Warframe 是最受欢迎的在线多人射击游戏(online multiplayer shooter game),因为它免费且易于访问。您可以从Steam(Steam)免费下载此游戏。定期发布一些更新以即兴游戏。然而,一些糟糕的网络配置导致了Warframe 更新(Warframe update)失败的问题。如果您在更新游戏时遇到困难,本文将对您有很大帮助。我们带来了一个完美的指南,可以帮助您修复Warframe 更新(Warframe update)失败的问题。所以,继续阅读!
如何在 Windows 10 上修复 Warframe 更新失败(How to Fix Warframe Update Failed on Windows 10)
有几个原因触发了这个问题。从互联网设置到恶意软件的存在,您随时可能遇到问题。仔细阅读本节以了解在Windows 10(Windows 10)上导致此错误的因素。
Corrupt Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package: Incorrect Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package可能会导致更新出现问题。如果您在安装此软件包期间遇到任何冲突,请取消该过程并重新启动它。此外,如果您错误地安装了软件包,请手动修复它们以解决问题。
冲突的互联网设置:(Conflicting Internet Settings: )充足的互联网供应(internet supply)不仅对于Warframe是必要的,对于所有在线游戏也是如此。如果您没有稳定的网络供应(internet supply),您经常会在游戏过程中被打断。如果您使用 Wi-Fi 网络,请确保队列中连接的用户数量自最后一个用户将无法获得适当的网络供应(network supply)。如果您使用以太网连接(Ethernet connection),请确保它是否已启用。建议您使用有线连接而不是无线网络(wireless network)来实现不间断的服务。
Warframe 启动器设置中的批量下载:(Bulk Download in Warframe Launcher Settings:)如果Warframe(Warframe launcher)启动器的设置有任何问题,您在更新时会遇到这些问题。在其设置(Settings)中有一个名为Bulk Download的选项,这将平滑队列中更新的下载过程(download process)。此功能会将所有下载视为一个包并将它们一起下载。如果您在Warframe 设置(Warframe Settings)中禁用此功能,您可能会修复此错误。
损坏的 DirectX 安装:(Corrupt DirectX Installation: )DirectX是一组Windows元素,可将您的软件/游戏直接链接到您的视频和音频硬件(video and audio hardware)。Warframe使用DirectX来改善多媒体体验(multimedia experience)。如果您有任何损坏的安装文件或在此过程中丢失了一些文件,您可能无法轻松更新游戏。这会导致更新Warframe时出现问题,要解决此问题,请在您的系统中安装最新版本的DirectX 。
损坏的游戏缓存:(Corrupt Game Cache:) 游戏(Game)缓存存储游戏的临时内存,以便下次启动时更快地访问。稍后,游戏缓存(game cache)可能会随着时间的推移在您的系统中累积,从而导致该问题。可以按照下面讨论的方法中的说明手动清除损坏的游戏缓存。(game cache)
恶意程序的存在:(Presence of Malicious Program:) 恶意软件(Malware)或恶意程序总是对您的系统构成威胁,会中断正常的例行功能。如果您认为Warframe的此更新错误是由恶意程序引起的,请运行防病毒扫描以确认。从您的系统中完全删除该程序并检查您是否已解决该问题。
Windows Defender 防火墙正在阻止 Warframe:(Windows Defender Firewall is Blocking Warframe: )标题解释得足够多了!Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)是一个安全套件(security suite),将阻止打开网站、游戏、程序或应用程序,将其视为威胁。要修复它,请暂时禁用它,不建议这样做,或者将游戏列入Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)白名单。
后台运行的高 CPU 消耗应用程序:(High CPU Consuming Applications Running in Background:)如果更新期间后台运行的应用程序过多,或者在更新期间使用Netflix 或 Twitch(Netflix or Twitch)等高资源消耗程序,您将面临问题。关闭在后台运行的应用程序并尝试再次更新游戏。
冲突的网络驱动程序:(Conflicting Network Drivers:)这里有两种情况会触发此错误。首先,如果您的网络驱动程序(network driver)过时,旧驱动程序将与最新版本的游戏不兼容,从而导致问题。因此,请将您的网络驱动程序(network driver)更新到最新版本。其次,如果您在更新网络驱动程序(network driver)后遇到更新问题,这意味着最新版本的驱动程序与游戏不兼容。因此,在这种情况下,请将驱动程序回滚到以前的版本。
过时的Windows操作系统:(Outdated Windows OS:)只有最新的Windows操作系统(Windows OS)才能流畅运行最新版本的网络游戏。如果您缺少此功能,则无法轻松更新游戏,因为它会导致几个相互冲突的问题。更新操作系统并(System)检查问题是否已解决。
方法一:切换到以太网连接(Method 1: Switch to an Ethernet Connection)
确保您的互联网连接是否稳定。当互联网连接(internet connectivity)不是最佳时,连接会更频繁地中断,从而导致更新过程(updating process)不完整。按照给定的说明修复您的互联网连接。
- 您可以运行速度测试(speedtest) 以了解网络速度的最佳水平(know the optimum level of network speed)。
- 您还可以选择新的更快的互联网套餐(prefer a new faster internet package)并从您的网络提供商(network provider)处购买。
- 有时,无线网络连接(wireless network connection)不足以满足游戏要求。在这种情况下,切换到以太网连接可能会解决服务器问题(switching to an Ethernet connection might give you a fix for server issues)和更新问题。
方法二:重启电脑(Method 2: Restart PC)
在尝试其他方法之前,建议您重新启动系统。在大多数情况下,简单的重新启动将解决问题,而无需任何具有挑战性的布局。因此,请尝试重新启动系统。为了那个原因 -
1.同时按 Win + D keys导航到 桌面 (Desktop ) 。
2. 现在,同时按 Alt + F4 keys 。您将看到 关闭 Windows(Shut Down Windows) 弹出窗口,如下所示。
3. 现在,单击下拉框并选择 重新启动 (Restart )选项。
4. 最后, 按 Enter (Enter )或单击 OK 重新启动系统。
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方法 3:以管理员身份启动 Warframe(Method 3: Launch Warframe as Administrator)
1. 右键单击桌面上的Warframe 快捷方式(Warframe shortcut )或导航到安装目录(installation directory)并右键单击它。
2. 现在,单击属性(Properties)。
3. 在“属性”窗口(Properties window)中,切换到“兼容性(Compatibility )”选项卡。
4. 现在,选中以管理员身份运行此程序(Run this program as an administrator)复选框。
5. 最后,单击Apply > 确定(OK)以保存更改。
方法 4:使用 VPN 连接(Method 4: Use VPN Connection)
如果按照上面讨论的方法没有解决您的问题,那么您的网络连接问题的可能性很小。游戏服务器和互联网服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)在传输过程中可能会发生冲突,因此如果您使用虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network),您可以解决问题。许多VPN(VPNs)在您下载它们之前都会提供试用版。(trial version)因此(Hence),如果可能,请使用它们并下载更新。按照给定的步骤在Windows 10中连接VPN。
1. 同时按下 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 选择 网络和互联网(Network & internet),如图所示。
3. 单击 左侧窗格(left pane) 中的VPN,然后单击 与您的VPN 客户端(VPN client.) 对应的 连接按钮。(Connect)
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方法五:验证下载缓存(Method 5: Verify the Download Cache)
现在,如果您的游戏中有任何损坏的下载缓存(download cache),您将在更新Warframe时遇到错误。现在,要解决此问题,请按照以下步骤验证下载缓存(download cache),如下所示。
1. 启动Warframe并点击右上角的设置(right corner)图标(Settings ),如下图所示。
2. 现在,单击“下载缓存(Download Cache )”下的“验证(Verify )”选项,然后单击“确定(OK)” 。参考图片。
3. 现在,确认提示,验证游戏数据?(Verify game Data? Warning: it may take quite a while to finish)警告:点击OK可能需要很长时间才能完成。参考图片。
方法 6:重置本地网络设置(Method 6: Reset Local Network Settings)
一些网络连接(network connectivity)问题也可能导致此类问题,您可以通过重置本地网络设置来修复它们,如下所述。
1. 通过在搜索菜单中键入来打开控制面板( Control Panel )。
2. 现在,将View by选项设置为Category并选择Network and Internet链接,如下所示。
3.在这里,单击Internet选项(Internet Options ),如下所示。
4. 现在,在Internet 属性(Properties)窗口中,切换到连接(Connections )选项卡并选择LAN 设置(LAN settings ),如下所示。
5. 在这里,选中自动检测设置(Automatically detect settings )框并确保未选中为您的 LAN 使用代理服务器(Use a proxy server for your LAN )框(除非您需要它)。
6. 最后,单击“确定(OK )”保存更改并检查问题是否已解决。
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方法 7:在 Windows Defender 防火墙中允许 Warframe(Method 7: Allow Warframe in Windows Defender Firewall)
Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)可能会阻止 Warframe 的下载过程,从而(Warframe)导致Warframe更新(Warframe update)失败错误。因此,请按照以下步骤在Windows Defender 防火墙中(Windows Defender Firewall)启用 Warframe(Warframe)。
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key), 在 Windows 搜索栏中(Windows Search bar)键入 控制面板(Control Panel),然后单击 打开(Open)。
2. 在这里,设置 View by: > Large icons ,然后单击 Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall) 继续。
3. 接下来,单击 允许应用程序或功能通过 Windows Defender 防火墙(Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall)。
4A。通过勾选标记为 Private 和 Public的复选框来搜索并允许 Warframe通过防火墙(Firewall)。
4B。或者,您可以单击 更改设置(Change Settings),然后 单击允许其他应用程序... (Allow another app… )按钮浏览并将Warframe应用程序添加到列表中。然后,选中与之对应的框。
5. 最后,单击 确定(OK) 保存更改。
方法 8:禁用 Windows Defender 防火墙(不推荐)(Method 8: Disable Windows Defender Firewall (Not Recommended))
一些用户报告说,当Windows Defender 防火墙(Windows Defender Firewall)关闭(OFF)时,更新错误消失了。按照(Follow)以下步骤禁用它以修复Warframe 更新(Warframe update)失败错误。
注意:(Note: )禁用防火墙会使您的系统更容易受到恶意软件或病毒攻击。因此(Hence),如果您选择这样做,请确保在解决问题后尽快启用它。
1. 按照上面的说明启动控制面板(Control Panel)并选择系统和安全(System and Security)。
2. 现在,单击Windows Defender 防火墙,(Windows Defender Firewall,)如此处所示。
3.从左侧菜单中选择(left menu)打开或关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙(Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off)选项。参考下图。
4. 现在,选中此屏幕上可用的关闭 Windows Defender 防火墙(不推荐)(Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended))选项旁边的框。参考给定的图片。
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方法 9:运行恶意软件扫描(Method 9: Run Malware Scan)
当任何病毒或恶意软件(virus or malware)使用 warframe.exe 文件时,Windows 防御者可能无法识别威胁。因此(Thereby),黑客可能很容易侵入您的系统。很少有恶意软件,如蠕虫、错误、机器人、广告软件等,也可能导致此问题。因为它们旨在破坏用户的系统、窃取私人数据或在不让用户知道的情况下监视系统。
注意:(Note:)建议不要打开可疑电子邮件或单击(email or click)受到威胁的链接以避免此类问题。
但是,您可以通过操作系统(Operating System)的异常行为来识别您的系统是否受到恶意威胁。
- 您会注意到几个未经授权的访问。
- 您的系统会更频繁地崩溃。
以下是运行恶意软件扫描以修复Warframe 更新(Warframe update)失败错误的步骤。
1. 同时按Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 在这里,单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 设置,如图所示。
3. 转到 左侧窗格中的Windows 安全性。(Windows Security)
4. 单击右窗格中的 病毒和威胁防护(Virus & threat protection) 选项。
5. 单击 快速扫描(Quick Scan) 按钮搜索恶意软件。
6A。扫描完成后,将显示所有威胁。单击(Click)当前威胁(Current threats)下 的 开始操作 (Start Actions )。
6B。如果您的设备中没有威胁,设备将显示 无当前威胁 (No current threats )警报。
Method 10: Repair Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
如前所述,如果你有损坏的Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable包,你可能会遇到Warframe 更新(Warframe update)失败的问题,要修复它,请按照下面讨论的步骤修复它们。
1. 同时按住Windows + R keys 并键入appwiz.cpl,如下所示。
2. 现在,点击OK并选择Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages。
注意:(Note: )在本文中,演示了修复单个包的步骤。重复这些步骤以修复所有软件包。
3. 在这里,单击修复(Repair )选项并按照屏幕上的说明完成该过程。
4. 最后,检查您是否已解决问题。
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Method 11: Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package
当您修复 Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages时,您将修复更新失败问题(failure issue)。尽管如此,如果您没有获得任何修复,请按照下面的讨论重新安装软件包以修复Warframe 更新(Warframe update)失败的问题。
1. 再次同时按住Windows + R keys 并键入appwiz.cpl,如下所示。
2. 现在,点击OK并选择Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages。
注意:(Note: )在本文中,演示了重新安装单个软件包的步骤。重复这些步骤以修复所有软件包。
3.在这里,单击卸载(Uninstall )选项并按照屏幕上的说明完成该过程。
4. 现在,从官方网站下载(official site)Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable并安装它。
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我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您可以修复Windows 10中的(Windows 10)Warframe 更新失败(Warframe update failed)错误。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Warframe Update Failed
Warframe is thе most preferred online multiplayer shooter game since it is free of cоst and easily accessible. You can download this gamе from Ѕteam for free. Several updates are released periodically to improvise the game. Yet, a few bad nеtwork configurations led to the Warfrаme update fаiled issue. If you face struggles while updating the gаme, this article will help you a lot. We bring a perfect guide that will help you fix Wаrframe update failed issue. So, continue rеading!
How to Fix Warframe Update Failed on Windows 10
Several reasons trigger this issue. Starting from internet settings to the presence of malware, you may encounter the problem at any point. Read this section carefully to learn the factors that cause this error on Windows 10.
Corrupt Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package: Incorrect Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package may lead to problems with updates. If you face any conflicts during the installation of this package, cancel the process and restart it again. Also, if you have installed the package incorrectly, then repair them manually to resolve the issue.
Conflicting Internet Settings: An adequate internet supply is necessary not only for Warframe but also for all online games. You will often be interrupted during the game if you do not have a stable internet supply. If you use a Wi-Fi network, ensure the number of users connected in the queue since the last user will not receive proper network supply. If you use an Ethernet connection, ensure if it is enabled or not. You are advised to use a wired connection rather than a wireless network for uninterrupted service.
Bulk Download in Warframe Launcher Settings: If the Warframe launcher has any issues in its settings, you will face these problems while updating. There is an option called Bulk Download in its Settings, which will smoothen the download process for the updates in the queue. This feature will consider all the downloads as a single package and download them all together. If you disable this feature in Warframe Settings, you may fix this error.
Corrupt DirectX Installation: DirectX is a set of Windows elements that directly links your software/games to your video and audio hardware. Warframe uses DirectX to improve the multimedia experience. If you have any corrupt installation files or a few files are missing during the process, you may not update the game easily. This leads to the problem while updating Warframe, and to resolve it, install the latest version of DirectX in your system.
Corrupt Game Cache: Game cache-store temporary memory of the game for quicker access when you launch it the next time. Later, the game cache may accumulate in your system over time, causing the issue. The corrupt game cache can be cleared manually as instructed in the methods discussed below.
Presence of Malicious Program: Malware or malicious program is always a threat to your system, interrupting the normal routine functions. If you think this update error with Warframe is caused by a malicious program, run an antivirus scan to confirm it. Remove the program from your system completely and check if you have fixed the issue.
Windows Defender Firewall is Blocking Warframe: The heading explains more enough! Windows Defender Firewall is a security suite that will block websites, games, programs, or applications from being opened, considering it as a threat. To fix it, disable it temporarily, which is not recommended, or whitelist the game in Windows Defender Firewall.
High CPU Consuming Applications Running in Background: If there are too many applications running in the background during an update or if you use high resource-consuming programs like Netflix or Twitch during an update, you will face the problem. Close the applications running in the background and try to update the game again.
Conflicting Network Drivers: Here, two cases trigger this error. Firstly, if your network drivers are outdated, old drivers will be incompatible with the latest version of the game, causing the problem. So, update your network drivers to their latest version. Secondly, if you are facing update issues after updating a network driver, this means the latest version of the driver is incompatible with the game. So, in this case, roll back the drivers to their previous version.
Outdated Windows OS: Few latest versions of online games can run smoothly only if you have the latest Windows OS. If you lack this feature, you cannot update the game easily since it leads to several conflicting problems. Update the Operating System and check if the issue is resolved.
This section has compiled the list of methods to fix the update issue. The first three methods are simple troubleshooting steps that will help you fix the problem within a few steps. If you did not get any fix by following these simple methods, continue implementing the major troubleshooting methods.
Method 1: Switch to an Ethernet Connection
Ensure whether your internet connection is stable or not. When the internet connectivity is not optimum, the connection interrupts more frequently, leading to an incomplete updating process. Follow the given instructions to fix your internet connection.
- You can run a speedtest to know the optimum level of network speed.
- You can also prefer a new faster internet package and buy it from your network provider.
- Sometimes, a wireless network connection is not sufficient to satisfy the game requirements. In this case, switching to an Ethernet connection might give you a fix for server issues, and update problems.
Method 2: Restart PC
Before trying the rest of the methods, you are advised to reboot your system. In most cases, a simple restart will fix the issue without any challenging layouts. So, try to reboot your system. For that –
1. Navigate to the Desktop by pressing Win + D keys simultaneously.
2. Now, press Alt + F4 keys together. You will see Shut Down Windows pop-up window as shown below.
3. Now, click on the drop-down box and select the Restart option.
4. Finally, hit Enter or click on OK to reboot your system.
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Method 3: Launch Warframe as Administrator
You need administrative privileges to access a few files and services in Warframe. If you do not have the required administrative rights, you might Warframe update failed error. However, few users have suggested that the problem can be resolved when running the program as an administrator.
1. Right-click on the Warframe shortcut on the desktop or navigate the installation directory and right-click on it.
2. Now, click on Properties.
3. In the Properties window, switch to the Compatibility tab.
4. Now, check the box Run this program as an administrator.
5. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Now, relaunch the program to see if the issue is fixed now.
Method 4: Use VPN Connection
If your problem is not fixed by following the above-discussed methods, there are few chances that you may have any connectivity issues with your network. The games servers and the Internet Service Provider might have any conflicts during transmission, and thus if you use a Virtual Private Network, you can fix the problem. Many VPNs offer a trial version before you download them. Hence, use them and download the update if possible. Follow the given steps to connect VPN in Windows 10.
1. Press Windows + I keys together to launch Settings.
2. Select Network & internet, as shown.
3. Click on VPN in the left pane and then, click on Connect button corresponding to your VPN client.
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Method 5: Verify the Download Cache
Now, if you have any corrupt download cache in your game, you will face errors while updating Warframe. Now, to fix the problem, follow the below-mentioned steps to verify the download cache as shown below.
1. Launch Warframe and click on the Settings icon at the top right corner as shown below.
2. Now, click the option Verify under Download Cache and click on OK. Refer to the pic.
3. Now, confirm the prompt, Verify game Data? Warning: it may take quite a while to finish by clicking on OK. Refer to the pic.
Now, wait for the process to be completed and check if the issue is resolved.
Method 6: Reset Local Network Settings
Several network connectivity issues may lead to such issues too, and you can fix them by resetting local network settings as discussed below.
1. Open Control Panel by typing it in the search menu.
2. Now, set the View by option to Category and select the Network and Internet link as shown below.
3. Here, click on Internet Options as shown below.
4. Now, in the Internet Properties window, switch to the Connections tab and select LAN settings as shown below.
5. Here, check the box Automatically detect settings and ensure Use a proxy server for your LAN box is unchecked (unless you need it).
6. Finally, click on OK to save the changes and check if the issue is resolved.
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Method 7: Allow Warframe in Windows Defender Firewall
The Windows Defender Firewall may block the download processes of Warframe which can result in Warframe update failed errors. So, follow these steps to allow Warframe in Windows Defender Firewall.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Control Panel in the Windows Search bar, and click Open.
2. Here, set View by: > Large icons and click on Windows Defender Firewall to continue.
3. Next, click on Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.
4A. Search and allow Warframe through the Firewall by ticking the checkboxes marked Private and Public.
4B. Alternatively, you can click on Change Settings, then Allow another app… button to browse and add the Warframe app to the list. Then, check the boxes corresponding to it.
5. Finally, click OK to save the changes.
Method 8: Disable Windows Defender Firewall (Not Recommended)
Some users reported that the update error disappeared when Windows Defender Firewall was turned OFF. Follow these steps to disable it to fix Warframe update failed error.
Note: Disabling the firewall makes your system more vulnerable to malware or virus attacks. Hence, if you choose to do so, make sure to enable it soon after fixing the issue.
1. Launch Control Panel as instructed above and select System and Security.
2. Now, click on Windows Defender Firewall, as shown here.
3. Select the Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off option from the left menu. Refer to pic below.
4. Now, check the boxes next to the Turn off Windows Defender Firewall (not recommended) option wherever available on this screen. Refer given picture.
5. Reboot your system. Check if the issue is fixed now.
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Method 9: Run Malware Scan
Windows defenders may not recognize the threat when any virus or malware uses the warframe.exe files. Thereby hackers may easily intrude into your system. Few malicious software, such as worms, bugs, bots, adware, etc., might also contribute to this problem. Since they are intended to damage the user’s system, steal private data, or spy on a system without letting the user know about it.
Note: It is advised not to open a suspicious email or click on a link under threat to avoid such a problem.
However, you can identify if your system is under malicious threat through the unusual behavior of your Operating System.
- You will notice several unauthorized accesses.
- Your system will crash more frequently.
Here are the steps to run malware scan to fix Warframe update failed error.
1. Hit Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Here, click on Update & Security settings as shown.
3. Go to Windows Security in the left pane.
4. Click on the Virus & threat protection option in the right pane.
5. Click on the Quick Scan button to search for malware.
6A. Once the scan is done, all the threats will be displayed. Click on Start Actions under Current threats.
6B. If there is no threat in your device, the device will show the No current threats alert.
Method 10: Repair Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
As discussed, if you have corrupt Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages, you may face Warframe update failed issue and to fix it, repair them by following the steps as discussed below.
1. Press and hold Windows + R keys together and type appwiz.cpl as shown below.
2. Now, click on OK and select Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages.
Note: In this article, steps to repair a single package are demonstrated. Repeat the steps to repair all the packages.
3. Here, click on the Repair option and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.
4. Finally, check if you have fixed the issue.
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Method 11: Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package
You would fix the update failure issue when you repair Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages. Still, if you did not attain any fix, reinstall the packages as discussed below to fix Warframe update failed issue.
1. Again, press and hold Windows + R keys together and type appwiz.cpl as shown below.
2. Now, click on OK and select Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages.
Note: In this article, steps to reinstall a single package are demonstrated. Repeat the steps to repair all the packages.
3. Here, click on Uninstall option and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.
4. Now, download the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable from the official site and install it.
Finally, check if you have fixed the issue.
Here are a few additional fixes that will help you to fix the update issue when all other methods didn’t. Follow them and check if you have fixed the problem.
We hope that this guide was helpful, and you can fix Warframe update failed error in Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.