在 Windows 10 中禁用启动程序:(Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10:)当您的计算机启动时变得如此无聊,您必须等待很长时间,因为很多程序,如防病毒、在线云存储(cloud storage)应用程序、Adobe产品和应用程序、浏览器、图形驱动程序等正在加载在系统的一开始。因此,如果您的系统正在加载大量程序,那么它会增加您的启动时间(boot time),它们对您没有多大帮助,而是会减慢您的系统速度,并且需要禁用所有不需要的程序。如果您系统中预加载的所有这些启动程序不经常使用,那么最好从启动列表中禁用它们(startup list)因为当您决定使用它们时,您可以轻松地从Start Menu加载程序。本文将帮助您使用不同的方法从Windows 10系统禁用启动程序。(Windows 10)

在 Windows 10 中禁用启动程序的 4 种方法(4 Ways to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10)
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make)创建一个还原点(restore point) 以防万一(case something)出现问题。
方法 1:在 Windows 8、8.1 和 10 中禁用启动程序(Method 1: Disable Startup Programs in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10)
对于旧版本的Windows 操作系统(Windows OS),例如XP 和 Vista(XP and Vista),您必须打开msconfig,并且有一个单独的启动选项卡(Startup tab),您可以在其中管理启动(Startup)程序。但对于现代Windows 操作系统(Windows OS),如Windows(Windows 8) 8、8.1 和 10,启动程序管理器(startup program manager)已集成在您的任务管理器(task manager)中。从那里您必须管理与启动相关的程序。所以,要解决这些问题,你必须遵循一些步骤——
1.右键单击任务栏(Taskbar),然后从上下文菜单中(context menu)选择任务管理器(Task Manager)或使用快捷键“ Ctrl + Shift + Esc ”键。

2.从任务管理器中,单击更多详细信息(More details)。然后切换到启动选项卡。(Startup tab.)

3.在这里,您可以看到Windows启动(Windows startup)时启动的所有程序。
4.您可以从与他们每个人关联的状态列(Status column)中检查他们的状态。您会注意到通常在启动Windows时启动的程序的状态为“已启用(Enabled)”。

5.您可以选择并右键单击这些程序并选择“禁用(Disable)”以禁用它们或选择程序并按(program and press)右下角的“禁用”按钮。(Disable)

方法 2:使用 Windows 注册表禁用启动程序(Method 2: Use Windows Registry to Disable Startup Programs)
第一种方法是禁用启动程序(disable startup programs)的最简单方法。如果您想使用另一种方法,那么我们开始 -
1.与其他程序和应用程序一样,启动(Startup)项也会创建一个Windows 注册表(Windows registry)项。但是调整Windows 注册表是有风险的,因此(Windows registry and hence)建议创建该注册表的备份。如果您做错任何事,那么它可能会损坏您的Windows 系统(Windows system)。
2.点击开始按钮,搜索(Start button and search)“运行(Run)”或快捷键Windows Key + R.

3.现在输入“ regedit ”并按回车键(Enter)打开注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)。接下来(Next),导航到下面提到的路径以找到您的启动应用程序:

4. 导航并到达该位置后,查找在 Windows 启动时运行的程序。(look for the program which runs on Windows Startup.)
5.然后,双击那些应用程序并清除所有( clear all the text)写在其“数值数据(Value data)”部分的文本。
6.否则,您也可以通过删除其注册表项来(deleting its registry key.)禁用特定的启动程序。(disable the particular startup program)

方法三:使用第三方应用禁用启动程序(Method 3: Use a Third-party App to Disable Startup Programs)
有很多 3 rd方供应商销售此类软件,可以帮助您轻松禁用所有这些启动程序并轻松管理它们。CCleaner是流行且广泛使用的应用程序之一,可以在这方面为您提供帮助。因此,您可以下载并安装CCleaner来解决此问题。
1.打开CCleaner ,然后选择工具(Tools),然后切换到启动选项卡。(Startup tab.)
3.现在,选择( select the program)您要禁用的程序。在窗口的最右侧窗格中,您将看到禁用按钮。(Disable button.)

4.单击禁用( Disable)按钮以禁用 Windows 10 中的特定启动程序。(disable the particular Startup program in Windows 10.)
方法 4:禁用 Windows 启动文件夹中的启动程序(Method 4: Disable Startup Programs from Windows Startup Folder)
通常不建议使用这种技术来禁用启动程序,但当然,这是最快最快的方法。启动文件夹(startup folder)是添加程序的唯一文件夹,以便它们可以在 Windows 启动时自动启动(Windows)。此外,有些极客手动添加一些程序以及在该文件夹中植入一些脚本,这些脚本在Windows启动时加载,因此也可以从这里禁用此类程序。
为此,您必须按照以下步骤操作 -
1.从“开始”菜单打开“(Start menu)运行”对话框(Run dialog)(搜索“(word “)运行(Run)”一词)或按Windows Key + R快捷键。
2.在运行对话框中输入“ shell:startup ”并回车。

3.这将打开您的启动文件夹(startup folder),您可以在其中看到列表中的所有启动程序。(see all the startup programs in the list.)
4.现在您基本上可以删除删除或禁用Windows 10中启动程序( disable the startup programs in Windows 10.)的快捷方式了。(delete the shortcuts)
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我希望上述步骤对您有所帮助,现在您可以轻松地 在 Windows 10 中禁用启动程序(Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10), 但是如果您对本教程仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
4 Ways to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10
Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10: It becomes so boring when your computer starts and you have to wait for a long time just because a lot of programs like antivirus, online cloud storage applications, Adobe products and apps, browsers, graphics drivers etc are loading at the very start of your system. So, if your system is loading a lot of programs then it is increasing the boot time of your startup, they are not helping you much rather they are slowing down your system and all the unwanted programs need to be disabled. If all these startup programs that are preloading in your system are not used frequently, then it is better to disable them from the startup list because as you decide to use them, you can easily load the program from Start Menu. This article will help you disable Startup programs from your Windows 10 systems using different methods.

4 Ways to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10
Note: Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
Method 1: Disable Startup Programs in Windows 8, 8.1 and 10
For older versions of Windows OS such as XP and Vista, you had to open msconfig and there was a separate Startup tab from where you can manage the Startup programs. But for modern Windows OS like Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 the startup program manager has been integrated within your task manager. From there you have to manage the startup related programs. So, to solve such issues, you have to follow some steps –
1.Right-click on the Taskbar then select Task Manager from the context menu or use the shortcut key “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” keys.

2.From the Task Manager, click on More details. Then switch to the Startup tab.

3.Here, you can see all the programs that get launched at the time of Windows startup.
4.You can check their status from the Status column associated with each of them. You will notice that the programs that usually start at the time of starting the Windows will have their status as “Enabled”.

5.You can select and right click on those programs and choose “Disable” to disable them or select the program and press the “Disable” button from the lower right corner.

Method 2: Use Windows Registry to Disable Startup Programs
The first method is the easiest way to disable startup programs. If you wish to use an alternative method then here we go –
1.Like other programs and applications, Startup items also creates a Windows registry entry. But it is kind of risky to tweak Windows registry and hence it is recommended to create a backup of that registry. If you do anything wrong then it may corrupt your Windows system.
2.Go to Start button and search for “Run” or press the shortcut key Windows Key + R.

3.Now type “regedit” and hit Enter to open Registry Editor. Next, navigate to the below-mentioned path to find your startup applications:

4.Once you navigate and reach to that location, look for the program which runs on Windows Startup.
5.Then, double-click on those apps and clear all the text is written on its “Value data” part.
6.Otherwise, you can also disable the particular startup program by deleting its registry key.

Method 3: Use a Third-party App to Disable Startup Programs
There are a lot of 3rd party vendors who sell such software that can help you easily disable all these startup programs as well as manage them easily. CCleaner is one of the popular and widely used applications that can help you in this regard. So you can download and install CCleaner to solve this issue.
1.Open CCleaner then select Tools and then switch to the Startup tab.
2.There you will observe the list of all the startup programs.
3.Now, select the program that you want to disable. On the right-most pane of the window, you will see the Disable button.

4.Click the Disable button to disable the particular Startup program in Windows 10.
Method 4: Disable Startup Programs from Windows Startup Folder
This technique is not usually recommended for disabling startup programs but of course, this is the fastest and quickest way to do that. The startup folder is the only folder where programs are added so that they can get launched automatically when Windows starts. Also, there are geeks who manually add some programs as well as plant some scripts in that folder which gets loaded at the time of Windows start so it is possible to disable such program from here also.
To do this you have to follow the steps –
1.Open the Run dialog box from either the Start menu (search the word “Run” ) or press Windows Key + R shortcut key.
2.In the Run dialog box type “shell:startup” and hit Enter.

3.This will open your startup folder where you can see all the startup programs in the list.
4.Now you can basically delete the shortcuts to remove or disable the startup programs in Windows 10.
I hope the above steps were helpful and now you can easily Disable Startup Programs in Windows 10, but if you still have any questions regarding this tutorial then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.