇到问题(Are you having a problem installing or uninstalling a program)吗?
6.接下来,选择要卸载的程序。如果您没有看到您的程序,请选择未列出(Not Listed )并单击下一步(Next)。参考图片。
7B。不过,如果您找不到您的程序,您将被要求提供产品代码(product code)。您可以在MSI 文件(MSI file)的属性(property)表中找到您的产品代码(product code)。访问代码并按照屏幕上的说明卸载软件。完成后,检查您是否已解决问题。
另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 10中WSAPPX 的高磁盘使用率(Fix WSAPPX High Disk Usage)
方法3:禁用浏览器硬件加速(Method 3: Disable Browser Hardware Acceleration)
有时,Web 浏览器可能会在后台运行,这会消耗CPU资源。因此(Hence),最好在浏览器中禁用硬件加速(hardware acceleration)并检查(browser and check)问题。这里以谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)为例进行演示。
1. 启动您的网络浏览器(例如Google Chrome)并点击右上角的三点图标(three-dotted icon) 。
2. 现在,单击 设置(Settings) ,如下图所示。
3. 现在,展开 左窗格中的(left pane and click)Advanced 部分,然后单击 System,如图所示。
4. 在这里, 关闭(Off) 切换 可用时使用硬件加速(Use hardware acceleration when available) 选项。
5. 然后,单击 重新启动(Relaunch) 选项。
方法 4:最小化处理器电源管理(Method 4: Minimize Processor Power Management)
有时,您可以通过禁用最小化处理器电源管理电源选项来修复(Processor power management)Ntoskrnl.exe高磁盘使用率问题,如下所述。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys并输入powercfg.cpl然后回车。
2. 在电源选项窗口(Power Options window)中,选择当前操作计划下的(action plan)更改计划设置(Change plan settings )选项,如下所示。
注意:(Note:)您还可以在搜索栏中键入编辑电源计划(edit power plan )以打开“编辑计划设置”(Edit Plan Settings)窗口。
3. 在编辑计划设置(Edit Plan Settings )窗口中,单击更改高级电源设置(Change advanced power settings)。参考图片。
4. 在高级设置(Advanced settings )菜单中,通过单击+图标展开处理器电源管理选项。(Processor power management )
5. 现在,通过单击+ icon再次展开最小处理器状态(Minimum processor state ),就像您在上一步中所做的那样。
6. 在这里,点击On battery并在(On battery )20% 到30%. 之间更改% value参考上图。
7. 现在,单击Plugged in并将% value更改为20% 到30%. 列表如下图。
8. 最后,单击应用(Apply )和确定(OK )以保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 .NET 运行时优化服务高 CPU 使用率(Fix .NET Runtime Optimization Service High CPU Usage)
方法 5:禁用 Windows 搜索服务(Method 5: Disable Windows Search Service)
在您的系统中启用时,Windows 搜索服务(Windows Search Service)将更快地索引搜索结果。您可以按名称快速搜索任何文件、文件夹、应用程序或程序,并按结果过滤它们。但它可能会导致你的CPU性能变慢,建议在需要时关闭。关闭该功能不会以任何方式影响操作系统。这是如何做到的。
1. 通过同时Windows + R keys运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入 services.msc如下,然后单击 确定(OK )打开“服务(Services)”窗口。
3. 现在,向下滚动屏幕并右键单击(right-click )Windows Search Service ,然后选择Properties。
4.在这里,在常规(General )选项卡中,从下拉菜单中将启动类型(Startup type )设置为禁用,如下所示。(Disabled )
5. 最后,单击确定(OK )保存更改。
方法六:禁用后台智能传输服务(Method 6: Disable Background Intelligent Transfer Service)
后台智能传输服务(Background Intelligent Transfer Service)使系统之间的文件传输更加顺畅。(smoother transfer)他们负责后台下载或上传期间的系统协助。(system assistance)然而,它们消耗了大量的CPU资源,从而导致了该问题。按照以下步骤手动禁用它们。
1. 打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入services.msc并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
3. 现在,向下滚动屏幕,右键单击(right-click )后台智能传输服务(Background Intelligent Transfer Service),然后选择属性(Properties)。
4.在这里,在常规(General )选项卡中,从下拉菜单中将启动类型(Startup type )设置为禁用,如下所示。(Disabled )
5. 最后,单击确定(OK )保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 DISM 主机服务进程 CPU 使用率过高(Fix DISM Host Servicing Process High CPU Usage)
方法 7:禁用运行时代理进程(Method 7: Disable Runtime Broker Process)
运行时代理进程(Broker process)有助于管理来自Microsoft Store的应用程序的权限。它仅消耗兆字节(Megabytes)的内存,但对于一些不兼容的应用程序却消耗千兆字节的能量,从而导致磁盘使用问题。(Gigabytes)您可以按照下面讨论的任何一种方法禁用运行时代理进程。(Runtime Broker process)
选项 1:通过设置(Option 1: Through Settings)
1. 同时按住Windows + I 键打开设置(Settings)。
2. 现在,单击系统(System ),如图所示。
3. 现在,选择通知和操作(Notifications & actions )菜单并取消选中以下选项(如果有)。
- 显示有关 Windows 的提示
- (Get)在使用 Windows 时获取提示、技巧和建议
4. 最后,重新启动您的 PC 并检查您是否已解决问题。
选项 2:通过注册表更改(Option 2: Through Registry Changes)
1. 打开记事本(Notepad )并将以下键(keys)粘贴到其中。
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
2. 现在,转到文件(File )并将文件另存为 (name_you_like) .reg
3. 现在,导航到保存文件的位置,右键单击(file right-click)它,然后选择以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator. )
4. 现在,通过单击是(Yes )并重新启动(rebooting )系统来确认注册表更改。
方法 8:更新设备驱动程序(Method 8: Update Device Drivers)
如果您系统中的当前驱动程序与Ntoskrnl.exe(Ntoskrnl.exe)文件不兼容/已过时,那么您将面临问题。因此,建议您更新您的设备和驱动程序(device and drivers)以防止上述问题。
注意:(Note: )在本指南中,我们编译了更新通用显示驱动程序(Display Driver)的步骤。建议您更新所有已过期的驱动程序。
1.在 Windows 10 搜索菜单中键入设备管理器。(Device Manager)
2. 您将 在主面板上看到显示适配器;(Display adapters)双击它以展开它。检查屏幕截图以供参考。
3. 现在,右键单击您的显卡驱动程序(your video card driver) (比如Intel (R) HD Graphics 620),然后单击更新驱动程序(Update driver)。参考上图。
4. 现在,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)选项以自动查找和安装驱动程序。
5B。如果它们已经处于更新阶段,屏幕将显示以下消息,已安装适用于您设备的最佳驱动程序(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。
6. 单击关闭(Close)退出窗口。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 hkcmd 高 CPU 使用率
方法 9:禁用磁盘驱动器(如果适用)(Method 9: Disable Disk Drive (If Applicable))
如果更新驱动程序无法解决问题,您可以禁用磁盘驱动程序 ( DVD ),因为它们消耗大量资源。然后,按照下面提到的步骤来实现它。
1.使用上述步骤启动设备管理(Device Manager )器,然后双击展开磁盘驱动器。(Disk drives )
2. 现在,右键单击DVD 驱动程序(DVD driver )并选择卸载设备(Uninstall device)。
3. 现在,屏幕上将显示警告提示。(warning prompt)单击卸载(Uninstall)确认提示。
现在,这里有一些额外的修复程序来解决Ntoskrnl.exe高CPU 使用率(CPU usage)问题。首先(First),尝试以下故障排除方法来解决问题。
方法 10:删除不兼容的 Windows 更新(Method 10: Delete Incompatible Windows Updates)
系统中的一些有问题的最新更新可能会导致Ntoskrnl.exe高磁盘使用率(disk usage)。您可以按照以下步骤手动关闭它们。
1. 同时按Windows + I 键打开设置。(Settings )
2. 现在,点击更新和安全(Update & security ),如图所示。
3. 现在,单击右侧窗格中的查看更新历史记录。(View update history )
4. 在这里,单击卸载更新(Uninstall updates ),如图所示。
5. 在这里,选择最新的更新并单击(update and click)突出显示的卸载(Uninstall )选项。
6.在这里,单击卸载(Uninstall )以确认提示,如图所示。
7. 最后,等待该过程完成并重新启动(reboot )系统。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复(Fix High CPU Usage)Windows 10上的高 CPU 使用率
方法 11:禁用自动碎片整理(Method 11: Disable Automatic Defragmentation)
碎片整理将重新排列硬盘上的数据,以便更快地访问。它在Windows 10(Windows 10)中默认启用,可能会导致这种高磁盘使用率(disk usage)问题。按照以下步骤手动禁用它们。此外,建议用户按照以下任一选项禁用自动碎片整理以修复Ntoskrnl.exe高磁盘使用率(disk usage)。
选项 1:使用碎片整理和优化驱动器(Option 1: Use Defragment and Optimize Drives)
1. 在搜索菜单中键入碎片整理和优化驱动器并打开最佳结果。(Defragment and Optimize Drives in the Search menu and open the best results.)
2. 现在,单击更改设置(Change settings ),如下所示。
3. 在这里,取消选中“按计划运行(推荐)(Run on a schedule (recommended), ) ”选项,然后单击“确定(OK )”以保存更改。
选项 2:使用任务计划程序(Option 2: Use Task Scheduler)
您还可以使用任务计划(Task Scheduler)程序禁用自动碎片整理来修复Ntoskrnl.exe高磁盘使用率(disk usage),如下所示。
1.在搜索菜单中输入(search menu)任务计划程序(Task Scheduler )并打开最佳结果。
2. 现在,在左窗格中展开任务计划程序库(Task Scheduler Library )并导航(left pane and navigate)到Microsoft >Windows > Defrag 文件夹。
3. 现在,在中间窗格中,右键单击ScheduledDefrag并选择选项禁用(Disable ),如图所示。
选项 3:使用命令提示符(Option 3: Use Command Prompt)
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 命令提示符(Command Prompt) 并单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 现在,在命令窗口(command window)中键入以下命令,然后按 Enter(Enter)。
schtasks /Delete /TN “MicrosoftWindowsDefragScheduledDefrag” /F
方法 12:暂时禁用杀毒软件(不推荐)(Method 12: Disable Antivirus Temporarily (Not Recommended))
按照给定的步骤暂时禁用您的防病毒软件以修复Ntoskrnl.exe高磁盘使用率(disk usage)。
注意:(Note:)我们不建议您禁用防病毒软件,因为防病毒软件可以保护您的 PC 免受恶意软件的侵害。
1. 导航到任务栏中的 防(Taskbar) 病毒 图标(Antivirus icon) 并右键单击它。
2. 现在,选择 Avast shields 控制 (Avast shields control )选项。
3.根据您的方便选择任一给定 选项:(options)
- 禁用 10 分钟(Disable for 10 minutes)
- 禁用 1 小时(Disable for 1 hour)
- 禁用直到计算机重新启动(Disable until computer is restarted)
- 永久禁用(Disable permanently)
4. 确认屏幕上显示的提示并 重新启动您的 PC(reboot your PC)。
注意:(Note:) 您可以进入防病毒菜单并单击(Antivirus menu and click)打开(TURN ON)以 重新激活防护罩。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)多少 RAM 才足够
方法 13:卸载 Dell System Detect 软件(适用于 Dell PC)(Method 13: Uninstall Dell System Detect Software (For Dell PC))
许多用户报告说戴尔系统检测(Dell System Detect)软件会干扰导致问题的 ntoskrnl.exe 文件。按照下面提到的步骤卸载它们以修复Ntoskrnl.exe高磁盘使用率问题(disk usage problem)。
1. 您可以 通过转到搜索菜单并键入运行来启动(search menu and typing)运行对话框(Run dialog box)。(Run.)
2. 按如下 方式键入appwiz.cpl ,然后单击(appwiz.cpl)确定。(OK.)
3.程序和功能(Programs and Features )实用程序将打开,现在搜索Dell System Detect。
4. 现在,单击Dell System Detect 并选择卸载(Uninstall )选项。
注意:(Note:)我们以Google Chrome 浏览器(Google Chrome)为例。
5. 现在,确认提示您确定要卸载 Dell System Detect 吗?(Are you sure want to uninstall Dell System Detect?)单击是。(Yes. )
6.完成上述所有步骤后,重新启动计算机。(Restart )检查您是否已解决问题。
- 如何将控制器映射到键盘
- 修复无法在Windows 10上创建(Windows 10)新分区(New Partition)未分配空间(Space)
- 修复 Kodi 更新失败
- 修复 Twitch 无法在 Chrome 上运行
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您可以修复Ntoskrnl.exe 高磁盘使用率(Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage)问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Ntoskrnl.exe High Disk Usage
Several processes may automatically run in the background, contributing to the high disk usage issue whenever you turn on уour system. In this case, your system will be νery slow in performance, and you may be annoyed by sоme hidden System processes like Ntoskrnl.exе. Ntoskrnl.exe is an essential component оf the Windows Operating System, and due to sоme reasons like outdated drivers, malware, corrupt Ntoskrnl.exe files, еtc., this executable consυmes excessive CPU оr disk resources. If you are facing the same issue, then this guidе will help you to resolve it. Continue reading the articlе to learn what is Ntoskrnl.exe and how to fix Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage.
How to Fix Ntoskrnl.exe High Disk Usage on Windows 10
In this article, we have shown all the possible methods to fix Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage on Windows 10. But before going through the troubleshooting methods let us know what is Ntoskrnl.exe
What is Ntoskrnl.exe?
There are several system processes responsible for the proper functionality of your Operating System. The most vital integral component is Ntoskrnl.exe. It is abbreviated as Windows NT operating system kernel executable. Following are some features of Ntoskrnl.exe
- Ntoskrnl.exe controls all the memory and process-related functions.
- It adds the kernel and executive layers of the Windows NT kernel space, making it an essential component of your system.
- It is a system-protected file, and thus it might not be quickly deleted or corrupt.
- A code-named kernel provides the link between the software and hardware of your device, and Ntoskrnl.exe sends the loaded data to the processing unit like CPU to execute the task.
Hence, without Ntoskrnl.exe, you cannot perform any operations in your system. The primary functions include;
- software integrity for smooth access with the hardware
- controlling the memory usage
- providing adequate data to the components and peripherals connected to the network, and more.
Without Ntoskrnl.exe, you cannot boot up your system and will face BSOD errors. Thus, if you think of removing Ntoskrnl.exe from your system due to this issue, you will ruin your system at your own cost. Yet, there are a few troubleshooting steps to help you fix the problem, as discussed here.
This section has compiled a list of troubleshooting methods that would help you fix the issue. The troubleshooting steps are arranged according to the severity and extreme of causes. Follow them to attain the best results.
Method 1: End Outlook Processes
Sometimes, Outlook 2013 causes Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage issues. Therefore, it is recommended to close the Outlook processes to fix the problem. If you are using another version of Outlook, try this solution to check if it is fixing the problem.
1. Launch Task Manager by hitting Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together.
2. In the Task Manager window, click on the Processes tab.
3. Now, search and select the Outlook tasks that are unnecessarily running in the background.
4. Finally, select End Task as depicted in the above picture and reboot the system.
Method 2: Remove Incompatible Programs
If you wish to permanently delete the program or face issues during uninstallation, using Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter software will help. The software checks the registry for Patch related problems. Here are a few steps to uninstall them from your system completely by using software rather than deleting them by normal Control Panel/Settings steps.
1. Download the Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter program.
2. Now, navigate to My downloads and double-click on the installed file.
Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter software will solve all the difficulties you face while uninstalling a program.
3. Now, click on Next and follow the onscreen instructions to install the downloaded file.
4. Here, select Uninstalling under the prompt, Are you having a problem installing or uninstalling a program?
6. Next, select the program you want to uninstall. If you do not see your program, select Not Listed and click Next. Refer to the pic.
7A. If you can find your program now, follow the onscreen instructions to uninstall the software.
7B. Still, if you cannot find your program, you will be asked for the product code. You can find your product code in the property table of the MSI file. Access the code and follow the onscreen instructions to uninstall the software. Once done, check if you have fixed the issue.
Also Read: Fix WSAPPX High Disk Usage in Windows 10
Method 3: Disable Browser Hardware Acceleration
Sometimes, web browsers may run in the background, and this will consume the CPU resources. Hence, it is better to disable the hardware acceleration in the browser and check for the issue. Here, Google Chrome is taken as an example for demonstration.
1. Launch your web browser (e.g. Google Chrome)and click on the three-dotted icon present at the top right corner.
2. Now, click on Settings as depicted in the below picture.
3. Now, expand the Advanced section in the left pane and click on System, as shown.
4. Here, switch Off the toggle for Use hardware acceleration when available option.
5. Then, click on the Relaunch option.
Method 4: Minimize Processor Power Management
Sometimes, you can fix the Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage issue by disabling the minimizing Processor power management power option as discussed below.
1. Press Windows + R keys together and type powercfg.cpl then hit enter.
2. In the Power Options window, select the Change plan settings option under your current action plan, as highlighted below.
Note: You can also type edit power plan in the search bar to open the Edit Plan Settings window.
Note: If you have multiple power plans active in your system, repeat the same procedure for all the multiple active plans.
3. In the Edit Plan Settings window, click on Change advanced power settings. Refer to the pic.
4. Here, in the Advanced settings menu, expand the Processor power management option by clicking on the + icon.
5. Now, again, expand the Minimum processor state by clicking on the + icon as you did in the previous step.
6. Here, click on On battery and change the % value between 20% to 30%. Refer to the above picture.
7. Now, click on Plugged in and change the % value between 20% to 30%. List as shown below.
8. Finally, click on Apply and OK to save the changes.
Restart your system and check if the issue is solved now.
Also Read: Fix .NET Runtime Optimization Service High CPU Usage
Method 5: Disable Windows Search Service
The Windows Search Service will index faster search results when enabled in your system. You can quickly search for any files, folders, applications, or programs by their name and filter them by results. But it may contribute to the slow performance of your CPU, and it is recommended to be turned off when needed. Turning off the feature will not affect the OS in any way. Here is how to do it.
1. Launch the Run dialog box by hitting Windows + R keys together.
2. Type services.msc as follows and click OK to open the Services window.
3. Now, scroll down the screen and right-click on Windows Search Service, and select Properties.
4. Here, in the General tab, set the Startup type to Disabled from the drop-down menu as highlighted below.
5. Finally, click OK to save the changes.
Now, the Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage issue will be fixed.
Method 6: Disable Background Intelligent Transfer Service
The Background Intelligent Transfer Service enables a smoother transfer of files between systems. They are responsible for system assistance during background downloads or uploads. Yet, they consume high CPU resources contributing to the issue. Disable them manually by following the below-mentioned steps.
1. Open the Run dialog box.
2. Type services.msc and hit the Enter key.
3. Now, scroll down the screen, right-click on Background Intelligent Transfer Service, and select Properties.
4. Here, in the General tab, set the Startup type to Disabled from the drop-down menu as highlighted below.
5. Finally, click OK to save the changes.
Now check if the issue is fixed or not.
Also Read: Fix DISM Host Servicing Process High CPU Usage
Method 7: Disable Runtime Broker Process
The runtime Broker process helps to manage permissions for applications from Microsoft Store. It consumes only Megabytes of memory, yet it consumes Gigabytes of energy for a few incompatible applications, thus causing the disk usage issue. You can disable the Runtime Broker process by following any one of the methods discussed below.
Option 1: Through Settings
1. Press and hold Windows + I key together to open Settings.
2. Now, click on System as shown.
3. Now, select the Notifications & actions menu and uncheck the following options, if any.
- Show me tips about Windows
- Get tips, tricks, and suggestions as you use Windows
4. Finally, restart your PC and check if you have fixed the issue.
Option 2: Through Registry Changes
1. Open Notepad and paste the following keys into it.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
2. Now, go to File and save the file as (name_you_like).reg
3. Now, navigate to the location where you have saved the file right-click on it, and choose Run as administrator.
4. Now, confirm the registry changes by clicking on Yes and rebooting your system.
Method 8: Update Device Drivers
If the current drivers in your system are incompatible/outdated with Ntoskrnl.exe files, then you will face the issue. Therefore, you are advised to update your device and drivers to prevent the said problem.
Note: In this guide, we have compiled steps to update a common Display Driver. You are advised to update all the drivers that are out of date.
1. Type Device Manager in the Windows 10 search menu.
2. You will see the Display adapters on the main panel; double click on it to expand it. Check the screenshot for reference.
3. Now, right-click on your video card driver (say Intel(R) HD Graphics 620) and click Update driver. Refer to the above picture.
4. Now, click on Search automatically for drivers options to locate and install a driver automatically.
5A. Now, the drivers will be updated to the latest version if they are not updated.
5B. If they are already in an updated stage, the screen displays the following message, The best drivers for your device are already installed.
6. Click on Close to exit the window.
Restart the computer, and check if you have fixed the issue on your system.
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Method 9: Disable Disk Drive (If Applicable)
If updating drivers does not fix, you can disable the disk drivers (DVD) since they consume high resources. Then, follow the below-mentioned steps to implement the same.
1. Launch the Device Manager using the steps mentioned above and expand Disk drives by double-clicking on it.
2. Now, right-click on the DVD driver and select Uninstall device.
3. Now, a warning prompt will be displayed on the screen. Confirm the prompt by clicking Uninstall.
Finally, reboot your system and check if the issue is resolved.
Now, here are some additional fixes to solve Ntoskrnl.exe high CPU usage issue. First, try the below troubleshooting methods to fix the problem.
Method 10: Delete Incompatible Windows Updates
Few problematic recent updates in your system might cause Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage. You can manually turn them off by following the below-mentioned steps.
1. Open Settings by pressing Windows + I key together.
2. Now, click on Update & security as shown.
3. Now, click on View update history in the right pane.
4. Here, click on Uninstall updates as depicted.
5. Here, select the most recent update and click on Uninstall option as highlighted.
6. Here, click on Uninstall to confirm the prompt as shown.
7. Finally, wait for the process to be completed and reboot your system.
Also Read: How to Fix High CPU Usage on Windows 10
Method 11: Disable Automatic Defragmentation
Defragmentation will rearrange your data on the hard disk for quicker access. It is enabled by default in Windows 10 and may cause this high disk usage issue. Disable them manually by following the below-mentioned steps. In addition, users are advised to follow any one of the following options to disable automatic defragmentation to fix Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage.
Option 1: Use Defragment and Optimize Drives
Follow these steps to use defragment and optimize drives app.
1. Type Defragment and Optimize Drives in the Search menu and open the best results.
2. Now, click on Change settings as highlighted below.
3. Here, uncheck the option, Run on a schedule (recommended), and click on OK to save the changes.
Option 2: Use Task Scheduler
You can also disable automatic defragmentation using Task Scheduler to fix Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage as follows.
1. Type Task Scheduler in the search menu and open the best results.
2. Now, expand Task Scheduler Library in the left pane and navigate to the Microsoft >Windows > Defrag folder.
3. Now, in the middle pane, right-click on ScheduledDefrag and select the option Disable as shown.
Reboot your system and check if you have fixed the issue.
Option 3: Use Command Prompt
You can also disable automatic defragmentation by using command lines, as explained below.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator.
2. Now, type the following command in the command window and hit Enter.
schtasks /Delete /TN “MicrosoftWindowsDefragScheduledDefrag” /F
Now, your system will not perform any automatic defragmentation anymore.
Method 12: Disable Antivirus Temporarily (Not Recommended)
Follow the given steps to disable your antivirus temporarily to fix Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage.
Note: We do not recommend keeping your antivirus disabled as antivirus protects your PC from malware.
1. Navigate to the Antivirus icon in the Taskbar and right-click on it.
2. Now, select the Avast shields control option.
3. Choose any one of the given options according to your convenience:
- Disable for 10 minutes
- Disable for 1 hour
- Disable until computer is restarted
- Disable permanently
4. Confirm the prompt displayed on the screen and reboot your PC.
Note: You can go to the Antivirus menu and click on TURN ON to reactivate the shield.
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Method 13: Uninstall Dell System Detect Software (For Dell PC)
Many users have reported that Dell System Detect software interferes with ntoskrnl.exe files causing the issue. Uninstall them by following the below-mentioned steps to fix Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage problem.
1. You can launch the Run dialog box by going to the search menu and typing Run.
2. Type appwiz.cpl as follows and click OK.
3. The Programs and Features utility will be opened up and now search for Dell System Detect.
4. Now, click on Dell System Detect and select Uninstall option.
Note: We have shown Google Chrome as an example.
5. Now, confirm the prompt Are you sure want to uninstall Dell System Detect? by clicking Yes.
6. Restart the computer once you complete all the steps mentioned above. Check if you have fixed the issue.
We hope that this guide was helpful, and you could fix Ntoskrnl.exe high disk usage issue. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.