你是否经常修改输出音量,直到它达到甜蜜的声学点?(Do you constantly tinker with the output volume until it hits the sweet acoustic spot?)如果是,那么任务栏最右侧的扬声器(Taskbar)或音量(Speakers)控制图标(Control icon)一定是一个真正的祝福。但有时, Windows 10(Windows 10)桌面/笔记本电脑音量控制(volume control)图标可能会出现问题。音量控制(Control)图标可能完全变灰(icon may be greyed out)或丢失(or missing altogether)。单击它可能完全没有任何作用。此外,音量滑块(volume slider)可能不会移动或自动调整/锁定到不希望的值。在本文中,我们将解释令人愤怒的音量控制的潜在修复(volume control) 无法运行Windows 10问题。所以,继续阅读!
修复 Windows 10 音量控制不起作用的问题
(Fix Windows 10 Volume Control Not Working Issue
音量系统图标(Volume system icon)用于浏览各种音频设置,例如:
单击(Single-click)图标会弹出音量滑块(volume slider)以进行快速调整
右键单击(Right-click)图标显示选项以打开声音设置、混音器( Sound settings, Volume mixer)等。
也可以使用Fn 键(Fn keys)或某些键盘上的专用多媒体键来调整(dedicated multimedia keys)输出音量。(output volume)但是,一些用户报告说,这两种调整音量(adjusting volume)的方法都已停止在他们的计算机上运行。这个问题很成问题,因为您无法在 Windows 10 上调整系统音量(system volume on Windows 10)。
专业提示:如何启用音量系统图标(Pro Tip: How to Enable Volume System Icon)
如果任务栏(Taskbar)上缺少音量滑块图标(volume slider icon),请按照以下步骤启用它:
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 点击个性化(Personalization)设置,如图所示。
4. 向下滚动到通知区域(Notification area),然后单击打开或关闭系统图标(Turn system icons on or off)选项,突出显示。
5. 现在,打开音量(On)系统(Volume)图标的开关,如图所示。
为什么音量控制在 Windows 10 PC 中不起作用?(Why Volume Control Not Working in Windows 10 PC?)
- 如果音频服务出现故障,音量控制将无法为您工作。
- 如果您的explorer.exe 应用程序(explorer.exe application)有问题。
- 音频驱动程序已损坏或过时。
- 操作系统(operating system)文件中存在错误或错误。
初步故障排除(Preliminary Troubleshooting)
1.首先,重新启动您的PC(restart your PC )并检查是否修复了音量控制(volume control)无法正常工作的Windows 10问题。
2. 另外,try unplugging external speaker/headset系统重新启动(system restart)后重新连接。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Skype 立体声混音在(Fix Skype Stereo Mix)Windows 10中不起作用
方法 1:运行音频疑难解答(Method 1: Run Audio Troubleshooter)
在动手并自己进行所有故障排除之前,让我们使用Windows 10中内置的(Windows 10)音频故障排除(Audio troubleshooter)工具。该工具对音频设备驱动程序、音频服务和设置(service & settings)、硬件更改等运行一系列预定义检查,并自动解决一些经常遇到的问题。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入控制面板(Control Panel),然后单击打开(Open)。
2. 设置View by > Large icons,然后单击故障排除(Troubleshooting )选项。
3. 单击左侧窗格中的查看全部(View All)选项。
4. 单击播放音频(Playing Audio )疑难解答选项。
5. 点击播放音频(Playing Audio)疑难解答中的高级(Advanced)选项,如图所示。
6. 然后,选中Apply repairs automatically选项并单击Next,如突出显示的那样。
7.疑难解答将开始检测问题(Detecting problems),您应该按照屏幕上的说明( on-screen instructions)解决问题。
方法 2:重新启动 Windows 资源管理器(Method 2: Restart Windows Explorer)
explorer.exe 进程(explorer.exe process)负责显示所有桌面元素、任务栏和其他用户界面功能。如果它已被损坏或损坏,则会导致任务栏和桌面(taskbar and desktop)无响应。要解决此问题并恢复音量控制,您可以从任务管理器手动重新启动(Task manager)explorer.exe 进程(explorer.exe process),如下所示:
1.同时按Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys打开任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2.在这里,任务管理器显示所有在前台或后台(foreground or background)运行的活动进程(all active processes)。
注意:(Note:)单击左下角的更多(More) 详细信息以查看相同的内容。(details)
3. 在进程(Processes)选项卡中,右键单击Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)进程并选择重新启动(Restart )选项,如下所示。
注意:(Note: )整个用户界面会消失一秒钟,即屏幕会在重新出现之前变黑。音量控制现在应该回来了。如果没有,请尝试下一个解决方案。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix Low Microphone Volume)Windows 11中的低麦克风音量
方法 3:重新启动 Windows 音频服务(Method 3: Restart Windows Audio Services)
与explorer.exe 进程类似, (explorer.exe process)Windows 音频(Windows audio)服务的故障实例可能是您音量控制(volume control)问题的罪魁祸首。上述服务管理所有基于 Windows 的程序的音频,并应始终在后台保持活动状态。否则会遇到一些与音频相关的问题,例如音量控制无法在 Windows 10 中运行。(volume control)
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入services.msc并点击OK启动Services Manager 应用程序。
注意: (Note: )另请阅读此处在Windows 10中打开Windows 服务(Services) 管理器(Manager)的 8 种方法。
3. 点击名称(Name),如图所示,按字母顺序对服务(Services )进行排序。
4. 找到并选择Windows 音频(Windows Audio )服务,然后单击左侧窗格中出现的重新启动服务选项。(Restart the service )
5. 右键单击 Windows 音频(Windows Audio)服务并选择属性(Properties)。
6. 在常规(General )选项卡中,选择启动类型(Startup type )为自动(Automatic)。
7. 另外,检查服务状态(Service status)。如果显示已停止(Stopped),请单击开始(Start)按钮将服务状态(Service status)更改为正在运行(Running)。
8. 单击应用(Apply )保存修改,然后单击确定(Ok )按钮退出。
9. 现在,再次右键单击Windows 音频并选择(Windows Audio)重新启动(Restart)以重新启动该过程。
10. 右键单击 Windows Audio Endpoint Builder并选择Properties。确保此服务的启动类型(Startup type)也设置为自动(Automatic)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10(Fix Windows 10) 未安装音频(No Audio) 设备(Devices)
方法 4:更新音频驱动程序(Method 4: Update Audio Driver)
设备驱动程序(device driver)文件应始终保持最新,以使硬件组件完美运行。如果音量控制(volume control)在安装新的Windows 更新后开始出现(Windows update)Windows 10问题,则该版本可能存在一些提示问题的固有错误。也可能是因为音频驱动程序不兼容。如果是后者,手动更新驱动文件如下:
1. 单击开始(Start)并键入设备管理器(device manager),然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 双击声音、视频和游戏控制器( Sound, video, and game controllers)展开。
3. 右键单击您的音频驱动程序(audio driver)(例如Realtek High Definition Audio)并选择属性(Properties)。
4. 转到驱动程序(Driver)选项卡,然后单击更新驱动程序(Update Driver)
5. 选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)
6. Windows 将自动搜索您的 PC 所需的驱动程序并安装它。重新启动您的 PC 以实施相同的操作。
7A。如果显示您的设备的最佳驱动程序已安装(The best drivers for your device are already installed)消息,请单击关闭。(Close)
7B。或者,单击在Windows 更新上搜索更新的驱动程序,(Search for updated drivers on Windows Update)这将带您到设置(Settings )以搜索任何最近的可选驱动程序更新。(Optional driver updates.)
方法5:重新安装音频驱动程序(Method 5: Reinstall Audio Driver)
1. 导航到Device Manager > Sound, video and game controllers,如前所述。
2. 右键单击您的音频驱动程序(audio driver),然后单击卸载设备(Uninstall device),如下所示。
3. 卸载声音驱动程序(sound driver)后,右键单击该组(group)并选择扫描硬件更改(Scan for hardware changes),如下图所示。
4.等待(Wait)Windows自动扫描并在您的系统上安装默认(Windows)音频(default audio)驱动程序。
5. 最后,重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)并检查您是否能够修复Windows 10上(Windows 10)音量控制(volume control)不起作用的问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix Computers)Windows 10中未在(Windows 10)网络(Network)上显示的计算机
方法 6:运行 SFC 和 DISM 扫描(Method 6: Run SFC and DISM Scans)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入命令提示符(Command Prompt)并单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
3. 键入sfc /scannow并按Enter 键(Enter key)运行系统文件检查器(System File Checker)工具。
注意:(Note:)该过程将需要几分钟才能完成。请注意不要关闭命令提示符窗口(Command Prompt window)。
4.系统文件扫描(System File Scan)完成后,重新启动(restart) 您的电脑(your PC)。
5. 再次启动提升的(Elevated) 命令提示符(Command Prompt )并一个接一个地执行给定的命令。
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
注意:(Note:)您必须具有有效的Internet 连接(internet connection)才能执行DISM命令。
- 如何在Windows 11中启用或(Windows 11)禁用 Compact OS(Disable Compact OS)
- 如何修复访问(Fix Access)被拒绝 Windows 10(Denied Windows 10)
- 如何在Windows 10上修复(Windows 10)麦克风太安静(Microphone Too Quiet)
- 在Windows 10上修复 iaStorA.sys (Fix iaStorA.sys)BSOD 错误(BSOD Error)的7种方法(Ways)
希望以上解决方案列表有助于修复Windows 10 音量控制在您的计算机上不起作用(Windows 10 volume control not working)的问题。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分。
Fix Windows 10 Volume Control Not Working
Do you constantly tinker with the output volume until it hits the sweet acoustic spot? If yes, the Speakers or Volume Control icon present at the extreme right of the Taskbar must be a true blessing. But sometimes, there may arise an issue with Windows 10 desktop/laptop volume control icon not working. The Volume Control icon may be greyed out or missing altogether. Clicking on it might do absolutely nothing. Also, the volume slider may not budge or auto-adjusts/locks to an undesirable value. In this article, we will be explaining the potential fixes for the infuriating volume control not working Windows 10 problem. So, continue reading!
Fix Windows 10 Volume Control Not Working Issue
Volume system icon is used to navigate through the various audio settings like:
Single-click on the icon brings forth the volume slider for quick adjustments
Right-click on the icon displays options to open Sound settings, Volume mixer, etc.
The output volume can also be adjusted using the Fn keys or dedicated multimedia keys on some keyboards. However, several users have reported that both these methods of adjusting volume have stopped working on their computers. This issue is quite problematic as you wouldn’t be able to adjust your system volume on Windows 10.
Pro Tip: How to Enable Volume System Icon
If the volume slider icon is missing from the Taskbar, follow these steps to enable it:
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Click on Personalization settings, as shown.
3. Go to the Taskbar menu from the left pane.
4. Scroll down to the Notification area and click on the Turn system icons on or off option, shown highlighted.
5. Now, switch On the toggle for the Volume system icon, as depicted.
Why Volume Control Not Working in Windows 10 PC?
- The volume controls will not work for you if the audio services are glitched.
- If your explorer.exe application has issues.
- The audio drivers are corrupt or outdated.
- There are bugs or errors in operating system files.
Preliminary Troubleshooting
1. Firstly, restart your PC and check if that fixes volume control not working Windows 10 issue.
2. Also, try unplugging external speaker/headset and connecting it back again after system restart.
Also Read: Fix Skype Stereo Mix Not Working in Windows 10
Method 1: Run Audio Troubleshooter
Before getting our hands dirty and doing all the troubleshooting ourselves, let’s make use of the built-in Audio troubleshooter tool in Windows 10. The tool runs a bunch of pre-defined checks for audio device drivers, audio service & settings, hardware changes, etc., and automatically resolves a number of frequently faced issues.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Control Panel, and click on Open.
2. Set View by > Large icons then, click on the Troubleshooting option.
3. Click on View All option in the left pane.
4. Click on the Playing Audio troubleshooter option.
5. Click on the Advanced option in Playing Audio troubleshooter, as shown.
6. Then, check the Apply repairs automatically option and click on Next, as shown highlighted.
7. The Troubleshooter will start Detecting problems and you should follow the on-screen instructions to fix the issue.
Method 2: Restart Windows Explorer
The explorer.exe process is responsible for displaying all desktop elements, the taskbar, and other user interface features. If it has been rendered corrupt or damaged, it will result in an unresponsive taskbar and desktop among other things. To resolve this and bring back the volume controls, you can manually restart the explorer.exe process from Task manager as follows:
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys simultaneously to open Task Manager.
2. Here, the Task Manager displays all active processes running in foreground or background.
Note: Click on More details on the bottom-left corner to view thw same.
3. In the Processes tab, right-click on the Windows Explorer process and select Restart option, as depicted below.
Note: The whole UI will disappear for a second i.e. the screen will go black before reappearing. The volume controls should be back now. If not, try the next solution.
Also Read: Fix Low Microphone Volume in Windows 11
Method 3: Restart Windows Audio Services
Similar to the explorer.exe process, a glitched instance of the Windows audio service can be the culprit behind your volume control woes. The said service manages audio for all Windows-based programs and should always stay active in the background. Otherwise several audio-related issues like volume control not working windows 10 will be encountered.
1. Hit the Windows + R keys simultaneously to open Run dialog box.
2. Type services.msc and click on OK to launch Services Manager application.
Note: Also read, 8 Ways to Open Windows Services Manager in Windows 10 here.
3. Click on Name, as shown, to sort the Services alphabetically.
4. Locate and select the Windows Audio service and click on the Restart the service option that appears in the left pane.
This should fix the issue and the red cross will now disappear. In order to prevent the said error from occurring again at the next boot, implement the given steps:
5. Right-click on the Windows Audio service and choose Properties.
6. In the General tab, select the Startup type as Automatic.
7. Also, check the Service status. If it reads Stopped, click on the Start button to change Service status to Running.
Note: If the status reads Running, move to the next step.
8. Click on Apply to save the modification and then click on the Ok button to exit.
9. Now, right-click on Windows Audio once again and choose Restart to restart the process.
10. Right-click on Windows Audio Endpoint Builder and select Properties. Make sure the Startup type is set to Automatic for this service as well.
Also Read: Fix Windows 10 No Audio Devices are Installed
Method 4: Update Audio Driver
The device driver files should always be kept up-to-date for the hardware components to function flawlessly. If volume control not working Windows 10 issue started after installing a new Windows update, it is likely that the build has some inherent bugs that are prompting the issue. It also could be because of incompatible audio drivers. If the latter is the case, manually update the driver files as follows:
1. Click on Start and type device manager, then hit the Enter key.
2. Double-click on Sound, video, and game controllers to expand.
3. Right-click on your audio driver (e.g. Realtek High Definition Audio) and choose Properties.
4. Go to the Driver tab and click on Update Driver
5. Choose Search automatically for drivers
6. Windows will automatically search the drivers needed for your PC and install it. Restart your PC to implement the same.
7A. Click on Close if The best drivers for your device are already installed message is displayed.
7B. Or, click on Search for updated drivers on Windows Update which will take you to Settings to search for any recent Optional driver updates.
Method 5: Reinstall Audio Driver
If the issue continues to persist because of incompatible audio drivers, even after the update, uninstall the current set and perform a clean install as explained below:
1. Navigate to Device Manager > Sound, video and game controllers as earlier.
2. Right-click on your audio driver and click on Uninstall device, as shown below.
3. After uninstalling the sound driver, right-click on the group and select Scan for hardware changes, as illustrated below.
4. Wait for Windows to automatically scan and install the default audio drivers on your system.
5. Finally, restart your PC and check whether you were able to fix volume control not working issue on Windows 10.
Also Read: Fix Computers Not Showing Up on Network in Windows 10
Method 6: Run SFC and DISM Scans
Lastly, you can try running repair scans to fix corrupt system files or replace any missing ones to revive the volume controls until a new update with the issue permanently fixed is released by Microsoft.
1. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt and click on Run as administrator.
2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
3. Type sfc /scannow and hit Enter key to run the System File Checker tool.
Note: The process will take a couple of minutes to finish. Be mindful of not closing the Command Prompt window.
4. After the System File Scan is finished, restart your PC.
5. Again, launch Elevated Command Prompt and execute the given commands one after the other.
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism.exe /Online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup
Note: You must have a working internet connection to execute DISM commands.
Hopefully, the above list of solutions proved helpful in fixing Windows 10 volume control not working issue on your computer. If you have any queries or suggestions, then feel free to drop them in the comments section below.