在最新的Windows 10更新之后,用户遇到了Caps lock 和 Num lock 键(Caps lock and Num lock keys)的讨厌问题。这些键卡在键盘上,大写锁定在(Caps lock)Windows 10系统中卡得最多。想象一下,您的Caps lock卡住了,您被迫用大写字母书写所有内容,包括您的电子邮件地址(email address)或网站名称。您可能会在一段时间内使用虚拟键盘(Virtual Keyboard)进行管理,但这不是永久的解决方案。这个问题需要尽早解决。通过本指南,您将了解Caps Lock卡住的原因以及解决方法修复大写锁定卡在 Windows 10 中的问题。( fix the Caps lock is stuck in Windows 10 issue.)

如何在 Windows 10 中修复卡住的 Caps Lock 键(How to Fix Stuck Caps Lock Key in Windows 10)
为什么大写锁定卡在 Windows 10 中?(Why is Caps lock stuck in Windows 10?)
以下是您的Caps Lock卡在最新的 Windows 10 更新中的原因:
1. 过时的键盘驱动程序:(1. Outdated keyboard driver: )大多数情况下,用户在系统上使用旧版本的键盘驱动程序(keyboard driver)时会遇到大写锁定(Caps lock)问题。
2. Damaged key/keyboard: 您可能已经损坏或损坏了键盘上的Caps lock键,这导致Caps lock 出现卡死问题(stuck problem)。
我们编制了一份所有可能的方法列表,您可以尝试修复Windows 10中卡住的Caps Lock问题。
方法 1:检查损坏的键盘 (Method 1: Check for Broken Keyboard )
大多数时候,关键问题(sticking problem)不在于您的操作系统(operating system),而在于您的键盘本身。您的Caps lock或Num lock键有可能损坏或损坏。如果您将键盘/笔记本电脑带到授权的服务中心(authorized service center)进行维修或更换,这将有所帮助,具体取决于损坏的严重程度。
方法二:重启电脑(Method 2: Restart your computer)
有时,简单的重启可以帮助您解决小问题,例如卡在键盘上的Caps lock 或 Num lock。(Caps lock or Num)因此,修复(Hence)Windows 10系统中卡住的大写锁定(Caps lock)的第一个故障排除方法(troubleshooting method)是重新启动计算机。
1. 按键盘上的Windows 键(Windows key)打开开始菜单(Start menu)。
2. 点击电源(Power),然后选择重启(Restart)。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)在Windows 10中启用或禁用Caps Lock 键(Caps Lock Key)
方法 3:使用高级键设置 (Method 3: Use Advanced Key Settings )
为了解决大写锁定(Caps lock)卡在Windows 10问题,许多用户修改了他们计算机上的高级键设置(Advanced key settings)并从中受益。您可以这样做:
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys启动设置(Settings)应用程序。在这里,单击Time and Language,如图所示。

2. 单击左侧面板中的语言选项卡。(Language)
3. 在屏幕右上角的相关设置下,单击(Related settings )拼写、键入和键盘设置(Spelling, typing, and keyboard settings)链接。请参阅给定的图片。

4.向下滚动(Scroll)找到并单击高级键盘设置(Advanced keyboard settings),如下图所示。

5. 如图所示,单击切换输入法下的(Switching input methods)语言栏选项(Language bar options)链接。

6. 屏幕上将出现一个新窗口。从顶部 转到高级键设置选项卡。(Advanced key settings)
7. 现在,选择Press the SHIFT key to replace the keyboard settings for Caps lock。
8. 最后,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)以保存新更改。为清楚起见,请参阅下面的图片。

更改键盘设置后,重新启动(restart)计算机。从这里开始,您将使用键盘上的Shift 键(Shift key)来关闭 Caps lock(to turn off the Caps lock)。
这种方法并不能完全解决卡住的大写锁定(Caps lock)问题,但您将能够暂时处理紧急工作。
方法 4:使用屏幕键盘 (Method 4: Use On-screen Keyboard )
键盘上卡住的Cap lock键的另一个临时解决方案是使用屏幕键盘。这将暂时修复卡在 Windows 10(fix the Num lock stuck in Windows 10)系统中的 Num 锁,直到您修复键盘。
1.按照上一方法的说明启动设置。(Settings )
2. 转到轻松访问(Ease of Access)部分。

3. 在左窗格的交互部分(Interaction section)下,单击键盘。(Keyboard.)
4. 在这里,打开(turn on)标题为使用屏幕键盘(Use the on-screen keyboard)的选项的切换开关,如图所示。

5. 最后,屏幕上会弹出虚拟键盘,您可以在其中单击 Caps Lock 键将其关闭。( click the Caps lock key to turn it off.)

另请阅读:(Also Read: )启用或禁用屏幕键盘(Keyboard)
方法 5:更新您的键盘驱动程序 (Method 5: Update your Keyboard Driver )
如果您在系统上使用过时版本的键盘驱动程序(keyboard driver),那么您可能会遇到Caps Lock键卡住的问题。因此(Hence),将您的键盘驱动程序(keyboard driver)更新到最新版本可以帮助您修复卡在 Windows 10 中的大写锁定问题。(fix the Caps lock stuck in Windows 10 issue.)请按照给定的步骤执行此操作:
1.按键盘上的Windows + R keys运行对话框(Run dialog box)。
2. 在这里,键入devmgmt.msc并按Enter,如图所示。

3.设备管理器(The Device Manager)窗口将出现在您的屏幕上。找到并双击(Locate and double-click)“键盘(Keyboards)”选项将其展开。
4. 现在,右键单击您的键盘设备(keyboard device)并选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver),如下图所示。

5.在弹出的新窗口中选择自动搜索驱动程序。(Search automatically for drivers)请参阅给定的图片。

6.您的 Windows 10 PC 将自动检查(check)最新更新并将您(update)的键盘驱动程序(keyboard driver)更新到最新版本。
7. 重新启动(Restart)计算机并检查Caps lock键是否正常工作。
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我们希望您发现我们的指南对您有所帮助,并且您可以修复卡在 Windows 10 问题中的大写锁定问题。(fix Caps lock stuck in Windows 10 issue. )让我们知道哪种方法适合您。如果您有任何疑问/建议,请在下面的评论中告诉我们。
Fix Caps Lock Stuck In Windows 10
After the latest Windows 10 uрdate, users are experiencing a pesky issue with the Caps lock and Num lock keys. These keys are getting stuck on the keyboard, with Caps lock getting stuck the moѕt in Windows 10 systems. Imagine your Caps lock get stuck, and you are forced to write everything in uppercase letters, including your email address or website names. You may manage with Vіrtual Keyboard for somе time, but that’s not a рermanent solution. This iѕsue needs to be rеѕolvеd at the earlieѕt. Through this guide, you will lеarn why your Caps lock gets stuck and solutions to fix the Caps lock is stuck in Windows 10 issue.

How to Fix Stuck Caps Lock Key in Windows 10
Why is Caps lock stuck in Windows 10?
These are the reasons why your Caps lock got stuck with the latest Windows 10 update:
1. Outdated keyboard driver: Mostly, users experience issues with Caps lock when they are using an older version of the keyboard driver on their system.
2. Damaged key/keyboard: It is possible that you may have broken or damaged the Caps lock key on your keyboard, and this is causing the Caps to lock to get the stuck problem.
We have compiled a list of all possible methods that you can try to fix stuck Caps Lock in Windows 10 issue.
Method 1: Check for Broken Keyboard
Most of the time, the key sticking problem is not with your operating system but your keyboard itself. There are chances that your Caps lock or the Num lock keys are broken or damaged. It would help if you took your keyboard/laptop to the authorized service center to get it repaired or replaced, depending on the severity of the damage.
Method 2: Restart your computer
Sometimes, a simple reboot can help you fix minor issues such as a Caps lock or Num lock stuck on your keyboard. Hence, the first troubleshooting method to fix stuck Caps lock in Windows 10 system is restarting your computer.
1. Press the Windows key on the keyboard to open the Start menu.
2. Click on Power, and select Restart.

Also Read: Enable or Disable Caps Lock Key in Windows 10
Method 3: Use Advanced Key Settings
To fix Caps lock stuck in Windows 10 problem, many users modified the Advanced key settings on their computer and benefitted from it. Here is how you can do it:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to launch the Settings app. Here, click on Time and Language, as shown.

2. Click the Language tab from the panel on the left.
3. Under Related settings on the top-right side of the screen, click the Spelling, typing, and keyboard settings link. Refer to the given pic.

4. Scroll down to locate and click on Advanced keyboard settings, as shown below.

5. Click the Language bar options link under Switching input methods, as depicted.

6. A new window will appear on the screen. Go to the Advanced key settings tab from the top.
7. Now, select the Press the SHIFT key to replace the keyboard settings for Caps lock.
8. Lastly, click on Apply and then OK to save the new changes. Refer to pic below for clarity.

After changing the keyboard settings, restart your computer. Here onwards, you will use the Shift key on your keyboard to turn off the Caps lock.
This method will not completely fix the stuck Caps lock issue, but you will be able to take care of urgent work for the time being.
Method 4: Use On-screen Keyboard
Another provisional solution to the stuck Cap lock keys on your keyboard is using the on-screen keyboard. This will fix the Num lock stuck in Windows 10 systems temporarily till you get the keyboard fixed.
Follow these simple steps to use the on-screen keyboard:
1. Launch Settings as instructed in the previous method.
2. Go to the Ease of Access section.

3. Under the Interaction section in the left pane, click on Keyboard.
4. Here, turn on the toggle for the option titled Use the on-screen keyboard, as depicted.

5. Finally, the virtual keyboard will pop up on your screen, where you can click the Caps lock key to turn it off.

Also Read: Enable or Disable On-Screen Keyboard
Method 5: Update your Keyboard Driver
If you are using an outdated version of the keyboard driver on your system, then you might face issues with the Caps lock keys getting stuck. Hence, updating your keyboard driver to the latest version can help you fix the Caps lock stuck in Windows 10 issue. Follow the given steps to do so:
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing the Windows + R keys on your keyboard.
2. Here, type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter, as shown.

3. The Device Manager window will appear on your screen. Locate and double-click on the Keyboards option to expand it.
4. Now, right-click on your keyboard device and select Update Driver, as depicted below.

5. Select Search automatically for drivers in the new window that pops up. Refer to the given pic.

6. Your Windows 10 PC will automatically check for the latest updates and update your keyboard driver to the most recent version.
7. Restart your computer and check whether the Caps lock key functions properly or not.
We hope that you find our guide to be helpful and you could fix Caps lock stuck in Windows 10 issue. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have any queries/suggestions, let us know in the comments below.