任务栏已被修饰为Windows 10操作系统上最古老的用户(operating system)界面(Interface)(UI) 元素之一。尽管大多数人使用搜索菜单(Search menu)导航到应用程序/程序,但其他人更喜欢使用任务栏(Taskbar)来打开常用程序。主要由工具栏和系统托盘(system tray)组成,它们不是单独的用户界面(Individual User Interface)元素。但是,您可能会遇到诸如“开始”菜单或 Cortana(Start menu or Cortana)搜索栏无法正常工作或(search bar)任务栏或显示屏(Taskbar or display screen)闪烁等问题。许多用户抱怨同样的问题,他们努力解决它。因此(Hence) ,我们编制了此解决方案列表,以帮助您修复Windows 10 任务栏屏幕(Taskbar screen)闪烁。
- 您为方便访问而固定的应用程序(pinned for easy access)
- 当前打开(currently open)的应用程序
播放歌曲(playing songs),或
(unread messages)来自应用程序的未读消息。
如何修复 Windows 10 任务栏闪烁
(How to Fix Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering
许多原因会触发系统中的 Windows 10 屏幕闪烁问题。几个重要的有:
- 损坏的系统文件
- 过时的显示驱动程序
- 与特定用户帐户相关的故障(User account)
- 安装了不兼容的应用程序
避免 Windows 10 任务栏闪烁问题的提示(Tips to Avoid Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering Issue)
- 启用自动 Windows 更新选项(Automatic Windows Update option)以使操作系统保持最新(System)。
- 避免在(Avoid)Taskbar上固定过多的应用程序。
- 定期执行防病毒扫描。
- 不要从未知或未经验证的网站下载任何应用程序。
方法一:基本故障排除(Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting)
如果您正在寻找解决Windows 10 任务栏(Taskbar)闪烁问题的故障排除步骤,请尝试以下列出的解决方案。
1.重启你的电脑。(Restart your PC.)
2. 检查待处理的警报(pending alerts ),因为任务栏可能会因为未读通知而闪烁。(unread notifications.)
方法 2:卸载不兼容的应用程序(Method 2: Uninstall Incompatible Apps)
系统中安装的不兼容应用程序可能会干扰计算机的用户界面周期(User Interface cycle),从而导致Windows 10屏幕闪烁问题。
注意:(Note:)在安全模式下运行Windows将使您能够确定问题是否由第三方应用程序引起。这是如何(How)在Windows 10中启动(Boot)到安全模式(Safe Mode)。
1. 点击开始图标(Start icon)并输入app & features。然后,单击Open,如图所示。
2.在应用程序和功能(Apps & features)窗口中搜索最近安装的软件。(software )
注意:(Note:)我们在下面展示了Adobe Photoshop CC 2019作为示例。
3. 单击应用程序(Application),然后单击卸载(Uninstall),如下所示。
4. 再次,在出现的确认提示(confirmation prompt)中单击卸载(Uninstall)按钮。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复(Fix Taskbar Showing)全屏(Fullscreen)显示任务栏的7种(Ways)方法
方法 3:运行 SFC 和 DISM 扫描(Method 3: Run SFC & DISM Scan)
系统文件检查器和部署映像服务管理(System File Checker and Deployment Image Servicing Management)工具允许用户扫描和删除损坏的文件。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)并键入cmd。然后,单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)以启动命令提示符(Command Prompt)。
2.在出现的用户帐户控制(User Account Control )提示中单击是。(Yes)
3.输入sfc /scannow 命令并按Enter 键(Enter key )执行。
DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /ScanHealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
5.最后,等待进程运行成功,关闭窗口。然后,重新启动您的 PC。
方法 4:运行防病毒扫描(Method 4: Run Antivirus Scan)
很少有恶意软件,如蠕虫、错误、机器人、广告软件等,也可能导致此问题。但是,Windows Defender 防病毒(Windows Defender antivirus)扫描通过定期扫描系统并保护其免受任何入侵病毒的侵害,帮助您克服恶意软件。因此,在您的 PC 上运行防病毒扫描以解决Windows 10 屏幕(Screen)闪烁问题。请按照下面提到的步骤执行此操作。
1. 按Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings )应用程序。
2. 在这里,点击更新和安全(Update & Security),如图所示。
3. 现在,单击左窗格中的Windows 安全性。(Windows Security )
4. 接下来,单击保护区域下的(Protection areas)病毒和威胁保护(Virus & threat protection )选项。
5. 点击扫描选项(Scan Options),如图所示。
6. 选择一个扫描选项(scan option )(例如快速扫描( Quick scan))并单击立即扫描(Scan now),如图所示。
8A。单击开始操作(Start actions)以修复发现的威胁。
8B。或者,如果显示不需要操作(No actions needed)消息,则关闭窗口。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复任务栏从桌面(Desktop)消失(Fix TaskBar Disappeared)
方法 5:更新显示驱动程序(Method 5: Update Display Driver)
如果您的Windows 10(Windows 10) PC 中当前的显示驱动程序不兼容或过时,您将面临此类问题。因此(Hence),更新这些以修复Windows 10 任务栏屏幕(taskbar screen)闪烁问题,如下所示:
1. 转到 Windows 搜索栏(Windows Search Bar) 并键入 设备管理器。(device manager.)然后,单击Open,如图所示。
2. 双击显示适配器(Display adapters)将其展开。
3. 现在,右键单击显示驱动程序(display driver)(例如Intel(R) HD Graphics 620)并选择更新驱动程序(Update driver)。
4. 接下来,单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)选项以自动查找并安装驱动程序。
5B。如果它们已经更新,则会显示消息,您的设备的最佳驱动程序已安装(The best drivers for your device are already installed )。
6. 单击关闭(Close)退出窗口。重新启动(Restart)计算机。
方法 6:重新安装显示驱动程序(Method 6: Reinstall Display Driver)
1. 导航至Device Manager > Display adapters ,如前一方法中所述。
2. 现在,右键单击Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 ) 并选择Uninstall device,如图所示。
3. 选中删除此设备的驱动程序软件(Delete the driver software for this device )复选框,然后单击卸载(Uninstall)确认。
4.访问制造商网站(manufacturer website),在这种情况下,英特尔(Intel)下载最新的显卡驱动程序( Graphics driver)。
5. 下载后,双击下载的文件(downloaded file)并按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)进行安装。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何判断您的显卡(Graphics Card)是否正在死机
方法 7:更新 Windows(Method 7: Update Windows)
Microsoft会定期发布更新以修复系统中的错误。否则,系统中的文件将与您的 PC 不兼容,从而导致Windows 10屏幕闪烁问题。
1. 像之前一样导航到Settings > Update & Security。
2. 现在,单击突出显示的检查更新(Check for updates)按钮。
3A。如果有可用的新更新(Updates available),请单击Install now > Restart now。
3B。如果没有可用的更新,将显示您是最新消息。(You’re up to date )
方法 8:创建新用户帐户(Method 8: Create New User Account)
在某些情况下,用户配置文件(User profile)损坏导致Windows 10 任务栏屏幕(Taskbar screen)闪烁问题。因此,按照给定的步骤创建一个新的用户配置文件:(user profile)
1. 同时按Windows + R keys启动运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入control userpasswords2并按Enter。
3. 在用户帐户(User Accounts )窗口中,单击添加...(Add…) ,如图所示。
4. 在这里,单击“不使用 Microsoft 帐户登录(不推荐)”(Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended) )选项。
5. 然后,选择本地帐户(Local Account),如突出显示的那样。
6. 接下来,输入用户名、密码、确认密码(User name, Password, Confirm password)和密码提示(Password hint)。单击下一步(Next)。
7. 单击完成(Finish)。
8. 现在,双击创建的用户名(username)打开属性(Properties)窗口。
9. 切换到Group Membership选项卡,然后在(Group Membership )Others下拉菜单下选择Administrators选项。
10. 最后,单击应用(Apply) > 确定(OK )以保存更改。使用新用户帐户(user account)重新启动您的 PC 。这个问题现在应该已经解决了。
(Also Read:) 另请阅读:修复(Fix)Windows 10黄屏(Yellow Screen)死机(Death)
与 Windows 10 任务栏闪烁问题相关的问题
(Problems Related to Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering Issue
Windows 10 启动时任务栏闪烁:要(Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering on Startup: T)解决此问题,请卸载不兼容的应用程序并更新设备驱动程序。
Windows 10 任务栏闪烁无图标:(Windows 10 Taskbar Flashing No Icons: )暂时卸载或禁用防病毒程序和 Windows Defender 防火墙(antivirus program and Windows Defender Firewall)并检查问题是否已解决。此外,如果需要,更新显示驱动程序。
Windows 10 闪烁任务栏黑屏:(Windows 10 Flashing Taskbar Black Screen: )要解决此问题,请启动命令提示符(Command Prompt)并运行SFC 和 DISM(SFC & DISM)命令。
更新后 Windows 10 任务栏闪烁:(Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering After Update: )回滚设备(Rollback device)驱动程序和Windows 更新(Windows update)以修复它。
登录后 Windows 10 任务栏闪烁:(Windows 10 Taskbar Flashing After Login: )为避免此问题,请尝试创建一个新用户帐户并(User Account and log)使用唯一的登录凭据登录您的系统。如果这对您没有帮助,请在安全模式下运行您的系统并卸载不必要的应用程序。
- 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 开始菜单搜索(Start Menu Search)不起作用
- 如何修复笔记本电脑屏幕上的线条
- 修复PC打开但没有显示
- 修复 Windows 10 蓝屏错误
我们希望您了解如何修复Windows 10 任务栏闪烁(Windows 10 Taskbar flickering)问题。让我们知道哪种方法对您有帮助。另外,如果您对本文有任何疑问或建议,请在评论部分提出。
Fix Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering
The taskbar has been groomed as one of the oldеst User Interface (UI) elements оn the Windows 10 operating system. Although most people use the Search mеnu to navigate to applications/programs, others prefer to uѕe Taskbar to open freqυently used programs. Mainly, it is composed of toolbarѕ and a system tray, which are not Individual User Interface elеments. However, you may face problems like the Start menu or Cortana search bar not working or the flickering of the Tаskbar or display screen. Mаny users complained of the same and they strυggled to resolve it. Hence, we compiled this lіst of solutions to help you fix Windows 10 Taskbar sсreen flickering as well as Taskbar Right Click Not Working. as well as Taskbar Right Click Not Working..
Usually, two groups of apps are displayed on the Taskbar:
- Applications that you have pinned for easy access
- Applications that are currently open
Sometimes, the taskbar also displays activities like:
downloading media from the internet,
playing songs, or
unread messages from applications.
How to Fix Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering
Many reasons trigger Windows 10 screen flickering issues in your system. A few significant ones are:
- Corrupt system files
- Outdated display drivers
- Glitches associated with a particular User account
- Incompatible applications installed
Tips to Avoid Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering Issue
- Enable Automatic Windows Update option to keep the Operating System up-to-date.
- Avoid pinning too many applications on Taskbar.
- Perform an antivirus scan periodically.
- Do not download any application from unknown or unverified websites.
Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting
If you are looking for troubleshooting steps to fix Windows 10 Taskbar flickering issue, then try the following listed solutions.
1. Restart your PC.
2. Check for pending alerts as the taskbar may flicker because of unread notifications.
Method 2: Uninstall Incompatible Apps
Incompatible applications installed in your system might interfere with the User Interface cycle of your computer, thereby causing Windows 10 screen flickering issues.
Note: Running Windows in safe mode will enable you to determine if the issue is being caused by a third-party application or not. Here is How to Boot to Safe Mode in Windows 10.
Follow the below-mentioned steps to delete the trouble-causing program:
1. Click on the Start icon and type app & features. Then, click on Open, as shown.
2. Search for recently installed software in Apps & features window.
Note: We have shown Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 as an example below.
3. Click on the Application and click Uninstall, as highlighted below.
4. Again, click on Uninstall button in the confirmation prompt that appears.
Note: You can confirm if the said program has been deleted from the system, by searching for it again, as depicted.
Also Read: 7 Ways to Fix Taskbar Showing in Fullscreen
Method 3: Run SFC & DISM Scan
System File Checker and Deployment Image Servicing Management tools allow the user to scan and delete corrupt files.
1. Press the Windows key and type cmd. Then, click on Run as administrator to launch Command Prompt.
2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt that appears.
3. Type sfc /scannow command and press Enter key to execute it.
4. Once completed, execute the following commands one by one:
DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /Checkhealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /ScanHealth
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
5. Finally, wait for the process to run successfully and close the window. Then, restart your PC.
Method 4: Run Antivirus Scan
Few malicious software, such as worms, bugs, bots, adware, etc., might also contribute to this problem. However, Windows Defender antivirus scan helps you to overcome the malicious software by scanning the system routinely and safeguarding it from any intruding viruses. Therefore, run an antivirus scan on your PC to solve Windows 10 Screen flickering issue. Follow the below-mentioned steps to do so.
1. Press Windows + I keys to open Settings app.
2. Here, click on Update & Security, as shown.
3. Now, click on Windows Security in the left pane.
4. Next, click on Virus & threat protection option under Protection areas.
5. Click on Scan Options, as shown.
6. Choose a scan option (e.g. Quick scan) and click on Scan now, as depicted.
7. Wait for the scan to be completed.
8A. Click on Start actions to fix threats found.
8B. Or, close the window if No actions needed message is displayed.
Also Read: Fix TaskBar Disappeared from the Desktop
Method 5: Update Display Driver
If the current display drivers in your Windows 10 PC are incompatible or outdated, you will face such problems. Hence, update these to fix Windows 10 taskbar screen flickering issue, as follows:
1. Go to Windows Search Bar and type device manager. Then, click on Open, as shown.
2. Double-click on Display adapters to expand it.
3. Now, right-click on display driver (e.g. Intel(R) HD Graphics 620) and select Update driver.
4. Next, click on Search automatically for drivers options to locate and install a driver automatically.
5A. Now, the drivers will update to the latest version, if they are not updated.
5B. If they are already updated, then the message, The best drivers for your device are already installed will be shown.
6. Click on Close to exit the window. Restart the computer.
Method 6: Reinstall Display Driver
If updating the drivers does not give you a fix, you can try reinstalling them.
1. Navigate to Device Manager > Display adapters as instructed in the previous method.
2. Now, right-click Intel(R) HD Graphics 620) and select Uninstall device, as shown.
3. Check the box Delete the driver software for this device and click Uninstall to confirm.
4. Visit the manufacturer website, in this case, Intel to download latest Graphics driver.
5. Once downloaded, double click on the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions to install it.
Also Read: How to Tell If Your Graphics Card is Dying
Method 7: Update Windows
Microsoft releases updates periodically to fix bugs in your system. Otherwise, the files in the system will not be compatible with your PC leading to Windows 10 screen flickering issue.
1. Navigate to Settings > Update & Security as earlier.
2. Now, click on Check for updates button shown highlighted.
3A. If there are new Updates available, click on Install now > Restart now.
3B. If there is no update available, You’re up to date message will be displayed.
Method 8: Create New User Account
There are some cases when the User profile gets corrupt leading to Windows 10 Taskbar screen flickering issue. So, create a new user profile by following the given steps:
1. Press Windows + R keys simultaneously to launch the Run dialog box.
2. Type control userpasswords2 and hit Enter.
3. In the User Accounts window, click on Add… as shown.
4. Here, click on Sign in without a Microsoft account (not recommended) option.
5. Then, select Local Account, as highlighted.
6. Next, enter User name, Password, Confirm password and Password hint. Click on Next.
7. Click on Finish.
8. Now, double-click on the created username to open Properties window.
9. Switch to the Group Membership tab, and select Administrators option under Others drop-down menu.
10. Finally, click on Apply > OK to save the changes. Restart your PC using the new user account. The issue should be resolved by now.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 Yellow Screen of Death
Problems Related to Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering Issue
A list of problems along with resolutions is compiled here. You can follow the troubleshooting steps discussed in this article to fix these too.
Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering on Startup: To rectify this issue, uninstall the incompatible app and update device drivers.
Windows 10 Taskbar Flashing No Icons: Uninstall or disable the antivirus program and Windows Defender Firewall temporarily and check if the issue is resolved. Also, update display drivers, if needed.
Windows 10 Flashing Taskbar Black Screen: To fix the problem, launch Command Prompt and run SFC & DISM commands.
Windows 10 Taskbar Flickering After Update: Rollback device drivers & Windows update to fix it.
Windows 10 Taskbar Flashing After Login: To avoid this problem, try creating a new User Account and log in to your system with unique login credentials. If this does not help you, run your system in safe mode and uninstall unnecessary apps.
We hope you learnt how to fix Windows 10 Taskbar flickering issue. Let us know which method helped you. Also, if you have any queries or suggestions regarding this article, please drop them in the comments section.