想象一下(Imagine),你正在做一些重要的办公室工作(office work),突然你看到一个蓝屏死机错误(death error),并且启动设备(boot device)无法访问。可怕,不是吗?(Frightening, isn’t it?) 蓝屏(Blue Screen of Death)死机( BSoD ) 错误足以让您陷入绝望。这是Windows 10 PC 的常见问题。不幸的是,Windows 11也不能幸免。好吧(Well),不要害怕!我们在这里修复Windows 11中无法访问的启动设备(boot device) BSOD 错误(BSOD error)。
如何修复 Windows 11 中无法访问的启动设备 BSOD 错误(How to Fix Inaccessible Boot Device BSOD Error in Windows 11)
顾名思义,Inaccessible Boot Device Error发生在(Boot Device Error)Windows 无法(Windows is not able to communicate)与包含系统文件并促进正常启动的驱动器分区通信时。无法访问启动设备(boot device) BSOD 错误(BSOD error)背后的一些常见原因如下:
- 损坏或损坏的硬盘驱动器。
- 损坏的系统文件。
- 损坏或不匹配的驱动程序。
- 过时的图形驱动程序。
- 过时或损坏的 SATA 驱动程序。
注意:(Note:)在完成这些方法之前,请按照我们关于如何(How)以安全模式(Mode)启动 Windows 11(Boot Windows 11)的指南执行相同操作并纠正此问题。
方法 1:断开外部硬盘驱动器(Method 1: Disconnect External Hard Drives)
如果在引导时有外部硬盘驱动器连接到计算机,也可能会发生无法访问的引导设备错误。(Boot Device error)这可能会导致启动首选项的顺序发生冲突,(cause conflict in the order of boot preferences)进而可能会替换主启动磁盘(boot disk)的优先级。为了解决这个问题,
1.移除所有(Remove all external storage devices)连接到计算机的外部存储设备。
2. 现在,重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
方法 2:正确连接驱动器(Method 2: Connect Drives Properly)
另一点需要注意的是,由于使用、加热、冲击或接线松动( loose wirings),连接可能会随着时间的推移而松动。有时,连接器可能会出现故障,从而导致无法访问的引导设备(Boot device)错误。
1. 如果您使用 NVMe SSD,请确保正确插入 SSD( insert the SSD properly)并将其连接到正确的插槽(connect it to the correct slot)。
2. 确保所有连接和连接器安装正确(all connections & connectors are fitted properly)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) PC 游戏的最佳外置硬盘(Best External Hard Drive)
方法 3:修复损坏的系统文件(Method 3: Repair Corrupt System Files)
由于系统文件损坏或硬盘中有坏扇区,您可能会遇到此错误。您可以通过在命令提示符(command prompt)下运行某些命令来修复它们。
第一步:运行 chkdsk 命令(Step I: Run chkdsk Command)
首先,您应该扫描安装了Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)的驱动器,如下所示:
1. 按Windows 键(key)并键入命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator),如图所示。
2.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
3. 键入chkdsk X: /r并按Enter 键(key),将X替换为安装(X)Windows的驱动器分区,通常是驱动器C。(drive C)
4. 如果您收到无法锁定当前驱动器(Cannot lock current drive)的消息,请键入Y并按Enter键以在下次引导类型时运行chkdsk 扫描(chkdsk scan)。
5. 最后,重启(restart) 你的电脑(your PC)。
步骤二:运行 SFC 扫描(Step II: Run SFC Scan)
现在,您可以按照给定的步骤运行系统文件检查器扫描:(System File Checker Scan)
1.以管理员(Command Prompt as administrator)身份启动命令提示符,如前所示。
2. 键入SFC /scannow并按Enter,如下图所示。
第三步:运行 DISM 扫描(Step III: Run DISM Scan)
最后,运行部署映像服务管理(Deployment Image Servicing Management)扫描以修复损坏的系统文件,如下所示:
1.如前所述打开提升的命令提示符。(Elevated Command Prompt)
2. 键入DISM /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth 并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
3. 然后,如图所示执行DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth 命令开始修复。
4. 最后,重新启动(restart)您的 Windows 11 PC。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix)带有光标问题(Cursor Issue)的Windows 11黑屏(Black Screen)
方法四:更新显卡驱动(Method 4: Update Graphics Driver)
有时,过时的图形驱动程序可能会导致Windows 11上无法访问的启动设备(boot device) BSOD 错误(BSOD error)。您可以按照以下步骤更新图形驱动程序:
1. 单击 搜索图标 (Search icon )并输入 设备(d)管理器。(evice manager.)然后,单击打开(Open)。
2. 双击 显示适配器(Display adapters) 将其展开。
3. 右键单击 过时的驱动程序(outdated driver) (例如 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650Ti)并选择 更新驱动程序(Update driver) 选项,如下图所示。
4A。单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)选项以允许Windows自行搜索它们。
4B。如果您已经从官方网站(official website)下载了更新的驱动程序,请单击浏览我的计算机以查找驱动程序(Browse my computer for drivers)并从您的系统存储(system storage)中找到它。
5A。向导完成驱动程序安装后,单击关闭(Close) 并重新启动您的 PC(restart your PC)。
5B。如果显示已安装设备的最佳驱动程序(The best drivers for your device are already installed)消息,请尝试下一个解决方案。
方法5:重新安装显卡驱动(Method 5: Reinstall Graphics Driver)
您还可以重新安装图形驱动程序以修复Windows 11中无法访问的(Windows 11)启动设备(boot device) BSOD 错误(BSOD error),如下所述:
1. 启动 设备(D)管理器(evice Manager)并按照上一个方法的说明 进入显示适配器。(Display adapters )
2. 右键单击 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650Ti 并单击 卸载(Uninstall) 设备(device),如下图所示。
3. 取消选中尝试删除此设备的驱动程序(Attempt to remove the driver for this device) 选项,然后单击 卸载。(Uninstall.)
4.重新启动(Restart) 您的 PC(your PC)以自动重新安装您的图形驱动程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11上回滚(Windows 11)驱动程序更新(Driver Updates)
方法 6:更新 SATA 适配器驱动程序(Method 6: Update SATA Adapter Driver)
SATA 或串行 AT 附件(SATA or Serial AT Attachment)可帮助您将系统与HDD(HDDs)、SDD(SDDs)和光驱连接。因此(Hence),无法读取上述驱动器可能会导致修复Windows 11中无法访问的启动设备错误(boot device error)。以下是通过更新SATA 适配器(SATA adapter)驱动程序来修复它的方法:
1.如前所述启动设备管理器。(Device Manager)
2.双击IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers
3. 然后,右键单击您的SATA 控制器驱动程序( SATA Controller driver)(例如AMD SATA 控制器(AMD SATA Controller))并从上下文菜单中选择(context menu)更新驱动程序(Update driver),如下图所示。
4A。单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)。等待(Wait)Windows自动下载并安装更新(如果有)并重新启动您的 PC 。(Windows)
4B。如果显示已安装设备的最佳驱动程序(The best drivers for your device are already installed)消息,请单击关闭(Close )并尝试下一个修复。
方法七:通过 BIOS 菜单选择 Boot Drive(Method 7: Choose Boot Drive Through BIOS Menu)
BIOS中不正确的启动驱动器(boot drive)设置也可能导致Windows 11中的(Windows 11)启动设备无法访问错误(boot device error)。您可以通过BIOS 菜单(BIOS menu)选择正确的引导驱动器(boot drive),如下所示:
1. 同时按Alt + F4 keys打开关闭 Windows(Shut Down Windows)选项。
2. 在这里,选择Restart并点击OK,如图所示。
3. 当您的计算机重新启动时,当您看到Windows 徽标(Windows logo)时,开始按BIOS 键(BIOS key)进入 BIOS 菜单。
注意:(Note:)不同制造商的 BIOS 菜单热键是不同的,(different for different manufacturers)因此快速谷歌搜索(Google search)会有所帮助。通常按F10 键(F10 key)就可以了。阅读我们关于在Windows 10(Dell/Asus/ HP)中访问 BIOS的 6 种方法的指南。(Access BIOS)
4.进入BIOS菜单(BIOS menu)后,进入Advanced BIOS Features,如图。
5. 然后,单击Boot > Boot Option #1以查看可用驱动器列表。
6. 选择安装 Windows 11的驱动器。(Drive)
7. 单击保存并退出(Save & exit)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix)此 PC 无法运行 Windows 11 错误
方法8:重置Windows 11 PC(Method 8: Reset Windows 11 PC)
如果上述方法均无法修复Windows 11中伴随蓝屏死机错误(death error)的无法访问的启动设备错误(boot device error),则别无选择,只能重置您的 PC,如下所述:
1. 同时按下 Windows + I keys 启动 Windows 设置(Settings)。
2. 在 系统 (System )选项卡中,向下滚动并单击 恢复(Recovery),如图所示。
3. 在 Recovery options下,单击Reset PC 按钮,突出显示。
4. 在 重置此 PC(Reset this PC) 窗口中,单击 保留我的文件(Keep my files)。
5. 从您希望如何重新安装 Windows(How would you like to reinstall Windows) 屏幕中选择以下选项之一 :
云(Cloud) 下载(download)
本地(Local) 重装(reinstall)
注意:(Note:) 云下载(Cloud download)需要有效的互联网连接(internet connection),但比本地重新安装更可靠,因为本地文件损坏的可能性较小。
6. 在 附加设置(Additional settings) 屏幕上,单击 更改设置(Change settings) 以更改之前所做的选择(如果需要)。然后,单击 下一步(Next)。
7. 最后,点击Reset,如下图所示。
注意:(Note:)在重置过程中(Reset process),您的计算机可能会重新启动几次。这是正常行为,可能需要数小时才能完成此过程,具体取决于系统配置(system configuration)和您在前面步骤中选择的设置。
如果问题仍然存在,请阅读我们的指南如何(How)在旧版 BIOS(Legacy BIOS)上安装Windows 11 ,执行(Windows 11)Windows的全新安装。
- 修复(Fix)Windows 10 音量控制(Control)不起作用
- 如何在Windows 11中启用或(Windows 11)禁用 Compact OS(Disable Compact OS)
- (Fix Update Error 0x80888002)修复Windows 11 上的更新错误 0x80888002
- 如何修复Windows 11中的空白图标(Fix Blank Icons)
我们希望本文可以帮助您修复Windows 11 中无法访问的启动设备 BSOD 错误(inaccessible boot device BSOD error in Windows 11)。通过下面的评论部分与我们联系。
Fix Inaccessible Boot Device Error in Windows 11
Іmagine you are doing some important office work and ѕuddenly you see a blue screen of death error with an Inaccessible boot device. Frightening, isn’t it? Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) error is terrifying enough to leave you hanging in despair. It is a common issue with Windows 10 PCs. Unfortunately, Windows 11 isn’t immune to it either. Well, fear not! We are here to fix inaccessible boot device BSOD error in Windows 11.
How to Fix Inaccessible Boot Device BSOD Error in Windows 11
Inaccessible Boot Device Error, as the name suggests, occurs when Windows is not able to communicate with the partition of the drive that contains system files and facilitates normal boot up. Some of the common causes behind inaccessible boot device BSOD error are as follows:
- Corrupt or damaged Hard drive.
- Corrupt system files.
- Corrupt or mismatched drivers.
- Outdated graphics driver.
- Outdated or corrupt SATA drivers.
Note: Before going through the methods, follow our guide on How to Boot Windows 11 in Safe Mode to do the same & rectify this problem.
Method 1: Disconnect External Hard Drives
Inaccessible Boot Device error can also occur if there is an external hard drive connected to the computer at the time of the boot. This may cause conflict in the order of boot preferences which may, in turn, replace the priority of the main boot disk. For resolving this issue,
1. Remove all external storage devices connected to the computer.
2. Now, restart your PC.
Method 2: Connect Drives Properly
Another point to be noted is connections that can become loose over time, due to usage, heating, shocks, or loose wirings. Sometimes, the connectors can be faulty that can lead to Inaccessible Boot device errors.
1. In case you use NVMe SSD, make sure to insert the SSD properly and connect it to the correct slot.
2. Ensure all connections & connectors are fitted properly.
Also Read: Best External Hard Drive for PC Gaming
Method 3: Repair Corrupt System Files
You may be facing this error due to corrupt system files or bad sectors in hard disk. You can repair them by running certain commands in command prompt.
Step I: Run chkdsk Command
Firstly, you should scan your drive where Windows OS is installed as follows:
1. Press the Windows key and type Command Prompt, then click on Run as administrator, as shown.
2. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
3. Type chkdsk X: /r and press the Enter key by replacing X with drive partition where Windows is installed, usually drive C.
4. If you receive a message stating Cannot lock current drive, type Y and press the Enter key to run the chkdsk scan at the type of next boot.
5. Finally, restart your PC.
Step II: Run SFC Scan
Now, you can run System File Checker Scan by following the given steps:
1. Launch Command Prompt as administrator as shown before.
2. Type SFC /scannow and hit Enter, as depicted below.
3. Wait for the scan to be completed and restart your system.
Step III: Run DISM Scan
Finally, run the Deployment Image Servicing Management scan to repair corrupt system files as follows:
Note: Your computer must be connected to the internet to execute the DISM commands properly.
1. Open Elevated Command Prompt as earlier.
2. Type DISM /Online /cleanup-image /scanhealth & press Enter key.
3. Then, execute DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth command as shown to begin repairs.
4. Finally, restart your Windows 11 PC.
Also Read: Fix Windows 11 Black Screen with Cursor Issue
Method 4: Update Graphics Driver
Sometimes, outdated graphics drivers may cause inaccessible boot device BSOD error on Windows 11. You can update your graphics driver by following these steps:
1. Click on the Search icon and type device manager. Then, click on Open.
2. Double-click on Display adapters to expand it.
3. Right-click on the outdated driver (e.g. NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650Ti) and select the Update driver option, as depicted below.
4A. Click on Search automatically for drivers option to allow Windows to search for them on its own.
4B. If you already have downloaded the updated driver from the official website, then click on Browse my computer for drivers and locate it from your system storage.
5A. Once the wizard is done installing the drivers, click on Close and restart your PC.
5B. If The best drivers for your device are already installed message is displayed, try the next solution.
Method 5: Reinstall Graphics Driver
You can also reinstall your graphics driver to fix inaccessible boot device BSOD error in Windows 11 as explained below:
1. Launch Device Manager and go to Display adapters as instructed in the previous method.
2. Right-click on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650Ti and click on Uninstall device, as depicted below.
3. Uncheck the Attempt to remove the driver for this device option and click on Uninstall.
4. Restart your PC to reinstall your graphic driver automatically.
Also Read: How to Rollback Driver Updates on Windows 11
Method 6: Update SATA Adapter Driver
SATA or Serial AT Attachment helps you to connect your system with HDDs, SDDs & optical drives. Hence, an inability to read the said drives could cause fix inaccessible boot device error in Windows 11. Here’s how to fix it by updating SATA adapter driver:
1. Launch Device Manager as earlier.
2. Expand the drivers for IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers by double-clicking on it.
3. Then, right-click on your SATA Controller driver (e.g. AMD SATA Controller) and select Update driver from the context menu, as illustrated below.
4A. Click on Search automatically for drivers. Wait for Windows to download and install updates automatically if any & restart your PC.
4B. If The best drivers for your device are already installed message is displayed, click on Close & try the next fix.
Method 7: Choose Boot Drive Through BIOS Menu
Incorrect boot drive settings in BIOS can also cause inaccessible boot device error in Windows 11. You can choose the correct boot drive through BIOS menu as follows:
1. Press the Alt + F4 keys simultaneously to open Shut Down Windows options.
2. Here, select Restart and click on OK, as shown.
3. While your computer is restarting, as soon as you see the Windows logo, start hitting the BIOS key to enter the BIOS menu.
Note: The BIOS menu hotkey is different for different manufacturers so a quick Google search will help. Generally pressing the F10 key will do the trick. Read our guide on 6 Ways to Access BIOS in Windows 10 (Dell/Asus/ HP).
4. After you enter the BIOS menu, enter Advanced BIOS Features, as shown.
5. Then, click on Boot > Boot Option #1 to see the list of available drives.
6. Select the Drive where Windows 11 is installed.
7. Click on Save & exit.
9. Reboot your system and it should function properly.
Also Read: Fix This PC can’t run Windows 11 Error
Method 8: Reset Windows 11 PC
If none of the above methods could fix inaccessible boot device error accompanying blue screen of death error in Windows 11 then, there’s no choice but to reset your PC as discussed below:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to launch Windows Settings.
2. In the System tab, scroll down and click on Recovery, as shown.
3. Under Recovery options, click Reset PC button, shown highlighted.
4. In the Reset this PC window, click on Keep my files.
5. Choose one of these options from the How would you like to reinstall Windows screen:
Cloud download
Local reinstall
Note: Cloud download requires an active internet connection but is more reliable than Local reinstall as there is a lesser chance of corrupt local files.
6. On the Additional settings screen, click on Change settings to change previously made choices if you want. Then, click on Next.
7. Finally, click on Reset, as depicted below.
Note: During the Reset process, your computer may restart several times. This is normal behavior and it may take hours to complete this process depending on system configuration and the settings you choose in the previous steps.
If the issue still persists, perform a clean installation of Windows by reading our guide How to Install Windows 11 on Legacy BIOS.
We hope this article could help you fix inaccessible boot device BSOD error in Windows 11. Reach out to us via comments section below.