您的手机是否开始发脾气并每天出现一堆问题?以下是三星 Galaxy A70 常见问题的一些修复方法。(Does your phone start throwing tantrums and comes up with a bunch of problems every day? Here are the few fixes for Samsung Galaxy A70 common problems. )
三星(Samsung)日新月异(passing day)。_ 在Galaxy A50之后,三星(Samsung)又拿出了更可靠的版本,三星 Galaxy A70(Samsung Galaxy A70)。它拥有比目前市场上任何其他Android更强大的基础和更好的功能。
虽然A70 不是(A70 isn)A 系列中最好的,但它肯定有一些新鲜的东西可以提供。它的巨大显示屏被认为是它的第一个吸引力,将您的Galaxy Notes体验提升到一个全新的水平。A70在(A70)不那么紧凑(not so compact )的设备中以优惠的价格提供了多种奢华功能。这就是它拥有成千上万忠实买家的原因。
但是,当这款令人惊叹的手机开始发脾气并每隔一天出现一堆问题时,时间就到了。这是每个Android 设备(Android device)的常见问题。许多用户为他们感到悲伤,为此,为了帮助您,我们列出了您在三星 Galaxy A70(Samsung Galaxy A70)中遇到的一些常见问题及其解决方案。
修复三星 Galaxy A70 常见问题(Fix Samsung Galaxy A70 common problems)
1. 无线网络(1. Wi-Fi)
互联网连接(Internet connection)确实是有史以来最伟大的发明。不稳定的互联网使您远离娱乐、媒体、新闻,甚至可能远离您所爱的人。因此,与其无助地坐在那里,不如通过尝试以下方法来解决这些连接问题并修复您的三星 A70 。(Samsung A70)
重新启动您的设备(Reboot your device)
1.同时按下音量降低(volume down )和电源按钮( power button)。
热点选项(Hotspot option)
1. 向下滚动您的快速访问栏(Quick Access Bar)并检查您的热点(Hotspot)是否被意外打开。
2. 如果是,只需将其关闭。( off.)
网络安全(Network security)
有时,我们最不关心的事情可能是我们问题的根本原因(root cause)。要让您的互联网连接(internet connection)正常运行,请尝试以下说明:
1. 打开设置(Settings)并转到常规管理(General Management )部分。
2. 点击网络设置(Network Settings ),然后点击重置(Reset)。
凭证更改(Credential changes)
您的手机并不总是记住以前连接的Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi network)的凭据。重新连接并重新启动您的设备后,接下来要做的最好的事情是重新输入凭据。
1. 向下滚动(Scroll)通知栏(notification bar)。
2. 长按Wi-Fi图标或打开设置(Settings)并点击连接(Connectivity)。
3. 现在,导航到网络(Networks )并点击Wi-Fi选项。
4. 点击保存的网络(Saved networks)并选择网络( network)。
5. 点击忘记网络。(Forget network.)
6. 重新输入(Re-enter)凭据。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Android Wi-Fi 连接问题(Fix Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems)
2.蓝牙(2. Bluetooth)
重启设备(Reboot the device)
1.同时按下音量降低(volume down )和电源按钮( power button)。
2. 在各种选项中选择重启(Reboot)选项。
关闭省电模式(Turn OFF the power-saving mode)
1. 点击菜单(Menu)并导航到设置。(Settings.)
2. 向下滚动并找到电池(Battery)选项。现在,选择省电模式(power-saving mode)。
3. 如果打开,请点击其图标将其关闭(turn it off)。
蓝牙可见性(Bluetooth visibility)
1. 打开设置。(Settings.)
2. 向下滚动并选择连接,(Connectivity, )然后点击蓝牙。( Bluetooth.)
3. 选择蓝牙部分下的可见性。(Visibility)
蓝牙版(Bluetooth version)
在当今瞬息万变的世界中,技术非常重要。具有讽刺意味的是,在目前的情况下,我们的技术比我们更发达。当这项技术复发时,事实证明它有点问题。蓝牙版本(Bluetooth version)可能是连接失败的一个可能原因。
1. 打开蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备并点击设置(Settings)。
2. 向下滚动并点击蓝牙(Bluetooth )图标,然后点击蓝牙共享。(Bluetooth share.)
3. 单击应用信息(App Info)以获取确切版本。
3. 网络问题(3. Network issues)
网络问题是(Network)三星设备(Samsung device)用户面临的最常见和最关键的问题。但你猜怎么着,没有人能控制它。所以现在怎么办?在这里,我们让您免于失去网络和远离世界。
SIM 托盘(SIM tray)
尽管看起来很小,但它可能是您在连接方面的最大敌人。为设备的正常连接功能(connectivity functioning)生成SIM 卡(SIM card)是个人必须采取的基本和最重要的步骤。如果您觉得您的网络没有(network hasn)达到标准,请参考以下内容,然后让自己获救。
1.长按电源按钮(power button ),然后关闭(switch off)设备。
2. 借助提供的弹出器弹出 SIM 卡托。(Eject the SIM tray)
3. 检查是否有任何物理损坏。
4. 检查 SIM 卡的位置(placement)。
5. 重新插入(Re-insert)并打开(Turn on)设备。
6. 等到(Wait)它再次开始工作。
网络设置(Network settings)
1. 下拉通知栏(notification bar),进入设置(Settings)。
2. 选择SIM 卡管理器(SIM card manager)。
3. 选择引起问题的网络。
4. 选择网络(Network)。
更新软件和应用程序(Update the software and apps)
1. 打开Play 商店,(Play Store, )进入我的应用(My Apps) 和(and) 游戏。(Games.)
2.检查应用程序是否是最新(up to date)的,如果是,则无需担心。
3. 检查可能已自动下载应用程序并导致网络崩溃的Bootloader权限(Bootloader)。(Permissions)
4. 按照以下步骤检查是否有任何系统更新(system update)待处理。
5. 打开设置(Settings),进入关于手机,(About Phone, )检查软件更新。( Update.)
恢复出厂设置(Factory reset)
重置整个数据可能是您最后的手段或您最不想做的事情。虽然,这仍然是比去手机维修店(repair shop)或获得一张新的SIM 卡(SIM card)更好的选择。
1.打开设置(Settings ),找到设备管理(Device Management)。
2. 在设备管理器(device manager)下,点击重置(Reset )选项。
3. 点击恢复出厂设置(Factory reset )选项。
这应该会重置您的设备,最终您将获得更好的连接。如果没有,请在附近的三星商店(Samsung store)检查您的设备。可能(Might)只是与您的驱动程序或硬件有关的案例。但是,在烧掉一些现金之前,请尝试插入新的SIM 卡(SIM card),因为这可能是您的设备不支持现有网卡(network card)的情况。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复连接问题或无效的 MMI 代码(Fix Connection Problem or Invalid MMI Code)
4. 触摸屏(4. Touch-screen)
当您的显示触摸(display touch)不够流畅时,它会变得非常令人沮丧,对吗?您想扔掉设备并可能购买新设备。随着Android 10、超高清(Ultra HD)屏幕、血敏触控、面部扫描仪等所有即将到来的技术,谁不希望他们的显示触摸(display touch)像黄油一样光滑?别担心,每个问题都有解决方案。
5、储物空间(5. Storage space)
虽然三星 Galaxy(Samsung Galaxy)推出了单一变体,即 6 GB RAM和 128 GB 内部存储,但所有游戏和应用程序的已安装驱动程序很容易消耗这个巨大的存储空间,因为它们会占用大量数据。正在下载。相机增强(Camera enhancement)以获得更好的图片质量(picture quality)也是一个贡献者,因为这些图像每张照片可能占用多达 10 MB的空间。(MBs)因此,您设备的存储容量(storage capacity)很可能即将溢出。
1. 打开菜单(Menu )并转到设置。(Settings.)
2. 导航到Device Management/Device Care 选项。
3. 选择存储(Storage )选项。
4. 检查使用中的存储。
5. 清除任何不相关/临时数据,或者只是将这些内容上传到您的Google Drive 或三星云存储(Google Drive or Samsung Cloud storage)。
6.屏幕共享选项(6. Screen sharing option)
当您可以轻松地将手机投射到更宽且具有超高清功能(HD feature)的屏幕上时,为什么还要在 6.7 英寸全高清超级(HD super) AMOLED屏幕上观看电影?
撇开屏幕共享选项的好处不谈,它带来了各种缺点。即使您不进行投射,投射也会降低设备的实际性能。确保(Make)在不使用时关闭截屏选项(screencasting option)。
1. 打开快速设置面板(Quick Settings Panel),然后选择智能视图(Smart view)。
2. 选择您的电视( TV)并点击允许(Allow )选项。
3. 点击断开连接(Disconnect )并开始。
7. 传感器(7. Sensors)
现代技术(Modern technology)能够感知一切,从我们的脚步到我们的心跳和脉搏计数(pulse count)。传感器在我们的日常生活中发挥着重要作用。但即使是技术,就像人类一样,有时似乎也会失败。当您的触摸传感器没有准确执行时该怎么办?
1.同时按下音量降低和电源按钮(volume down and power button)。
2. 选择重启(Reboot)选项。
8.清除缓存数据(8. Clear the cache data)
智能技术(Smart technology)催生了智能设备和智能储蓄。尽管您可能认为您已经有一段时间没有在手机上保存任何内容了。休息一下,这不是真的。当您使用应用程序时,它往往会在应用程序加载时保存数据。
1. 打开设置(Settings )并转到应用程序(Apps)。
3. 转到存储(Storage )并点击清除缓存(Clear cache)选项。
9. 外部问题(9. External issues)
负责的并不总是内部硬件或数据(hardware or data),外部因素也可能会影响您的触摸性能。以下因素也可能是您的屏幕导致您出现问题的原因:
- 屏幕上的油粒。
- 安装了屏幕保护罩。
- 硬件问题。
- 后台应用程序(Background apps)(由于人工智能(AI)而在后台运行的应用程序)。
确保(Make sure)您已尝试每一步以使您的触摸恢复正常。如果这不起作用,请访问最近的三星服务(Samsung service)中心。
10. 性能缓慢 (10. Slow performance )
除非是忍者龟,否则没有人喜欢他们的手机像乌龟一样工作(turtle i.e)。快速可靠。无论是汽车、生活,还是互联网连接(internet connection),都渴望速度。那么,为什么要满足于性能缓慢的设备呢?别担心,我们会按照这些简单的步骤帮助您修复手机的性能。(s performance)
重启设备(Reboot the device)
1.同时按下音量降低(volume down)和电源按钮(power button)。
2. 选择重新启动(Reboot )或重新启动。( Restart.)
11. 应用更新(11. Application update)
有什么比体验根据您的喜好专门设计的应用程序更好的呢?每隔一周(alternate week)左右就会创建更新,以增强客户体验(customer experience)。为什么不抓住这个机会,而不是看着我们的设备因为等待更新而变慢。
1. 打开Play 商店(Play Store)并前往我的应用程序(My Apps )部分。
2.检查您正在使用的应用程序是否是最新的(up to date )。
3. 如果没有,请点击更新(Update)并等待其安装。
12. 操作软件更新(12. Operating software update)
升级硬件还不够。软件(Software)也起着不可或缺的作用。操作软件(operating software)非常重要,因为它通过操作指导、总体外观、用户界面等来升级我们的设备。
1. 从主页,转到设置(Settings)。
2. 滚动并单击关于电话(About Phone)。点击软件更新。(Software updates.)
3. 现在,下载(download )更新(如果有)。
13.缓存分区(13. Cache partition)
就像缓存可能是您的触摸屏滞后的主要原因一样,它可能是使您的手机(cell phone)运行缓慢的主要参与者。道德(Moral),缓存需要被清除。
1. 打开设置(Settings)并转到应用程序(Apps)。
2. 选择一个应用程序并单击(application and click)存储(Storage.)。
3. 现在,点击清除缓存。(Clear cache.)
14. 后台应用(14. Background applications)
您的设备已使用 AI(人工智能)进行了更新,可以为您处理所有事情。该设备经过训练可以关闭您一段时间未使用但仍在运行的应用程序。但这可能会消耗RAM,导致您的手机(cell phone)滞后。
1. 点击最近的应用程序键(Recent Apps Key)并向右滑动以查看正在运行的应用程序。
2. 向上滑动关闭应用程序。
3. 按全部清除(Clear all)一次关闭所有应用程序。
15. 外部因素(15. External factors)
- 正在使用的配件与您的设备不兼容。
- 默认存储系统(default storage system)中的病毒。
16. 电池寿命(16. Battery life)
购买配备 4500 mAh 电池(mAh battery)的设备只需 30 分钟即可充电至 42%。即时充电的长电池寿命(battery life)是没有人愿意失去的好处。但是,随着时间的推移,您的电池需要得到照顾,否则您可能会面临电池危机(battery crisis)。
17. 多个应用程序运行(17. Multiple applications running)
由于您的设备由 AI 管理,因此在特定时间点访问多个应用程序非常幸福。但从长远来看,这可能只会影响电池的使用寿命。多个应用程序的使用(application usage)可能会比预期更快地耗尽您的电池并使您的设备过热,而过度充电可能会导致电池寿命(battery life)变差。
1. 点击最近的应用程序键(Recent Apps Key),然后向右滑动以查看正在运行的应用程序。
2. 向上滑动关闭应用程序。
3. 按全部清除(Clear all)一次关闭所有应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复“OK Google”不起作用的6种方法(Ways)
18. 应用通知(18. App notifications)
1. 向上滑动以访问设置。(Settings.)
2. 选择通知(Notifications )并点击查看全部(See all)。然后,去寻找最新的应用程序。
3. 关闭(Turn off)不需要的应用程序的通知
19.关闭自动下载(19. Turn off auto-download)
128 GB 的存储空间,无限制的互联网访问(internet access),无限制的数据访问,您还需要什么?自动下载可以让我们的生活更轻松。但是,有没有想过它可能会对您的设备产生什么影响?过多的下载或自动下载可能只会影响您的电池寿命(battery life),比平时更快地耗尽它。确保不要下载不必要的应用程序和数据(apps and data)。关闭此类不必要的应用程序的自动下载。
1. 打开Play 商店(Play Store )并向右滑动打开菜单。
2. 打开设置(Settings )并点击自动更新应用程序。(Auto-update apps.)
3. 关闭自动下载。(Auto-download.)
20. 数据过多(20. Excessive data)
1. 打开应用程序菜单(Application Menu),长按不需要的应用程序。
2. 只需将其拖至屏幕顶部的卸载选项即可。(Uninstall)
3. 数据清除。
1. 打开设置(Settings)并转到应用程序(Apps)。选择导致问题的应用程序。
2. 单击存储(Storage )并点击清除数据,(Clear data,)然后选择确定(Ok)。
21.数据同步(21. Data synchronization)
让您的数据在各种应用程序和手机(cell phone)之间同步确实是一种很棒的感觉,因为您不必处理数据碎片。只需同步(Just synchronize),您就可以更新所有数据并在应用程序之间相互关联。过多的同步会导致电池耗尽。
1. 向下滑动通知栏(Notification Bar )并打开设置。(Settings.)
2. 向下滚动列表并找到帐户和备份。(Accounts & backup.)
3. 现在,选择一个帐户并关闭自动同步( automatic synchronization)。
以下信息可能有助于您提高电池质量并延长电池寿命(battery life):
繁重的应用程序(Heavy applications)会更快地耗尽电池。仅在需要时安装(Install)。
- 谷歌地图(Google Maps)、热点(Hotspot)和蓝牙一起运行能够(Bluetooth)更快( much faster)地耗尽你的电池。
22.慢速充电(22. Slow charging)
具有所有重要功能的 4500 mAh 电池(mAh battery)不会持续很长时间。快速充电将无法每次都为您节省时间。如果您的电池开始以缓慢的速度充电怎么办?
- 切勿使用属于其他(belonging to another) 设备的充电器,即(device i.e)。使用公司提供的充电器。
永远不要过度充电(Never overcharge),它会耗尽你的电池。
尽量不要在(Try not to use)充电时使用您的设备。
- 检查是否有任何物理损坏(physical damage)。
(Lower your screen brightness)充电时降低屏幕亮度。
- 检查充电线(charging cable)是否工作正常。
- 更喜欢使用优质的移动电源(quality power banks)。
23. Camera/blurry images
捕捉时刻珍惜您的一生是科技为我们提供的最棒的礼物。(gift technology)您不仅可以将它们作为纪念品,还可以与您所爱的人分享。
以下是一些提高图片质量(picture quality)的技巧:
1.检查电池是否低于15%或手机(cell phone)是否处于省电模式( mode)。如果已打开,请将其关闭。
2. 检查任何操作系统更新(operating system update)。
- 主页 >设置。( Settings.)
- 向下滚动并单击关于手机(About phone )>软件更新(Software updates)。
- 单击“软件更新(Software updates )” > “下载(Download)( 如果有)”后。
- 下载后,只需重新启动(Reboot)设备。
3. 拍摄图像时保持手机静止。
4. 检查您是否有完美的照明(the perfect lighting )或能见度( visibility)。
5. 检查镜头相关问题。 拍摄前用软布清洁镜头。(Clean the lens )
6. 给您的设备足够的时间集中注意力(time to focus)。
24. 应用程序无法正常运行(24. Apps not working properly)
随着即将到来的技术,应用程序每秒钟都在升级,以改善客户体验并使其用户友好。有时,我们往往会忘记更新应用程序,或者我们可能没有足够的数据。因此,操作系统(operating system)不支持您的应用程序顺利运行。
让我们讨论一下可能会减慢您的应用程序的几点:(Let us discuss the points which can slow down your applications:)
1. 应用更新(1. Application update)
1. 打开Google Play 商店(Google Play Store )(Google Play Store )并转到我的应用和游戏(My Apps and games)。
3. 如果没有,请点击更新(Update)选项并等待它安装。
2. 操作软件更新(2. Operating software update )
要更新您的操作软件(operating software),请执行以下简单步骤:
1. 主页(Homepage)>设置(Settings)。
2. 向下滚动并点击关于手机(About Phone ),然后点击软件更新。( Software updates.)
3. 下载更新。
4.下载后,重启(Reboot )设备即可。
3.卸载并重新安装(3. Uninstall & reinstall)
1.找到Google Play Store并向右滑动。
2. 点击我的应用程序和游戏(My Apps & Games),然后选择引起轰动的应用程序。
4. 完成后,重新安装(reinstall )应用程序。
4.扫描您的设备是否有病毒(4. Scan your device for viruses)
1. 向上滑动应用程序抽屉并查找(application drawer and look)设置。(Settings.)
2. 现在,点击设备维护(Device care)并等待扫描完成。
3. 打开设备管理器(Device Manager)。点击设备安全。(Device security.)
4. 选择扫描手机(Scan phone ),进入锁屏状态。(screen lock.)
5. 在重置(Reset )菜单下,您会找到全部删除(Delete all)。选择它。
5.检查应用程序设置和权限(5. Check application settings and permissions)
1. 打开设置。(Settings.)
2. 打开应用程序(Apps)并点击权限( Permissions)。
3. 检查您是否已授予所有必要的权限。
6.过热(6. Overheating)
7.听筒听起来机器人(7. Earpiece sounds robotic)
- 真正的麻烦制造者(trouble creator)可能是对扬声器造成的液态水损坏。(water damage)检查。
- 将听筒与手机正确连接。
- 当您在手机的声音设置中更改相同的连接模式时,听筒可能会导致此问题。(connection mode)那里有各种可用的选项,您可以根据听筒类型进行选择。
- 请检查此问题是否只是因为您的手机听筒连接器(earpiece connector)有问题而引起的。
- 由于手机操作系统(phone operating system)中的错误,存在一定的问题
- 检查您是否已完全关闭手机声音。
- 此问题可能是电话声音驱动程序/卡故障或您正在播放的音乐质量非常差的结果。
- 通话期间的低信号强度也会导致此问题。
专业提示:(Pro tips:)
- 确保(Make)该设备未与任何其他设备连接。
- 关闭蓝牙(Bluetooth)。
- 检查任何硬件缺陷。
- 使用公司提供的充电器。
- 避免(Avoid)在为设备充电时下载。
- 避免(Avoid)在充电时使用您的设备。
推荐:(Recommended:)修复 WhatsApp 的常见问题
因此,当您的三星 A70(Samsung A70)发脾气时,这些技巧可以派上用场。最后,希望我们能成功帮助您解决三星 Galaxy A70 常见问题(fix Samsung Galaxy A70 common problems)。在下面的评论部分让我们知道您的反馈!
Fix Samsung Galaxy A70 common problems
Does your phone start throwing tantrums and comes up with a bunch of problems every day? Here are the few fixes for Samsung Galaxy A70 common problems.
Samsung is getting bigger and better with each passing day. After Galaxy A50, Samsung has come up with a more reliable version, Samsung Galaxy A70. It has a stronger base and better features than any other Android in the market right now.
Although the A70 isn’t the finest in the A-series, it definitely has something fresh to offer. Its massive display is counted to be its first attraction, taking your Galaxy Notes experience to a whole new level. A70 has a mix of extravagant features in a not so compact device at a great price. This is the reason why it has thousands of loyal buyers.
But a time arrives when this amazing phone starts throwing tantrums and comes up with a bunch of problems every other day. This is a common issue with every Android device. Many users grieve about them and for that matter, to help you out, we have listed down a few common problems you face in the Samsung Galaxy A70 with their solutions.
So let’s get started!
Fix Samsung Galaxy A70 common problems
Connecting with others through our phones has been an essential part of our lives. What if you lost the connectivity? Surely, you will feel adrift at that point of time or until the issue is resolved. So, gather yourself and try resolving the issue on your own.
Below are a few hacks that might help you out with these issues.
1. Wi-Fi
Internet connection has indeed been the greatest invention of all time. An unstable internet distances you from the entertainment, media, news, and maybe from your loved ones too. So, rather than sitting around helplessly, solve these connectivity woes and fix your Samsung A70 by trying out the following methods.
Reboot your device
Sometimes the answer to your question is just a single word, REBOOT. Follow these steps to reboot your device:
1. Press the volume down and power button altogether.
2. Select the Reboot option among the various options on the screen.
Hotspot option
1. Scroll down your Quick Access Bar and check whether your Hotspot has accidentally been turned on.
2. In case yes, just turn it off.
Network security
Sometimes, the things we are least bothered about might be the root cause of our problem. To have your internet connection up & running, try the following instructions:
1. Open the Settings and go to the General Management section.
2. Tap on Network Settings and then on Reset.
Enjoy your uninterrupted connection.
Credential changes
Your phone does not always remember the credentials of a previously connected Wi-Fi network. The next best thing to do, after reconnecting and rebooting your device is re-entering the credentials.
1. Scroll down the notification bar.
2. Long-press on the Wi-Fi icon or open the Settings and tap on Connectivity.
3. Now, navigate to the Networks and tap on the Wi-Fi option.
4. Tap on the Saved networks and select the network.
5. Tap on Forget network.
6. Re-enter the credentials.
Also Read: Fix Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems
2. Bluetooth
With technology, our devices have enhanced too. Connecting Bluetooth to the external devices has made it easy for us to entertain ourselves without any hassle. What if this doesn’t work? We are here with some simple solutions that might help you at this time of crisis.
Reboot the device
As mentioned earlier, rebooting your device might be the best solution for having your device up and running.
1. Press the volume down and power button altogether.
2. Select the Reboot option among the various options.
Turn OFF the power-saving mode
Turning ON the power saving mode is probably the best thing to do when your battery is draining at a fast pace. But it has its own perks and disadvantages.
1. Tap on Menu and navigate to the Settings.
2. Scroll down and find the Battery option. Now, select the power-saving mode.
3. In case turned on, turn it off by tapping on its icon.
Enjoy the connection.
Bluetooth visibility
If your device is not visible while your Bluetooth is on, it won’t allow your phone to pair with the other devices.
Just try the following to make sure you are visible to every device in your range:
1. Open the Settings.
2. Scroll down and select Connectivity, then tap on Bluetooth.
3. Select Visibility under the Bluetooth section.
4. In case turned off, turn it on.
Bluetooth version
Technology is really important in today’s dynamic world. Ironically, our technology is more developed than us in the present scenario. When this technology relapses, it turns out to be a bit problematic. The Bluetooth version might be a possible reason for the failure of connection.
1. Turn on the Bluetooth device and tap on Settings.
2. Scroll down and tap on the Bluetooth icon and then on Bluetooth share.
3. Click on App Info to get the exact version.
4. In case still disabled, clear the cache under the app’s settings.
3. Network issues
Network issues are the most common & critical issues faced by a Samsung device user. But guess what, no one has it under control. So, what now? Here, we are saving you from losing your network and drifting far from the world.
SIM tray
As tiny as it seems, it might be your biggest enemy while it comes to the connections. Generating a SIM card for a proper connectivity functioning of your device is the basic and the utmost step an individual has to take. In case you feel your network hasn’t been up to mark, refer the following, and get yourself rescued.
1. Long-press the power button and then switch off your device.
2. Eject the SIM tray with the help of an ejector provided.
3. Check for any physical damage.
4. Check the placement of your SIM card.
5. Re-insert and Turn on the device.
6. Wait until it starts to work again.
Network settings
Every phone has automatic and manual settings. Our devices work best when put on an auto-pilot mode (automatic). Make sure your device is automated and has been granted all permissions to work with full efficiency.
In the case of the default settings, follow these steps:
1. Pull down the notification bar and go to the Settings.
2. Select the SIM card manager.
3. Select the network causing problems.
4. Select Network.
5. Check whether it is on manual or automatic. In case of manual, toggle them back to Automatic.
Update the software and apps
Updating our device to keep up with the dynamic world has been one of the toughest tasks anyone can face. Apparently, change is good. So, why leave our devices with the same old app versions or with the same old software that it has been on for a very long time?
Here are a few steps that might just help you:
1. Open the Play Store, go to My Apps and Games.
2. Check whether the apps are up to date and in case yes, nothing to worry about.
3. Check for the Permissions with Bootloader which might have auto-downloaded the applications and caused your network to crash.
4. Follow these steps to check if any system update is pending or not.
5. Open the Settings, go to About Phone, and check for the software Update.
6. Update, if any.
Factory reset
Resetting the entire data might be your last resort or the last thing you’d like to do. Although, it is still a better option than visiting a mobile repair shop or getting a new SIM card, altogether.
1. Open the Settings and find the Device Management.
2. Under the device manager, tap on the Reset option.
3. Tap on the Factory reset option.
This should reset your device and you will end up with a better connection. If not, get your device checked in a nearby Samsung store. Might just be a case related to your drivers or hardware. But, before burning some cash, try inserting a new SIM card as it might be a case of your device not supporting the existing network card.
Also Read: Fix Connection Problem or Invalid MMI Code
4. Touch-screen
It gets very frustrating when your display touch is not smooth enough, right? You feel like trashing the device and probably buying a new one. With all the upcoming technology such as Android 10, Ultra HD screens, blood sensitive touch, face scanners, etc. who wouldn’t want their display touch to be as smooth as butter? Don’t worry, there’s a solution to every problem.
5. Storage space
Although the Samsung Galaxy has a single variant launched, i.e. a 6 GB RAM with an internal storage of 128 GB, this massive storage can get easily consumed by the installed drivers of all the games & apps as they take up a good amount of data after being downloaded. Camera enhancement for better picture quality is also a contributor, as these images might take up to 10 MBs per photograph. So, it is quite possible that your device’s storage capacity is about to overflow.
To clear your storage, follow these steps:
1. Open the Menu and go to the Settings.
2. Navigate to the Device Management/Device Care option.
3. Select the Storage option.
4. Check the storage in use.
5. Clear anything that is not relevant/temporary data or just upload the things to your Google Drive or Samsung Cloud storage.
6. Screen sharing option
Why watch a movie on a 6.7-inch full HD super AMOLED screen when you can easily cast your phone to a screen which is wider & has the ultra HD feature?
Keeping aside the screen sharing option’s perks, it brings in various drawbacks. Casting can pull down the actual performance of your device even when you are not casting. Make sure to switch off the screencasting option when not in use.
Follow these steps to do so:
1. Open the Quick Settings Panel and then select Smart view.
2. Select your TV and tap on the Allow option.
3. Tap on Disconnect and get going.
7. Sensors
Modern technology is capable of sensing everything, from our footsteps to our heartbeats and the pulse count as well. Sensors play an important role in our daily lives. But even technology, like human beings, seems to fail sometimes. What to do when your touch sensors have not been performing accurately?
Just follow these steps.
1. Press the volume down and power button altogether.
2. Select the Reboot option.
8. Clear the cache data
Smart technology gives rise to smart devices and smart savings. Although you might think that you haven’t saved anything on your phone in a while. Rest your case, this isn’t true. While you use an application, it tends to save data while the app is loading.
This process consumes a good amount of space on your device, affecting its functioning. The question arises, what to do with this unnecessary data? As simple as it gets, erases!
1. Open the Settings and go to Apps.
2. Tap on the app you want to clear the cache of.
3. Go to Storage and tap on the Clear cache option.
9. External issues
It’s not always the internal hardware or data that is responsible, external factors might also affect the performance of your touch. The following factors might also be the reason for your screen causing you problems:
- Oil particles on the screen.
- Screen guard installed.
- Hardware issues.
- Background apps (the apps that are running in the background because of the AI).
Make sure you’ve tried every step to get your touch back to normal. In case this does not work, visit the nearest Samsung service centre.
10. Slow performance
Nobody likes their cell phones to work like a turtle unless it’s a ninja turtle i.e. fast and reliable. Speed is craved for, be it cars, life, or even an internet connection. Then, why settle for a device which has a slow performance? Don’t worry, we’ll help you fix your phone’s performance, following these simple steps.
Reboot the device
Sometimes, the answer to your question is just a single word, reboot!
Follow these instructions to reboot your device:
1. Press the volume down and power button altogether.
2. Select either Reboot or Restart.
11. Application update
What is better than experiencing an application specifically designed as per your preferences? Updates are created every alternate week or so to enhance the customer experience. Why not grab this opportunity instead of watching our devices get slow because of the pending updates.
Update your applications by just following these simple steps:
1. Open the Play Store and head to the My Apps section.
2. Check whether the app you’re using is up to date or not.
3. If not, tap on Update and wait for its installation.
12. Operating software update
Upgrading the hardware isn’t just enough. Software plays an integral part too. The operating software is really important as it upgrades our devices with operational guidance, general appearance, user-interface, etc.
Follow these steps to update the OS:
1. From the homepage, go to Settings.
2. Scroll and click on About Phone. Tap on Software updates.
3. Now, download the update, if any.
4. After installation, just Reboot the device.
Enjoy a newly built appearance, user-interface, and operationally guided device.
13. Cache partition
Just like cache can be a major reason to have your touch screen lagged, it can be a major participant for making your cell phone operationally slow. Moral, the cache needs to be wiped off.
By following these simple steps, you will be able to do so:
1. Open the Settings and go to the Apps.
2. Select an application and click on Storage.
3. Now, tap on Clear cache.
14. Background applications
Switching between applications is easier than logging into different ones. But what happens if there are plenty of applications running in the background?
Your device is updated with AI (artificial intelligence) to cover the things for you. The device is trained to shut down applications you haven’t used in a while but are still running. But this might consume the RAM, causing your cell phone to lag.
Close such apps by following these steps:
1. Tap on the Recent Apps Key and swipe right to see the application running.
2. Swipe up to close the application.
3. Press Clear all to close all the applications at once.
15. External factors
External factors can be best defined as one of the major hardware reasons resulting in your device to slow down, while you demand your device to perform better. They play an equally important role as the software.
The following external factors might be the reason for your phone’s slow performance:
- Accessories being used that are not compatible with your device.
- A virus in the default storage system.
16. Battery life
Buying a device with a 4500 mAh battery is capable of charging up to 42% in just 30 minutes. Long battery life with instant charging is a bonus that no one would like to lose out on. But, with time, your battery needs to be taken care of otherwise, you might face a battery crisis.
17. Multiple applications running
Accessing multiple applications at a particular point of time has been bliss as your device is managed by AI. But considering it in the long run, this might just affect the lifespan of your battery. Multiple application usage can drain your battery faster than expected and overheat your device while excessive charging can result in poor battery life.
This can be avoided by following these simple steps:
1. Tap on the Recent Apps Key and then swipe right to see which applications are running.
2. Swipe up to close the applications.
3. Press Clear all to close all the applications at once.
Also Read: 6 Ways to Fix “OK Google” Not Working
18. App notifications
Getting notified at the very moment is what keeping yourself up to date means. But every time you install an application, the notifications for that app are automatically turned on. These might be of no use when it comes to applications that you hardly use. Further, these can bring down the performance of your battery.
To get rid of them, follow these steps:
1. Swipe up to access the Settings.
2. Select Notifications and tap on See all. Then, go for the most recent apps.
3. Turn off the notifications for unwanted applications
19. Turn off auto-download
128 GB of storage, unlimited internet access, unlimited data to access, what else do you need? Auto-downloading can make our lives much easier. But, ever thought what impact it might have on your device? Too much downloading or auto-downloading might just affect your battery life, draining it faster than usual. Make sure you don’t download the unnecessary apps and data. Turn off auto-download for such unnecessary applications.
Follow these steps to do so:
1. Open the Play Store and swipe right to open Menu.
2. Open the Settings and tap on Auto-update apps.
3. Turn off Auto-download.
20. Excessive data
Access to millions of applications, websites, unlimited data that can be downloaded, you just name it and your device has got it. But is it worth keeping every little detail which might not be necessary anymore?
The best we can do is:
1. Open the Application Menu and long-press the application not required.
2. Simply drag it towards the Uninstall option on top of your screen.
3. Data cleared.
But what should be done with the applications which do not provide you with an option to uninstall?
To clear such apps, find the following steps useful:
1. Open the Settings and go to Apps. Select the app that is causing trouble.
2. Click on Storage and tap on Clear data, and select Ok.
21. Data synchronization
Having your data synced among various applications and the cell phone is indeed a great feeling, as you do not have to deal with data fragmentation. Just synchronize and you have all the data updated and interlinked between the applications. Too much synchronization can lead to battery drainage.
1. Slide down the Notification Bar and open the Settings.
2. Scroll down the list and find Accounts & backup.
3. Now, select an account and turn off automatic synchronization.
The following information might help you to have a quality and an expanded battery life:
Heavy applications drain the battery much quicker. Install only, if required.
- Google Maps, Hotspot, & Bluetooth running together are capable of draining out your battery much faster.
22. Slow charging
The more time you spend on your device, the better entertainment, and merriment you get.
A 4500 mAh battery won’t last long with all the heavy features. A fast charge won’t be able to save you every time. What if your battery starts charging at a slow rate?
Don’t worry! Here are a few hacks you might want to opt for:
- Never use a charger belonging to another device i.e. use the company provided charger.
Never overcharge, it wears out your battery.
Try not to use your device while it’s charging.
- Check for any physical damage.
Lower your screen brightness while charging.
- Check the charging cable if it’s working properly.
- Prefer using quality power banks.
23. Camera/blurry images
Capturing the moments to cherish your entire life has been the greatest gift technology has provided us with. Not only can you have them as souvenirs but share them with your loved ones too.
Sometimes, not being able to capture a remarkable event can be really frustrating, but lucky for you, you have us. Apart from the rest of the issues, camera-related problems are just temporary.
Here are a few tricks to improve your picture quality:
1. Check whether the battery is below 15% or if the cell phone is on power-saving mode. If it is on, turn it off.
2. Check for any operating system update.
- Homepage > Settings.
- Scroll down and click on About phone > Software updates.
- Once you click on Software updates > Download if any.
- After downloading, just Reboot the device.
3. Keep your phone still while capturing an image.
4. Check whether you have the perfect lighting or visibility.
5. Check for lens-related issues. Clean the lens with a soft cloth before capturing the shot.
6. Give your device enough time to focus.
7. Avoid zooming in on too far objects.
24. Apps not working properly
With the upcoming technology, applications are being upgraded every second to improve customer’s experience and make them user friendly. At times, we tend to forget to update the apps, or maybe we don’t have enough data. Because of that, the operating system does not support your application to run smoothly.
Let us discuss the points which can slow down your applications:
1. Application update
Updating your applications from time to time is really essential, as discussed earlier. It will not only improve the performance of the app but will also enhance the experience of the user.
Update your applications by just following these simple steps:
1. Open the Google Play Store and go to My Apps and games.
2. Check whether the apps are up to date or not.
3. If not, tap on the Update option and wait for it to install.
2. Operating software update
To update your operating software, follow these simple steps:
1. Homepage > Settings.
2. Scroll down and click on About Phone and then tap on Software updates.
3. Download the update.
4. After downloading, just Reboot the device.
Enjoy a newly built appearance, user-interface, and operationally guided device.
3. Uninstall & reinstall
The solution to your issue can be as simple as uninstalling and reinstalling the apps. Applications tend to slow down and throw tantrums after a certain point of time. All you need to do is, reinstall them and hopefully, they will work as good as new.
Steps are as follows:
1. Find Google Play Store and swipe right.
2. Tap on My Apps & Games and select the app that is creating a fuss.
3. Uninstall it.
4. Once this is done, reinstall the app.
4. Scan your device for viruses
Unlimited access to almost everything can leave your device falling prey to viruses or malware that might affect the performance of your device. To ensure better security and improved performance, keep a track of the viruses and get rid of them quickly.
1. Swipe up the application drawer and look for the Settings.
2. Now, tap on Device care and wait for the scanning to be complete.
3. Open the Device Manager. Tap on Device security.
4. Select the Scan phone and enter the screen lock.
5. Under the Reset menu, you will find Delete all. Select it.
5. Check application settings and permissions
When you download an app, you are required to grant a few permissions. Giving necessary permissions is important otherwise it may cause hindrance in the app’s performance.
To avoid that, follow these steps:
1. Open the Settings.
2. Open the Apps and tap on Permissions.
3. Check whether you have granted all the necessary permissions or not.
6. Overheating
Overheating is a very common problem. This usually happens when you overuse your phone, or if you’ve been connected to Bluetooth for a long time.
7. Earpiece sounds robotic
- The actual trouble creator might be the liquid water damage that is caused to the speakers. Check it.
- Properly connect the earpiece with the phone.
- The earpiece can cause this problem when you change the connection mode for the same in the sound settings of your phone. There are various options available there which you can select based on the type of earpiece.
- Do check if this problem is caused just because your phone is having something wrong with the earpiece connector.
- There are certain chances that the problem is there due to a bug in the phone operating system
- Check if you have turned OFF the phone sounds completely.
- This problem could be the result of the failure of phone sounds drivers/cards or the music you are playing is of very bad quality.
- The low-signal strength during a call can also cause this problem.
Pro tips:
- Make sure the device is not connected with any other device.
- Turn off Bluetooth.
- Check for any hardware defects.
- Use the company provided charger.
- Avoid downloading while charging your device.
- Avoid using your device while charging.
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So, these were a bunch of hacks that can come in handy when your Samsung A70 throws tantrums. At last, we hope we were successful in helping you fix Samsung Galaxy A70 common problems. Let us know your feedback in the comments section below!