Zoom被全球数百万用户使用,它以其在线视频(online video)会议而闻名。与其信任其他视频会议应用程序,Zoom最适合与您的朋友、家人和办公室同事进行工作协作。然而Zoom有时可能无法检测到,Zoom无法检测到相机是一个令人讨厌的问题。是的,您仍然可以参加音频会议,但如果您正在参加重要的采访或视频演示(video presentation),这个问题非常烦人。本指南将通过有效的故障排除方法帮助您修复Zoom无法检测到相机 Windows 10。所以,继续阅读。
如何修复缩放无法在 Windows 10 中检测到摄像头
(How to Fix Zoom is Unable to Detect a Camera in Windows 10
如果互联网连接(internet connectivity)不符合Zoom的要求,您可能会在Windows 10上遇到(Windows 10)Zoom无法检测到相机或 Zoom 错误代码(camera or Zoom error code)5003 。您可以运行Speedtest以了解正确连接所需的最佳网络速度水平。(network speed)您可能还喜欢新的、更快的互联网套餐(internet package),并从您的网络提供商(network provider)处购买。如果您使用的是 Wi-Fi 连接,请重新启动路由器或在必要时将其重置。然而,切换到有线连接将是一个明智的选择。以下是导致Zoom无法检测到相机问题的一些明确原因(camera problem).
- 相机被其他程序(other programs)用完。
过时(Outdated)的 Zoom 客户端。
- 如果您的 PC 上禁用(disabled)了对摄像头的访问。
硬件问题(Hardware issues)和网络连接不足。
在本节中,我们编制了一系列方法,可帮助您解决Zoom无法检测到相机问题(camera problem)。以相同的顺序跟随它们以获得完美的结果。
方法一:重启电脑(Method 1: Reboot PC)
这是解决 PC 上所有临时故障的初步方法。重新启动设备将清除所有可能的问题并帮助您解决问题。重新启动(Reboot)计算机并检查您是否再次遇到该问题。
1.同时按 Win + D keys导航到 桌面 (Desktop ) 。
2. 现在,同时按 Alt + F4 keys 。您将看到 关闭 Windows(Shut Down Windows) 弹出窗口,如下所示。
3. 现在,单击下拉框并选择 重新启动 (Restart )选项。
4. 最后, 按 Enter (Enter )或单击 OK 重新启动系统。
(Method 2: Use Correct Camera for Zoom
如果网络连接(network connection)没有问题需要解决,请检查一下Zoom是否在您的 PC 上使用了正确的相机。
1. 启动Zoom并加入会议。
2. 现在,在左下角的屏幕上,单击停止视频(Stop Video )并检查Zoom使用了哪个摄像机。
3. 现在,退出会议并导航(meeting and navigate)到Zoom主页(home page)。然后,单击突出显示的设置(Settings )图标。
4. 接下来,在左侧窗格(left pane)中,单击视频(Video )菜单并向下滚动到主页以从下拉菜单中选择正确的摄像机。(Camera)
5. 另外,请确保取消选中突出显示的加入会议时关闭我的视频(Turn off my video when joining meeting)选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在Zoom 会议中(Zoom Meeting)显示个人资料图片(Show Profile Picture)而不是视频(Video)
方法 3:运行硬件和设备疑难解答(Method 3: Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter)
要处理相机应用程序(Camera app)中的内部故障,您可以运行硬件和设备故障排除(hardware and devices troubleshooters)程序。所以所有可以解决的问题都会被描述出来,你也可以解决。按照下面讨论的说明运行硬件和设备疑难解答(hardware and devices troubleshooter)。
1. 同时按 Windows + R 键(keys) 启动 运行(Run) 对话框。
2. 键入 msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic 并单击 OK,如图所示。
3. 在这里单击 高级(Advanced) 选项,如下所示。
4. 选中标记为 自动应用修复(Apply repairs automatically)的框 ,然后单击 下一步(Next)。
5.完成该过程后, 重新启动PC(restart your PC)
方法4:删除后台进程(Method 4: Remove Background Processes)
在任何给定时间,您的相机只能由一个应用程序使用。当您在Zoom 会议(Zoom meeting)中时,请确保您没有在其他应用程序中进行video call/conference。要关闭在后台运行的所有其他应用程序,请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 启动 任务管理器(Task Manager),同时按下 Ctrl + Shift + Esc 键(keys) 。
2. 使用高内存定位并选择(Memory e.g)不需要的(unwanted) 后台(background) 进程(processes),例如。罗技游戏框架(Logitech Gaming Framework)。
3. 然后,点击 结束任务(End task),如图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Zoom 上播放 Outburst
方法 5:允许(Method 5: Allow )相机(Camera )访问缩放
(Access to Zoom
您的“设置”中将有一个特定的应用程序和程序(apps and programs)列表,该列表被授予相机权限。如果Zoom不在该列表中,您将面临Zoom无法检测到相机 Windows 10 的问题。要启用Zoom的相机权限,请按照以下步骤操作。
1. 同时按下 Windows + I keys 打开 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击 隐私(Privacy) 设置。
3. 在左侧面板的应用权限(App permissions) 下 选择相机。(Camera)
4. 确保通过单击 更改(Change) 按钮启用此设备的相机访问权限。(Camera access)
5. 打开(On) 开关以 允许应用访问您的相机。(Allow apps to access your camera.)
6. 在 选择哪些 Microsoft Store 应用程序可以访问您的相机(Choose which Microsoft Store apps can access your camera) 下 ,打开 相机(On)开关(Camera) 。
7. 此外,在确保Zoom是桌面应用程序之一后,将开关打开(On) 以 允许桌面应用程序访问您的相机。(Allow desktop apps to access your camera)
方法 6:允许 Web 浏览器的摄像头权限(Method 6: Allow Camera Permissions for Web Browser)
如果您面临Zoom无法在浏览器中检测到摄像头 Windows 10 问题,那么您必须在摄像头权限设置中将该应用程序列入白名单。以下是允许浏览器使用相机权限的一些说明。
注意:(Note:)这里以Microsoft Edge为例。建议用户根据自己的浏览器执行这些步骤。
1. 启动Microsoft Edge浏览器并单击右上角的三点图标(three-dotted icon ),如图所示。
2. 现在,单击设置(Settings ),如图所示。
3. 然后,点击Cookies 和站点权限(Cookies and site permissions ),如图所示。
4.接下来,向下滚动主页并单击(page and click)所有权限(All permissions )下的相机(Camera ),如图所示。
5. 另外,请确保在访问(推荐)(Ask before accessing (recommended) )设置之前询问已打开,并检查Zoom 网站(Zoom website)是否未被阻止。如果被阻止,请将其删除。
6.重新启动浏览器(Relaunch browser)并检查您是否已解决问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Firefox(Fix Firefox)不加载(Loading)页面
方法 7:调整高级视频设置(Method 7: Tweak Advanced Video Settings)
一些用户建议切换到高级视频设置帮助他们解决了Zoom无法检测到摄像头的问题(camera problem)。希望此方法可以帮助您在简单的设置更改中修复相同的问题。
1. 启动Zoom并点击设置(Settings )图标。
2. 现在,从左侧窗格中选择视频(Video )选项并向下滚动右侧屏幕。
3. 然后,单击高级(Advanced ),如下所示。
4. 然后,选中使用降噪选项优化视频质量。(Optimize video quality with de-noise )
5.接下来,选中使用硬件加速旁边的框:(Use hardware acceleration for:)
- 视频处理(Video processing)
- 发送视频(Sending video)
- 接收视频(Receiving video)
如图所示的虚拟背景(Virtual background)突出显示。
6.从下拉菜单中将以下选项设置为自动:(Auto )
- 视频渲染方法(Video Rendering Method)
- 视频渲染后期处理(Video Rendering Post Processing)
- 视频拍摄方法(Video Capturing Method)
7. 最后,关闭“设置”(Settings )选项卡并检查您是否已解决上述问题。
注意:(Note: )很少有用户建议将Video Capturing Method设置为Media Foundation时,如下图所示,它修复了Zoom camera无法正常工作的问题。
方法八:重新注册相机(Method 8: Re-register Camera )
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入powershell,然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as Administrator)。
2. 然后,键入以下命令(command) 并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsCamera | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何拍摄Zoom 会议截图(Zoom Meeting Screenshot)
方法 9:更新或回滚相机驱动程序(Method 9: Update or Rollback Camera Drivers)
作为硬件组件(hardware component),保持相关驱动程序是最新的至关重要。但有时是新安装的驱动程序是你痛苦的原因。这些新驱动程序可能已损坏或存在漏洞,进而导致Zoom无法检测到摄像头。
选项 1:更新相机驱动程序(Option 1: Update Camera Driver)
1. 点击 Windows 键(Windows key),输入 设备管理器(device manager),然后点击 打开(Open)。
2. 双击 相机(Cameras) 将其展开。
3. 右键单击您的 相机驱动程序( camera driver) (例如 HP TrueVision HD)并选择 更新驱动程序(Update driver) 选项。
4. 单击 自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers) 选项以自动安装驱动程序更新。
5A。现在,驱动程序将更新到 最新版本( latest version),如果它们没有更新。重新启动计算机并再次检查。
5B。如果它们已经处于更新阶段,屏幕将显示以下消息: 已安装适合您设备的最佳驱动程序(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。单击 关闭(Close) 以退出窗口。
选项 2:回滚驱动程序更新(Option 2: Roll Back Driver Updates)
1.导航到 设备管理器(Device Manager) 并像之前一样展开 相机(Cameras) 。
2. 右键单击您的 相机驱动程序(camera driver) (例如 HP TrueVision HD)并选择 属性(Properties)。
3. 切换到 驱动程序选项卡(Driver tab) 并单击 回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver) 按钮。
注意(Note):如果“回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver)”选项显示为灰色,则表示您的计算机没有预安装的驱动程序文件或从未更新过。在这种情况下,请尝试本文中讨论的替代方法。
4. 选择 为什么要回滚的原因?(Why are you rolling back?) 在 驱动程序包回滚(Driver Package rollback) 窗口中,然后单击 是(Yes) 按钮继续。
5. 最后, 重新启动您的 Windows PC(restart your Windows PC) 以使回滚生效。
方法 10:重新安装相机驱动程序(Method 10: Reinstall Camera Drivers)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入设备管理器(Device Manager)并单击打开(Open)。
2.双击展开 相机 选项。(Cameras )
3. 右键单击网络摄像头设备并选择(webcam device and select) 卸载设备。(Uninstall Device.)
4.取消选中 删除此设备的驱动程序软件( Delete the driver software for this device) 选项,然后单击 卸载(Uninstall) 按钮。
5. 然后, 重新启动您的电脑(restart your PC)。Windows将自动安装网络摄像头驱动程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复在(Fix Laptop Camera)Windows 10上未检测到笔记本电脑摄像头
方法11:更新Zoom App
(Method 11: Update Zoom App
如果您使用的是过时的Zoom 客户端(Zoom client),您的 PC 有时可能无法检测到摄像头。请按照以下步骤更新Zoom。
1. 启动Zoom并单击个人资料图片(Profile picture)。
2. 然后,从下拉列表中选择检查更新选项。(Check for Updates )
3A。确保您收到提示,您是最新的(you are up to date)。
3B。如果有任何更新正在等待执行,请按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)进行更新。
注意:(Note: )您还可以通过选中自动使 Zoom 桌面客户端保持最新选项来启用自动(Automatically keep Zoom desktop client up to date )缩放(Zoom)更新,如下所示。
方法 12:更新 Windows(Method 12: Update Windows)
如果您没有通过更新Zoom获得任何修复,则您的 PC 中可能存在错误。这些错误可以通过更新您的计算机来清除。要解决所讨论的问题,请按照以下说明更新您的Windows PC。
1. 同时按 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 磁贴,如图所示。
3. 在 Windows 更新 (Windows Update )选项卡中,单击 检查更新(Check for updates) 按钮。
4A。如果有新更新可用,请单击 立即安装(Install Now) 并按照说明进行更新。
4B。否则,如果Windows是最新的,那么它将显示 您是最新的(You’re up to date) 消息。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复网络摄像头在(Fix Webcam)Windows 10中不起作用
方法 13:重置相机应用程序(Method 13: Reset Camera App)
如果按照上面列出的方法没有获得任何修复,请按照以下说明重置相机应用程序(camera app)。
1. 点击 开始(Start),输入 相机(camera),点击 应用设置(App settings)。
2. 向下滚动 设置(Settings) 窗口,然后单击 重置部分下的(Reset section)重置(Reset) 按钮 。
3. 再次单击重置(Reset) 按钮确认提示 。
4. 重置需要时间。重置过程完成后,“重置(Reset)”选项旁边将出现一个勾 号。(tick mark)
5.退出(Exit)所有窗口并再次尝试使用变焦相机(Zoom camera)。
方法14:重新安装Zoom App
(Method 14: Reinstall Zoom App
如果这些方法都没有帮助您,请尽可能尝试重新安装软件。当您重新安装Zoom(Zoom)时,所有设置和配置设置都将被刷新,因此您更有可能修复Zoom无法检测Windows 10 PC中的摄像头问题。(camera problem)
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 控制面板 (Control Panel )并单击 打开(Open)。
2. 现在,选择突出显示的程序和功能(Programs and Features )选项。
3. 现在,在列表中,单击缩放(Zoom )并选择卸载(Uninstall )选项。
4.然后,如果有提示,请确认,并等待应用程序在您的设备上卸载。然后,重新启动您的 PC。
5.从官网下载(official website)Zoom。
6. 现在,导航到我的下载(My downloads )并启动ZoomInstaller文件。
7. 按照屏幕上的说明( on-screen instructions)在您的 PC 上完成安装。
- 修复 ROG 游戏中心不工作
- 修复 0xa00f4244 未(Fix 0xa00f4244) 连接摄像头错误(No Cameras Are Attached Error)
- 修复 Discord 不断崩溃
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以修复Zoom在 Windows 10(issue in Windows 10)中无法检测到相机(Zoom is unable to detect a camera) 问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Zoom is Unable to Detect a Camera
Zoom iѕ used by millіons of users around the globe and it is well known for its online video meetings. Instead of trusting other video conferencing applications, Zооm is best suited for work collaborations with уour friends, fаmily members, and office colleagues. Yet Zoom may fail to detect sometimes and Zoom is unable tо detect а camera is an annoying issue. Yes, you cаn still participate іn audio meеtings, but in сase you are attending an important interview or in the middle of the video presеntation, this issue is so annoying. This guide will help you fix Zoom is unable to detect a camera Windows 10 with its effective troubleshootіng methodѕ. So, continue reading.
How to Fix Zoom is Unable to Detect a Camera in Windows 10
If the internet connectivity does not meet the requirements of Zoom, you may face Zoom is unable to detect a camera or Zoom error code 5003 on Windows 10. You can run a Speedtest to know the optimum level of network speed required for the proper connection. You may also prefer a new, faster internet package and buy it from your network provider. If you are using a Wi-Fi connection, restart your router or reset it if necessary. Yet, switching to a wired connection would be a wise choice. Here are some crisp reasons that cause Zoom is unable to detect a camera problem.
- Camera used up by other programs.
Outdated Operating System.
Outdated Camera drivers.
Outdated Zoom client.
- If access to the camera is disabled on your PC.
Hardware issues and inadequate network connection.
In this section, we have compiled a list of methods that will help you resolve Zoom is unable to detect a camera problem. Follow them in the same order to attain perfect results.
Method 1: Reboot PC
This is a preliminary method to sort out all temporary glitches on your PC. Restarting the device will clear any possible problems and help you to resolve the issue. Reboot your computer and check if you face the issue again.
1. Navigate to the Desktop by pressing Win + D keys simultaneously.
2. Now, press Alt + F4 keys together. You will see Shut Down Windows pop-up window as shown below.
3. Now, click on the drop-down box and select the Restart option.
4. Finally, hit Enter or click on OK to reboot your system.
Method 2: Use Correct Camera for Zoom
If there are no issues to be fixed with the network connection, then check once if Zoom is using the correct camera on your PC.
1. Launch Zoom and join a meeting.
Note: If you face Invalid Meeting ID Error, click here..
Note: If you face Invalid Meeting ID Error, click here..
2. Now, on the bottom left screen, click on Stop Video and check which camera is used by Zoom.
3. Now, quit the meeting and navigate to the home page of Zoom. Then, click on the Settings icon as highlighted.
4. Next, in the left pane, click on the Video menu and scroll down to the main page to choose the correct Camera from the drop-down menu.
5. Also, ensure you uncheck Turn off my video when joining meeting option as highlighted.
Also Read: Show Profile Picture in Zoom Meeting Instead of Video
Method 3: Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter
To deal with internal glitches in the Camera app, you can run hardware and devices troubleshooters. So all the issues that can be fixed will be depicted and you can resolve the same. Follow the below discussed instructions to run hardware and devices troubleshooter.
1. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to launch the Run dialog box.
2. Type msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic and click on OK, as shown.
3. Here click on the Advanced option, as highlighted below.
4. Check the box marked Apply repairs automatically and click on Next.
5. Once the process is completed, restart your PC
Method 4: Remove Background Processes
Your camera can be used by only one application at any given time. Make sure you are not on video call/conference in other applications when you are in a Zoom meeting. To close all other applications running in the background, follow the below-mentioned steps.
1. Launch Task Manager, press the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys at the same time.
2. Locate and select the unwanted background processes using high Memory e.g. Logitech Gaming Framework.
3. Then, click End task, as shown highlighted.
Also Read: How to Play Outburst on Zoom
Method 5: Allow Camera Access to Zoom
There will be a particular list of apps and programs in your Settings, that is granted permissions for camera permissions. If Zoom is not on that list, you will face Zoom is unable to detect a camera Windows 10 issue. To enable camera permissions for Zoom, please follow the below-mentioned steps.
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Settings.
2. Click on the Privacy setting.
3. Select Camera under App permissions in the left panel.
4. Make sure that Camera access for this device is enabled by clicking on Change button.
5. Switch On the toggle to Allow apps to access your camera.
6. Under Choose which Microsoft Store apps can access your camera, switch On the Camera toggle.
7. Also, switch On the toggle to Allow desktop apps to access your camera after making sure Zoom is one of the desktop apps.
Method 6: Allow Camera Permissions for Web Browser
If you are facing Zoom is unable to detect a camera Windows 10 issue in your browser, then you will have to whitelist the app in the camera permissions settings. Here are a few instructions to allow camera permissions for the browser.
Note: Here Microsoft Edge is taken as an example. Users are advised to follow the steps according to their browser.
1. Launch the Microsoft Edge browser and click on the three-dotted icon in the top right corner as shown.
2. Now, click on Settings as depicted.
3. Then, click on Cookies and site permissions as shown.
4. Next, scroll down the main page and click on Camera under All permissions as shown.
5. Also, make sure Ask before accessing (recommended) settings is turned ON and check if the Zoom website is not blocked. If it is blocked, delete it.
6. Relaunch browser and check if you have fixed the issue.
Also Read: How to Fix Firefox Not Loading Pages
Method 7: Tweak Advanced Video Settings
A few users have suggested that performing Zoom video test and then, switching to advanced video settings has helped them to solve Zoom is unable to detect a camera problem. Hope this method helps you fix the same in simple settings change.
1. Launch Zoom and click on the Settings icon.
2. Now, select the Video option from the left pane and scroll down the right screen.
3. Then, click on Advanced as highlighted below.
4. Then, check Optimize video quality with de-noise option.
5. Next, check the boxes next to Use hardware acceleration for:
- Video processing
- Sending video
- Receiving video
Virtual background as shown highlighted.
6. Set the following options to Auto from the drop-down menu:
- Video Rendering Method
- Video Rendering Post Processing
- Video Capturing Method
7. Finally, close the Settings tab and check if you have fixed the said issue.
Note: Few users suggested that when the Video Capturing Method was set to Media Foundation, as depicted below, it fixed Zoom camera not working issue.
Method 8: Re-register Camera
If none of the app-related fixes have helped you, then you can try fixing the issue by re-registering the camera as instructed below.
1. Hit the Windows key, type powershell, and click on Run as Administrator.
2. Then, type the following command and hit the Enter key.
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsCamera | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}
3. Wait for the command to be executed and check if it fixed the issue.
Also Read: How to Take Zoom Meeting Screenshot
Method 9: Update or Rollback Camera Drivers
Being a hardware component, it is essential that you keep the related drivers up to date. But sometimes it is the newly installed drivers that are the cause of your misery. These new drivers can be corrupt or infested with bugs that in turn, cause Zoom is unable to detect a camera.
Option 1: Update Camera Driver
1. Hit Windows key, type device manager, and click on Open.
2. Double-click on Cameras to expand it.
3. Right-click on your camera driver (e.g. HP TrueVision HD) and select the Update driver option.
4. Click on Search automatically for drivers option to install the driver updates automatically.
5A. Now, the drivers will update to the latest version, if they are not updated. Restart the computer and check again.
5B. If they are already in an updated stage, the screen displays the following message: The best drivers for your device are already installed. Click on Close to exit the window.
Option 2: Roll Back Driver Updates
1. Navigate to Device Manager and expand Cameras as earlier.
2. Right-click on your camera driver (e.g. HP TrueVision HD) and select Properties.
3. Switch to the Driver tab and click the Roll Back Driver button.
Note: If the option to Roll Back Driver is greyed out, it indicates that your computer does not have the pre-installed driver files or it had never been updated. In this case, try alternative methods discussed in this article.
4. Select a reason to Why are you rolling back? in Driver Package rollback window and click on the Yes button to continue.
5. Finally, restart your Windows PC to make the rollback effective.
Method 10: Reinstall Camera Drivers
If updating drivers does not give you a fix, you can reinstall them as follows:
1. Press the Windows key, type Device Manager and click on Open.
2. Expand the Cameras option by double-clicking on it.
3. Right-click the webcam device and select Uninstall Device.
4. Uncheck Delete the driver software for this device option and click on Uninstall button.
5. Then, restart your PC. The webcam drivers will be automatically installed by Windows.
Also Read: Fix Laptop Camera Not Detected on Windows 10
Method 11: Update Zoom App
If you are using an outdated Zoom client, your PC might not detect the camera at times. Follow the below-mentioned steps to update Zoom.
1. Launch Zoom and click on the Profile picture.
2. Then, select the Check for Updates option from the drop-down list.
3A. Make sure you receive the prompt, you are up to date.
3B. If any updates are pending in action, follow the on-screen instructions to update it.
Note: You can also enable automatic Zoom updates by checking on the Automatically keep Zoom desktop client up to date option as depicted below.
Method 12: Update Windows
If you have not attained any fix by updating Zoom, there may be the presence of bugs in your PC. These bugs can be cleared out by updating your computer. To fix the discussed problem, update your Windows PC as instructed below.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Click on the Update & Security tile, as shown.
3. In the Windows Update tab, click on Check for updates button.
4A. If a new update is available, then click Install Now and follow the instructions to update.
4B. Otherwise, if the Windows is up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.
Also Read: Fix Webcam not working in Windows 10
Method 13: Reset Camera App
If you do not attain any fix by following the above-listed methods, reset the camera app as instructed below.
1. Click on Start, type camera, and click on App settings.
2. Scroll down the Settings window and click the Reset button under the Reset section.
3. Confirm the prompt by clicking the Reset button again.
4. Resetting will take time. A tick mark will appear next to the Reset option once reset process is completed.
5. Exit all windows and try using Zoom camera again.
Method 14: Reinstall Zoom App
If none of the methods have helped you, then try to reinstall the software if possible. All the settings and configurational setup will be refreshed when you reinstall Zoom, and hence there are more chances that you will attain a fix for Zoom is unable to detect a camera problem in Windows 10 PCs.
1. Press the Windows key, type Control Panel and click on Open.
2. Now, select the Programs and Features option as shown highlighted.
3. Now, on the list, click on Zoom and select the Uninstall option.
4. Then, confirm the prompt if any, and wait until the app gets uninstalled on your device. Then, reboot your PC.
5. Download Zoom from the official website.
6. Now, navigate to My downloads and launch the ZoomInstaller file.
7. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation on your PC.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix Zoom is unable to detect a camera issue in Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.