您是否对网络摄像头未检测到问题感到恼火?(Are you annoyed by the web camera not detected issue?)您可能知道通过设备管理器(Device manager)更新或重新安装它会有所帮助。但是,如果设备管理器中没有网络摄像头怎么办?(what if the webcam is not present in the device manager?)别担心,你在正确的页面上。网络摄像头可以存在于相机(Cameras)、成像(Imaging)设备或设备管理器中的(Device Manager)通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)控制器中。确保在所有这些选项中寻找它。如果您找不到它,我们会为您提供有用的指南,教您如何修复Windows 10笔记本电脑摄像头(laptop camera)未检测到的问题。此处列出的方法可用于 HP、Dell、Acer 和其他笔记本电脑品牌一样。
如何修复在 Windows 10 上未检测到笔记本电脑摄像头(How to Fix Laptop Camera Not Detected on Windows 10)
网络摄像头(Webcam)不在设备管理器中的问题(Device Manager issue)主要发生在外部连接的网络摄像头上。内置网络摄像头很少会导致此问题。如果确实发生,可能是由于以下原因:
- 禁用网络摄像头
- 相机或 PC 硬件问题
- 过时的驱动程序
- 过时的窗户
- 禁用的 USB 设备
方法一:开启摄像头访问(Method 1: Enable Camera Access)
首先,始终查找设置是否已正确设置。按照给定的步骤确保您的 PC 上是否启用了网络摄像头:
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)。
2. 单击隐私(Privacy)设置。
3. 然后,单击应用权限(App permissions)类别下屏幕左窗格中的相机选项。(Camera)
4. 确保显示消息“此设备的摄像头访问(Camera access for this device is on)已打开”。
如果没有,请单击更改(Change)并打开此(On)设备的相机访问(Camera access for this device)开关。
5. 然后,打开允许(On)应用程序访问您的相机(Allow apps to access your camera)类别下的开关。
注意:(Note: )如果您拥有一台联想笔记本电脑(Lenovo laptop),您可以通过按键盘上的相机功能键(Camera Function key)直接启用相机。
方法 2:启用 USB 设备(Method 2: Enable USB Device)
当USB 设备(USB device)被禁用时,您可能还会遇到未检测到网络摄像头的问题。通过以下步骤解决此问题:(Fix)
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key),输入设备管理器(device manager),然后点击打开(Open)。
2. 双击通用串行总线控制器(Universal Serial Bus controllers)将其展开。
3. 然后,右键单击禁用的 USB 驱动程序(disabled USB driver)(例如USB Composite Device)并选择Enable device,如下图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在Windows 10中(Windows 10)允许或拒绝应用程序(Allow or Deny Apps Access)访问相机(Camera)
方法 3:关闭网络摄像头保护(Method 3: Turn Off Webcam Protection)
防病毒(Antivirus)应用程序会检查病毒攻击和恶意软件程序的进入。它还保护用户免受许多其他事情的影响。例如, Web Protection(Web Protection)可确保用户不会访问任何可疑网站或(website or download)从 Internet 下载任何有害文件。同样,隐私(Privacy) 模式程序(mode program)规定了哪些应用程序可以访问您的笔记本电脑摄像头,但在不知不觉中可能会导致问题。只需(Simply)关闭网络摄像头保护(Webcam protection)选项并检查 HP 笔记本电脑摄像头未检测到问题是否已解决。
注意:(Note:)我们已经展示了Norton SafeCam的步骤。您也可以在其他第三方应用程序中关闭网络摄像头保护。(webcam protection)
1. 通过双击其快捷方式图标打开您(shortcut icon)的(A)防病毒程序(ntivirus program)(例如Norton Safecam ) 。
2. 转到访问(Access)选项卡。
3. 打开网络(On)摄像头访问,如下图所示。
方法 4:运行硬件和设备疑难解答(Method 4: Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter)
任何小问题都可以使用Windows(Windows)上的内置疑难解答轻松纠正。在这种情况下,建议运行硬件和设备疑难解答(Hardware and Device troubleshooter)来修复笔记本电脑摄像头未检测到的问题:
1. 同时按下键盘上的Windows + R keys 打开运行(Run)对话框。
2.在搜索区域输入msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
3. 此命令将打开硬件和设备(Hardware and Devices)疑难解答。单击下一步(Next)。
4. 找到问题后,排查人员会显示问题。点击(Click)那个问题(issue)。
5. 在下一个窗口中,单击应用此修复程序(Apply this fix)。
6. 现在,重新启动(restart) 您的 PC(your PC)。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 Windows 10 中的 I/O 设备错误
方法5:扫描相机设备(Method 5: Scan for Camera Device)
Windows 可能无法检测到导致您的网络摄像头不在设备管理器中的摄像头问题(Device Manager problem)。因此,扫描将有助于解决笔记本电脑摄像头未检测到的问题。
1. 点击Windows 键(Windows key),输入设备管理器(device manager),然后点击打开(Open)。
2. 在这里,单击扫描硬件更改图标(Scan for hardware changes icon),如下所示。
3. 如果扫描后出现摄像头,则Windows已成功检测到它。 重新启动(Restart)您的电脑。
方法 6:更新相机驱动程序(Method 6: Update Camera Drivers)
如果您在扫描驱动程序后仍遇到 HP 笔记本电脑摄像头未检测到的问题,请尝试更新驱动程序。
1. 启动设备管理器(Device Manager),如方法 5(Method 5)所示。
2. 接下来,双击相机(Cameras)适配器将其展开。
3. 右键单击网络摄像头驱动程序(webcam driver)(例如集成网络摄像头(Integrated Webcam)),然后单击更新驱动程序(Update driver)。
4. 接下来,选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)。
5A。如果驱动程序已经更新,它会显示您设备的最佳驱动程序已安装(The best drivers for your device are already installed)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复罗技游戏软件(Fix Logitech Gaming Software)无法打开的问题
方法 7:手动添加网络摄像头(Method 7: Manually Add Webcam)
Windows还使我们能够手动将网络摄像头添加到设备管理器(Device Manager)。请按照以下步骤修复笔记本电脑摄像头未检测到的问题。
1. 导航到设备管理器,如(Device Manager)方法 5(Method 5)中所做的那样。
2. 从列表中选择相机(Cameras),然后单击顶部菜单中的操作(Action)。
3. 然后,单击添加旧硬件(Add legacy hardware)。
4. 在添加硬件(Add Hardware)窗口中,单击Next >按钮。
5. 选择安装我从列表中手动选择的硬件(高级)(Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced))选项,然后单击Next >按钮。
6. 从列表中选择摄像机(Cameras),然后单击Next >按钮。
7. 选择网络摄像头型号(webcame model )并单击Next >按钮。
注意 1:(Note 1:)如果您已经下载了网络摄像头的驱动程序,请单击从磁盘安装(Have disk)。此外,如果您在此窗口中找不到您的网络摄像头,请转到第 6 步(Step 6),选择成像设备,(Imaging devices,)然后单击下一步(Next)。
8. 等待过程完成以添加网络摄像头。重新启动(Restart)您的电脑。
方法 8:安装制造商专有的网络摄像头驱动程序(Method 8: Install Manufacturer Proprietary Webcam Drivers)
从制造商网站(manufacturer website)安装网络摄像头应用程序(webcam app)也可以解决此问题。确保(Make)在安装后重新启动设备。(restart)
- 对于戴尔系统,请访问戴尔驱动程序页面(Dell Driver page)并通过输入您的系统型号(system model)或服务标签(service tag)来安装网络摄像头应用程序(webcam app)。
- 同样,对于 HP,请访问HP 驱动程序页面(HP Driver page)并安装相应的应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix Device)Windows 10上的设备未迁移错误(Migrated Error)
方法 9:重置相机应用程序(Method 9: Reset Camera app)
重置您的相机应用程序(camera app)也可能有助于解决笔记本电脑相机未检测到的问题。
1. 点击开始(Start),输入相机(camera),点击应用设置(App settings)。
2. 向下滚动设置(Settings)窗口,然后单击重置部分下的(Reset section)重置(Reset)按钮。
3. 再次单击重置(Reset)按钮确认提示。
4. 重置需要时间。完成后, Reset(Reset)选项附近会出现一个勾号。(tick mark)关闭窗口(window)并重试。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复网络摄像头在(Fix Webcam)Windows 10中不起作用
方法 10:更新 Windows(Method 10: Update Windows )
如何修复笔记本电脑摄像头未检测到问题的最简单方法之一是更新Windows。请按照以下步骤通过更新Windows系统来修复 HP 笔记本电脑摄像头未检测到的问题:
1. 同时按Windows + I 键(keys)打开设置(Settings)。
2. 单击更新和安全(Update & Security,)等选项。
3. 现在,单击检查更新(Check for updates)按钮。
4A。如果有新的更新可用,请单击立即安装(Install Now )并重新启动您的 PC 以实施它。
4B。如果Windows是最新的,那么它将显示您是最新的(You’re up to date )消息。
常见问题 (FAQ)
(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1。重置 PC 是否有助于修复不在设备管理器中的网络摄像头问题?(Q1. Does resetting the PC will help in fixing webcam not in Device Manager issue?)
答。是(Ans. Yes)的,这种方法将有助于解决问题。但请确保在重置之前备份文件和已安装的应用程序。您可以在重置时选择保留我的文件(Keep my files)选项,但此选项仍会删除已安装的应用程序和设置。
Q2。更改 BIOS 设置是否有助于解决 HP 笔记本电脑摄像头未检测到的问题?(Q2. Will changing the BIOS settings help to resolve HP laptop camera not detected issue?)
答。(Ans.) 是(Yes)的,这将有助于解决问题。但不建议对BIOS设置进行任何更改。不正确的更改会导致您的设备出现意外结果。
- 如何修复 Omegle 相机(Fix Omegle Camera)不工作
- 修复 Windows 10 nvlddmkm.sys 失败
- 修复以太网没有有效的 IP 配置错误(Valid IP Configuration Error)
- 修复(Fix)Windows 10任务栏图标丢失(Taskbar Icons Missing)
我们希望本指南能有效地帮助您修复在设备管理器(in Device Manager)问题中未检测到的笔记本电脑摄像头。(laptop camera not detected) 让我们知道上述哪种方法对您的帮助最大。如果有的话,请将您的疑问和建议放在评论部分(comment section)。
Fix Laptop Camera Not Detected on Windows 10
Are you annoyed by the web camera not detected issue? You may know that updating or reinstalling it through Device manager would help. But what if the webcam is not present in the device manager? Do not worry, you are on the right page. Webcam can be present in Cameras, Imaging devices, or Universal Serial Bus controllers in Device Manager. Ensure to look for it in all of these options. If you are unable to find it, we bring to you a helpful guide that will teach you how to fix Windows 10 laptop camera not detected issue. The methods listed here can be used on HP, Dell, Acer and other laptop brands alike.
How to Fix Laptop Camera Not Detected on Windows 10
Webcam not in Device Manager issue occurs mostly for externally connected webcam. In-built webcams would rarely cause this issue. If it does occur, it can be due to the following reasons:
- Disabled webcam
- Issues with Camera or PC Hardware
- Outdated Drivers
- Outdated Windows
- Disabled USB device
Method 1: Enable Camera Access
First, always look for the settings whether it has been set properly. Follow the given steps to ensure whether the webcam is enabled on your PC or not:
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Click on the Privacy settings.
3. Then, click on the Camera option in the left pane of the screen under App permissions category.
4. Ensure that the message Camera access for this device is on is displayed.
If not, click Change and switch On the toggle for Camera access for this device.
5. Then, switch On the toggle under Allow apps to access your camera category.
Note: If you own a Lenovo laptop, you can enable the camera directly by pressing the Camera Function key on the keyboard.
Method 2: Enable USB Device
You might also face a webcam not detected issue when the USB device is disabled. Fix this issue through the following steps:
1. Hit the Windows key, type device manager, and click on Open.
2. Double click on the Universal Serial Bus controllers to expand it.
3. Then, right-click on the disabled USB driver (e.g. USB Composite Device) and select Enable device, as shown below.
Also Read: Allow or Deny Apps Access to Camera in Windows 10
Method 3: Turn Off Webcam Protection
Antivirus applications keep a check on virus attacks and entry of malware programs. It also protects users from a number of other things. Web Protection, for instance, ensures users do not visit any suspicious website or download any harmful files from the internet. Similarly, the Privacy mode program regulates which applications have access to your laptop camera but, unknowingly may cause issues. Simply turn off the Webcam protection option and check if HP laptop camera not detected issue is solved.
Note: We have shown the steps for Norton SafeCam. You can turn off your webcam protection in other third-party apps too.
1. Open your Antivirus program (e.g. Norton Safecam) by double-clicking on its shortcut icon.
2. Go to the Access tab.
3. Turn On the webcam access, as depicted below.
Method 4: Run Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter
Any minor issues can be easily rectified using the in-built troubleshooter on Windows. In this case, it is advisable to run the Hardware and Device troubleshooter to fix laptop camera not detected issue:
1. Press Windows + R keys together on your keyboard to open Run dialog box.
2. Type msdt.exe -id DeviceDiagnostic in the search area and press Enter key.
3. This command will open the Hardware and Devices troubleshooter. Click Next.
4. After finding the issue, the troubleshooter will display the issue. Click on that issue.
5. In the next window, click Apply this fix.
6. Now, restart your PC.
Also Read: Fix I/O Device Error in Windows 10
Method 5: Scan for Camera Device
Windows might have failed to detect the camera which results in your webcam not in Device Manager problem. Therefore, scanning would help in resolving laptop camera not detected issue.
1. Hit the Windows key, type device manager, and click on Open.
2. Here, click on Scan for hardware changes icon as highlighted below.
3. If the camera shows up after scanning, then Windows has detected it successfully. Restart your PC.
Method 6: Update Camera Drivers
If you are facing HP laptop camera not detected issue even after scanning the driver, then try updating the driver.
1. Launch the Device Manager as shown in Method 5.
2. Next, double-click on the Cameras adapter to expand it.
3. Right-click on the webcam driver (e.g. Integrated Webcam) and click Update driver.
4. Next, select Search automatically for drivers.
5A. If the drivers have been updated already, it shows The best drivers for your device are already installed.
5B. If the drivers are outdated, then they will get updated automatically. After this process, restart your computer.
Also Read: Fix Logitech Gaming Software Not Opening
Method 7: Manually Add Webcam
Windows also enable us to add webcam manually to the Device Manager. Follow the below steps to fix laptop camera not detected problem.
1. Navigate to Device Manager as done in Method 5.
2. Select Cameras from the list and click on Action in the top menu.
3. Then, click on Add legacy hardware.
4. In the Add Hardware window, click on the Next > button.
5. Select the Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced) option and click on the Next > button.
6. Select Cameras from the list and click on the Next > button.
7. Choose the webcame model and click on the Next > button.
Note 1: If you have downloaded the driver for your webcam, click Have disk. Also, if you couldn’t find your webcam in this window, then go to Step 6, select Imaging devices, and click Next.
8. Wait for the process to be completed to add a webcam. Restart your PC.
Method 8: Install Manufacturer Proprietary Webcam Drivers
Installing the webcam app from the manufacturer website could also rectify this issue. Make sure that you restart your device after installing it.
- For the Dell system, visit the Dell Driver page and install the webcam app by entering your system model or service tag.
- Similarly, for HP, visit the HP Driver page and install the respective app.
Also Read: Fix Device Not Migrated Error on Windows 10
Method 9: Reset Camera app
Resetting your camera app may also help in resolving laptop camera not detected issue.
1. Click on Start, type camera, and click on App settings.
2. Scroll down the Settings window and click the Reset button under the Reset section.
3. Confirm the prompt by clicking the Reset button again.
4. Resetting will take time. A tick mark appears near the Reset option after the completion. Close the window and try again.
Also Read: Fix Webcam not working in Windows 10
Method 10: Update Windows
One of the simplest methods on how to fix laptop camera not detected issue is updating Windows. Follow the below steps to fix HP laptop camera not detected issue by updating your Windows system:
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open Settings.
2. Click Update & Security, among other options.
3. Now, click the Check for updates button.
4A. If a new update is available, then click Install Now and restart your PC to implement it.
4B. If the Windows is up-to-date, then it will show You’re up to date message.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1. Does resetting the PC will help in fixing webcam not in Device Manager issue?
Ans. Yes, this method would help in fixing the problem. But make sure that you back up your files and installed applications before resetting it. You can choose the Keep my files option while resetting, but this option will still remove installed applications and settings.
Q2. Will changing the BIOS settings help to resolve HP laptop camera not detected issue?
Ans. Yes, it will help to resolve the issue. But it is not advised to make any changes in BIOS settings. An incorrect change will cause unexpected results for your device.
We hope this guide would have helped you effectively in fixing your laptop camera not detected in Device Manager issue. Let us know which of the above-mentioned methods helped you the best. Drop your queries and suggestions in the comment section, if any.