如果您缺少DLL文件,那么这是您最糟糕的噩梦。此错误消息(error message)突然出现,可能会完全停止您的工作。程序无法启动,因为(The program can’t start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing) 您的计算机缺少 VCRUNTIME140.dll。遗憾的是,尝试重新安装程序以解决此问题(from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem) 错误消息(error message)在 Windows 用户中很常见。由于许多应用程序依赖于Microsoft Visual Studio 运行时(Microsoft Visual Studio runtime)库,因此看到此错误可能会令人沮丧,因为上述应用程序将不再运行。因此,我们将指导您如何修复Windows 11上的(Windows 11)VCRUNTIME140.dll丢失或未找到错误。
如何修复 VCRUNTIME140.dll 在 Windows 11 上丢失或未找到错误(How to Fix VCRUNTIME140.dll is Missing or Not Found Error on Windows 11)
您可能认为VCRUNTIME140.dll not found错误是阻止您访问特定程序的恶意软件。但是这是错误的。VCRUNTIME140.dll是一个Microsoft 运行时库(Microsoft runtime library),可帮助访问和执行使用(access and execute programs)Microsoft Visual Studio创建的程序。DLL文件包含(contain the codes)程序正常运行所需的代码。要访问这些代码,基于 MS Visual Studio 2015-2019 的应用程序(MS Visual Studio 2015-2019 based applications)需要运行时目录。以下是VCRUNTIME140.DLL is missing(VCRUNTIME140.DLL is missing)错误背后的一些常见原因:
- 损坏的程序或应用程序
- 可能被错误删除的文件。
- 系统中的恶意软件和病毒
- Windows更新引入的漏洞。
注意:(Note:) 加载 vcruntime140_1.dll 时出错。(Error loading vcruntime140_1.dll. The specified module could not be found)多个用户也报告了找不到指定模块的错误。这通常发生在您的计算机上安装了2019update and Visual C++这会导致不兼容问题。
Method 1: Repair Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64 and x86 Both)
按照给定的步骤通过修复Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 可再发行组件来修复Windows 11上的(Windows 11)VCRUNTIME140.dll丢失或未找到错误:
1. 同时按Windows + X 键(keys)打开快速链接(Quick Link)菜单。
2.从给定的菜单中单击应用程序和功能。(Apps and Features)
3. 在应用程序和功能(Apps & features)窗口中,在应用程序列表(App list)搜索框中键入Visual C++
4. 单击对应于Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64)三个垂直点(three vertical dots )。
5. 然后,点击修改(Modify),如下图所示。
6. 在Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64)向导中,单击修复(Repair)按钮。
7. 看到Setup Success(Setup Successful)消息后,单击C lost(lose),如图所示。
8.对Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86)步骤 4-8(Steps 4-8)。
9.重新启动(Restart)您的 Windows 11 电脑。
Method 2: Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64 and x86 Both)
如果修复上述应用程序无助于解决问题,请尝试通过重新安装Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 可再发行组件来修复Windows 11中的(Windows 11)VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing 错误。
1. 按照方法 1(Method 1)的步骤 1-3(Steps 1-3 of)启动应用程序和功能(Apps & Features)并搜索Visual C++。
2. 单击与Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64)相关的三个垂直点(three vertical dots )。
3. 然后,点击卸载(Uninstall),如下图所示。
5.让卸载过程完成(uninstallation process finish)。然后,对Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86)也重复步骤 3-4(steps 3-4)。
6.重新启动(Restart)您的 Windows 11 电脑。
7. 打开Web 浏览器(web browser)并转到Microsoft 下载中心(Microsoft Download Center)。
9. 选中标记为vc_redist.x64.exe和vc_redist.x86.exe的框,然后单击Next,如下图所示。
等待(Wait)下载过程(download process)完成。
10. 打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer)并转到下载文件的位置,例如下载(Downloads)。
11.双击下载的.exe 文件安装它们。(.exe files)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Windows 11 上更新应用程序
方法 3:运行 DISM 和 SFC 扫描(Method 3: Run DISM and SFC Scans)
要修复VCRUNTIME140.dll在(VCRUNTIME140.dll)Windows 11中丢失或未找到错误,请运行部署映像服务和管理(Deployment Image Servicing and Management)以及系统文件检查器(System File Checker)工具来修复和排除与系统中损坏文件相关的问题。
注意:(Note:)您的计算机必须连接到 Internet 才能正确执行这些命令。
1、在搜索栏中搜索命令提示符,点击(Command Prompt)以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator),如图。
2. 键入以下命令 (commands )并在每个命令后按Enter 键。(key)
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
3. DISM 过程(DISM process)完成后,键入SFC / /scannow并按 Enter。(Enter.)
4.显示Verification 100% complete消息后,重新启动计算机。
方法 4:重新安装受影响的应用程序(Method 4: Reinstall Affected Application)
1.如前所述,通过快速链接( Quick Link)菜单启动应用程序和功能。(Apps & Features)
2.滚动(Scroll)浏览已安装应用程序列表,然后单击(apps and click)要卸载的应用程序的三点图标。(three dots icon )
注意:(Note:)我们在此方法中以BlueStacks 5为例。
3. 点击卸载(Uninstall),如图所示。
4. 按照屏幕上的说明((on-screen instructions,)如果有)卸载应用程序。
5. 从其官网重新下载已卸载的应用程序。例如,单击 Bluestacks 下载页面上的Download(Bluestacks) BlueStacks 。(Download BlueStacks)
6. 对所有面临VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing 错误的应用重复相同的操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复应用程序无法在 Windows 11 中打开
方法 5:从防病毒隔离区恢复 .DLL 文件
(Method 5: Restore .DLL Files from Antivirus Quarantine Zone
如果上述文件被误解为恶意软件并被安装在您计算机上的防病毒程序(antivirus program)删除或禁用,则可以检索相同的文件。按照给定的步骤通过从防病毒程序(Antivirus program)的隔离区(Quarantine zone)恢复 .dll 文件来修复Windows 11中的(Windows 11)VCRUNTIME140.dll丢失错误。
注意:(Note:)我们在此方法中以Bitdefender应用程序为例。您的防病毒程序可能提供也可能不提供此功能。此外,步骤可能会因Windows PC 上安装的防病毒软件而异。(antivirus software)
1. 点击搜索图标(Search icon),输入Bitfender并点击打开(Open)。
2. 转到您的防病毒软件的保护(Protection )部分,然后单击防病毒软件(Antivirus),如图所示突出显示。
3. 选择设置(Settings)菜单并单击隔离威胁的(Quarantined threats)管理(Manage) 隔离(quarantine)选项。
4. 选中.dll 文件(.dll file)的复选框(如果存在),然后单击恢复(Restore )按钮。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11中恢复(Windows 11)丢失的回收站图标(Missing Recycle Bin Icon)
方法 6:手动下载 .DLL 文件(Method 6: Manually Download .DLL Files)
1.从您的 Web 浏览器导航到dll-files.com 。
3. 选择VCRUNTIME140.dll选项。
4.向下滚动(Scroll)到下载部分,然后单击(download section and click)所需版本(Version)的下载(Download)。
5. 下载完成后,双击解压( extract )下载的zip文件。(downloaded zip file)
6.复制(Copy). dll 文件(.dll file)以及自述文本文件(readme text file),方法是选择它并按Ctrl + C keys。
7.按Ctrl + V keys文件粘贴(Paste files)到您遇到错误的目录(Directory)中。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何使用 GPO(Update Using GPO)阻止 Windows 11更新(Block Windows 11)
方法 7:更新 Windows(Method 7: Update Windows)
要修复VCRUNTIME140.dll在(VCRUNTIME140.dll)Windows 11中丢失错误,请按照以下步骤更新您的Windows 操作系统:(Windows operating)
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开 Windows设置(Settings)。
2. 单击左窗格中的Windows 更新(Windows Update)。
3. 然后,单击检查更新(Check for updates )按钮。
4A。如果有任何可用更新,请单击下载并安装(Download & install)选项。重新启动您的电脑。
4B。如果此选项不可见,则您的 Windows 11 PC 已在最新可用更新上运行。
方法 8:执行系统还原(Method 8: Perform System Restore)
如果一切都失败了,请通过执行系统还原来修复(system restore)Windows 11中的(Windows 11)VCRUNTIME140.dll丢失或未找到错误。
1. 点击搜索图标(Search icon)并输入控制面板(control Panel),然后点击打开(Open)。
2. 设置View by: > Large icons,然后点击恢复(Recovery)。
3. 单击打开(Open) 系统(System) 还原(Restore)选项。
4.在系统还原(System Restore)窗口中单击Next >两次。
5. 从列表中,选择最新的自动还原点(Automatic Restore Point),将您的计算机还原到您没有遇到问题的时间点。单击(Click)Next >按钮。
注意:(Note:)您可以单击扫描受影响的程序以查看将计算机还原到之前设置的(Scan for affected programs)还原点(restore point)会受到影响的应用程序列表。单击(Click)关闭(Close)以关闭新打开的窗口。
6. 最后,点击完成(Finish)。
- 什么是 Windows 11 SE?
- 如何修复 Windows 11 更新卡住
- 如何修复 Windows 11(Fix Windows 11) 任务栏(Taskbar)不工作
- 如何修复 Microsoft Store无法在(Fix Microsoft Store)Windows 11上打开
我们希望您发现本文(article helpful)对如何修复 Windows 11 上的 VCRUNTIME140.dll 丢失或未找到错误(fix VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing or not found error on Windows 11)有所帮助。您可以在下面的评论部分(comment section)发送您的建议和查询。
Fix VCRUNTIME140.dll Missing on Windows 11
If you are missing DLL files, then this is your wоrst nightmare coming true. This error message apрears out of nowhere and can put a complete stop to yоur work. The program can’t start because VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem error message is regrettably quite common among Windows users. As many applications rely on Microsoft Visual Studio runtime library, seeing this error can be frustrating as the said apps would no longer function. Thus, we will guide you how to fix VCRUNTIME140.dll missing or not found error on Windows 11.
How to Fix VCRUNTIME140.dll is Missing or Not Found Error on Windows 11
You may think that VCRUNTIME140.dll not found error is malware that prevents you from accessing a specific program. But, this is not true. VCRUNTIME140.dll is a Microsoft runtime library that aids to access and execute programs created with Microsoft Visual Studio. DLL files contain the codes that programs need to run properly. To access these codes, MS Visual Studio 2015-2019 based applications require the runtime directory. Following are some common reasons behind VCRUNTIME140.DLL is missing error:
- Corrupt Programs or applications
- Files that may have been mistakenly removed.
- Malware and viruses in the system
- Vulnerabilities introduced by Windows updates.
Note: Error loading vcruntime140_1.dll. The specified module could not be found and error 80090016 has also been reported by several users. This usually occurs when 2019 update and Visual C++ 2015 is installed on your computer. This leads to incompatibility issues.
Method 1: Repair Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64 and x86 Both)
Follow the given steps to fix VCRUNTIME140.dll missing or not found error on Windows 11 by repairing Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 redistributable:
1. Press Windows + X keys simultaneously to open Quick Link Menu.
2. Click on Apps and Features from the given menu.
3. In the Apps & features window, type Visual C++ in the App list search box.
4. Click on the three vertical dots corresponding to Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64).
5. Then, click on Modify, as depicted below.
6. In the Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64) Wizard, click on the Repair button.
7. After you see Setup Successful message, click on Close, as shown.
8. Repeat Steps 4-8 for Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) as well.
9. Restart your Windows 11 PC.
Method 2: Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64 and x86 Both)
If repairing the said apps doesn’t help fix the problem, the try to fix VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing error in Windows 11 by reinstalling Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 redistributable.
1. Launch Apps & Features & search for Visual C++ by following Steps 1-3 of Method 1.
2. Click on the three vertical dots pertaining to Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x64).
3. Then, click on Uninstall, as depicted below.
4. Click on Uninstall in the confirmation pop-up.
5. Let the uninstallation process finish. Then, repeat steps 3-4 for Microsoft Visual C ++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (x86) too.
6. Restart your Windows 11 PC.
7. Open a web browser and go to the Microsoft Download Center.
8. Click on Download after selecting the language of your preference. e.g. English.
9. Check the boxes marked vc_redist.x64.exe and vc_redist.x86.exe and click on Next, as illustrated below.
Wait for the download process to be completed.
10. Open File Explorer and go to the location where the files are downloaded, e.g. Downloads.
11. Install both downloaded .exe files by double-clicking on them.
Also Read: How to Update Apps on Windows 11
Method 3: Run DISM and SFC Scans
To fix VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing or not found error in Windows 11, run Deployment Image Servicing and Management as well as System File Checker tools to fix & rule out issues related to corrupt files in the system.
Note: Your computer must be connected to the internet to execute these commands properly.
1. Search for Command Prompt in search bar and click on Run as administrator, as shown.
2. Type the following commands and press the Enter key after each command.
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
3. After the DISM process is completed, type SFC /scannow & hit Enter.
4. Once the Verification 100% complete message is displayed, restart your computer.
Method 4: Reinstall Affected Application
If only a particular program is affected by this error then, you need to reinstall that program. As programs have their own copy of VCRUNTIME140.dll files, reinstalling such apps may solve this problem.
1. Launch Apps & Features via Quick Link menu, as earlier.
2. Scroll through the list of installed apps and click on the three dots icon for the app that you want to uninstall.
Note: We have shown BlueStacks 5 as an example in this method.
3. Click on Uninstall, as shown.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions, if any, to uninstall the app.
5. Re-download the uninstalled app from its official website. For example, click on Download BlueStacks on Bluestacks download page.
6. Repeat the same for all apps facing VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing error.
Also Read: Fix Apps Can’t Open in Windows 11
Method 5: Restore .DLL Files from Antivirus Quarantine Zone
In case, the said files were misconstrued as malware and deleted or disabled by the antivirus program installed on your computer, the same can be retrieved. Follow the given steps to fix VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing error in Windows 11 by restoring .dll files from Quarantine zone of Antivirus program.
Note: We have shown Bitdefender app as an example in this method. Your antivirus program may or may not provide this feature. Also, steps may vary depending upon the antivirus software installed on your Windows PC.
1. Click on the Search icon, type Bitfender and click on Open.
2. Go to the Protection section of your antivirus, then click on Antivirus as shown highlighted.
3. Select the Settings menu and click on the Manage quarantine option for Quarantined threats.
4. Check the box for the .dll file, if present, and click on the Restore button.
Also Read: How to Restore Missing Recycle Bin Icon in Windows 11
Method 6: Manually Download .DLL Files
You can download and install missing DLL files manually to resolve this issue.
1. Navigate to dll-files.com from your Web Browser.
2. Search for VCRUNTIME140 in the search bar.
3. Select the VCRUNTIME140.dll option.
4. Scroll down to the download section and click on Download with respect to the desired Version.
5. After downloading process is finished, extract the downloaded zip file by double-clicking on it.
6. Copy the .dll file along with the readme text file by selecting it and pressing Ctrl + C keys.
7. Paste files in the Directory where you were facing the error by pressing Ctrl + V keys.
Also Read: How to Block Windows 11 Update Using GPO
Method 7: Update Windows
To fix VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing error in Windows 11, update your Windows operating system by following these steps:
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Windows Settings.
2. Click on Windows Update in the left pane.
3. Then, click on Check for updates button.
4A. If there is any update available, click on Download & install option. Restart your PC.
4B. If this option is not visible, then your Windows 11 PC is already running on the latest available updates.
Method 8: Perform System Restore
If all else fails, fix VCRUNTIME140.dll missing or not found error in Windows 11 by performing system restore.
1. Click on the Search icon and type control Panel, then click on Open.
2. Set View by: > Large icons, and then click on Recovery.
3. Click on Open System Restore option.
4. Click on Next > in the System Restore window twice.
5. From the list, select the latest Automatic Restore Point to restore your computer to the point when you were not facing the issue. Click on the Next > button.
Note: You can click on Scan for affected programs to see the list of applications that will be affected by restoring the computer to the previously set restore point. Click on Close to close the newly opened window.
6. Finally, click on Finish.
We hope you found this article helpful on how to fix VCRUNTIME140.dll is missing or not found error on Windows 11. You can send your suggestions and queries in the comment section below.