多年来,同步一直是Windows操作系统的标准功能。这很重要,因为消费者在众多设备上使用同一个Microsoft 帐户变得越来越普遍。(Microsoft account)设置同步(Settings Synchronization),也称为SettingSyncHost.exe 是一个 Windows 操作系统程序,可将您的所有系统设置与您的其余设备同步(SettingSyncHost.exe is a Windows OS procedure that synchronizes all of your system settings with the rest of your devices)。如果同步服务(syncing service)未能正确同步信息,它不会自动终止。相反,它将永远继续操作,从而为Windows创建(Windows)主机进程(host process)的高磁盘使用率(disk usage)任务。在本文中,我们展示了修复主机进程(host process)以设置同步问题的故障排除方法。
如何修复在 Windows 10 中设置同步的主机进程(How to Fix Host Process for Setting Synchronization in Windows 10)
SettingSyncHost.exe位于C:\Windows\System32文件夹中,它是Windows的重要组件。它同步您的Internet Explorer、OneDrive、Xbox和其他重要程序。然而,尽管这个过程是有益的,但它可能经常产生诸如
- 它可能会在很长一段时间内消耗大量资源 (CPU) 。(consume a large number of resources (CPU))
- 在其他情况下,this operation would use 100% of one of the logical processors all the time。
- 它有时会导致系统挂起或冻结(cause the system to hang or freeze at times)。
对于Windows任务高磁盘使用(disk usage)问题的主机进程(host process)有许多解决方案。按照给定的方法逐步修复在Windows 10中设置同步的主机进程(host process)。
是否存在作为 SettingSyncHost.exe 的恶意软件?(Is there a Malware as SettingSyncHost.exe?)
网络犯罪分子通常以系统或用户无法识别的方式选择病毒名称。SettingSyncHost.exe是病毒或恶意软件(virus or malware)的可能名称,窃贼可能会使用该病毒或恶意软件将自己伪装成真实进程。原始SettingSyncHost.exe 文件(SettingSyncHost.exe file)可以在System32 子目录(System32 subdirectory)中找到。要检查SettingSyncHost.exe的真实性,请按照下列步骤操作:
1. 同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys打开任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 在进程(Processes)选项卡中,右键单击设置同步的主机进程,(Host Process for Setting Synchronization)然后从上下文菜单中单击打开文件位置。(Open file location)
3. 如果文件位置是C:\Windows\System32,则该进程是正版的。如果不是,则可能是恶意软件或病毒冒充SettingSyncHost.exe以避免检测。
如果位置不是(location isn)System32文件夹(System32 folder),请在计算机上运行完整的系统防病毒扫描。要运行完整的恶意软件扫描,请按照给定的步骤操作。
1. 同时按Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 在这里,单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 设置,如图所示。
3. 转到 左侧窗格中的Windows 安全性。(Windows Security)
4. 单击右窗格中的 病毒和威胁防护(Virus & threat protection) 选项。
5. 单击 快速扫描(Quick Scan) 按钮搜索恶意软件。
6A。扫描完成后,将显示所有威胁。单击(Click)当前威胁(Current threats)下 的 开始操作 (Start Actions )。
6B。如果您的设备中没有威胁,设备将显示 无当前威胁 (No current threats )警报。
方法 1:执行 Windows 干净启动(Method 1: Perform Windows Clean Boot)
当Windows(Windows)在干净启动模式下(Clean Boot mode)启动时,只会执行最关键的服务和驱动程序。按照以下步骤启动到干净启动模式(Clean Boot mode),以修复Windows任务高磁盘使用问题的主机进程(host process)。
1.同时Windows + R keys运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入 msconfig(msconfig)并点击OK打开System Configuration。
3. 转到服务(Services)选项卡并选中隐藏所有 Microsoft 服务(Hide All Microsoft Services)选项的复选框。
4. 单击全部禁用(Disable all)按钮,然后单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
5. 然后,同时按Ctrl + Shift + Esc 键(keys)以调出任务管理器(Task Manager)窗口。
6. 导航到启动(Startup)选项卡。
7. 选择应用程序(例如Skype)并单击禁用(Disable)按钮。
8. 最后,重新启动您的 Windows 10 PC(reboot your Windows 10 PC)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 DISM 主机服务进程 CPU 使用率过高(Fix DISM Host Servicing Process High CPU Usage)
方法 2:为注册表项添加所有权(Add Ownership for Registry Key)
在某些情况下,SettingSyncHost.exe进程似乎不断尝试将文件写入指定位置并随后更改注册表值(registry value),但由于缺少必要的权限而失败。因此,这会导致以下情况:
- 它一遍又一遍地写入文件并一次又一次地尝试。
- 这就是导致您的计算机过度消耗 CPU(CPU consumption)的原因。
我们可以尝试在您的 PC 上添加注册表项(registry key)的所有权,以修复设置同步问题的主机进程(host process)。
1. 同时按下 Windows + R keys 打开运行(Run )对话框
2.输入regedit并点击OK启动注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。
2.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control)确认提示中单击是。(Yes)
3. 从注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)的地址栏中转到以下路径(path)。
4. 右键单击左侧窗格中的TrainedDataStore ,然后从上下文菜单中选择Permissions...。
5. 选中所有组或用户名的(Group or user names)完全控制(Full Control)选项的允许(Allow)复选框。
6. 最后,单击Apply > OK以保存更改。
方法 3:运行 PowerShell 脚本(Method 3: Run PowerShell Script)
您还可以运行PowerShell 脚本(PowerShell script)来终止 SettingSyncHost.exe 进程(SettingSyncHost.exe process)。如果此脚本再次出现以修复主机进程(host process)以设置同步问题,它将每五分钟杀死该进程。因此,请按照给定的步骤运行PowerShell 脚本(PowerShell script)。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入PowerShell,然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 键入以下命令(command)并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
Register-ScheduledJob -Name Kill SettingSyncHost -RunNow -RunEvery 00:05:00 -Credential (Get-Credential) -ScheduledJobOption (New-ScheduledJobOption -StartIfOnBattery -ContinueIfGoingOnBattery) -ScriptBlock { Get-Process | ?{ $_.Name -eq SettingSyncHost -and $_.StartTime -lt ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddMinutes(-5) } | Stop-Process -Force}
3. 最后,重启你的电脑(restart your PC)。
如您所见,在您在计算机上注册作业之前,您必须先输入凭据。检查SettingSyncHost 进程(SettingSyncHost process)是否在输入凭据后自动停止。如果仍然无法正常工作(t work),请重新启动计算机并仔细检查(computer and double-check)。
Get-ScheduledJob | ? Name -eq Kill SettingSyncHost | Unregister-ScheduledJob
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 .NET 运行时优化服务高 CPU 使用率(Fix .NET Runtime Optimization Service High CPU Usage)
方法 4:强制禁用 SettingSync(Method 4: Force Disable SettingSync)
您还可以停用SettingSync 主机(SettingSync host)以修复设置同步问题的主机进程(host process)。按照以下步骤强制禁用SettingSync。
1.从Google Drive下载(Google Drive)Disable SettingSync.bat文件。
2. 下载文件后,右键单击它并选择以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
3. 然后,只需重新启动计算机(restart your computer)即可修复Windows任务高磁盘使用问题的主机进程(host process)。
方法 5:更新 Windows(Method 5: Update Windows)
Microsoft会定期发布更新以解决错误并提供新功能。如果您很久没有这样做,建议您立即升级Windows。当这些问题被发现时,Microsoft工程师会迅速提供修复。在继续之前,请仔细检查您是否以管理员身份登录。按照以下步骤更新Windows以修复设置同步问题的(synchronization issue)主机进程(host process)。
1. 同时按 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 磁贴,如图所示。
3. 在 Windows 更新 (Windows Update )选项卡中,单击 检查更新(Check for updates) 按钮。
4A。如果有新更新可用,请单击 立即安装(Install Now) 并按照说明进行更新。
4B。否则,如果Windows是最新的,那么它将显示 您是最新的(You’re up to date) 消息。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 hkcmd 高 CPU 使用率
方法6:允许进程通过防火墙(Method 6: Allow the Process Through Firewall)
无论您不想禁用(t wish)此选项,请检查您的防火墙是否阻止此过程或暂时禁用您的防病毒软件。之后,观察Windows任务的(Windows)宿主进程(host process)问题是否仍然存在并反馈。按照给定的步骤修复设置同步问题的(synchronization issue)主机进程(host process)。
选项 1:在 Windows 防火墙中允许进程(Option 1: Allow Process in Windows Firewall)
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key), 在 Windows 搜索栏中(Windows Search bar)键入 控制面板(Control Panel),然后单击 打开(Open)。
2. 在这里,设置 View by: > Large icons ,然后单击 Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall) 继续。
3. 接下来,单击 允许应用程序或功能通过 Windows Defender 防火墙(Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall)。
4A。通过勾选标记为 私有(Private) 和 公共(Public)的复选框来搜索并允许 主机进程(Host process )通过防火墙(Firewall)
4B。或者,您可以单击 Change Settings,然后 单击Allow another app... 按钮来浏览并将 主机进程(Host process)添加 到列表中。然后,选中与之对应的框。
5. 最后,单击 确定(OK) 保存更改。
选项 2:禁用第三方防病毒软件(如果适用)(Option 2: Disable Third-party Antivirus (If Applicable))
1. 导航到任务栏中的 防(Taskbar) 病毒 图标(Antivirus icon) 并右键单击它。
2. 现在,选择 Avast shields 控制 (Avast shields control )选项。
3.根据您的方便选择任一给定 选项:(options)
- 禁用 10 分钟(Disable for 10 minutes)
- 禁用 1 小时(Disable for 1 hour)
- 禁用直到计算机重新启动(Disable until computer is restarted)
- 永久禁用(Disable permanently)
4. 确认屏幕上显示的提示并 重新启动您的 PC(reboot your PC)。
注意:(Note:) 您可以进入防病毒菜单并单击(Antivirus menu and click)打开(TURN ON)以 重新激活防护罩。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。如何使主机进程停止以便我可以设置同步?(Q1. How can I bring the host process to a halt so that I can set synchronization?)
答。(Ans. )按照以下步骤在您的 PC 上停止主机进程(host process)以进行同步。(Synchronization)通过转到Start Menu>Settings>Accounts>Sync Your Settings。通过按下切换按钮(toggle button),您可以关闭同步设置(Sync Settings)。
Q2。主机使用的同步过程是什么?(Q2. What is the Synchronization process used by the host?)
答。SettingSyncHost.exe(Ans. SettingSyncHost.exe )是用于在您的机器上配置同步的(Synchronisation)主机进程(host process)。它用于将您的所有计算机设置同步到所有其他设备。
Q3。SettingSyncHost EXE 程序的用途是什么?(Q3. What is the purpose of the SettingSyncHost EXE program?)
答。(Ans. )SettingSyncHost.exe是一个系统化程序,可(ettingSyncHost.exe)让您将计算机设置与其他设备同步。壁纸、浏览器、OneDrive、Xbox(Wallpaper, browsers, OneDrive, Xbox)和邮件(Mail)应用服务都是设置示例。
Q4。如何关闭 Windows 服务主机进程?(Q4. How do I turn off the Windows Services Host Process?)
答。(Ans. )如果您发现Windows 主机进程(Windows Host Process)正在使用大量CPU,请不要停用(t deactivate)它,因为它是 Windows 最重要的进程之一。
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我们希望此信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复设置同步(host process for setting synchronization)问题的主机进程。请(Please)让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您有任何问题或意见,请在评论区留下。
Fix Host Process for Setting Synchronization
Synchronizatіon has bееn a standаrd feature оf Windows operating systems for sоme years. This is significant since іt is becoming more typical for conѕumеrs to utilize the same Microsoft аccount on numerous devices. Settings Synchronization, alsо known as SettingSyncHost.exe is a Windows OS procedure that synchronizes all of your system settings with the rest of your devices. If the syncing service fails to sync the information correctly, it will not automatically terminate. Instead, it will continue the operation forever creating high disk usage of host process for Windows tasks. In this article, we have shown the troubleshooting methods to fix host process for setting synchronization issues.
How to Fix Host Process for Setting Synchronization in Windows 10
SettingSyncHost.exe is found in the C:\Windows\System32 folder, which is an essential component of Windows. It synchronizes your Internet Explorer, OneDrive, Xbox, and other important programs. However, as beneficial as this procedure is, it may frequently produce issues such as
- It may consume a large number of resources (CPU) over an extended period of time.
- In other situations, this operation would use 100% of one of the logical processors all the time.
- It can cause the system to hang or freeze at times.
There are numerous solutions for host process for Windows tasks high disk usage problems. Follow the given methods step by step to fix host process for setting synchronization in Windows 10.
Is there a Malware as SettingSyncHost.exe?
The names of viruses are usually chosen by cyber criminals in such a way that the system or the user is unable to recognize them. SettingSyncHost.exe is a possible name for a virus or malware that thieves might use to pass themselves off as a real process. The original SettingSyncHost.exe file may be found in the System32 subdirectory. To check the authenticity of SettingSyncHost.exe, follow these steps:
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together to open the Task Manager.
2. In the Processes tab, right-click on the Host Process for Setting Synchronization and click on Open file location from the context menu.
3. If the file location is C:\Windows\System32, the process is genuine. If not, it can be malware or a virus that is posing as SettingSyncHost.exe to avoid detection.
Run a full system antivirus scan on the machine if the location isn’t the System32 folder. To run a full malware scan follow the given steps.
1. Hit Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Here, click on Update & Security settings as shown.
3. Go to Windows Security in the left pane.
4. Click on the Virus & threat protection option in the right pane.
5. Click on the Quick Scan button to search for malware.
6A. Once the scan is done, all the threats will be displayed. Click on Start Actions under Current threats.
6B. If there is no threat in your device, the device will show the No current threats alert.
Method 1: Perform Windows Clean Boot
Only the most critical services and drivers will execute when Windows is started in Clean Boot mode. Follow the steps below to boot into Clean Boot mode to fix host process for Windows tasks high disk usage issue.
1. Launch the Run dialog box by hitting Windows + R keys simultaneously.
2. Type msconfig and click on OK to open System Configuration.
3. Go to the Services tab and check the checkbox for the Hide All Microsoft Services option.
4. Click on Disable all button and click on Apply > OK to save changes.
5. Then, press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys simultaneously to bring up the Task Manager window.
6. Navigate to the Startup tab.
7. Select the apps (e.g. Skype) and click on Disable button.
8. Finally, reboot your Windows 10 PC.
Also Read: Fix DISM Host Servicing Process High CPU Usage
Method 2: Add Ownership for Registry Key
In certain circumstances, the process SettingSyncHost.exe appears to constantly attempt to write a file to a specified location and subsequently change the registry value, but failing because it lacks the necessary permissions. Thus this results in the following things:
- It keeps writing the files over and over and attempts again and again.
- This is what causes your computer excessive CPU consumption.
We can try adding ownership of the registry key on your PC to fix host process for setting synchronization issues.
1. Press Windows + R keys together to open a Run dialog box
2. Type regedit and click on OK to launch Registry Editor.
2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control confirmation prompt.
3. Go to the following path from the address bar in the Registry Editor.
4. Right-click the TrainedDataStore in the left pane and select Permissions… from the context menu.
5. Check the Allow checkbox for the Full Control option for all the Group or user names.
6. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save changes.
Method 3: Run PowerShell Script
You can also run a PowerShell script to kill the SettingSyncHost.exe process. This script will kill the process every five minutes if it reappears to fix host process for setting synchronization issues. So, follow the given steps to run the PowerShell script.
Note: You will be asked to input your credentials to run the script.
1. Hit the Windows key, type PowerShell, and click on Run as administrator.
2. Type the following command and press the Enter key.
Register-ScheduledJob -Name Kill SettingSyncHost -RunNow -RunEvery 00:05:00 -Credential (Get-Credential) -ScheduledJobOption (New-ScheduledJobOption -StartIfOnBattery -ContinueIfGoingOnBattery) -ScriptBlock { Get-Process | ?{ $_.Name -eq SettingSyncHost -and $_.StartTime -lt ([System.DateTime]::Now).AddMinutes(-5) } | Stop-Process -Force}
3. Finally, restart your PC.
As you can see, before you can register the job on your computer, you must first input credentials. Check if the SettingSyncHost process is stopped automatically after inputting the credentials. If it still doesn’t work, restart your computer and double-check.
Note: If you’ve previously registered the task but wish to terminate it, run the following command:
Get-ScheduledJob | ? Name -eq Kill SettingSyncHost | Unregister-ScheduledJob
Also Read: Fix .NET Runtime Optimization Service High CPU Usage
Method 4: Force Disable SettingSync
You can also deactivate the SettingSync host to fix host process for setting synchronization issues. Follow these steps to force disable SettingSync.
1. Download the Disable SettingSync.bat file from Google Drive.
2. Once you’ve downloaded the file, right-click on it and select Run as administrator.
3. Then, simply restart your computer to fix host process for Windows tasks high disk usage issues.
Method 5: Update Windows
Microsoft releases updates regularly to address bugs and provide new functionality. If you haven’t done so in a long time, it is recommended that you upgrade Windows right away. When these issues are uncovered, Microsoft engineers work promptly to offer fixes. Before proceeding, double-check that you are logged in as an administrator. Follow these steps to update Windows to fix host process for setting synchronization issue.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Click on the Update & Security tile, as shown.
3. In the Windows Update tab, click on Check for updates button.
4A. If a new update is available, then click Install Now and follow the instructions to update.
4B. Otherwise, if the Windows is up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.
Also Read: How to Fix hkcmd High CPU Usage
Method 6: Allow the Process Through Firewall
Whether you don’t wish to disable this option, check if your firewall is blocking this procedure or temporarily disable your anti-virus. After that, observe whether the problem of host process for Windows tasks remains and report back. Follow the given steps to fix host process for setting synchronization issue.
Option 1: Allow Process in Windows Firewall
1. Hit the Windows key, type Control Panel in the Windows Search bar, and click Open.
2. Here, set View by: > Large icons and click on Windows Defender Firewall to continue.
3. Next, click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
4A. Search and allow Host process through the Firewall by ticking the checkboxes marked Private and Public
4B. Alternatively, you can click on Change Settings, then Allow another app… button to browse and add the Host process to the list. Then, check the boxes corresponding to it.
5. Finally, click OK to save the changes.
Option 2: Disable Third-party Antivirus (If Applicable)
1. Navigate to the Antivirus icon in the Taskbar and right-click on it.
2. Now, select the Avast shields control option.
3. Choose any one of the given options according to your convenience:
- Disable for 10 minutes
- Disable for 1 hour
- Disable until computer is restarted
- Disable permanently
4. Confirm the prompt displayed on the screen and reboot your PC.
Note: You can go to the Antivirus menu and click on TURN ON to reactivate the shield.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. How can I bring the host process to a halt so that I can set synchronization?
Ans. Follow these procedures to halt the host process for Synchronization on your PC. Sync your settings by going to Start Menu>Settings>Accounts>Sync Your Settings. By pressing the toggle button, you may switch off the Sync Settings.
Q2. What is the Synchronization process used by the host?
Ans. SettingSyncHost.exe is the host process for configuring Synchronisation on your machine. It’s used to sync all of your computer settings to all of your other devices.
Q3. What is the purpose of the SettingSyncHost EXE program?
Ans. SettingSyncHost.exe is a systematic procedure that allows you to synchronize your computer settings with other devices. Wallpaper, browsers, OneDrive, Xbox, and Mail app services are all examples of settings.
Q4. How do I turn off the Windows Services Host Process?
Ans. If you see that the Windows Host Process is using a lot of CPU, don’t deactivate it because it’s one of Windows’ most vital processes.
We hope this information was helpful and that you were able to fix host process for setting synchronization issue. Please let us know which method worked best for you. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments area.