大流行的情况大大增加了在家工作的(Work-From-Home )文化。我们中的许多人已经开始使用Microsoft Teams、Zoom 和 Google Meet(Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet)等在线平台进行会议。然而,一些用户抱怨他们的摄像头在会议期间无法在Teams中工作。(Teams)不要惊慌!我们总是在这里帮助您解决任何问题。本指南介绍了解决Microsoft Teams 摄像头(Microsoft Teams camera)无法正常工作以及因此导致Microsoft Teams 视频通话(video call)无法正常工作问题的原因和故障排除方法。阅读本指南最后,您将完全享受解决问题的乐趣,无需任何麻烦。
如何修复相机无法在团队中工作(How to Fix Camera Not Working on Teams)
有时,您可能对Microsoft Teams 相机(Microsoft Teams camera)无法正常工作的问题一无所知。这可能会突然发生,当您打开相机时,在会议中间与您的同事或客户打交道真的很令人沮丧。以下是导致Microsoft Teams(Microsoft Teams)中相机不可用问题的一些正当原因。
摄像头硬件故障(Hardware failure)。
您 PC 上的其他程序(Other programs)正在使用相机应用程序(camera application)。
(Access)在您的 Windows 10 计算机上未授予(not granted)使用相机的权限。
Microsoft Teams 权限(Microsoft Teams permissions)未针对所有用途设置。
VPN 干扰(VPN interference)正在阻止您的摄像头。
过时或不兼容(Outdated or incompatible)的相机驱动程序。
- 您的默认摄像头干扰(interfering)了网络摄像头(webcam)。
- 过时的团队(Teams)。
现在,您知道在 Windows 10 计算机中导致此问题的原因。作为下一步,这里是一组有效的故障排除解决方法,可帮助您解决相同问题。首先遵循基本的故障排除步骤,如果它们无法为您提供修复,我们还编译了高级故障排除方法。你还在等什么?继续阅读(Continue reading)。
基本故障排除(Basic Troubleshooting)
- 要解决与相机相关的任何临时故障,请尝试重新启动计算机(rebooting your computer)。这将解决您 PC 中所有损坏的缓存,从而解决此问题。
重新启动应用程序(Restarting the application)也将有助于解决问题。因此,使用任务管理器(Task Manager)关闭团队(Teams)并重新启动它。
- 通过打开Windows 10 PC 上的摄像头(camera )并开始录制来查找原因。
案例 1:(Case 1: )如果内置摄像头没有问题,您将在设备上进行任何形式的录制。在这种情况下,您必须对与Microsoft Teams相关的步骤进行故障排除。
情况 2:(Case 2: )如果您无法录制(t record)任何视频,则问题出在内置摄像头(inbuilt camera )或网络摄像头上(webcam)。对硬件和设备问题(hardware and devices issues)进行故障排除以修复Teams 问题(Teams problem)中不可用的摄像头。
- 确保网络摄像头正确连接到您的计算机,并且内置摄像头没有外部损坏。如果外部严重损坏,请考虑更换相机。
方法一:关闭其他摄像头访问应用(Method 1: Close Other Camera Accessing Applications)
如果Skype(Skype)、Zoom、Google Meet和Discord等其他视频会议应用程序正在使用您的摄像头,则您无法在Teams中使用它。确保在加入Teams 会议(Teams meeting)时关闭 Windows 10 计算机上的所有其他后台任务,以修复相机(Camera)无法解决Teams 问题(Teams issue)。
1.通过同时Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys启动任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 现在,搜索并选择摄像头访问(camera accessing programs)正在后台运行的程序。
3. 最后,如图所示选择结束任务(End Task)。
方法二:允许相机权限(Method 2: Allow Camera Permissions)
如果您没有在 PC 的隐私(Privacy )设置中启用相机权限,您将无法访问相机的任何应用程序或程序。这是您 PC 的内置安全功能(security feature),用于维护数据隐私。要在 Windows 10 PC 中启用相机权限,请按照以下说明进行操作。
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys 启动Windows 设置(Windows Settings )。
2. 现在,如图所示单击隐私(Privacy )。
3. 在这里,单击左侧窗格中的相机(Camera)选项。确保如图所示启用允许应用访问您的相机选项。(Allow apps to access your camera )
4. 现在,向下滚动右侧屏幕并确保Microsoft Teams应用列在Allow desktop apps to access your camera下。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何访问 Microsoft Teams 管理中心登录(Access Microsoft Teams Admin Center Login)
方法 3:在 Teams 中开启媒体权限(Method 3: Turn On Media Permissions in Teams)
除了在系统隐私设置中启用(system privacy)相机(Camera)权限外,您还必须在Teams 应用程序(Teams application)中打开媒体权限。按照下面提到的说明在Teams中打开相机权限。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)。键入Microsoft Teams并启动它。
2. 单击右上角的三点(three-dotted )(靠近您的个人资料)图标。
3. 然后,单击设置(Settings )选项,如图所示。
4. 在下一个屏幕中,切换到应用权限(App permissions )菜单并打开媒体(相机、麦克风、扬声器)(Media (Camera, microphone, speakers) )按钮,如图所示。
现在,检查您是否修复了在Teams 问题(Teams issue)中无法正常工作的视频。
方法 4:更新团队(Method 4: Update Teams)
尽管Microsoft Teams 应用(Microsoft Teams application)程序会自动更新,但请确保将应用程序更新到其最新版本以避免出现任何问题。这将修复以前版本的Teams中的错误。按照下面提到的步骤更新Teams。
1. 单击Teams中您的个人资料图片(Profile Picture)旁边的三点图标。(three-dotted icon )
2. 然后,选择检查更新(Check for updates )选项,如图所示。
3. 您将看到一条消息,当您继续(We will check and install any updates while you continue to work)在屏幕顶部工作时,我们将检查并安装任何更新。
4B。如果Microsoft Teams已过时,它将更新并在横幅中显示刷新。(Refresh)单击请(Please) 立即刷新(refresh now)链接。
5. 现在,等到(wait till) Microsoft Teams重新启动。检查您是否已修复相机无法解决 Teams 问题(Teams issue)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何启用或禁用 Microsoft Teams 一(Disable Microsoft Teams Push)键通
方法 5:禁用 VPN(Method 5: Disable VPN)
如果您的网络连接(network connection)阻止您访问Teams客户端,您可以尝试使用其他连接或禁用VPN/proxy。然后,按照步骤执行相同的操作。
1. 退出Microsoft Teams并确保从任务管理器(Task Manager)中关闭与其相关的所有应用程序。
2. 现在,按下Windows键并键入Proxy,如下所示。
3.从搜索结果中打开更改代理设置。(Change proxy settings)
4. 在这里,关闭以下设置。
- 自动检测设置(Automatically detect settings)
- 使用设置脚本(Use setup script)
- 使用代理服务器(Use a proxy server)
5. 现在,重新启动Microsoft Teams并尝试是否可以访问相机。
注意:(Note:)如果您在禁用代理后无法访问摄像机,请使用VPN 客户端(VPN client)并检查您的问题是否已解决。如果没有,请尝试将您的 PC 连接到其他网络,例如Wi-Fi或移动热点(mobile hotspot)。
方法 6:禁用默认摄像头(用于网络摄像头)(Method 6: Disable Default Camera (for Webcam))
如果您使用的是外部网络摄像头,您的默认摄像头(default camera)可能会干扰它们。要解决此问题,请按照以下说明禁用默认摄像头(default camera)。
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key )并在搜索栏中输入(search bar)设备管理器(Device Manager )。打开效果最好。
2. 现在,搜索相机(Cameras )并双击它。
3. 然后,右键单击您的相机设备(camera device)(例如HP TrueVision HD)并选择禁用设备(Disable device )选项,如图所示。
4. 然后,点击Yes确认提示。
5. 最后,再次连接您的网络摄像头并检查您是否已修复摄像头无法解决 Teams 问题(Teams issue)。
注意:(Note: )确保(Make)在解决问题后再次重新启用默认相机适配器(default camera adapter)。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )Microsoft Teams录音存储在哪里?
方法 7:更新或回滚相机驱动程序(Method 7: Update or Roll Back Camera Driver)
驱动程序是有用的软件程序,您的设备可通过它以最佳方式运行。导致Microsoft Teams 相机(Microsoft Teams camera)无法工作问题的一般原因之一是驱动程序过时或不兼容(outdated or incompatible drivers)。按照下面提到的步骤更新驱动程序或在必要时回滚它们。
选项 1:更新相机驱动程序(Option 1: Update Camera Driver)
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key)。在Windows 10 搜索菜单(Windows 10 search menu)中键入设备管理器(Device Manager)并打开它。
2. 双击 相机(Cameras )将其展开。
3. 现在,右键单击驱动程序( driver) (例如 HP TrueVision HD),然后单击更新驱动程序(Update driver)。
4. 现在,点击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)。
5B。如果它们已经处于更新阶段,屏幕将显示以下消息,已安装适用于您设备的最佳驱动程序(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。
6. 单击关闭(Close)。
选项二:回滚摄像头驱动程序(Option II: Roll Back Camera Driver)
1.如前所述启动设备管理器。(Device Manager)
2. 双击相机(Cameras)选项并展开它。
3. 右键单击驱动程序(driver)并单击属性(Properties),如图所示。
4. 切换到驱动程序选项卡(Driver tab)并选择回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver),如突出显示的那样。
注意(Note):如果您的系统中的“回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver)”选项灰显,则您的计算机中不存在预安装的驱动程序文件或原始驱动程序文件。在这种情况下,请尝试本文中讨论的其他方法。
5. 单击确定(OK)。
方法 8:暂时禁用杀毒软件(Method 8: Disable Antivirus Temporarily)
1. 导航到任务栏中的防病毒图标(Antivirus icon)并右键单击(right-click )它。
2. 现在,选择Avast shields 控制(Avast shields control )选项。
3. 根据您的方便选择选项并确认屏幕上显示的提示。
- 禁用 10 分钟。(Disable for 10 minutes.)
- 禁用 1 小时。(Disable for 1 hour.)
- 禁用,直到计算机重新启动。(Disable until computer is restarted.)
- 永久禁用。(Disable permanently.)
注意:(Note:)要激活设置,请返回主窗口。在这里,您已关闭Avast的所有屏蔽。点击(Click)开启。_(TURN ON)
另请阅读: (Also Read: )如何阻止Microsoft Teams在(Microsoft Teams)启动(Startup)时打开
方法九:重新注册相机(Method 9: Re-register Camera)
选项一:使用 Powershell(Option I: Use Powershell)
1. 在搜索栏中键入Powershell,然后单击以管理员身份运行,(Run as Administrator )如图所示。
3. 然后,键入以下命令并按(command and hit) Enter。
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsCamera | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}
4. 等待命令执行并检查您是否已修复Microsoft Teams 相机(Microsoft Teams camera)无法正常工作的问题。
选项二:使用设备管理器(Option II: Use Device Manager)
还有另一种方法可以重新注册您的相机。如果您不想使用命令行来实现这一点,您可以按照下面的说明使用设备管理器(Device Manager)并修复相机(Camera)无法解决团队问题(Teams issue)。
1.在搜索菜单中输入(search menu)Device Manage并像之前一样打开它。
2. 现在,双击展开相机部分。(Cameras )
3. 然后,右键单击驱动程序(driver)并选择卸载设备(Uninstall device )选项。
5. 现在,单击菜单栏上的操作并选择(Action )扫描硬件更改(Scan for hardware changes )选项,如图所示。
6. 完成后,重新启动您的 PC(reboot your PC)。
方法 10:重置相机应用程序(Method 10: Reset Camera App)
您还可以尝试重置您的相机应用程序(camera application)以修复此Microsoft Teams 相机(Microsoft Teams camera)无法正常工作的问题。这些步骤非常简单,您可以按照以下说明进行操作。
1.在搜索菜单中输入(search menu)相机(Camera ),然后点击应用设置(App settings ),如图所示。
2. 然后,向下滚动屏幕并选择突出显示的重置选项。(Reset )
3.接下来,如图所示单击重置以确认以下提示。(Reset )
4. 完成后,关闭“设置”应用(Settings app)并检查您是否已修复相机无法解决 Teams 问题(Teams problem)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用Microsoft Teams 秘密(Microsoft Teams Secret)表情符号
方法 11:重新安装团队(Method 11: Reinstall Teams)
如果这些方法都没有帮助您,那么作为最后的机会,卸载软件,重新启动您的 PC,然后稍后重新安装。以下是有关修复Microsoft Teams 相机(Microsoft Teams camera)无法正常工作问题的几个步骤。
1. 同时按住Windows + I keys 打开Windows 设置(Windows Settings)。
2. 现在,点击应用程序(Apps)。
3. 现在,搜索并单击Microsoft Teams,然后选择卸载(Uninstall )选项。
5.卸载Teams后(Teams)重新启动(Reboot)PC 。
6.访问微软团队官方网站(Microsoft Teams official site)。
7. 如图所示,单击桌面下载(Download for desktop )按钮。
8. 单击适用于 Windows 10 的下载(Download for Windows 10)。
9. 现在,单击Teams_windows_x64安装文件进行安装。
10. 按照屏幕上的说明在您的 PC 上完成安装。
- 如何联系 TikTok 支持
- 修复 0xC00D36D5 (Fix 0xC00D36D5) Windows 10中没有附加摄像头(No Cameras)
- 如何修复不和谐相机(Fix Discord Camera)不工作
- 如何保持Microsoft Teams 状态可用(Microsoft Teams Status Available)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您可以修复无法在 Teams 上运行的相机(camera not working on Teams)。请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。让我们知道您希望我们接下来探索哪个主题。
Fix Camera Not Working on Teams
The pandemic situation has drastically increased Work-From-Home culture. Many of us have started using online platforms like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Google Meet for meetings and conferences. Yet, several users have complained that their cameras do not work in Teams during meetings. Don’t panic! We are always here to help you out with any problems. This guide deals with the reasons and troubleshooting methods to solve Microsoft Teams camera not working and consequently, Microsoft Teams video call not working problem.. Read the guide to its last, and you will completely enjoy troubleshooting your issue without any hustle.
How to Fix Camera Not Working on Teams
Sometimes, you may be clueless about Microsoft Teams camera not working issue. This may happen suddenly, and it’s really frustrating dealing with your colleagues or clients in the middle of the meeting when your camera is turned on. Here are some valid reasons that cause camera not available issues in Microsoft Teams.
Hardware failure of camera.
Other programs on your PC are using the camera application.
Access to using the camera is not granted on your Windows 10 computer.
Microsoft Teams permissions are not set for all usages.
VPN interference is blocking your camera.
Outdated or incompatible camera driver.
- Your default camera is interfering with the webcam.
Antivirus is blocking camera access of Teams.
- Outdated Teams.
Now, you know the reasons that cause this problem in your Windows 10 computer. As a next step, here is a collection of effective troubleshooting workarounds that will help you fix the same. Follow the basic troubleshooting steps first, and if they fail to give you a fix, we have also compiled advanced troubleshooting methods. So, what are you waiting for? Continue reading.
Basic Troubleshooting
- To resolve any temporary glitches associated with the camera, try rebooting your computer. This will resolve all the corrupt cache in your PC, thereby fixing this issue.
Restarting the application will also help in fixing the issue. So, close the Teams using Task Manager and restart it.
- Find the cause by opening the camera on your Windows 10 PC and starting a recording.
Case 1: If there is no problem with an inbuilt camera, you will have any form of recording on your device. In this case, you have to troubleshoot the steps associated with Microsoft Teams.
Case 2: If you can’t record any videos, the problem is with an inbuilt camera or webcam. Troubleshoot the hardware and devices issues to fix the camera not available in Teams problem.
- Ensure that the webcam is properly connected to your computer and the in-built camera is not externally damaged. In case of heavy external damage, consider replacing the camera.
Method 1: Close Other Camera Accessing Applications
If other video conferencing applications like Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, and Discord are using your camera, you cannot use it in Teams. Ensure you close all other background tasks on your Windows 10 computer while joining a Teams meeting to fix Camera not working on Teams issue.
1. Launch Task Manager by hitting Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together.
2. Now, search and select the camera accessing programs that are running in the background.
3. Finally, select End Task as depicted.
Method 2: Allow Camera Permissions
If you have not enabled permissions for the camera in the Privacy settings of the PC, you cannot access the camera for any applications or programs. This is a built-in security feature of your PC to maintain data privacy. To enable camera permissions in your Windows 10 PC, follow the below-mentioned instructions.
1. Launch Windows Settings by pressing Windows + I keys together.
2. Now, click on Privacy as depicted.
3. Here, click on the Camera option in the left pane. Ensure Allow apps to access your camera option is enabled as shown.
4. Now, scroll down the right screen and ensure the Microsoft Teams app is listed under Allow desktop apps to access your camera.
Also Read: How to Access Microsoft Teams Admin Center Login
Method 3: Turn On Media Permissions in Teams
In addition to enabling Camera permissions in system privacy settings, you also have to toggle on media permissions in your Teams application. Follow the below-mentioned instructions to turn on camera permissions in Teams.
1. Hit the Windows key. Type Microsoft Teams and launch it.
2. Click on the three-dotted (near your profile) icon in the top-right corner.
3. Then, click on the Settings option as shown.
4. In the next screen, switch to the App permissions menu and toggle on the Media (Camera, microphone, speakers) button as shown.
Now, check if you have fixed the video not working in the Teams issue.
Method 4: Update Teams
Despite Microsoft Teams application updates automatically, ensure the application is updated to its latest version to avoid any issues. This will fix the bugs in the previous version of Teams. Follow the below-mentioned steps to update Teams.
1. Click on the three-dotted icon next to your Profile Picture in Teams.
2. Then, select the Check for updates option as shown.
3. You will see a message We will check and install any updates while you continue to work on the top of the screen.
4A. If the application is up-to-date, then the banner at the top will close.
4B. If the Microsoft Teams is outdated, it will update and show Refresh in the banner. Click on the Please refresh now link.
5. Now, wait till Microsoft Teams restarts. Check if you have fixed the camera not working on Teams issue.
Also Read: How to Enable or Disable Microsoft Teams Push to Talk
Method 5: Disable VPN
If your network connection blocks you from accessing Teams clients, you can try using another connection or disable VPN/proxy. Then, follow the steps to implement the same.
1. Exit from Microsoft Teams and make sure you close all the applications related to it from Task Manager.
2. Now, hit the Windows key and type Proxy as highlighted below.
3. Open Change proxy settings from the search results.
4. Here, toggle OFF the following settings.
- Automatically detect settings
- Use setup script
- Use a proxy server
5. Now, relaunch Microsoft Teams and try if you can access the camera.
Note: If you cannot access the camera after disabling the proxy, use a VPN client and check if your problem is fixed. If not, try connecting your PC to another network like Wi-Fi or a mobile hotspot.
Method 6: Disable Default Camera (for Webcam)
If you are using an external webcam, your default camera might interfere with them. To fix the problem, disable your default camera as instructed below.
1. Hit the Windows key and type Device Manager in the search bar. Open the best results.
2. Now, search for Cameras and double-click on it.
3. Then, right-click on your camera device (HP TrueVision HD, for example) and select the Disable device option as shown.
4. Then, confirm the prompt by clicking on Yes.
5. Finally, connect your webcam again and check if you have fixed the camera not working on Teams issue.
Note: Make sure you re-enable the default camera adapter again after fixing the issue.
Also Read: Where are Microsoft Teams recordings stored?
Method 7: Update or Roll Back Camera Driver
Drivers are helpful software programs through which your device works optimally. One of the general reasons that causes Microsoft Teams camera not working issue is outdated or incompatible drivers. Follow the below-mentioned steps to update the drivers or roll back them if necessary.
Option 1: Update Camera Driver
1. Hit the Windows key. Type Device Manager in the Windows 10 search menu and open it.
2. Double-click Cameras to expand it.
3. Now, right-click on the driver (say HP TrueVision HD) and click Update driver.
4. Now, click on Search automatically for drivers.
5A. If the driver is outdated, the drivers will be updated to the latest version.
5B. If they are already in an updated stage, the screen displays the following message, The best drivers for your device are already installed.
6. Click Close.
7. Restart your device.
Option II: Roll Back Camera Driver
1. Launch Device Manager as done earlier.
2. Double-click on the Cameras option and expand it.
3. Right-click on the driver and click on Properties, as depicted.
4. Switch to the Driver tab and select Roll Back Driver, as shown highlighted.
Note: If the option to Roll Back Driver is greyed out in your system, pre-installed driver files or the original driver files are not present in your computer. In such a case, try other methods discussed in this article.
5. Click OK.
6. Finally, click on Yes in the confirmation prompt and restart your system to make the rollback effective.
Method 8: Disable Antivirus Temporarily
Antivirus programs may prevent Teams from using the camera. In this case, disable the program completely as instructed below. Here, Avast is taken as an example. Follow the steps according to your antivirus program.
1. Navigate to the Antivirus icon in the Taskbar and right-click on it.
2. Now, select the Avast shields control option.
3. Choose the option according to your convenience and confirm the prompt displayed on the screen.
- Disable for 10 minutes.
- Disable for 1 hour.
- Disable until computer is restarted.
- Disable permanently.
Note: To activate the settings, go back to the main window. Here, you have turned off all shields from Avast. Click on TURN ON.
Also Read: How to Stop Microsoft Teams from Opening on Startup
Method 9: Re-register Camera
If none of the app-related fixes have helped you, then you can try fixing the issue by re-registering the camera as instructed below.
Option I: Use Powershell
1. Type Powershell in the search bar and click on Run as Administrator as shown.
2. Click Yes in the prompt.
3. Then, type the following command and hit Enter.
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsCamera | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml"}
4. Wait for the command to be executed and check if you have fixed Microsoft Teams camera not working issue.
Option II: Use Device Manager
There is one other method to re-register your camera. If you do not want to implement this using command lines, you can use Device Manager as instructed below and fix Camera not working on Teams issue.
1. Type Device Manage in the search menu and open it as you did earlier.
2. Now, expand the Cameras section by double-clicking on it.
3. Then, right-click on the driver and select the Uninstall device option.
4. Click Uninstall in the prompt.
5. Now, click Action on the menu bar and select the Scan for hardware changes option as shown.
6. Once done, reboot your PC.
Method 10: Reset Camera App
You can also try resetting your camera application to fix this Microsoft Teams camera not working issue. The steps are very simple, and you can follow them as instructed below.
1. Type Camera in the search menu and click on App settings as shown.
2. Then, scroll down the screen and select the Reset option as highlighted.
3. Next, confirm the following prompt by clicking on Reset as shown.
4. Once done, close the Settings app and check if you have fixed the camera not working on Teams problem.
Also Read: How to Use Microsoft Teams Secret Emoticons
Method 11: Reinstall Teams
If none of the methods have helped you, then as a last chance, uninstall the software, reboot your PC and then reinstall it later. Here are a few steps regarding the same to fix Microsoft Teams camera not working issue.
1. Press and hold Windows + I keys together to open Windows Settings.
2. Now, click on Apps.
3. Now, search and click on Microsoft Teams and select Uninstall option.
4. Click Uninstall in the prompt.
5. Reboot your PC once you have uninstalled Teams.
6. Visit the Microsoft Teams official site.
7. Click on the Download for desktop button as depicted.
8. Click Download for Windows 10.
9. Now, click the Teams_windows_x64 setup file to install.
10. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation on your PC.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix camera not working on Teams. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Let us know which topic you want us to explore next.