多年来,微软自己的邮件服务(mail service)Outlook已经成功地在这个以 Gmail 为主导的电子邮件市场中开拓了一个(email market)利基用户群(niche user base)。尽管与其他所有技术一样,它也有自己的问题。大多数用户面临的最常见问题之一是Outlook应用程序在(Outlook)Windows 10中无法打开问题。在大多数情况下,如果应用程序的一个实例已经处于活动状态或之前的会话未正确终止,则该应用程序可能无法启动。我们将教您如何修复Outlook App在(Outlook App)Windows系统中不会打开的问题。

如何修复 Outlook 应用程序无法在 Windows 10 PC 中打开
(How to Fix Outlook App Won’t Open in Windows 10 PC
(Originally called Hotmail)Outlook 邮件服务(Outlook Mail Service)最初称为 Hotmail,吸引了许多组织进行内部通信,因此拥有约4 亿用户(400 million users)。如此庞大的用户群(user base)可归因于以下事实:
- 它提供了Outlook提供的(Outlook)其他功能(additional features),例如日历、互联网浏览(internet browsing)、记笔记、任务管理等。
- 它既可以作为(available as both)Web 客户端,也可以作为MS Office 套件(MS Office suite)中包含的应用程序在多个平台上使用。
有时,双击应用程序快捷方式图标对您毫无用处,反而会遇到各种错误消息。在本文中,您将知道您的问题的答案:如何解决 Outlook 无法打开的问题。(how do I fix Outlook not opening issue.)
(Reasons Behind Outlook Not Opening Issue
阻止您的Outlook 应用程序(Outlook app)打开的原因是
- 这可能是因为您的本地AppData 和 .pst 文件(AppData and .pst files)损坏/损坏。
- Outlook 应用程序(Outlook application)或您的Outlook帐户(Outlook account)可能需要修复,
- 一个特别有问题的加载项可能会阻止您的 Outlook 启动,
- 您的 PC 可能在兼容模式下(compatibility mode)运行时出现问题等。
方法一:杀死 MS Outlook 任务
(Method 1: Kill MS Outlook Task
1.Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys一起打开任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2.在应用程序下找到(Apps)Microsoft Outlook进程。
3. 右键单击它并从菜单中选择结束任务,如图所示。( End task )

4. 现在尝试启动 Outlook(launch Outlook),希望应用程序窗口(application window)将打开而没有任何问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Outlook 密码提示再次出现(Fix Outlook Password Prompt Reappearing)
方法 2:(Method 2: )以安全模式启动 Outlook 并禁用加载项(Start Outlook in Safe Mode & Disable Add-Ins)
Microsoft允许用户通过安装许多有用的加载项来扩展Outlook 功能。(Outlook functionality)这些插件的工作方式与Web 浏览器(web browser)上的扩展类似,并补充了已经令人难以置信的用户体验。虽然,有时这些非常插件可能会导致应用程序本身的垮台。过时或损坏的加载项(outdated or corrupt add-in)可能会提示许多问题,包括Outlook无法在(Outlook)Windows 10中打开问题。
虽然,在您开始疯狂卸载(uninstallation spree)插件之前,让我们确认其中一个确实是罪魁祸首。这可以通过在安全模式下启动(Safe Mode)Outlook来完成,在这种模式下不加载加载项,阅读窗格(reading pane)被禁用并且自定义工具栏设置不应用。这样做的方法如下:
1. 同时按下Windows key + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入outlook.exe /safe并按Enter 键以(Enter key )安全模式(in Safe Mode)启动Outlook 。

3. 将出现要求您选择个人资料的弹出窗口。打开下拉列表并选择Outlook选项并按Enter 键(Enter key)。

注意:(Note:)某些用户可能无法使用上述方法以安全模式启动Outlook 。在这种情况下,请阅读我们关于如何(How)以安全模式(Safe Mode)启动Outlook的指南。
4.从Windows 搜索栏中启动(Windows search bar)Outlook ,如下图所示。

5. 单击文件(File)选项卡,如图所示。

6. 选择选项(Options),如下所示。

7. 转到左侧的Add-ins选项卡,然后单击Manage: COM Add-ins旁边的GO...按钮,如图所示。


8B。或者,选中Desired Add-in( Desired Add-in)复选框,然后单击OK将其禁用。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何恢复 Outlook 密码
方法 3:运行程序(Method 3: Run Program )兼容性(Compatibility )疑难解答
Outlook 应用程序(Outlook application)主要用于在Microsoft Windows 10上运行,并进行了相应的优化。如果您的 PC 使用任何较旧的Windows 版本(Windows version),例如 - Windows 8 或 7,您需要在兼容模式下(compatibility mode)运行应用程序以获得更流畅的体验。要更改Outlook 兼容模式(Outlook Compatibility Mode)并修复Outlook无法打开问题,请执行以下步骤:
1. 右键单击 Outlook 快捷方式(Outlook shortcut)并选择属性(Properties)选项,如下所示。

2. 切换到Outlook 属性(Outlook Properties)窗口中的兼容性(Compatibility )选项卡。
3.取消选中以兼容模式运行此程序(Run this program in compatibility mode for)选项,然后单击Apply > OK。

4. 右键单击 Outlook App并选择故障排除兼容性(Troubleshoot compatibility),如图所示。

5. 现在,程序兼容性疑难解答(Program Compatibility Troubleshooter)将尝试检测任何潜在问题。

6.点击尝试推荐设置(Try recommended settings)

方法四:删除LocalAppData文件夹(Method 4: Delete LocalAppData folder)
另一个适用于少数用户的解决方案是删除Outlook 应用(Outlook app)数据文件夹。应用程序将(Apps store)自定义设置和临时文件存储在默认隐藏的AppData 文件夹中。(AppData folder)如果这些数据损坏,可能会导致很多问题,例如Outlook无法在(Outlook)Windows 10中打开。
1. 如前所述打开运行(Run)对话框。
注意:(Note: )或者,在文件资源管理器中遵循文件夹路径(folder path) C:\Users\username\AppData\Local。

3. 转到Microsoft文件夹。右键单击Outlook文件夹并选择Delete,如下所示。

4.重新启动(Restart) 您的 PC(your PC)一次,然后尝试打开 Outlook。
(Also Read:)另请阅读:如何关闭(Off)Outlook 电子邮件已读回执(Outlook Email Read Receipt)
方法 5:重置 Outlook 导航窗格(Method 5: Reset Outlook Navigation Pane)
许多报告表明Outlook无法打开问题在自定义(Outlook)应用程序导航窗格(application navigation pane)的用户中更为普遍。如果您的应用程序在加载自定义导航窗格(navigation pane)时遇到问题,那么肯定会遇到启动问题。要解决此问题,您只需将Outlook 导航(Outlook navigation)窗格恢复为其默认状态(default state),如下所示:
1. 像以前一样启动运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入outlook.exe /resetnavpane并按Enter 键(key)重置Outlook 导航窗格。

方法 6:修复 MS Outlook(Method 6: Repair MS Outlook)
继续前进,Outlook 应用程序(Outlook application)本身很可能已损坏。这可能是由于多种原因,恶意软件/病毒的存在,甚至是新的Windows 更新(Windows update)。幸运的是, Windows(Windows)中的大多数应用程序都可以使用内置修复工具(repair tool)。尝试使用此工具修复Outlook并检查Outlook无法打开问题是否得到解决。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),输入Control Panel并点击Open。

2. 设置View by > Large icons,然后从给定选项中单击程序和功能。(Programs and Features)

3. 找到安装在您PC上的MS Office Suite,右键单击它并单击更改(Change),如图所示。

4. 选择快速修复(Quick Repair)并单击修复(Repair )按钮继续,如突出显示的那样。

5.在出现的用户帐户控制(User Account Control)弹出窗口中单击是。(Yes)
6. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)完成修复过程。
7. 尝试立即启动Outlook。如果Outlook应用程序无法打开问题仍然存在,请在步骤 4中的(Step 4)“您希望如何修复 Office 程序(How would you like to repair your Office programs)”窗口中选择“在线修复(Online Repair)” 。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何将Google 日历(Sync Google Calendar)与Outlook同步(Outlook)
方法 7:修复 Outlook 配置文件(Method 7: Repair Outlook Profile)
与损坏的加载项一起,损坏的配置文件提示Outlook无法打开问题的可能性非常高。使用本机修复选项可以修复损坏的(Repair option)Outlook 帐户(Outlook account)的一些一般问题,如下所述:
1. 按照方法 2(Method 2)中的说明以安全模式启动Outlook(Outlook in Safe Mode)。
注意:(Note: )如果您登录了多个帐户,请先从下拉列表中选择有问题的帐户。
2. 转到文件(File)>帐户设置( Account Settings)并从菜单中选择帐户设置... ,如图所示。(Account Settings…)

3. 然后,在“电子邮件(Email)”选项卡中,单击“修复(Repair… )”选项,如图所示。

4.将出现一个修复窗口。(Window)按照屏幕上的提示(on-screen prompts)修复您的帐户。
方法 8:修复 .pst 和 .ost 文件(Method 8: Repair .pst & .ost Files)
如果本机修复功能(repair function)无法修复您的配置文件,则与配置文件关联的.pst 文件(.pst file)或个人存储表和 .ost 文件(Storage Table and .ost file)可能已损坏。阅读我们关于如何(How)修复损坏的 Outlook .ost 和 .pst 数据文件(Fix Corrupt Outlook .ost and .pst Data Files)的独家指南来做同样的事情。这肯定会解决Outlook不会打开的问题。如果没有,请尝试下一个解决方案。
方法 9:创建新的 Outlook 帐户(Windows 7)
(Method 9: Create New Outlook Account (Windows 7)
注意:(Note:)给定的步骤已在Windows 7 和 Outlook 2007( Windows 7 & Outlook 2007)上检查。
1.从开始菜单打开(Start menu)控制面板(Control Panel)。
2. 设置View by > Large icons 并单击邮件(Mail) (Microsoft Outlook)。

3. 现在,单击显示配置文件…(Show profiles… )突出显示的选项。

4. 然后,单击“常规”选项卡中的“(General)添加(Add)”按钮。

5. 接下来,输入配置文件名称(Profile Name )并单击OK。

6. 然后,在电子邮件帐户(Email Account)部分输入所需的详细信息(您的姓名、电子邮件地址、密码和重新输入密码)。(Your Name, Email Address, Password & Retype Password)然后,单击Next >完成(Finish)。

7. 再次重复步骤 1-4(Steps 1-4) ,然后从列表中单击您的新帐户。(New account)
8. 然后,选中始终使用此配置文件( Always use this profile)选项。

9. 单击Apply > OK以保存这些更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中禁用(Windows 10)BitLocker
专业提示:如何在 Windows 10 上找到 SCANPST.EXE(Pro Tip: How to Locate SCANPST.EXE on Windows 10)
注意:(Note: )对于某些人来说,所需的Microsoft Office 文件夹(Microsoft Office folder)将出现在Program Files而不是Program Files ( x86 ) 中。
Version |
Path |
Outlook 2019 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16 |
Outlook 2016 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16 |
Outlook 2013 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15 |
Outlook 2010 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14 |
Outlook 2007 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12 |
常见问题 (FAQS)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS))
Q1。如何修复我的 Outlook 应用程序无法在 Windows 10 上打开的问题?(Q1. How do I fix my Outlook app won’t open problem on Windows 10?)
答。(Ans.)根据确切的罪魁祸首,您可以通过禁用所有加载项、修复您的配置文件和 Outlook 应用程序(profile and Outlook application)、重置应用程序导航窗格(application navigation pane)、禁用兼容模式(compatibility mode)和修复PST/OST文件来修复 Outlook 未打开问题。
Q2。如何解决 Outlook 无法打开的问题?(Q2. How do I fix Outlook not opening issue?)
答。(Ans.) 如果加载项之一有问题、与您的配置文件关联的.pst 文件(.pst file)已损坏或配置文件本身已损坏,则Outlook 应用程序可能无法打开。(Outlook application)按照本指南中列出的解决方案来解决相同的问题。
- 如何使用VLC在Windows 10中剪切(Windows 10)视频(Video)
- 如何在Windows 11中创建(Windows 11)PDF 文件(PDF File)
- 修复 Outlook 密码提示再次出现(Fix Outlook Password Prompt Reappearing)
- 如何从图像中识别字体(Font)
我们希望通过实施上述解决方案之一解决了您的Outlook 应用程序不会打开的问题。(Outlook app won’t open)其他常规修复包括更新Windows 和 Microsoft Office(Windows and Microsoft Office)、运行系统文件检查器(system file checker)扫描以修复系统文件、检查防病毒和恶意软件文件(antivirus and malware files)以及联系 Microsoft 支持(contacting Microsoft support)。我们很乐意通过下面的评论部分(comment section)听到您的建议和问题。
Fix Outlook App Won’t Open in Windows 10
Over the yеars, Microsoft’s very own mail service, Outlook, has mаnagеd to carve out a niche user base in this Gmаil-dominated email market. Αlthough, like evеry other piece of technology, it has its own share of problems. One of the most common issues faced by moѕt users is Outlook app not opening isѕue in Windows 10. In most cases, an application may not launch if an instance оf it is already active or the prеvious session waѕ not terminated properly. We will teach you how tо fix Outlook App won’t open problems in Windows systems.

How to Fix Outlook App Won’t Open in Windows 10 PC
Originally called Hotmail, Outlook Mail Service appeals to a lot of organizations for internal communication and thus, boasts around 400 million users. This massive user base can be attributed to the fact that:
- It offers additional features such as calendars, internet browsing, note-taking, task management, etc. that Outlook offers.
- It is available as both, a web client and an app included in MS Office suite on multiple platforms.
Sometimes, double-clicking on the application shortcut icon does absolutely nothing for you, and you encounter various error messages instead. In this article, you will know the answer to your query: how do I fix Outlook not opening issue.
Reasons Behind Outlook Not Opening Issue
The reasons that prevent your Outlook app from opening are
- It might because of your corrupt/broken local AppData and .pst files.
- The Outlook application or your Outlook account might need fixing,
- A particular problematic add-in might be preventing your Outlook from launching,
- Your PC might have issues running in compatibility mode, etc.
Method 1: Kill MS Outlook Task
There might be a simple answer to how do I fix Outlook not opening question. Before moving forward with specific solutions, let us make sure that an instance of Outlook is not already active in the background. If it is, simply terminate it and check whether this solves the problem or not.
1. Hit Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together to open Task Manager.
2. Locate the Microsoft Outlook process under Apps.
3. Right-click on it and choose End task from the menu, as depicted.

4. Try to launch Outlook now, hopefully, the application window will open up without any issues.
Also Read: Fix Outlook Password Prompt Reappearing
Method 2: Start Outlook in Safe Mode & Disable Add-Ins
Microsoft allows users to expand Outlook functionality by installing a number of useful add-ins. These add-ins work in a similar way to extensions on a web browser and complement the already incredible user experience. Although, sometimes these very add-ins can result in the downfall of the app itself. An outdated or corrupt add-in can prompt a number of issues including Outlook won’t open issue in Windows 10.
Although, before you go on an add-in uninstallation spree, let us confirm that one of them is indeed the culprit. This can be done by launching Outlook in Safe Mode, a mode in which no add-ins are loaded, the reading pane is disabled and custom toolbar settings are not applied. Here’s how to do so:
1. Press the Windows key + R keys simultaneously to open Run dialog box.
2. Type outlook.exe /safe and hit Enter key to launch Outlook in Safe Mode.

3. A pop-up requesting you to choose a profile will appear. Open the drop-down list and choose the Outlook option and hit the Enter key.

Note: Some users may not be able to launch Outlook in safe mode using the above method. In this case, read our guide on How to Start Outlook in Safe Mode.
If you were successful in launching Outlook in safe mode, rest assured that the problem indeed lies with one of the add-ins. Hence, uninstall or disable these as follows:
4. Launch Outlook from the Windows search bar as illustrated below.

5. Click on File tab as shown.

6. Select Options as highlighted below.

7. Go to Add-ins tab in the left and then click on GO… button next to Manage: COM Add-ins, as shown.

8A. Here, click on the Remove button to remove the desired Add-ins.

8B. Or, check the box for Desired Add-in and click OK to disable it.

Also Read: How to Recover Outlook Password
Method 3: Run Program Compatibility Troubleshooter
The Outlook application is primarily made to run on Microsoft Windows 10, and optimized accordingly. If your PC is on any older Windows version, for example – Windows 8 or 7, you need to run the application in compatibility mode for a smoother experience. To change your Outlook Compatibility Mode and fix Outlook won’t open issue, follow these steps:
1. Right-click on the Outlook shortcut and select the Properties option, as depicted below.

2. Switch to the Compatibility tab in the Outlook Properties window.
3. Uncheck the Run this program in compatibility mode for option and click on Apply > OK.

4. Right-click on Outlook App and choose to Troubleshoot compatibility, as shown.

5. Now, the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter will try to detect any potential issues.

6. Click Try recommended settings

Method 4: Delete LocalAppData folder
Another solution that has worked for a few users is deleting Outlook app data folder. Apps store custom settings and temporary files in an AppData folder which is hidden, by default. This data, if rendered corrupt, can cause a lot of problems like Outlook won’t open in Windows 10.
1. Open the Run dialog box as earlier.
2. Type %localappdata% and hit Enter to open the required folder.
Note: Alternately, follow the folder path C:\Users\username\AppData\Local in File Explorer.

3. Go to the Microsoft folder. Right-click Outlook folder and choose Delete, as depicted below.

4. Restart your PC once and then try to open Outlook.
Also Read: How to Turn Outlook Email Read Receipt On Off
Method 5: Reset Outlook Navigation Pane
A number of reports suggest that Outlook won’t open issue is more prevalent among users who have customized the application navigation pane. If your application is having trouble loading the customized navigation pane, launching issues will surely be encountered. To fix this, you need to simply revert Outlook navigation pane to its default state, as follows:
1. Launch the Run dialog box as before.
2. Type outlook.exe /resetnavpane and hit Enter key to reset Outlook navigation pane.

Method 6: Repair MS Outlook
Moving on, it is quite possible that Outlook application itself is damaged. This can be due to a number of reasons, the presence of malware/viruses or even a new Windows update. Fortunately, a built-in repair tool is available for most applications in Windows. Try repairing Outlook using this tool and check if Outlook not opening issue gets resolved.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Control Panel and click on Open.

2. Set View by > Large icons and click on Programs and Features from the given options.

3. Locate the MS Office Suite installed on your PC, right-click on it and click Change, as shown.

4. Choose Quick Repair and click on the Repair button to continue, as shown highlighted.

5. Click on Yes in the User Account Control pop-up that appears.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the repair process.
7. Try to launch Outlook now. If Outlook app won’t open issue persists, choose Online Repair on the How would you like to repair your Office programs window in Step 4.
Also Read: How to Sync Google Calendar with Outlook
Method 7: Repair Outlook Profile
Along with corrupt add-ins, the chances of a corrupt profile prompting Outlook not opening issues are quite high. Some general issues with a corrupt Outlook account can be fixed by using the native Repair option, as explained below:
1. Launch Outlook in Safe Mode as instructed in Method 2.
Note: If you are signed into multiple accounts, choose the problematic account from the drop-down list first.
2. Go to File > Account Settings and choose Account Settings… from the menu, as depicted.

3. Then, in the Email tab, click the Repair… option, as shown.

4. A repair Window will appear. Follow the on-screen prompts to fix your account.
Method 8: Repair .pst & .ost Files
If the native repair function was unable to fix your profile, it is likely that the .pst file or Personal Storage Table and .ost file associated with the profile has been rendered corrupt. Read our exclusive guide on How to Fix Corrupt Outlook .ost and .pst Data Files to do the same. This should certainly fix Outlook won’t open issue. If not, try the next solution.
Method 9: Create New Outlook Account (Windows 7)
Furthermore, you can create an entirely new profile and launch Outlook using it to avoid all types of issues altogether. Here’s how to do so:
Note: The given steps have been checked on Windows 7 & Outlook 2007.
1. Open Control Panel from Start menu.
2. Set View by > Large icons and click on Mail (Microsoft Outlook).

3. Now, click on Show profiles… option shown highlighted.

4. Then, click Add button in General tab.

5. Next, type the Profile Name and click OK.

6. Then, enter desired details (Your Name, Email Address, Password & Retype Password) in the Email Account section. Then, click on Next > Finish.

7. Again, repeat Steps 1-4 and click your New account from the list.
8. Then, check Always use this profile option.

9. Click Apply > OK to save these changes.
Also Read: How to Disable BitLocker in Windows 10
Pro Tip: How to Locate SCANPST.EXE on Windows 10
Note: For some, the required Microsoft Office folder will be present in Program Files instead of Program Files (x86).
Version |
Path |
Outlook 2019 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16 |
Outlook 2016 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16 |
Outlook 2013 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15 |
Outlook 2010 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14 |
Outlook 2007 |
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12 |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
Q1. How do I fix my Outlook app won’t open problem on Windows 10?
Ans. Depending on the exact culprit, you can fix your outlook not opening issues by disabling all add-ins, repairing your profile and Outlook application, resetting the application navigation pane, disabling compatibility mode, and fixing PST/OST files.
Q2. How do I fix Outlook not opening issue?
Ans. Outlook application may not open if one of the add-ins is problematic, the .pst file associated with your profile is corrupt, or the profile itself has been rendered corrupt. Follow the solutions listed in this guide to resolve the same.
We hope your Outlook app won’t open problem was resolved by implementing one of the above solutions. Other general fixes include updating Windows and Microsoft Office, running a system file checker scan to repair system files, checking for antivirus and malware files, and contacting Microsoft support. We would love to hear your suggestions and questions via the comment section below.