如果您是Firefox用户,您可能至少遇到过一次SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP错误。(SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP)此NO CYPHER OVERLAP错误可能与更新问题有关。它会停止网页浏览,这可能会令人沮丧。如果您正在处理此错误,那么您来对地方了。我们为您带来了一个完美的指南,可以帮助您修复SSL_ERROR Firefox浏览器错误。

如何在 Windows 10 中修复 Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP(How to Fix Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP in Windows 10)
在某些情况下,Firefox无法从请求的网站收集安全数据,这主要导致Firefox SSL_ERROR。以下是可能导致此错误的一些原因:
客户(Miscommunication )端和服务器之间的通信错误。
- (Data)无法验证客户端和服务器之间的(verified)数据传输。
- 服务器和浏览器使用不同的加密密码(different encryption cipher)连接。
过时(Outdated )的浏览器。
禁用(Disabled)SSL3 或 TLS。
- 防病毒程序正在干扰(interfering )浏览器。
- 存在恶意软件(Malware)。
在SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP错误背后的原因下,是时候修复它了。这里有一些简单的方法可以帮助您修复SSL_ERROR Firefox。
方法一:在安全模式下打开 Firefox(Method 1: Open Firefox in Safe Mode)
Firefox中的常见问题可以通过在安全(Safe)模式下打开来解决。它可能会修复Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP。请按照以下步骤进行尝试。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys 运行(Run)对话框。
2.在 运行(Run)对话框中输入firefox -safe-mode并点击(firefox -safe-mode)OK。

3.出现提示时点击打开(Open )
方法 2:删除 Firefox 缓存(Method 2: Remove Firefox Cache)
(Corrupt)Firefox浏览器中(Firefox)损坏的缓存和 cookie可能会导致访问网页时出现问题,从而导致SSL_ERROR Firefox错误。您可以按照以下说明删除Firefox(Firefox)缓存来解决此问题。
1. 在Firefox(Firefox)中打开一个新标签页。
2. 如图所示,单击三行(three lines )(打开应用程序菜单(Open Application Menu))。

3. 从下拉列表中,单击设置(Settings)。

4. 在左侧窗格中,单击隐私和安全(Privacy & Security )选项卡。
5.向下滚动(Scroll)右窗格并单击Cookies 和站点数据(Cookies and Site Data )部分下的清除数据...。(Clear Data… )

6.取消选中(Uncheck )标记为Cookies and Site Data的框并选中(Check)标记为Cached Web Content的框。

7. 单击清除(Clear)。它将清除 Firefox 缓存。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Windows 10 上 Firefox 中没有声音的问题(Fix No Sound in Firefox on Windows 10)
方法三:关闭硬件加速(Method 3: Turn Off Hardware Acceleration)
使用硬件加速(Hardware Acceleration)可能会导致图形性能问题,从而导致您的Firefox浏览器出现上述错误。您可以按照以下说明关闭硬件加速选项。
1. 按照方法 2中的(Method 2)步骤 1 至 3(Steps 1 to 3)打开Firefox设置( Firefox Settings)。
2. 单击“常规”(General )选项卡并取消选中“(uncheck )性能”(Performance )部分下方标记为“使用推荐的性能设置(Use recommended performance settings )”的框,如图所示。

3.取消选中(Uncheck )标记为Use hardware acceleration when available的复选框。

4.退出(Exit )浏览器。您也可以同时按Ctrl + Shift + Q keys 来执行此操作。
方法四:更新火狐浏览器(Method 4: Update Firefox Browser)
与任何其他程序一样,您必须定期更新Firefox浏览器以避免任何软件错误和错误。更新它可能会解决SSL_ERROR Firefox错误。按照以下说明更新Firefox浏览器。
1. 在Firefox(Firefox )中打开一个新选项卡,然后单击菜单(Menu )图标。

2. 单击帮助(Help)。

3. 点击关于 Firefox(About Firefox)。

4A。如果有任何更新待处理,默认情况下它们会自动开始下载,如果没有,请按照屏幕上的说明更新Firefox。更新完成后,您将看到重新启动 Firefox 以更新选项。(Restart Firefox to Update. )单击(Click)它,Firefox将重新启动。
4B。如果Firefox已经更新,您将收到Firefox 是最新(Firefox is up to date)消息。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Firefox 上的连接不安全错误(Fix Your Connection is not Secure Error on Firefox)
方法 5:更新 Firefox 扩展(Method 5: Update Firefox Extensions)
有时,过时的扩展会干扰Firefox中的浏览。它们也可能导致此Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP错误。我们建议您按照以下说明更新Firefox扩展。
1. 单击 Firefox 中的菜单(Menu )图标。

2. 点击附加组件和主题(Add-ons and themes)。

3. 在左侧窗格中,单击扩展(Extensions )选项卡。之后,单击位于管理您的扩展(Manage Your Extensions )部分右侧的齿轮图标。(gear icon )

4. 单击检查更新(Check for Updates)。

5B。如果您的扩展程序已经更新,您将收到 如图所示的未找到更新消息。(No updates found)

方法 6:禁用或删除扩展(Method 6: Disable or Remove Extensions)
选项 1:禁用 Firefox 扩展(Option 1: Disable Firefox Extensions)
1.按照(Follow Step 1)方法 5(Method 5)中的步骤 1和 2 进行操作。
2. 单击扩展(Extensions )选项卡并为您的扩展关闭切换开关(OFF )。
注意:(Note: )这里以Grammarly for Firefox(Grammarly for Firefox )为例。

选项 2:删除 Firefox 扩展(Option 2: Remove Firefox Extensions)
1.按照(Follow Step 1)方法 5(Method 5)中的步骤 1和 2 进行操作。单击扩展(Extensions )选项卡。
2. 单击有问题的扩展右侧的三个点图标 (three dots icon ),然后从下拉列表中选择删除选项。(Remove )

它将从浏览器中删除扩展。检查您是否已修复NO CYPHER OVERLAP错误。
方法 7:暂时禁用杀毒软件(Method 7: Disable Antivirus Temporarily)
Windows 10 PC 中的防病毒程序有时会干扰 Firefox 等程序(Firefox),从而导致SSL_ERROR Firefox错误。您可以按照我们在 Windows 10 上暂时禁用防病毒(to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10)的指南来暂时禁用您的防病毒程序。
方法 8:运行恶意软件扫描(Method 8: Run Malware Scan)
Windows 10 PC 有一个内置的安全套件(built-in security suite)来检测任何病毒或有害文件。您可以使用它来扫描导致SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP(SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP)错误的任何威胁和恶意程序。按照我们关于如何在我的计算机上运行病毒扫描的指南进行操作?(How do I Run a Virus Scan on my Computer?). 之后,您可以按照我们的指南了解如何在 Windows 10 中从您的 PC 中(How to Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10)删除恶意软件并删除恶意软件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Firefox 中未找到服务器的错误(Fix Server Not Found Error in Firefox)
方法 9:将 TLS 和 SSL3 重置为默认设置(Method 9: Reset TLS and SSL3 to Default Settings)
TLS 和 SSL 分别指传输层安全(Transport Layer Security )和安全套接字层(Secure Sockets Layer )。这些是验证从客户端到服务器的数据传输的加密协议。它们保护数据并在您的浏览器中默认启用。您可以按照以下说明将其设置重置为默认值,以修复NO CYPHER OVERLAP错误。
1. 打开Firefox并在地址栏中输入about:config。
2. 单击接受风险并继续(Accept the Risk and Continue )按钮。

3.如图所示,在搜索首选项名称(Search preference name )字段中键入tls 。

4. 如果任何值被标记为粗体,(bold, )单击重置(Reset )(箭头符号)将其值更改为默认设置。
注意:(Note: )以粗体突出显示的值是最近更改的值。将它们恢复为默认设置将修复NO CYPHER OVERLAP错误。

5. 重复上述步骤重置SSL3。在搜索首选项名称(Search preference name )字段中键入SSL3 ,然后单击重置(Reset )符号以获取 SSL3 的粗体值。

6. 在同一屏幕中,确保将以下选项设置为False。
- security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_128_sha
- security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_256_sha
注意(Note):您可以单击切换(Toggle )按钮将状态从True更改为False,反之亦然。

方法 10:绕过加密协议(Method 10: Bypass Encryption Protocols)
选项1:通过关于配置(Option 1: Through About Config)
1. 按照方法 9 中的步骤 1-3。

2. 逐一搜索以下选项,然后单击Edit按钮并将其值更改为0。
- security.tls.version.min
- security.tls.version.fallback-limit

3. 然后,单击保存(Save )按钮。

选项 2:通过关于首选项(Option 2: Through About Preferences)
1. 打开 Firefox 并在地址栏中输入about:preferences。

2. 单击隐私和安全(Privacy & Security )选项卡并向下滚动右窗格。
3. 在“安全(Security)”菜单中,取消选中“(uncheck )欺骗性内容”和“危险软件保护(Deceptive Content and Dangerous Software Protection )”部分下标记为“阻止危险和欺骗性内容(Block dangerous and deceptive content )”的框,如图所示。

检查您是否已修复Firefox中的(Firefox)NO CYPHER OVERLAP错误。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Fix Firefox 已经在运行(Fix Firefox is Already Running)
方法 11:刷新 Firefox(Method 11: Refresh Firefox)
刷新Firefox将删除您的扩展程序和其他自定义设置,但您不会丢失书签、下载的历史记录、保存的密码、cookie 和网络表单自动填充信息。它可能会修复SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP问题。按照以下说明刷新Firefox。
1. 按照方法 4( Method 4)中的步骤 1 和 2 进行操作。
2. 单击更多故障排除信息(More troubleshooting information)。

3. 选择刷新 Firefox…(Refresh Firefox… )选项。

4. 点击Refresh Firefox按钮,它将开始刷新过程。

5.在导入向导窗口中单击完成。(Finish )

6. 点击Let’s go! 按钮。
注意:(Note: )当您刷新Firefox时,所有以前的Firefox数据都存储在您桌面上的文件夹(Desktop)Old Firefox Data中。您可以在需要时使用这些数据,也可以将其删除。

方法 12:创建新的 Firefox 配置文件(Method 12: Create New Firefox Profile)
如果您仍然面临SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP Firefox问题,那么创建一个新的Firefox用户配置文件可能会解决它。请按照以下步骤执行此操作。
注意:(Note: )在执行此方法之前,请退出Firefox并关闭其所有选项卡。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys打开运行(Run )对话框。
2.输入 firefox.exe -P(firefox.exe -P )并点击OK。

3. 选择Create Profile... 选项,如图所示。

4. 单击创建配置文件向导(Create Profile Wizard) 窗口中的下一步(Next )按钮 。

5. 在输入新的配置文件名称下输入新的配置文件名称(Enter new profile name) ,然后单击 完成(Finish)。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Firefox 不加载页面(How to Fix Firefox Not Loading Pages)
方法 13:重新安装 Firefox(Method 13: Reinstall Firefox)
如果这些方法都不适合您并且您仍然面临SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP Firefox,那么您可以尝试重新安装浏览器。它可能会奏效。您可以按照以下步骤操作。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),键入控制面板(Control Panel )并单击打开(Open)。

2. 点击程序(Programs )菜单下的卸载程序,如图所示。(Uninstall a program )

3. 从列表中选择Mozilla Firefox,然后单击卸载(Uninstall ),如图所示。

4.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control) 提示上单击是。(Yes )
5. 单击 Mozilla Firefox 卸载(Mozilla Firefox Uninstall) 向导中的Next > 按钮 。

6. 点击 卸载(Uninstall)。

7. 单击 完成(Finish) 关闭窗口。

8. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 %localappdata% 并单击 打开(Open) 以转到 AppData 本地( AppData Local) 文件夹。

9. 右键单击 Mozilla 文件夹并选择删除(delete)。

10. 再次按 Windows 键(Windows key ),键入 %appdata% 并单击 打开(Open) 以转到AppData Roaming 文件夹。

11. 重复步骤 9(Step 9)以删除Mozilla文件夹。
12. 最后, 重启你的电脑(restart your PC)。
13. 从官网下载(official website)Mozilla Firefox。

14. 从下载文件夹运行(Downloads)Firefox 安装程序(Firefox Installer)并在您的计算机上安装浏览器。
注意:(Note:)如果您仍然遇到SSL_ERROR Firefox错误,那么问题可能出在服务器端。如果站点在流行的 Web 浏览器不支持的密码套件RC4上运行,并且服务器(RC4)在其首选项中将 security.tls.unrestricted_rc4_fallback 设置为 False,则会发生这种情况。如果需要,您可以在这种情况下联系网站所有者来解决问题(security.tls.unrestricted_rc4_fallback as False in their Preferences. You can contact the site owner in that case to fix the issue, if needed)。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP错误。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP in Windows 10
If you are a Firefox user, you might have faced SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHΕR_OVERLAP error at least once. This NO CΥPHER OVERLAP error can be related to update issues. It ѕtops web browsing which can be frustrating. If you arе dealing with this errоr, you are at the right place. We bring to you a perfect guide that will help you fix SSL_ERROR Firefox browser error.

How to Fix Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP in Windows 10
In some cases, Firefox is unable to collect security data from the requested website which primarily leads to Firefox SSL_ERROR. Here are some reasons which can cause this error:
Miscommunication between client and server.
- Data transfer between client and server could not be verified.
- Server and browser connecting with different encryption cipher.
Outdated browser.
Disabled SSL3 or TLS.
- Antivirus programs are interfering with the browser.
- Presence of Malware.
After under the reasons behind SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error, it is time fix it. Here are some simple methods that will help you fix SSL_ERROR Firefox.
Method 1: Open Firefox in Safe Mode
Common issues in Firefox can be resolved by opening it in Safe mode. It may fix Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP. Follow the steps below to try it.
1. Open the Run dialog box by pressing Windows + R keys together.
2. Type firefox -safe-mode in the Run dialog box and click OK.

3. Click on Open when prompted
Method 2: Remove Firefox Cache
Corrupt cache and cookies in Firefox browser may cause issues in accessing web pages which can lead to SSL_ERROR Firefox error. You can resolve this problem by deleting Firefox cache as instructed below.
1. Open a new tab in Firefox.
2. Click on three lines (Open Application Menu) as shown.

3. From the drop down list, click on Settings.

4. In the left pane, click on Privacy & Security tab.
5. Scroll down the right pane and click on Clear Data… under Cookies and Site Data section.

6. Uncheck the box marked Cookies and Site Data and Check the box marked Cached Web Content.

7. Click on Clear. It will clear Firefox cache.
Also Read: Fix No Sound in Firefox on Windows 10
Method 3: Turn Off Hardware Acceleration
Using Hardware Acceleration may result in graphics performance issues which can cause the discussed error in your Firefox browser. You can turn off hardware acceleration option as instructed below.
1. Follow Steps 1 to 3 from Method 2 to open Firefox Settings.
2. Click on General tab and uncheck the box marked Use recommended performance settings below Performance section as shown.

3. Uncheck the box marked Use hardware acceleration when available.

4. Exit browser. You can also press Ctrl + Shift + Q keys simultaneously to do that.
Method 4: Update Firefox Browser
Like any other program, you must periodically update Firefox browser to avoid any software errors and bugs. Updating it might resolve SSL_ERROR Firefox error. Follow the instructions below to update Firefox browser.
1. Open a new tab in Firefox and click on Menu icon.

2. Click on Help.

3. Click on About Firefox.

4A. If any updates are pending, they will start downloading automatically by default if not, follow the on-screen instructions to update Firefox. After updating is complete you will see an option Restart Firefox to Update. Click on it and Firefox will restart.
4B. If Firefox is already updated, you will get Firefox is up to date message.

Also Read: Fix Your Connection is not Secure Error on Firefox
Method 5: Update Firefox Extensions
Sometimes Outdated extensions can interfere browsing in Firefox. They can also cause this Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error. We advise you to update Firefox extensions as instructed below.
1. Click on Menu icon in Firefox.

2. Click on Add-ons and themes.

3. In the left pane, click on Extensions tab. After that, click on gear icon located at the right of Manage Your Extensions section.

4. Click on Check for Updates.

5A. If updates are available, follow the on-screen instructions to install them.
5B. If your extensions are already updated, you will get No updates found message as shown.

Check if it resolves the issue.
Method 6: Disable or Remove Extensions
If updating Firefox extensions did not fix the issue, then you are advised to disable them from your browser or remove them completely as instructed below.
Option 1: Disable Firefox Extensions
1. Follow Step 1 and 2 from Method 5.
2. Click on Extensions tab and turn the toggle OFF for your extensions.
Note: Here, Grammarly for Firefox is taken as an example.

Disable all extensions one by one and find out which extension is causing you the trouble. This should fix the issue.
Option 2: Remove Firefox Extensions
If you have identified the problematic extension causing SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error, then you are advised to remove it completely from your browser as instructed below.
1. Follow Step 1 and 2 from Method 5. Click on Extensions tab.
2. Click on three dots icon to the right of problematic extension and select Remove option from drop down list.

It will remove the extension from the browser. Check if you have fixed NO CYPHER OVERLAP error.
Method 7: Disable Antivirus Temporarily
Antivirus program in your Windows 10 PC can sometimes interfere with programs like Firefox which can result in SSL_ERROR Firefox error. You to disable your antivirus program temporarily by following our guide to Disable Antivirus Temporarily on Windows 10.
Note: Enable the Antivirus immediately after the issue is resolved.
Method 8: Run Malware Scan
Windows 10 PC has a built-in security suite to detect any virus or harmful files. You can use it to scan any threats and malicious programs contributing to SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error. Follow our guide on How do I Run a Virus Scan on my Computer?. After that you can follow our guide on How to Remove Malware from your PC in Windows 10 and remove malware.
Also Read: Fix Server Not Found Error in Firefox
Method 9: Reset TLS and SSL3 to Default Settings
TLS and SSL refer to Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer respectively. These are cryptographic protocols that authenticate data transfer from client to server. They secure data and are enabled by default in your browser. You can reset their settings to default values as instructed below to fix NO CYPHER OVERLAP error.
1. Open Firefox and type about:config in the address bar.
2. Click on Accept the Risk and Continue button.

3. Type tls in the Search preference name field as shown.

4. If any values are marked bold, click on Reset (arrow symbol) to change their values to default settings.
Note: The values highlighted in bold are recently changed ones. Restoring them to their default settings will fix NO CYPHER OVERLAP error.

5. Repeat the steps to reset SSL3. Type SSL3 in Search preference name field and click on Reset symbol for bold values of SSL3.

6. In the same screen, ensure that the following options are set to False.
- security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_128_sha
- security.ssl3.dhe_rsa_aes_256_sha
Note: You can click on Toggle button to change status from True to False or vice versa.

Method 10: Bypass Encryption Protocols
You can reset a few advanced preferences in Firefox that might fix SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error. This method may cause security threats but it can be implemented when you have to bypass security preferences to browse important web pages. Follow the steps below to bypass encryption protocols in Firefox.
Option 1: Through About Config
1. Follow Steps 1- 3 from Method 9.

2. Search for the following options one by one and click on Edit button and change their value to 0.
- security.tls.version.min
- security.tls.version.fallback-limit

3. Then, click on the Save button.

Option 2: Through About Preferences
Here is another way you can bypass encryption protocols in the Firefox
1. Open Firefox and type about:preferences in the address bar.

2. Click on Privacy & Security tab and scroll down the right pane.
3. In Security menu, uncheck the box marked Block dangerous and deceptive content under Deceptive Content and Dangerous Software Protection section as shown.

Check if you have fixed NO CYPHER OVERLAP error in Firefox.
Also Read: Fix Firefox is Already Running
Method 11: Refresh Firefox
Refreshing Firefox will delete your extensions and other customizations but you will not lose your bookmarks, downloaded history, saved passwords, cookies and web form auto-fill information. It might fix SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP issue. Follow the instructions below to refresh Firefox.
1. Follow Steps 1 and 2 from Method 4.
2. Click on More troubleshooting information.

3. Select Refresh Firefox… option.

4. Click on Refresh Firefox button and it will began the refreshing process.

5. Click on Finish in the Import Wizard window.

6. Click on Let’s go! button.
Note: When you refresh Firefox, all previous Firefox data is stored in a folder Old Firefox Data on your Desktop. You can use the data whenever needed or you can delete it.

Method 12: Create New Firefox Profile
If you are still facing SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP Firefox issue then creating a new Firefox user profile might fix it. Follow the steps below to do so.
Note: Exit Firefox and close all its tabs before following this method.
1. Hit the Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type firefox.exe -P and click on OK.

3. Select Create Profile… option as shown.

4. Click on Next button in Create Profile Wizard window.

5. Type new profile name under Enter new profile name and click on Finish.

Also Read: How to Fix Firefox Not Loading Pages
Method 13: Reinstall Firefox
If none of the methods works for you and you are still facing SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP Firefox then you can try reinstalling the browser. It might do the trick. You can do that by following these steps.
1. Press Windows key, type Control Panel and click on Open.

2. Click on Uninstall a program under Programs menu as shown.

3. Select Mozilla Firefox from the list and click on Uninstall as shown.

4. Click on Yes on User Account Control prompt.
5. Click on Next > button in Mozilla Firefox Uninstall wizard.

6. Click on Uninstall.

7. Click Finish to close the window.

8. Press Windows key, type %localappdata% and click on Open to go to AppData Local folder.

9. Right-click on Mozilla folder and select delete.

10. Press Windows key again, type %appdata% and click on Open to go to AppData Roaming folder.

11. Repeat Step 9 to delete the Mozilla folder.
12. Finally, restart your PC.
13. Download Mozilla Firefox from the official website.

14. Run Firefox Installer from Downloads folder and install the browser on your computer.
Open the browser and check if the issue is resolved.
Note: If you still face SSL_ERROR Firefox error then the issue may be in the server side. It occurs if a site is running on cipher suit RC4 which is not supported by popular web browsers and if the server has set security.tls.unrestricted_rc4_fallback as False in their Preferences. You can contact the site owner in that case to fix the issue, if needed.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix the Firefox SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you have any queries or suggestions then feel free to drop them in the comments section.