(Windows)世界上(world population)大多数人的日常工作都使用Windows 。无论是学生还是专业人士,Windows runs on around 75% of all desktop systems worldwide。但是,即使是著名的Windows 操作系统(operating system)也偶尔会遇到一个粗略的补丁。蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机(Death)或BSoD是一个非常适合该错误的可怕名称。当Windows遇到对系统有危险甚至可能导致数据丢失的错误时,会显示此错误屏幕。(error screen)还有,蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机(Death)是很常见的,并且可能由于最简单的原因而发生,例如连接到计算机的外围设备或驱动程序安装(computer or driver installations)发生变化。最常见的蓝屏错误之一是PFN_LIST _CORRUPT错误。今天,我们将看看BSoD背后的原因以及如何修复Windows 10中的蓝屏错误。
如何修复 Windows 10 中的蓝屏死机错误(How to Fix Blue Screen of Death Error in Windows 10)
- 硬件方面的变化
- 腐败的司机
- 内存故障
- 硬盘坏道
- 损坏的系统文件
- 存储空间不足
- 恶意软件攻击
- Microsoft OneDrive 同步问题
注意:(Note:)建议在情况恶化时创建系统还原点(System Restore Point)作为备份。阅读我们在Windows 10中创建系统还原点(System Restore Point)的指南。
如何在 Windows 10 中检测 PFN_LIST _CORRUPT 错误
(How to Detect PFN_LIST _CORRUPT Error in Windows 10
Windows 事件查看器(Windows Event Viewer)是一个监控和记录系统内发生的每个错误的工具。因此(Hence),这是一种检测导致Windows 10 PC蓝屏死机错误的可行方法。(death error)
1.显示BSoD后不久重新启动您的 PC(Reboot your PC)。
2. 单击开始(Start)并键入事件查看器(Event Viewer)。然后,单击打开(Open)以运行它。
3. 在左窗格中,双击Windows 日志(Windows Logs) > System.
4. 在给定的错误列表中找到PFN_LIST_CORRUPT错误。
5. 单击错误消息并在“(error message)常规”(General)和“详细信息(Details)”选项卡下阅读其详细信息。
这将帮助您了解情况并查明PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSoD的原因。下面列出了一些您可以遵循的方法来相应地修复Windows 10(Windows 10) PC中的蓝屏错误。
方法 1:删除连接的硬件(Method 1: Remove Connected Hardware)
添加新硬件可能会导致系统对计算机的新添加内容进行分类感到困惑。这也可能表现为BSoD 错误(BSoD error)。因此(Hence),移除所有连接的硬件,除了最少(bare minimum)的键盘和鼠标(keyboard and mouse)可以帮助您解决这个问题。
关闭(Shut down)计算机。
移除所有(Remove all)已连接的外围设备,例如蓝牙(Bluetooth)适配器、USB设备等。
将设备(Plug in devices one-by-one)与笔记本电脑的CPU/monitor或 dekstop 或USB 端口(USB port)一一插入,以确定哪个设备是问题的根源。
方法 2:运行硬件和设备疑难解答(Method 2: Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter)
如果您发现方法 1 耗时,Windows内置疑难解答是一个强大的工具,能够确定和解决Windows 10 PC中的蓝屏(Blue Screen)死机错误等问题。(Death error)要使用疑难解答,
1. 同时按下Windows + R 键(keys)打开运行(Run)对话框。
2. 键入msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic并单击OK,如图所示。
3. 单击硬件和设备(Hardware and Devices)疑难解答中的高级(Advanced)选项。
4. 然后,选中标记为Apply repairs automatically并单击Next的框,如下所示。疑难解答(Troubleshooter)将自动检测并修复问题。
另请阅读(Also Read):修复Windows 10上的设备(Device)未迁移错误(Migrated Error)
方法 3:运行 Windows 内存诊断工具
(Method 3: Run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool
错误的RAM可能是(faulty RAM)Windows 10中蓝屏(Windows 10)错误(screen error)的原因。您可以使用内置的Windows 内存诊断工具来诊断您的(Windows Memory Diagnostics tool)RAM 健康状况(RAM health),如下所示:
2. 按Windows + R keys,键入mdsched.exe,然后按 Enter(Enter)键。
3. 选择立即重新启动并检查(Restart now and check for problems (recommended) )下面突出显示的问题(推荐)选项。
4. 系统将自行重启并进入Windows 内存诊断(Windows Memory Diagnostic)。扫描完成后,Windows将自动重启。
注意:(Note:)通过按F1键在(key.)3 种不同的测试(3 different tests)之间进行选择。
5. 打开 Windows事件查看器(Event Viewer )并导航到Windows Logs > System,如前所述。
6. 然后,右键单击系统(System)并单击查找...(Find… ),如下图所示。
7. 键入MemoryDiagnostics-Results并单击Find Next。
8. 您将在“常规(General)”选项卡中看到扫描结果。此后,您可以确定是否有任何硬件设备需要维修或更换(repair or replacement)。
Method 4: Update/Rollback Drivers
损坏(Corrupt)的驱动程序是PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSoD 错误(PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSoD error)的主要原因,幸运的是,它可以在不依赖专业帮助的情况下解决。请按照以下给定步骤修复 Windows 10台式机或笔记本电脑(desktop or laptop)中的蓝屏错误:
选项 1:更新驱动程序(Option 1: Update Drivers)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key) 并在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中输入设备(Device) 管理器。(Manager)点击(Click)打开,如图(Open)。
2. 搜索任何显示黄色警告标记的(yellow caution mark)硬件驱动程序(hardware driver)。这通常在其他设备(Other devices)部分下找到。
3. 选择驱动程序(driver )(例如蓝牙外围设备(Bluetooth Peripheral Device))并右键单击它。然后,选择更新(Update) 驱动程序(driver )选项,如下图所示。
4. 单击自动(automatically)搜索(Search) 驱动(drivers)程序(for)。
5. Windows 将自动下载并安装更新(download and install updates)(如果可用)。
6. 更新驱动程序后,单击关闭(Close)并重新启动(restart)您的电脑。
选项 2:回滚驱动程序(Option 2: Rollback Drivers)
如果更新驱动程序不能解决问题,回滚到您最近更新的驱动程序的先前版本可能有助于解决PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSoD 错误(PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSoD error)。
1. 启动设备(Device) 管理器(Manager )并双击显示适配器(Display adapters)将其展开。
2. 右键单击图形驱动程序(graphics driver )(例如AMD Radeon(TM) R4 图形(AMD Radeon(TM) R4 Graphics))并单击属性(Properties),如图所示。
3. 在“属性(Properties )”窗口中,转到“驱动程序(Driver)”选项卡。
4. 单击Roll Back Driver,如突出显示的那样。
5. 选择你为什么要回滚的原因?(Why are you rolling back?)并单击是(Yes)。
6. 对其他设备(Other devices)部分下的所有驱动程序重复相同的操作。
7.重新启动(Restart)您的 PC 并检查问题是否已解决。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何判断您的显卡(Graphics Card)是否正在死机
方法 5:重新安装驱动程序(Method 5: Reinstall Drivers)
有时损坏的驱动程序可能会导致PFN_LIST_CORRUPT 错误,这可能无法通过(PFN_LIST_CORRUPT error)更新或回滚过程(update or rollback process)得到修复。因此(Hence),重新安装这些可能会有所帮助。
1.按照方法(Method)4的说明进入设备(Device) Manager > Other Devices。
2. 右键单击出现故障的(malfunctioning) 驱动程序(driver )(例如USB 控制器(USB Controller))并选择卸载(Uninstall) 设备(device),如图所示。
3. 选中标记为删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device)的框,然后单击卸载(Uninstall)。
4. 重新启动您的 PC 并重新连接USB外围设备。
5. 再次启动设备管理器(Device Manager)并单击顶部菜单栏中的操作。(Action)
6. 选择 Action > Scan for hardware changes,如下图所示。
7.在列表中看到设备驱动程序后(device driver)重新启动您的 PC(Restart your PC),没有感叹号(exclamation mark)。
方法 6:更新 Windows(Method 6: Update Windows)
Windows也可能遭受可能影响数据的错误,从而阻碍系统的顺利运行。因此,需要及时更新Windows以避免Windows 10出现蓝屏死机错误(death error)。请按照以下步骤检查并安装Windows更新。
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 点击更新(Update) 和(and) 安全(Security),如图所示。
3.单击检查(Check) 更新(for) 。(Updates)
4A。如果有可用的更新,下载将自动开始,或者您可以单击(Download)立即安装(Install now)按钮。下载更新后,选择Restart now或Restart later。
4B。如果没有可用的更新,将显示您是最新消息。(You’re up to date)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 PC 不会发布
方法 7:执行 Windows(Method 7: Perform Windows )干净启动(Clean Boot)
干净启动是一种无需任何第三方软件和服务(software and services)即可启动 Windows 操作系统的方法。因此(Hence),它提供了一个完美的环境来检测和解决BSoD错误。在此处按照我们的文章在Windows 10中执行干净启动(Clean Boot)。
方法 8:以安全模式启动(Method 8: Boot in Safe Mode)
以安全模式(Safe Mode)启动 Windows PC是阻止第三方应用程序和其他后台服务等外部因素的绝佳选择。以下是通过在安全模式下启动系统来修复Windows 10中的蓝屏错误的方法:
1.同时按Windows + R键启动(keys)系统配置(System Configuration )。
2. 键入msconfig并单击OK,如图所示。
3. 切换到Boot选项卡并选中(Boot )Boot Options下标记为Safe Boot的框。
4. 在这里,选择网络(Network )选项以在安全模式下启动(Safe Mode)Windows PC ,并打开网络适配器(network adapter)。
5. 然后,单击Apply > OK 以保存更改。
6.重启(Restart)电脑,检查系统是否在安全模式下(Safe mode)正常运行。
7. 如果是,那么一定是某些第三方应用程序与之冲突。因此(Hence),卸载此类程序(uninstall such programs)以修复Windows 10 蓝屏错误(blue screen error)。
注意:(Note:)要禁用安全模式,只需正常重启系统或取消选中标记为 Safe Boot的框。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )什么是 Windows 10 启动管理器?
方法 9:修复损坏的系统文件和硬盘中的坏扇区
(Method 9: Fix Corrupt System Files & Bad Sectors in Hard Disk
方法 9A:使用 chkdsk 命令(Method 9A: Use chkdsk Command)
检查磁盘命令(Check Disk command)用于扫描硬盘驱动(Hard disk)器 ( HDD ) 上的坏扇区并在可能的情况下修复它们。硬盘中的(HDD)坏(Bad)扇区可能会导致Windows无法读取一些重要的系统文件,从而导致BSOD。
1. 单击开始(Start)并键入cmd。然后,单击Run as Administrator,如图所示。
2.在“用户帐户控制(User Account Control)”对话框中单击“是”进行确认。(Yes)
3. 在Command Prompt中,输入chkdsk X: /f,这里X代表您要扫描的驱动器分区,例如(drive partition)C。
4. 如果正在使用驱动器分区(drive partition),可能会提示您在下次启动期间安排扫描。按Y并按Enter键。
方法 9B:使用 DISM 修复损坏的系统文件(Method 9B: Fix Corrupt System Files using DISM)
损坏的系统(Corrupt system)文件也可能导致PFN_LIST_CORRUPT 错误(PFN_LIST_CORRUPT error)。因此(Hence),运行部署映像服务和管理(Deployment Image Servicing & Management)命令应该会有所帮助。
1.使用管理权限(Command Prompt with administrative privileges)启动命令提示符,如方法 9A 所示。
2. 在这里,一个接一个地键入给定的命令,然后按Enter键执行每个命令。
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
方法 9C:使用 SFC 修复损坏的系统文件(Method 9C: Fix Corrupt System Files with SFC)
在命令提示符下(command prompt)运行系统文件检查器(System File Checker)还可以修复系统文件中的任何异常。
注意:(Note:)建议在执行SFC 命令之前运行(SFC command)DISM Restore Health 命令(DISM Restore Health command),以确保其正确运行。
1. 像之前一样使用管理权限(Command Prompt with administrative privileges)打开命令提示符。
2. 在命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口中,输入sfc /scannow并按Enter 键(Enter)。
3. 让扫描完成。verification 100% complete消息,请重新启动您的 PC 。
方法 9D:重建主引导记录(Method 9D: Rebuild Master Boot Record)
由于硬盘(Hard drive)扇区损坏,Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)无法正常启动,导致Windows 10出现蓝屏(Windows 10)死机错误(death error)。要解决此问题,请执行以下步骤:
1. 重新启动计算机,同时按住Shift键进入高级启动(Advanced Startup )菜单。
2. 在这里,单击疑难解答。(Troubleshoot.)
3. 然后,点击高级选项(Advanced options)。
4.从可用选项列表中选择命令提示符。(Command Prompt)计算机将再次启动。
5. 从账户列表中,选择您的账户(your account)并在下一页输入您的密码。( your password)点击继续(Continue)。
6 、一一执行以下命令。(commands)
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot
bcdedit /export X:\bcdbackup
attrib X:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
ren X:\boot\bcd bcd.old
bootrec /rebuildbcd
注 1:(Note 1:)在命令中,X代表您要扫描的驱动器分区。(drive partition)
注意 2:(Note 2:)当询问是否允许将安装添加到引导列表(add installation to the boot list)时,键入Y并按Enter键。
7. 现在,输入exit并按Enter键。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Avast 更新卡(Fix Avast Update Stuck)在Windows 10上(Windows 10)
方法 10:扫描恶意软件(Method 10: Scan for Malicious software)
恶意软件和病毒(software and virus)可以攻击使Windows不稳定的系统文件。BSoD可能是恶意软件攻击的迹象。为确保计算机的安全,请使用Windows 安全(Windows security)功能或第三方防病毒软件(如果已安装)运行恶意软件扫描。
选项 1:使用第三方防病毒软件(如果适用)(Option 1: Using Third-party Antivirus (If Applicable))
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索并启动您的防病毒程序。(antivirus program)
注意:(Note:)在这里,我们展示McAfee Antivirus 以进行说明。选项可能因您使用的防病毒提供商而异。(antivirus provider)
2. 找到运行扫描的选项。我们建议运行完整扫描。(Run a full scan.)
选项 2:使用 Windows 安全性(推荐)
(Option 2: Using Windows Security (Recommended)
1. 点击开始图标(Start icon),输入Windows 安全(Windows Security)并点击打开(Open)。
2. 点击病毒和威胁防护(Virus & threat protection)。
3. 单击扫描选项。(Scan options.)
4. 选择快速扫描(Quick scan)、全面扫描、自定义扫描(Full scan, Custom scan, )或Windows Defender 离线扫描(Windows Defender Offline Scan ),然后单击立即扫描。(Scan now. )等待扫描完成。
5.恶意软件(Malware)将列在当前威胁(Current threats)部分下。因此,单击开始操作(Start actions)以针对威胁采取措施。
另请阅读:(Also Read)修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 安装卡住(Installation Stuck)的 8 种方法
方法 11:执行系统还原(Method 11: Perform System Restore)
将计算机恢复到正常运行的状态可以帮助您解决 Windows 10蓝屏错误(blue screen error),因为它可以恢复或修复损坏的系统文件。
1. 同时按下Windows + I 键(keys)打开设置(Settings)窗口。
2. 单击系统(System)选项。
4. 在右侧的相关设置(Related Settings)下,单击突出显示的系统保护。(System Protection)
5. 在“系统属性(System Properties)”选项卡中,单击“系统还原...”(System Restore…)按钮并选择“下一步”(Next)。
6.从列表中选择还原点,然后选择(Restore point)扫描受影响的程序(Scan for affected programs)以了解哪些已安装的程序将受到系统还原(system restore)的影响。
7. 确认删除列出的程序后,点击关闭(Close)。
8. 然后,在系统还原(System Restore)窗口中单击下一步。( Next)
9. 让该过程完成并在其最后选择完成(Finish)。.
这当然应该修复Windows 11蓝屏死机错误(death error)。如果没有,那么只剩下一个选项,即重置您的 PC。
方法 12:重置您的电脑(Method 12: Reset Your PC)
1. 进入Settings > 更新和安全(Update & Security),如方法 6 所述。
3. 单击重置此 PC(Reset this PC)下的开始(Get Started),如突出显示的所示。
4.在重置此 PC(Reset this PC)窗口中选择保留我的文件。(Keep my files)
5. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)重置计算机并永久解决上述错误。
- 修复(Fix)Windows 10更新挂起的安装(Update Pending Install)
- 如何在Windows 10中将(Windows 10)麦克风静音(Microphone)
- 如何在 Windows 10 中检查 RAM 类型
- 如何在 Windows 10 中启用 Telnet
我们希望您可以修复 Windows 10 中的 PFN_LIST_CORRUPT 蓝屏死机错误(fix PFN_LIST_CORRUPT blue screen of death error in Windows 10)。让我们知道哪种方法对您的帮助最大。此外,我们很乐意在下面的评论部分(comment section)听到您对本文的建议和疑问(suggestion and queries)。
Fix Windows 10 Blue Screen Error
Windowѕ is used by the majority of the world рopulation for their daily work. Be it a stυdent or a professional, Windows runs on around 75% of all desktop systems worldwide. But, even the reputed Windows operating system hits a rough patch once in a while. Blue Screen of Death, or BSoD, is a scary name that fits perfectly to the error. This error screen is displayed when Windows runs into an error that is dangerous for the system and may even result in data loss. Also, Blue Screen of Death is quite common and may occur for the simplest reason such as changes in peripherals attached to the computer or driver installations. One of the most common blue screen errors is PFN_LIST _CORRUPT error. Today, we are going to take a look at the reasons behind BSoD and how to fix blue screen error in Windows 10.
How to Fix Blue Screen of Death Error in Windows 10
BSoD PFN LIST CORRUPT error is caused by the following reasons:
- Changes made in hardware
- Corrupt drivers
- Faulty RAM
- Bad sectors in Hard disk
- Corrupt system files
- Lack of storage space
- Malware attack
- Microsoft OneDrive sync issues
Note: It is advised to create a System Restore Point as a backup for when the situation gets worse. Read our guide to Create a System Restore Point in Windows 10.
How to Detect PFN_LIST _CORRUPT Error in Windows 10
Windows Event Viewer is a tool that monitors and records every error that occurs within the system. Hence, it is a viable method to detect what is causing blue screen of death error in Windows 10 PC.
1. Reboot your PC soon after it shows BSoD.
2. Click on Start and type Event Viewer. Then, click on Open to run it.
3. In the left pane, double-click Windows Logs > System.
4. Locate PFN_LIST_CORRUPT error in the given list of errors.
Note: The most recent error will be displayed at the top of the list.
5. Click on the error message and read its details under General and Details tabs.
This will help you understand the situation and pinpoint the cause of PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSoD. Listed below are some methods you can follow to fix blue screen error in Windows 10 PC accordingly.
Method 1: Remove Connected Hardware
Adding new hardware can cause confusion for the system to sort out the new addition to the computer. This can present itself as a BSoD error as well. Hence, removing all the connected hardware, except the bare minimum of a keyboard and mouse can help you out with this issue.
Shut down your computer.
Remove all the connected peripheral devices such as Bluetooth adapters, USB devices, etc.
Restart your computer.
Plug in devices one-by-one with the CPU/monitor or dekstop or USB port of laptop to determine which device is the source of the issue.
Method 2: Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter
If you find method 1 to be time-consuming, Windows in-built troubleshooter is a powerful tool capable of determining & resolving issues like Blue Screen of Death error in Windows 10 PCs. To use the troubleshooter,
1. Press the Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic and click on OK, as shown.
3. Click on Advanced option in Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter.
4. Then, check the box marked Apply repairs automatically and click on Next, as highlighted below. Troubleshooter will detect and fix the problems automatically.
5. Restart your computer and check if the error presents itself again or not.
Also Read: Fix Device Not Migrated Error on Windows 10
Method 3: Run Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool
A faulty RAM can be the reason behind the blue screen error in Windows 10. You can diagnose your RAM health using with in-built Windows Memory Diagnostics tool, as follows:
1. Save all your unsaved data and close all active Windows.
2. Press Windows + R keys, type mdsched.exe, and hit Enter key.
3. Select Restart now and check for problems (recommended) option highlighted below.
4. System will restart itself and go into Windows Memory Diagnostic. After the scan is completed, Windows will reboot automatically.
Note: Choose between the 3 different tests by pressing the F1 key.
5. Open Windows Event Viewer & navigate to Windows Logs > System, as earlier.
6. Then, right-click on System and click on Find… as illustrated below.
7. Type MemoryDiagnostics-Results and click on Find Next.
8. You will see the result of the scan in the General tab. Thereafter, you can determine if any of the hardware devices need repair or replacement.
Method 4: Update/Rollback Drivers
Corrupt drivers are the main cause of PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSoD error and luckily, it can be solved without depending on professional help. Follow these given steps to fix blue screen error in your Windows 10 desktop or laptop:
Option 1: Update Drivers
1. Press Windows key and type Device Manager in the Windows search bar. Click on Open, as shown.
2. Search for any hardware driver that is showing a yellow caution mark. This is generally found under Other devices section.
3. Select the driver (e.g. Bluetooth Peripheral Device ) and right-click on it. Then, choose Update driver option, as depicted below.
4. Click on Search automatically for drivers.
5. Windows will download and install updates automatically, if available.
6. After updating the driver, click on Close and restart your PC.
Option 2: Rollback Drivers
If updating drivers does not fix the issue, rolling back to a previous version of the driver that you recently updated might help resolve PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSoD error.
1. Launch Device Manager and double-click on Display adapters to expand it.
2. Right-click on the graphics driver (e.g. AMD Radeon(TM) R4 Graphics) and click on Properties, as shown.
3. In the Properties window, go to the Driver tab.
4. Click on Roll Back Driver, as highlighted.
5. Choose the reason for Why are you rolling back? and click Yes.
6. Repeat the same for all drivers under Other devices section.
7. Restart your PC and check if the issue is resolved. If not, try the next fix.
Also Read: How to Tell If Your Graphics Card is Dying
Method 5: Reinstall Drivers
Sometimes corrupt drivers may result in PFN_LIST_CORRUPT error which may not get fixed with an update or rollback process. Hence, reinstalling these might help.
1. Go to Device Manager > Other Devices as instructed in Method 4.
2. Right-click on the malfunctioning driver (e.g. USB Controller) and choose Uninstall device, as depicted.
3. Check the box marked Delete the driver software for this device and click on Uninstall.
4. Restart your PC and reconnect the USB peripherals.
5. Again, launch Device Manager and click on Action from the menu bar at the top.
6. Select Action > Scan for hardware changes, as illustrated below.
7. Restart your PC once you see the device driver back on the list, without the exclamation mark.
Method 6: Update Windows
Windows too might suffer from bugs that could affect data thus, hindering the smooth functioning of the system. Due to this, timely update of Windows is necessary to avoid blue screen of death error in Windows 10. Follow these steps to check for & install Windows updates.
1. Open Settings by pressing Windows + I keys at the same time.
2. Click on Update and Security, as shown.
3. Click on Check for Updates.
4A. Download will start automatically, if there is any update available or you can click on Install now button. After downloading the update, choose either Restart now or Restart later.
4B. If there are no available updates, You’re up to date message will be displayed.
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Method 7: Perform Windows Clean Boot
Clean boot is a method of booting your Windows operating system without any third-party software and services. Hence, it provides a perfect environment to detect and troubleshoot BSoD errors. Follow our article to Perform Clean Boot in Windows 10 here.
Method 8: Boot in Safe Mode
Booting your Windows PC in Safe Mode is a great alternative to stop external factors like third-party applications and other background services. Or else, read Top 14 Best Alternative for Windows OS.. Or else, read Top 14 Best Alternative for Windows OS.. Here’s how to fix blue screen error in Windows 10 by booting the system in safe mode:
1. Launch System Configuration by pressing Windows + R keys at the same time.
2. Type msconfig and click on OK, as shown.
3. Switch to the Boot tab and check the box marked Safe Boot under Boot Options.
4. Here, choose the Network option to boot Windows PC in Safe Mode with your network adapter on.
5. Then, click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
6. Restart your PC and check if the system runs normally in Safe mode.
7. If it does, then some third-party apps must be conflicting with it. Hence, uninstall such programs to fix Windows 10 blue screen error.
Note: To disable Safe mode, just restart your system normally or uncheck the box marked Safe Boot.
Also Read: What is Windows 10 Boot Manager?
Method 9: Fix Corrupt System Files & Bad Sectors in Hard Disk
Method 9A: Use chkdsk Command
Check Disk command is used to scan for bad sectors on the Hard disk drive (HDD) and repair them, if possible. Bad sectors in HDD can result in Windows being unable to read some important system files resulting in BSOD.
1. Click on Start and type cmd. Then, click on Run as Administrator, as shown.
2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control dialog box, to confirm.
3. In Command Prompt, type chkdsk X: /f, here X represents the drive partition which you want to scan e.g. C.
4. You might get prompted to schedule the scan during the next boot in case the drive partition is being used. Press Y and press Enter key.
Method 9B: Fix Corrupt System Files using DISM
Corrupt system files can also result in PFN_LIST_CORRUPT error. Hence, running Deployment Image Servicing & Management commands should help.
1. Launch Command Prompt with administrative privileges as shown in method 9A.
2. Here, type the given commands, one after the other, and press Enter key to execute each command.
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
Method 9C: Fix Corrupt System Files with SFC
Running System File Checker in command prompt also fixes any abnormalities in system files.
Note: It is advisable to run DISM Restore Health command before executing SFC command in order to make sure it runs correctly.
1. Open Command Prompt with administrative privileges as earlier.
2. In the Command Prompt Window, type sfc /scannow and hit Enter.
3. Let the scan be completed. Restart your PC once verification 100% complete message is displayed.
Method 9D: Rebuild Master Boot Record
Due to corrupt Hard drive sectors, Windows OS is not able to boot properly resulting in blue screen of death error in Windows 10. To fix this, follow these steps:
1. Restart your computer while pressing the Shift key to enter Advanced Startup menu.
2. Here, click on Troubleshoot.
3. Then, click on Advanced options.
4. Choose Command Prompt from the list of available options. The computer will boot once again.
5. From the list of accounts, choose your account and enter your password on the next page. Click on Continue.
6. Execute the following commands one by one.
bootrec.exe /fixmbr
bootrec.exe /fixboot
bcdedit /export X:\bcdbackup
attrib X:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
ren X:\boot\bcd bcd.old
bootrec /rebuildbcd
Note 1: In the commands, X represents the drive partition that you want to scan.
Note 2: Type Y and press Enter key when asked for permission to add installation to the boot list.
7. Now, type exit and press Enter key.
8. Click on Continue to boot normally.
Also Read: How to Fix Avast Update Stuck on Windows 10
Method 10: Scan for Malicious software
Malicious software and virus can attack system files which makes Windows unstable. BSoD can be an indication of a malware attack. To ensure the safety of your computer, run a malware scan either by using the Windows security feature or third-party antivirus, if installed.
Option 1: Using Third-party Antivirus (If Applicable)
1. Search & launch your antivirus program in the Windows search bar.
Note: Here, we are showing McAfee Antivirus for illustration purposes. Options may differ depending on the antivirus provider you are using.
2. Find the option to run a scan. We recommend to Run a full scan.
3. Wait for the scan to be completed. In case there was any malware present, your antivirus will detect and handle it automatically.
Option 2: Using Windows Security (Recommended)
1. Click on Start icon, type Windows Security and click Open.
2. Click on Virus & threat protection.
3. Click on Scan options.
4. Choose Quick scan, Full scan, Custom scan, or Windows Defender Offline Scan and click on Scan now. Wait for the scan to finish.
Note: We suggest Full scan option in non-working hours.
5. Malware will be listed under the Current threats section. Thus, click on Start actions to take action against threats.
Also Read: 8 Ways to Fix Windows 10 Installation Stuck
Method 11: Perform System Restore
Restoring your computer to a point where it was running properly can help you resolve Windows 10 blue screen error as it could restore or repair corrupt system files.
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open the Settings Window.
2. Click on the System option.
3. Select About from the left pane.
4. Under Related Settings on the right-hand side, click on System Protection, as highlighted.
5. In the System Properties tab, click on System Restore… button and select Next.
6. Choose the Restore point from the list and select Scan for affected programs to know which of your installed programs will be affected by system restore.
Note: Other files and data would be preserved as it is.
7. After confirming the deletion of the listed programs, click Close.
8. Then, click Next in System Restore Window.
9. Let the process be completed and select Finish at the end of it. .
This should certainly fix Windows 11 blue screen of death error. If it doesn’t, then there is only one option left that is, to reset your PC.
Method 12: Reset Your PC
While your personal files and data would remain safe, the Windows will reset completely and return to its default, out-of-the-box state. Thus, all issues associated with it will be resolved.
1. Go to Settings > Update & Security, as explained in Method 6.
2. Select Recovery in the left panel.
3. Click on Get Started under Reset this PC, as shown highlighted.
4. Select Keep my files in the Reset this PC Window.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to reset your computer and resolve the said error permanently.
We hope you could fix PFN_LIST_CORRUPT blue screen of death error in Windows 10. Let us know which method helped you the best. Also, we would love to hear your suggestion and queries about this article in the comment section below.