如果您的浏览器或YouTube 应用程序(YouTube application)中有损坏的安装文件,则一项或多项应用程序功能可能无法正常运行。其中一项功能是自动播放(AutoPlay)。您可以使用YouTube 自动播放功能(YouTube AutoPlay feature)自动连续欣赏视频,因此您可以享受数小时的舒展。但很少有用户面临YouTube AutoPlay无法在Chrome上运行。当您尝试播放视频播放列表(video playlist)时,可能会出现视频循环,或者视频停止播放。因此,在本文中,我们展示了解决此问题的所有可能方法。你还在等什么?让我们开始!
How to Fix YouTube Autoplay Not Working on Chrome/Firefox
YouTube中的自动播放功能(Autoplay feature)是自动播放视频。YouTube会持续监控您在应用程序中的所有活动。因此,根据您的搜索活动,您将在启用自动播放功能时收到类似(AutoPlay feature)内容视频(content videos)的提示。所有操作系统(Operating)和(Systems)手机中的用户都面临这个问题。如果您面临同样的问题,您并不孤单!本指南将帮助您解决 Windows 10 PC 和移动设备中的此问题。
自动播放在 YouTube 中不起作用的原因(Reasons for Autoplay Not Working in YouTube)
- 服务器相关问题
- 网络连接问题
- 过时的浏览器
- 损坏的浏览器缓存或数据
- 浏览器配置错误(DRM设置)
- 不兼容的浏览器扩展
- 播放列表中的视频过多
您还可以查看YouTube 的官方 Twitter 页面,以检查(YouTube’s official Twitter page)YouTube服务器 是否存在任何故障。确保其他用户是否在平台上报告了相同的问题。如果是这样,您必须等到YouTube团队解决问题。
方法一:基本故障排除(Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting)
第 1 步:重启电脑(Step 1: Restart PC)
在大多数情况下,简单的重新启动将解决问题,而无需任何具有挑战性的布局。因此,请尝试按照以下步骤重新启动系统并检查您是否再次遇到问题。或者,您可以使用电源选项(Power)完全关闭(fully shut down)系统,然后再次打开。
1. 导航到 开始菜单(Start menu)。
2. 现在,选择 电源图标(power icon)。
注意:(Note:) 在Windows 10中,电源图标(Power icon)位于底部。而(Whereas)在Windows 8中,电源图标(Power icon)位于顶部。
3. 会显示几个选项,如 睡眠(Sleep)、 关机(Shut down)和 重启(Restart) 。在这里,单击 重新启动(Restart)。
第 2 步:重新启动浏览器(Step 2: Restart Browser)
有时重新启动Chrome会修复YouTube自动播放无法在Chrome 中运行的问题(Chrome issue)。这里有几个步骤来实现相同的。
1. 同时按 Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys启动 任务管理器 (Task Manager ) 。
2. 在 进程(Processes)选项卡中,搜索并选择您的浏览器进程(browser process)(例如Chrome)
3. 然后,单击 结束任务(End task) 按钮,如下图所示。
4. 现在, 重新启动 Google Chrome( relaunch Google Chrome) 并检查您是否已解决问题。
第三步:重启路由器(Step 3: Restart Router)
重新启动路由器将重新启动网络连接(network connectivity),并且很少有用户报告配置设置中标记的所有更改将在您重新启动路由器时生效。因此,请按照以下步骤重新启动路由器。
1. 找到路由器背面的 电源按钮(Power button) 。
2. 按一下按钮 将其关闭。(turn it off.)
3. 现在, 断开(disconnect)路由器电源线(Router power cable) 并 等待电容器完全耗尽电力。
4. 然后, 重新连接(reconnect) 电源 线(power cable) 并在一分钟后将其打开。
5.等待(Wait)网络连接(network connection)重新建立,然后 再次尝试登录(try signing in again)。
方法 2:清除浏览器缓存和 Cookie(Method 2: Clear Browser Cache & Cookies)
Web 浏览器中损坏的缓存和 cookie(Corrupt cache and cookies)可能会在使用浏览器时导致问题。因此,要修复YouTube自动播放无法在Chrome上运行的问题,您可以按照给定的步骤清除缓存和 cookie 。(cache and cookies)
注意:(Note:)我们以Google Chrome 浏览器(Google Chrome)为例。
1. 按Windows 键(Windows key),输入Google Chrome并点击打开(Open)。
2. 然后,点击 三点图标(three-dotted icon) > More tools > 清除浏览数据...(Clear browsing data…) ,如下图所示。
3. 检查以下选项。
- Cookie 和其他网站数据(Cookies and other site data)
- 缓存的图像和文件(Cached images and files)
4. 现在,选择 时间范围的(Time range)所有时间(All time) 选项 。
5. 最后,点击 清除数据(Clear data)。
检查YouTube自动播放在Chrome 上的问题(Chrome issue)是否仍然存在。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Chrome中通过HTTPS启用(HTTPS)DNS
方法 3:禁用扩展(Method 3: Disable Extensions)
请按照以下说明从Google Chrome中删除扩展程序。
1. 启动 Chrome 并 在 URL 栏中输入(URL Bar)chrome://extensions。按 Enter 键 (Enter key )以获取所有已安装扩展的列表。
2. 关闭(Off)扩展 (extension ) 的 切换开关(toggle)(例如 Chrome 的 Grammarly(Grammarly for Chrome))以禁用它。
3. 刷新您的浏览器(Refresh your browser) ,看看错误是否再次显示。
4.重复上述 步骤(steps) ,一一禁用扩展,检查错误是否修复。
方法 4:调整自动播放设置(Method 4: Tweak AutoPlay Settings)
有时,“自动播放”按钮(AutoPlay button)看起来像是已打开。但是,其实不是!因此,请尝试先关闭按钮并再次打开它。然后,自动播放按钮(AutoPlay button)中的任何随机命令错误(command error)都将得到解决。以下是在Google Chrome 浏览器(Google Chrome browser)中关闭YouTube自动播放功能(AutoPlay feature)的一些简单说明。
1.从Windows 搜索菜单(Windows Search Menu)中打开您的网络浏览器(例如Google Chrome ) 。
2.在网络浏览器中启动(web browser and click)YouTube并单击(YouTube )主屏幕(home screen)上的任何视频。
3. 现在,关闭/打开视频底部突出显示的自动播放按钮。(AutoPlay)
4. 现在,单击自动播放按钮(AutoPlay button)右侧的设置图标(Settings )
5. 现在,打开自动播放(AutoPlay )按钮。
6. 现在,单击屏幕右上角的个人资料图标,如图所示。(profile)
7. 在这里,单击退出(Sign out)选项,如图所示。
8. 最后,使用您的凭据再次登录并检查您是否已解决此问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何恢复旧的 YouTube 布局(Old YouTube Layout)
方法 5:调整 DRM 设置(对于 Mozilla Firefox)(Method 5: Tweak DRM Settings (For Mozilla Firefox))
所有数字媒体版权均受浏览器的一组DRM设置保护。(DRM )但是,这些DRM设置可能会干扰 YouTube 的正常功能,(YouTube)导致YouTube 自动播放(YouTube autoplay)无法正常工作。在这种情况下,请按照以下步骤禁用Firefox 浏览器的(Firefox browser)DRM设置。
1. 启动Firefox并在其地址栏中输入about:config,然后按Enter 键(Enter key)。
2. 现在,如图所示单击接受风险并继续(Accept the Risk and Continue )按钮。
3. 在这里,在搜索首选项名称字段中键入(Search preference name )media.eme.enabled ,如图所示。
4. 现在,单击右上角的箭头键(arrow keys )并将设置更改为假(false ),如图所示。
5. 同样,在搜索首选项名称字段中键入(Search preference name )media.gmp-widevinecdm.enabled ,如图所示。
6. 现在,单击右上角的箭头键(arrow key )并将设置更改为假(false ),如图所示。
方法 6:从播放列表中删除视频(Method 6: Remove Videos from Playlist)
如果您的YouTube 播放列表(YouTube playlist)中有很多视频,则从列表中删除其中的一些视频可能会帮助您解决YouTube自动播放无法正常工作的问题。以下是在浏览器中从YouTube 播放列表中删除视频的一些说明。(YouTube Playlist)
1.从Windows 搜索菜单(Windows search menu)启动您的网络浏览器(例如Google Chrome ) 。
2.通过在搜索栏中输入YouTube在浏览器上启动YouTube 。
3. 单击显示更多(Show more),如图所示。
4. 现在,单击您的任何播放列表(any of your playlists)。
5. 点击视频右上角的三点图标,如图所示。(three-dotted icon )
6. 现在,单击从我的播放列表(Remove from My Playlists )中删除,如上所示。
7. 重复相同的步骤从播放列表中删除一些视频(remove some of the videos from your playlist)。
检查您是否已修复YouTube 自动播放(YouTube AutoPlay)无法在Chrome 上运行的问题(Chrome issue)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 YouTube 视频无法播放
方法 7:允许音频和视频自动播放设置(对于 Mozilla Firefox)(Method 7: Allow Audio and Video Autoplay Settings (For Mozilla Firefox))
您的 Web 浏览器将实施过多的安全功能来保护您的 PC 免受在线攻击。例如,在Firefox中,默认情况下不启用音频和视频(audio and video)的自动播放。因此,您可能会在(Hence)Firefox 浏览器(Firefox browser)中遇到这个问题。但是,您可以通过执行以下步骤来禁用浏览器的自动播放阻止功能来解决YouTube自动播放无法正常工作的问题。(YouTube)
1. 启动Firefox并单击如下所示的三点线。(three-dotted lines )
2. 现在,单击设置(Settings ),如图所示。
3. 在这里,单击左侧窗格中的隐私和安全(Privacy & Security )。
4. 向下滚动到右窗格中的权限(Permissions )部分。然后,点击自动播放(Autoplay, )右侧的设置...(Settings… )按钮,如图所示。
5. 在设置 - 自动播放(Settings – Autoplay )窗口中,将所有网站的默认(Default for all websites )值设置为允许音频和视频(Allow Audio and Video ),如图所示。
6. 现在,单击保存更改(Save Changes )并退出窗口。
7. 检查您是否已解决问题。如果没有,请在其地址栏中键入about:config。
8. 现在,如图所示单击接受风险并继续(Accept the Risk and Continue )按钮。
9. 在这里,在搜索首选项名称字段中键入(Search preference name )media.autoplay.blocking_policy ,如图所示。
10. 现在,单击右上角的写入键(write key )。
11.如图所示,将值更改为1 。
11. 同样,在搜索首选项名称(Search preference name )字段中键入media.block-autoplay-until-in-foreground ,如图所示。(media.block-autoplay-until-in-foreground )
12. 现在,单击右上角的箭头键(arrow key )并将设置更改为假(false ),如图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Firefox 黑屏问题(Fix Firefox Black Screen Issue)
方法 8:更新 Web 浏览器(适用于 Chrome)
(Method 8: Update Web Browser (For Chrome)
1. 打开您的网络浏览器(web browser)(例如Google Chrome)
2. 单击 三点图标(three-dotted icon) 以展开 “设置”( the Settings) 菜单。
3. 然后,选择 Help > 关于谷歌浏览器 (About Google Chrome ),如下图所示。
4. 允许 谷歌浏览器 (Google Chrome )搜索更新。屏幕将显示 检查更新(Checking for updates) 消息,如图所示。
5A。如果有可用更新,请单击 更新 (Update )按钮。
5B。如果Chrome已经更新, 则会显示Google Chrome 是最新消息。(Google Chrome is up to date)
现在,检查YouTube自动播放无法在Chrome 上运行的问题(Chrome issue)是否已修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复(Fix YouTube Comments)未加载的 YouTube 评论
方法 9:重置 Web 浏览器(Method 9: Reset Web Browser )(适用于 Chrome)((For Chrome))
1. 打开您的浏览器(例如Google Chrome)并转到 chrome://settings/reset
2. 单击 将设置恢复为原始默认值(Restore settings to their original defaults) 选项,突出显示。
3. 现在,单击“ 重置设置”(Reset Settings) 按钮确认您的操作。
方法 10:切换到另一个浏览器(Browser)
如果您正在使用谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)观看YouTube视频,并且即使在尝试了上述所有方法后也没有解决上述错误,那么您可以切换到另一个网络浏览器(web browser)。下面列出了一些流行的浏览器。
- 如何关闭火棒
- (Fix Host Process)修复设置同步的主机进程
- 修复糟糕(Fix Oops Something Went Wrong)的YouTube 错误(YouTube Error)
- 适用于Chrome的16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(Blocking Extension)
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您可以在您的设备上修复YouTube 自动播放无法正常工作( YouTube autoplay not working)的问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix YouTube Autoplay Not Working
If уou hаve сorrupt installatiоn fіles in your browsеr or the YouTube applicаtion, оne or more app features might not work properly. One such feature is AutоPlay. You can сontinuously enjoу watching videoѕ automatically with the YouTube AutoPlаy featυre, and hence you may enjoy hours of stretch. But few users have faсed YouTube AutoPlay not working on Chrome. When you try to play the video playlist, there may be a loop of videos, or the vіdeo stopѕ playing. So іn this articlе, we have shown all the posѕible methods to fix this issue. Ѕo, what are you waiting for? Let’s begin!
How to Fix YouTube Autoplay Not Working on Chrome/Firefox
The Autoplay feature in YouTube is to play the videos automatically. All your activities with the application are monitored by YouTube continuously. So, depending on your search activities, you will be prompted with similar content videos while enabling the AutoPlay feature. This problem is faced by users in all Operating Systems and mobile phones. If you are facing the same problem, you are not alone! This guide will help you fix this problem in your Windows 10 PC and also your mobile devices.
Reasons for Autoplay Not Working in YouTube
Here are some of the reasons for this issue to occur in the browser.
- Server-related issue
- Network connection issue
- Outdated browser
- Corrupt browser cache or data
- Misconfiguration of browser (DRM settings)
- Incompatible browser extension
- Too many videos in the playlist
Whenever you face any technical problem with YouTube, the first thing you have to check and ensure if there are any server down activity for maintenance. Go to Downdetector to check the status of YouTube servers.
You can also take a look at YouTube’s official Twitter page to check if there are any glitches with the YouTube servers. Ensure that whether other users have reported the same problem in the platform. If so, you have to wait until the team of YouTube resolves the issue.
Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting
Before trying the rest of the methods, you are advised to perform some basic troubleshooting steps given below.
Step 1: Restart PC
In most cases, a simple restart will fix the issue without any challenging layouts. So, try to reboot your system by following the below-mentioned steps and checking if you face the problem again. Alternatively, you can fully shut down the system using the Power options and turn it on again.
1. Navigate to the Start menu.
2. Now, select the power icon.
Note: In Windows 10, the Power icon is found at the bottom. Whereas in Windows 8, the Power icon is located at the top.
3. Several options like Sleep, Shut down, and Restart will be displayed. Here, click on Restart.
Step 2: Restart Browser
Sometimes restarting Chrome will fix YouTube autoplay not working in Chrome issue. Here are a few steps to implement the same.
1. Launch Task Manager by hitting Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys simultaneously.
2. In the Processes tab, search and select your browser process (e.g Chrome)
3. Then, click on the End task button as depicted in the below picture.
4. Now, relaunch Google Chrome and check if you have fixed the issue.
Step 3: Restart Router
Restarting the router will re-initiate the network connectivity, and few users have reported that all the changes marked in the configuration settings will be effective in action when you restart the router. Therefore, follow the below-mentioned steps to restart your router.
1. Find the Power button at the back of your router.
2. Press the button once to turn it off.
3. Now, disconnect your Router power cable and wait until the power is entirely drained from the capacitors.
4. Then, reconnect the power cable and switch it on after a minute.
5. Wait until the network connection is re-established and try signing in again.
Method 2: Clear Browser Cache & Cookies
Corrupt cache and cookies in your web browser can cause problem while using the browser. So, to fix YouTube autoplay not working on Chrome you can clear the cache and cookies by following the given steps.
Note: We have shown Google Chrome as an example.
1. Press the Windows key, type Google Chrome and click on Open.
2. Then, click on the three-dotted icon > More tools > Clear browsing data… as illustrated below.
3. Check the following options.
- Cookies and other site data
- Cached images and files
4. Now, choose the All time option for Time range.
5. Finally, click on Clear data.
Check if YouTube autoplay not working on Chrome issue persists or not.
Also Read: How to Enable DNS over HTTPS in Chrome
Method 3: Disable Extensions
Follow the below-mentioned instructions to delete the extensions from Google Chrome.
1. Launch Chrome and type chrome://extensions in URL Bar. Hit Enter key to get the list of all installed extensions.
2. Switch Off the toggle for the extension (e.g. Grammarly for Chrome) to disable it.
3. Refresh your browser and see if the error is shown again or not.
4. Repeat the above steps to disable the extensions one by one to check if the error is fixed or not.
Method 4: Tweak AutoPlay Settings
Sometimes, the AutoPlay button looks like it is turned on. But, actually not! So, give it a try to toggle off the button first and turn it on again. Then, any random command error in the AutoPlay button will be resolved. Here are a few simple instructions to turn off the AutoPlay feature of YouTube in the Google Chrome browser.
1. Open your web browser (e.g. Google Chrome) from the Windows Search Menu.
2. Launch YouTube in the web browser and click on any video on the home screen.
3. Now, toggle off/on the AutoPlay button at the bottom of your video as highlighted.
4. Now, click on the Settings icon to the right of the AutoPlay button
Note: Ensure the AutoPlay button does not change its position as soon as you click on Settings.
5. Now, toggle on the AutoPlay button.
6. Now, click on your profile icon at the top-right corner of the screen, as shown.
7. Here, click on the Sign out option as shown.
8. Finally, sign in again with your credentials and check if you have fixed this problem.
Also Read: How to Restore the Old YouTube Layout
Method 5: Tweak DRM Settings (For Mozilla Firefox)
All digital media copyrights are protected by a set of DRM settings of your browser. However, these DRM settings might interfere with the usual function of YouTube, contributing to YouTube autoplay not working problem. In this case, disable the DRM settings of your Firefox browser by following the below-mentioned steps.
1. Launch Firefox and type about:config in its address bar, then hit the Enter key.
2. Now, click on Accept the Risk and Continue button as depicted.
3. Here, type media.eme.enabled in the Search preference name field as shown.
4. Now, click on the arrow keys at the right corner and change the settings to false as depicted.
5. Likewise, type media.gmp-widevinecdm.enabled in the Search preference name field as shown.
6. Now, click on the arrow key at the right corner and change the settings to false as depicted.
Now, check if you have fixed this problem. If not, change the settings to true again and check if the issue recurs again.
Method 6: Remove Videos from Playlist
If you have a lot of videos in your YouTube playlist, removing a few of them from the list might help you fix YouTube autoplay not working issue. Here are a few instructions to remove videos from YouTube Playlist in the browser.
1. Launch your web browser (e.g. Google Chrome) from the Windows search menu.
2. Launch YouTube on the browser by typing YouTube in the search bar.
3. Click Show more as shown.
4. Now, click on any of your playlists.
5. Click on the three-dotted icon at the right corner of the video as shown.
6. Now, click on Remove from My Playlists as shown above.
7. Repeat the same steps to remove some of the videos from your playlist.
Check if you have fixed YouTube AutoPlay not working on Chrome issue.
Also Read: Fix YouTube Videos Not Playing
Method 7: Allow Audio and Video Autoplay Settings (For Mozilla Firefox)
Your web browsers will implement too many security features to safeguard your PC from online attacks. For example, in Firefox, automatic playing of audio and video is not enabled by default. Hence you may face this problem in the Firefox browser. Yet, you can resolve YouTube autoplay not working problem by disabling autoplay blocking features of the browser by implementing the below-mentioned steps.
1. Launch Firefox and click on the three-dotted lines as shown below.
2. Now, click on Settings as shown.
3. Here, click on Privacy & Security in the left pane.
4. Scroll down to the Permissions section in the right pane. Then, click on the Settings… button to the right of Autoplay, as shown.
5. In the Settings – Autoplay window, set the value of Default for all websites to Allow Audio and Video as depicted.
6. Now, click on Save Changes and exit the window.
7. Check if you have fixed the problem. If not, type about:config in its address bar.
8. Now, click on Accept the Risk and Continue button as depicted.
9. Here, type media.autoplay.blocking_policy in the Search preference name field as shown.
10. Now, click on the write key at the right corner.
11. Change the value to 1 as depicted.
11. Likewise, type media.block-autoplay-until-in-foreground in the Search preference name field as shown.
12. Now, click on the arrow key at the right corner and change the settings to false as depicted.
Now, check if you have fixed this problem. If not, change the settings to true again and check if the issue recurs again.
Also Read: How To Fix Firefox Black Screen Issue
Method 8: Update Web Browser (For Chrome)
If you have an outdated browser, the improved features of YouTube will not be supported. To fix some errors and bugs with your browser, update it to its latest version. Here is how to update your browser to fix YouTube autoplay not working issue.
1. Open your web browser (e.g. Google Chrome)
2. Click on the three-dotted icon to expand the Settings menu.
3. Then, select Help > About Google Chrome as illustrated below.
4. Allow Google Chrome to search for updates. The screen will display Checking for updates message, as shown.
5A. If updates are available, click on the Update button.
5B. If Chrome is already updated then, Google Chrome is up to date message will be displayed.
Now, check if YouTube autoplay not working on Chrome issue is fixed or not.
Also Read: How to Fix YouTube Comments Not Loading
Method 9: Reset Web Browser (For Chrome)
Resetting the browser will restore the browser to its default settings, and there are more possibilities that you can fix the discussed problem. Follow the below-mentioned steps to reset your browser and check if the issue is resolved.
1. Open your browser (e.g. Google Chrome) and go to chrome://settings/reset
2. Click on the Restore settings to their original defaults option, shown highlighted.
3. Now, confirm your action by clicking on the Reset Settings button.
Method 10: Switch to Another Browser
If you are using Google Chrome to watch YouTube videos and did not get any fix for the said error even after trying all the methods mentioned above, then you can switch to another web browser. Some of the popular browsers are listed below.
After switching your browser, check if you have fixed the issue. If YouTube autoplay not working issue is filed in some other browsers, then the error is associated with your browser.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix YouTube autoplay not working problem on your device. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.