Warframe是由Digital Extremes开发的多人在线游戏。您可以在Windows(Windows)、Xbox One、PlayStation 5、PlayStation 4、Nintendo Switch和Xbox Series X/S上享受这款游戏。其受欢迎的主要原因之一是它完全免费(free to play)。如果需要,您可以作为第三人称射击(third-person shooter)游戏来玩这个游戏。通常(Often),会发布几个更新以修复游戏中的任何错误。但是很多用户面对Warframe更新期间启动器更新失败的问题。无论您在何处访问 Steam 和其他游戏平台,您都可能会遇到此问题。我们提供了一个完美的指南,可以帮助您解决这个问题。所以,继续阅读!
如何修复 Windows 10 中的 Warframe 启动器更新失败错误(How to Fix Warframe Launcher Update Failed Error in Windows 10)
在本文中,我们展示了在Windows 10中修复(Windows 10)Warframe启动器更新失败错误的所有可能方法。但在通过解决方案之前,让我们知道为什么会出现这个问题。下面给出了此更新错误的一些原因。
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package 安装问题(installation issue)
- 损坏的游戏文件,
- 损坏的 Warframe 组件,
- 不正确的 Warframe 启动器(Incorrect Warframe Launcher)设置,
- 恶意软件或病毒攻击,
- 互联网速度(internet speed)不足或互联网配置(internet configuration)不佳。
当您遇到问题时,您可能会遇到以下任何错误消息。(error messages)
- 更新失败!
- 更新失败!
- 更新失败!
- 更新失败!
方法一:重启路由器(Method 1: Restart Router)
重新启动路由器将重新启动网络连接(network connectivity)。很少有用户报告说,配置设置中标记的所有更改都会在您重新启动路由器时生效。因此,请按照以下步骤重新启动路由器。
1. 找到路由器背面的 电源按钮(Power button) 。
2. 按一下按钮 将其关闭。(turn it off.)
3. 现在, 断开(disconnect)路由器电源线(Router power cable) 并 等待电容器完全耗尽电力。
4. 然后, 重新连接(reconnect) 电源 线(power cable) 并在一分钟后将其打开。
5.等待(Wait)网络连接(network connection)重新建立,然后 再次尝试登录(try signing in again)。
方法 2:重置您的路由器(Method 2: Reset Your Router)
注意 1:(Note 1:) 所有设置和设置,如转发端口、黑名单连接、凭据等,都将被删除。因此,在继续执行下面讨论的说明之前,请务必记下这些内容。
注2:(Note 2:)重置(Reset) 后,路由器将切换回默认设置和认证密码(authentication password)。因此,重置后使用其默认凭据登录。
1.使用 默认网关IP地址 (default gateway IP address. )打开 路由器设置。( router settings)然后,使用您的凭据 登录,(L)如图(ogin) 所示。
2. 记下所有 配置设置(configuration settings)。重置路由器后您将需要它们,因为如果您使用 P2P 协议(Internet 上的点对点协议) ,您可能会丢失(Point-to-Point Protocol over the Internet))ISP凭据(ISP)
3. 现在,按住路由器上的 重置按钮(Reset button) 10-30 秒。
注意:(Note:) 在某些路由器中, 您必须使用 大头针 (pin, )或 牙签 (toothpick )等定位设备来按下 RESET按钮。(RESET)
4. 路由器会自动关机再开机。 当指示灯开始闪烁时,您可以 松开按钮。(release the button)
5. 在网页上重新输入路由器的(Re-enter) 配置详细信息。(configuration details)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10上提高(Windows 10)WiFi 互联网速度(WiFi Internet Speed)
方法三:关闭后台进程(Method 3: Close Background Processes)
通常,当后台运行过多占用带宽的应用程序时,您可能无法下载更新,从而导致失败。此外,它们可能会增加CPU 和内存使用率(CPU and memory usage),从而影响系统性能(system performance)。按照以下步骤关闭后台任务:
1. 同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc键启动(keys)任务管理器(Task Manager ) 。
2. 使用高内存定位并选择不需要的(unwanted) 后台(background) 进程。(processes)
3. 然后,点击 结束任务(End task),如图所示。
方法 4:优化 Internet 连接(Method 4: Optimize Internet Connectivity)
每当您更新任何游戏时,请确保您拥有稳定的网络连接。(network connection)
1. 访问SpeedTest页面(page)并检查 ping 值。
2. 如果您使用的是无线连接,请尽可能 切换到以太网电缆。(switch to an Ethernet cable)
3.通过联系您的网络提供商选择(network provider)更快的互联网套餐(faster internet package)。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在Windows 11中(Windows 11)隐藏 WiFi 网络名称(Hide WiFi Network Name)
方法 5:运行网络疑难解答(Method 5: Run Network Troubleshooter)
运行网络适配器疑难解答(Network Adapter Troubleshooter)将解决以太网连接(Ethernet connection)中的任何故障,从而解决Warframe 启动器更新(Warframe launcher update)失败的问题。此方法不仅适用于Windows 10,还适用于Windows 7和 8.1。
1. 同时按 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 磁贴,如图所示。
3. 单击左侧窗格中的疑难解答(Troubleshoot ),然后在右侧窗格中找到查找并修复其他问题(Find and fix other problems)。
4. 选择 网络适配器(Network Adapter) 疑难解答并单击突出显示的 运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter) 按钮。
5. 选择有问题的网络适配器(troubling network adapter),然后单击下一步(Next)。
6. 等待故障排除程序检测并修复问题。该过程完成后,按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions) 重新 启动(restart) 您的 PC(your PC)。
方法 6:重置网络设置(Method 6: Reset Network Settings)
如果您在运行网络疑难解答(Network troubleshooter)后仍遇到此更新失败问题,则表明您存在网络冲突。您可以按照以下说明运行命令来修复它们:
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 命令提示符(Command Prompt) 并单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2.现在,一一键入以下命令,然后 按 Enter(Enter)。
3.最后,等待( wait)该过程完成并检查问题现在是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 10中禁用(Windows 10)WiFi Direct
方法 7:同步日期和时间设置(Method 7: Synchronize Date and Time Settings)
您可能想知道为什么我们应该为这个失败的更新问题同步时间和日期。(time and date)但是,许多用户表示该解决方案有效。你也可以试一试!
1. 右键单击任务栏(Taskbar)右端 的 时间和日期( time and date)。
2. 从列表中选择 Adjust date/time 选项。
3. 打开(On) 给定选项的切换开关:
- 自动设置时间(Set time automatically)
- 自动设置时区(Set time zone automatically)
方法 8:更改 Warframe 启动器设置(Method 8: Change Warframe Launcher Settings)
1. 点击开始(Start),输入warframe,然后按回车键(Enter key)。
2. 点击右上角的设置(right corner)图标(Settings ),如下图。
3. 现在,取消选中下面突出显示的标记为批量下载的选项。(Bulk Download)
4. 单击确定(OK)确认。
5. 再次单击确定(Ok)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Steam 游戏安装在哪里?
方法 9:DirectX 10 和 11 之间的备用设置(Method 9: Alternate Settings Between DirectX 10 and 11)
您也可以通过将设置从DirectX10切换到 11 来修复此更新失败问题,反之亦然(vice versa)。许多技术专家对此设置的工作原理一无所知,但很少有用户确认此方法可以帮助您解决问题。
1. 启动Warframe并像之前一样选择设置(Settings )图标。
2. 现在,导航到Graphics API并根据具体情况单击DirectX 10或11 。
3.如图所示单击确定。(Ok )
方法 10:在 Warframe 启动器中更改语言(Method 10: Change Language in Warframe Launcher)
您还可以通过更改语言来重新加载启动器,并可能修复Warframe 启动器更新(Warframe Launcher update)失败的更新问题。
1.如前所述启动Warframe 。
2. 单击设置(Settings )图标附近的下拉菜单。(drop-down menu )
3. 现在,来回更改语言首选项,直到重新加载(language)所需的语言(desired language)。最后,检查问题是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何将Microsoft 游戏(Games)添加到 Steam
方法 11:更新或回滚网络驱动程序(Method 11: Update or Roll Back Network Driver)
按照给定的步骤通过更新网络驱动程序(network driver)或回滚驱动程序更新来修复Warframe 启动器更新(Warframe launcher update)失败错误。
选项 I:更新驱动程序(Option I: Update Driver)
1.在Windows 10搜索菜单(search menu and click)中(Open)键入 设备管理器(Device Manager),然后单击打开。
2. 双击 网络适配器(Network adapters) 将其展开。
3. 右键单击您的 无线网络驱动程序 (wireless network driver )(例如 Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 无线网络适配器( Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 Wireless Network Adapter))并选择 更新驱动程序(Update driver),如下图所示。
4. 接下来,单击 自动搜索驱动程序 (Search automatically for drivers )以自动下载并安装最佳可用驱动程序。
5A。现在,如果驱动程序未更新,驱动程序将更新并安装到最新版本。重新启动您的电脑(Restart your PC)。
5B。如果它们已经处于更新阶段,则会显示消息 “您的设备的最佳驱动程序已安装” (The best drivers for your device are already installed )。单击关闭 (Close )按钮退出窗口。
选项 II:回滚驱动程序更新(Option II: Roll Back Driver Updates)
1. 像之前一样进入Device Manager > Network adapters 。
2. 右键单击 Wi-Fi 驱动程序(Wi-Fi driver) (例如 Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168)并选择 Properties,如下图所示。
3. 切换到 驱动程序选项卡 (Driver tab )并选择 回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver),如突出显示的那样。
注意:(Note:) 如果“ 回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver)”选项显示为灰色,则表示您的计算机没有预装驱动程序文件或从未更新过。
4. 提供你 为什么要回滚的原因?(Why are you rolling back?) 在 驱动程序包回滚(Driver Package rollback)。然后,单击 Yes,如下图所示。
5. 然后,单击 确定(OK) 以应用此更改。最后, 重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
方法 12:禁用防病毒或白名单 Warframe(如果适用)(Method 12: Disable Antivirus or Whitelist Warframe (If Applicable))
有时,您系统中的防病毒程序(antivirus program)可能会阻止您更新Warframe,将其视为威胁。要解决此问题,您可以按照以下说明将Warframe.Exe 文件(Warframe.Exe file)列入白名单或禁用防病毒程序(antivirus program)。根据您的防病毒应用程序执行这些步骤。
注意:(Note:)这里以Avast Free Antivirus为例进行演示。步骤和设置可能因反恶意软件应用程序而异。
选项一:白名单 Warframe.Exe(Option I: Whitelist Warframe.Exe )
1. 导航到搜索菜单(search menu),输入Avast ,然后从搜索结果中单击打开。(Open)
2.现在,点击右上角的菜单(right corner)选项(menu ),如下图。
3. 现在,从下拉列表中单击设置。(Settings )
4. 在General 选项卡中,(General tab, )切换到Exceptions选项卡,然后单击Exceptions字段下的ADD ADVANCED EXCEPTION 。
5. 现在,在新窗口中单击File/Folder
6. 现在,在Type in file or folder path字段中粘贴(Type in file or folder path )Warframe file/folder path夹路径,然后单击ADD EXCEPTION按钮,如下所示。
选项二:暂时禁用防病毒软件(Option II: Disable Antivirus Temporarily)
1. 导航到任务栏中的防(Taskbar)病毒图标(Antivirus icon)并右键单击它。
2. 选择Avast shields 控制(Avast shields control )选项。
3. 选择任何选项(option)以暂时禁用 Avast。
- 禁用 10 分钟(Disable for 10 minutes)
- 禁用 1 小时(Disable for 1 hour)
- 禁用直到计算机重新启动(Disable until computer is restarted)
- 永久禁用(Disable permanently)
另请阅读: (Also Read)Microsoft Store(Microsoft Store Install Games)在哪里安装游戏?
方法 13:更新 Windows(Method 13: Update Windows)
Microsoft发布定期更新其版本以修复系统中的错误。如果您使用的是过时版本,系统中的文件将与游戏文件不兼容,导致Warframe 启动器更新(Warframe launcher update)失败的问题。请按照以下步骤更新 Windows:
1. 同时按 Windows + I keys 启动 设置(Settings)。
2. 单击 更新和安全(Update & Security) 磁贴,如图所示。
3. 在 Windows 更新 (Windows Update )选项卡中,单击 检查更新(Check for updates) 按钮。
4A。如果有新的更新可用,请单击 立即安装(Install now)并按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。完成后重新启动您的电脑。
4B。否则,它将显示您是最新(You’re up to date)消息,如图所示。
- (Fix Discord JavaScript Error)修复启动时出现的Discord JavaScript错误(Startup)
- 修复 Warframe 更新失败
- 如何在 Windows 10 上玩国际象棋(Chess) 泰坦(Titans)
- 如何从 Kodi 玩 Steam 游戏
我们希望本指南有助于修复(fix) Windows 10 中的(error in Windows 10)Warframe 启动器更新失败(Warframe launcher update failed) 错误。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。
Fix Warframe Launcher Update Failed Error
Wаrframe is a multіplayer online game developed by Digital Extremes. You can enjoy this gamе on Windows, Xbоx One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox Series X/S. One of the prіmary reasons contributing to its popularіty is that it is completely free to play. If needed, you can play this game as a third-person shooter. Often, several updates are released to fix any bugs within the game. But many users face Warframe launcher update failed issues during an update. You may encounter the issue both on Steam and other gaming platforms wherever you are accessing it. We bring a perfect guide that will help you fix this issue. So, continue reading!
How to Fix Warframe Launcher Update Failed Error in Windows 10
In this article, we have shown all the possible method to fix Warframe launcher update failed error in Windows 10. But before going through the solutions, let us know why this issue is occured. Some of the reasons for this update error are given below.
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package installation issue
- Corrupt game files,
- Damaged Warframe components,
- Incorrect Warframe Launcher settings,
- Malware or virus attack,
- Inadequate internet speed or bad internet configuration.
You may face any one of the following error messages when you face the problem.
- Update failed!
Some content updates could not be downloaded from our servers.
Please restart Warframe to try again.
The update will be restarted shortly…
- Update failed!
The content servers are temporarily unavailable.
The update will be restarted shortly…
- Update failed!
Download data was corrupted.
The update will be restarted shortly…
- Update failed!
The content servers are temporarily unavailable.
The update will be restarted shortly.
In this section, we have compiled a list of effective troubleshooting steps to fix this failed update issue.
Method 1: Restart Router
Restarting the router will re-initiate the network connectivity. Few users have reported that all the changes marked in the configuration settings will be effective in action when you restart the router. Therefore, follow the below-mentioned steps to restart your router.
1. Find the Power button at the back of your router.
2. Press the button once to turn it off.
3. Now, disconnect your Router power cable and wait until the power is entirely drained from the capacitors.
4. Then, reconnect the power cable and switch it on after a minute.
5. Wait until the network connection is re-established and try signing in again.
Method 2: Reset Your Router
Before you try the below instructions, you must be aware of a few points that router reset will bring the router to the factory settings. All the settings and setups like forwarded ports, black-listed connections, credentials, etc., will be erased. Still, if you decide to reset the router, follow the instructions as discussed below.
Note 1: All the settings and setups like forwarded ports, black-listed connections, credentials, etc., will be erased. So, make sure to keep an account of these before proceeding to the instructions discussed below.
Note 2: After Reset, the router will switch back to its default settings and authentication password. So, use its default credentials to log-in after the reset.
1. Open the router settings using the default gateway IP address. Then, use your credentials to Login as shown.
2. Note down all the configuration settings. You will require them after resetting the router as you may lose your ISP credentials if you use a P2P protocol (Point-to-Point Protocol over the Internet)
3. Now, hold the Reset button on your router for 10-30 seconds.
Note: You have to use pointing devices like a pin, or toothpick to press the RESET button in some Routers.
4. The router will automatically turn off and turn back on. You can release the button when the lights begin to blink.
5. Re-enter configuration details for the router on the webpage.
Also Read: How to Increase WiFi Internet Speed on Windows 10
Method 3: Close Background Processes
Often, when too many bandwidth-hogging applications are running in the background, you may not be able to download an update, resulting in failure. Additionally, they might increase CPU and memory usage, thereby affecting system performance. Follow the below-mentioned steps to close background tasks:
1. Launch Task Manager by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys at the same time.
2. Locate and select the unwanted background processes using high Memory.
3. Then, click End task, as shown highlighted.
Method 4: Optimize Internet Connectivity
Ensure you have a stable network connection whenever you update any game.
1. Visit the SpeedTest page and check ping values.
2. If you are using a wireless connection, switch to an Ethernet cable if possible.
3. Opt for a faster internet package by contacting your network provider.
Also Read: How to Hide WiFi Network Name in Windows 11
Method 5: Run Network Troubleshooter
Running the Network Adapter Troubleshooter will resolve any glitches in the Ethernet connection, thus resolving the Warframe launcher update failed issue. This method is applicable not only for Windows 10 but also for Windows 7 & 8.1.
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Click on the Update & Security tile, as shown.
3. Click Troubleshoot from the left pane and locate Find and fix other problems in the right pane.
4. Select Network Adapter troubleshooter and click on Run the troubleshooter button shown highlighted.
5. Select the troubling network adapter and click Next.
6. Wait for the troubleshooter to detect and fix the problem. Once the process is complete, follow on-screen instructions and restart your PC.
Method 6: Reset Network Settings
If you face this failed update issue even after running the Network troubleshooter, this indicates you have network conflicts. You can fix them by running commands as instructed below:
1. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator.
2. Now, type the following commands one by one and hit Enter.
3. Finally, wait for the process to be completed and check if the issue is resolved now.
Also Read: How to Disable WiFi Direct in Windows 10
Method 7: Synchronize Date and Time Settings
You might wonder why we should synchronize the time and date for this failed update issue. But, many users said that this solution worked. You can give it a try too!
1. Right-click on the time and date from the right end of the Taskbar.
2. Select the Adjust date/time option from the list.
3. Switch On the toggle for the given options:
- Set time automatically
- Set time zone automatically
Method 8: Change Warframe Launcher Settings
If none of the methods have helped you, there are chances that you have glitches in your game launcher. Tweak the settings to resolve the problem as instructed below.
1. Click on Start, type warframe, and hit the Enter key.
2. Click on the Settings icon at the top right corner, as shown below.
3. Now, uncheck the option marked Bulk Download shown highlighted below.
4. Click OK to confirm.
5. Again, click Ok.
Also Read: Where Are Steam Games Installed?
Method 9: Alternate Settings Between DirectX 10 and 11
You may also fix this update failed issue by switching the settings from DirectX10 to 11 or vice versa. Many tech experts are clueless about how this setting works, yet few users have confirmed that this method could help you fix the problem.
1. Launch Warframe and select the Settings icon as earlier.
2. Now, navigate to Graphics API and click on DirectX 10 or 11 as the case may be.
3. Click Ok as shown.
Method 10: Change Language in Warframe Launcher
You can also reload the launcher by changing the language and possibly fix Warframe Launcher update failed update issue.
1. Launch Warframe as done earlier.
2. Click on the drop-down menu near the Settings icon.
3. Now, change the language preference back and forth until the desired language reloads. Finally, check if the issue is resolved.
Also Read: How to Add Microsoft Games to Steam
Method 11: Update or Roll Back Network Driver
Follow the given step to fix Warframe launcher update failed error by updating network driver or rolling back the driver updates.
Option I: Update Driver
1. Type Device Manager in the Windows 10 search menu and click on Open.
2. Double-click on Network adapters to expand it.
3. Right-click on your wireless network driver (e.g. Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 Wireless Network Adapter) and select Update driver, as depicted below.
4. Next, click on Search automatically for drivers to automatically download and install the best available driver.
5A. Now, the drivers will update and install to the latest version, if they are not updated. Restart your PC.
5B. If they are already in an updated stage, the message saying The best drivers for your device are already installed will be shown. Click on the Close button to exit the window.
Option II: Roll Back Driver Updates
1. Go to Device Manager > Network adapters as earlier.
2. Right-click on the Wi-Fi driver (e.g. Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 3168) and select Properties, as depicted below.
3. Switch to the Driver tab and select Roll Back Driver, as highlighted.
Note: If the option to Roll Back Driver is greyed out, it indicates that your computer does not have the pre-installed driver files or it has never been updated.
4. Provide your reason for Why are you rolling back? in Driver Package rollback. Then, click on Yes, as illustrated below.
5. Then, click on OK to apply this change. Finally, restart your PC.
Method 12: Disable Antivirus or Whitelist Warframe (If Applicable)
Sometimes, the antivirus program in your system might prevent you from updating Warframe, considering it as a threat. To resolve this, you can either whitelist the Warframe.Exe file or disable the antivirus program as instructed below. Follow the steps according to your antivirus application.
Note: Here, Avast Free Antivirus is taken as an example for demonstration. The steps and settings may vary depending on the anti-malware application.
Option I: Whitelist Warframe.Exe
1. Navigate to the search menu, type Avast and click Open from the search results.
2. Now, click on the menu option at the top right corner, as shown below.
3. Now, click on Settings from the drop-down list.
4. In the General tab, switch to the Exceptions tab and click on ADD ADVANCED EXCEPTION under the Exceptions field.
5. Now, click on File/Folder in the new window.
6. Now, paste the Warframe file/folder path in the Type in file or folder path field and click on the ADD EXCEPTION button, shown highlighted below.
Note: You can also select Warframe file/folder path using the BROWSE option.
Option II: Disable Antivirus Temporarily
1. Navigate to the Antivirus icon in the Taskbar and right-click on it.
2. Select the Avast shields control option.
3. Select any option to disable Avast temporarily.
- Disable for 10 minutes
- Disable for 1 hour
- Disable until computer is restarted
- Disable permanently
Also Read: Where Does Microsoft Store Install Games?
Method 13: Update Windows
Microsoft releases update its version regularly to fix the bugs in your system. If you are using an outdated version, the files in the system will be incompatible with the game files, leading to the Warframe launcher update failed issue. Follow the below-mentioned steps to update Windows:
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to launch Settings.
2. Click on the Update & Security tile, as shown.
3. In the Windows Update tab, click on Check for updates button.
4A. If a new update is available, then click Install now and follow the on-screen instructions. Restart your PC when done.
4B. Otherwise, it will show You’re up to date message as shown.
We hope that this guide was helpful to fix Warframe launcher update failed error in Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via comments section below.